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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 21- The Lion becomes King of the Beasts.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 21- The Lion becomes King of the Beasts.

After climbing down from the china wall the travelers found themselves in a disagreeable country, full of bogs and marshes and covered with tall, rank grass.

It was difficult to walk without falling into muddy holes, for the grass was so thick that it hid them from sight. However, by carefully picking their way, they got safely along until they reached solid ground. But here the country seemed wilder than ever, and after a long and tiresome walk through the underbrush they entered another forest, where the trees were bigger and older than any they had ever seen.

"This forest is perfectly delightful," declared the Lion, looking around him with joy. "Never have I seen a more beautiful place." "It seems gloomy," said the Scarecrow. "Not a bit of it," answered the Lion. "I should like to live here all my life. See how soft the dried leaves are under your feet and how rich and green the moss is that clings to these old trees. Surely no wild beast could wish a pleasanter home." "Perhaps there are wild beasts in the forest now," said Dorothy. "I suppose there are," returned the Lion, "but I do not see any of them about." They walked through the forest until it became too dark to go any farther.

Dorothy and Toto and the Lion lay down to sleep, while the Woodman and the Scarecrow kept watch over them as usual.

When morning came, they started again.

Before they had gone far they heard a low rumble, as of the growling of many wild animals. Toto whimpered a little, but none of the others was frightened, and they kept along the well-trodden path until they came to an opening in the wood, in which were gathered hundreds of beasts of every variety. There were tigers and elephants and bears and wolves and foxes and all the others in the natural history, and for a moment Dorothy was afraid. But the Lion explained that the animals were holding a meeting, and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great trouble.

As he spoke several of the beasts caught sight of him, and at once the great assemblage hushed as if by magic.

The biggest of the tigers came up to the Lion and bowed, saying:

"Welcome, O King of Beasts! You have come in good time to fight our enemy and bring peace to all the animals of the forest once more." "What is your trouble?" asked the Lion quietly.

"We are all threatened," answered the tiger, "by a fierce enemy which has lately come into this forest. It is a most tremendous monster, like a great spider, with a body as big as an elephant and legs as long as a tree trunk. It has eight of these long legs, and as the monster crawls through the forest he seizes an animal with a leg and drags it to his mouth, where he eats it as a spider does a fly. Not one of us is safe while this fierce creature is alive, and we had called a meeting to decide how to take care of ourselves when you came among us." The Lion thought for a moment.

"Are there any other lions in this forest?" he asked.

"No; there were some, but the monster has eaten them all. And, besides, they were none of them nearly so large and brave as you." "If I put an end to your enemy, will you bow down to me and obey me as King of the Forest?" inquired the Lion.

"We will do that gladly," returned the tiger; and all the other beasts roared with a mighty roar: "We will!" "Where is this great spider of yours now?" asked the Lion.

"Yonder, among the oak trees," said the tiger, pointing with his forefoot. "Take good care of these friends of mine," said the Lion, "and I will go at once to fight the monster." He bade his comrades good-bye and marched proudly away to do battle with the enemy.

The great spider was lying asleep when the Lion found him, and it looked so ugly that its foe turned up his nose in disgust.

Its legs were quite as long as the tiger had said, and its body covered with coarse black hair. It had a great mouth, with a row of sharp teeth a foot long; but its head was joined to the pudgy body by a neck as slender as a wasp's waist. This gave the Lion a hint of the best way to attack the creature, and as he knew it was easier to fight it asleep than awake, he gave a great spring and landed directly upon the monster's back. Then, with one blow of his heavy paw, all armed with sharp claws, he knocked the spider's head from its body. Jumping down, he watched it until the long legs stopped wiggling, when he knew it was quite dead.

The Lion went back to the opening where the beasts of the forest were waiting for him and said proudly:

"You need fear your enemy no longer." Then the beasts bowed down to the Lion as their King, and he promised to come back and rule over them as soon as Dorothy was safely on her way to Kansas.

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 21- The Lion becomes King of the Beasts. Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz von L. Frank Baum. Kapitel 21 - Der Löwe wird König der Tiere. El Maravilloso Mago de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 21- El León se convierte en Rey de las Bestias. L.フランク・ボーム著『オズの魔法使い』。第21章 ライオンは獣の王になる。 L. 프랭크 바움의 멋진 오즈의 마법사. 21장- 사자, 짐승의 왕이 되다. O Maravilhoso Feiticeiro de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 21- O Leão torna-se o rei dos animais. Удивительный волшебник страны Оз" Л. Фрэнка Баума. Глава 21 - Лев становится царем зверей. Чудовий чарівник країни Оз Л. Френк Баум. Розділ 21 - Лев стає царем звірів. L. Frank Baum 的《绿野仙踪》。第21章 狮子成为百兽之王。 L. Frank Baum 的《綠野仙踪》。第21章 獅子成為百獸之王。

After climbing down from the china wall the travelers found themselves in a disagreeable country, full of bogs and marshes and covered with tall, rank grass. |||||||||||||неприятный||||болот||болотах||||высокой|| |||||||||||||unpleasant, uncomfortable||||swamps||wetlands, swamps|||||foul, overgrown| |||||||||||||||||湿地||湿地|||||| |||||||||||||||||болота|||||||| Спустившись з китайської стіни, мандрівники опинилися в непривітній країні, повній боліт і трясовини, вкритій високою, рясною травою.

It was difficult to walk without falling into muddy holes, for the grass was so thick that it hid them from sight. ||||||||грязные|||||||||||||взгляда Важко було йти, не провалюючись у брудні ями, бо трава була настільки густою, що ховала їх від очей. However, by carefully picking their way, they got safely along until they reached solid ground. ||осторожно|выбирая|||||безопасно|||они|достигли|твердой| But here the country seemed wilder than ever, and after a long and tiresome walk through the underbrush they entered another forest, where the trees were bigger and older than any they had ever seen. |||||||||||||||||подлесок||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||undergrowth||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||低木帯|||||||||||||||||

"This forest is perfectly delightful," declared the Lion, looking around him with joy. |||совершенно|восхитительная|||||||| ||||delightful|||||||| "Never have I seen a more beautiful place." "Ніколи не бачив більш красивого місця". "It seems gloomy," said the Scarecrow. ||мрачный||| "Not a bit of it," answered the Lion. "Анітрохи", - відповів Лев. "I should like to live here all my life. "Я хотів би прожити тут усе життя. See how soft the dried leaves are under your feet and how rich and green the moss is that clings to these old trees. ||||||||||||||||мох|||прилипает|||| |||||||||||||||||||adheres|||| |||||||||||||||||||чіпляється до|||| Surely no wild beast could wish a pleasanter home." Напевно, жоден дикий звір не міг би мріяти про кращий дім". "Perhaps there are wild beasts in the forest now," said Dorothy. "Можливо, в лісі зараз живуть дикі звірі", - сказала Дороті. "I suppose there are," returned the Lion, "but I do not see any of them about." "Мабуть, є, - відповів Лев, - але я не бачу жодного з них". They walked through the forest until it became too dark to go any farther. |||||||||||||дальше

Dorothy and Toto and the Lion lay down to sleep, while the Woodman and the Scarecrow kept watch over them as usual.

When morning came, they started again.

Before they had gone far they heard a low rumble, as of the growling of many wild animals. |||||||||громкий гул||||рычание|||| |||||||||low sound|||||||| |||||||||低い轟音|||||||| Не встигли вони відійти далеко, як почули низький гуркіт, схожий на гарчання багатьох диких звірів. Toto whimpered a little, but none of the others was frightened, and they kept along the well-trodden path until they came to an opening in the wood, in which were gathered hundreds of beasts of every variety. |поплакал||||||||||||||||протоптанной||||||||||||||собрались|||||| |||||||||||||||||well-worn|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||踏まれた|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Протоптана|||||||||||||||||||| Тото трохи скиглив, але ніхто з інших не злякався, і вони продовжували йти второваною стежкою, поки не вийшли до отвору в лісі, в якому зібралися сотні звірів усіх видів. There were tigers and elephants and bears and wolves and foxes and all the others in the natural history, and for a moment Dorothy was afraid. ||||||||||лисицы||||||||||||||| Там були тигри, слони, ведмеді, вовки, лисиці та всі інші тварини з природознавства, і на мить Дороті стало страшно. But the Lion explained that the animals were holding a meeting, and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great trouble. |||||||||||||судил|||рычании||рычание|||||| |||||||||||||assessed||||||||||| Але Лев пояснив, що у звірів відбуваються збори, і по їхньому гарчанню і ричанню він зрозумів, що вони у великій біді.

As he spoke several of the beasts caught sight of him, and at once the great assemblage hushed as if by magic. ||говорил|несколько|||звери|заметили|взгляд|||||||||умерла в тишине|как||| ||||||||||||||||gathering|quieted down|||| ||||||||||||||||集まり||||| ||||||||||||||||зібрання|стихла мовчки|||| Während er sprach, erblickten ihn mehrere der Tiere, und sofort verstummte die große Versammlung wie von Geisterhand. Пока он говорил, несколько зверей заметили его, и в тот же миг, как по мановению волшебной палочки, великое собрание затихло. Коли він говорив, кілька звірів побачили його, і враз величезне збіговисько затихло, наче за помахом чарівної палички.

The biggest of the tigers came up to the Lion and bowed, saying: |||||||||||поклонился|

"Welcome, O King of Beasts! You have come in good time to fight our enemy and bring peace to all the animals of the forest once more." Ви прийшли вчасно, щоб боротися з нашим ворогом і знову принести мир усім лісовим тваринам". "What is your trouble?" "У чому проблема?" asked the Lion quietly. |||тихо

"We are all threatened," answered the tiger, "by a fierce enemy which has lately come into this forest. |||под угрозой|||||||||||||| "Нам усім загрожує, - відповів тигр, - лютий ворог, який нещодавно прийшов до цього лісу. It is a most tremendous monster, like a great spider, with a body as big as an elephant and legs as long as a tree trunk. |||||||||||||||||||||||||ствол дерева Es ist ein gewaltiges Ungeheuer, wie eine große Spinne, mit einem Körper so groß wie ein Elefant und Beinen so lang wie ein Baumstamm. It has eight of these long legs, and as the monster crawls through the forest he seizes an animal with a leg and drags it to his mouth, where he eats it as a spider does a fly. |||||||||||ползет|по лесу||||хватает|||||||тащит|||||||||||||| |||||||||||повзе|||||хапає|||||||тягне|||||||||||||| У нього вісім таких довгих ніг, і коли монстр повзе лісом, він хапає тварину ногою і тягне до рота, де з'їдає її, як павук муху. Not one of us is safe while this fierce creature is alive, and we had called a meeting to decide how to take care of ourselves when you came among us." ||||||||свирепое|||||||||||||||||собой||||| Ніхто з нас не в безпеці, поки ця люта істота жива, і ми скликали збори, щоб вирішити, як подбати про себе, коли ти з'явився серед нас". The Lion thought for a moment.

"Are there any other lions in this forest?" he asked.

"No; there were some, but the monster has eaten them all. And, besides, they were none of them nearly so large and brave as you." |к тому же|||||||||||| "If I put an end to your enemy, will you bow down to me and obey me as King of the Forest?" inquired the Lion. спросил Лев||

"We will do that gladly," returned the tiger; and all the other beasts roared with a mighty roar: "We will!" "Ми зробимо це з радістю", - відповів тигр, і всі інші звірі заревіли могутнім ревом: "Зробимо!" "Where is this great spider of yours now?" "Де зараз цей твій великий павук?" asked the Lion.

"Yonder, among the oak trees," said the tiger, pointing with his forefoot. вон там|||||||||||передней лапой over there||||||||||| あそこ|||||||||||前足 "Он там"|||||||||||передня лапа "Take good care of these friends of mine," said the Lion, "and I will go at once to fight the monster." "Подбай про цих моїх друзів, - сказав Лев, - а я негайно піду битися з чудовиськом". He bade his comrades good-bye and marched proudly away to do battle with the enemy. |попрощался||||||||||||||

The great spider was lying asleep when the Lion found him, and it looked so ugly that its foe turned up his nose in disgust. ||||||||||||||||||враг||||||отвращение ||||||||||||||||||enemy||||||displeasure, revulsion ||||||||||||||||||敵|||||| Когда Лев нашел его, большой паук уже спал, и выглядел он так уродливо, что его враг в отвращении задрал нос.

Its legs were quite as long as the tiger had said, and its body covered with coarse black hair. |||довольно|||||тигр||||||было покрыто||грубой|| |||||||||||and|||||rough and thick|| ||||||||||||||||粗い|| ||||||||||||||||грубий|| It had a great mouth, with a row of sharp teeth a foot long; but its head was joined to the pudgy body by a neck as slender as a wasp's waist. |||||||||||||||||||||пухлое||||||тонкий|||оса| |||||||||||||||||||||chubby||||||slim|||| |||||||||||||||||||||ぽっちゃりした|||||||||スズメバチの| |||||||||||||||||||||товстеньке|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||黄蜂的| У нього була величезна паща з рядом гострих зубів завдовжки в фут; але голова була з'єднана з пухким тілом шиєю, тонкою, як осина талія. This gave the Lion a hint of the best way to attack the creature, and as he knew it was easier to fight it asleep than awake, he gave a great spring and landed directly upon the monster's back. |||||подсказку|||||||||||||||||||||||дал||огромный|прыжок|||прямо|||монстра| Це дало Леву підказку, як найкраще атакувати істоту, і оскільки він знав, що легше боротися з нею уві сні, ніж наяву, він зробив великий стрибок і приземлився прямо на спину чудовиська. Then, with one blow of his heavy paw, all armed with sharp claws, he knocked the spider's head from its body. |||удар||||||обarmed||||||||||| Потім одним ударом своєї важкої лапи, озброєної гострими кігтями, він відбив голову павука від його тіла. Jumping down, he watched it until the long legs stopped wiggling, when he knew it was quite dead. ||||||||||дергались||||||| ||||||||||moving back and forth||||||| ||||||||||動いていた||||||| ||||||||||扭动||||||| Стрибнувши вниз, він спостерігав за ним, поки довгі ноги не перестали ворушитися, коли він зрозумів, що воно вже зовсім мертве.

The Lion went back to the opening where the beasts of the forest were waiting for him and said proudly: |||||||||||||||||||гордо

"You need fear your enemy no longer." |нужно||||| "Вам больше не нужно бояться своего врага". "Вам більше не потрібно боятися свого ворога". Then the beasts bowed down to the Lion as their King, and he promised to come back and rule over them as soon as Dorothy was safely on her way to Kansas.