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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Small Talk. 1. Going to a Party

Small Talk. 1. Going to a Party

A: Are you going to the party on Saturday?

B: I was thinking about it. Are you?

A: Yeah, I heard it's going to be a lot of fun.

B: Really? Well, what time does it start?

A: It starts at 8:00 pm, and I really think you should go.

B: Well, who else is going to be there?

A: Everybody from school.

B: How do you know it's going to be so fun?

A: This party is going to have a DJ, food, and drinks.

B: Wow, that does sound like it's going to be fun.

A: So am I going to see you at the party?

B: Yeah, I will be there.

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Small Talk. 1. Going to a Party Smalltalk. 1. Auf eine Party gehen Charla trivial. 1. Ir a una fiesta Petites phrases. 1. Aller à une fête スモールトーク1.パーティに行く Conversa fiada. 1. Ir a uma festa Small Talk. 1. Поход на вечеринку 短暂聊天。 1. 参加聚会 短暫聊天。 1. 參加聚會

A: Are you going to the party on Saturday? A: Gehst du am Samstag zur Party?

B: I was thinking about it. B: Ich habe darüber nachgedacht. B: 생각해 봤는데요. Б: Я думал об этом. Are you? Sind Sie?

A: Yeah, I heard it's going to be a lot of fun. |||heard|||||||| A: Ja, ich habe gehört, dass es eine Menge Spaß machen wird. A: 네, 정말 재미있을 거라고 들었어요. A: Да, я слышал, это будет очень весело.

B: Really? B.: Wirklich? B: 정말요? Well, what time does it start? Na, um wie viel Uhr geht es los?

A: It starts at 8:00 pm, and I really think you should go. A: Es beginnt um 20:00 Uhr, und ich denke wirklich, du solltest gehen. A: 오후 8시에 시작하는데 꼭 가보셔야 할 것 같아요. A: Это начинается в 8:00 вечера, и я действительно думаю, что вы должны идти.

B: Well, who else is going to be there? B: Nun, wer wird noch da sein? B: 그럼 또 누가 참석할 건가요? Б: Ну, кто еще там будет?

A: Everybody from school. A: Alle von der Schule. A: 학교의 모든 학생. A: Все из школы.

B: How do you know it's going to be so fun? B: Woher weißt du, dass es so viel Spaß machen wird? B: 그렇게 재미있을지 어떻게 알아요? B: Откуда вы знаете, что это будет так весело?

A: This party is going to have a DJ, food, and drinks. A: Diese Party wird einen DJ, Essen und Getränke haben.

B: Wow, that does sound like it's going to be fun. B: Wow, das hört sich an, als würde es Spaß machen. B: 와, 재미있을 것 같네요. B: Вау, звучит так, будто это будет весело.

A: So am I going to see you at the party? A: Also werde ich dich auf der Party sehen? A: Так я собираюсь увидеть вас на вечеринке?

B: Yeah, I will be there. B: Ja, ich werde da sein.