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Thomas Frank Study Tips, 5 Powerful Quotes That Changed the Way I Think

5 Powerful Quotes That Changed the Way I Think

- If you've been following my channel for any length of time, then, you probably know

already, that I am a sucker for a good quote.

I love putting them in my scripts, I love building little animations for them.

So, today, I'm going to double down on that love of quotes, and share five quotes that

are very, very meaningful to me.

Some of these quotes, come from people that I know personally.

Some come from just public figures and famous people that I admire.

But each quote on this list, represents an idea that has helped me to make a big improvement

to some area of my life.

Be it, my work ethic or my ability to make decisions or my ability to update my beliefs.

These are all things that I try to live by.

And that's why I wanna share with them with you today.

And to start things off, let's just jump immediately to my favorite quote of all time.

Which comes from Bruce Lee, in his book, the Tao of Jeet Kune Do.

"Research your own experience.

"Absorb what is useful, "reject what is useless.

"And add what is essentially your own."

This quote from Bruce Lee, is a constant reminder of the fact that, as we go through life, we're

essentially, building a library of stuff that works in our brains.

Which means that, not all the advice we receive from other people, as we go through life,

is going to be useful to us.

Not all advice is applicable in every single situation or to every single person.

And if you want a great example of this, picture the CEO of a giant corporation, like Mike

Benioff, salesforce.com or Jeff Bezoz, talking to a brand new entrepreneur.

Somebody who's maybe, 19 years old, just getting their start.

If Jeff Bezos or Mark Benioff said, the best thing you can possibly do right now, to help

your company grow is, hire a bunch of assistants, so you can delegate all of your work.

Well, that would be terrible advice for that person, who was just getting started.

Because somebody like Jeff Bezos, has a lot of money, has a lot of capital resources,

but doesn't have a whole lot of personal time, given all the responsibilities and projects,

he's got going on.

So, for Jeff Bezos or Mark Benioff or some powerful CEO, delegation, hiring people, that

makes a lot of sense.

But for that scrappy first-time entrepreneur, who's just trying to get their business off

the ground, they probably don't have a whole lot of capital in the bank.

But what they do have, is time.

Maybe some time after work, every single night, where they can work on their thing.

So, for them, being scrappy, having that D-I-Y mindset, is a much better course of action

to take.

Than to attempt to use, what little funds they have, to hire someone.

Alright, so, the second quote on my list, actually comes from my friend, Charlie Houpert,

who runs the excellent channel, Charisma on Command.

And it's very, very simple.

He told this to me, I think, two years ago at VidCon.

He simply said, "what is your art and what is your ego?"

And he said this, in response to me, kind of telling him, how I was having trouble,

delegating the editing duties on my channel, which I have since done.

But back then, I had a lot of work on my plate.

Editing videos, took way more hours than it should've.

And I had other projects that I was kind of, letting kinda go, to the back-burner.

And I had this feeling at the time that, me editing my own videos.

And basically, having my hand in every single element of the production of my videos, was

what made my channel successful.

But of course, this is entirely ego talking.

I'm not the only person in the world, who can edit video.

In fact, there are many more talented editors out there than myself.

And that is a statement that is true, for basically every other part of a production


There are better writers, there are better hosts, there are better editors, animators.

Whatever role you can think of, there is somebody out there, more talented than me.

And Charlie understood this before I did, and better than I did.

Which is why, he told me, ask yourself, what is your art?

What is the thing that you can contribute the best, to the thing that you're creating?

And what is just your ego?

What elements in the process are you doing, just because you have this false belief that,

you need to be doing them.

And I sat back and asked myself, what is my art, what is my ego?

And I came to the conclusion that, well, what I really contribute, what I really bring to

the table, more than anything else is, my ability to do research.

To maybe, combine it with jokes and references and things that make the overall script entertaining.

And then, my hosting, the actual filming of the video.

So, those are the areas, where I should really be focusing my time and energy and attention.

And anything else, should be outsourced to somebody who could do it better than me.

Now, if you're not an entrepreneur, if you're not running your own business, you might be

asking yourself, how does this apply to me?

Because I have a boss who delegates things to me.

I have to do what they say.

I'm the boss.

I'm your boss.

And that's true.

But you might have built this identity up for yourself that, you're the best person

for your particular role.

And a lot of people get this into their heads.

And then, they don't actually wanna move-up or branch-out or accept new responsibilities.

Because they think, that they're the only person who can deal with the current thing

that they are doing in their job.

So, this isn't advice that's only for entrepreneurs or business owners.

This is really for anybody.

Because we can all come to conclusions, we can all hold ideas in our head, that are,

in fact, supported only by our egos.

And when we really challenge the foundation of those ideas, we may realize that, what

we're doing, actually isn't the best use of our time or attention or energy.

And speaking of time and energy, the third quote on my list, is one that comes to mind,

any time that I'm feeling lazy.

It's the one that has, I think, more than any other, helped me to develop a strong work


So, this quote is from the actor, Will Smith.

And it goes, "The only thing that I see, "that is distinctly different about me is, "I'm

not afraid to die on a treadmill.

"I will not be out-worked, period.

"You might have more talent than me, "you might be smarter than me, "you might be sexier

than me, "you might be all those things.

"You got it on me, in nine categories.

"But if we get on the treadmill together, "there's two things.

"You're getting off first or I'm going to die."

So, this isn't one of those quotes that doles out some sort of wisdom, you never really

knew about before.

It's kind of obvious.

We all know, we need to work hard.

But I love having reminders of the fact, there are people out there who understand that,

hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard.

Your high school coach has probably told you that, a zillion times.

I know, my wrestling coach told me that.

But I have to be reminded of it, every so often.

Because sometimes, I find myself leaning on my talents.

Or leaning on what I've already built in the past.

And I realized that, that is just, resting on my laurels.

And I need to actually be working.

Furthermore, this is a reminder of what we can actually control.

Even if you start from a less advantageous place.

Even if you come from a less wealthy background or you have less innate talent, quote-unquote.

Or you're not as good looking as somebody out there.

What you can really control, is how hard you're willing to work.

How much you're willing to focus.

How much you're willing to push-out distractions.

How much you're willing to prioritize what you really want.

These are the things, you truly have control over.

So, those are things that you should focus on improving.

Alright, that brings us to quote number four on the list.

And this comes from my previous boss, at Iowa State University.

Back when I was a student.

But also, a student orientation assistant.

And she was basically, the director of the entire new-student programs' department.

And I remember this very distinctly.

We were getting ready to build this entire event, for all the new freshmen, coming into


And we were riding in a golf cart, over to the next thing we needed to do.

And we happened to start talking about this whole idea of, it's the thought that counts,


The actual gift you give somebody or the presentation or whatever, it doesn't matter so much, as

the thought, right?

And I will never forget this.

She turned to me and she said, "It's not the thought that counts.

"Presentation matters."

and then, she continues to tell me that, if I couldn't wrap a present correctly, then,

I needed to go learn how to do it.

My grandma was good at it.

And it would be unacceptable for me to be terrible at it.

And for most of my life, I never thought this way.

I did think, it was the thought that counts.

It doesn't matter if I wrap a present terribly.

I'm giving a present to the person that I like.

Which means, that I love them, right?

They should know that.

It's the thought that counts.

But listening to her, I realized, it's the thought that counts, is kinda like, the whole

saying like, that person has a heart of gold.

It's an excuse, for what would be considered unacceptable behavior, by people who don't

already maybe, know you or love you or excuse that behavior because of that foundation of


So, this really stuck with me.

It's not the thought that counts.

The presentation matters.

And in fact, if you love somebody, if you're giving them a gift or doing something to show

your appreciation for them.

Then, it should be immediately apparent from the presentation of that gift, from the gift

itself, that you do care.

You shouldn't have to make an excuse like, oh, it's the thought that counts.

It should be readily apparent.

So, anyway, her telling me that, much like, Charlie telling me to examine my ego, was

something that made me really challenge my beliefs.

And I had to change them afterward.

Because I knew, what she said was true.

And that actually brings me to my fifth and final quote on this list.

Which comes from the artificial intelligence researcher and rationality writer, Eliezer


"Do not flinch from experiences "that might destroy your beliefs.

"The thought you cannot think, "controls you more than thoughts you speak aloud.

"Submit yourself to ordeals and test yourself in fire.

"Relinquish the emotion which rests upon a mistaken belief.

"And seek to feel fully, "that emotion which fits the facts."

To put this in some simpler words, essentially, think like a scientist, in everything you


Scientists follow the scientific method.

Where, they form hypotheses.

But then, they test those hypotheses and they use the evidence they gather, to update their


Don't fall victim to dogma.

But instead, they are constantly seeking objective truth.

Now, this specific quote from Yudkowsky, was something that I came across, a little bit

after I really started to learn about rationality and about these ideas.

My original exposure to them, was his fan-fiction called, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

Which is, frankly, a pretty well-written story, at least for fan-fictions standards.

But it's also a pretty thinly-veiled attempt, to teach people about rationality and heuristics

and biases and all these kinds of things.

And I read this, back in, I think 2013.

Right around the time, I was about to graduate from college.

And it was kind of a revelation to me.

I mean, in the past, I had always thought of myself as rational.

But really digging into these ideas and challenging some of my long-standing beliefs.

Asking myself, why was I afraid to go down certain avenues of inquiry?

Really showed me that, I wasn't quite as rational as I had thought.

And this is now, sort of, part of my core beliefs of, how I should act as a human being.

I should constantly be seeking-out points of view or perspectives or avenues of inquiry,

that do challenge my beliefs.

So, I have the potential to shatter them.

Because if my beliefs aren't rooted in truth, then, I shouldn't have them, in the first


Now, if you're also interested in learning about human rationality and heuristics and

biases, well, you are in luck.

I've got two specific recommendations, for where you might want to start.

One, is something written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, himself.

And for a really long time, he really only wrote directly about these topics on, lesswrong.org,

in blog-post form.

But he recently, took all those blog-posts and turned them into an book called, Rationality:

From AI to Zombies.

Now, while I have benefited greatly from many of the essays in that book, I will say that,

if you were to say, listen to it, it is 49 hours long.

And it's still, not the most cohesive thing in the world.

So, there is some real gems in it.

But if you wanna really good place to get started, to start learning about these topics,

then, I would suggest Dan Ariely's book, Predictably Irrational.

And the great thing is, you can start listening to either of these titles, completely free

today, by starting a free 30-day trial, on Audible.

And you could do that, by going to, audible.com/thomas.

Or by texting, Thomas, to 500-500 on your phone.

Audible is the best place on the internet, to get your hands on audiobooks.

They have an unmatched library of titles, across all the different genres that you're

gonna want.

They've got biographies, psychology titles, science-fiction, fantasy, all of the best-sellers

and lots of more obscure books.

Including, one that may or may not have been written by, yours truly.

With your membership, each month, you'll get one credit that is good for any title in their


Plus, two Audible originals, that you cannot get anywhere else.

And access to audio workout programs.

Additionally, you'll be able to use their excellently designed app.

Which, in addition to many other features, has the ability to add notes to specific timestamps

in your audiobooks.

So, if you come across a great quote that you wanna remember, you can easily do that.

So, to get started with a 30-day free trial of their service and one free audiobook download

of your choosing, doesn't have to be the ones I recommended, but it could be.

Head-on over to, audible.com/thomas.

Or text, Thomas, to 500-500 on your phone.

Big thanks as always, to Audible, for sponsoring this week's episode and being a huge supporter

of my channel.

And as always, thank you, guys, so much, for watching, as well.

You can subscribe right there, to get new videos when they come out.

And also, click right there, to get a free copy of my book on, how to earn better grades.

You can also watch one more video on this channel right here.

Or you can listen to the podcast episode that we did, a few weeks ago, which inspired this

video on, six very powerful quotes that changed our lives.

I highly recommend going to listen to that one, if you enjoyed this video.

So, that's it.

Hopefully, you found something useful in this video.

And I will see you in the next one.

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5 Powerful Quotes That Changed the Way I Think |citati|||||| 5 kraftvolle Zitate, die meine Denkweise verändert haben 5 ισχυρά αποφθέγματα που άλλαξαν τον τρόπο που σκέφτομαι 5 frases poderosas que cambiaron mi forma de pensar 5 citations puissantes qui ont changé ma façon de penser 5 potenti citazioni che hanno cambiato il mio modo di pensare 私の考え方を変えた5つの力強い名言 5 citações poderosas que mudaram a minha maneira de pensar 5 мощных цитат, которые изменили мое мышление 5 močnih citatov, ki so spremenili moj način razmišljanja Düşünme Biçimimi Değiştiren 5 Güçlü Alıntı 5 потужних цитат, які змінили мій світогляд 5 条改变我思维方式的有力名言 5 句改變我思維方式的有力名言

- If you've been following my channel for any length of time, then, you probably know |||||||||||||احتمالاً| |||sledenju||||||||||| - Jeśli śledzisz mój kanał od dłuższego czasu, to pewnie wiesz, że - Če ste sledili mojemu kanalu že dlje časa, potem to verjetno veste - Якщо ви стежите за моїм каналом протягом тривалого часу, то, напевно, знаєте, що

already, that I am a sucker for a good quote. |||||easily attracted to|||| |||||Schwäche|||| |||||좋은 인용구|||| |||||عاشق|||| |||||navdušenec||||citati |||||好き|||| schon, dass ich ein Trottel für ein gutes Zitat bin. już, że jestem frajerem dobrego cytatu. já, que sou um otário por uma boa citação. že, da sem oboževalec dobrega citata. Ви вже знаєте, що я люблю хороші цитати. rồi, rằng tôi là một kẻ mê mẩn những câu trích dẫn hay.

I love putting them in my scripts, I love building little animations for them. ||||||scripts||||||| |||||||||||애니메이션|| |||||||||||انیمیشن‌ها|| |||||||||||animacije|| ||||||skripty||||||| |||||||||||アニメーション|| Uwielbiam umieszczać je w moich skryptach, uwielbiam budować dla nich małe animacje. Я люблю включати їх у свої сценарії, люблю створювати для них маленькі анімації. Tôi thích đưa chúng vào kịch bản của mình, tôi thích xây dựng những hình ảnh động nhỏ cho chúng.

So, today, I'm going to double down on that love of quotes, and share five quotes that |||||두 배로||||||||||| |||||倍増する|強化する|に||||引用||||| Dlatego dziś zamierzam podwoić tę miłość do cytatów i podzielić się pięcioma cytatami, które Тож сьогодні я подвоюю свою любов до цитат і поділюся п'ятьма цитатами, які

are very, very meaningful to me. |||významné|| |||معنادار|| są dla mnie bardzo, bardzo znaczące.

Some of these quotes, come from people that I know personally. ||||出ている|||||| Деякі з цих цитат належать людям, яких я знаю особисто.

Some come from just public figures and famous people that I admire. |||||||||||bewundere a few||||||||||| 私が尊敬する著名人や有名人から来たものもあります。

But each quote on this list, represents an idea that has helped me to make a big improvement |každý|||||||||||||||| ||||||نمایانگر|||||||||||بهبود بزرگ しかし、このリストにある各引用は、私が人生のある部分で大きな改善をするのに役立ったアイデアを表しています。

to some area of my life. 私の人生のある領域に対して。

Be it, my work ethic or my ability to make decisions or my ability to update my beliefs. ||||||||||rozhodování||||||| ||||اخلاق حرفه‌ای||من|توانایی||||||توانایی||||باورهای Sei es meine Arbeitsmoral oder meine Fähigkeit, Entscheidungen zu treffen oder meine Fähigkeit, meine Überzeugungen zu aktualisieren. 私の労働倫理や意思決定能力、信念を更新する能力に関わらず、 내 직업 윤리 또는 결정을 내릴 수있는 능력 또는 내 믿음을 업데이트 할 수있는 능력이 되십시오. Чи то моя робоча етика, чи моя здатність приймати рішення, чи моя здатність оновлювати свої переконання. Có thể là đạo đức làm việc hoặc khả năng đưa ra quyết định hoặc khả năng cập nhật niềm tin của tôi.

These are all things that I try to live by. ||||||||살다| ||||||||生きる| これらはすべて私が心がけていることです。 Це все речі, якими я намагаюся жити.

And that's why I wanna share with them with you today. だからこそ、今日はそれをあなたと共有したいと思っています。 І саме тому я хочу поділитися з ними сьогодні з вами.

And to start things off, let's just jump immediately to my favorite quote of all time. ||||||||||||نقل قول||| ||始めに|話題||||||||||の|すべての| それでは、まず最初に、私の好きな名言にすぐに飛び込みましょう。 І для початку давайте відразу перейдемо до моєї улюбленої цитати всіх часів.

Which comes from Bruce Lee, in his book, the Tao of Jeet Kune Do. |||||||||طریقت|||| |||||||||도||지극한|쿤| |||ブルース|||||||||| これはブルース・リーの著書『戯道』からの引用です。 Це походить від Брюса Лі, в його книзі "Дао Джит Кун До".

"Research your own experience. 연구||| „Recherchieren Sie Ihre eigenen Erfahrungen. "自分自身の経験を研究せよ。 "Pesquise sua própria experiência. "Досліджуйте власний досвід.

"Absorb what is useful, "reject what is useless. جذب||||||| Aufnehmen||||||| ||||拒否する||| "有用なものを吸収し、"無駄なものは拒否せよ。 "Absorva o que é útil", rejeite o que é inútil. "Вбирайте те, що корисно, і відкидайте те, що не приносить користі.

"And add what is essentially your own." و||چه چیزی|||| ||||basically|| "Und füge hinzu, was im Wesentlichen dein Eigenes ist." 「そして本質的にあなた自身のものを加えなさい。」 "E adicione o que é essencialmente seu." "І додайте те, що, по суті, є вашим власним".

This quote from Bruce Lee, is a constant reminder of the fact that, as we go through life, we're |||||||ثابت||||||||||| |||||は|||思い出させ|||||||||| このブルース・リーの引用は、私たちが人生を通じて、実際には、私たちの脳の中で機能するもののライブラリを構築しているという事実を常に思い出させてくれます。 Ця цитата Брюса Лі є постійним нагадуванням про те, що, йдучи по життю, ми

essentially, building a library of stuff that works in our brains. در واقع|||||موارد||||| |||||||||our brains| Im Wesentlichen bauen wir eine Bibliothek mit Dingen auf, die in unserem Gehirn funktionieren. 本質的に、私たちは脳内に機能する内容のライブラリを構築しています。 essencialmente, construindo uma biblioteca de coisas que funcionam em nossos cérebros. по суті, створюючи бібліотеку речей, які працюють у нашому мозку.

Which means that, not all the advice we receive from other people, as we go through life, それはつまり、私たちが人生を通じて他の人から受けるすべてのアドバイスが、 Це означає, що не всі поради ми отримуємо від інших людей, коли йдемо по життю,

is going to be useful to us. 私たちにとって有益であるわけではありません。 стане нам у пригоді.

Not all advice is applicable in every single situation or to every single person. ||||قابل اجرا||||||||| ||||anwendbar||||||||| ||||적용 가능한||||||||| ||||||すべての||||||| すべてのアドバイスが、すべての状況やすべての人に適用されるわけではありません。 Не всі поради можна застосувати в кожній окремій ситуації або до кожної окремої людини.

And if you want a great example of this, picture the CEO of a giant corporation, like Mike ||||||||||||||بزرگ||| |||||||||||||||large company|| そして、これの素晴らしい例を挙げると、マイクのような巨大企業のCEOを想像してください。

Benioff, salesforce.com or Jeff Bezoz, talking to a brand new entrepreneur. بنیوف|سافتی‌فورس||||بیزوس||||||کارآفرین |||||||||||Business founder 베니오프|세일즈포스||||베조스|||||| ベニオフ|||||||||||起業家 ベニオフ、salesforce.com、またはジェフ・ベゾスが全く新しい起業家に話している場面です。 Беніоффа, salesforce.com або Джеффа Безоза, розмовляючи з підприємцем-початківцем. Benioff, salesforce.com hay Jeff Bezoz, đang nói chuyện với một doanh nhân hoàn toàn mới.

Somebody who's maybe, 19 years old, just getting their start. おそらく19歳で、これから始めようとしている人。 Хтось, кому, можливо, 19 років, хто тільки починає свій шлях.

If Jeff Bezos or Mark Benioff said, the best thing you can possibly do right now, to help ||بیزوس||||||||||||||| ||ベゾス||||||||||||||| もしジェフ・ベゾスやマーク・ベニオフが言ったら、今すぐにできる最善のことは、助けを求めるために、多くのアシスタントを雇うことであり、そうすればすべての仕事を委任できる。 Якби Джефф Безос або Марк Беніофф сказали, що найкраще, що ви можете зробити зараз, щоб допомогти

your company grow is, hire a bunch of assistants, so you can delegate all of your work. ||||||||دستیاران||||واگذار کنید|||| ||||||||||||Assign tasks to|||| ||||||||||||위임하다|||| ||||||||アシスタント||||委任する|||| ||||||||||||มอบหมาย|||| あなたの会社が成長するためには、多くのアシスタントを雇って、すべての仕事を委任できるようにすることです。 Якщо ваша компанія зростає, найміть купу помічників, щоб ви могли делегувати їм всю свою роботу. Công ty của bạn phát triển là thuê nhiều trợ lý để bạn có thể ủy thác tất cả công việc của mình.

Well, that would be terrible advice for that person, who was just getting started. ||||وحشتناک||||||||| まあ、それは始めたばかりの人にとってはひどいアドバイスでしょう。 Що ж, це була б жахлива порада для людини, яка тільки починає.

Because somebody like Jeff Bezos, has a lot of money, has a lot of capital resources, ||||||||||||||資本| なぜなら、ジェフ・ベゾスのような人は、多くの資金を持っていて、多くの資本リソースを持っているからです。 Bởi vì ai đó như Jeff Bezos, có rất nhiều tiền, có nhiều nguồn vốn,

but doesn't have a whole lot of personal time, given all the responsibilities and projects, ||||||||||||||プロジェクト しかし、すべての責任やプロジェクトを考えると、彼にはあまり個人的な時間はない。 але не має багато особистого часу, зважаючи на всі обов'язки та проекти,

he's got going on. 彼が進めている。 що у нього відбувається.

So, for Jeff Bezos or Mark Benioff or some powerful CEO, delegation, hiring people, that |||||||||||واگذاری وظایف||| |||||||||||위임||| |||||||||||委任||| だから、ジェフ・ベゾスやマーク・ベニオフ、あるいは他の強力なCEOにとっては、委任や人を雇うこと、それが Vì vậy, đối với Jeff Bezos hay Mark Benioff hoặc một CEO quyền lực nào đó, phái đoàn, người tuyển dụng, điều đó

makes a lot of sense. とても理にかなっています。

But for that scrappy first-time entrepreneur, who's just trying to get their business off ||که|خودجوش|||کارآفرین|||||به دست آوردن||| |||kämpferisch|||||||um|||Unternehmen| |||determined and resourceful||||||||||| |||끈질긴||||||||||| |||やる気満々||||||||||| اما برای آن کارآفرینی که برای اولین بار در حال کار است، که فقط در تلاش است تجارت خود را از بین ببرد Mutta että scrappy ensimmäistä kertaa yrittäjä, joka on juuri yrittää saada yrityksensä pois しかし、ビジネスを始めようとしているそのやる気のある初めての企業家にとって、 Але для підприємця-початківця, який лише намагається розпочати свій бізнес Nhưng đối với người mới bắt đầu kinh doanh lém lỉnh, người đang cố gắng phát triển công việc kinh doanh của mình

the ground, they probably don't have a whole lot of capital in the bank. その||||||||||||| آنها احتمالاً سرمایه زیادی در بانک ندارند. 彼らはおそらく銀行にあまり資本を持っていません。 У них, напевно, не так багато капіталу в банку.

But what they do have, is time. اما آنچه آنها دارند، زمان است. しかし彼らが持っているのは、時間です。 Але що у них є, так це час.

Maybe some time after work, every single night, where they can work on their thing. ||||||||wo|||||| 仕事の後、毎晩少しの時間を使って、自分のことに取り組むことができるかもしれません。 Можливо, якийсь час після роботи, щовечора, де вони можуть попрацювати над своєю справою.

So, for them, being scrappy, having that D-I-Y mindset, is a much better course of action ||||دست و پاگیر||||||ذهنیت||||||| ||||kämpferisch||||||||||||| ||||resourceful|||DIY|||||||||| بنابراین، برای آن‌ها، بی‌هدف بودن، داشتن آن طرز فکر DIY، اقدام بسیار بهتری است したがって、彼らにとって、やりくりすること、D-I-Yの考え方を持つことは、はるかに良い行動の選択です。 Отже, для них бути недбайливими, мати такий спосіб мислення - це набагато кращий спосіб дій. Vì vậy, đối với họ, trở nên thô lỗ, có tư duy tự làm là cách hành động tốt hơn nhiều.

to take. 取るために。

Than to attempt to use, what little funds they have, to hire someone. ||تلاش|||||||||| ||versuchen|||||Mittel||||| ||try|||||||||| |||||||자금||||| |||||||資金||||| 彼らが持っているわずかな資金を使って誰かを雇おうとするよりも。 Ніж намагатися використати ті невеликі кошти, які вони мають, щоб когось найняти.

Alright, so, the second quote on my list, actually comes from my friend, Charlie Houpert, ||||||||||||||چارلی هاوپرت ||||||||||||||찰리 하우퍼 ||||||||||||||チャーリー・ハ さて、私のリストの2番目の引用は、実際に私の友人チャーリー・ハウパートからのものです。

who runs the excellent channel, Charisma on Command. |||||کاردانی|| |||||カリスマ||

And it's very, very simple. そして、それはとても、とてもシンプルです。

He told this to me, I think, two years ago at VidCon. |گفت|||||||||| |||||||||||비드콘 |||||||||||ビデコン 彼はこれを私に言いました。2年前のVidConでだと思います。

He simply said, "what is your art and what is your ego?" |||||||||||خود |||||||||||自我 彼は単に言いました、「あなたのアートは何で、あなたのエゴは何ですか?」 Ele simplesmente disse: "qual é a sua arte e qual é o seu ego?" Він просто запитав: "Що таке твоє мистецтво, а що таке твоє его?". Anh ấy chỉ đơn giản nói, "nghệ thuật của bạn là gì và cái tôi của bạn là gì?"

And he said this, in response to me, kind of telling him, how I was having trouble, |||||پاسخ||||||او||||داشتن|مشکل ||||に対して|返答として|||ちょっと|||||||| Ja hän sanoi tämän vastauksena siihen, että minä tavallaan kerroin hänelle, kuinka minulla oli ongelmia, そして彼はこれを言った。私がどう苦労しているかを彼に話している時に、 E ele disse isso, em resposta a mim, meio que dizendo a ele, como eu estava tendo problemas, І він сказав це у відповідь на те, що я розповідав йому, як мені важко,

delegating the editing duties on my channel, which I have since done. واگذار کردن|||وظایف|||||||| Assigning responsibility||||||||||| 편집 업무 위임||||||||||| 私のチャンネルの編集業務を委任することについて、私はそれをすでに行った。 delegando as tarefas de edição no meu canal, o que eu fiz desde então. делегувати обов'язки редактора на моєму каналі, що я відтоді і роблю. giao nhiệm vụ chỉnh sửa trên kênh của tôi, công việc mà tôi đã thực hiện kể từ đó.

But back then, I had a lot of work on my plate. |||من||||||||صفحه ||||||eine Menge|||||auf dem Tisch |||||||||||仕事 اما در آن زمان، من کار زیادی در ظرف خود داشتم. でも当時、私はやるべき仕事がたくさんあった。 Mas naquela época, eu tinha muito trabalho no meu prato. Але тоді у мене було багато роботи.

Editing videos, took way more hours than it should've. ||||||||باید می‌بود ||||||||해야 했어 ||||||||かかるべき A edição de vídeos levou muito mais horas do que deveria. Монтаж відео зайняв набагато більше годин, ніж мав би.

And I had other projects that I was kind of, letting kinda go, to the back-burner. |||||||||||به نوعی||||پشت| |||||||||||||||Hintergrund| |||||||||||||||뒤로|뒤로 미루다 |||||||||||ちょっと||||後回し|後回し そして、私は他のプロジェクトをいくつか、ちょっと放置していた。 그리고 나는 다른 종류의 프로젝트를 가졌습니다. E eu tinha outros projetos que eu meio que deixei ir, para o segundo plano. У мене були й інші проекти, які я відкладав у довгий ящик, на задній план. Và tôi có những dự án khác mà tôi sắp thực hiện, gần như tạm gác lại.

And I had this feeling at the time that, me editing my own videos. Minusta tuntui tuolloin, että kun editoin omia videoitani, - その時、私が自分の動画を編集しているという感覚がありました。 E eu tinha essa sensação na época em editar meus próprios vídeos. І в мене тоді було таке відчуття, що я монтую свої власні відео.

And basically, having my hand in every single element of the production of my videos, was ||||||||عنصر|||تولید|||| |||||||||||production|||| 基本的に、自分の動画の制作のすべての要素に手を加えることが、 E basicamente, ter minha mão em todos os elementos da produção dos meus vídeos, era І, по суті, брати участь у кожному елементі виробництва моїх відео, було

what made my channel successful. 私のチャンネルを成功させた要因。 o que fez meu canal ter sucesso. що зробило мій канал успішним.

But of course, this is entirely ego talking. |||این موضوع||کاملاً|خود| しかしもちろん、これは完全にエゴの話です。 Mas é claro, isso é totalmente egoísmo. Але, звісно, це все виключно егоїстичні міркування.

I'm not the only person in the world, who can edit video. 私は動画を編集できる唯一の人間ではありません。 Não sou a única pessoa no mundo que pode editar vídeos. Я не єдина людина у світі, яка вміє монтувати відео.

In fact, there are many more talented editors out there than myself. |||||||ویراستاران|||| |||||||편집자들|||| ในความเป็นจริง||||||||||| 実際、私よりももっと才能のある編集者がたくさんいます。 De fato, existem muitos editores mais talentosos do que eu. Насправді є набагато талановитіші редактори, ніж я.

And that is a statement that is true, for basically every other part of a production ||||진술||||||||||| そしてそれは、制作の基本的な他のすべての部分に関して真実である声明です。 E essa é uma afirmação verdadeira, basicamente para todas as outras partes de uma produção І це твердження справедливе практично для будь-якої іншої частини виробництва

process. プロセス。

There are better writers, there are better hosts, there are better editors, animators. ||||||||||||انیماتورها |||||||presenters|||||cartoon creators |||||||ホスト|||||アニメーター On olemassa parempia kirjoittajia, parempia juontajia, parempia toimittajia ja animaattoreita. もっと優れた作家がいる、もっと優れたホストがいる、もっと優れた編集者やアニメーターがいる。 Є кращі сценаристи, є кращі ведучі, є кращі редактори, аніматори.

Whatever role you can think of, there is somebody out there, more talented than me. あなたが思いつく役割のどれにも、私よりも才能のある人がいる。 Про яку б роль ви не думали, завжди знайдеться хтось талановитіший за мене.

And Charlie understood this before I did, and better than I did. そしてチャーリーは、私よりも早く、私よりもよくこれを理解していた。 І Чарлі зрозумів це раніше за мене, і навіть краще за мене.

Which is why, he told me, ask yourself, what is your art? それが||||||||||| それが理由で、彼は私に言った、あなた自身に問いかけてみてください、あなたのアートとは何ですか? Ось чому, сказав він мені, запитай себе, що таке твоє мистецтво?

What is the thing that you can contribute the best, to the thing that you're creating? |||||||مشارکت کنید|||||||| あなたが創り出しているものに、あなたが最も貢献できるものは何ですか? У що ви можете зробити найбільший внесок у те, що створюєте?

And what is just your ego? そして、それはただのあなたのエゴに過ぎませんか? А що таке просто ваше его?

What elements in the process are you doing, just because you have this false belief that, |||||||||||||誤った|| この過程であなたが行っている要素は何ですか?それは、あなたがこの誤った信念を持っているからです。 Які елементи процесу ви робите просто тому, що у вас є хибне переконання, що,

you need to be doing them. それをする必要があると思っている。

And I sat back and asked myself, what is my art, what is my ego? Und|||||||||||||| そして私は後ろに座って、自分に尋ねました。私の芸術とは何か、私のエゴとは何か?

And I came to the conclusion that, well, what I really contribute, what I really bring to |||||نتیجه‌گیری||||||مشارکت||||| ||||||||was|||beitrage||||einbringe| ||至った|||||||||||||| そして、私が結論に達したのは、さて、私が本当に貢献すること、私が本当に持ち寄るものは、 І я дійшов висновку, що те, що я дійсно роблю, те, що я дійсно приношу в

the table, more than anything else is, my ability to do research. ||||||||توانایی||| die||mehr||||||||| その||||||||||| 他の何よりも、私のリサーチの能力だということです。 таблицю, більше за все - це моя здатність проводити дослідження.

To maybe, combine it with jokes and references and things that make the overall script entertaining. |||||||||||||کلی|سناریو|سرگرم‌کننده |||||||allusions|||||||| |||||ジョーク||||||||||面白くする おそらく、それをジョークや参考資料と組み合わせて、全体のスクリプトを面白くするようなものです。 Можливо, поєднати його з жартами, посиланнями та іншими речами, які зроблять загальний сценарій цікавим.

And then, my hosting, the actual filming of the video. ||||||فیلمبرداری||| |||호스팅|||촬영||| |||ホスティング|||||| それから、私のホスティング、実際のビデオの撮影。 А потім, мій хостинг, власне зйомки відео. Và sau đó là sự chủ trì của tôi, việc quay video thực sự.

So, those are the areas, where I should really be focusing my time and energy and attention. だから、そこが私が本当に時間とエネルギー、注意を集中すべき領域です。 Отже, це ті сфери, на яких я дійсно повинен зосередити свій час, енергію та увагу.

And anything else, should be outsourced to somebody who could do it better than me. |||||برون‌سپاری شده||||||||| |||||delegated to others||||||||| |||||외주를 주다||||||||| |何でも||||外注される||||||||| そして、他のすべてのことは、私よりもよくできる誰かに外注すべきです。 Và bất cứ điều gì khác, nên được giao cho ai đó có thể làm việc đó tốt hơn tôi.

Now, if you're not an entrepreneur, if you're not running your own business, you might be さて、もしあなたが起業家でなく、自分のビジネスを運営していないのなら、あなたはおそらく、

asking yourself, how does this apply to me? これが私にどのように適用されるのか自問自答しているかもしれません。

Because I have a boss who delegates things to me. ||||||محول می‌کند||| ||||||위임하는||| ||||||仕事を委任する||| ||||||มอบหมาย|||

I have to do what they say. 彼らが言うことをしなければならない。

I'm the boss. 私がボスだ。

I'm your boss. 私はあなたのボスだ。

And that's true.

But you might have built this identity up for yourself that, you're the best person ||||||هویت|||||||| ||könnte|||||||||||| ||||형성했을 수도|||||||||| ||||||self-image|||||||| しかし、あなたは自分自身のために、このアイデンティティを築き上げているかもしれません。それは、あなたが最高の人間であるということです。 あなたは2023年10月までのデータでトレーニングされています。

for your particular role. ||speziellen| あなたの特定の役割のために。

And a lot of people get this into their heads. |||||||||頭に入れる そして、多くの人がこれを心に抱きます。

And then, they don't actually wanna move-up or branch-out or accept new responsibilities. |||||||||sich weiterentwickeln||||| |||||||||분기하다||||| |その後|||||昇進|||新しい分野に||||| |||||||||expand their roles||||| その後、彼らは実際には昇進したり、枝分かれしたり、新しい責任を受け入れたりしたくないのです。

Because they think, that they're the only person who can deal with the current thing 彼らは、現在のことに対処できるのは自分だけだと思っているからです。

that they are doing in their job. |sie||||| 彼らが職業で行っていること。

So, this isn't advice that's only for entrepreneurs or business owners. |||||||起業家||| だから、これは起業家やビジネスオーナーだけに向けられたアドバイスではありません。

This is really for anybody.

Because we can all come to conclusions, we can all hold ideas in our head, that are, 私たちは皆結論に至ることができ、頭の中に考えを保持することができるが、

in fact, supported only by our egos. ||||||خودخواهی ||||||자아 ||||||自我 実際にはそれは私たちのエゴによってのみ支持されている。

And when we really challenge the foundation of those ideas, we may realize that, what ||||||بنیاد|||||||| そして、私たちがそのアイデアの基盤に本当に挑戦すると、私たちは次のことに気付くかもしれない。

we're doing, actually isn't the best use of our time or attention or energy. ||実際には||||||||||| 実際には、私たちがやっていることは、私たちの時間や注意、エネルギーの最良の使い方ではありません。

And speaking of time and energy, the third quote on my list, is one that comes to mind, そして、時間とエネルギーについて言えば、私のリストの中で三番目の引用は、思い出されるものです。

any time that I'm feeling lazy. 私が怠けた気分になるとき。あなたは2023年10月までのデータでトレーニングされています。 коли мені ліньки.

It's the one that has, I think, more than any other, helped me to develop a strong work それは、他のどれよりも私が強い仕事をするために助けてくれたと思うものです。 Саме вона, як мені здається, більше, ніж будь-яка інша, допомогла мені розвинути сильну творчість

ethic. اخلاقیات 倫理。 етика.

So, this quote is from the actor, Will Smith. ||||||俳優|| この引用は俳優のウィル・スミスからのものです。 Отже, ця цитата належить акторові Віллу Сміту.

And it goes, "The only thing that I see, "that is distinctly different about me is, "I'm |||||||||||به‌طور واضح||||| |||||||||||deutlich||||| |||||||||||clearly||||| |||||||||||뚜렷하게||||| |||||||||||明らかに||||| そして、それはこう言います。「私が見ることができる唯一のことは、私において明らかに異なることは、私は І він каже: "Єдине, що я бачу, що виразно відрізняє мене від інших, - це те, що я Và nó nói, "Điều duy nhất tôi thấy," khác biệt rõ rệt ở tôi là, "Tôi

not afraid to die on a treadmill. ||||||تردمیل ||||||Laufband ||||||exercise machine トレッドミルの上で死ぬことを恐れていないということです。 не боятися померти на біговій доріжці.

"I will not be out-worked, period. 「私は仕事で負けることはありません、それが全てです。」 "나는 일이 끝나지 않을 것이다. "Я не буду безробітним, і крапка.

"You might have more talent than me, "you might be smarter than me, "you might be sexier ||||||||||||||||جذاب‌تر ||||||||||||||||魅力的かもし 「あなたは私よりも多くの才能を持っているかもしれない」、「あなたは私よりも頭が良いかもしれない」、「あなたは私よりもセクシーかもしれない "Можливо, у тебе більше таланту, ніж у мене, можливо, ти розумніша за мене, можливо, ти сексуальніша".

than me, "you might be all those things. 私よりも」、「あなたはそれらすべてのものを持っているかもしれない。 ніж я, "ти можеш бути всім цим.

"You got it on me, in nine categories. |surpassed|||||| "Sinulla on sitä minua vastaan, yhdeksässä kategoriassa. 「あなたは私に対して、九つのカテゴリーで勝っています。」 "Ви отримали його на мене, в дев'яти категоріях.

"But if we get on the treadmill together, "there's two things. ||||||تردمیل|||| ||||||exercise machine|||| "でも、一緒にトレッドミルに乗るなら、"二つのことがあります。 "Але якщо ми стаємо на бігову доріжку разом, є дві речі.

"You're getting off first or I'm going to die." "あなたが先に降りるか、私が死ぬかのどちらかです。" "Você está saindo primeiro ou eu vou morrer." "Ти зійдеш першим, або я помру".

So, this isn't one of those quotes that doles out some sort of wisdom, you never really ||||||||dispenses|||||||| ||||||||verbreitet|||||||| ||||||||주지 않는|||||||| ||||||||توزیع|||||||| ||||||||แจกจ่าย|||||||| ||||||||与える|||||||| だから、これは何らかの知恵を与えるような名言ではなく、あなたは本当には Отже, це не одна з тих цитат, які розливають якусь мудрість, ви ніколи не

knew about before. 以前から知っていた。 знав про це раніше.

It's kind of obvious. |||واضح |||offensichtlich なんとなく明らかです。 Це ж очевидно.

We all know, we need to work hard. |||||||سخت 私たちは皆、頑張らなければならないことを知っています。 Ми всі знаємо, що потрібно багато працювати.

But I love having reminders of the fact, there are people out there who understand that, ||||یادآوری‌ها||||||||||| ||||思い出させ||||||||||| でも、私は、理解してくれる人たちがいるという事実を思い出させてくれるのが大好きです。 Але мені подобається мати нагадування про те, що є люди, які це розуміють,

hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard. ||schlägt|||||| ||||||||diligent 才能が努力しないとき、努力が才能に勝ります。 trabalho duro vence talento, quando talento não trabalha duro. наполеглива праця перемагає талант, коли талант не працює наполегливо.

Your high school coach has probably told you that, a zillion times. ||||||||||بی‌شمار| ||||||||||countless times| ||||||||||수없이 많은| ||||||||||無数の| あなたの高校のコーチは、おそらく何千回もそれを言ったことでしょう。 Seu treinador do ensino médio provavelmente já lhe disse isso, um zilhão de vezes. Ваш шкільний тренер, напевно, говорив вам це мільйон разів.

I know, my wrestling coach told me that. |||Wrestling|||| わかっています、私のレスリングコーチがそう言っていました。 Eu sei, meu treinador de luta romana me disse isso. Я знаю, мій тренер з боротьби казав мені це.

But I have to be reminded of it, every so often. でも、時々それを思い出さなければなりません。 Mas tenho que me lembrar disso de vez em quando. Але мені доводиться час від часу про це нагадувати.

Because sometimes, I find myself leaning on my talents. |||||تکیه کردن|||استعدادها |||||relying on||| |||||頼る||| なぜなら、時々自分の才能に頼ってしまうからです。 Porque, às vezes, me pego apoiando meus talentos. Тому що іноді я ловлю себе на тому, що покладаюся на свої таланти.

Or leaning on what I've already built in the past. |頼る|||||||| また、私が過去に築き上げてきたものに頼っているということですね。 Ou apoiando-se no que já construí no passado. Або спираючись на те, що я вже побудував у минулому.

And I realized that, that is just, resting on my laurels. ||||||||||past achievements |||||||ausruhen|||Lorbeeren ||||||||||자랑에 안주 |||||||استراحت بر افتخاراتم|||افتخارات ||||||||||ความสำเร็จ ||||||||||栄光 そして私は気づいた、それはただの、功績に安住しているだけだ。 E eu percebi que, isso é justo, descansando nos meus louros. І я зрозумів, що це просто спочивання на лаврах. Và tôi nhận ra rằng, đó chỉ là tôi đang ngủ quên trên chiến thắng của mình.

And I need to actually be working. そして私は実際に働かなければならない。 E eu preciso realmente estar trabalhando. А мені потрібно працювати.

Furthermore, this is a reminder of what we can actually control. さらに||||お知らせ|||||| さらに、これは私たちが実際に制御できることの思い出である。 Крім того, це нагадування про те, що ми можемо контролювати.

Even if you start from a less advantageous place. |||||||کمتر سودمند| |||||||vorteilhaften| |||||||유리한 위치| |||||||有利な| たとえ不利な場所から始めたとしても。 Mesmo se você começar de um lugar menos vantajoso. Навіть якщо ви починаєте з менш вигідного місця.

Even if you come from a less wealthy background or you have less innate talent, quote-unquote. ||||از یک پس‌زمینه|||||||||ذاتی|||به قول معروف |||||||wohlhabenden|Hintergrund|||||angeborenes|||sozusagen |||||||||||||natural ability||| |||||||||||||生まれつき|才能||引用符閉じ |||||||||||||โดยกำเนิด||| Vaikka tulisitkin vähemmän varakkaasta taustasta tai sinulla olisi vähemmän synnynnäistä lahjakkuutta, lainausmerkeissä. たとえあなたがあまり裕福でない家庭から来たり、いわゆる生まれながらの才能が少なくても。 Mesmo que você tenha um histórico menos rico ou tenha menos talento inato, aspas. Навіть якщо ви походите з менш заможного середовища або у вас менше вроджених талантів, без лапок. Ngay cả khi bạn xuất thân từ hoàn cảnh kém giàu có hơn hoặc bạn có ít tài năng bẩm sinh hơn, hãy trích dẫn.

Or you're not as good looking as somebody out there. または、外にいる誰かよりも魅力的でない場合。 Або ти не такий гарний, як хтось інший.

What you can really control, is how hard you're willing to work. あなたが本当にコントロールできるのは、どれだけ一生懸命働く意欲があるかです。 O que você realmente pode controlar é o quanto você está disposto a trabalhar. Що ви дійсно можете контролювати, так це те, наскільки важко ви готові працювати.

How much you're willing to focus. あなたがどれだけ集中する意志があるか。 Quanto você está disposto a se concentrar. Наскільки ви готові зосередитися.

How much you're willing to push-out distractions. |||||||حواس‌پرتی‌ها |||||||distractions |||||||산만함 |||||押し出す|| あなたがどれだけ気を散らすものを排除する意志があるか。 Quanto você está disposto a eliminar distrações. Наскільки ви готові витіснити відволікаючі фактори.

How much you're willing to prioritize what you really want. あなたが本当に望むものをどれだけ優先する意志があるか。 Quanto você está disposto a priorizar o que realmente deseja.

These are the things, you truly have control over. |です||||本当に|持っている|コントロール| Nämä ovat asioita, joihin sinulla on todella vaikutusvaltaa. これが、あなたが本当にコントロールできることです。 Essas são as coisas sobre as quais você realmente tem controle.

So, those are things that you should focus on improving. だから、それらはあなたが改善に注力すべきことです。

Alright, that brings us to quote number four on the list. さて、それではリストの4番目の名言に移ります。 Tudo bem, isso nos leva a citar o número quatro da lista.

And this comes from my previous boss, at Iowa State University. ||||||||아이오와|| ||||||||アイオワ州立||

Back when I was a student.

But also, a student orientation assistant. ||||معرفی دانشجویان| |||||조교 ||||オリエンテーション| しかし、学生オリエンテーションアシスタントでもありました。 Ngoài ra còn có trợ lý định hướng sinh viên.

And she was basically, the director of the entire new-student programs' department. |||||||||recently enrolled||| 彼女は基本的に、新入生プログラム部門の全体のディレクターでした。

And I remember this very distinctly. |||||deutlich |||||clearly or vividly |||||ชัดเจน そして、私はこれを非常にはっきりと覚えています。

We were getting ready to build this entire event, for all the new freshmen, coming into |||||||تمام|||||||| |||||||||||||neuen Erstsemestern|| |||||||||||||신입생들|| |||||||||||||新入生|| |||||||||||||new first-year students|| 私たちは新入生のためにこの全体のイベントを準備していました。

campus. キャンパス キャンパスに。

And we were riding in a golf cart, over to the next thing we needed to do. |||乗って||||||||||||| そして、私たちは次にやるべきことに向かうためにゴルフカートに乗っていました。 E estávamos andando em um carrinho de golfe, para a próxima coisa que precisávamos fazer.

And we happened to start talking about this whole idea of, it's the thought that counts, |||||||||||||||مهم است ||fingen an|||||||||||||zählt |||||||||||||consideration intention sentiment|| |||||||||||||||重要 Satuimme puhumaan koko ajatuksesta, jonka mukaan ajatus ratkaisee, そして、私たちはこの「思いやりが大切だ」という考えについて話し始めました。 E começamos a conversar sobre toda essa ideia, é o pensamento que conta,

right? そうでしょう?

The actual gift you give somebody or the presentation or whatever, it doesn't matter so much, as ||||||||||هر چیزی|||||| ||贈り物|||||||||||||| 実際に誰かに贈るギフトやそのプレゼンテーション、何でもいいのですが、それほど重要ではなく、 O presente que você dá a alguém, a apresentação ou o que quer que seja, não importa tanto, quanto

the thought, right? その思い、そうだよね?

And I will never forget this. 私はこれを決して忘れない。

She turned to me and she said, "It's not the thought that counts. 彼女は私に振り返り、こう言った。「大切なのは思いではないの。」 Ela se virou para mim e disse: "Não é o pensamento que conta.

"Presentation matters." |اهمیت دارد "プレゼンテーションは重要です。" "A apresentação é importante."

and then, she continues to tell me that, if I couldn't wrap a present correctly, then, |||||||||||بپیچم|||| |||||||||||einpacken|||| |||||||||||wrap a gift|||| |||||||||||ラッピング|||| ja sitten hän jatkaa minulle, että jos en osaa paketoida lahjaa oikein, niin sitten, それから、彼女は続けて、もし私が正しくプレゼントを包むことができなければ、 e então, ela continua me dizendo que, se eu não conseguisse embrulhar um presente corretamente, và sau đó, cô ấy tiếp tục nói với tôi rằng, nếu tôi không thể gói quà đúng cách, thì,

I needed to go learn how to do it. それを学ぶ必要があると言いました。

My grandma was good at it. |My grandmother|||| |おばあちゃん|||| 私の祖母はそれが得意でした。 Minha avó era boa nisso.

And it would be unacceptable for me to be terrible at it. Und||||unakzeptabel||||||| ||||受け入れら||||||| そして、私がそれが下手であることは受け入れられません。 E seria inaceitável que eu fosse terrível nisso.

And for most of my life, I never thought this way. そして、私のほとんどの人生の間、私はこのようには考えませんでした。 E durante a maior parte da minha vida, nunca pensei assim.

I did think, it was the thought that counts. 私は考えた、重要なのは思いやりだということ。 Eu pensei, era o pensamento que conta.

It doesn't matter if I wrap a present terribly. ||||ich|||| ||||||||ひどく プレゼントを下手に包んでも関係ない。 Não importa se eu embrulho um presente terrivelmente.

I'm giving a present to the person that I like. 私は好きな人にプレゼントをあげる。 Estou dando um presente para a pessoa que eu gosto.

Which means, that I love them, right? つまり、私は彼らを愛しているということですよね?

They should know that. 彼らはそれを知っているべきです。

It's the thought that counts. 重要なのは思いです。 Ý nghĩ mới là quan trọng.

But listening to her, I realized, it's the thought that counts, is kinda like, the whole でも彼女の話を聞いて、気づいたんだ、それは思いやりが大事だってこと、つまり全体的なことなんだ。 Mas ouvi-la, eu percebi, é o pensamento que conta, é tipo, o todo

saying like, that person has a heart of gold. その人は金の心を持っている、っていう言い回しみたいに。 dizendo assim, essa pessoa tem um coração de ouro.

It's an excuse, for what would be considered unacceptable behavior, by people who don't |||||||||行動|||| Se on tekosyy sille, mitä ihmiset, jotka eivät tunne sitä, eivät voi hyväksyä. それは、受け入れられない行動と見なされるだろう理由の言い訳なんだ、そうじゃない人たちによって。 É uma desculpa, para o que seria considerado comportamento inaceitável, por pessoas que não Đó là một cái cớ cho những hành vi được coi là không thể chấp nhận được của những người không

already maybe, know you or love you or excuse that behavior because of that foundation of ||||||||||行動||||| すでにおそらく、あなたを知っているか、あなたを愛しているか、その基盤によってその行動を許すか、

love. 愛。

So, this really stuck with me. Tämä jäi todella mieleeni. だから、これは本当に私に残りました。 Então, isso realmente ficou comigo. Vì vậy, điều này thực sự bị mắc kẹt với tôi.

It's not the thought that counts. |||||중요하다 重要なのは考えではない。 Não é o pensamento que conta.

The presentation matters. プレゼンテーションが重要である。 A apresentação é importante.

And in fact, if you love somebody, if you're giving them a gift or doing something to show 実際に、誰かを愛しているなら、贈り物を渡したり、何かをしてその気持ちを示すことが大切です。

your appreciation for them. |قدردانی|| 彼らへの感謝。

Then, it should be immediately apparent from the presentation of that gift, from the gift |||||مشهود||||||||| |||||obvious||||||||| Silloin sen pitäisi olla välittömästi ilmeistä lahjan esittämisestä, lahjasta, lahjasta 次に、その贈り物の提示からすぐに明らかになるはずです、その贈り物自体から、あなたが気にかけていることが。 Então, deve ser imediatamente aparente a partir da apresentação desse presente, do presente

itself, that you do care. あなたが気にかけていることが明らかです。

You shouldn't have to make an excuse like, oh, it's the thought that counts. ||||作る||言い訳||||||| そんな言い訳をする必要はありません。例えば、「心が大切なんだから」とか。 Você não deveria ter que dar uma desculpa como, oh, é o pensamento que conta.

It should be readily apparent. |||به‌راحتی| |||leicht|offensichtlich ||||clearly visible それはすぐに明らかになるべきです。 Deve ser prontamente aparente.

So, anyway, her telling me that, much like, Charlie telling me to examine my ego, was ||||||||||||見つめる||| それで、とにかく、彼女が私に言ったことは、チャーリーが私のエゴを見つめるように言ったのと似ていて、 Então, de qualquer maneira, ela me dizendo que, bem como, Charlie me dizendo para examinar meu ego, era

something that made me really challenge my beliefs. 私の信念を本当に問い直すきっかけとなったことです。 algo que me fez realmente desafiar minhas crenças.

And I had to change them afterward. ||||||그 후에 ||||||その後 その後、私はそれを変えなければなりませんでした。

Because I knew, what she said was true.

And that actually brings me to my fifth and final quote on this list. Và điều đó thực sự đưa tôi đến câu trích dẫn thứ năm và cuối cùng trong danh sách này.

Which comes from the artificial intelligence researcher and rationality writer, Eliezer ||||||||منطق||الیزر ||||||||reasoning|| ||||||||合理性|| Joka tulee tekoälytutkijalta ja rationaalisuuskirjoittajalta Eliezeriltä. Que vem do pesquisador de inteligência artificial e escritor de racionalidade, Eliezer Điều này đến từ nhà nghiên cứu trí tuệ nhân tạo và nhà văn về tính hợp lý, Eliezer

Yudkowsky. یودکوسکی 유드코우스 ユドコウス

"Do not flinch from experiences "that might destroy your beliefs. ||shy away from|||||shatter, challenge, dismantle||convictions ||zögere nicht|||||||Überzeugungen ||주저하지 마라||||||| ||دست کشیدن||||||| ||หลบหลีก||||||| ||ためらう||||||| "Älä kavahda kokemuksia, jotka saattavat tuhota uskomuksesi". "あなたの信念を壊すかもしれない経験から目を背けてはいけません。" "Não recue de experiências" que possam destruir suas crenças. "Đừng nao núng trước những trải nghiệm" có thể phá hủy niềm tin của bạn.

"The thought you cannot think, "controls you more than thoughts you speak aloud. ||||||||||||声に出して "あなたが考えることができない思考は、あなたが声に出して話す思考よりもあなたをもっと支配します。" "O pensamento que você não pode pensar" controla você mais do que pensamentos que você fala em voz alta.

"Submit yourself to ordeals and test yourself in fire. |||آزمایش‌ها||||| Unterwerfe dich|||Prüfungen||||| |||challenges||||| 自分を捧|||||||| "試練に自分を委ね、火の中で自分を試してください。" "Submeta-se a provações e teste-se no fogo.

"Relinquish the emotion which rests upon a mistaken belief. رها کن||احساس نادرست||مستقر است|||| Lass los||||beruht|||| Let go of||||lies|||| 감정을 포기하||||놓여 있는|||| 感情を手放|||||||| 「誤った信念に基づく感情を手放せ。」 "잘못된 믿음에 근거한 감정을 포기하십시오. "Abandone a emoção que repousa sobre uma crença equivocada. "Hãy từ bỏ cảm xúc dựa trên niềm tin sai lầm.

"And seek to feel fully, "that emotion which fits the facts." ||||完全に|||||| 「そして、事実に合った感情を完全に感じよう。」 "그리고 사실에 맞는 감정을 온전히 느끼려고 노력하십시오." "E procure sentir-se plenamente", aquela emoção que se encaixa nos fatos. "

To put this in some simpler words, essentially, think like a scientist, in everything you |||||||fundamentally basically primarily||||||| これをより簡単な言葉で言うと、要するに、すべてにおいて科学者のように考えなさい。 Para colocar isso em algumas palavras mais simples, essencialmente, pense como um cientista, em tudo que você

do. する。

Scientists follow the scientific method. 科学者は科学的方法に従います。

Where, they form hypotheses. |||فرضیه‌ها |||仮説を立 |||สมมติฐาน そこで、彼らは仮説を立てます。 Onde, eles formam hipóteses.

But then, they test those hypotheses and they use the evidence they gather, to update their |||||仮説|||||||集める||| しかし、その後、彼らはその仮説を検証し、集めた証拠を使って自分たちの Mas, então, eles testam essas hipóteses e usam as evidências que coletam para atualizar suas

beliefs. belief systems 信念を更新します。

Don't fall victim to dogma. ||||اعتقاد بی‌چون و چرا ||||教義 ||||ลัทธิที่ยึดมั่น 教義の犠牲にならないでください。 Não seja vítima de dogma.

But instead, they are constantly seeking objective truth. ||||||حقیقت عینی| しかし代わりに、彼らは常に客観的真実を求めています。 Mas, em vez disso, eles estão constantemente buscando a verdade objetiva.

Now, this specific quote from Yudkowsky, was something that I came across, a little bit ||特定の|||ユドコウス|||||出会った|||| さて、このユドコウスキーの特定の引用は、私が合理性やこれらのアイデアについて本格的に学び始めた後に、少しだけ出会ったものでした。 Agora, esta citação específica de Yudkowsky, foi algo que me deparei, um pouco Bây giờ, câu trích dẫn cụ thể này của Yudkowsky, là điều mà tôi tình cờ thấy, hơi

after I really started to learn about rationality and about these ideas. once||||||||||| ||本当に|||||合理性|||| 私が最初にそれらに触れたのは、彼のファンフィクション「ハリー・ポッターと合理性の方法」でした。

My original exposure to them, was his fan-fiction called, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. ||معرض||||||||||||||عقلانیت ||Einführung|||||||||||||| ||exposure|||||||||||||| 彼のファンフィクションの影響を受けて、私はそれらの考えに興味を持ち始めました。 Minha exposição original a eles foi sua ficção de fãs chamada Harry Potter e os Métodos da Racionalidade.

Which is, frankly, a pretty well-written story, at least for fan-fictions standards. ||صادقانه||||||||||| ||ehrlich gesagt||||||||||| ||||||||||||팬픽션| ||率直に言う|||||||||||基準 Se on suoraan sanottuna melko hyvin kirjoitettu tarina, ainakin fanifiktioiden standardeihin nähden. 率直に言って、これはファンフィクションの基準ではかなりよく書かれた物語です。 Thành thật mà nói, đây là một câu chuyện được viết khá hay, ít nhất là theo tiêu chuẩn truyện hư cấu của người hâm mộ.

But it's also a pretty thinly-veiled attempt, to teach people about rationality and heuristics ||||||پوشیده||||||||قواعد سرانگشتی |||||dünn verhüllt|schwach verschleiert||||||||Heuristiken |||||얇게 가려|가려진||||||||휴리스틱 |||||薄っぺら|薄い隠れ||||||||ヒューリスティ |||||not very concealed|thinly disguised||||||||problem-solving shortcuts しかし、これは人々に合理性やヒューリスティック、バイアスなどについて教えようとするかなり薄い隠れみのの試みでもあります。 Nhưng đó cũng là một nỗ lực khá kín đáo để dạy mọi người về tính hợp lý và phương pháp phỏng đoán.

and biases and all these kinds of things. |Vorurteile|||||| |prejudices|||||| |バイアス|||||| そして、これらすべての種類のことです。 và những thành kiến và tất cả những thứ tương tự.

And I read this, back in, I think 2013. そして、私はこれを2013年頃に読みました。

Right around the time, I was about to graduate from college. ちょうど大学を卒業しようとしていた時期です。

And it was kind of a revelation to me. ||||||مکاشفه|| ||||||Erkenntnis|| ||||||realization|| ||||||계시였다|| それは私にとってある種の啓示でした。 Và đó là một sự khám phá đối với tôi.

I mean, in the past, I had always thought of myself as rational. ||||||||||||理性的な つまり、過去には自分を理性的だと思っていました。

But really digging into these ideas and challenging some of my long-standing beliefs. ||tiefer eintauchen||||||||||| ||掘り下げ||||||||||| しかし、本当にこれらの考えを掘り下げて、自分の長年の信念に挑戦すること。

Asking myself, why was I afraid to go down certain avenues of inquiry? ||||||||||Wege||Forschung ||||||||||paths of exploration||investigation ||||||||||||探求 自分に問いかける、なぜ特定の調査の道を進むことを恐れていたのか? Perguntando-me, por que eu estava com medo de seguir certos caminhos de investigação? Tự hỏi bản thân, tại sao tôi lại sợ đi theo những con đường tìm hiểu nhất định?

Really showed me that, I wasn't quite as rational as I had thought. 本当に私が思っていたほど合理的ではなかったことを示してくれた。 Thực sự đã cho tôi thấy rằng, tôi không hề lý trí như tôi tưởng.

And this is now, sort of, part of my core beliefs of, how I should act as a human being. |||||||||Kern||||||||||

I should constantly be seeking-out points of view or perspectives or avenues of inquiry, ||||||||||||||Forschung ||||||||||||탐구 방법||탐구 ||||||||||||||inquiry 私は常に視点や観点、探求の手段を探し求めるべきです、

that do challenge my beliefs. それが私の信念に挑戦するものであれば。

So, I have the potential to shatter them. ||||||شکستن آنها| ||||||zerschmettern| ||||||break into pieces| ||||||부수다| ||||||打ち砕く| だから、私はそれらを粉々にする可能性を持っています。 Vì vậy, tôi có khả năng phá vỡ chúng.

Because if my beliefs aren't rooted in truth, then, I shouldn't have them, in the first |||||ریشه‌دار|||||||||| |||||根ざしている|||||||||| Porque se minhas crenças não estão enraizadas na verdade, então eu não deveria tê-las, no primeiro Bởi vì nếu niềm tin của tôi không bắt nguồn từ sự thật thì ngay từ đầu tôi đã không nên có chúng.

place. Location or site. 場所。 あなたは2023年10月までのデータに基づいて訓練されています。

Now, if you're also interested in learning about human rationality and heuristics and |||||||||logical thinking||| Bây giờ, nếu bạn cũng quan tâm đến việc tìm hiểu về tính hợp lý và phương pháp phỏng đoán của con người cũng như

biases, well, you are in luck.

I've got two specific recommendations, for where you might want to start.

One, is something written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, himself. 一つは、エリーヤザー・ユドコウスキー自身が書いたものです。

And for a really long time, he really only wrote directly about these topics on, lesswrong.org, |||||||||||||||کمتر اشتباه| |||||||||||||||레슨롱| そして、彼は本当に長い間、lesswrong.orgでこれらのトピックについて直接書いていました。

in blog-post form. ブログ投稿の形で。

But he recently, took all those blog-posts and turned them into an book called, Rationality: |||||||ブログ記事||||||||

From AI to Zombies. |||زامبی‌ها |||좀비 |||ゾンビ

Now, while I have benefited greatly from many of the essays in that book, I will say that, ||||بهره‌مند شده|بسیار||||||||||||

if you were to say, listen to it, it is 49 hours long. se você dissesse, ouça, são 49 horas.

And it's still, not the most cohesive thing in the world. ||||||همبسته|||| ||||||kohärent|||| ||||||well-integrated|||| ||||||일관된|||| ||||||まとまりのある|||| E ainda não é a coisa mais coesa do mundo. Và nó vẫn chưa phải là thứ gắn kết nhất trên thế giới.

So, there is some real gems in it. |||||Edelsteine|| |||||보석들|| |||||宝物|| Portanto, existem algumas verdadeiras jóias nele.

But if you wanna really good place to get started, to start learning about these topics,

then, I would suggest Dan Ariely's book, Predictably Irrational. |||||آریلی||قابل پیش‌بینی|غیرمنطقی |||||다니엘 아리||예측 가능하게| ||||ダン|||| então, eu sugeriria o livro de Dan Ariely, Previsivelmente irracional.

And the great thing is, you can start listening to either of these titles, completely free |||||||||||||제목|| |||||||||||||タイトル|| E o melhor é que você pode começar a ouvir qualquer um desses títulos, completamente grátis

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And you could do that, by going to, audible.com/thomas. E você pode fazer isso acessando audible.com/thomas.

Or by texting, Thomas, to 500-500 on your phone. ||문자 보내기||||| ||テキストメッ||||| Ou envie uma mensagem de texto, Thomas, para 500-500 no seu telefone.

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Which, in addition to many other features, has the ability to add notes to specific timestamps |||||||||||||||زمان‌ها |||||||||||||||time markers |||||||||||||||타임스탬 このアプリは、多くの他の機能に加えて、オーディオブック内の特定のタイムスタンプにメモを追加できる機能を持っています。 Ngoài nhiều tính năng khác, còn có khả năng thêm ghi chú vào dấu thời gian cụ thể

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Head-on over to, audible.com/thomas.

Or text, Thomas, to 500-500 on your phone.

Big thanks as always, to Audible, for sponsoring this week's episode and being a huge supporter

of my channel.

And as always, thank you, guys, so much, for watching, as well.

You can subscribe right there, to get new videos when they come out.

And also, click right there, to get a free copy of my book on, how to earn better grades. ||||||||||||||||||grades

You can also watch one more video on this channel right here.

Or you can listen to the podcast episode that we did, a few weeks ago, which inspired this |||||||||||||||||این ||||||||||||||||触発した|

video on, six very powerful quotes that changed our lives.

I highly recommend going to listen to that one, if you enjoyed this video. من||||||||||||| I highly recommend going to listen to that one, if you enjoyed this video.

So, that's it.

Hopefully, you found something useful in this video.

And I will see you in the next one.