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About this Course

In this course, you will learn how to create a shared vision for your team and effectively communicate it to your teammates. You will also learn how to set effective goals and expectations in a way that best enables your team to attain the shared vision. Finally, you will understand the most important needs and drivers of performance across cultures, and will learn to align rewards with desired behaviors so that your teammates are motivated to attain the team's objectives.

Motivation represents a crucial challenge for contemporary organizations: A recent Gallup poll revealed that only 13% of workers worldwide exhibit high levels of engagement and motivation. We will show you why these motivation problems are not simply due to a “bad” or “unmotivated” team member. Rather, motivation is very much driven by what work conditions we create for our teammates, how we structure goals and objectives, and how we reward people for the accomplishment of those goals. This course will help you diagnose and solve motivation problems so that you can bring out the best in your people.

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About this Course Informacje o tym kursie

In this course, you will learn how to create a shared vision for your team and effectively communicate it to your teammates. ||||||||||共有された||||||||||| このコースでは、チームの共通のビジョンを作成し、効果的にチームメイトに伝える方法を学びます。 Bu kursta, ekibiniz için ortak bir vizyon oluşturmayı ve etkili bir şekilde ekip arkadaşlarınıza iletmeyi öğreneceksiniz. You will also learn how to set effective goals and expectations in a way that best enables your team to attain the shared vision. ||||||||||||||||||||達成する||| ||||||||||||||||||||atingir||| また、効果的な目標と期待値を設定してチームが共有ビジョンを達成できるようにする方法も学びます。 Finally, you will understand the most important needs and drivers of performance across cultures, and will learn to align rewards with desired behaviors so that your teammates are motivated to attain the team's objectives. |||||||||要因|||||||||調整する||||行動||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||atingir||| 最後に、文化を越えたパフォーマンスの最も重要なニーズと原動力を理解し、チームメイトがチームの目標を達成するよう動機づけられるように報酬を望ましい行動に合わせることを学びます。

Motivation represents a crucial challenge for contemporary organizations: A recent Gallup poll revealed that only 13% of workers worldwide exhibit high levels of engagement and motivation. ||||||||||ギャラップ|調査|||||||||||従業員の|| ||||||||||Gallup|pesquisa|||||||demonstram|||||| 最近のギャラップ調査では、世界中の従業員の13%しか高レベルの関与と意欲を示していないことが明らかになりました。 We will show you why these motivation problems are not simply due to a “bad” or “unmotivated” team member. これらの動機づけの問題が単に「悪い」または「動かされていない」チームメンバーによるものではない理由を示します。 Rather, motivation is very much driven by what work conditions we create for our teammates, how we structure goals and objectives, and how we reward people for the accomplishment of those goals. em vez||||||||||||||||||||||||||||realização||| むしろ、動機づけは、チームメイトにとってどのような労働条件を作り、どのように目標と目標を構成し、その目標を達成するために人々に報酬を与えているかによって非常に大きく左右されます。 This course will help you diagnose and solve motivation problems so that you can bring out the best in your people. |||||diagnosticar||||||||||||||| このコースは、モチベーションの問題を診断して解決するのに役立ち、あなたの人々の最高の能力を引き出すことができます。