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Luke's ENGLISH podcast, TEN TOP TIPS for Learning English (Tips 8-10)

TEN TOP TIPS for Learning English (Tips 8-10)

8. The pizza analogy.

In fact, that is point number 8. And I am calling this point number 8, I am calling the pizza analogy, the pizza analogy. And the pizza analogy is that learning English is exactly like eating a pizza, okay? It's the same. It's exactly the same. Now, I know what you're thinking, You're thinking: ‘Well, it's not really exactly the same, is it, Luke?' And you'll be right, okay. It's not exactly the same. Obviously, pizza is food, English is a language, pizza has got cheese on it.

To be honest, there is cheese in English as well, you know. We have the word ‘cheese', we have many different words for ‘cheese' in English So there is cheese on a pizza, there is cheese in English as well, you know. So, you know, it's quite similar. But what I really mean is: eating a pizza and learning English are quite similar. How? Well, for example, when you eat a pizza, you don't try to eat the whole pizza in one go, do you? You're not. You don't try to eat the whole thing in one go. It's not like: ‘I'm going to get this. I have to eat this pizza, because my parents want me to eat it.' Or: ‘I have to eat this pizza because my boss wants me to eat it.' You should be eating the pizza because you want to eat it, right? So, you need to be personally motivated towards eating that pizza. And the other thing is, you can't just eat that pizza in one go. People don't do that with pizzas. You don't get the whole pizza and try to stuff all it into your mouth in one go. No, that's impossible, and it would make you sick, and you wouldn't be able to do it. Similarly, you can't learn all of English, all in one go, you know. You can't expect to understand the whole thing in just one sitting. You have to break it down into little bits. You need to cut that pizza up into slices and eat these slices bite by bite, bit by bit, you know? Also you should enjoy it, you should enjoy eating the pizza, you should enjoy learning English. And you should share it as well, share it with other people. Share the experience. Don't just sit there on your own eating a pizza. Share the pizza with your friends. Okay, that's the pizza analogy. You could stretch that analogy out even further. I'm sure you could find other ways in which eating a pizza and learning English are the same. I'll let you do that. 9. You should enjoy the small victories.

Okay? Enjoy the small victories. So, learning English is a huge task, really. Especially when you want to get to a very fluent level. It can seem a bit like climbing a mountain. But how do you climb a mountain? You don't do it in one big step. You do it bit by bit, step by step. It's tough, it's difficult, but you don't stop. You just keep going and you don't look down. You don't think about the distance too much. You just focus on it, step by step, bit by bit. And every little bit of progress that you've made you should enjoy, you know? So, every bit of English that you learn, a new word that you learn -- feel good about it, you know. If you understand something fully, well done you! Give yourself a little slap on the back. If you say something in exactly the way that you wanted to say it, then well done you! Give yourself a pat on the back. If you stopped making a fossilised error. If you, you know, manage to get out of the habit of making fossilised error that you used to make, then well done you! You know, you should really feel good about every little bit of progress that you make. And enjoy the small victories. And don't be overwhelmed by the fact that learning English can seem like a massive task that you'll never achieve. If you think about it like that, you'll never get anywhere. Just focus on the small victories, little bits of progress. Bit by bit. And make it a habit, do it regularly over a long period of time and you will make progress. It will happen as a natural consequence of enjoying it and doing it step by step, bit by bit, okay?

10. Just enjoy it.

Please, enjoy this. You only get one life. So, please, enjoy it, you know. Learning English should not be a pain, it should not be a struggle. You need to find your own special way of doing it. And ultimately all of the roads, all of the ways that you choose to learn this language will all take you to the same destination which is, you know, a decent fluent operational use of English, okay? So, enjoy the journey, because you only get one life.

Oh, I've got an itchy throat because I've been teaching all day and I'm a bit tired. So, and I'm exhausted. I said that I would talk to you about news. I was going to talk to you about Pokémon and football and things. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to stop right here. Because I think that I've said all I need to say in this episode. Thank you very much for listening! I wonder if there is any music still going, because I turned it down. Let's go back to some music.

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TEN TOP TIPS for Learning English (Tips 8-10) أهم عشر نصائح لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية (نصائح 8-10) TEN TOP TIPS zum Englischlernen (Tipps 8-10) DIEZ CONSEJOS PARA APRENDER INGLÉS (Consejos 8-10) Dix conseils pour apprendre l'anglais (conseils 8-10) DIECI CONSIGLI PER IMPARARE L'INGLESE (Consigli 8-10) 英語学習のためのTEN TOP TIPS (Tips 8-10) 영어 학습을 위한 10가지 팁(팁 8~10) TEN TOP WSKAZÓWKI do nauki języka angielskiego (Wskazówki 8-10) TEN TOP TIPS para aprender inglês (Dicas 8-10) Десять лучших советов по изучению английского языка (советы 8-10) İngilizce Öğrenmek için EN İYİ ON İPUCU (İpuçları 8-10) ДЕСЯТЬ найкращих порад для вивчення англійської мови (поради 8-10) 学习英语的十大技巧(技巧 8-10)

8\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. The pizza analogy. تشبيه البيتزا. Sự tương tự của pizza. 比萨饼的比喻。

In fact, that is point number 8. في الواقع ، هذه هي النقطة رقم 8. And I am calling this point number 8, I am calling the pizza analogy, the pizza analogy. وأنا أسمي هذه النقطة رقم 8 ، أنا أسمي تشبيه البيتزا ، تشبيه البيتزا. And the pizza analogy is that learning English is exactly like eating a pizza, okay? وتشبيه البيتزا هو أن تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية يشبه تمامًا تناول البيتزا ، حسنًا؟ А аналогія з піцою полягає в тому, що вивчення англійської - це те саме, що їсти піцу, зрозуміло? It's the same. It's exactly the same. إنه بالضبط نفس الشيء. Now, I know what you're thinking, You're thinking: ‘Well, it's not really exactly the same, is it, Luke?' الآن ، أعرف ما تفكر فيه ، أنت تفكر: "حسنًا ، الأمر ليس هو نفسه تمامًا ، أليس كذلك ، لوك؟" And you'll be right, okay. وستكون على حق ، حسنًا. It's not exactly the same. انها ليست بالضبط نفس الشيء. Obviously, pizza is food, English is a language, pizza has got cheese on it. من الواضح أن البيتزا هي طعام ، والإنجليزية لغة ، والبيتزا عليها جبن.

To be honest, there is cheese in English as well, you know. لأكون صادقًا ، هناك جبن باللغة الإنجليزية أيضًا ، كما تعلم. Чесно кажучи, в англійській мові теж є сир, знаєте. We have the word ‘cheese', we have many different words for ‘cheese' in English So there is cheese on a pizza, there is cheese in English as well, you know. لدينا كلمة "جبن" ، ولدينا العديد من الكلمات المختلفة لكلمة "جبن" بالإنجليزية ، لذا يوجد جبن في البيتزا ، وهناك جبن باللغة الإنجليزية أيضًا ، كما تعلم. У нас є слово "сир", в англійській мові є багато різних слів на позначення сиру, тому є сир на піці, є сир і в англійській мові, розумієте. So, you know, it's quite similar. But what I really mean is: eating a pizza and learning English are quite similar. لكن ما أعنيه حقًا هو: إن تناول البيتزا وتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية أمران متشابهان تمامًا. How? Well, for example, when you eat a pizza, you don't try to eat the whole pizza in one go, do you? حسنًا ، على سبيل المثال ، عندما تأكل بيتزا ، لا تحاول أن تأكل البيتزا بأكملها دفعة واحدة ، أليس كذلك؟ Beh, per esempio, quando mangi una pizza, non provi a mangiarla tutta in una volta sola, vero? You're not. أنت لست. You don't try to eat the whole thing in one go. لا تحاول أن تأكل كل شيء دفعة واحدة. Nesnažíte se jíst celou věc najednou. 你不会试图一口气吃掉所有东西。 It's not like: ‘I'm going to get this. الأمر ليس مثل: "سأحصل على هذا. Non è come: 'Lo prenderò. Це не схоже на: "Я піду візьму це. I have to eat this pizza, because my parents want me to eat it.' يجب أن آكل هذه البيتزا ، لأن والديّ يريدونني أن آكلها. Devo mangiare questa pizza, perché i miei genitori vogliono che la mangi io.' Я повинен з'їсти цю піцу, бо батьки хочуть, щоб я її з'їв". Or: ‘I have to eat this pizza because my boss wants me to eat it.' أو: "يجب أن آكل هذه البيتزا لأن مديري يريدني أن آكلها." You should be eating the pizza because you want to eat it, right? So, you need to be personally motivated towards eating that pizza. 所以,你需要有个人动力去吃披萨。 And the other thing is, you can't just eat that pizza in one go. І ще одна річ - ви не можете з'їсти піцу за один раз. People don't do that with pizzas. З піцою так не роблять. You don't get the whole pizza and try to stuff all it into your mouth in one go. Non prendi l'intera pizza e cerchi di ficcartela tutta in bocca in una volta sola. No, that's impossible, and it would make you sick, and you wouldn't be able to do it. Similarly, you can't learn all of English, all in one go, you know. You can't expect to understand the whole thing in just one sitting. Non puoi aspettarti di capire tutto in una sola seduta. You have to break it down into little bits. Musíte to rozdělit na malé kousky. Devi scomporlo in piccoli pezzi. You need to cut that pizza up into slices and eat these slices bite by bite, bit by bit, you know? You need to cut that pizza up into slices and eat these slices bite by bite, bit by bit, you know? Devi tagliare quella pizza a fette e mangiarle pezzo per pezzo, pezzo per pezzo, sai? Вам потрібно розрізати піцу на шматочки і їсти ці шматочки шматочок за шматочком, шматочок за шматочком, розумієте? Also you should enjoy it, you should enjoy eating the pizza, you should enjoy learning English. And you should share it as well, share it with other people. Share the experience. Don't just sit there on your own eating a pizza. Не сидіть там на самоті, поїдаючи піцу. Share the pizza with your friends. Okay, that's the pizza analogy. You could stretch that analogy out even further. Ezt a hasonlatot még tovább is kiterjeszthetnéd. Potresti estendere ulteriormente questa analogia. I'm sure you could find other ways in which eating a pizza and learning English are the same. I'll let you do that. 9\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. You should enjoy the small victories.

Okay? Enjoy the small victories. So, learning English is a huge task, really. Especially when you want to get to a very fluent level. It can seem a bit like climbing a mountain. But how do you climb a mountain? You don't do it in one big step. You do it bit by bit, step by step. 你一点一点地、一步一步地做。 It's tough, it's difficult, but you don't stop. You just keep going and you don't look down. Csak mész tovább, és nem nézel le. Vai avanti e non guardare in basso. You don't think about the distance too much. Ти не надто замислюєшся над відстанню. You just focus on it, step by step, bit by bit. And every little bit of progress that you've made you should enjoy, you know? So, every bit of English that you learn, a new word that you learn -- feel good about it, you know. Takže každý kousek angličtiny, který se naučíte, nové slovo, které se naučíte – dobrý pocit, víte. If you understand something fully, well done you! Pokud něčemu plně rozumíte, dobře! Se capisci qualcosa completamente, ben fatto! Якщо ви зрозуміли щось повністю, то ви молодець! Give yourself a little slap on the back. Dejte si trochu facku po zádech. Adj magadnak egy kis hátbaverést. Datti una piccola pacca sulla spalla. Дайте собі невеликий ляпас по спині. 给自己一个小小的鼓励吧。 If you say something in exactly the way that you wanted to say it, then well done you! Pokud něco řeknete přesně tak, jak jste to chtěli říct, dobře! Якщо ви сказали щось саме так, як хотіли, то ви молодець! Give yourself a pat on the back. |||light tap||| Poplácejte se po zádech. If you stopped making a fossilised error. |||||fixed in place| Pokud jste přestali dělat zkamenělou chybu. Ha abbahagytad a megkövült hiba elkövetését. Якщо ви перестали робити скам'янілі помилки. 如果你不再犯僵化的错误。 If you, you know, manage to get out of the habit of making fossilised error that you used to make, then well done you! Se riesci a liberarti dall'abitudine di commettere errori fossilizzati che facevi, allora ben fatto! Якщо вам вдалося позбутися звички робити скам'янілі помилки, яких ви звикли припускатися, то ви молодець! You know, you should really feel good about every little bit of progress that you make. Víte, měli byste se opravdu cítit dobře z každého malého pokroku, který uděláte. And enjoy the small victories. And don't be overwhelmed by the fact that learning English can seem like a massive task that you'll never achieve. A nenechte se ohromit skutečností, že učení angličtiny se může zdát jako obrovský úkol, kterého nikdy nedosáhnete. És ne essen túlzottan azon a tényen, hogy az angol tanulás olyan hatalmas feladatnak tűnhet, amelyet soha nem fog elérni. І нехай вас не лякає той факт, що вивчення англійської мови може здатися величезним завданням, яке ви ніколи не виконаєте. 不要因为学习英语似乎是一项你永远无法完成的艰巨任务而感到不知所措。 If you think about it like that, you'll never get anywhere. Ha így gondolod, soha nem jutsz el sehova. Se ci pensi così, non andrai mai da nessuna parte. Якщо ви думаєте про це так, ви ніколи нічого не досягнете. Just focus on the small victories, little bits of progress. Bit by bit. Потроху. And make it a habit, do it regularly over a long period of time and you will make progress. 并让它成为一种习惯,长期定期这样做,你就会取得进步。 It will happen as a natural consequence of enjoying it and doing it step by step, bit by bit, okay? Це станеться як природний наслідок того, що ви будете насолоджуватися цим і робити це крок за кроком, потроху, гаразд?

10\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Just enjoy it.

Please, enjoy this. You only get one life. Csak egy életet kapsz. Hai solo una vita. У тебе є тільки одне життя. So, please, enjoy it, you know. Learning English should not be a pain, it should not be a struggle. You need to find your own special way of doing it. Meg kell találnia a saját speciális módját ennek. And ultimately all of the roads, all of the ways that you choose to learn this language will all take you to the same destination which is, you know, a decent fluent operational use of English, okay? És végső soron az összes út, minden mód, ahogyan ezt a nyelvet elsajátítod, mind ugyanarra a célpontra visz, ami, tudod, az angol tisztességes, folyékony gyakorlati használata, oké? E alla fine tutte le strade, tutti i modi in cui scegli di imparare questa lingua ti porteranno tutti alla stessa destinazione che è, sai, un uso operativo decente e fluente dell'inglese, ok? І, зрештою, всі дороги, всі шляхи, які ви обираєте для вивчення цієї мови, приведуть вас до одного й того ж пункту призначення, яким є пристойне вільне практичне використання англійської мови, розумієте? 最终,你选择学习这门语言的所有道路、所有方式都会带你到同一个目的地,那就是,你知道,英语的流利使用,好吗? So, enjoy the journey, because you only get one life. Quindi, goditi il viaggio, perché hai solo una vita.

Oh, I've got an itchy throat because I've been teaching all day and I'm a bit tired. ||||irritated|throat||||||||||| Oh, ho prurito alla gola perché ho insegnato tutto il giorno e sono un po' stanco. О, у меня першит в горле, потому что я весь день преподаю и немного устал. О, у мене свербить горло, бо я цілий день викладала і трохи втомилася. 哦,我喉咙痒了,因为我教了一整天课,有点累了。 So, and I'm exhausted. I said that I would talk to you about news. Ho detto che ti avrei parlato delle novità. Я сказав, що поговорю з тобою про новини. I was going to talk to you about Pokémon and football and things. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to stop right here. Я зупинюся тут. Because I think that I've said all I need to say in this episode. Thank you very much for listening! I wonder if there is any music still going, because I turned it down. Mi chiedo se c'è ancora della musica in corso, perché l'ho rifiutata. Интересно, звучит ли еще какая-нибудь музыка, потому что я ее выключил. Цікаво, чи грає ще якась музика, бо я її вимкнув. Let's go back to some music. Torniamo a un po' di musica. Давайте повернемося до музики.