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Thomas Frank Study Tips, 4 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Build Habits

4 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Build Habits

- Good habits are foundational to achieving your goals.

However, what they aren't, is easy to build, and getting them to stick around, is even harder.

Which is why so many people eagerly

start trying to read more books,

eat better, go to the gym,

only to inevitably find themselves

going back to the warm familiarity of Netflix, Cheetos

and the 68 calories per hour

they burn while sitting, just days later.

Of course, most of these people

make things even harder on themselves,

because they don't go about building their habits in a smart way.

So what we're gonna do today, is go over four common habit-building mistakes

that people often make

and what you can do to avoid them.

And we're gonna start with what is possibly the most common habit-building mistake,

which is jumping into the deep end, right away.

This could involve taking on too many habits at once,

or attempting to build a really difficult habit

instead of starting small.

A lot of people think, that to be successful,

they have to jump immediately into very difficult habits.

If they want to read more books,

they have to start reading 50 pages a day.

Or if they wanna get good at piano,

they have to start practicing for two hours,

every single day.

But all progress is made in small steps.

Even Neil Armstrong's first step onto the moon was a small one.

The giant step for mankind that he referenced

was a nod to the years of incremental progress

and small refinements,

made not only by the astronauts themselves,

but by the thousands of engineers, scientists

and technicians that supported them, as well.

They knew that, to do something great,

it would take years of incremental progress.

And that progress is only possible

if the objective at each stage

is something that is slightly out of reach

but that's still doable. Another group of people, who know this very well,

are game designers.

They can throw all sorts

of interesting elements into their games,

but most people would get overwhelmed and stop playing,

if everything is in front of them, all at once.

And that's why smart designers build in steady progressions.

Take a game like Hollow Knight, for example.

Eventually, hours into the campaign,

you'll be dashing, and double jumping and using all sorts of powers

to take on multiple enemies at once,

but in the beginning, all you can really do, is jump

and swing your sword at a beetle.

So take a queue from the astronauts and game designers,

start small and then build

what the author Nick Winter would call, a success spiral.

Make your initial habits easy.

Practice piano for just 15 minutes, read 10 pages of a book,

get up a 1/2 an hour earlier, than you normally do.

And as you prove to yourself, over time,

that you can handle your habits, then slowly spiral up.

Move that 15-minute practice goal to 30 minutes

or start getting up a little bit earlier

than you were before.

Or maybe even add new habits to your plate.

But in the beginning, you start small.

Don't jump into the deep end, right away. (swishing) That brings us

to mistake number two,

which is assuming that there is no chimp.

A few years ago, I ran across

this really cool band, called Chimp Spanner.

And if you're into really technical, instrumental metal, I would definitely recommend checking them out

because I really like their music.

Their name though, always confused me.

I had absolutely no idea what Chimp Spanner meant.

That is, until a couple o' years ago when my friend Simon, who is from the UK,

used the word spanner to refer to a wrench.

And that's when it hit me. Chimp Spanner equals monkey wrench.

And that also helped me to understand the old saying,

throw a spanner in the works.

Now this is a just an interesting tidbit

about the differences between UK and U.S. slang phrases

but here's the point. There is always a proverbial chimp

waiting to throw a spanner into your habit-building work.

And the big mistake that people make

when building new habits

is assuming the chimp doesn't exist. They assume that everything will go well, all the time

and that nothing unexpected will pop up to derail them,

which of course, means that they're not ready when something inevitably does.

So, realize that the chimp is always there,

ready to throw a spanner into the works.

Or to put it the way Charles Duhigg would,

in his book, The Power of Habit,

anticipate inflection points.

Points at which you're likely to run into pain, or discomfort, or some inconvenience

that's likely to derail you, and then, plan for those points in advance.

Now for some of these points,

the only real plan you can make,

is to simply be ready for the discomfort, before it comes.

For example, in the book, Duhigg reports

on the study that focused on people who had gotten knee

and hip replacement surgeries.

Now to fully recover from a surgery like this,

patients have to start exercising

and moving almost immediately afterwards.

And a lot of people never do fully recover

because they can't bring themselves to accept the pain involved.

So what the researchers in the study had people do

was very simple.

They gave them a piece of paper

and they had them write down goals

and action steps for what they were gonna do

to get that exercise in.

These were often very simple.

Like one man's plan to simply walk to the bus and meet his wife after work.

But in writing them down,

these people were anticipating moments of pain

and planning on how to deal with them.

And the results of the study, speak for themselves.

The people who did this, started walking twice as fast

as the average patient.

Now it is worth noting, that not all inflection points

have to be faced head on, like this,

because many of them can be avoided through good planning.

And I'll give you one simple example. Every single morning, when I wake up,

I make myself a smoothie.

And I could easily be derailed from this habit,

if I ran out of crucial ingredients,

like the milk that I use.

So I make sure that that never happens

by following the rule

that I learned from CGP Grey's podcast, Cortex, two is one and one is none.

I always have a backup.

That way, running out of the first one,

will not derail me.

Mistake number three

is choosing not to sit beneath the sword.

In Ancient Greek history,

there is the story of the Sword of Damocles,

in which a courtier, Damocles,

is given all the power and luxury of a king, for one day.

But in addition to all of this,

there was also a giant sword placed above his throne,

hanging from a single horse's hair. And for Damocles, the threat of this sword dropping

was enough for him to give up all those luxuries,

all the riches, all the power, back to the real king.

In the story, the sword is a metaphor

for the precariousness of having power.

One false move could set tragic events into action.

And because of this, I always think of the sword

when I'm building new habits because I like to set up my own sword, when doing so.

In other words, I set up consequences for failure.

And most people choose not to do this.

They choose not to sit beneath that metaphorical sword.

And with no consequences looming above them,

they often lack the self-discipline required

to stick with their chosen habits, for the long term.

So, how do you sit under the sword?

Well, for me, the best way of doing this

is to use what are called commitment devices.

External systems that are set up to track my progress

but also to ensure that there'll be some kind of consequences if I fail to stick to my habits.

The simplest example of this,

which doesn't require any kind of app or special tool, is to make a bet with a friend who cares about you.

For example, a few years ago,

I made a bet with my friend, Martin,

that I would read 25 pages of non-fiction,

every single day, for three months.

If I skipped even one day, I would pay him $100.

And to keep myself accountable,

I gave him a link to a spreadsheet,

where I tracked my progress,

which showed that I, indeed, never skipped a day.

If you do wanna use a special tool for this though,

there are sites like Beeminder and stickK

both of which, essentially act like that friend

and will charge you money

if you to fail to stick to your goals.

And there are also habit trackers, like Strides, Habithub

and Habitica.

All these let you track your habit-building progress

and build streaks over time.

And the main consequence that they bring to the table

is the threat that those streaks will be broken.

Though Habitica, in particular,

uses game design elements, as well,

so you've got experience, and health and multi-players quests,

and your character can lose health,

or even die, if you slack off.

Whatever you choose to use, I highly recommend

that you find at least some way

to hang that metaphorical Sword of Damocles over your head.

At least until you know the habit you're trying to build, is fully ingrained.

That brings us to mistake number four,

which is trying to build a habit

without a strong, personally meaningful,

reason for doing so.

As the author Simon Sinek would put it,

you need to start with, why.

Don't try to adopt a habit just because someone you're following does it or because you saw it on your favorite

YouTuber's morning routine video. Now that doesn't mean the smoothie from that video isn't something you should put into your own morning routine,

but before doing so, you should ask yourself

if it's actually gonna move you towards things that matter to you.

As the author James Clear, rightly points out

in his excellent book, Atomic Habits,

"Good habits can make rational sense, "but if they conflict with your identity, "you will fail to put them into action." And you have to keep this in mind

because it could be so easy to get up in emulation

for the wrong reasons.

Take reading, for example.

You see all these successful people on the internet,

reading tons of books every single week,

so you think that you have to, as well.

But what if the thing that you wanna learn right now

would be better learned in another way?

Reading a book isn't the only way to learn something. Sometimes you learn better by just messing around

and tinkering, or by going to a class,

or taking a course or by going down

a long, messy, Google rabbit hole.

Now you can't really track your messy Google rabbit holes on Goodreads, you can't really put 'em up on your shelf in your garage, next to your Lamborghini.

You know what I like more than Lamborghini's, Anime. It's hard to brag about them, but that doesn't make them useless. And depending on what you're trying to do, that method of learning might be more useful

than reading a book.

And if that's the case, you should probably dial back your reading goal,

to make room for it.

For example, one of my biggest interests right now

is learning to produce music.

Now there are a ton of music production books out there,

but right now, I'm just trying to figure out how to use Logic on my computer.

And I found that the most effective way to do that,

is to simply try to do things in Logic

and then to go find a tutorial, or a video

or a forum post, when I get stuck.

At the moment, doing that is far more useful

than simply going through a book.

So, to briefly summarize

first, start small and build success spirals.

Don't try to take on too much at once. Two, acknowledge the existence of the chimp

and anticipate those inflection points.

Figure out if you can avoid them, if possible,

and if not, mentally prepare for the discomfort

that they will bring.

Three, sit beneath the sword.

Integrate accountability and consequences

into your habit-building efforts.

And finally, number four,

start with why. - Why?

- Make sure that you have a strong,

personally meaningful, reason

for each habit that you choose to build.

One thing that is incredibly meaningful to me,

is music. (peppy guitar music)

Which is why, earlier in the video,

I talked about how I'm learning music production. And in fact, the background music you're hearing right now, is actually something that I produced and played myself.

And to touch on that playing aspect, for a second,

one thing that has become abundantly clear to me

in the past couple of years

is that your ability to play an instrument

is determined less by how many years you've been playing, than on how consistent you are

with putting in hours of deliberate practice.

I mean, I got my first guitar at 13 years old,

but it's only in the last couple of years that I've gotten really serious about practicing it on a regular basis.

So if you wanna learn how to play an instrument, as well,

then use the habit-building techniques from this video

to make practicing into a strong habit.

And while you're at it, you should also seek out the best learning resources that you can find,

one of which is Fender Play.

If you wanna learn how to play the guitar,

Fender Play is a great place to start.

Not only can you use it to learn tons of songs

for a guitar, bass and even a ukulele,

but the app also includes thousands of video lessons, tabs

and something that I really appreciate myself,

a comprehensive chord database, complete with videos

of how to play them properly.

Additionally, there's a section called My Path, you can use to go through a logical progression

of skills and songs,

which means that you'll never sit down and not know what to play.

And that playing can happen anywhere

as you'll find Fender Play in your browser as well as in the iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

So if you wanna start learning and playing,

then head to the link in the description down below

to get started with a 14-day free trial.

And if you decide to go with their annual plan,

you're also gonna get 10% off of Fender guitars, amps and gear.

I wanna give a huge thanks to Fender

for sponsoring this video and working with me.

Seriously, I have been playing Fender guitars

since my dad let me borrow is 40-year-old acoustic,

back when I was a teenager.

So to say I'm excited about this sponsorship is a bit of an understatement.

So seriously, thanks to Fender for that.

And as always, thank you guys for watching, as well.

If you got something useful out of this video,

definitely consider hitting that like button

and you can also subscribe right there,

to get new videos when they come out

and also click right there,

to get a free copy of my book on how to earn better grades.

Lastly, you can check out one more video on this channel,

right around here, or you can look right over here,

to hear some of my other guitar work.

Thanks again for watching

and I will see you guys, as always, in the next video.

(mellow guitar music)

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4 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Build Habits 4 Fehler, die Menschen machen, wenn sie versuchen, Gewohnheiten aufzubauen 4 λάθη που κάνουν οι άνθρωποι όταν προσπαθούν να δημιουργήσουν συνήθειες 4 errores que comete la gente cuando intenta crear hábitos 4 erreurs commises par les gens lorsqu'ils essaient d'acquérir des habitudes 4 błędy popełniane przez ludzi podczas budowania nawyków 4 erros que as pessoas cometem quando tentam criar hábitos İnsanların Alışkanlık Oluşturmaya Çalışırken Yaptıkları 4 Hata 4 помилки, яких припускаються люди, намагаючись сформувати звички 人们在尝试养成习惯时常犯的 4 个错误 人們在嘗試養成習慣時常犯的 4 個錯誤

- Good habits are foundational to achieving your goals. |||grundlegend|||| - Bons hábitos são fundamentais para alcançar seus objetivos.

However, what they aren't, is easy to build, Ne eivät kuitenkaan ole helppoja rakentaa, No entanto, o que eles não são, é fácil de construir, and getting them to stick around, is even harder. |sie dazu bringen|||bleiben|||| |||||머물게||| ja vielä vaikeampaa on saada heidät pysymään täällä. e fazê-los ficar por aqui, é ainda mais difícil.

Which is why so many people eagerly ||||||eifrig ||||||z zapałem C'est pourquoi tant de gens sont impatients

start trying to read more books, |begin attempting||||literature

eat better, go to the gym,

only to inevitably find themselves ||unvermeidlich||

going back to the warm familiarity of Netflix, Cheetos ||||||||치토스

and the 68 calories per hour

they burn while sitting, just days later. ils brûlent en position assise, quelques jours plus tard.

Of course, most of these people

make things even harder on themselves, rendre les choses encore plus difficiles pour eux-mêmes,

because they don't go about building their habits koska he eivät rakenna tapojaan - parce qu'ils ne vont pas construire leurs habitudes in a smart way. |||sposób

So what we're gonna do today, is go over four common habit-building mistakes est de passer en revue quatre erreurs courantes de renforcement des habitudes

that people often make

and what you can do to avoid them.

And we're gonna start with what is possibly the most common habit-building mistake,

which is jumping into the deep end, right away. welche|||||||| qui saute tout de suite dans le grand bain.

This could involve taking on too many habits at once, Dies (1)|könnte|bedeuten|||||||

or attempting to build a really difficult habit |시도하는|||||| ou essayer de construire une habitude vraiment difficile

instead of starting small.

A lot of people think, that to be successful,

they have to jump immediately into very difficult habits.

If they want to read more books,

they have to start reading 50 pages a day.

Or if they wanna get good at piano, หรือ|||||||

they have to start practicing for two hours,

every single day.

But all progress is made in small steps.

Even Neil Armstrong's first step onto the moon ||암스트롱의||||| was a small one.

The giant step for mankind that he referenced ||||die Menschheit|||verweist ||||인류를 위한||| 그가 언급 한 인류를위한 거대한 발걸음

was a nod to the years of incremental progress |||||||schrittweise| ||상징적 표현|||||점진적인| ||การยอมรับ|||||| ||señal|||||| était un clin d'œil aux années de progrès progressif foi um aceno para os anos de progresso incremental

and small refinements, ||Verfeinerungen ||수정사항 ||การปรับปรุง ja pieniä hienosäätöjä, et de petits raffinements, e pequenos refinamentos,

made not only by the astronauts themselves, |||||우주비행사| made not only by the astronauts themselves, feita não apenas pelos próprios astronautas,

but by the thousands of engineers, scientists

and technicians that supported them, as well.

They knew that, to do something great,

it would take years of incremental progress. |||||schrittweise| cela prendrait des années de progrès progressifs.

And that progress is only possible

if the objective at each stage se o objetivo em cada etapa

is something that is slightly out of reach on jotain, joka on hieman ulottumattomissa est quelque chose qui est légèrement hors de portée é algo ligeiramente fora de alcance

but that's still doable. |||machbar |||가능하다 mais c'est encore faisable. mas isso ainda é factível. Another group of people, who know this very well,

are game designers.

They can throw all sorts Eles podem jogar todos os tipos

of interesting elements into their games,

but most people would get overwhelmed and stop playing, mais la plupart des gens se sentaient dépassés et arrêtaient de jouer, mas a maioria das pessoas fica sobrecarregada e para de jogar,

if everything is in front of them, all at once. se tudo estiver na frente deles, tudo de uma vez.

And that's why smart designers build E é por isso que designers inteligentes constroem in steady progressions. ||진행 en progressions régulières. em progressões constantes.

Take a game like Hollow Knight, for example.

Eventually, hours into the campaign, Schließlich|||| Lopulta, tunteja kampanjan jälkeen,

you'll be dashing, and double jumping ||schnell||| ||질주하는||| sinä olet vauhdikas ja hyppäät tuplahyppyjä. vous serez fringant et double sauté 당신은 대시하고 더블 점프 você estará correndo e pulando duas vezes and using all sorts of powers ja käyttää kaikenlaisia voimia e usando todos os tipos de poderes

to take on multiple enemies at once, taistella useita vihollisia vastaan kerralla, para enfrentar vários inimigos ao mesmo tempo,

but in the beginning, all you can really do, is jump

and swing your sword at a beetle. ||||||Käfer ||||||딱정벌레 ja heiluta miekkaasi kovakuoriaista kohti.

So take a queue from the astronauts and game designers, |||Warteschlange (1)|||||| Ota siis mallia astronauteilta ja pelisuunnittelijoilta, Alors faites la queue des astronautes et des concepteurs de jeux, 우주 비행사와 게임 디자이너들에게 줄을 서서

start small and then build

what the author Nick Winter would call, a success spiral. |||||||||Erfolgsspirale |||||||||성공의 나선

Make your initial habits easy. ||ersten|| Tee alkutottumuksista helppoja.

Practice piano for just 15 minutes, read 10 pages of a book,

get up a 1/2 an hour earlier, than you normally do.

And as you prove to yourself, over time, Et comme vous le prouvez au fil du temps,

that you can handle your habits, then slowly spiral up. que vous pouvez gérer vos habitudes, puis remonter lentement.

Move that 15-minute practice goal to 30 minutes Change||time||objective||

or start getting up a little bit earlier

than you were before.

Or maybe even add new habits to your plate.

But in the beginning, you start small.

Don't jump into the deep end, right away. Springen Sie nicht gleich ins kalte Wasser. (swishing) That brings us 그것이 가져옵||| (bruissement) Cela nous amène

to mistake number two,

which is assuming that there is no chimp. ||vorausgesetzt||es|||Schimpanse ||||||없음|침팬지 |||||||ชิมพ์ |||||||chimp variable que assume que não há chimpanzé.

A few years ago, I ran across Alguns anos atrás, eu encontrei

this really cool band, called Chimp Spanner. ||멋진|밴드|||스패너 essa banda muito legal, chamada Chimp Spanner.

And if you're into really technical, instrumental metal, Ja jos pidät todella teknisestä, instrumentaalisesta metallista, E se você gosta de metal instrumental realmente técnico, I would definitely recommend checking them out Eu recomendaria definitivamente vê-los

because I really like their music. porque eu realmente gosto da música deles.

Their name though, always confused me.

I had absolutely no idea what Chimp Spanner meant. Eu não tinha absolutamente nenhuma idéia do que o Chimp Spanner significava.

That is, until a couple o' years ago Ou seja, até alguns anos atrás when my friend Simon, who is from the UK,

used the word spanner to refer to a wrench. |||Schlüssel|||||Schraubenschlüssel ||||||||렌치 ||||||||llave inglesa usou a chave inglesa para se referir a uma chave inglesa.

And that's when it hit me. E foi aí que me dei conta. Chimp Spanner equals monkey wrench. ||||Schraubenschlüssel A chave inglesa do chimpanzé é igual à chave de macaco.

And that also helped me to understand the old saying, E isso também me ajudou a entender o velho ditado,

throw a spanner in the works. heittää mutkia rattaisiin. jogue uma chave inglesa nos trabalhos.

Now this is a just an interesting tidbit |||||||Informationstück |||||||정보 Agora, este é apenas um boato interessante

about the differences between UK and U.S. slang phrases

but here's the point. There is always a proverbial chimp ||||sprichwörtlich| ||||ที่กล่าวถึง| Sempre existe um chimpanzé proverbial

waiting to throw a spanner into your habit-building work. esperando jogar uma chave inglesa no seu trabalho de construção de hábitos.

And the big mistake that people make E o grande erro que as pessoas cometem

when building new habits ao construir novos hábitos

is assuming the chimp doesn't exist. está assumindo que o chimpanzé não existe. They assume that everything will go well, all the time Eles assumem que tudo vai correr bem, o tempo todo

and that nothing unexpected will pop up to derail them, ||||||||탈선시키다| ||||||||ทำให้ล่าช้า| e que nada inesperado irá aparecer para atrapalhá-los,

which of course, means that they're not ready o que, é claro, significa que eles não estão prontos when something inevitably does. ||unvermeidlich| quando algo inevitavelmente acontece.

So, realize that the chimp is always there,

ready to throw a spanner into the works. pronto para jogar uma chave inglesa nos trabalhos.

Or to put it the way Charles Duhigg would, |||||||듀히그| Ou, como Charles Duhigg faria,

in his book, The Power of Habit, em seu livro, The Power of Habit,

anticipate inflection points. erwarten|Zinssatz| |변곡점| antecipar pontos de inflexão.

Points at which you're likely to run into pain, Kohdat, joissa kohtaat todennäköisesti kipua, Pontos em que você provavelmente encontrará dor, or discomfort, or some inconvenience

that's likely to derail you, |||ablenken| que provavelmente irá atrapalhá-lo, and then, plan for those points in advance. ja suunnittele sitten nämä kohdat etukäteen.

Now for some of these points, Seuraavaksi joitakin näistä kohdista,

the only real plan you can make,

is to simply be ready for the discomfort, before it comes.

For example, in the book, Duhigg reports

on the study that focused on people who had gotten knee |||||||die|die|kamen| no estudo que se concentrou em pessoas que tiveram joelho

and hip replacement surgeries. |Hüfte|| |엉덩이|| e cirurgias de substituição do quadril.

Now to fully recover from a surgery like this,

patients have to start exercising os pacientes têm que começar a se exercitar

and moving almost immediately afterwards. ||||danach e movendo-se quase imediatamente depois.

And a lot of people never do fully recover E muitas pessoas nunca se recuperam completamente

because they can't bring themselves porque eles não podem se trazer to accept the pain involved. aceitar a dor envolvida.

So what the researchers in the study had people do Então, o que os pesquisadores do estudo fizeram as pessoas fazerem

was very simple. foi muito simples

They gave them a piece of paper Eles deram um pedaço de papel

and they had them write down goals e eles tiveram que anotar metas

and action steps for what they were gonna do e etapas de ação para o que eles fariam

to get that exercise in. para fazer esse exercício.

These were often very simple. Estes eram frequentemente muito simples.

Like one man's plan to simply walk to the bus Como o plano de um homem para simplesmente caminhar até o ônibus and meet his wife after work. e conhecer sua esposa depois do trabalho.

But in writing them down, Mas, anotando-as,

these people were anticipating moments of pain |||고통의 순간을||| essas pessoas estavam antecipando momentos de dor

and planning on how to deal with them. e planejando como lidar com eles.

And the results of the study, speak for themselves. E os resultados do estudo falam por si.

The people who did this, started walking twice as fast As pessoas que fizeram isso começaram a andar duas vezes mais rápido

as the average patient. como o paciente médio.

Now it is worth noting, that not all inflection points ||||주목할 점||||| ||||ควรสังเกต||||| Agora vale a pena notar que nem todos os pontos de inflexão

have to be faced head on, like this, tem que ser encarado de frente, assim,

because many of them can be avoided through good planning. porque muitos deles podem ser evitados através de um bom planejamento.

And I'll give you one simple example. E eu vou te dar um exemplo simples. Every single morning, when I wake up, Toda manhã, quando acordo,

I make myself a smoothie. Eu me faço um smoothie.

And I could easily be derailed from this habit, |||||abgebracht|von|| |||||탈선할||| E eu poderia facilmente ser atrapalhado por esse hábito,

if I ran out of crucial ingredients, |||||wichtigen| se eu ficar sem ingredientes cruciais,

like the milk that I use.

So I make sure that that never happens

by following the rule

that I learned from CGP Grey's podcast, Cortex, ||||CGP 그레이|그레이의|| que aprendi com o podcast da CGP Grey, Cortex, two is one and one is none. dois é um e um é nenhum.

I always have a backup. ||||예비물품

That way, running out of the first one,

will not derail me.

Mistake number three

is choosing not to sit beneath the sword. |||zu||unter|| está escolhendo não se sentar debaixo da espada.

In Ancient Greek history, Na história da Grécia antiga,

there is the story of the Sword of Damocles, ||||||||다모클레스의

in which a courtier, Damocles, |||궁정인| |||ข้าราชบริพาร| em que um cortesão, Dâmocles,

is given all the power and luxury of a king, for one day.

But in addition to all of this,

there was also a giant sword placed above his throne, havia também uma espada gigante colocada acima de seu trono,

hanging from a single horse's hair. pendurado no cabelo de um único cavalo. And for Damocles, the threat of this sword dropping ||||อันตราย|||| E para Dâmocles, a ameaça desta espada caindo

was enough for him to give up all those luxuries, foi o suficiente para ele desistir de todos esses luxos,

all the riches, all the power, back to the real king. ||부유함|||||||| todas as riquezas, todo o poder, de volta ao rei real.

In the story, the sword is a metaphor |||||||อุปมา Na história, a espada é uma metáfora

for the precariousness of having power. ||Prekarität||| ||불안정성||| ||ความไม่แน่นอน||| pela precariedade de ter poder.

One false move could set tragic events into action. Um movimento falso poderia colocar eventos trágicos em ação.

And because of this, I always think of the sword E por isso, eu sempre penso na espada

when I'm building new habits quando estou construindo novos hábitos because I like to set up my own sword, when doing so. porque eu gosto de montar minha própria espada, ao fazê-lo.

In other words, I set up consequences for failure. Em outras palavras, estabeleci consequências para o fracasso.

And most people choose not to do this. E a maioria das pessoas escolhe não fazer isso.

They choose not to sit beneath that metaphorical sword. |||||||비유적인| |||||||เปรียบเปรย| Eles escolhem não se sentar embaixo dessa espada metafórica.

And with no consequences looming above them, ||||drohend|| ||||다가오는|| ||||ใกล้เข้ามา|| E sem consequências pairando acima deles,

they often lack the self-discipline required muitas vezes não têm a autodisciplina necessária

to stick with their chosen habits, for the long term. manter seus hábitos escolhidos, a longo prazo.

So, how do you sit under the sword? Então, como você se senta debaixo da espada?

Well, for me, the best way of doing this

is to use what are called commitment devices. ||||||Verpflichtungs-| é usar o que é chamado de dispositivos de compromisso.

External systems that are set up to track my progress Sistemas externos configurados para acompanhar meu progresso

but also to ensure that there'll be |||sicherstellen||| mas também para garantir que haverá some kind of consequences if I fail to stick to my habits. algum tipo de conseqüência se eu não seguir meus hábitos.

The simplest example of this, O exemplo mais simples disso,

which doesn't require any kind of app or special tool, que não requer nenhum tipo de aplicativo ou ferramenta especial, is to make a bet with a friend who cares about you. é fazer uma aposta com um amigo que se preocupa com você.

For example, a few years ago,

I made a bet with my friend, Martin, Eu fiz uma aposta com meu amigo Martin,

that I would read 25 pages of non-fiction,

every single day, for three months.

If I skipped even one day, I would pay him $100. Se eu pulasse um dia, pagaria a ele US $ 100.

And to keep myself accountable, ||||รับผิดชอบ E para me manter responsável,

I gave him a link to a spreadsheet, |||||||Tabelle Dei a ele um link para uma planilha,

where I tracked my progress,

which showed that I, indeed, never skipped a day.

If you do wanna use a special tool for this though,

there are sites like Beeminder and stickK ||||비민더||stickK existem sites como Beeminder e stickK

both of which, essentially act like that friend ambos, essencialmente, agem como aquele amigo

and will charge you money e cobrará seu dinheiro

if you to fail to stick to your goals.

And there are also habit trackers, like Strides, Habithub ||||||||하비타브 E também existem rastreadores de hábitos, como Strides, Habithub

and Habitica.

All these let you track your habit-building progress Tudo isso permite que você acompanhe seu progresso na construção de hábitos

and build streaks over time. ||Streaks||

And the main consequence that they bring to the table

is the threat that those streaks will be broken. |||||เส้นทาง||| é a ameaça de que essas estrias serão quebradas.

Though Habitica, in particular,

uses game design elements, as well,

so you've got experience, and health and multi-players quests, |||||퀘스트

and your character can lose health,

or even die, if you slack off. |||||게으름 피우| ou até morrer, se você relaxar.

Whatever you choose to use, I highly recommend

that you find at least some way

to hang that metaphorical Sword of Damocles over your head.

At least until you know the habit you're trying to build, is fully ingrained. está totalmente arraigado.

That brings us to mistake number four,

which is trying to build a habit

without a strong, personally meaningful,

reason for doing so.

As the author Simon Sinek would put it,

you need to start with, why.

Don't try to adopt a habit just because someone you're following does it or because you saw it on your favorite ou porque você viu no seu favorito

YouTuber's morning routine video. 유튜버의||| Now that doesn't mean the smoothie from that video isn't something you should put into your own morning routine,

but before doing so, you should ask yourself

if it's actually gonna move you towards things that matter to you.

As the author James Clear, rightly points out

in his excellent book, Atomic Habits,

"Good habits can make rational sense, "Bons hábitos podem fazer sentido racional, "but if they conflict with your identity, "mas se eles entrarem em conflito com sua identidade, "you will fail to put them into action." "você falhará em colocá-los em ação." And you have to keep this in mind E você tem que ter isso em mente

because it could be so easy to get up in emulation ||||||||||Nachahmung ||||||||||모방하여 porque poderia ser tão fácil levantar emulação

for the wrong reasons.

Take reading, for example. Veja a leitura, por exemplo.

You see all these successful people on the internet,

reading tons of books every single week,

so you think that you have to, as well.

But what if the thing that you wanna learn right now

would be better learned in another way?

Reading a book isn't the only way to learn something. Sometimes you learn better by just messing around ||||||장난치는| Parfois, vous apprenez mieux en jouant simplement Às vezes você aprende melhor apenas brincando

and tinkering, or by going to a class, |herumexperimentieren|||||| |조작하기|||||| |การทดลอง|||||| et bricoler, ou en allant en classe, e mexer, ou indo a uma aula,

or taking a course or by going down

a long, messy, Google rabbit hole. uma longa e confusa toca de coelho do Google.

Now you can't really track your messy Google rabbit holes Agora você não pode realmente rastrear suas bagunças no coelho do Google on Goodreads, you can't really put 'em up on your shelf |그루폰||||||||| no Goodreads, você realmente não pode colocá-los em sua prateleira in your garage, next to your Lamborghini. ||||||람보르기니 na sua garagem, ao lado do seu Lamborghini.

You know what I like more than Lamborghini's, Anime. |||||||람보르기니| It's hard to brag about them, |||자랑하다|| É difícil se gabar deles, but that doesn't make them useless. mais cela ne les rend pas inutiles. And depending on what you're trying to do, that method of learning might be more useful

than reading a book.

And if that's the case, you should probably dial back your reading goal, |||reduzieren|||| |||줄이다|||| vous devriez probablement rappeler votre objectif de lecture, você provavelmente deveria reduzir sua meta de leitura,

to make room for it. para dar espaço para isso.

For example, one of my biggest interests right now

is learning to produce music.

Now there are a ton of music production books out there,

but right now, I'm just trying to figure out how to use Logic on my computer.

And I found that the most effective way to do that,

is to simply try to do things in Logic

and then to go find a tutorial, or a video

or a forum post, when I get stuck.

At the moment, doing that is far more useful

than simply going through a book.

So, to briefly summarize Então, para resumir brevemente

first, start small and build success spirals. ||||||Erfolgsspiralen ||||||성공의 순환 primeiro, comece pequeno e construa espirais de sucesso.

Don't try to take on too much at once. Não tente assumir muito de uma só vez. Two, acknowledge the existence of the chimp |인정하다||||| Segundo, reconhecer a existência do chimpanzé

and anticipate those inflection points. |예상하다||| e antecipar esses pontos de inflexão.

Figure out if you can avoid them, if possible, Descubra se você pode evitá-los, se possível,

and if not, mentally prepare for the discomfort e se não, prepare-se mentalmente para o desconforto

that they will bring. que eles trarão.

Three, sit beneath the sword. Três, sente-se debaixo da espada.

Integrate accountability and consequences 통합하다|책임성|| Integrar responsabilidade e consequências

into your habit-building efforts. dans vos efforts de construction d'habitudes. em seus esforços de construção de hábitos.

And finally, number four, E finalmente, número quatro,

start with why. comece com o porquê. - Why? - Por quê?

- Make sure that you have a strong, - Verifique se você tem um forte,

personally meaningful, reason pessoalmente significativo, razão

for each habit that you choose to build.

One thing that is incredibly meaningful to me,

is music. (peppy guitar music) 경쾌한||

Which is why, earlier in the video, É por isso que, no início do vídeo,

I talked about how I'm learning music production. And in fact, the background music you're hearing right now, Et en fait, la musique de fond que vous entendez en ce moment, is actually something that I produced and played myself.

And to touch on that playing aspect, for a second, Et pour aborder cet aspect de jeu, pendant une seconde,

one thing that has become abundantly clear to me |||||überdeutlich||| uma coisa que se tornou abundantemente clara para mim

in the past couple of years

is that your ability to play an instrument

is determined less by how many years you've been playing, é determinado menos por quantos anos você joga, than on how consistent you are do que quão consistente você é

with putting in hours of deliberate practice. |||||geplanter| avec des heures de pratique délibérée. com horas de prática deliberada.

I mean, I got my first guitar at 13 years old, Quero dizer, eu ganhei minha primeira guitarra aos 13 anos,

but it's only in the last couple of years mas é só nos últimos dois anos that I've gotten really serious que eu fiquei realmente sério about practicing it on a regular basis. sobre praticá-lo regularmente.

So if you wanna learn how to play an instrument, as well, Então, se você quer aprender a tocar um instrumento, também,

then use the habit-building techniques from this video então use as técnicas de criação de hábitos deste vídeo

to make practicing into a strong habit.

And while you're at it, you should also seek out Et pendant que vous y êtes, vous devriez également chercher E enquanto você está nisso, você também deve procurar the best learning resources that you can find, os melhores recursos de aprendizado que você pode encontrar,

one of which is Fender Play. ||||펜더| um dos quais é o Fender Play.

If you wanna learn how to play the guitar,

Fender Play is a great place to start.

Not only can you use it to learn tons of songs

for a guitar, bass and even a ukulele, |||||||Ukulele |||베이스||||우쿨렐

but the app also includes thousands of video lessons, tabs |||||||||악보

and something that I really appreciate myself,

a comprehensive chord database, complete with videos |umfassende||||| ||코드|||| une base de données d'accords complète, avec des vidéos

of how to play them properly.

Additionally, there's a section called My Path, Além disso, há uma seção chamada Meu caminho, you can use to go through a logical progression você pode usar para passar por uma progressão lógica

of skills and songs,

which means that you'll never sit down o que significa que você nunca vai se sentar and not know what to play. e não sei o que jogar.

And that playing can happen anywhere E que tocar pode acontecer em qualquer lugar

as you'll find Fender Play in your browser as well as in the iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

So if you wanna start learning and playing,

then head to the link in the description down below

to get started with a 14-day free trial.

And if you decide to go with their annual plan,

you're also gonna get 10% off of Fender guitars, amps and gear. |||Verstärker|| ||기타|앰프||

I wanna give a huge thanks to Fender

for sponsoring this video and working with me.

Seriously, I have been playing Fender guitars

since my dad let me borrow is 40-year-old acoustic, |||||||||어쿠스틱 기타 desde que meu pai me emprestou é acústico de 40 anos,

back when I was a teenager.

So to say I'm excited about this sponsorship |||||||후원 계약 Donc, pour dire que je suis excité par ce parrainage is a bit of an understatement. est un peu un euphémisme.

So seriously, thanks to Fender for that.

And as always, thank you guys for watching, as well.

If you got something useful out of this video,

definitely consider hitting that like button

and you can also subscribe right there,

to get new videos when they come out

and also click right there,

to get a free copy of my book on how to earn better grades.

Lastly, you can check out one more video on this channel,

right around here, or you can look right over here,

to hear some of my other guitar work.

Thanks again for watching

and I will see you guys, as always, in the next video.

(mellow guitar music) 부드러운||