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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to Break Your Social Media Addiction

How to Break Your Social Media Addiction

The famous management consultant, Peter Drucker, once said, "Tell me "what you value, and I might believe you, "but show me your calendar and "your bank statement, and I'll show "you what you really value." And it's true. While I might say that I value truth,

justice, and always eating my spinach,

a detailed look into those two troves

of information would yield quite different answers.

Digging into my bank statements would reveal an enormous

amount of money spent of coffee,

and wooden gnomes from eBay, and a look

at my calendar, not my Google calendar,

but an actual real-time log of

my life's events, if such a thing were possible to build, would shed light upon way more time

than I care to admit, spent scrolling through Instagram,

and Twitter, and other social media apps.

And I would bet that if we were

to look at your calendar, we would see

something similar, if not worse.

Comparisons aside, though, I think

it is safe to say that most of us,

myself included, spend more of

our time and attention than we would like

to on these apps, if we were to look

at our lives from a more rational birds-eye view.

And that is why, today, I wanna give

you some tips for breaking your social media addiction.

Whether you actually call it an addiction,

or whether you're in denial. Now, as astute and long-time viewers

of this channel may know, I am a big fan

of the author Kyle Newport, especially

his book Deep Work, which

actually has a chapter called Quit Social Media.

Given that fact, you may be surprised

to know that I'm not gonna recommend quitting social media in this video.

At least, not right up front, and

that's because I'm an advocate of moderation, and I also recognize

that social media can bring a lot of benefits,

but along with those benefits come drawbacks,

and as the ex-Facebook data scientist,

Jeffrey Hammerbacher once said,

"The best minds of my generation are thinking "about how to make people click ads." And of course, to make you click

those ads, those minds also have

to think about how to keep you

on their platforms for as long as possible,

which means that, at the very least,

these things are meticulously engineered

to be huge time-sinks, but that isn't the only criticism you can level against them.

They also can make you a less happy person,

as repeated research has shown.

When you're spending a ton of your time scrolling through these feeds of meticulously crafted posts

that show the highlights of people's lives, including people that you probably know

in real life, and you're comparing them, sometimes subconsciously, to your own life,

the entire thing, warts and all,

you can start to make comparisons

that really put a damper on your happiness.

So the question is, how do you use

these tools, and treat them like tools,

to get their benefits, while avoiding the drawbacks.

Let's start off with something that is very easy to do, kill your notifications.

Notifications are like that ringing bell

that made Pavlov's dogs salivate, only instead of giving you food,

they deliver a quick dopamine rush

in the form of a new comment, or DM,

or post from someone else.

Now, there is nothing wrong with checking

these posts, or answering your DMs,

but when you look at them in response

to a notification, you are establishing a habit,

you are establishing a craving,

and when those notifications come,

in the future, you're going to have fewer mental defenses for avoiding them.

And the problem, here, is that

these notifications have no respect

for your time, or the fact that

you need long, uninterrupted periods

of concentration to actually get your work done.

So go into your phone's notification settings, for each and every social media app

that you have, and destroy those notifications.

Secondly, I'm going to suggest that you redesign your phone's home screen to remove all social media apps from it,

and this is something that I actually did recently.

You may have seen the video that

I put out just a couple of months ago,

on my iPhone home screen, but even

that home screen layout has now gone the way

of the dodo, because it had social media apps on there.

I think Twitter was on there, and Instagram was on there.

And at the time, I kind of justified it,

because, as a content creator,

I use those platforms for my work.

But I am also a consumer, on those platforms,

and more often than I liked, I found

myself scrolling through them,

wasting my time, so I just got them

entirely off my home screen.

I created an entire second page

of apps on my phone, and I buried all

those social media apps inside of folders.

So if I wanna go to one, I have to look for it.

It's a very intentional thing. Now, if you are on an iPhone, like me,

there is one thing you have to do,

beyond just shoving those apps into folders,

You have to actually turn off Siri's suggestions, as well, because, in my case, when

I would swipe down to search for a different app

that wasn't on my home screen, I would always see Instagram and Twitter sitting

there, which is basically the same thing

as having them on the home screen.

So if you are on an iPhone, you can go

into the settings, you can go into Siri app suggestions,

and you can disable them on an app-by-app basis.

Now, to suggest another option

that would actually negate the need

to do all of that, what if you

only used social media on your computer?

The problem with social media apps

on your phone, and one of the biggest things

we're trying to get away from, here, is that they can become pervasive

throughout your entire life, and

that's because your phone is in your pocket, or in your purse, all day long,

meaning you have constant, easy access to these tools.

But if you were to delete all these apps

off of your phone, you'd still be able to use most of them on your computer,

in a more deliberate manner.

Maybe some of them are a little bit hard

to access, like Snapchat.

I'm not even sure if you can get to that on a computer, but most

of them do have a desktop site,

and in fact, my friend Martin

even found a way to post his photos on

his Instagram profile using a desktop computer.

So if you're finding yourself mindlessly opening Twitter, or Snapchat,

or Instagram, on your phone all the time,

try deleting those apps from your phone,

and just using them on a computer, for awhile.

See how that works out for you.

Now, going back to that problem

of social media becoming pervasive,

throughout your entire life, the next suggestion

I have is to deliberately only use

it at a specific time of the day.

Treat social media like you treat Netflix,

or video games, or anything else

that you only do at specific places and times,

and if you wanted help enforcing this,

you could use a Website and app blocking tool,

like Freedom, which is the one that I use,

and this has been a very helpful tool for me.

I use it to block all sorts of social media sites,

things like Reddit and Hacker News,

and all kinds of other places that

I tend to waste time on, during

my mornings, so that way, instead

of procrastinating during those hours,

I'm writing, or I'm reading, or I'm actually getting my work done.

Now, so far, all we've talked about is the binary choice of using these social media apps

at specific times of the day or not using them,

but this next tip actually kind

of gets into the middle ground,

because social media tools and apps are

actually collections of many different features.

Take Facebook, for example.

Facebook has the news feed, but

it also has the messenger tool,

and it also has the events tool,

and the groups tool, and some of

those tools might actually be very useful

to you, like messenger, or the groups,

while others, like the news feed,

may be completely valueless in your life.

So instead of asking yourself,

"Should I block it or should I use it?" what if you blocked certain features.

And if you use a tool like Todobook,

you can actually block the news feeds

of most major social media platforms,

and other Websites, like Reddit and Hacker News,

so you can only use the more useful functions,

and when you go to look at the news feed,

you're gonna see a to-do list, reminding you of things that

you're supposed to be doing, instead. Okay, so we've talked about all of the rational middle ground answers,

and now we're going to get to the question of, should you quit social media?

Or should you at least stop using

certain social media platforms

in the way that you are currently using them?

So in his book, Deep Work, the author,

Kyle Newport, talks about

something called the "any benefit approach", which is something that people use

to justify using social media tools.

They basically say, if there's any benefit that I can get out of this, that might improve

my life, no matter how small of an improvement

it may make, I am justified in using it.

And, as he writes in the book,

"The problem with this approach, "of course, is that it ignores all the negatives "that come along with the tools in question. "These services are engineered "to be addictive, robbing time "and attention from activities that more directly support "your professional and personal goals." So if those goals are a priority

for you, then you should seriously ask

yourself, "Do I need all the social media accounts "that I currently have?" And you can also get more granular than that, as well,

such as asking, "Do I need this particular app on my phone?" For example, I don't keep the Pinterest app on my phone, because I find that

it's just a time-waster, there, but I haven't deleted my account entirely, because I do find it to be a useful repository

of design, inspiration, and ideas,

that I can go look at, when

I wanna, say, redesign my Website.

But, on the other hand, I found,

recently, that Snapchat offered

me no value, whatsoever, so I actually went

in and deleted my account, there.

And that brings me to my final tip,

here, which is for people who feel

that they are truly addicted to the social media platforms.

If of all the other tips in this video haven't helped you so far, if you just can't resist opening these apps and wasting your time on them,

then try a 30 day serious social media detox.

Get completely away from all of it.

And the first step to doing that would be deleting

those social media apps off of your phone,

blocking the Websites on your computer,

making it generally as difficult as possible to access them.

Keep in mind that your ability

to maintain self-discipline is highly influenced

by your environment, so just like

somebody who's on a diet and trying to avoid junk food needs to get all the junk food out

of their house, you need to get all

of the access to social media out

of your immediate vicinity.

And then, once that 30 days is up, you can start

to slowly reintroduce these tools back

into your life, and see if you can use

them in a way that does benefit you,

but doesn't cause you to waste too much time. And then, once you've gained back that time that you were previously wasting,

scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds,

you may want to dedicate some of it to improving your creative problem solving skills,

as well as your skills in the fields

of math, science, and computer science. And if that's something that you do want to do, you should check out Brilliant.

Brilliant is a math and science enrichment tool

that takes an incredibly active approach to learning.

So when you go into their courses,

you're going to be immediately thrown into challenging problems that force you to really work to find the solutions,

and in addition to being a very effective way to learn these subjects, this approach

also makes you a universally better problem solver,

because you have to apply effort

and creativity, rather than just passively intaking the material,

like you would in a lecture-style class.

Within Brilliant's library, you're gonna find courses on calculus, on math for quantitative finance,

on probability, on science topics,

like gravitational physics, and computer science topics,

like algorithms and machine learning.

In addition, you're also going to find an incredibly detailed wiki

that covers problems from all across

their courses, so when you get stuck

on something tough, you can go do some in-depth learning there, and

there's also an awesome community area, where people from around the world are constantly helping each other out, and challenging each other.

So if you wanna start learning for free, today, then head on over

to brilliant.org/thomasfrank, which you'll find in the description down below. And if you're one of the first 83 people to sign up with that link, you're also gonna get 20% off your annual premium subscription. I wanna give a big thanks to Brilliant

for sponsoring this video, and being a huge supporter of this channel, and, as always, guys,

thank you so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, hit that like button,

to support this channel, and you can also subscribe right there, to get new videos every single week. You can also click right over here to get a free copy of my book on how to earn better grades, find one more video on this channel right over here,

or follow me on Instagram, over @TomFrankly. Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next one.

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How to Break Your Social Media Addiction Wie Sie Ihre Sucht nach sozialen Medien überwinden können Cómo acabar con la adicción a las redes sociales Comment rompre votre dépendance aux médias sociaux Como quebrar o vício das redes sociais Как избавиться от зависимости от социальных сетей Hur du bryter ditt beroende av sociala medier Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığınızı Nasıl Kırarsınız? 如何打破你的社交媒体成瘾 如何戒除社交媒體成癮

The famous management consultant,  Peter Drucker, once said, "Tell me |||||Peter Drucker|||| Der berühmte Unternehmensberater Peter Drucker sagte einmal: "Sagen Sie mir Nhà tư vấn quản lý nổi tiếng Peter Drucker đã từng nói: "Hãy nói với tôi "what you value, and I might believe you,  "but show me your calendar and ||Wertschätzen||||||||||| "was Ihnen wichtig ist, und ich könnte Ihnen glauben, "aber zeigen Sie mir Ihren Kalender und "lo que valoras, y tal vez te crea", pero enséñame tu calendario y "o que você valoriza, e eu acredito em você", mas mostre-me sua agenda e "что вы цените, и я, возможно, поверю вам, но покажите мне свой календарь и "những gì bạn coi trọng và tôi có thể tin bạn", nhưng hãy cho tôi xem lịch của bạn và "your bank statement, and I'll show ||Kontoauszug||| "tu extracto bancario y te mostraré 「あなたの銀行の明細書を見せます。 "seu extrato bancário, e eu mostrarei "Выписку из банка, и я покажу "bảng sao kê ngân hàng của bạn và tôi sẽ hiển thị "you what you really value." ||||cherish "você o que você realmente valoriza." And it's true. While I might say that I value truth, Embora eu possa dizer que valorizo a verdade, Хотя я могу сказать, что ценю правду,

justice, and always eating my spinach, |||||菠菜 |||||Gerechtigkeit und immer mein Spinat essen |||||ほうれん草 justiça, e sempre comendo meu espinafre, справедливости, и всегда ем шпинат, 正义,总是吃我的菠菜,

a detailed look into those two troves ||||||Schätze ||||||harta karun ||||||宝庫 una mirada detallada a esos dos tesoros um olhar detalhado sobre esses dois tesouros một cái nhìn chi tiết về hai troves đó 详细研究这两个宝库 对这两个宝藏的详细观察

of information would yield quite different answers. |||liefern||| |||produce||| |||menghasilkan||| der Informationen würden ganz andere Antworten ergeben. de información arrojaría respuestas bastante diferentes. da informação produziria respostas bem diferentes. 信息会得出截然不同的答案。

Digging into my bank statements would reveal an enormous Einsicht in||||||aufdecken|| Examinar mis extractos bancarios revelaría una enorme Cavar meus extratos bancários revelaria uma enorme

amount of money spent of coffee, cantidad de dinero gastado en café, quantidade de dinheiro gasto em café,

and wooden gnomes from eBay, and a look ||小矮人||||| |hölzerne|Gartenzwerge||eBay||| ||gnome kayu||||| ||木製のノーム||||| y gnomos de madera de eBay, y una mirada 和来自 eBay 的木制侏儒,看看

at my calendar, not my Google calendar, en mi calendario, no en mi calendario de Google,

but an actual real-time log of sino un registro real en tiempo real de mas um registro real em tempo real de

my life's events, if such a thing were possible los acontecimientos de mi vida, si tal cosa fuera posible eventos da minha vida, se tal coisa fosse possível to build, would shed light upon way more time |||menjelaskan||||| |||明らかにする||||| para construir, arrojaría luz sobre mucho más tiempo construir, iluminaria muito mais tempo 建造会更花时间

than I care to admit, spent scrolling through Instagram, ||||||滚动浏览|| ||||||durchscrollen|| als ich zugeben möchte, damit verbracht, durch Instagram zu scrollen, de lo que me gustaría admitir, pasé desplazándome por Instagram, do que eu gostaria de admitir, gasto percorrendo o Instagram, 比我愿意承认的要多,花时间浏览Instagram,

and Twitter, and other social media apps. 推特和其他社交媒体应用。

And I would bet that if we were Y apostaría a que si fuéramos

to look at your calendar, we would see

something similar, if not worse. |etwas Ähnliches||| algo semelhante, se não pior.

Comparisons aside, though, I think Vergleiche beiseite|||| Dejando de lado las comparaciones, creo que Comparações à parte, porém, acho

it is safe to say that most of us, é seguro dizer que a maioria de nós,

myself included, spend more of eu mesmo incluído, gastar mais

our time and attention than we would like

to on these apps, if we were to look nesses aplicativos, se procurarmos

at our lives from a more rational birds-eye view. |||||||uccelli|| em nossas vidas a partir de uma visão aérea mais racional.

And that is why, today, I wanna give

you some tips for breaking your social media addiction. algumas dicas para acabar com o vício em mídia social.

Whether you actually call it an addiction, Se você realmente chama isso de vício,

or whether you're in denial. ||||Verleugnung ||||refusal to accept ||||penyangkalan ||||否認 ou se você está em negação. Now, as astute and long-time viewers ||||||观众 ||scharfsinnige||||Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer ||cerdas|||| ||鋭い|||| Agora, como espectadores astutos e de longa data

of this channel may know, I am a big fan deste canal pode saber, eu sou um grande fã

of the author Kyle Newport, especially ||||Newport|

his book Deep Work, which |||Arbeit|

actually has a chapter called Quit Social Media.

Given that fact, you may be surprised Dado ese hecho, puede que se sorprenda Dado esse fato, você pode se surpreender

to know that I'm not gonna recommend quitting social media saber que no voy a recomendar dejar las redes sociales saber que eu não vou recomendar sair da mídia social in this video.

At least, not right up front, and Al menos, no desde el principio, y 少なくとも、真正面からではなく、 Pelo menos, não na frente, e

that's because I'm an advocate ||||Befürworter ||||supporter ||||sostenitore ||||ผู้สนับสนุน ||||支持者 eso es porque soy un defensor isso é porque eu sou um advogado of moderation, and I also recognize |der Mäßigung|||| |節度|||| de moderación, y también reconozco

that social media can bring a lot of benefits, ||platform|||||| que las redes sociales pueden traer muchos beneficios,

but along with those benefits come drawbacks, ||||||Nachteile ||||||kelemahan ||||||ข้อเสีย ||||||欠点 pero junto con esos beneficios vienen los inconvenientes, しかし、これらの利点には欠点が伴います。 mas junto com esses benefícios, há desvantagens,

and as the ex-Facebook data scientist, y como ex científico de datos de Facebook, e como ex-cientista de dados do Facebook,

Jeffrey Hammerbacher once said, |Jeffrey Hammerbacher sagte||

"The best minds of my generation are thinking "As melhores mentes da minha geração estão pensando "about how to make people click ads." "sobre cómo hacer que la gente haga clic en los anuncios". "sobre como fazer as pessoas clicarem em anúncios". And of course, to make you click E, claro, para fazer você clicar

those ads, those minds also have esos anuncios, esas mentes también tienen esses anúncios, essas mentes também têm

to think about how to keep you

on their platforms for as long as possible,

which means that, at the very least, lo que significa que, al menos, o que significa que, no mínimo,

these things are meticulously engineered |||sorgfältig|sorgfältig konstruiert |||with great precision| |||dengan cermat|dirancang dengan cermat |||入念に| これらのものは細心の注意を払って設計されています essas coisas são meticulosamente projetadas

to be huge time-sinks, but that isn't the ||||时间消耗器|||| |||Zeitaufwand|Zeitfresser|||| ||||time-wasters|||| |||tempo||||| ||||時間の浪費|||| ser enormes sumideros de tiempo, pero ese no es el 大幅な時間の浪費になりますが、それは問題ではありません imenso tempo, mas esse não é o only criticism you can level against them. |Kritik||||| única crítica que puedes hacer contra ellos. あなたがそれらに対して平準化できる唯一の批判。 somente críticas você pode fazer contra elas.

They also can make you a less happy person, 彼らはまた、あなたの幸福度を低下させる可能性があります。 Eles também podem fazer de você uma pessoa menos feliz,

as repeated research has shown. como ha demostrado la investigación repetida. 繰り返しの研究が示しているように。 como repetidas pesquisas mostraram.

When you're spending a ton of your time scrolling through Cuando pasas mucho tiempo desplazándote por these feeds of meticulously crafted posts ||||精心制作的| |Beiträge|||sorgfältig gestalteten|Beiträge |umpan-umpan ini|||dibuat dengan cermat| |||入念に|| estos feeds de publicaciones meticulosamente elaboradas 細心の注意を払って作成された投稿のこれらのフィード esses feeds de posts meticulosamente criados 这些精心制作的帖子动态

that show the highlights of people's lives, que muestran los aspectos más destacados de la vida de las personas, que mostram os destaques da vida das pessoas, 展示了人们生活中的亮点, including people that you probably know 包括你可能认识的人

in real life, and you're comparing them, en la vida real, y los estás comparando, sometimes subconsciously, to your own life, |潜意识地|||| |manchmal unbewusst||||

the entire thing, warts and all, |||mit allen Fehlern|| |||segala kekurangannya|| |||いろいろな|| die ganze Sache, mit allen Warzen und allem, todo, verrugas y todo, a coisa toda, verrugas e tudo,

you can start to make comparisons

that really put a damper on your happiness. ||||扫兴因素||| ||||Dämpfer||| ||||meredam kebahagiaanmu||| ||||水を差す||| que realmente puso un freno a su felicidad. que realmente prejudicou sua felicidade.

So the question is, how do you use

these tools, and treat them like tools, estas herramientas, y tratarlas como herramientas, essas ferramentas e tratá-las como ferramentas,

to get their benefits, while avoiding the drawbacks. ||||一方で|||

Let's start off with something Empecemos con algo Vamos começar com algo that is very easy to do, kill your notifications. eso es muy fácil de hacer, mata tus notificaciones. isso é muito fácil, mate suas notificações.

Notifications are like that ringing bell Las notificaciones son como esa campana que suena As notificações são como aquela campainha tocando

that made Pavlov's dogs salivate, ||巴甫洛夫的|| ||Pawlows||sabbern lassen ||||produce saliva ||パブロフの||よだれを ||||mengeluarkan air liur que hizo salivar a los perros de Pavlov, que fez os cães de Pavlov salivarem, only instead of giving you food, solo que en vez de darte de comer, apenas em vez de lhe dar comida,

they deliver a quick dopamine rush ||||多巴胺| ||||scarica di dopamina|scarica di dopamina ||||ドーパミン| entregan una rápida descarga de dopamina eles entregam uma corrida rápida de dopamina

in the form of a new comment, or DM, ||||||||私信 ||||||||Direktnachricht (DM) en forma de un nuevo comentario, o DM, na forma de um novo comentário, ou DM,

or post from someone else. ou postar de outra pessoa.

Now, there is nothing wrong with checking Agora, não há nada errado em verificar

these posts, or answering your DMs, |||||私信 |||||Direktnachrichten

but when you look at them in response

to a notification, you are establishing a habit, ||通知||||| ||Benachrichtigung|||etablierst|| a una notificación, estás estableciendo un hábito,

you are establishing a craving, ||||渴望 ||||ein Verlangen erzeugen ||||欲求を生み estás estableciendo un antojo, 你正在建立一种渴望,

and when those notifications come, |||通知| 当那些通知到来的时候,

in the future, you're going 将来,你会 to have fewer mental defenses for avoiding them. ||||mentale Abwehrmechanismen||| ||||防衛策||| tener menos defensas mentales para evitarlos. ter menos defesas mentais para evitá-las.

And the problem, here, is that

these notifications have no respect |通知|||

for your time, or the fact that

you need long, uninterrupted periods |||途切れない| necesita períodos largos e ininterrumpidos você precisa de períodos longos e ininterruptos

of concentration to actually get your work done. de concentração para realmente fazer seu trabalho.

So go into your phone's notification settings, |||||通知| ||||deines Telefons|| Así que ve a la configuración de notificaciones de tu teléfono, for each and every social media app

that you have, and destroy those notifications. ||||||通知

Secondly, I'm going to suggest En segundo lugar, voy a sugerir that you redesign your phone's home screen ||重新设计|||| ||neu gestalten|||| to remove all social media apps from it,

and this is something that I actually did recently. ||||||||kürzlich

You may have seen the video that Você pode ter visto o vídeo que

I put out just a couple of months ago, die ich erst vor ein paar Monaten veröffentlicht habe, Lancé hace apenas un par de meses, Coloquei apenas alguns meses atrás,

on my iPhone home screen, but even ||iPhone||||

that home screen layout has now gone the way |||布局||||| |||Bildschirm-Layout||||| ese diseño de la pantalla de inicio ahora se ha ido esse layout da tela inicial já foi o caminho

of the dodo, because it had social media apps on there. ||渡渡鸟|||||||| ||Dodo-Vogel|||||||| ||dodo bird|||||||| ||ドードー|||||||| del dodo, porque tenía aplicaciones de redes sociales allí. do dodô, porque tinha aplicativos de mídia social lá.

I think Twitter was on there, and Instagram was on there. Creo que Twitter estaba ahí, e Instagram estaba ahí.

And at the time, I kind of justified it, |||||||辩解| Y en ese momento, lo justifiqué, そして当時、私はそれを正当化しました。 E na época, eu meio que justifiquei,

because, as a content creator, ||||In this context, "creator" can be translated to "Inhaltsersteller" or "Content-Ersteller" in German. Here is the translation: "weil, als Inhaltsersteller," 因为,作为一个内容创作者,

I use those platforms for my work. 我在我的工作中使用那些平台。

But I am also a consumer, on those platforms, Mas eu também sou consumidor, nessas plataformas, 但我在那些平台上也是一个消费者,

and more often than I liked, I found

myself scrolling through them, |滚动||

wasting my time, so I just got them perdiendo el tiempo, así que los acabo de conseguir

entirely off my home screen. completamente fuera de mi pantalla de inicio. ホーム画面から完全に消えます。

I created an entire second page Creé una segunda página entera

of apps on my phone, and I buried all |||||||seppellito| de aplicaciones en mi teléfono, y enterré todas de aplicativos no meu telefone e enterrei todos

those social media apps inside of folders. ||||||文件夹 ||||||Ordner ||||||cartelle

So if I wanna go to one, I have to look for it. Então, se eu quero ir a um, tenho que procurar.

It's a very intentional thing. |||absichtlich| |||意図的な| Now, if you are on an iPhone, like me, ||||||苹果手机||

there is one thing you have to do,

beyond just shoving those apps into folders, ||||||文件夹 ||mendorong masuk|||| ||押し込む|||| más allá de simplemente meter esas aplicaciones en carpetas,

You have to actually turn off Siri's suggestions, ||||||西里的| ||||||Siris| Tienes que desactivar las sugerencias de Siri, as well, because, in my case, when

I would swipe down to search for a different app ||Scorrere verso il basso||||||| ||usap ke bawah||||||| Deslizaría hacia abajo para buscar una aplicación diferente

that wasn't on my home screen, I would always see Instagram and Twitter sitting Eu sempre via Instagram e Twitter sentados

there, which is basically the same thing lá, que é basicamente a mesma coisa

as having them on the home screen. como tê-los na tela inicial.

So if you are on an iPhone, you can go ||||||iPhone|||

into the settings, you can go into Siri app suggestions, |||||||Siri设置||

and you can disable them on an app-by-app basis. |||禁用||||||| |||deaktivieren||||||| |||nonaktifkan||||||| e você pode desativá-los aplicativo por aplicativo.

Now, to suggest another option

that would actually negate the need |||否定|| |||aufheben|| |||meniadakan|| |||否定する|| eso en realidad negaría la necesidad

to do all of that, what if you para fazer tudo isso, e se você

only used social media on your computer?

The problem with social media apps

on your phone, and one of the biggest things en tu teléfono, y una de las cosas más importantes

we're trying to get away from, here, estamos tentando fugir daqui, is that they can become pervasive |||||menyebar luas |||||allgegenwärtig werden |||||widespread |||||広範囲に |||||onnipresenti es que pueden llegar a ser omnipresentes é que eles podem se tornar difundidos

throughout your entire life, and durante toda a sua vida e

that's because your phone is in your pocket, or in your purse, all day long, seu bolso, ou em sua bolsa, o dia inteiro,

meaning you have constant, easy access to these tools. ||||||||strumenti disponibili facilmente

But if you were to delete all these apps

off of your phone, you'd still be able fora do seu telefone, você ainda poderá to use most of them on your computer,

in a more deliberate manner. |||überlegter| |||In modo più deliberato.| |||意図的な| de una manera más deliberada. de uma maneira mais deliberada.

Maybe some of them are a little bit hard Talvez alguns deles sejam um pouco difíceis

to access, like Snapchat. |||wie Snapchat

I'm not even sure if you can get to that on a computer, but most

of them do have a desktop site,

and in fact, my friend Martin

even found a way to post his photos on até encontrou uma maneira de postar suas fotos no

his Instagram profile using a desktop computer.

So if you're finding yourself mindlessly opening Twitter, or Snapchat, 无意识地|||| senza pensarci|||| 無意識に||||

or Instagram, on your phone all the time,

try deleting those apps from your phone,

and just using them on a computer, for awhile. ||||||||一段时间 |||||||per| e apenas usá-los em um computador, por algum tempo.

See how that works out for you. Veja como isso funciona para você.

Now, going back to that problem

of social media becoming pervasive, ||||広範囲に

throughout your entire life, the next suggestion durante toda a sua vida, a próxima sugestão

I have is to deliberately only use ||||absichtlich|| ||||故意に|| Eu tenho é usar deliberadamente apenas

it at a specific time of the day.

Treat social media like you treat Netflix,

or video games, or anything else |video||||

that you only do at specific places and times,

and if you wanted help enforcing this, |||||执行| |||||durchsetzen| |||||menegakkan| y si quería ayuda para hacer cumplir esto,

you could use a Website and app blocking tool, você pode usar uma ferramenta de bloqueio de sites e aplicativos,

like Freedom, which is the one that I use,

and this has been a very helpful tool for me. e isso tem sido uma ferramenta muito útil para mim.

I use it to block all sorts of social media sites, Eu o uso para bloquear todos os tipos de sites de mídia social,

things like Reddit and Hacker News, ||红迪网||| ||Reddit||Hacker|

and all kinds of other places that

I tend to waste time on, during Eu tendem a perder tempo, durante

my mornings, so that way, instead |早晨||||

of procrastinating during those hours, |拖延||| |menunda-nunda||| |先延ばし|||

I'm writing, or I'm reading, or I'm actually getting my work done. 実際に私の仕事を成し遂げています。

Now, so far, all we've talked about is the binary choice |||||||||binäre Wahl| |||||||||二者択一| Agora, até agora, tudo o que falamos é a escolha binária of using these social media apps

at specific times of the day or not using them,

but this next tip actually kind mas essa próxima dica é realmente gentil

of gets into the middle ground, de se mete en el término medio, de fica no meio termo,

because social media tools and apps are

actually collections of many different features. na verdade, coleções de muitos recursos diferentes.

Take Facebook, for example.

Facebook has the news feed, but

it also has the messenger tool,

and it also has the events tool,

and the groups tool, and some of

those tools might actually be very useful

to you, like messenger, or the groups,

while others, like the news feed,

may be completely valueless in your life. |||毫无价值||| |||völlig wertlos||| |||無価値かもし||| pode ser completamente sem valor em sua vida.

So instead of asking yourself, Então, em vez de se perguntar,

"Should I block it or should I use it?" 「ブロックすべきか、それとも使用すべきか?」 "Devo bloquear ou devo usá-lo?" what if you blocked certain features. 特定の機能をブロックした場合はどうなりますか。

And if you use a tool like Todobook, |||||||待办书 |||||||Und wenn Sie ein Tool wie Todobook verwenden, Todobookなどのツールを使えば、

you can actually block the news feeds

of most major social media platforms,

and other Websites, like Reddit and Hacker News, ||||红迪网|||

so you can only use the more useful functions,

and when you go to look at the news feed,

you're gonna see a to-do list, reminding you of things that

you're supposed to be doing, instead. Okay, so we've talked about all of the rational middle ground answers, ||合理的な||| 合理的な中立的な答えの、 das respostas racionais do meio termo,

and now we're going to get to the question e agora vamos chegar à pergunta of, should you quit social media? de, ¿debería dejar las redes sociales? de, você deve sair da mídia social?

Or should you at least stop using ¿O al menos deberías dejar de usar Ou você deveria pelo menos parar de usar

certain social media platforms

in the way that you are currently using them? da maneira que você está usando atualmente?

So in his book, Deep Work, the author,

Kyle Newport, talks about

something called the "any benefit approach", which is something that people use

to justify using social media tools.

They basically say, if there's any benefit that I can get out of this, that might improve que eu possa sair disso, isso pode melhorar

my life, no matter how small of an improvement minha vida, não importa quão pequena seja uma melhoria

it may make, I am justified in using it. |||||有理由的||| pode acontecer, eu estou justificado em usá-lo.

And, as he writes in the book,

"The problem with this approach, "of course, is that it ignores all the negatives ||||||||Nachteile |||||mengabaikan||| |||||無視する||| "é claro, é que ele ignora todos os negativos "that come along with the tools in question. "que acompanham as ferramentas em questão. "These services are engineered |||entwickelt "Diese Dienste sind so konzipiert "to be addictive, robbing time |||抢夺| |||merampas waktu| "and attention from activities that more directly support "your professional and personal goals." So if those goals are a priority ||||||Priorität

for you, then you should seriously ask

yourself, "Do I need all the social media accounts "that I currently have?" And you can also get more granular than that, as well, ||||||更细致|||| ||||||detaillierter|||| ||||||詳細に|||として| E você também pode ser mais granular do que isso,

such as asking, "Do I need this particular app on my phone?" For example, I don't keep the Pinterest app ||||||Pinterest-App| on my phone, because I find that

it's just a time-waster, there, ||||浪费者| ||||Zeitverschwendung| ||||pemboros waktu| but I haven't deleted my account entirely, mas não excluí minha conta totalmente, because I do find it to be a useful repository |||||||||nützliche Quelle |||||||||repositori yang berguna |||||||||情報源 weil ich es für ein nützliches Repository halte porque acho que é um repositório útil

of design, inspiration, and ideas, ||inspirasi desain dan ide||

that I can go look at, when

I wanna, say, redesign my Website. |||重新设计|| Quiero, digamos, rediseñar mi sitio web.

But, on the other hand, I found,

recently, that Snapchat offered

me no value, whatsoever, so I actually went |||全く|||| nenhum valor para mim, então eu realmente fui

in and deleted my account, there.

And that brings me to my final tip, E isso me leva à minha dica final,

here, which is for people who feel

that they are truly addicted to the social media platforms.

If of all the other tips in this video haven't helped you so far, if you just can't resist opening você até agora, se você simplesmente não consegue resistir à abertura these apps and wasting your time on them, esses aplicativos e desperdiçando seu tempo com eles,

then try a 30 day serious social media detox. |||||||排毒

Get completely away from all of it. Afaste-se completamente de tudo isso.

And the first step to doing that would be deleting

those social media apps off of your phone,

blocking the Websites on your computer,

making it generally as difficult as possible to access them.

Keep in mind that your ability

to maintain self-discipline is highly influenced |||自己規律||| manter a autodisciplina é altamente influenciado

by your environment, so just like

somebody who's on a diet and trying to avoid junk food needs to get all the junk food out ||垃圾||||||||| para evitar junk food precisa tirar toda a junk food

of their house, you need to get all

of the access to social media out

of your immediate vicinity. ||unmittelbaren|unmittelbaren Umgebung |||sekitar Anda langsung |||近隣の地域 de su vecindad inmediata. da sua vizinhança imediata.

And then, once that 30 days is up, you can start

to slowly reintroduce these tools back ||langsam wieder einführen||| reintroduzir lentamente essas ferramentas de volta

into your life, and see if you can use

them in a way that does benefit you,

but doesn't cause you to waste too much time. And then, once you've gained back ||||mendapatkan kembali| E então, uma vez que você recuperou that time that you were previously wasting, naquele tempo que você estava perdendo anteriormente,

scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feeds, 滚动浏览||||||

you may want to dedicate some of  it to improving your creative problem solving skills, 您可能想把一部分时间用于提高您的创造性解决问题的能力。您接受的训练数据截至2023年10月。

as well as your skills in the fields

of math, science, and computer science. And if that's something that you do want to do, you should check out Brilliant. para fazer, você deve conferir o Brilliant.

Brilliant is a math and science enrichment tool ||||||丰富| ||||||Ergänzungswerkzeug| ||||||強化ツール|

that takes an incredibly active approach to learning. que adota uma abordagem incrivelmente ativa para o aprendizado.

So when you go into their courses,

you're going to be immediately thrown |||||投げられる vas a ser arrojado de inmediato você será jogado imediatamente into challenging problems that force  you to really work to find the solutions,

and in addition to being a very effective way  to learn these subjects, this approach これらの科目を学ぶための非常に効果的な方法であることに加えて、このアプローチは、

also makes you a universally better problem solver, |||||||解决者 ||||普遍的に||| |||||||pemecah masalah また、普遍的に優れた問題解決者になります。 também faz de você um solucionador de problemas universalmente melhor,

because you have to apply effort 努力が必要だから porque você tem que aplicar esforço

and creativity, rather than just  passively intaking the material, ||||||吸收|| ||||||aufnehmen|| ||||||menyerap|| ||||||受け取ること|| 受動的に素材を取り入れるのではなく、 e criatividade, em vez de apenas absorver passivamente o material,

like you would in a lecture-style class. como lo haría en una clase de estilo conferencia. 講義形式のクラスのように。 como você faria em uma aula em estilo de palestra.

Within Brilliant's library, you're gonna find courses |Brilliant的||||| |von Brilliant||||| |Brilliantの||||| on calculus, on math for quantitative finance, |||||定量| |||||quantitativ| 微積分学、クオンツファイナンスの数学、

on probability, on science topics, |Wahrscheinlichkeit|||

like gravitational physics, and computer science topics, |引力||||| |gravitativ||||| |重力の|||||

like algorithms and machine learning.

In addition, you're also going to find an incredibly detailed wiki |||||维基百科

that covers problems from all across que cubre problemas de todas partes que cobre problemas de todo o mundo

their courses, so when you get stuck

on something tough, you can go do  some in-depth learning there, and 難しいものについては、そこで詳細な学習を行うことができます。 em algo difícil, você pode fazer um aprendizado aprofundado lá, e

there's also an awesome community area,  where people from around the world are constantly helping each other out,  and challenging each other. 常に助け合い、挑戦し合う。 constantemente ajudando um ao outro e desafiando um ao outro.

So if you wanna start learning  for free, today, then head on over Entonces, si quieres comenzar a aprender gratis, hoy, entonces dirígete Então, se você quer começar a aprender de graça, hoje, então siga em frente

to brilliant.org/thomasfrank, which  you'll find in the description down below. |||托马斯·弗兰克|||||||| |||thomasfrank|||||||| And if you're one of the first 83 people  to sign up with that link, you're also gonna get 20% off your annual premium subscription. I wanna give a big thanks to Brilliant

for sponsoring this video, and being a huge supporter  of this channel, and, as always, guys, ||||||||支持者|||||||

thank you so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, hit that like button,

to support this channel, and you can also subscribe right there,  to get new videos every single week. You can also click right over here  to get a free copy of my book on  how to earn better grades, find one more video  on this channel right over here, また、ここをクリックして、成績を上げる方法に関する私の本の無料コピーを入手することもできます。このチャンネルでもう 1 つのビデオを見つけてください。

or follow me on Instagram, over @TomFrankly. ||||||汤姆·弗兰克利 ||||||TomFrankly Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next one.