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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 23- Glinda the Good Witch grants Dorothy's Wish.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 23- Glinda the Good Witch grants Dorothy's Wish.

Before they went to see Glinda, however, they were taken to a room of the Castle, where Dorothy washed her face and combed her hair, and the Lion shook the dust out of his mane, and the Scarecrow patted himself into his best shape, and the Woodman polished his tin and oiled his joints.

When they were all quite presentable they followed the soldier girl into a big room where the Witch Glinda sat upon a throne of rubies.

She was both beautiful and young to their eyes.

Her hair was a rich red in color and fell in flowing ringlets over her shoulders. Her dress was pure white but her eyes were blue, and they looked kindly upon the little girl.

"What can I do for you, my child?" she asked.

Dorothy told the Witch all her story: how the cyclone had brought her to the Land of Oz, how she had found her companions, and of the wonderful adventures they had met with.

"My greatest wish now," she added, "is to get back to Kansas, for Aunt Em will surely think something dreadful has happened to me, and that will make her put on mourning; and unless the crops are better this year than they were last, I am sure Uncle Henry cannot afford it." Glinda leaned forward and kissed the sweet, upturned face of the loving little girl.

"Bless your dear heart," she said, "I am sure I can tell you of a way to get back to Kansas." Then she added, "But, if I do, you must give me the Golden Cap." "Willingly!" exclaimed Dorothy; "indeed, it is of no use to me now, and when you have it you can command the Winged Monkeys three times." "And I think I shall need their service just those three times," answered Glinda, smiling. Dorothy then gave her the Golden Cap, and the Witch said to the Scarecrow, "What will you do when Dorothy has left us?" "I will return to the Emerald City," he replied, "for Oz has made me its ruler and the people like me. The only thing that worries me is how to cross the hill of the Hammer-Heads." "By means of the Golden Cap I shall command the Winged Monkeys to carry you to the gates of the Emerald City," said Glinda, "for it would be a shame to deprive the people of so wonderful a ruler." "Am I really wonderful?" asked the Scarecrow.

"You are unusual," replied Glinda. Turning to the Tin Woodman, she asked, "What will become of you when Dorothy leaves this country?" He leaned on his axe and thought a moment.

Then he said, "The Winkies were very kind to me, and wanted me to rule over them after the Wicked Witch died. I am fond of the Winkies, and if I could get back again to the Country of the West, I should like nothing better than to rule over them forever." "My second command to the Winged Monkeys," said Glinda "will be that they carry you safely to the land of the Winkies. Your brain may not be so large to look at as those of the Scarecrow, but you are really brighter than he is--when you are well polished--and I am sure you will rule the Winkies wisely and well." Then the Witch looked at the big, shaggy Lion and asked, "When Dorothy has returned to her own home, what will become of you?" "Over the hill of the Hammer-Heads," he answered, "lies a grand old forest, and all the beasts that live there have made me their King. If I could only get back to this forest, I would pass my life very happily there." "My third command to the Winged Monkeys," said Glinda, "shall be to carry you to your forest. Then, having used up the powers of the Golden Cap, I shall give it to the King of the Monkeys, that he and his band may thereafter be free for evermore." The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman and the Lion now thanked the Good Witch earnestly for her kindness; and Dorothy exclaimed:

"You are certainly as good as you are beautiful! But you have not yet told me how to get back to Kansas." "Your Silver Shoes will carry you over the desert," replied Glinda. "If you had known their power you could have gone back to your Aunt Em the very first day you came to this country." "But then I should not have had my wonderful brains!" cried the Scarecrow.

"I might have passed my whole life in the farmer's cornfield." "And I should not have had my lovely heart," said the Tin Woodman. "I might have stood and rusted in the forest till the end of the world." "And I should have lived a coward forever," declared the Lion, "and no beast in all the forest would have had a good word to say to me." "This is all true," said Dorothy, "and I am glad I was of use to these good friends. But now that each of them has had what he most desired, and each is happy in having a kingdom to rule besides, I think I should like to go back to Kansas." "The Silver Shoes," said the Good Witch, "have wonderful powers. And one of the most curious things about them is that they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps, and each step will be made in the wink of an eye. All you have to do is to knock the heels together three times and command the shoes to carry you wherever you wish to go." "If that is so," said the child joyfully, "I will ask them to carry me back to Kansas at once." She threw her arms around the Lion's neck and kissed him, patting his big head tenderly. Then she kissed the Tin Woodman, who was weeping in a way most dangerous to his joints. But she hugged the soft, stuffed body of the Scarecrow in her arms instead of kissing his painted face, and found she was crying herself at this sorrowful parting from her loving comrades.

Glinda the Good stepped down from her ruby throne to give the little girl a good-bye kiss, and Dorothy thanked her for all the kindness she had shown to her friends and herself.

Dorothy now took Toto up solemnly in her arms, and having said one last good-bye she clapped the heels of her shoes together three times, saying:

"Take me home to Aunt Em!" Instantly she was whirling through the air, so swiftly that all she could see or feel was the wind whistling past her ears.

The Silver Shoes took but three steps, and then she stopped so suddenly that she rolled over upon the grass several times before she knew where she was.

At length, however, she sat up and looked about her.

"Good gracious!" she cried.

For she was sitting on the broad Kansas prairie, and just before her was the new farmhouse Uncle Henry built after the cyclone had carried away the old one.

Uncle Henry was milking the cows in the barnyard, and Toto had jumped out of her arms and was running toward the barn, barking furiously.

Dorothy stood up and found she was in her stocking-feet.

For the Silver Shoes had fallen off in her flight through the air, and were lost forever in the desert.

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 23- Glinda the Good Witch grants Dorothy's Wish. 这部||||||||||格林达||||赐予|多萝西的| ||||||||||||||исполняет|| Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz von L. Frank Baum. Kapitel 23- Glinda, die gute Hexe, erfüllt Dorothys Wunsch. El Maravilloso Mago de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 23- Glinda la Bruja Buena concede el Deseo de Dorothy. L.フランク・ボーム著『オズの魔法使い』。第23章-善き魔女グリンダはドロシーの願いをかなえる。 L. 프랭크 바움의 멋진 오즈의 마법사. 23장- 착한 마녀 글린다가 도로시의 소원을 들어주다. O Maravilhoso Feiticeiro de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 23- Glinda, a Bruxa Boa, concede o desejo de Dorothy. Чудовий чарівник країни Оз Л. Френка Баума. 23-й розділ - Добра відьма Глінда виконує бажання Дороті. L. Frank Baum 的《绿野仙踪》。第23章 好女巫格琳达实现了多萝西的愿望。 L. Frank Baum 的《绿野仙踪》。第 23 章--好女巫格林娜实现了多萝西的愿望。

Before they went to see Glinda, however, they were taken to a room of the Castle, where Dorothy washed her face and combed her hair, and the Lion shook the dust out of his mane, and the Scarecrow patted himself into his best shape, and the Woodman polished his tin and oiled his joints. ||||||||||||||||||||||причесала||||||||||||гриву||||привел себя в порядок|||||форма||||потереть|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||arranged||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||髪をとかした||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||鬃毛|||||||||||||||||||

When they were all quite presentable they followed the soldier girl into a big room where the Witch Glinda sat upon a throne of rubies. ||||相当|体面|||||||||||||格林达||||||红宝石 |||||見栄えのする||||||||||||||||||| |||||приведені до ладу||||||||||||||||||| |||||опрятные|||||||||||||||||||

She was both beautiful and young to their eyes. 在他们眼中,她既美丽又年轻。

Her hair was a rich red in color and fell in flowing ringlets over her shoulders. |||||||||||падающими|локоны||| ||||||||||||curls||| ||||||||||||リングレット||| Її волосся було насиченого рудого кольору і спадало плавними кільцями на плечі. 她的头发是浓烈的红色,顺滑地披肩而下,卷曲成波浪状。 Her dress was pure white but her eyes were blue, and they looked kindly upon the little girl. 她的裙子是纯白色的,但她的眼睛是蓝色的,温柔地注视着那个小女孩。

"What can I do for you, my child?" she asked.

Dorothy told the Witch all her story: how the cyclone had brought her to the Land of Oz, how she had found her companions, and of the wonderful adventures they had met with. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||冒险|||| Дороті розповіла Відьмі всю свою історію: як циклон заніс її до Країни Оз, як вона знайшла своїх супутників і про дивовижні пригоди, що трапилися з ними. 多萝西告诉女巫她的全部故事:龙卷风如何把她带到了奥兹国,她是如何找到伙伴的,以及他们所经历的奇妙冒险。

"My greatest wish now," she added, "is to get back to Kansas, for Aunt Em will surely think something dreadful has happened to me, and that will make her put on mourning; and unless the crops are better this year than they were last, I am sure Uncle Henry cannot afford it." |||||||||||||||||||可怕的||||||||||||哀悼服|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mourning|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||траур||если не||урожай|||||||||||||||позволить себе| "Моё самое настоящее желание сейчас," добавила она, "это вернуться в Канзас, потому что тётя Эм, наверняка, подумает, что со мной произошло что-то ужасное, и это заставит её надеть траур; и если только урожай в этом году не будет лучше, чем в прошлом, я уверена, дядя Генри не сможет себе этого позволить." "Моє найбільше бажання зараз, - додала вона, - повернутися до Канзасу, бо тітка Ем напевно подумає, що зі мною сталося щось жахливе, і це змусить її одягнути траур; і якщо врожай цього року не буде кращим, ніж минулого, я впевнена, що дядько Генрі не зможе собі цього дозволити". "我现在最大的愿望,"她补充道,"就是回到堪萨斯,因为艾姆阿姨肯定会认为我遭遇了可怕的事情,这会让她穿上丧服;如果今年的庄稼没有去年好,我相信亨利叔叔也负担不起。" Glinda leaned forward and kissed the sweet, upturned face of the loving little girl. |||||||微微翘起|||||| |||||||upward-facing|||||| |||||||上を向いた|||||| ||нахилилася вперед|||||підняте догори|||||| |||||||обращённое вверх|||||| Глинда наклонилась вперёд и поцеловала милое, устремлённое вверх лицо любящей девочки. Глінда нахилилася вперед і поцілувала миле, підняте догори личко люблячої дівчинки. 格林达向前倾身,吻了那个可爱小女孩甜美、向上的脸庞。

"Bless your dear heart," she said, "I am sure I can tell you of a way to get back to Kansas." 祝福|||||||||||||||||||| "Благослови твоё дорогое сердце," сказала она, "я уверена, что могу рассказать тебе, как вернуться в Канзас." "祝福你亲爱的心," 她说, "我确定我知道一条可以让你回到堪萨斯的路。" Then she added, "But, if I do, you must give me the Golden Cap." 然后她补充说, "但是, 如果我告诉你, 你必须把金帽子给我。" "Willingly!" 乐意地 С удовольствием "当然愿意!" exclaimed Dorothy; "indeed, it is of no use to me now, and when you have it you can command the Winged Monkeys three times." ||||||||||||||||||命令||有翼的|飞猴|| вигукнула Дороті, - справді, зараз він мені не потрібен, а коли він буде у тебе, ти зможеш тричі командувати Крилатими Мавпами". 多萝西叫道;"其实,现在对我没有用,而且当你拥有它时,你可以命令三次有翼猴子。" "And I think I shall need their service just those three times," answered Glinda, smiling. "І я думаю, що мені знадобляться їхні послуги саме ці три рази", - відповіла Глінда, посміхаючись. "我想我只需他们的服务这三次," 格琳达回答道,微笑着。 Dorothy then gave her the Golden Cap, and the Witch said to the Scarecrow, "What will you do when Dorothy has left us?" |||||||||||||稻草人||||||||| 多萝西于是把金色的帽子给了她,女巫对稻草人说,"当多萝西离开我们时,你打算怎么办?" "I will return to the Emerald City," he replied, "for Oz has made me its ruler and the people like me. |||||翡翠城||||||||||||||| "我将返回翡翠城,"他回答,"因为奥兹让我成为了统治者,人民喜欢我。" The only thing that worries me is how to cross the hill of the Hammer-Heads." ||||||||||||||锤头| "令我担心的唯一事情是如何跨越锤头山。" "By means of the Golden Cap I shall command the Winged Monkeys to carry you to the gates of the Emerald City," said Glinda, "for it would be a shame to deprive the people of so wonderful a ruler." ||||||||命令||||||||||||翡翠|||||||||||剥夺||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deprive||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||лишить||||||| "通过金色帽子,我将命令有翼的猴子把你带到翡翠城的门口,"格琳达说,"因为剥夺人民如此伟大的统治者实在太可惜了。" "Am I really wonderful?" "我真的很棒吗?" asked the Scarecrow. 稻草人问。

"You are unusual," replied Glinda. ||необычный|| "Du bist ungewöhnlich", antwortete Glinda. "你很与众不同,"格琳达回答。 Turning to the Tin Woodman, she asked, "What will become of you when Dorothy leaves this country?" 她转向锡人,问道:“多萝西离开这个国家后,你会怎么样?” He leaned on his axe and thought a moment. |оперся||||||| 他靠着斧头思考了一会儿。

Then he said, "The Winkies were very kind to me, and wanted me to rule over them after the Wicked Witch died. |||||||||||||||||||邪恶的|邪恶女巫| 然后他说:“温基人对我非常友好,希望我在邪恶女巫死后统治他们。” I am fond of the Winkies, and if I could get back again to the Country of the West, I should like nothing better than to rule over them forever." ||люблю||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我很喜欢温基人,如果我能重新回到西方国度,我希望能永远统治他们。 "My second command to the Winged Monkeys," said Glinda "will be that they carry you safely to the land of the Winkies. 格林达说:“我给有翼的猴子的第二个命令是让他们安全地把你送到温基人的土地上。” Your brain may not be so large to look at as those of the Scarecrow, but you are really brighter than he is--when you are well polished--and I am sure you will rule the Winkies wisely and well." 你的大脑可能看起来不如稻草人那样大,但你其实比他聪明——当你打磨得好的时候——我相信你会明智而且出色地统治温基人。 Then the Witch looked at the big, shaggy Lion and asked, "When Dorothy has returned to her own home, what will become of you?" |||||||毛茸茸的|||||||||||||||| |||||||пухнастый|||||||||||||||| 然后女巫看着那只毛茸茸的大狮子问道:“当多萝西回到自己的家时,你将会怎么样?” "Over the hill of the Hammer-Heads," he answered, "lies a grand old forest, and all the beasts that live there have made me their King. “在锤头山的另一边,”他回答说,“有一片宏伟的古老森林,那里所有的野兽都已把我当作他们的国王。 If I could only get back to this forest, I would pass my life very happily there." 如果我能回到这片森林,我将会在那里过得非常幸福。” "My third command to the Winged Monkeys," said Glinda, "shall be to carry you to your forest. ||命令|||||||||||||| Then, having used up the powers of the Golden Cap, I shall give it to the King of the Monkeys, that he and his band may thereafter be free for evermore." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||从此||||永远 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||в дальнейшем|||| 然后,耗尽金色帽子的力量后,我会把它交给猴子王,让他和他的团队从此能够永远自由。 The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman and the Lion now thanked the Good Witch earnestly for her kindness; and Dorothy exclaimed: ||||||||||||||искренне||||||воскликнула 稻草人、铁木人和狮子现在诚恳地感谢好女巫的善良;而桃乐丝惊叹道:

"You are certainly as good as you are beautiful! "你真的是既善良又美丽! But you have not yet told me how to get back to Kansas." 但你还没有告诉我怎么回到堪萨斯。 "Your Silver Shoes will carry you over the desert," replied Glinda. “你的银鞋会带你越过沙漠,”格林达回答道。 "If you had known their power you could have gone back to your Aunt Em the very first day you came to this country." ||||||||||||||||就||||||| “如果你早知道它们的力量,你可以在你来到这个国家的第一天就回到你的艾姆阿姨那里。” "But then I should not have had my wonderful brains!" "Але тоді у мене не було б моїх чудових мізків!" “但那样我就不会拥有我的奇妙头脑了!” cried the Scarecrow.

"I might have passed my whole life in the farmer's cornfield." "And I should not have had my lovely heart," said the Tin Woodman. "I might have stood and rusted in the forest till the end of the world." |||||锈蚀||||||||| "And I should have lived a coward forever," declared the Lion, "and no beast in all the forest would have had a good word to say to me." “我本该永远活在懦弱之中,”狮子宣称,“而森林中的任何野兽都不会对我说一句好话。” "This is all true," said Dorothy, "and I am glad I was of use to these good friends. “这一切都是真的,”多萝西说,“我很高兴我对这些好朋友有用。” But now that each of them has had what he most desired, and each is happy in having a kingdom to rule besides, I think I should like to go back to Kansas." |||||||||||желал|||||||||||к тому же||||хочу|||||| Але тепер, коли кожен з них отримав те, чого найбільше бажав, і кожен з них щасливий від того, що має королівство, яким править, я думаю, що хотів би повернутися до Канзасу". “但是现在他们每个人都得到了自己最渴望的东西,每个人都有一个王国可统治而感到快乐,我想我应该想回到堪萨斯。” "The Silver Shoes," said the Good Witch, "have wonderful powers. And one of the most curious things about them is that they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps, and each step will be made in the wink of an eye. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||шаг|||сделан|||щелчок||| И одна из самых любопытных вещей о них заключается в том, что они могут отправить вас в любое место мира всего за три шага, и каждый шаг будет сделан в мгновение ока. І одна з найцікавіших їхніх особливостей полягає в тому, що вони можуть перенести вас у будь-яку точку світу за три кроки, і кожен крок буде зроблено в одну мить. 它们最奇妙的事情之一是,它们可以在三步之内把你带到世界上的任何地方,而每一步都将在眨眼间完成。 All you have to do is to knock the heels together three times and command the shoes to carry you wherever you wish to go." |||||||||каблуки||||||||||||||| Вам нужно всего лишь ударить каблуками три раза и приказать обуви отвезти вас куда угодно. 你所需要做的就是把鞋跟一起敲三次,并命令鞋子把你带到你想去的地方。 "If that is so," said the child joyfully, "I will ask them to carry me back to Kansas at once." |||||||радостно|||||||||||| «Если это так», — радостно сказала ребенок, — «я попрошу их отвезти меня обратно в Канзас немедленно.» "Якщо це так, - радісно сказала дитина, - то я попрошу їх негайно відвезти мене назад до Канзасу". “如果是这样,”孩子欢快地说,“我会让它们立刻把我带回堪萨斯。” She threw her arms around the Lion's neck and kissed him, patting his big head tenderly. |обняла||||||||||поглаживая|||| |||||||||||轻拍|||| 她环抱住狮子的脖子亲吻了他,轻柔地拍了拍他的大头。 Then she kissed the Tin Woodman, who was weeping in a way most dangerous to his joints. ||||||||哭泣|||||||| 然后她亲吻了铁皮人,他哭得方式对他的关节来说极其危险。 But she hugged the soft, stuffed body of the Scarecrow in her arms instead of kissing his painted face, and found she was crying herself at this sorrowful parting from her loving comrades. ||обняла|||||||||||вместо этого|||||||||||сама||||разлуке|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||sad|farewell|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||离别|||| 但是她抱住了稻草人的柔软填充身体,而不是亲吻他画着的脸,发现自己也在为与心爱的战友们的悲伤告别而哭泣。

Glinda the Good stepped down from her ruby throne to give the little girl a good-bye kiss, and Dorothy thanked her for all the kindness she had shown to her friends and herself. 好女巫格林达从她的红宝石王座上走下来,给小女孩一个告别吻,桃乐丝感谢她对她和她的朋友们所表现出的所有善良。

Dorothy now took Toto up solemnly in her arms, and having said one last good-bye she clapped the heels of her shoes together three times, saying: |||||торжественно||||||||||||||||||||| 桃乐丝现在郑重地抱起托托,最后说了一声告别,然后她三次拍打她鞋子的跟,说:

"Take me home to Aunt Em!" "带我回家去见艾姆阿姨!" Instantly she was whirling through the air, so swiftly that all she could see or feel was the wind whistling past her ears. |||旋转||||||||||||||||||| |||кружась|в воздухе||||быстро|||||||||||||| 瞬间,她在空中旋转,速度之快以至于她能看到或感觉到的只有风在她耳边呼啸。

The Silver Shoes took but three steps, and then she stopped so suddenly that she rolled over upon the grass several times before she knew where she was. 银鞋只走了三步,她突然停下,滚到了草地上好几次,才搞清楚自己在哪里。

At length, however, she sat up and looked about her. |наконец|||села||||| 但是,最终她坐起身来,环顾四周。

"Good gracious!" |боже мой "天哪!" she cried. 她大叫道。

For she was sitting on the broad Kansas prairie, and just before her was the new farmhouse Uncle Henry built after the cyclone had carried away the old one. ||||||||||||||||||||||龙卷风|||||| 因为她坐在宽阔的堪萨斯草原上,眼前是叔叔亨利在龙卷风把旧房子卷走后建的新房子。

Uncle Henry was milking the cows in the barnyard, and Toto had jumped out of her arms and was running toward the barn, barking furiously. ||||||||农场院子||||||||||||||||愤怒地 ||||||||farmyard||||||||||||||barn|| ||||||||納屋の庭|||||||||||||||| ||||||||дворе для скота||||||||||||||амбар||

Dorothy stood up and found she was in her stocking-feet. |||||||穿着||袜子| |||||||||чулках| Дороті підвелася і побачила, що стоїть на ногах у панчохах. 多萝西站起来,发现自己光着脚。

For the Silver Shoes had fallen off in her flight through the air, and were lost forever in the desert. ||||||||||по воздуху||||||||| 因为银鞋在她飞过空中时掉了,永远在沙漠中失踪了。