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Shakespeare - His Life and Plays, Chapter eleven Last Years

Chapter eleven Last Years

Shakespeare still belonged to the King's Men, and in 1611 he wrote the last play that is completely his own work, The Tempest. It is another play about forgiveness and, as in The Winter's Tale, the happy ending is produced by a marriage between the children of two men who are enemies.

In this play, Shakespeare found a different solution to the problem of time passing. Instead of having a break of sixteen years in the middle of the play, Prospero, the main character, explains to his daughter, Miranda, how they arrived on the island where they live. Prospero was the Duke of Milan but when Miranda was a baby, his brother Antonio, with the help of the King of Naples, rebelled against him. Prospero was put into a boat with the baby and came to the island. But he brought his books with him, and as a result of studying them he now has magic power. Before this scene, we have seen all his enemies on a ship in a storm. Prospero says that he caused the storm because he wanted to bring them to the island.

The play is complicated for many people today for two reasons. First, Prospero has a servant, Caliban, who is half human and lived on the island before he arrived. Prospero was kind to him until he attacked Miranda. Second, Shakespeare invented this story himself but included details from a report of a voyage to America by a man called Strachey. At that time, the English were trying to build a town in Virginia. Some modern directors see Prospero as the villain, not the hero, connecting Caliban with Native Americans. But Shakespeare's island, as the characters' names suggest, is in the Mediterranean, not far from Italy, and the subject of the play is forgiveness.

Many writers have imagined that Prospero is Shakespeare himself. Towards the end of the play he makes a speech forgiving his enemies and promising not to use magic again. This was the last play that Shakespeare wrote by himself. He had used the magic of words for many years but perhaps he had now decided, like Prospero, to return to his family. There his strength, as Prospero says, would be his own. This may be partly true, but Shakespeare took Prospero's speech about magic from a speech made by Medea in his favourite Latin poem, Ovid's Metamorphoses.

In fact, he continued to write for two more years with the help of John Fletcher, who took his place as the main dramatist for the Kings Men. Only one of these plays, Henry VIII, appears in his collected works. Shakespeare was still a partner in the company, but in 1613 the Globe theatre burned down during a performance of Henry VIII, and after that it seems that he ended his connection with them.

Shakespeare lived quietly in Stratford until 1616, but in March of that year he became ill. He died a month later, on 23 April, just after his fifty-second birthday. There has been a lot of discussion about his will, especially because he only left his wife the 'second-best bed'. It seems that he first made his will in January 1616, but did not sign it at that time and changed it when he realized that he was dying.

In that time he had a very worrying experience. His second daughter, Judith, who was then thirty-one, married a man called Thomas Quiney on 10 February. Shakespeare's family had known the Quiney family for many years. But a month later another woman, Margaret Wheeler, died giving birth to a child and Quiney was named as the father. When he signed his will on 25 March, Shakespeare clearly thought about this.

He left almost everything to his older daughter, Susanna. She and her husband, Dr Hall, were given responsibility for the will. He was probably afraid that his wife's relatives, the Hathaway family, would come to her for money, and Judith's husband, Quiney, was clearly not a good man. He did not leave 'the second-best bed' to Anne as an insult to his wife, but as a memory of their marriage. It was the bed that they slept in. They kept the best bed for guests!

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Chapter eleven Last Years Capítulo once Últimos años Capitolo undici Gli ultimi anni Onbirinci Bölüm Son Yıllar Розділ одинадцятий Останні роки

Shakespeare still belonged to the King’s Men, and in 1611 he wrote the last play that is completely his own work, The Tempest. Shakespeare hala Kralın Adamlarına aitti ve 1611'de tamamen kendi eseri olan son oyunu The Tempest'i yazdı. It is another play about forgiveness and, as in The Winter’s Tale, the happy ending is produced by a marriage between the children of two men who are enemies. C'est une autre pièce sur le pardon et, comme dans The Winter's Tale, la fin heureuse est produite par un mariage entre les enfants de deux hommes ennemis. これは許しについての別の戯曲であり、『冬物語』のように、敵である 2 人の男性の子供たちの結婚によってハッピー エンドが生み出されます。 Это еще одна пьеса о прощении, и, как и в «Зимней сказке», счастливый конец дается браком между детьми двух мужчин, которые являются врагами. Bağışlama hakkında başka bir oyundur ve Kış Masalı'nda olduğu gibi mutlu son, düşman olan iki adamın çocukları arasındaki evlilikle sağlanır.

In this play, Shakespeare found a different solution to the problem of time passing. この戯曲で、シェイクスピアは時間の経過の問題に対する別の解決策を見つけました。 Bu oyunda Shakespeare, zamanın geçmesi sorununa farklı bir çözüm buldu. Instead of having a break of sixteen years in the middle of the play, Prospero, the main character, explains to his daughter, Miranda, how they arrived on the island where they live. 劇の途中で16年間の休憩をとる代わりに、主人公のプロスペロは娘のミランダに、彼らが住んでいる島にどのように到着したかを説明します. Oyunun ortasında on altı yıl ara vermek yerine ana karakter olan Prospero, kızı Miranda'ya yaşadıkları adaya nasıl geldiklerini anlatır. Prospero was the Duke of Milan but when Miranda was a baby, his brother Antonio, with the help of the King of Naples, rebelled against him. プロスペローはミラノ公でしたが、ミランダが赤ん坊の頃、弟のアントニオがナポリ王の助けを借りて彼に反抗しました。 Prospero Milano Düküydü, ancak Miranda bebekken kardeşi Antonio, Napoli Kralı'nın yardımıyla ona isyan etti. Prospero was put into a boat with the baby and came to the island. プロスペローは赤子を乗せてボートに乗せられ島にやってきた。 Prospero bebekle birlikte bir tekneye bindirildi ve adaya geldi. But he brought his books with him, and as a result of studying them he now has magic power. しかし、彼は本を持ってきて、それらを勉強した結果、今では魔法の力を持っています. Ama kitaplarını yanında getirdi ve onları incelemenin bir sonucu olarak artık sihirli bir güce sahip. Before this scene, we have seen all his enemies on a ship in a storm. このシーンの前に、私たちは彼のすべての敵が嵐の中で船に乗っているのを見ました。 Bu sahneden önce tüm düşmanlarını fırtınada bir gemide gördük. Prospero says that he caused the storm because he wanted to bring them to the island. Просперо говорит, что он вызвал шторм, потому что хотел доставить их на остров. Prospero, onları adaya getirmek istediği için fırtınaya kendisinin neden olduğunu söylüyor.

The play is complicated for many people today for two reasons. Oyun günümüzde birçok insan için iki nedenden dolayı karmaşıktır. First, Prospero has a servant, Caliban, who is half human and lived on the island before he arrived. 最初に、プロスペロには、人間の半分であり、彼が到着する前に島に住んでいた使用人、カリバンがいます。 Во-первых, у Просперо есть слуга, Калибан, наполовину человек, который жил на острове до своего прибытия. İlk olarak, Prospero'nun yarı insan olan ve gelmeden önce adada yaşayan Caliban adında bir hizmetçisi vardır. Prospero was kind to him until he attacked Miranda. プロスペロはミランダを攻撃するまで彼に親切でした。 Prospero, Miranda'ya saldırana kadar ona karşı nazikti. Second, Shakespeare invented this story himself but included details from a report of a voyage to America by a man called Strachey. 第二に、シェークスピアはこの物語を自分で発明したが、Stracheyと呼ばれる男によるアメリカへの航海の報告からの詳細を含んでいた。 İkincisi, Shakespeare bu hikayeyi kendisi icat etti, ancak Strachey adında bir adamın Amerika'ya yaptığı bir yolculukla ilgili bir raporun ayrıntılarını içeriyordu. At that time, the English were trying to build a town in Virginia. 当時、イギリス人はバージニア州に町を建設しようとしていました。 В то время англичане пытались построить город в Вирджинии. O sırada İngilizler Virginia'da bir kasaba kurmaya çalışıyorlardı. Some modern directors see Prospero as the villain, not the hero, connecting Caliban with Native Americans. 現代の監督の中には、プロスペロをヒーローではなく悪役と見なし、カリバンとネイティブアメリカンを結びつけています。 Bazı modern yönetmenler, Prospero'yu Caliban'ı Yerli Amerikalılara bağlayan kahraman değil, kötü adam olarak görüyor. But Shakespeare’s island, as the characters' names suggest, is in the Mediterranean, not far from Italy, and the subject of the play is forgiveness. しかし、登場人物の名前が示すように、シェイクスピアの島はイタリアからそう遠くない地中海にあり、劇の主題は許しです。 Но остров Шекспира, как следует из названий персонажей, находится в Средиземном море, недалеко от Италии, и сюжет пьесы - прощение. Ama Shakespeare'in adası, karakterlerinin adından da anlaşılacağı gibi, Akdeniz'de, İtalya'dan çok uzak değil ve oyunun konusu bağışlama.

Many writers have imagined that Prospero is Shakespeare himself. Birçok yazar, Prospero'nun Shakespeare'in kendisi olduğunu hayal etmiştir. Towards the end of the play he makes a speech forgiving his enemies and promising not to use magic again. 劇の終わりに向かって、彼は敵を許し、再び魔法を使わないことを約束するスピーチをします。 Oyunun sonuna doğru düşmanlarını affeden ve bir daha sihir kullanmamaya söz veren bir konuşma yapar. This was the last play that Shakespeare wrote by himself. Bu Shakespeare'in kendi başına yazdığı son oyundu. He had used the magic of words for many years but perhaps he had now decided, like Prospero, to return to his family. 彼は長年言葉の魔法を使っていましたが、おそらくプロスペロのように家族に戻ることを決心したのでしょう。 Он использовал магию слов много лет, но, возможно, теперь он решил, как Просперо, вернуться в свою семью. Yıllarca kelimelerin büyüsünü kullanmıştı ama belki de şimdi Prospero gibi ailesine dönmeye karar vermişti. There his strength, as Prospero says, would be his own. Dort würde er, wie Prospero sagt, seine eigene Kraft haben. そこでは、プロスペロが言うように、彼の力は彼自身のものになるでしょう。 Там его сила, как говорит Просперо, будет его собственной. Orada, Prospero'nun dediği gibi, gücü kendine ait olacaktı. This may be partly true, but Shakespeare took Prospero’s speech about magic from a speech made by Medea in his favourite Latin poem, Ovid’s Metamorphoses. これは部分的には真実かもしれませんが、シェークスピアは、プロスペロの魔法についてのスピーチを、メデアが好きなラテン語の詩であるオビッドの変身のスピーチから取りました。 Отчасти это может быть правдой, но Шекспир взял речь Просперо о магии из речи Медеи в своем любимом латинском стихотворении «Метаморфозы» Овидия. Bu kısmen doğru olabilir, ancak Shakespeare, Prospero'nun sihir hakkındaki konuşmasını Medea'nın en sevdiği Latin şiiri Ovid'in Metamorfozlarında yaptığı bir konuşmadan aldı.

In fact, he continued to write for two more years with the help of John Fletcher, who took his place as the main dramatist for the Kings Men. 実際、彼はさらに2年間、ジョン・フレッチャーの助けを借りて執筆を続けました。 Aslında, Kings Men'in ana dramatisti olarak yerini alan John Fletcher'ın yardımıyla iki yıl daha yazmaya devam etti. Only one of these plays, Henry VIII, appears in his collected works. これらの戯曲のうち、ヘンリー8世のみが彼の収集作品に登場します。 Только одна из этих пьес, Генрих VIII, фигурирует в его собрании сочинений. Bu oyunlardan sadece biri, Henry VIII, toplu eserlerinde yer almaktadır. Shakespeare was still a partner in the company, but in 1613 the Globe theatre burned down during a performance of Henry VIII, and after that it seems that he ended his connection with them. シェークスピアはまだ会社のパートナーでしたが、1613年にグローブシアターはヘンリー8世の公演中に焼失し、その後彼との関係は終了したようです。 Шекспир по-прежнему был партнером труппы, но в 1613 году театр «Глобус» сгорел во время спектакля Генриха VIII, и после этого, похоже, он прекратил с ними связь. Shakespeare hala şirkette bir ortaktı, ancak 1613'te Globe tiyatrosu Henry VIII'in bir performansı sırasında yandı ve bundan sonra onlarla olan bağlantısını sonlandırmış gibi görünüyor.

Shakespeare lived quietly in Stratford until 1616, but in March of that year he became ill. シェークスピアはストラットフォードに1616年まで静かに住んでいたが、その年の3月に病気になった。 Shakespeare 1616'ya kadar Stratford'da sessizce yaşadı, ancak o yılın Mart ayında hastalandı. He died a month later, on 23 April, just after his fifty-second birthday. Он умер месяц спустя, 23 апреля, сразу после своего пятьдесят второго дня рождения. There has been a lot of discussion about his will, especially because he only left his wife the 'second-best bed'. Über sein Testament wurde viel diskutiert, vor allem weil er seiner Frau nur das "zweitbeste Bett" hinterlassen hat. 特に彼が妻に「二番目に良いベッド」を残しただけだったので、彼の意志について多くの議論がありました。 Его завещание было много споров, особенно потому, что он оставил жене только «вторую лучшую кровать». Özellikle 'ikinci en iyi yatağı' eşine bıraktığı için vasiyeti hakkında çok fazla tartışma oldu. It seems that he first made his will in January 1616, but did not sign it at that time and changed it when he realized that he was dying. 彼は最初に1616年1月に彼の意志を作ったようですが、その時に署名せず、彼が死にかけていることに気付いたときに変更しました。 Кажется, что он впервые составил завещание в январе 1616 года, но не подписал его тогда и изменил его, когда понял, что умирает. Görünüşe göre ilk vasiyetini Ocak 1616'da yapmış, ancak o sırada imzalamamış ve ölmek üzere olduğunu anlayınca değiştirmiştir.

In that time he had a very worrying experience. その時、彼は非常に心配な経験をしました。 O sırada çok endişe verici bir deneyim yaşadı. His second daughter, Judith, who was then thirty-one, married a man called Thomas Quiney on 10 February. Его вторая дочь, Джудит, которой тогда был тридцать один год, 10 февраля вышла замуж за человека по имени Томас Куини. Shakespeare’s family had known the Quiney family for many years. But a month later another woman, Margaret Wheeler, died giving birth to a child and Quiney was named as the father. しかし、1ヵ月後、別の女性、マーガレット・ウィーラーが子供を産んで亡くなり、クイニーは父親に指名されました。 Но месяц спустя другая женщина, Маргарет Уиллер, умерла, родив ребенка, и Куини был назван отцом. Ancak bir ay sonra başka bir kadın, Margaret Wheeler bir çocuk doğururken öldü ve Quiney baba olarak seçildi. When he signed his will on 25 March, Shakespeare clearly thought about this. 3月25日に彼が遺書に署名したとき、シェークスピアはこれについてはっきりと考えました。 Подписывая завещание 25 марта, Шекспир явно думал об этом. 25 Mart'ta vasiyetini imzalarken, Shakespeare bunu açıkça düşündü.

He left almost everything to his older daughter, Susanna. 彼はほとんどすべてを長女のスザンナに任せました。 She and her husband, Dr Hall, were given responsibility for the will. 彼女と彼女の夫であるホール博士には、遺言の責任が与えられました。 На нее и ее мужа, доктора Холла, возложили ответственность за завещание. O ve kocası Dr Hall'a vasiyetin sorumluluğu verildi. He was probably afraid that his wife’s relatives, the Hathaway family, would come to her for money, and Judith’s husband, Quiney, was clearly not a good man. 彼はおそらく、妻の親relativeであるハサウェイ家族がお金のために彼女のところに来るのではないかと恐れ、ジュディスの夫であるクイニーは明らかに良い男ではなかった。 Muhtemelen karısının akrabaları olan Hathaway ailesinin para için ona geleceğinden korkuyordu ve Judith'in kocası Quiney açıkça iyi bir adam değildi. He did not leave 'the second-best bed' to Anne as an insult to his wife, but as a memory of their marriage. Er überließ Anne das zweitbeste Bett" nicht als Beleidigung für seine Frau, sondern als Erinnerung an ihre Ehe. 彼は妻へのin辱としてではなく、彼らの結婚の記憶として「二番目に良いベッド」をアンに残しませんでした。 Он оставил «вторую лучшую кровать» Анне не как оскорбление своей жене, а как память об их браке. Anne'ye 'en iyi ikinci yatağı' karısına hakaret olarak değil, evliliklerinin bir anısı olarak bıraktı. It was the bed that they slept in. 彼らが寝たのはベッドだった。 They kept the best bed for guests! Sie hielten das beste Bett für die Gäste bereit! 彼らはゲストのために最高のベッドを保ちました! Они сохранили лучшую постель для гостей! Misafirler için en iyi yatağı tuttular!