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Now that you have an understanding of the Hook Model and have reflected on the morality of influencing user behavior, it is time to get to work. Running your idea through the four phases of the model will help you discover potential weaknesses in your product's habit-forming potential. Does your users' internal trigger frequently prompt them to action? Is your external trigger cueing them when they are most likely to act? Is your design simple enough to make taking the action easy? Does the reward satisfy your users' need while leaving them wanting more? Do your users invest a bit of work in the product, storing value to improve the experience with use and loading the next trigger?

By identifying where your technology is lacking, you can focus on developing improvements to your product where it matters most.

Habit Testing

By following the “Do This Now” sections in previous chapters, you should have enough knowledge to prototype your product. But simply coming up with ideas is not enough, and creating user habits is often easier said than done. The process of developing successful habit-forming technologies requires patience and persistence. The Hook Model can be a helpful tool for filtering out bad ideas with low habit potential as well as a framework for identifying room for improvement in existing products. However, after the designer has formulated new hypotheses, there is no way to know which ideas will work without testing them with actual users.

Building a habit-forming product is an iterative process and requires user behavior analysis and continuous experimentation. How can you implement the concepts in this book to measure your product's effectiveness building user habits? Through my studies and discussions with entrepreneurs at today's most successful habit-forming companies, I've distilled this process into what I call “Habit Testing.” It is a process inspired by the build-measure-learn methodology championed by the lean startup movement. Habit Testing offers insights and actionable data to inform the design of habit-forming products. It helps clarify who your devotees are, what parts of your product are habit-forming (if any), and why those aspects of your product are changing user behavior.

Habit Testing does not always require a live product; however, it can be difficult to draw clear conclusions without a comprehensive view of how people are using your system. The following steps assume you have a product, users, and meaningful data to explore.

Step 1: Identify

The initial question for Habit Testing is “Who are the product's habitual users?” Remember, the more frequently your product is used, the more likely it is to form a user habit. First, define what it means to be a devoted user. How often “should” one use your product? The answer to this question is very important and can widely change your perspective. Publicly available data from similar products or solutions can help define your users and engagement targets. If data is not available, educated assumptions must be made — but be realistic and honest.

If you are building a social networking app like Twitter or Instagram, you should expect habitual users to visit the service multiple times per day. On the other hand, you should not expect users of a movie recommendation site like Rotten Tomatoes to visit more than once or twice a week (since their visits will come on the heels of seeing a movie or researching one to watch). Don't come up with an overly aggressive prediction that only accounts for uber-users; you are looking for a realistic guess to calibrate how often typical users will interact with your product. Once you know how often users should use your product, dig into the numbers and identify how many and which type of users meet this threshold. As a best practice, use cohort analysis to measure changes in user behavior through future product iterations.

Step 2: Codify

Hopefully you've identified a few users who meet the criteria of habitual users. But how many users are enough? My rule of thumb is five percent. Though your rate of active users will need to be much higher to sustain your business, this is a good initial benchmark.

However, if at least five percent of your users don't find your product valuable enough to use as much as you predicted they would, you may have a problem. Either you identified the wrong users or your product needs to go back to the drawing board. But if you have exceeded that bar and identified your habitual users, the next step is to codify the steps they took using your product to understand what hooked them.

Users will interact with your product in slightly different ways. Even if you have a standard user flow, the way users engage with your product creates a unique fingerprint. Where users are coming from, decisions made when registering, and the number of friends using the service, are just a few of the behaviors that help create a recognizable pattern. Sift through the data to determine if similarities emerge. You're looking for a “Habit Path,” — a series of similar actions shared by your most loyal users. For example, in its early days, Twitter discovered that once new users followed 30 other members, they hit a tipping point which dramatically increased the odds they would keep using the site. [cxxx]

Every product has a different set of actions that devoted users take; the goal of finding the Habit Path is to determine which of these steps is critical for creating devoted users so that you can modify the experience to encourage this behavior.

Step 3: Modify

Armed with new insights, it is time to revisit your product and identify ways to nudge new users down the same Habit Path taken by devotees. This may include an update to the registration funnel, content changes, feature removal, or increased emphasis on an existing feature. Twitter used the insights gained from the previous step to modify its on-boarding process, encouraging new users to immediately begin following others.

Habit Testing is a continual process you can implement with every new feature and product iteration. Tracking users by cohort and comparing their activity to habitual users should guide how products evolve and improve.

Discovering Habit-forming Opportunities

The Habit Testing process requires the product designer to have an existing product to test. But where might you look to find potentially habit-forming experiences ripe for new technological solutions?

When it comes to developing new products, there are no guarantees. Along with creating an engaging product as described in this book, startups must also find a way to monetize and grow. Although this book does not cover business models for delivering customer value or methods for profitable customer acquisition, both are necessary components of any successful business. Several things must go right for a new company to succeed, and forming user habits is just one of them.

As we saw in chapter six, being a “facilitator” is not only a moral imperative, it also makes for better businesses practices. Creating a product the designer uses and believes materially improves people's lives increases the odds of delivering something people want. Therefore, the first place for the entrepreneur or designer to look for new opportunities is in the mirror. Paul Graham advises entrepreneurs to leave the sexy-sounding business ideas behind and instead build for their own needs: “Instead of asking ‘what problem should I solve?' ask ‘what problem do I wish someone else would solve for me? '” [cxxxi]

Studying your own needs can lead to remarkable discoveries and new ideas because the designer always has a direct line to at least one user — himself or herself. For example, Buffer, a service for posting updates to social networks, was inspired by its founder's insightful observations of his own behavior. Buffer was founded in 2010 and is now used by over 1.1 million people.

[cxxxii] Its founder, Joel Gascoigne, described the company's inception in an interview. [cxxxiii] “The idea for Buffer came to me after I had been using Twitter for about 1.5 years. I had started to share links to blog posts and quotes I found inspiring, and I found that my followers seemed to really like these types of tweets. I would often get retweets or end up having a great conversation around the blog post or quote. That's when I decided I wanted to share this kind of content more frequently, because the conversations being triggered were allowing me to be in touch with some super smart and interesting people.” Gascoigne continues, “So, with my goal of sharing more blog posts and quotes, I started to do it manually. I quickly realized that it would be far more efficient to schedule these tweets for the future, so I started to use a few available Twitter clients to do this. The key pain I ran into here was that I would have to choose the exact date and time for the tweet, and in reality all I wanted to do was to tweet ‘five times per day.' I just wanted the tweets to be spread out so I didn't share them all at the same time when I did my daily reading. For a while, I used a notepad and kept track of when I had scheduled tweets, so that I could try and tweet five times per day. This became quite cumbersome, and so my idea was born: I wanted to make scheduling tweets 'x times a day' as easy as tweeting regularly.” Gascoigne's story is a classic example of a founder scratching his own itch. As he used existing solutions, he recognized a discrepancy in what they offered and the solution he needed. He identified where steps could be removed from other products he used and built a simpler way to get his job done.

Careful introspection can uncover opportunities for building habit-forming products. As you go about your day, ask yourself why you do, or do not do, certain things and how those tasks could be made easier or more rewarding.

Observing your own behavior can inspire the next habit-forming product or inform a breakthrough improvement to an existing solution. Below, you'll find other hotbeds for innovation opportunities — think of them as shortcuts for uncovering existing behaviors that are ripe for successful business development based on forming new user habits. Nascent Behaviors

Sometimes technologies that appear to cater to a niche will cross into the mainstream. Behaviors that start with a small group of users can expand to a wider population, but only if they cater to a broad need. However, the fact that the technology is at first used only by a small population often deceives observers into dismissing the product's true potential. A striking number of world-changing innovations were written off as mere novelties with limited commercial appeal. George Eastman's Brownie camera, preloaded with a film roll and selling for just $1, was originally marketed as a child's toy. [cxxxiv] Established studio photographers saw the device as little more than a cheap plaything.

The invention of the telephone was also dismissed at first. Sir William Preece, the chief engineer of the British Post Office famously declared, "The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys." [cxxxv]

In 1911, Ferdinand Foch the future Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies in WWI said, "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." [cxxxvi]

In 1957, the editor of business books for Prentice Hall told his publisher, “I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year.” The Internet itself, and each successive wave of innovation, has continually received criticism for its inability to gain mass appeal. In 1995, Clifford Stoll wrote a Newsweek article titled, “The Internet? Bah!” where he declared, “The truth is no online database will replace your daily newspaper…” Stoll continued, “...we'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Internet. Uh, sure.”


But of course, now we do read books and newspapers over the Internet. When technologies are new, people are often skeptical. Old habits die hard and few people have the foresight to see how new innovations will eventually change their routines. However, by looking to early adopters who have already developed nascent behaviors, entrepreneurs and designers can identify niche use cases, which can be taken mainstream.

For example, in its early days, Facebook was only used by Harvard students. The service mimicked an offline behavior familiar to all college students at the time: Perusing a printed book of student faces and profiles. After finding popularity at Harvard, Facebook rolled out to other Ivy League schools, and then, to college students nationwide. Next came high school kids and later, employees at select companies. Finally, in September of 2006, Facebook was opened to the world. Today, Facebook is used by over a billion people. What first began as a nascent behavior at one campus became a global phenomenon catering to the fundamental human need for connection to others.

As discussed early in the book, many habit-forming technologies begin as “vitamins” — nice-to-have products that, over time, become must-have “painkillers” by relieving an itch or pain. It is revealing that so many breakthrough technologies and companies, from airplanes to Airbnb, were at first dismissed by critics as toys or niche markets. Looking for nascent behaviors among early adopters can often uncover valuable new business opportunities.

Enabling Technologies

Mike Maples, Jr., a Silicon Valley “super angel” investor, likens technology to big-wave surfing. In 2012, Maples blogged, “In my experience, every decade or so, we see a major new tech wave. When I was in high school, it was the PC revolution. I made my career as an entrepreneur at the end of the client/server wave and in the early phases of the Internet wave. Today, we are at the mass adoption phase of the social networking wave. I am obsessed with these technology waves and have spent a lot of time studying how they develop and what patterns can be observed.”

Maples believes technology waves follow a three-phase pattern, “They start with infrastructure. Advances in infrastructure are the preliminary forces that enable a large wave to gather. As the wave begins to gather, enabling technologies and platforms create the basis for new types of applications that cause a gathering wave to achieve massive penetration and customer adoption. Eventually, these waves crest and subside, making way for the next gathering wave to take shape.”


Entrepreneurs looking for windows of opportunity would be wise to consider Maples' metaphor. Wherever new technologies suddenly make a behavior easier, new possibilities are born. Oftentimes, the creation of a new infrastructure opens up unforeseen ways to make other actions simpler or more rewarding. For example, the Internet was first made possible because of the infrastructure commissioned by the United States government during the Cold War. Then, enabling technologies such as dial-up modems, and later, high-speed Internet connections, provided access to the web. And finally, HTML, web browsers and search engines — the application layer — made browsing possible on the World Wide Web. At each successive stage, previous enabling technologies allowed new behaviors and businesses to flourish.

Identifying areas where a new technology makes cycling through the Hook Model faster, more frequent, or more rewarding provides fertile ground for developing new habit-forming products.

Interface Change

Technological changes often create opportunities to build new hooks. However, sometimes no technology change is required. Many companies have found success in driving new habit formation by identifying how changing user interactions can create new routines.

Whenever a massive change occurs in the way people interact with technology, expect to find plenty of opportunities ripe for harvesting. Changes in interface suddenly make all sorts of behaviors easier. Subsequently, when the effort required to accomplish an action decreases, usage tends to explode.

A long history of technology businesses made their fortunes discovering behavioral secrets made visible because of a change in the interface. Apple and Microsoft succeeded by turning clunky terminals into graphical user interfaces accessible by mainstream consumers. Google simplified the search interface as compared to those of ad-heavy and difficult-to-use competitors such as Yahoo! and Lycos. Facebook and Twitter turned new behavioral insights into interfaces that simplified social interactions online. In each case, a new interface made an action easier and uncovered surprising truths about user behaviors.

More recently, Instagram and Pinterest have capitalized on behavioral insights brought about by interface changes. Pinterest's ability to create a rich canvas of images — utilizing what were then cutting-edge interface changes — revealed new insights about the addictive nature of an online catalog. For Instagram, the interface change was cameras integrated into smartphones. Instagram discovered that its low-tech filters made relatively poor-quality smartphone photos look great. Suddenly taking good pictures with your phone was easier and Instagram used its newly discovered insights to recruit an army of rabidly snapping users. With both Pinterest and Instagram, tiny teams generated huge value — not by cracking hard technical challenges, but by solving common interaction problems. Likewise, the fast ascent of mobile devices, including tablets, has spawned a new revolution in interface changes — and a new generation of startup products and services designed around mobile user needs and behaviors.

To uncover where interfaces are changing, Paul Buchheit, Partner at Y-Combinator, encourages entrepreneurs to “live in the future.”

[cxxxix] A profusion of interface changes are just a few years away. Wearable technologies like Google Glass, the Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles, and the Pebble watch promise to change how users interact with the real and digital worlds. By looking forward to anticipate where interfaces will change, the enterprising designer can uncover new ways to form user habits.


Remember and Share

- The Hook Model helps the product designer generate an initial prototype for a habit-forming technology. It also helps uncover potential weaknesses in an existing product's habit-forming potential. - Once a product is built, Habit Testing helps uncover product devotees, discover which product elements are habit forming (if any), and why those aspects of your product change user behavior. Habit Testing includes three steps: identify, codify, and modify.

- First, dig into the data to identify how people are behaving and using the product.

- Next, codify these findings in search of habitual users. To generate new hypotheses, study the actions and paths taken by devoted users.

- Lastly, modify the product to influence more users to follow the same path as your habitual users, and then evaluate results and continue to modify as needed.

- Keen observation of one's own behavior can lead to new insights and habit-forming product opportunities. - Identifying areas where a new technology makes cycling through the Hook Model faster, more frequent or more rewarding provides fertile ground for developing new habit-forming products.

- Nascent behaviors — new behaviors that few people see or do, and yet ultimately fulfill a mass-market need — can inform future breakthrough habit-forming opportunities.

- New interfaces lead to transformative behavior change and business opportunities.


Do This Now

Refer to the answers you came up with in the “Do This Now” section in chapter five to complete the following exercises:

- Perform Habit Testing, as described in this chapter, to identify the steps users take toward long-term engagement.

- Be aware of your behaviors and emotions for the next week as you use everyday products. Ask yourself:

- What triggered me to use these products? Was I prompted externally or through internal means?

- Am I using these products as intended?

- How might these products improve their on-boarding funnels, re-engage users through additional external triggers, or encourage users to invest in their services?

- Speak with three people outside your social circle to discover which apps occupy the first screen on their mobile devices. Ask them to use these apps as they normally would and see if you uncover any unnecessary or nascent behaviors.

- Brainstorm five new interfaces that could introduce opportunities or threats to your business.




Now that you have an understanding of the Hook Model and have reflected on the morality of influencing user behavior, it is time to get to work. ||||||||Gatillo||||reflexionado|||moralidad||influir en||||||||| Running your idea through the four phases of the model will help you discover potential weaknesses in your product's habit-forming potential. |||||||||||||||debilidades potenciales|||del producto||| 将您的想法在模型的四个阶段中进行验证,将有助于发现产品习惯形成潜力的潜在弱点。 Does your users' internal trigger frequently prompt them to action? ||||desencadenante interno||incitar a acción||| 您的用户内部触发经常促使他们采取行动吗? Is your external trigger cueing them when they are most likely to act? ||||desencadenando|||||||| 外部触发器是否在用户最有可能采取行动时提醒他们? Is your design simple enough to make taking the action easy? Does the reward satisfy your users' need while leaving them wanting more? |||satisfacer|||||||deseando más| Do your users invest a bit of work in the product, storing value to improve the experience with use and loading the next trigger? ||||||||||||||||||||cargando|||desencadenante próximo 您的用户是否会在产品中投入一些努力,存储价值以提高使用体验,并加载下一个触发器?

By identifying where your technology is lacking, you can focus on developing improvements to your product where it matters most. ||||||deficiente||||||||||||| 通过确定您的技术存在哪些不足,您可以专注于在最重要的地方开发改进您的产品。

Habit Testing |Prueba de hábitos 习惯性测试

By following the “Do This Now” sections in previous chapters, you should have enough knowledge to prototype your product. But simply coming up with ideas is not enough, and creating user habits is often easier said than done. The process of developing successful habit-forming technologies requires patience and persistence. |||||||||||persistencia The Hook Model can be a helpful tool for filtering out bad ideas with low habit potential as well as a framework for identifying room for improvement in existing products. |Gatillo||||||||filtrar||||||||||||marco de referencia|||||||| However, after the designer has formulated new hypotheses, there is no way to know which ideas will work without testing them with actual users. |||diseñador||formulado||hipótesis nuevas|||||||||||||||| 然而,设计师提出新假设后,没有办法知道哪些想法会在不与实际用户测试的情况下起作用。

Building a habit-forming product is an iterative process and requires user behavior analysis and continuous experimentation. |||||||iterativo|||||||||experimentación continua 建立习惯形成产品是一个迭代过程,需要用户行为分析和持续实验。 How can you implement the concepts in this book to measure your product's effectiveness building user habits? 您如何实施本书中的概念来衡量构建用户习惯的产品效果? Through my studies and discussions with entrepreneurs at today's most successful habit-forming companies, I've distilled this process into what I call “Habit Testing.” It is a process inspired by the build-measure-learn methodology championed by the lean startup movement. |||||||||||||||destilado|||||||||||||||||||metodología de aprendizaje|||||| 通过与当今最成功的习惯形成公司的创业者的研究和讨论,我将这个过程提炼成我称之为“习惯测试”的方法。这是受精益创业运动倡导的建立-衡量-学习方法的启发。 Habit Testing offers insights and actionable data to inform the design of habit-forming products. 习惯测试提供见解和可行性数据,以指导习惯形成产品的设计。 It helps clarify who your devotees are, what parts of your product are habit-forming (if any), and why those aspects of your product are changing user behavior. 它有助于澄清你的忠实支持者是谁,你的产品中哪些部分具有习惯形成的特征(如果有的话),以及为什么你产品的这些方面正在改变用户行为。

Habit Testing does not always require a live product; however, it can be difficult to draw clear conclusions without a comprehensive view of how people are using your system. 习惯测试并不总是需要一个实际产品;然而,如果没有全面了解人们如何使用您的系统,要得出明确结论可能会有困难。 The following steps assume you have a product, users, and meaningful data to explore. 以下步骤假设您有一个产品、用户和有意义的数据要探索。

Step 1: Identify 步骤1:识别

The initial question for Habit Testing is “Who are the product's habitual users?” Remember, the more frequently your product is used, the more likely it is to form a user habit. First, define what it means to be a devoted user. 首先,定义什么是忠实用户。 How often “should” one use your product? 一个人“应该”多久使用您的产品? The answer to this question is very important and can widely change your perspective. 这个问题的答案非常重要,可能会大大改变您的看法。 Publicly available data from similar products or solutions can help define your users and engagement targets. If data is not available, educated assumptions must be made — but be realistic and honest. 如果数据不可用,则必须进行有教育意义的假设 - 但务实和诚实。

If you are building a social networking app like Twitter or Instagram, you should expect habitual users to visit the service multiple times per day. 另一方面,如果您正在构建类似Twitter或Instagram的社交网络应用程序,您应该期望习惯性用户每天多次访问该服务。 On the other hand, you should not expect users of a movie recommendation site like Rotten Tomatoes to visit more than once or twice a week (since their visits will come on the heels of seeing a movie or researching one to watch). 另一方面,您不应期望像Rotten Tomatoes这样的电影推荐网站的用户每周访问超过一两次(因为他们的访问将在观看电影或研究要观看的电影之后进行)。 Don't come up with an overly aggressive prediction that only accounts for uber-users; you are looking for a realistic guess to calibrate how often typical users will interact with your product. 不要提出过于激进的预测,只考虑超级用户;你要寻找一个现实的猜测来校准 typica 用户会多频繁与你的产品互动。 Once you know how often users should use your product, dig into the numbers and identify how many and which type of users meet this threshold. 一旦你知道用户应该多频繁使用你的产品,深入了解数据,确定有多少以及哪种类型的用户满足这个门槛。 As a best practice, use cohort analysis to measure changes in user behavior through future product iterations. 作为最佳实践,使用队列分析来测量通过未来产品迭代而发生的用户行为变化。

Step 2: Codify 第2步:编码化

Hopefully you've identified a few users who meet the criteria of habitual users. 希望您已经确定了几位符合常规用户标准的用户。 But how many users are enough? 但是需要多少用户才算足够? My rule of thumb is five percent. 我的经验法则是百分之五。 Though your rate of active users will need to be much higher to sustain your business, this is a good initial benchmark. 尽管您的活跡用户率需要更高才能维持业务,这是一个很好的初始基准。

However, if at least five percent of your users don't find your product valuable enough to use as much as you predicted they would, you may have a problem. 然而,如果至少百分之五的用户发现您的产品不够有价值,使用量不如您预期的多,那可能存在问题。 Either you identified the wrong users or your product needs to go back to the drawing board. But if you have exceeded that bar and identified your habitual users, the next step is to codify the steps they took using your product to understand what hooked them. 但是,如果您已经超过了这个标准,并确定了您的习惯用户,下一步是明确他们在使用您的产品时所采取的步骤,以了解是什么吸引了他们。

Users will interact with your product in slightly different ways. 用户会以稍微不同的方式与您的产品互动。 Even if you have a standard user flow, the way users engage with your product creates a unique fingerprint. 即使您有一个标准的用户流程,用户与您的产品互动的方式会产生独特的指纹。 Where users are coming from, decisions made when registering, and the number of friends using the service, are just a few of the behaviors that help create a recognizable pattern. 用户来自哪里、注册时做出的决定以及使用该服务的朋友数,只是一些有助于创建可识别模式的行为。 Sift through the data to determine if similarities emerge. 筛选数据以确定是否出现相似之处。 You're looking for a “Habit Path,” — a series of similar actions shared by your most loyal users. 您正在寻找一个“习惯路径”,即您最忠诚用户共享的一系列相似操作。 For example, in its early days, Twitter discovered that once new users followed 30 other members, they hit a tipping point which dramatically increased the odds they would keep using the site. 例如,在 Twitter 的早期阶段,发现一旦新用户关注了其他30名成员,他们就达到了一个临界点,极大地增加了他们继续使用该网站的可能性。 [cxxx] [cxxx]

Every product has a different set of actions that devoted users take; the goal of finding the Habit Path is to determine which of these steps is critical for creating devoted users so that you can modify the experience to encourage this behavior. 每个产品都有一组不同的动作,忠实用户会采取;找到习惯路径的目的是确定这些步骤中哪些是关键的,以创建忠实用户,从而修改体验以鼓励这种行为。

Step 3: Modify 步骤3:修改

Armed with new insights, it is time to revisit your product and identify ways to nudge new users down the same Habit Path taken by devotees. 凭借新的见解,现在是时候重新审视您的产品,找出诱使新用户沿着忠实用户走过的相同习惯路径的方法。 This may include an update to the registration funnel, content changes, feature removal, or increased emphasis on an existing feature. 这可能包括更新注册漏斗、内容更改、功能移除或对现有功能增加强调。 Twitter used the insights gained from the previous step to modify its on-boarding process, encouraging new users to immediately begin following others. Twitter利用从之前步骤中获得的见解来修改其注册过程,鼓励新用户立即开始关注其他人。

Habit Testing is a continual process you can implement with every new feature and product iteration. 习惯测试是一个连续的过程,你可以在每个新功能和产品迭代中实施。 Tracking users by cohort and comparing their activity to habitual users should guide how products evolve and improve. 通过按队列跟踪用户并将其活动与习惯用户进行比较,来指导产品的发展和改进。

Discovering Habit-forming Opportunities

The Habit Testing process requires the product designer to have an existing product to test. But where might you look to find potentially habit-forming experiences ripe for new technological solutions? 但您可能会在哪里寻找潜在的易成瘾体验,为新技术解决方案开发呢?

When it comes to developing new products, there are no guarantees. 在开发新产品时,没有任何保证。 Along with creating an engaging product as described in this book, startups must also find a way to monetize and grow. 除了按照本书所述创建一个吸引人的产品之外,初创公司还必须找到一种盈利和增长的方式。 Although this book does not cover business models for delivering customer value or methods for profitable customer acquisition, both are necessary components of any successful business. 尽管这本书没有涵盖提供客户价值的商业模式或盈利客户获取的方法,但这两者都是任何成功业务的必要组成部分。 Several things must go right for a new company to succeed, and forming user habits is just one of them. 一个新公司要成功,需要很多条件得以满足,培养用户习惯只是其中之一。

As we saw in chapter six, being a “facilitator” is not only a moral imperative, it also makes for better businesses practices. 正如我们在第六章中看到的那样,“成为一名‘促成者’”不仅是一种道德要求,也能改善商业实践。 Creating a product the designer uses and believes materially improves people's lives increases the odds of delivering something people want. 设计师使用并相信在实质上改善人们生活的产品的创造增加了交付人们想要的东西的机会。 Therefore, the first place for the entrepreneur or designer to look for new opportunities is in the mirror. 因此,创业者或设计师寻找新机会的第一个地方是镜子。 Paul Graham advises entrepreneurs to leave the sexy-sounding business ideas behind and instead build for their own needs: “Instead of asking ‘what problem should I solve?' 保罗·格雷厄姆建议创业者放弃那些听起来很性感的商业理念,而是根据自己的需求构建:“而不是问‘我应该解决什么问题?'” ask ‘what problem do I wish someone else would solve for me? '” [cxxxi]

Studying your own needs can lead to remarkable discoveries and new ideas because the designer always has a direct line to at least one user — himself or herself. 研究自己的需求可能会带来非凡的发现和新思路,因为设计师总是与至少一个用户(他自己或她自己)有直接联系。 For example, Buffer, a service for posting updates to social networks, was inspired by its founder's insightful observations of his own behavior. 例如,社交网络更新发布服务Buffer就是受其创始人对自己行为的独到观察所启发的。 Buffer was founded in 2010 and is now used by over 1.1 million people. Buffer成立于2010年,目前有超过110万用户使用。

[cxxxii] Its founder, Joel Gascoigne, described the company's inception in an interview. [cxxxii] Buffer的创始人Joel Gascoigne在一次采访中描述了公司的创立过程。 [cxxxiii] “The idea for Buffer came to me after I had been using Twitter for about 1.5 years. [cxxxiii] “在使用Twitter大约1.5年后,我想到了Buffer的主意。 I had started to share links to blog posts and quotes I found inspiring, and I found that my followers seemed to really like these types of tweets. 我开始分享博客文章和我觉得有启发的引语链接,发现我的粉丝似乎真的喜欢这类推文。 I would often get retweets or end up having a great conversation around the blog post or quote. 我经常会收到转发,或者围绕博客文章或引文展开很棒的谈话。 That's when I decided I wanted to share this kind of content more frequently, because the conversations being triggered were allowing me to be in touch with some super smart and interesting people.” 这时我决定我想更频繁地分享这类内容,因为被激发的讨论让我能和一些非常聪明和有趣的人保持联系。” Gascoigne continues, “So, with my goal of sharing more blog posts and quotes, I started to do it manually. Gascoigne继续说:“因此,为了实现更多博客文章和引文的分享目标,我开始手动做。 I quickly realized that it would be far more efficient to schedule these tweets for the future, so I started to use a few available Twitter clients to do this. 我很快意识到,安排这些推文以便将来发布会更有效率,所以我开始使用一些可用的 Twitter 客户端来做这件事。 The key pain I ran into here was that I would have to choose the exact date and time for the tweet, and in reality all I wanted to do was to tweet ‘five times per day.' 这里我遇到的主要问题是,我需要选择推文的确切日期和时间,实际上,我只想每天发推文“五次”。 I just wanted the tweets to be spread out so I didn't share them all at the same time when I did my daily reading. 我只希望推文能够分散发布,这样我在做每日阅读时就不会同时分享它们。 For a while, I used a notepad and kept track of when I had scheduled tweets, so that I could try and tweet five times per day. 有一段时间,我使用记事本记录了我安排推文的时间,这样我就可以每天尝试推文五次。 This became quite cumbersome, and so my idea was born: I wanted to make scheduling tweets 'x times a day' as easy as tweeting regularly.” 这变得相当麻烦,所以我的想法诞生了:我想要将安排推文“每天x次”变得和正常推文一样容易。” Gascoigne's story is a classic example of a founder scratching his own itch. Gascoigne的故事是一个创始人为自己解决困扰的经典案例。 As he used existing solutions, he recognized a discrepancy in what they offered and the solution he needed. 在使用现有解决方案的过程中,他意识到它们提供的内容与他所需的解决方案之间存在差异。 He identified where steps could be removed from other products he used and built a simpler way to get his job done. 他确定了可以从其他产品中删除的步骤,并构建了一个更简单的方式来完成工作。

Careful introspection can uncover opportunities for building habit-forming products. 仔细反省可以发现构建习惯形成产品的机会。 As you go about your day, ask yourself why you do, or do not do, certain things and how those tasks could be made easier or more rewarding. 在您的日常生活中,问问自己为什么会做或不做某些事情,以及如何让这些任务变得更容易或更有价值。

Observing your own behavior can inspire the next habit-forming product or inform a breakthrough improvement to an existing solution. 观察自己的行为可以激发下一个习惯形成的产品,或者为现有解决方案的突破性改进提供信息。 Below, you'll find other hotbeds for innovation opportunities — think of them as shortcuts for uncovering existing behaviors that are ripe for successful business development based on forming new user habits. A continuación, encontrará otros focos de oportunidades de innovación; considérelos como atajos para descubrir comportamientos existentes que están maduros para un desarrollo empresarial exitoso basado en la formación de nuevos hábitos de usuario. 在下面,您将找到其他创新机会的热点领域-将它们视为挖掘现有行为的捷径,这些行为正适合于基于形成新用户习惯的成功业务发展。 Nascent Behaviors Comportamientos nacientes

Sometimes technologies that appear to cater to a niche will cross into the mainstream. A veces, las tecnologías que parecen adaptarse a un nicho se cruzarán con la corriente principal. 有时,看似专注于某个小众领域的技术会逐渐进入主流。 Behaviors that start with a small group of users can expand to a wider population, but only if they cater to a broad need. 源于一小部分用户的行为可能会扩展到更广泛的人群,但前提是它们能满足广泛的需求。 However, the fact that the technology is at first used only by a small population often deceives observers into dismissing the product's true potential. 然而,技术起初仅被一小部分人使用的事实往往会使观察者忽视产品真正的潜力。 A striking number of world-changing innovations were written off as mere novelties with limited commercial appeal. Un número sorprendente de innovaciones que cambiaron el mundo se descartaron como meras novedades con un atractivo comercial limitado. 许多改变世界的创新被认为只是有限商业吸引力的新奇玩意。 George Eastman's Brownie camera, preloaded with a film roll and selling for just $1, was originally marketed as a child's toy. La cámara Brownie de George Eastman, precargada con un rollo de película y vendida por solo $ 1, se comercializó originalmente como un juguete para niños. 乔治·伊斯曼的布朗尼相机,预装了一卷胶卷,仅售1美元,最初被市场定位为儿童玩具。 [cxxxiv] Established studio photographers saw the device as little more than a cheap plaything. [cxxxiv] Los fotógrafos de estudio establecidos vieron el dispositivo como poco más que un juguete barato. [cxxxiv] 已建立的工作室摄影师认为这个设备不过是一个廉价的玩具。

The invention of the telephone was also dismissed at first. 电话的发明起初也被忽视。 Sir William Preece, the chief engineer of the British Post Office famously declared, "The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. 英国邮政局首席工程师威廉·普里斯爵士曾经声名远扬地宣称:“美国人需要电话,但我们不需要。 We have plenty of messenger boys." 我们有足够多的信使男孩。” [cxxxv]

In 1911, Ferdinand Foch the future Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies in WWI said, "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." [cxxxvi]

In 1957, the editor of business books for Prentice Hall told his publisher, “I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year.” En 1957, el editor de libros de negocios de Prentice Hall le dijo a su editor: “He viajado a lo largo y ancho de este país y he hablado con las mejores personas, y puedo asegurarles que el procesamiento de datos es una moda que no perdurará. el año." The Internet itself, and each successive wave of innovation, has continually received criticism for its inability to gain mass appeal. In 1995, Clifford Stoll wrote a Newsweek article titled, “The Internet? Bah!” where he declared, “The truth is no online database will replace your daily newspaper…” Stoll continued, “...we'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Internet. ¡Bah!" donde declaró: “La verdad es que ninguna base de datos en línea reemplazará a su periódico…” continuó Stoll, “… pronto compraremos libros y periódicos directamente a través de Internet. Uh, sure.”


But of course, now we do read books and newspapers over the Internet. When technologies are new, people are often skeptical. Old habits die hard and few people have the foresight to see how new innovations will eventually change their routines. However, by looking to early adopters who have already developed nascent behaviors, entrepreneurs and designers can identify niche use cases, which can be taken mainstream. Sin embargo, al buscar a los primeros adoptantes que ya han desarrollado comportamientos incipientes, los empresarios y diseñadores pueden identificar casos de uso de nicho, que pueden generalizarse.

For example, in its early days, Facebook was only used by Harvard students. The service mimicked an offline behavior familiar to all college students at the time: Perusing a printed book of student faces and profiles. El servicio imitó un comportamiento fuera de línea familiar para todos los estudiantes universitarios en ese momento: examinar un libro impreso de rostros y perfiles de estudiantes. After finding popularity at Harvard, Facebook rolled out to other Ivy League schools, and then, to college students nationwide. Después de encontrar popularidad en Harvard, Facebook se extendió a otras escuelas de la Ivy League y luego a estudiantes universitarios en todo el país. Next came high school kids and later, employees at select companies. Finally, in September of 2006, Facebook was opened to the world. Today, Facebook is used by over a billion people. What first began as a nascent behavior at one campus became a global phenomenon catering to the fundamental human need for connection to others. Lo que comenzó como un comportamiento incipiente en un campus se convirtió en un fenómeno global que satisfacía la necesidad humana fundamental de conectarse con los demás.

As discussed early in the book, many habit-forming technologies begin as “vitamins” — nice-to-have products that, over time, become must-have “painkillers” by relieving an itch or pain. It is revealing that so many breakthrough technologies and companies, from airplanes to Airbnb, were at first dismissed by critics as toys or niche markets. Looking for nascent behaviors among early adopters can often uncover valuable new business opportunities.

Enabling Technologies

Mike Maples, Jr., a Silicon Valley “super angel” investor, likens technology to big-wave surfing. Mike Maples, Jr., un inversor "súper ángel" de Silicon Valley, compara la tecnología con el surf de olas grandes. In 2012, Maples blogged, “In my experience, every decade or so, we see a major new tech wave. En 2012, Maples escribió en su blog: “En mi experiencia, cada década más o menos, vemos una gran ola tecnológica nueva. When I was in high school, it was the PC revolution. I made my career as an entrepreneur at the end of the client/server wave and in the early phases of the Internet wave. Today, we are at the mass adoption phase of the social networking wave. I am obsessed with these technology waves and have spent a lot of time studying how they develop and what patterns can be observed.”

Maples believes technology waves follow a three-phase pattern, “They start with infrastructure. Advances in infrastructure are the preliminary forces that enable a large wave to gather. As the wave begins to gather, enabling technologies and platforms create the basis for new types of applications that cause a gathering wave to achieve massive penetration and customer adoption. Eventually, these waves crest and subside, making way for the next gathering wave to take shape.” Con el tiempo, estas olas suben y bajan, dando paso a que tome forma la próxima ola acumulada ".


Entrepreneurs looking for windows of opportunity would be wise to consider Maples' metaphor. Wherever new technologies suddenly make a behavior easier, new possibilities are born. Oftentimes, the creation of a new infrastructure opens up unforeseen ways to make other actions simpler or more rewarding. A menudo, la creación de una nueva infraestructura abre caminos imprevistos para hacer otras acciones más simples o más gratificantes. For example, the Internet was first made possible because of the infrastructure commissioned by the United States government during the Cold War. Por ejemplo, Internet fue posible por primera vez gracias a la infraestructura encargada por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos durante la Guerra Fría. Then, enabling technologies such as dial-up modems, and later, high-speed Internet connections, provided access to the web. And finally, HTML, web browsers and search engines — the application layer — made browsing possible on the World Wide Web. Y finalmente, HTML, navegadores web y motores de búsqueda, la capa de aplicación, hicieron posible la navegación en la World Wide Web. At each successive stage, previous enabling technologies allowed new behaviors and businesses to flourish.

Identifying areas where a new technology makes cycling through the Hook Model faster, more frequent, or more rewarding provides fertile ground for developing new habit-forming products.

Interface Change

Technological changes often create opportunities to build new hooks. However, sometimes no technology change is required. Many companies have found success in driving new habit formation by identifying how changing user interactions can create new routines.

Whenever a massive change occurs in the way people interact with technology, expect to find plenty of opportunities ripe for harvesting. Changes in interface suddenly make all sorts of behaviors easier. Subsequently, when the effort required to accomplish an action decreases, usage tends to explode.

A long history of technology businesses made their fortunes discovering behavioral secrets made visible because of a change in the interface. Apple and Microsoft succeeded by turning clunky terminals into graphical user interfaces accessible by mainstream consumers. Apple y Microsoft tuvieron éxito al convertir terminales torpes en interfaces gráficas de usuario accesibles para los consumidores convencionales. Google simplified the search interface as compared to those of ad-heavy and difficult-to-use competitors such as Yahoo! and Lycos. Facebook and Twitter turned new behavioral insights into interfaces that simplified social interactions online. Facebook y Twitter convirtieron nuevos conocimientos de comportamiento en interfaces que simplificaron las interacciones sociales en línea. In each case, a new interface made an action easier and uncovered surprising truths about user behaviors.

More recently, Instagram and Pinterest have capitalized on behavioral insights brought about by interface changes. Pinterest's ability to create a rich canvas of images — utilizing what were then cutting-edge interface changes — revealed new insights about the addictive nature of an online catalog. For Instagram, the interface change was cameras integrated into smartphones. Instagram discovered that its low-tech filters made relatively poor-quality smartphone photos look great. Suddenly taking good pictures with your phone was easier and Instagram used its newly discovered insights to recruit an army of rabidly snapping users. De repente, tomar buenas fotos con su teléfono fue más fácil e Instagram utilizó sus conocimientos recién descubiertos para reclutar un ejército de usuarios rabiosos. With both Pinterest and Instagram, tiny teams generated huge value — not by cracking hard technical challenges, but by solving common interaction problems. Tanto con Pinterest como con Instagram, los equipos pequeños generaron un gran valor, no resolviendo desafíos técnicos difíciles, sino resolviendo problemas de interacción comunes. Likewise, the fast ascent of mobile devices, including tablets, has spawned a new revolution in interface changes — and a new generation of startup products and services designed around mobile user needs and behaviors. Asimismo, el rápido ascenso de los dispositivos móviles, incluidas las tabletas, ha generado una nueva revolución en los cambios de interfaz y una nueva generación de productos y servicios de inicio diseñados en torno a las necesidades y comportamientos de los usuarios móviles.

To uncover where interfaces are changing, Paul Buchheit, Partner at Y-Combinator, encourages entrepreneurs to “live in the future.”

[cxxxix] A profusion of interface changes are just a few years away. Wearable technologies like Google Glass, the Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles, and the Pebble watch promise to change how users interact with the real and digital worlds. Las tecnologías portátiles como Google Glass, las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift y el reloj Pebble prometen cambiar la forma en que los usuarios interactúan con el mundo real y digital. By looking forward to anticipate where interfaces will change, the enterprising designer can uncover new ways to form user habits.


Remember and Share

- The Hook Model helps the product designer generate an initial prototype for a habit-forming technology. It also helps uncover potential weaknesses in an existing product's habit-forming potential. - Once a product is built, Habit Testing helps uncover product devotees, discover which product elements are habit forming (if any), and why those aspects of your product change user behavior. - Una vez que se crea un producto, las pruebas de hábitos ayudan a descubrir devotos del producto, descubrir qué elementos del producto crean hábito (si los hay) y por qué esos aspectos de su producto cambian el comportamiento del usuario. Habit Testing includes three steps: identify, codify, and modify.

- First, dig into the data to identify how people are behaving and using the product.

- Next, codify these findings in search of habitual users. To generate new hypotheses, study the actions and paths taken by devoted users.

- Lastly, modify the product to influence more users to follow the same path as your habitual users, and then evaluate results and continue to modify as needed.

- Keen observation of one's own behavior can lead to new insights and habit-forming product opportunities. - Identifying areas where a new technology makes cycling through the Hook Model faster, more frequent or more rewarding provides fertile ground for developing new habit-forming products.

- Nascent behaviors — new behaviors that few people see or do, and yet ultimately fulfill a mass-market need — can inform future breakthrough habit-forming opportunities.

- New interfaces lead to transformative behavior change and business opportunities.


Do This Now

Refer to the answers you came up with in the “Do This Now” section in chapter five to complete the following exercises:

- Perform Habit Testing, as described in this chapter, to identify the steps users take toward long-term engagement.

- Be aware of your behaviors and emotions for the next week as you use everyday products. Ask yourself:

- What triggered me to use these products? Was I prompted externally or through internal means?

- Am I using these products as intended? - ¿Estoy usando estos productos según lo previsto?

- How might these products improve their on-boarding funnels, re-engage users through additional external triggers, or encourage users to invest in their services?

- Speak with three people outside your social circle to discover which apps occupy the first screen on their mobile devices. Ask them to use these apps as they normally would and see if you uncover any unnecessary or nascent behaviors.

- Brainstorm five new interfaces that could introduce opportunities or threats to your business.