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TEDTalks, Dean Ornish – The world now eats (and dies) like Americans (2006)

Dean Ornish – The world now eats (and dies) like Americans (2006)

With all the legitimate concerns about AIDS and avian flu -- and we'll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today -- I want to talk about the other pandemic, which is cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension -- all of which are completely preventable for at least 95 percent of people, just by changing diet and lifestyle.

And what's happening is that there's a globalization of illness occurring, that people are starting to eat like us, and live like us, and die like us.

And in one generation, for example, Asia's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease, and obesity, and diabetes to one of the highest. And in Africa, cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS deaths in most countries. So there's a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people, and practice preventive medicine on a global scale.

Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people -- not only in this country, but also worldwide -- than everything else combined, and yet it's completely preventable for almost everybody. It's not only preventable, it's actually reversible. And for the last almost 29 years, we've been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle, using these very high-tech, expensive, state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like. Quantitative arteriography, before and after a year, and cardiac PET scans.

We showed a few months ago -- we published the first study showing you can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle, and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth, or inhibition of the tumor growth, compared to only 9 percent in the control group. And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here, the prostate tumor activity is shown in red -- you can see it diminishing after a year.

Now there is an epidemic of obesity. Two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids. What's really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the past 10 years, and this may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter life span than we do. That's pitiful, and it's preventable. Now these are not election returns, these are the people -- the number of the people who are obese by state, beginning in '85, '86, '87 -- these are from the CDC website -- '88, '89, '90, '91 -- you get a new category -- '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001 -- it gets worse. We're kind of devolving.

Now what can we do about this? Well, you know, the diet that we've found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet. But the people in Asia are starting to eat like we are, which is why they're starting to get sick like we are. So I've been working with a lot of the big food companies. They can make it fun and sexy and hip and crunchy and convenient to eat healthier foods, like -- I chair the advisory boards to McDonald's, and PepsiCo, and ConAgra, and Safeway, and soon Del Monte, and they're finding that it's good business. The salads that you see at McDonald's came from the work -- they're going to have an Asian salad. At Pepsi, two-thirds of their revenue growth came from their better foods.

And so if we can do that, then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AIDS and HIV and malaria and for preventing avian flu. Thank you.


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Dean Ornish – The world now eats (and dies) like Americans (2006) Dean Ornish||||||||| Dean Ornish - Die Welt isst (und stirbt) jetzt wie die Amerikaner (2006) Dean Ornish - El mundo ahora come (y muere) como los estadounidenses (2006) Dean Ornish - Le monde mange (et meurt) comme les Américains (2006) ディーン・オーニッシュ - 世界は今、アメリカ人のように食べる(そして死ぬ) (2006) Dean Ornish - O mundo agora come (e morre) como os americanos (2006) Дин Орниш - Мир теперь ест (и умирает) как американцы (2006) Dean Ornish – Svet zdaj jedo (in umirajo) kot Američani (2006) Dean Ornish - Dünya artık Amerikalılar gibi yiyor (ve ölüyor) (2006) 迪恩·奥尼什 (Dean Ornish) – 现在世界的饮食(和死亡)都像美国人一样 (2006)

With all the legitimate concerns about AIDS and avian flu -- and we’ll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today -- I want to talk about the other pandemic, which is cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension -- all of which are completely preventable for at least 95 percent of people, just by changing diet and lifestyle. Con todas las preocupaciones legítimas sobre el SIDA y la gripe aviar, y escucharemos sobre eso del brillante Dr. Brilliant más tarde hoy, quiero hablar sobre la otra pandemia, que es la enfermedad cardiovascular, la diabetes, la hipertensión, todas que son completamente prevenibles para al menos el 95 por ciento de las personas, simplemente cambiando la dieta y el estilo de vida. Со всеми законными опасениями по поводу СПИДа и птичьего гриппа - и мы узнаем об этом от блестящего доктора Бриллианта позже сегодня - я хочу поговорить о другой пандемии, которая представляет собой сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, диабет, гипертонию - все которые полностью предотвратимы для не менее 95 процентов людей, просто изменяя диету и образ жизни.

And what’s happening is that there’s a globalization of illness occurring, that people are starting to eat like us, and live like us, and die like us. И происходит то, что происходит глобализация болезней, что люди начинают есть, как мы, и живут как мы, и умирают, как мы.

And in one generation, for example, Asia’s gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease, and obesity, and diabetes to one of the highest. |||||||||||||mais baixas||||||||||||| И в одном поколении, например, у Азии не было одного из самых низких показателей сердечных заболеваний, а также ожирения и диабета до одного из самых высоких. And in Africa, cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS deaths in most countries. |||||é igual a|||||||| So there’s a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people, and practice preventive medicine on a global scale. Таким образом, есть критическое окно возможностей, которое мы должны внести в важное различие, которое может повлиять на жизнь буквально миллионов людей и практиковать профилактическую медицину в глобальном масштабе.

Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people -- not only in this country, but also worldwide -- than everything else combined, and yet it’s completely preventable for almost everybody. |||vaso sanguíneo||||||||||||||||||||||||| Болезни сердца и кровеносных сосудов по-прежнему убивают больше людей - причем не только в этой стране, но и во всем мире - чем все вместе, и все же это полностью предотвратимо для всех. It’s not only preventable, it’s actually reversible. Это не только предотвратимо, но и наоборот. And for the last almost 29 years, we’ve been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle, using these very high-tech, expensive, state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like. И в течение последних почти 29 лет мы смогли показать, что, просто меняя диету и образ жизни, используя эти очень высокотехнологичные, дорогие, современные меры, чтобы доказать, насколько мощными являются эти очень простые и низкоуровневые, могут быть как технологические, так и недорогие вмешательства. Quantitative arteriography, before and after a year, and cardiac PET scans. |arteriografia|||||||cardíaca|| Arteriografía cuantitativa, antes y después de un año, y PET cardíaco.

We showed a few months ago -- we published the first study showing you can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle, and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth, or inhibition of the tumor growth, compared to only 9 percent in the control group. Мы показали несколько месяцев назад - мы опубликовали первое исследование, в котором показано, что вы можете остановить или обратить вспять прогрессирование рака предстательной железы, внося изменения в рацион питания и образ жизни, а также 70-процентную регрессию роста опухоли или ингибирование роста опухоли до 9 процентов в контрольной группе. And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here, the prostate tumor activity is shown in red -- you can see it diminishing after a year. ||||||espectroscopia por ressonância||||||||||||||||| И здесь, в МРТ и МР спектроскопии, активность опухоли предстательной железы показана красным цветом - вы можете видеть, что она уменьшилась через год.

Now there is an epidemic of obesity. Two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids. What’s really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the past 10 years, and this may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter life span than we do. That’s pitiful, and it’s preventable. |lamentável||| Это жалко, и это можно предотвратить. Now these are not election returns, these are the people -- the number of the people who are obese by state, beginning in '85, '86, '87 -- these are from the CDC website -- '88, '89, '90, '91 -- you get a new category -- '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001 -- it gets worse. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nova categoria||| Теперь это не выборы, это люди - число людей, страдающих ожирением, начиная с 85-го, 86-го, 87-го - это с сайта CDC - 88, 89, '90, '91 - вы получаете новую категорию - '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001 - все ухудшается. We’re kind of devolving. |||regredindo Estamos como devolviéndonos. Мы вроде как предательство.

Now what can we do about this? Well, you know, the diet that we’ve found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet. Ну, вы знаете, диета, которую мы обнаружили, которая может обратить вспять болезнь сердца и рак, - это азиатская диета. But the people in Asia are starting to eat like we are, which is why they’re starting to get sick like we are. Но люди в Азии начинают есть, как и мы, поэтому они начинают болеть, как и мы. So I’ve been working with a lot of the big food companies. They can make it fun and sexy and hip and crunchy and convenient to eat healthier foods, like -- I chair the advisory boards to McDonald’s, and PepsiCo, and ConAgra, and Safeway, and soon Del Monte, and they’re finding that it’s good business. ||||||||||crocante|||||||||||consultiva|||McDonald's||PepsiCo||ConAgra||Safeway|||Del Monte|Del Monte||||||| Pueden hacer que comer alimentos más saludables sea divertido, sexy, moderno, crujiente y conveniente, como: yo presido las juntas asesoras de McDonald's, PepsiCo, ConAgra, Safeway y pronto Del Monte, y están descubriendo que es buen negocio. Они могут сделать его забавным и сексуальным, хип и хрустящим и удобным для употребления более здоровой пищи, например: я возглавляю консультативные советы для McDonald's, PepsiCo и ConAgra, Safeway и вскоре Del Monte, и они обнаруживают, что это хороший бизнес. The salads that you see at McDonald’s came from the work -- they’re going to have an Asian salad. |as saladas|||||||||||||||| Las ensaladas que ves en McDonald's provienen del trabajo: van a tener una ensalada asiática. Салаты, которые вы видите в McDonald's, пришли из работы - у них будет азиатский салат. At Pepsi, two-thirds of their revenue growth came from their better foods. В Пепси две трети роста доходов приходили на их лучшие продукты.

And so if we can do that, then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AIDS and HIV and malaria and for preventing avian flu. И поэтому, если мы сможем это сделать, тогда мы сможем освободить ресурсы для покупки наркотиков, которые вам действительно нужны для лечения СПИДа, ВИЧ и малярии и профилактики птичьего гриппа. Thank you.
