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The War of the Worlds, The War of the Worlds: Chapter 4

The War of the Worlds: Chapter 4

Chapter Four The Cylinder Opens

When I returned to the common the sun was setting. Scattered groups were hurrying from the direction of Woking, and one or two persons were returning. The crowd about the pit had increased, and stood out black against the lemon yellow of the sky—a couple of hundred people, perhaps. There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on about the pit. Strange imaginings passed through my mind. As I drew nearer I heard Stent's voice:

“Keep back! Keep back!”

A boy came running towards me.

“It's a-movin',” he said to me as he passed; “a-screwin' and a-screwin' out. I don't like it. I'm a-goin' 'ome, I am.”

I went on to the crowd. There were really, I should think, two or three hundred people elbowing and jostling one another, the one or two ladies there being by no means the least active.

“He's fallen in the pit!” cried some one.

“Keep back!” said several.

The crowd swayed a little, and I elbowed my way through. Every one seemed greatly excited. I heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit.

“I say!” said Ogilvy; “help keep these idiots back. We don't know what's in the confounded thing, you know!”

I saw a young man, a shop assistant in Woking I believe he was, standing on the cylinder and trying to scramble out of the hole again. The crowd had pushed him in.

The end of the cylinder was being screwed out from within. Nearly two feet of shining screw projected. Somebody blundered against me, and I narrowly missed being pitched onto the top of the screw. I turned, and as I did so the screw must have come out, for the lid of the cylinder fell upon the gravel with a ringing concussion. I stuck my elbow into the person behind me, and turned my head towards the Thing again. For a moment that circular cavity seemed perfectly black. I had the sunset in my eyes.

I think everyone expected to see a man emerge—possibly something a little unlike us terrestrial men, but in all essentials a man. I know I did. But, looking, I presently saw something stirring within the shadow: greyish billowy movements, one above another, and then two luminous disks—like eyes. Then something resembling a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking stick, coiled up out of the writhing middle, and wriggled in the air towards me—and then another.

A sudden chill came over me. There was a loud shriek from a woman behind. I half turned, keeping my eyes fixed upon the cylinder still, from which other tentacles were now projecting, and began pushing my way back from the edge of the pit. I saw astonishment giving place to horror on the faces of the people about me. I heard inarticulate exclamations on all sides. There was a general movement backwards. I saw the shopman struggling still on the edge of the pit. I found myself alone, and saw the people on the other side of the pit running off, Stent among them. I looked again at the cylinder, and ungovernable terror gripped me. I stood petrified and staring.

A big greyish rounded bulk, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder. As it bulged up and caught the light, it glistened like wet leather.

Two large dark-coloured eyes were regarding me steadfastly. The mass that framed them, the head of the thing, was rounded, and had, one might say, a face. There was a mouth under the eyes, the lipless brim of which quivered and panted, and dropped saliva. The whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively. A lank tentacular appendage gripped the edge of the cylinder, another swayed in the air.

Those who have never seen a living Martian can scarcely imagine the strange horror of its appearance. The peculiar V-shaped mouth with its pointed upper lip, the absence of brow ridges, the absence of a chin beneath the wedgelike lower lip, the incessant quivering of this mouth, the Gorgon groups of tentacles, the tumultuous breathing of the lungs in a strange atmosphere, the evident heaviness and painfulness of movement due to the greater gravitational energy of the earth—above all, the extraordinary intensity of the immense eyes—were at once vital, intense, inhuman, crippled and monstrous. There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something in the clumsy deliberation of the tedious movements unspeakably nasty. Even at this first encounter, this first glimpse, I was overcome with disgust and dread.

Suddenly the monster vanished. It had toppled over the brim of the cylinder and fallen into the pit, with a thud like the fall of a great mass of leather. I heard it give a peculiar thick cry, and forthwith another of these creatures appeared darkly in the deep shadow of the aperture.

I turned and, running madly, made for the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred yards away; but I ran slantingly and stumbling, for I could not avert my face from these things.

There, among some young pine trees and furze bushes, I stopped, panting, and waited further developments. The common round the sand pits was dotted with people, standing like myself in a half-fascinated terror, staring at these creatures, or rather at the heaped gravel at the edge of the pit in which they lay. And then, with a renewed horror, I saw a round, black object bobbing up and down on the edge of the pit. It was the head of the shopman who had fallen in, but showing as a little black object against the hot western sun. Now he got his shoulder and knee up, and again he seemed to slip back until only his head was visible. Suddenly he vanished, and I could have fancied a faint shriek had reached me. I had a momentary impulse to go back and help him that my fears overruled.

Everything was then quite invisible, hidden by the deep pit and the heap of sand that the fall of the cylinder had made. Anyone coming along the road from Chobham or Woking would have been amazed at the sight—a dwindling multitude of perhaps a hundred people or more standing in a great irregular circle, in ditches, behind bushes, behind gates and hedges, saying little to one another and that in short, excited shouts, and staring, staring hard at a few heaps of sand. The barrow of ginger beer stood, a queer derelict, black against the burning sky, and in the sand pits was a row of deserted vehicles with their horses feeding out of nosebags or pawing the ground.

The War of the Worlds: Chapter 4 Der Krieg der Welten: Kapitel 4 La guerra de los mundos: capítulo 4 La guerra dei mondi: capitolo 4 A Guerra dos Mundos: Capítulo 4 Dünyalar Savaşı: Bölüm 4

Chapter Four The Cylinder Opens

When I returned to the common the sun was setting. Quando voltei ao comum, o sol estava se pondo. Scattered groups were hurrying from the direction of Woking, and one or two persons were returning. Grupos dispersos vinham correndo da direção de Woking, e uma ou duas pessoas voltavam. The crowd about the pit had increased, and stood out black against the lemon yellow of the sky—a couple of hundred people, perhaps. A multidão em volta do fosso havia aumentado e se destacava negra contra o amarelo-limão do céu - umas duzentas pessoas, talvez. There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on about the pit. Ouviram-se vozes exaltadas e algum tipo de luta parecia estar acontecendo em torno do fosso. Strange imaginings passed through my mind. Imagens estranhas passaram por minha mente. As I drew nearer I heard Stent’s voice: Ao me aproximar, ouvi a voz de Stent:

“Keep back! "Mantem-te afastado! Keep back!”

A boy came running towards me.

“It’s a-movin',” he said to me as he passed; “a-screwin' and a-screwin' out. “É comovente”, ele me disse ao passar; “Aparafusando e aparafusando I don’t like it. I’m a-goin' 'ome, I am.” Estou indo, estou. "

I went on to the crowd. Eu fui até a multidão. There were really, I should think, two or three hundred people elbowing and jostling one another, the one or two ladies there being by no means the least active. Havia realmente, eu acho, duzentas ou trezentas pessoas se acotovelando e empurrando, uma ou duas senhoras ali não sendo de forma alguma as menos ativas.

“He’s fallen in the pit!” cried some one. “Ele caiu na cova!” gritou alguém.

“Keep back!” said several.

The crowd swayed a little, and I elbowed my way through. A multidão balançou um pouco e eu abri caminho com uma cotovelada. Every one seemed greatly excited. Cada um parecia muito animado. I heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit. Eu ouvi um zumbido peculiar vindo do poço.

“I say!” said Ogilvy; “help keep these idiots back. "Eu digo!" disse Ogilvy; “Ajude a manter esses idiotas longe. We don’t know what’s in the confounded thing, you know!”

I saw a young man, a shop assistant in Woking I believe he was, standing on the cylinder and trying to scramble out of the hole again. Eu vi um jovem, um assistente de loja em Woking que acredito que ele estava, em pé no cilindro e tentando sair do buraco novamente. Я видел молодого человека, кажется, продавца в Уокинге, который стоял на цилиндре и снова пытался выкарабкаться из дыры. The crowd had pushed him in. A multidão o empurrou.

The end of the cylinder was being screwed out from within. A extremidade do cilindro estava sendo rosqueada por dentro. Nearly two feet of shining screw projected. Quase dois pés de parafuso brilhante projetado. Somebody blundered against me, and I narrowly missed being pitched onto the top of the screw. Alguém tropeçou em mim e por pouco não fui lançado para cima do parafuso. Кто-то наткнулся на меня, и я чуть не упал на вершину винта. I turned, and as I did so the screw must have come out, for the lid of the cylinder fell upon the gravel with a ringing concussion. Virei-me e, ao fazê-lo, o parafuso deve ter saído, pois a tampa do cilindro caiu sobre o cascalho com uma concussão sonora. I stuck my elbow into the person behind me, and turned my head towards the Thing again. Enfiei o cotovelo na pessoa atrás de mim e virei minha cabeça na direção do Coisa novamente. For a moment that circular cavity seemed perfectly black. Por um momento, aquela cavidade circular pareceu perfeitamente preta. I had the sunset in my eyes. Eu tinha o pôr do sol em meus olhos. У меня был закат в моих глазах.

I think everyone expected to see a man emerge—possibly something a little unlike us terrestrial men, but in all essentials a man. Acho que todos esperavam ver um homem emergir - possivelmente algo um pouco diferente de nós, homens terrestres, mas em todos os aspectos essenciais um homem. Я думаю, все ожидали увидеть появление человека — возможно, что-то немного непохожее на нас, земных людей, но во всех основных чертах человека. I know I did. Eu sei que sim. But, looking, I presently saw something stirring within the shadow: greyish billowy movements, one above another, and then two luminous disks—like eyes. Mas, olhando, eu logo vi algo se movendo dentro da sombra: movimentos ondulados acinzentados, um acima do outro, e então dois discos luminosos - como olhos. Then something resembling a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking stick, coiled up out of the writhing middle, and wriggled in the air towards me—and then another. Então, algo parecido com uma pequena cobra cinza, com a espessura de uma bengala, enrolou-se no meio se contorcendo e se contorceu no ar em minha direção - e depois outra. Потом что-то похожее на маленькую серую змейку, толщиной с трость, вывернулось из извивающейся середины и извивалось в воздухе ко мне, а затем еще одно.

A sudden chill came over me. Um arrepio repentino tomou conta de mim. There was a loud shriek from a woman behind. Houve um grito alto de uma mulher atrás. Сзади раздался громкий крик женщины. I half turned, keeping my eyes fixed upon the cylinder still, from which other tentacles were now projecting, and began pushing my way back from the edge of the pit. Eu meio que me virei, mantendo meus olhos fixos no cilindro, do qual outros tentáculos agora se projetavam, e comecei a empurrar meu caminho de volta da borda do poço. Я полуобернулся, не сводя глаз с цилиндра, из которого теперь торчали другие щупальца, и начал отталкиваться от края ямы. I saw astonishment giving place to horror on the faces of the people about me. Eu vi o espanto dando lugar ao horror nos rostos das pessoas ao meu redor. I heard inarticulate exclamations on all sides. Eu ouvi exclamações inarticuladas de todos os lados. There was a general movement backwards. Houve um movimento geral para trás. I saw the shopman struggling still on the edge of the pit. Eu vi o vendedor ainda lutando na beira do poço. I found myself alone, and saw the people on the other side of the pit running off, Stent among them. Eu me vi sozinho e vi as pessoas do outro lado do fosso correndo, Stent entre elas. I looked again at the cylinder, and ungovernable terror gripped me. Olhei novamente para o cilindro e um terror incontrolável tomou conta de mim. I stood petrified and staring. Eu fiquei petrificado e olhando.

A big greyish rounded bulk, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder. Uma grande massa arredondada acinzentada, do tamanho, talvez, de um urso, estava subindo lenta e dolorosamente para fora do cilindro. As it bulged up and caught the light, it glistened like wet leather. À medida que se projetava e refletia a luz, brilhava como couro molhado.

Two large dark-coloured eyes were regarding me steadfastly. Dois grandes olhos escuros estavam me olhando fixamente. The mass that framed them, the head of the thing, was rounded, and had, one might say, a face. A massa que os emoldurava, a cabeça da coisa, era arredondada e tinha, pode-se dizer, um rosto. There was a mouth under the eyes, the lipless brim of which quivered and panted, and dropped saliva. Havia uma boca sob os olhos, a borda sem lábios da qual estremecia e ofegava, deixando cair saliva. The whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively. A criatura inteira levantou e pulsou convulsivamente. A lank tentacular appendage gripped the edge of the cylinder, another swayed in the air. Um apêndice tentacular se agarrava à borda do cilindro, outro balançava no ar.

Those who have never seen a living Martian can scarcely imagine the strange horror of its appearance. Aqueles que nunca viram um marciano vivo dificilmente podem imaginar o estranho horror de sua aparência. The peculiar V-shaped mouth with its pointed upper lip, the absence of brow ridges, the absence of a chin beneath the wedgelike lower lip, the incessant quivering of this mouth, the Gorgon groups of tentacles, the tumultuous breathing of the lungs in a strange atmosphere, the evident heaviness and painfulness of movement due to the greater gravitational energy of the earth—above all, the extraordinary intensity of the immense eyes—were at once vital, intense, inhuman, crippled and monstrous. Своеобразный V-образный рот с заостренной верхней губой, отсутствие надбровных дуг, отсутствие подбородка под клиновидной нижней губой, непрекращающееся дрожание этого рта, горгонские группы щупалец, бурное дыхание легких в странная атмосфера, очевидная тяжесть и болезненность движения, вызванная большей силой земного притяжения, — прежде всего, необычайная напряженность огромных глаз — были одновременно жизненными, напряженными, нечеловеческими, увечными и чудовищными. There was something fungoid in the oily brown skin, something in the clumsy deliberation of the tedious movements unspeakably nasty. Even at this first encounter, this first glimpse, I was overcome with disgust and dread.

Suddenly the monster vanished. De repente, o monstro desapareceu. It had toppled over the brim of the cylinder and fallen into the pit, with a thud like the fall of a great mass of leather. Ele havia tombado sobre a borda do cilindro e caído no poço, com um baque como a queda de uma grande massa de couro. I heard it give a peculiar thick cry, and forthwith another of these creatures appeared darkly in the deep shadow of the aperture. Eu o ouvi dar um grito peculiar e forte, e imediatamente outra dessas criaturas apareceu sombriamente na sombra profunda da abertura.

I turned and, running madly, made for the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred yards away; but I ran slantingly and stumbling, for I could not avert my face from these things. Я повернулся и бешено побежал к первой группе деревьев, ярдах в ста от меня; но я бежал наискось и спотыкался, потому что не мог отвратить лица моего от этих вещей.

There, among some young pine trees and furze bushes, I stopped, panting, and waited further developments. Lá, entre alguns pinheiros jovens e arbustos de tojo, parei, ofegante, e esperei mais desenvolvimentos. The common round the sand pits was dotted with people, standing like myself in a half-fascinated terror, staring at these creatures, or rather at the heaped gravel at the edge of the pit in which they lay. Площадка вокруг песчаных ям была усеяна людьми, которые стояли, как и я, в полузавороженном ужасе, глядя на этих существ или, вернее, на груду гравия на краю ямы, в которой они лежали. And then, with a renewed horror, I saw a round, black object bobbing up and down on the edge of the pit. It was the head of the shopman who had fallen in, but showing as a little black object against the hot western sun. Now he got his shoulder and knee up, and again he seemed to slip back until only his head was visible. Suddenly he vanished, and I could have fancied a faint shriek had reached me. I had a momentary impulse to go back and help him that my fears overruled. Tive um impulso momentâneo de voltar e ajudá-lo que meus temores superaram.

Everything was then quite invisible, hidden by the deep pit and the heap of sand that the fall of the cylinder had made. Anyone coming along the road from Chobham or Woking would have been amazed at the sight—a dwindling multitude of perhaps a hundred people or more standing in a great irregular circle, in ditches, behind bushes, behind gates and hedges, saying little to one another and that in short, excited shouts, and staring, staring hard at a few heaps of sand. Всякий, идущий по дороге из Чобэма или Уокинга, был бы поражен увиденным: сокращающаяся толпа, возможно, человек в сто или более, стояла большим неправильным кругом, в канавах, за кустами, за воротами и изгородями, мало говоря друг с другом. Короче говоря, возбужденные крики и пристальное вглядывание в несколько куч песка. The barrow of ginger beer stood, a queer derelict, black against the burning sky, and in the sand pits was a row of deserted vehicles with their horses feeding out of nosebags or pawing the ground. Тачка с имбирным пивом стояла, странный заброшенный, черный на фоне горящего неба, а в песчаных карьерах стоял ряд брошенных повозок, лошади которых кормились из носовых мешков или копали землю копытами.