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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 13- The Rescue

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 13- The Rescue

The Cowardly Lion was much pleased to hear that the Wicked Witch had been melted by a bucket of water, and Dorothy at once unlocked the gate of his prison and set him free.

They went in together to the castle, where Dorothy's first act was to call all the Winkies together and tell them that they were no longer slaves. There was great rejoicing among the yellow Winkies, for they had been made to work hard during many years for the Wicked Witch, who had always treated them with great cruelty.

They kept this day as a holiday, then and ever after, and spent the time in feasting and dancing.

"If our friends, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, were only with us," said the Lion, "I should be quite happy." "Don't you suppose we could rescue them?" asked the girl anxiously.

"We can try," answered the Lion. So they called the yellow Winkies and asked them if they would help to rescue their friends, and the Winkies said that they would be delighted to do all in their power for Dorothy, who had set them free from bondage.

So she chose a number of the Winkies who looked as if they knew the most, and they all started away. They traveled that day and part of the next until they came to the rocky plain where the Tin Woodman lay, all battered and bent. His axe was near him, but the blade was rusted and the handle broken off short.

The Winkies lifted him tenderly in their arms, and carried him back to the Yellow Castle again, Dorothy shedding a few tears by the way at the sad plight of her old friend, and the Lion looking sober and sorry.

When they reached the castle Dorothy said to the Winkies:

"Are any of your people tinsmiths?" "Oh, yes. Some of us are very good tinsmiths," they told her. "Then bring them to me," she said. And when the tinsmiths came, bringing with them all their tools in baskets, she inquired, "Can you straighten out those dents in the Tin Woodman, and bend him back into shape again, and solder him together where he is broken?" The tinsmiths looked the Woodman over carefully and then answered that they thought they could mend him so he would be as good as ever.

So they set to work in one of the big yellow rooms of the castle and worked for three days and four nights, hammering and twisting and bending and soldering and polishing and pounding at the legs and body and head of the Tin Woodman, until at last he was straightened out into his old form, and his joints worked as well as ever. To be sure, there were several patches on him, but the tinsmiths did a good job, and as the Woodman was not a vain man he did not mind the patches at all.

When, at last, he walked into Dorothy's room and thanked her for rescuing him, he was so pleased that he wept tears of joy, and Dorothy had to wipe every tear carefully from his face with her apron, so his joints would not be rusted. At the same time her own tears fell thick and fast at the joy of meeting her old friend again, and these tears did not need to be wiped away. As for the Lion, he wiped his eyes so often with the tip of his tail that it became quite wet, and he was obliged to go out into the courtyard and hold it in the sun till it dried.

"If we only had the Scarecrow with us again," said the Tin Woodman, when Dorothy had finished telling him everything that had happened, "I should be quite happy." "We must try to find him," said the girl. So she called the Winkies to help her, and they walked all that day and part of the next until they came to the tall tree in the branches of which the Winged Monkeys had tossed the Scarecrow's clothes. It was a very tall tree, and the trunk was so smooth that no one could climb it; but the Woodman said at once, "I'll chop it down, and then we can get the Scarecrow's clothes." Now while the tinsmiths had been at work mending the Woodman himself, another of the Winkies, who was a goldsmith, had made an axe-handle of solid gold and fitted it to the Woodman's axe, instead of the old broken handle. Others polished the blade until all the rust was removed and it glistened like burnished silver.

As soon as he had spoken, the Tin Woodman began to chop, and in a short time the tree fell over with a crash, whereupon the Scarecrow's clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground. Dorothy picked them up and had the Winkies carry them back to the castle, where they were stuffed with nice, clean straw; and behold!

here was the Scarecrow, as good as ever, thanking them over and over again for saving him.

Now that they were reunited, Dorothy and her friends spent a few happy days at the Yellow Castle, where they found everything they needed to make them comfortable.

But one day the girl thought of Aunt Em, and said, "We must go back to Oz, and claim his promise." "Yes," said the Woodman, "at last I shall get my heart." "And I shall get my brains," added the Scarecrow joyfully. "And I shall get my courage," said the Lion thoughtfully. "And I shall get back to Kansas," cried Dorothy, clapping her hands. "Oh, let us start for the Emerald City tomorrow!" This they decided to do.

The next day they called the Winkies together and bade them good-bye. The Winkies were sorry to have them go, and they had grown so fond of the Tin Woodman that they begged him to stay and rule over them and the Yellow Land of the West. Finding they were determined to go, the Winkies gave Toto and the Lion each a golden collar; and to Dorothy they presented a beautiful bracelet studded with diamonds; and to the Scarecrow they gave a gold-headed walking stick, to keep him from stumbling; and to the Tin Woodman they offered a silver oil-can, inlaid with gold and set with precious jewels.

Every one of the travelers made the Winkies a pretty speech in return, and all shook hands with them until their arms ached.

Dorothy went to the Witch's cupboard to fill her basket with food for the journey, and there she saw the Golden Cap. She tried it on her own head and found that it fitted her exactly. She did not know anything about the charm of the Golden Cap, but she saw that it was pretty, so she made up her mind to wear it and carry her sunbonnet in the basket.

Then, being prepared for the journey, they all started for the Emerald City; and the Winkies gave them three cheers and many good wishes to carry with them.

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 13- The Rescue |||||||||||Спасение Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz von L. Frank Baum. Kapitel 13 - Die Rettung El Maravilloso Mago de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 13- El rescate Le Magicien d'Oz par L. Frank Baum. Chapitre 13 - Le sauvetage L.フランク・ボーム著「オズの魔法使い」。第13章 救出 L. 프랭크 바움의 멋진 오즈의 마법사. 13장- 구조 O Maravilhoso Feiticeiro de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 13- O Resgate Чудовий чарівник країни Оз Л. Френк Баум. Розділ 13 - Порятунок L. Frank Baum 的《绿野仙踪》。第13章-营救 L. Frank Baum 的《綠野仙踪》。第13章-營救

The Cowardly Lion was much pleased to hear that the Wicked Witch had been melted by a bucket of water, and Dorothy at once unlocked the gate of his prison and set him free. |||||очень рад|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||balde de água||||||||||||||||

They went in together to the castle, where Dorothy's first act was to call all the Winkies together and tell them that they were no longer slaves. ||||||||||||||||温基人|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Вінкі|||||||||| Вони разом пішли до замку, де першим ділом Дороті зібрала всіх Вінкі і сказала їм, що вони більше не раби. There was great rejoicing among the yellow Winkies, for they had been made to work hard during many years for the Wicked Witch, who had always treated them with great cruelty. |||радость|||жёлтых||||||||||||||||||||обращалась с||||жестокостью |||celebration||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||喜び||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||alegria||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||在中|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Жовті Вінкі дуже раділи, бо багато років їх змушували тяжко працювати на злу відьму, яка завжди поводилася з ними дуже жорстоко. 黄皮肤的温基人欢欣鼓舞,因为他们多年来一直为邪恶女巫辛勤劳作,而邪恶女巫总是非常残忍地对待他们。

They kept this day as a holiday, then and ever after, and spent the time in feasting and dancing. ||||||||||||||||宴会|| ||||||||||||||||celebration|| ||||||||||||||||宴会|| ||||||||||||||||banqueteando|| ||||||||||||||||пиршеством|| 从那时起,他们就把这一天当作节日来过,并在这一天里大吃大喝、载歌载舞。

"If our friends, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, were only with us," said the Lion, "I should be quite happy." "Don't you suppose we could rescue them?" ||想不想|||| "你不觉得我们可以救他们吗?" asked the girl anxiously. |||с тревогой 女孩焦急地问。

"We can try," answered the Lion. So they called the yellow Winkies and asked them if they would help to rescue their friends, and the Winkies said that they would be delighted to do all in their power for Dorothy, who had set them free from bondage. |||||||||||||||||||||||||рады||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||去||尽力|||能力||||||||| Тож вони покликали жовтих Вінкі і запитали, чи не допоможуть вони врятувати їхніх друзів, і Вінкі відповіли, що будуть раді зробити все, що в їхніх силах, для Дороті, яка визволила їх з неволі. 于是,他们打电话给黄色的温基人,问他们是否愿意帮助解救他们的朋友。温基人说,多萝西让他们摆脱了束缚,他们很乐意为多萝西做一切力所能及的事情。

So she chose a number of the Winkies who looked as if they knew the most, and they all started away. |||||||||||||||||||começaram a andar| Тож вона вибрала кількох Вінкі, які виглядали так, ніби знали найбільше, і всі вони стартували. 于是,她挑选了一些看起来最了解情况的温基人,然后他们都开始离开了。 They traveled that day and part of the next until they came to the rocky plain where the Tin Woodman lay, all battered and bent. ||||||||||||||多石的||||||||破旧不堪|| ||||||||||||||||||||||помятый||изогнутый Вони подорожували того дня і частину наступного, поки не вийшли на кам'янисту рівнину, де лежав Бляшаний Дроворуб, весь побитий і зігнутий. 他们走了一天,又走了一天,直到他们来到铁皮人躺着的岩石平原,铁皮人已经遍体鳞伤、弯腰驼背了。 His axe was near him, but the blade was rusted and the handle broken off short. |||||||刀刃|||||把手|断了||短短的 |||||||||enferrujada|||||| 他的斧头就在身边,但斧刃已经生锈,斧柄也被折断。

The Winkies lifted him tenderly in their arms, and carried him back to the Yellow Castle again, Dorothy shedding a few tears by the way at the sad plight of her old friend, and the Lion looking sober and sorry. ||||||||||||||||||проливая||||||||||положение|||||||||серьезным и|| ||||gently||||||||||||||||||||||||sad condition||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||derramando||||||||||situação triste||||||||||| ||抬起||||||||||||||||||||||||||困境|||||||||严肃|| ||||ніжно||||||||||||||||||||||||скрутне становище|||||||Лев||серйозний|| ||||||||||||||||||涙を流しなが||||||||||苦境||||||||||| Вінкі ніжно підняли його на руки і знову понесли до Жовтого замку, Дороті пустила кілька сліз, дивлячись на сумну долю свого старого друга, а Лев виглядав тверезим і жалісливим. 多萝茜在路上为老朋友的悲惨遭遇流下了几滴眼泪,狮子则一脸清醒和惋惜。

When they reached the castle Dorothy said to the Winkies: ||достигли|||||||

"Are any of your people tinsmiths?" |||||锡匠 |||||serralheiros de estanho |||||бляхарі |||||жестянщики "你们有人是铁匠吗?" "Oh, yes. Some of us are very good tinsmiths," they told her. "Then bring them to me," she said. And when the tinsmiths came, bringing with them all their tools in baskets, she inquired, "Can you straighten out those dents in the Tin Woodman, and bend him back into shape again, and solder him together where he is broken?" ||||||||||||корзинах||спросила|||выправить|||вмятины|||||||||||||паяйте|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||join together|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mais uma vez|||||||| ||||||||||||篮子|||能|||||凹痕|||||||||||||焊接|||||| |||||||||||||||||виправити|||вм'ятини|||||||||||||паяти|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||はんだ付け|||||| 当铁匠们用篮子装着所有工具来的时候 她问 "你们能把铁皮人身上的凹痕修整好吗" "能把他弯回原形吗" "能把他破损的地方焊接在一起吗" The tinsmiths looked the Woodman over carefully and then answered that they thought they could mend him so he would be as good as ever. |||||||||||||||修理||||||||| |||||||||||||||repair||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||tão||| 铁匠们仔细地看了看樵夫,然后回答说,他们认为可以把他修补好,让他像以前一样好。

So they set to work in one of the big yellow rooms of the castle and worked for three days and four nights, hammering and twisting and bending and soldering and polishing and pounding at the legs and body and head of the Tin Woodman, until at last he was straightened out into his old form, and his joints worked as well as ever. ||||||||||||||城堡|||||||||||||||||抛光|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||dobrando||||||batendo|||||||||||||||||endireitado||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||крутить||изгибая||пайка||полировка||колотя|||||||||||||||||привели в порядок||||||||||||| 于是,他们在城堡一个大的黄色房间里开始工作,三天四夜地锤打、扭曲、弯曲、焊接、打磨和猛击锡树人的腿、身体和头,直到最后他被修复成了旧时的形状,关节也运转得和以前一样好。 To be sure, there were several patches on him, but the tinsmiths did a good job, and as the Woodman was not a vain man he did not mind the patches at all. ||||||补丁|||||||||||||||||虚荣的||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||conceited||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||虚栄心の||||||||| ||||||remendos|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||заплатки|||||жестянщики||||||||||||тщеславный|||||обращал внимание||заплатки|| 当然,他身上有几个补丁,但锡匠们做得很好,树人并不是个爱虚荣的人,所以他根本不在乎这些补丁。

When, at last, he walked into Dorothy's room and thanked her for rescuing him, he was so pleased that he wept tears of joy, and Dorothy had to wipe every tear carefully from his face with her apron, so his joints would not be rusted. ||||||||||||救他||||||||流泪|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||спасением|||||доволен|||плакал|||||||||||||||||фартук|||суставы|||| 最后,当他走进多萝西的房间,感谢她救了他时,他感到非常高兴,流下了快乐的泪水,多萝西不得不用她的围裙小心地擦去他脸上的每一滴泪水,以免他的关节生锈。 At the same time her own tears fell thick and fast at the joy of meeting her old friend again, and these tears did not need to be wiped away. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||擦掉| ||||||lágrimas||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||протерты| 与此同时,她自己的泪水因再次见到老朋友而厚厚的流淌着,这些泪水不需要擦去。 As for the Lion, he wiped his eyes so often with the tip of his tail that it became quite wet, and he was obliged to go out into the courtyard and hold it in the sun till it dried. |||||擦拭|||||||||||||||||||不得不||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||required||||||||||||||| |||||limpou|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||вытирал|||||||кончик|||кончик хвоста||||довольно|||||вынужден был||||||двор||держать|||||пока|| 至于狮子,他用尾巴的尖端频繁地擦眼睛,以至于变得相当湿润,他不得不走到院子里,在阳光下拿着它直到它干。

"If we only had the Scarecrow with us again," said the Tin Woodman, when Dorothy had finished telling him everything that had happened, "I should be quite happy." |||||||||||Жестяной||||||||||||||был бы|| "如果我们能再有稻草人陪伴,"锡树木人说道,当多萝西告诉他发生的一切时,"我会非常快乐。" "We must try to find him," said the girl. So she called the Winkies to help her, and they walked all that day and part of the next until they came to the tall tree in the branches of which the Winged Monkeys had tossed the Scarecrow's clothes. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||扔||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||бросили||пугала| 于是她叫了温基人来帮助她,他们走了一整天和第二天的一部分,直到他们来到那棵高大的树下,树枝上挂着被有翅膀的猴子扔掉的稻草人的衣服。 It was a very tall tree, and the trunk was so smooth that no one could climb it; but the Woodman said at once, "I'll chop it down, and then we can get the Scarecrow's clothes." ||||||||||||||||взобраться|||||||||срублю|||||||||| ||||||||tree trunk||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||稻草人的| 这是一棵非常高的树,树干光滑得让任何人都无法攀爬;但木头人立刻说:"我来砍倒它,这样我们就能拿到稻草人的衣服了。" Now while the tinsmiths had been at work mending the Woodman himself, another of the Winkies, who was a goldsmith, had made an axe-handle of solid gold and fitted it to the Woodman's axe, instead of the old broken handle. |в то время как||жестянщики||||||||||||||||золотарь||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||金細工師||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ourives||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||修理||||||||||||||||||||||||||斧头|||||| Поки бляхаря лагодили самого Лісоруба, інший з Вінкі, золотих справ майстер, виготовив руків'я сокири з чистого золота і прикріпив його до сокири Лісоруба замість старого зламаного руків'я. 而就在铁匠在为木头人修理的时候,另一位温基人,一个金匠,做了一个由实心黄金制成的斧柄,并将它装配在木头人的斧子上,代替了那根旧的破斧柄。 Others polished the blade until all the rust was removed and it glistened like burnished silver. |抛光的|||||||||||闪闪发光||抛光过的|银色 ||||||||||||||磨かれた| ||||||||||||||відполіроване| ||||||||||||||отполированный| 其他人把刀刃磨得光滑,直到所有的锈迹都被去掉,闪闪发光,像打磨过的银子。

As soon as he had spoken, the Tin Woodman began to chop, and in a short time the tree fell over with a crash, whereupon the Scarecrow's clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground. ||||||||||||||||||||||||于是|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||whereupon|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||então|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||после чего|||||||||||||| 他一说完,铁皮人就开始砍树,不久树就轰然倒下,稻草人的衣服也从树枝上掉了下来,滚到了地上。 Dorothy picked them up and had the Winkies carry them back to the castle, where they were stuffed with nice, clean straw; and behold! |||||||||||||||||набиты||||||вот |||||||||||||||||||||||look! |||||||||||||||||||||||ご覧なさい |||||||||||||||||||||||eis que 桃乐丝把衣服捡起来,让温基人把它们搬回城堡,衣服被填满了洁净的稻草;看啊!

here was the Scarecrow, as good as ever, thanking them over and over again for saving him. ||||||||感谢|||||||| 稻草人一如既往地感谢他们,一遍又一遍地感谢他们救了他。

Now that they were reunited, Dorothy and her friends spent a few happy days at the Yellow Castle, where they found everything they needed to make them comfortable. ||||воссоедини||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||возз'єдналися||||||||||||||||||||||| 现在他们重聚了,桃乐丝和她的朋友们在黄城堡度过了几天快乐的时光,在那里他们找到了让自己舒适的一切。

But one day the girl thought of Aunt Em, and said, "We must go back to Oz, and claim his promise." ||||||||||||||||||要求|| 但有一天女孩想到了艾米姨妈,她说:“我们必须回到奥兹,兑现他的承诺。” "Yes," said the Woodman, "at last I shall get my heart." "是的,"木匠说,"我终于能得到我的心。" "And I shall get my brains," added the Scarecrow joyfully. |||||||||高兴地 |||||||||радостно "而我将得到我的脑子,"稻草人高兴地补充说。 "And I shall get my courage," said the Lion thoughtfully. |||||勇气|||| |||||||||размышляя "而我将得到我的勇气,"狮子若有所思地说。 "And I shall get back to Kansas," cried Dorothy, clapping her hands. |||||||||拍手|| |||||||||хлопая в лад|| "我会回到堪萨斯州," 多萝西喊道,拍打着手。 "Oh, let us start for the Emerald City tomorrow!" "哦,我们明天就出发去翡翠城吧!" This they decided to do. 他们决定这样做。

The next day they called the Winkies together and bade them good-bye. 第二天,他们召集了温基人并向他们告别。 The Winkies were sorry to have them go, and they had grown so fond of the Tin Woodman that they begged him to stay and rule over them and the Yellow Land of the West. 温基人很遗憾他们要离开,他们对锡人产生了深厚的感情,恳求他留下来统治他们和西方的黄色土地。 Finding they were determined to go, the Winkies gave Toto and the Lion each a golden collar; and to Dorothy they presented a beautiful bracelet studded with diamonds; and to the Scarecrow they gave a gold-headed walking stick, to keep him from stumbling; and to the Tin Woodman they offered a silver oil-can, inlaid with gold and set with precious jewels. |||决心||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||珍贵的| ||||||||||||||||collar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||金のはめ込み||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||bastão de andar||||||||||||||||||embutido de||||||| |||решительно настроены|||||||||||||ошейник||||||||браслет||||||||||||с золотой головкой|||||||||||||||||||инкрустированный||||||| 发现他们决心要走,温基人给托托和狮子各送了一条金项圈;还送给多萝西一条镶嵌着钻石的美丽手镯;送给稻草人一根金头手杖,以防他跌倒;给锡人赠送了一个镶金的银油壶,并装有珍贵的宝石。

Every one of the travelers made the Winkies a pretty speech in return, and all shook hands with them until their arms ached. |||||сделали||||хорошую|||в ответ|||пожали|||||||болели ||||||||||||||||||||||hurt, tired ||||||||||||||||||||||痛くなった ||||||||||||||||||||||酸痛 每位旅行者都给温基人说了一番动人的话,并和他们握手直到手臂酸痛。

Dorothy went to the Witch's cupboard to fill her basket with food for the journey, and there she saw the Golden Cap. |||||шкафчик|||||||||||||||| 多萝西去了女巫的橱柜,装满了她的行囊,准备旅途的食物,那里她看到了金色的帽子。 She tried it on her own head and found that it fitted her exactly. |||||||||||подошла|| Вона приміряла його на власну голову і виявила, що він їй ідеально підходить. 她把帽子戴在自己的头上,发现它正好合适。 She did not know anything about the charm of the Golden Cap, but she saw that it was pretty, so she made up her mind to wear it and carry her sunbonnet in the basket. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||遮阳帽||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sun hat||| |||||||||||||||||||||decidiu||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||соломенная шля||| 她并不知道金色帽子的魅力,但她看到它很漂亮,于是决定戴上它,把她的遮阳帽放在篮子里。

Then, being prepared for the journey, they all started for the Emerald City; and the Winkies gave them three cheers and many good wishes to carry with them. |||||||||||||||||||ура|||||||| Потім, приготувавшись до подорожі, вони вирушили до Смарагдового міста, а Вінкі подарував їм три привітання і багато добрих побажань, які вони мали взяти з собою в дорогу. 然后,他们准备好旅行,大家都出发去翡翠城;温基人给他们欢呼三声,并祝他们一路顺风。