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Shakespeare - His Life and Plays, Chapter ten Return to Stratford

Chapter ten Return to Stratford

Many years earlier, in 1596, James Burbage had rented a hall in London. Although the actors continued to act at the Globe Theatre, they preferred to work indoors. Shakespeare was again one of the partners when they opened the Blackfriars theatre in 1608. The other great advantage of a second theatre for the company was that in future they could act in London in winter as well as in summer. Until then, they had only acted at court at Christmas time or in special performances for the law students.

At this time, a new kind of play was coming into fashion. The rival company to Shakespeare's had performed an old play called Mucedoms with great success in 1607.Two years later, two young dramatists, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, wrote Philaster, a play that Fletcher described as mixing tragedy and comedy. These plays were taken from popular stories, like Shakespeare's romantic comedies, but the stories were more serious at first; they began like a tragedy but had a happy ending.

Shakespeare, as always, noticed changes in fashion. Early in 1608, he worked on a play called Pericles. He never wrote anything as bad as the scenes at the beginning. But suddenly, almost halfway through, the style changes. The rest of the play is typical of Shakespeare at this time. It seems that a man called George Wilkins wrote the early scenes and Shakespeare finished the play. It was not included in his collected works in 1623, so it is clear that his friends, who acted with him, knew that he had not written all of it.

In Pericles the hero is separated from his wife and daughter; he believes that they are dead, but meets them again. Their meeting is one of Shakespeare's finest scenes, but the play is difficult because the first half is so different from the second.

Shakespeare's next play of this type, Cymbeline, is also rather confused. He was probably not completely satisfied with it, and as usual when he had not succeeded, he returned to the same subject. In the third play, The Winter's Tale, written in 1610, he manages to solve the problem of a play that begins like a tragedy but has a happy ending.

The title of this play means a fairy story, the kind of story that people tell in winter to pass the time. The play is about forgiveness for the past, and there are a number of things in it that seem to be connected with Shakespeare's own life. The source is an old story by Robert Greene, the man who had attacked Shakespeare when he first succeeded as a dramatist. Greene's story ends sadly, but Shakespeare changed the ending to write the kind of play that Beaumont and Fletcher had described.

Leontes, the King of Sicily, has always been friendly with the King of Bohemia, Polixenes. Leontes is Shakespeare's idea of a jealous man. Othello only becomes jealous when Iago tricks him. But Leontes imagines a relationship between his wife, Hermione, and Polixenes for no reason.

After Polixenes has been staying at his court for some time, Leontes suddenly decides that Hermione's unborn child is Polixenes's, not his. Polixenes escapes, but when the baby girl is born Leontes orders one of his lords, Antigonus, to take it to another country and leave it for wild animals to eat. He puts Hermione on trial, acting as the judge himself, and says that she is guilty. He has sent two men to ask the god Apollo for advice, but he does not wait for them to return. When they do, they bring the message that Hermione is innocent. At this point another messenger comes in to say that the young prince, Mamillius, has died, afraid of what will happen to his mother. Hermione falls to the ground and is carried out of the court. Paulina, Antigonus's wife, comes back to tell Leontes that she is dead, too.

We see Antigonus with the baby in Bohemia, Polixenes's country, and there is an amusing moment when an animal comes on the stage and Antigonus runs away. An old man finds the baby and tells the audience that the animal has eaten Antigonus.

Before the next scene, an actor tells the audience that sixteen years have passed. The baby has grown up into a beautiful young girl called Perdita (which means 'lost') and the young prince, Polixenes's son, is in love with her. His father is very angry but the young couple escape to Sicily. There Leontes helps them and, in the end, the old man brings some letters that he kept. These prove that she is Leontes's daughter. The young couple are married, and finally, we learn that Hermione did not die. Paulina looked after her. So Leontes finds his wife and daughter again after many years.

When he wrote this play, Shakespeare was living in Stratford again for most of the year. If it tells us something about his own life, we may suppose that he became jealous of his wife while he was absent in London many years earlier. But Susanna's marriage to Dr Hall had helped him to discover happiness again with his family. We cannot prove that this is true but it is interesting that at the end of The Winter's Tale, when everyone is happy, no one says anything about the young prince, Mamillius. In the play, he died sixteen years earlier, almost the same length of time in 1610 since the death of Shakespeare's own son, Hamnet.

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Chapter ten Return to Stratford Capítulo diez Regreso a Stratford Capitolo dieci Ritorno a Stratford Onuncu Bölüm Stratford'a Dönüş Розділ десятий Повернення до Стратфорда

Many years earlier, in 1596, James Burbage had rented a hall in London. 何年も前の 1596 年に、ジェームズ・バーベッジはロンドンでホールを借りていました。 Although the actors continued to act at the Globe Theatre, they preferred to work indoors. Shakespeare was again one of the partners when they opened the Blackfriars theatre in 1608. Шекспир снова был одним из партнеров, когда они открыли театр Блэкфрайарс в 1608 году. The other great advantage of a second theatre for the company was that in future they could act in London in winter as well as in summer. Until then, they had only acted at court at Christmas time or in special performances for the law students. それまでは、クリスマスの時期や法学生のための特別公演でのみ法廷で演じていました。

At this time, a new kind of play was coming into fashion. 現時点では、新しい種類の遊びが流行していました。 The rival company to Shakespeare’s had performed an old play called Mucedoms with great success in 1607.Two years later, two young dramatists, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, wrote Philaster, a play that Fletcher described as mixing tragedy and comedy. These plays were taken from popular stories, like Shakespeare’s romantic comedies, but the stories were more serious at first; they began like a tragedy but had a happy ending.

Shakespeare, as always, noticed changes in fashion. Early in 1608, he worked on a play called Pericles. 1608 年初頭、彼はペリクレスという戯曲に取り組みました。 He never wrote anything as bad as the scenes at the beginning. 彼は最初のシーンほど悪いものを書いたことはありません。 But suddenly, almost halfway through, the style changes. しかし、途中で突然、スタイルが変わります。 The rest of the play is typical of Shakespeare at this time. 劇の残りの部分は、現時点ではシェイクスピアの典型です。 It seems that a man called George Wilkins wrote the early scenes and Shakespeare finished the play. ジョージ・ウィルキンスという男が冒頭の場面を書き、シェイクスピアが劇を完成させたようです。 Кажется, что человек по имени Джордж Уилкинс написал первые сцены, а Шекспир закончил пьесу. It was not included in his collected works in 1623, so it is clear that his friends, who acted with him, knew that he had not written all of it. Это не было включено в его собрание сочинений 1623 года, поэтому ясно, что его друзья, которые работали с ним, знали, что он не написал все это.

In Pericles the hero is separated from his wife and daughter; he believes that they are dead, but meets them again. ペリクレスでは、主人公は妻と娘から離れています。彼は彼らが死んだと信じていますが、再び彼らに会います。 Their meeting is one of Shakespeare’s finest scenes, but the play is difficult because the first half is so different from the second.

Shakespeare’s next play of this type, Cymbeline, is also rather confused. このタイプのシェイクスピアの次の戯曲であるシンベリンもかなり混乱しています。 He was probably not completely satisfied with it, and as usual when he had not succeeded, he returned to the same subject. 彼はそれに満足していなかったのだろう。 Вероятно, он не был полностью удовлетворен этим, и, как обычно, когда ему это не удалось, он вернулся к той же теме. In the third play, The Winter’s Tale, written in 1610, he manages to solve the problem of a play that begins like a tragedy but has a happy ending. 1610 年に書かれた 3 番目の戯曲「冬物語」で、彼は悲劇のように始まるがハッピーエンドの戯曲の問題をなんとか解決しました。 В третьей пьесе «Зимняя сказка», написанной в 1610 году, ему удается решить проблему пьесы, которая начинается как трагедия, но имеет счастливый конец.

The title of this play means a fairy story, the kind of story that people tell in winter to pass the time. Der Titel dieses Stücks bedeutet ein Märchen, die Art von Geschichte, die man im Winter erzählt, um sich die Zeit zu vertreiben. この芝居のタイトルは、妖精の物語を意味します。これは、人々が冬に時間を過ごすように言う種類の物語です。 The play is about forgiveness for the past, and there are a number of things in it that seem to be connected with Shakespeare’s own life. 演劇は過去の赦しに関するものであり、シェイクスピア自身の生活に関連していると思われるものが数多くあります。 The source is an old story by Robert Greene, the man who had attacked Shakespeare when he first succeeded as a dramatist. 情報源はロバート・グリーンによる古い物語です。ロバート・グリーンは、劇作家として最初に成功したときにシェークスピアを攻撃した男です。 Greene’s story ends sadly, but Shakespeare changed the ending to write the kind of play that Beaumont and Fletcher had described. グリーンの物語は悲しい結末を迎えるが、シェイクスピアは結末を変えて、ボーモントとフレッチャーが描写したような戯曲を書いた。

Leontes, the King of Sicily, has always been friendly with the King of Bohemia, Polixenes. シチリアの王レオンテスは、ボヘミアの王ポリクセネスと常に友好的でした。 Leontes is Shakespeare’s idea of a jealous man. レオンテスはシェークスピアのje深い男の考えです。 Леонт - это шекспировское представление о ревнивом человеке. Othello only becomes jealous when Iago tricks him. But Leontes imagines a relationship between his wife, Hermione, and Polixenes for no reason. しかし、レオンテスは、妻であるハーマイオニーとポリクシネスの関係を理由なく想像しています。

After Polixenes has been staying at his court for some time, Leontes suddenly decides that Hermione’s unborn child is Polixenes’s, not his. ポリクシネスがしばらくの間彼の裁判所に滞在していた後、レオンテスは突然、ハーマイオニーの胎児は彼ではなくポリクシネスのものであると決定します。 Polixenes escapes, but when the baby girl is born Leontes orders one of his lords, Antigonus, to take it to another country and leave it for wild animals to eat. ポリクシーヌスは逃げますが、女の赤ちゃんが生まれると、レオンテスは領主アンティゴノスの一人に別の国に連れて行き、野生動物に食べさせます。 He puts Hermione on trial, acting as the judge himself, and says that she is guilty. 彼はハーマイオニーを裁判にかけ、裁判官を務め、彼女は有罪であると言います。 Он предает Гермиону суду, выступая в роли судьи, и заявляет, что она виновата. He has sent two men to ask the god Apollo for advice, but he does not wait for them to return. 彼は 2 人の男をアポロ神に助言を求めるために送りましたが、彼らが戻ってくるのを待ちません。 When they do, they bring the message that Hermione is innocent. At this point another messenger comes in to say that the young prince, Mamillius, has died, afraid of what will happen to his mother. この時点で、別のメッセンジャーがやって来て、若い王子マミリウスが母親に何が起こるかを恐れて亡くなったと伝えました。 В этот момент приходит другой посланник и сообщает, что молодой принц Мамилиус умер, опасаясь того, что случится с его матерью. Bu sırada başka bir haberci gelir ve genç prens Mamillius'un öldüğünü, annesine ne olacağından korktuğunu söyler. Hermione falls to the ground and is carried out of the court. ハーマイオニーは地面に倒れ、法廷から運び出されます。 Paulina, Antigonus’s wife, comes back to tell Leontes that she is dead, too. アンティゴノスの妻ポーリーナは、彼女が死んでいることをレオンテスに伝えるために戻ってきます。

We see Antigonus with the baby in Bohemia, Polixenes’s country, and there is an amusing moment when an animal comes on the stage and Antigonus runs away. ポリクセネスの国ボヘミアでアンティゴノスと赤ちゃんが登場し、動物がステージに現れてアンティゴノスが逃げる面白い瞬間があります。 An old man finds the baby and tells the audience that the animal has eaten Antigonus. 老人が赤ちゃんを見つけ、その動物がアンティゴノスを食べたと聴衆に話します。

Before the next scene, an actor tells the audience that sixteen years have passed. The baby has grown up into a beautiful young girl called Perdita (which means 'lost') and the young prince, Polixenes’s son, is in love with her. Ребенок вырос в красивую девочку по имени Пердита (что означает «потерянная»), и молодой принц, сын Поликсена, влюблен в нее. His father is very angry but the young couple escape to Sicily. There Leontes helps them and, in the end, the old man brings some letters that he kept. そこでレオンテスは彼らを助け、最後に、老人は彼が保管していたいくつかの手紙を持ってきます. These prove that she is Leontes’s daughter. これらは、彼女がレオンテスの娘であることを証明しています。 The young couple are married, and finally, we learn that Hermione did not die. 若いカップルは結婚しており、最後に、ハーマイオニーが死ななかったことがわかります。 Paulina looked after her. パウリナは彼女の面倒を見ました。 So Leontes finds his wife and daughter again after many years. それで、レオンテスは何年も後に再び彼の妻と娘を見つけます。

When he wrote this play, Shakespeare was living in Stratford again for most of the year. 彼がこの劇を書いたとき、シェークスピアは年間を通してストラトフォードに再び住んでいました。 Когда он писал эту пьесу, Шекспир снова жил в Стратфорде большую часть года. If it tells us something about his own life, we may suppose that he became jealous of his wife while he was absent in London many years earlier. それが彼自身の人生について何かを教えてくれるのなら、彼が何年も前にロンドンにいなかった間に彼が彼の妻にjeしたと思われるかもしれません。 But Susanna’s marriage to Dr Hall had helped him to discover happiness again with his family. しかし、スザンナとホール博士との結婚は、彼が家族との幸せを再び発見するのを助けました。 We cannot prove that this is true but it is interesting that at the end of The Winter’s Tale, when everyone is happy, no one says anything about the young prince, Mamillius. これが真実であると証明することはできませんが、冬物語の終わりに、誰もが幸せなとき、若い王子、マミリウスについて誰も何も言わないことは興味深いことです. In the play, he died sixteen years earlier, almost the same length of time in 1610 since the death of Shakespeare’s own son, Hamnet. 劇中、彼は16年前に亡くなりましたが、1610年にシェークスピアの息子ハムネットが死んでからほぼ同じ期間でした。 В пьесе он умер шестнадцатью годами ранее, почти столько же времени в 1610 году после смерти собственного сына Шекспира, Хамнета.