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Moby Dick - Herman Melville, CHAPTER TWO The Pequod


The Pequod

Bright sunlight entered the room the next morning and I could hear the sound of carriages and people outside. Queequeg was shaving with the head of his harpoon. I thought this was very strange, but later I learned that harpoons were very sharp.

Queequeg did not say much but he was gentle and polite, and we soon felt like old friends. We went down to breakfast together and saw many other whalers having breakfast. I had some bread and butter with a cup of hot coffee, but Queequeg only ate beef steaks, and plenty of them.

After breakfast I wanted to go to church. I didn't think Queequeg was interested in going to church. But, to my surprise, when I got to the chapel Queequeg was there.

Almost every sailor visits the Whaleman's Chapel before sailing. As we waited for the reverend I read some of the memorials to sailors lost at sea. They all began with "Sacred to the memory of..." I read one memorial that made me tremble:


I wanted to hunt and kill whales, but I didn't want whales to hunt and kill me. Would I have the same fate as Captain Hardy?

I was pleased to see the reverend go to the pulpit. It was a strange pulpit because it was built like the bow of a ship, and the reverend climbed up to it on a rope ladder. Father Mapple was the reverend's name and he was loved by all the whalers. He had been a whaler himself many years ago when he was younger.

Today his sermon was about Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale - very appropriate, I thought - and frightening.

We returned to the Spouter Inn and sat in front of a warm fire. I sat there watching Queequeg thoughtfully. In spite of his strange color and tattooed face and body, he was a dignified, pleasant person. You can't hide a man's soul, and under all those tattoos I could see a simple, honest heart and a kind soul. Here was a man far away from home in a world so different from his own, who was serene and peaceful. He looked wild and yet I began to feel mysteriously attracted towards him. I'll try a pagan friend, I thought, since Christian friends were often quite disappointing.

I asked Queequeg about himself and he told me that he was a native of Kokovoko, an island in the South Pacific. He was related to the royal family there. But he did not want to be a king one day - he wanted a life of adventure. He decided to join a whaling ship that was visiting the island, and one night he left home and went on board the ship.

He learned many things about life at sea and became an excellent harpooner after sailing around the world three times. After living with Christians he also learned that they could be as bad as the people they were trying to convert.

We felt true affection for each other and became good friends - Ishmael, Queequeg and Yojo, his little black idol.

The next morning we took a boat to the port of Nantucket because that was where we could sign up with a whaling ship. Choosing a whaling ship was an important decision because we would be at sea for the next three years. Queequeg was not worried about choosing the right ship. He said his little black idol told him that it was my responsibility.

At the port there were three ships to choose from. There was the Devil-Dam - not a good name. Then there was the Tit-Bit, but I chose the Pequod, named after an old Indian tribe of Massachusetts.

"Look at that old ship," I said to Queequeg. "It's a noble ship! It's our ship!" Queequeg simply nodded and we went aboard to sign up. We met a tough-looking young man.

"Ahoy!" I said. "Are you the captain of the ship?" "No!" answered the young man. "I'm the first mate of this ship. My name's Starbuck. What do you want?" "My friend and I want to sign up." "Have you ever been whaling?" he asked.

"No, but I've been to sea many times, and I want to see what whaling is like." "You want to see what whaling is like, eh?" he asked, looking at me carefully. "Alright, you'll do." "But shouldn't I talk to the captain?" I asked.

"Captain Ahab...," he said with a half-smile, "there's plenty of time to get to know him. You'll know him as soon as you see him because he has only one leg. The other one was torn off and eaten by the most monstrous whale of the sea." "What did that whale do?" I asked nervously.

"You heard me," he said, "and it killed many men." "What's Captain Ahab like?" I asked.

"He's a strange man, but a good one," said the first mate. "He doesn't speak much but when he does you'd better listen." "Yes, sir," I replied. "And what about my friend?" The first mate looked at him with doubtful eyes. "He's a strange fellow - looks like a pagan." "Things aren't always what they seem," I said. "I know him, he's a good, strong man." Then Queequeg took his harpoon and pointed to a small piece of wood floating in the sea. His strong arm threw the harpoon and hit it.

The first mate was amazed and said, "Quick! Sign him up! Quick!" He knew how valuable a good harpooner was on a whaling ship.

Queequeg and I were now happy. We were about to start an exciting adventure at sea hunting giant whales.

While we were walking around the docks, we met a crazy old man. As we walked by him he took my arm and said, "You were on the Pequod. Have you met Captain Ahab yet?" "No," I said, surprised. "Have you signed up?" "Yes, we have, but what do you know about Ahab?" The crazy old man shook his head and said, "Well, what's done is done. There's no turning back now - but that ship is doomed, doomed! Haven't you seen the demons he keeps in the hold of the ship?" "Doomed? The demons?" I said laughing. "What are you saying? You're crazy, old man." He looked at us with his wild eyes and said softly, "God have mercy on you." What nonsense, I told myself, as Queequeg and I hurried away. I turned around and asked, "But who are you?" "I'm Elijah!" he said.

The name of a prophet, I thought nervously. But I pushed the man and his prophecy out of my mind. This was going to be an exciting voyage, a chance to see the world and hunt whales. That old fool wasn't going to ruin things for me.

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CHAPTER TWO The Pequod |||Пеквод KAPITEL ZWEI Die Pequod CAPÍTULO DOS El Pequod 챕터 2 피쿼드 CAPÍTULO DOIS O Pequod ГЛАВА ДВА "Пекод İKİNCİ BÖLÜM Pequod 第二章 裴廓德号 第二章 裴廓德號

The Pequod |A Pequod Пекод

Bright sunlight entered the room the next morning and I could hear the sound of carriages and people outside. |сонячне світло||||||||||||||||| |a luz do sol||||||||||||||carruagens||| Na manhã seguinte, a luz do sol entrou no quarto e pude ouvir o som das carruagens e das pessoas lá fora. Queequeg was shaving with the head of his harpoon. ||barbeando|||||| Queequeg estava a fazer a barba com a cabeça do seu arpão. I thought this was very strange, but later I learned that harpoons were very sharp. |||||||||||arpões|||afiada Achei isto muito estranho, mas mais tarde fiquei a saber que os arpões eram muito afiados.

Queequeg did not say much but he was gentle and polite, and we soon felt like old friends. Queequeg não falava muito, mas era gentil e educado, e rapidamente nos sentimos como velhos amigos. We went down to breakfast together and saw many other whalers having breakfast. ||||||||||китолови|| ||||café da manhã||||||baleeiros|| Descemos juntos para o pequeno-almoço e vimos muitos outros baleeiros a tomar o pequeno-almoço. I had some bread and butter with a cup of hot coffee, but Queequeg only ate beef steaks, and plenty of them. |||pão||manteiga|||xícara||quente|||||comeu||bifes||bastante|| Io ho mangiato pane e burro con una tazza di caffè caldo, ma Queequeg ha mangiato solo bistecche di manzo, e in abbondanza. Eu comi pão e manteiga com uma chávena de café quente, mas o Queequeg só comia bifes de vaca, e em grande quantidade.

After breakfast I wanted to go to church. Depois do pequeno-almoço, quis ir à igreja. I didn’t think Queequeg was interested in going to church. Não pensei que o Queequeg estivesse interessado em ir à igreja. But, to my surprise, when I got to the chapel Queequeg was there.

Almost every sailor visits the Whaleman’s Chapel before sailing. |||||каплиця китобоя||| Quasi tutti i marinai visitano la Cappella del Baleniere prima di salpare. Quase todos os marinheiros visitam a Capela do Baleeiro antes de zarpar. As we waited for the reverend I read some of the memorials to sailors lost at sea. |||||пастор||||||пам'ятники||||| Enquanto esperávamos pelo reverendo, li alguns dos memoriais aos marinheiros perdidos no mar. Пока мы ждали преподобного, я прочитал несколько памятников морякам, потерявшимся в море. They all began with "Sacred to the memory of..." Cominciano tutti con "Sacro alla memoria di...". Todos começavam com "Sagrado à memória de...". Все они начинались со слов «Памяти памяти ...» I read one memorial that made me tremble: |||||||тремтіти Ho letto un memoriale che mi ha fatto tremare: Li um memorial que me fez tremer: Я прочитал один мемориал, который заставил меня содрогнуться:


I wanted to hunt and kill whales, but I didn’t want whales to hunt and kill me. Eu queria caçar e matar baleias, mas não queria que as baleias me caçassem e matassem. Я хотел охотиться и убивать китов, но не хотел, чтобы киты охотились и убивали меня. Would I have the same fate as Captain Hardy? |||||destino||| Teria eu o mesmo destino que o Capitão Hardy?

I was pleased to see the reverend go to the pulpit. ||||||||||пулпіт ||||||reverendo||||púlpito Ich war erfreut zu sehen, wie der Reverend zur Kanzel ging. Fiquei contente por ver o reverendo subir ao púlpito. Мне было приятно видеть, как преподобный поднялся за кафедру. It was a strange pulpit because it was built like the bow of a ship, and the reverend climbed up to it on a rope ladder. ||||||||||the||||||||||||||| ||||||||construída|||proa|||||||subiu||||||corda|escada Era un pulpito strano, perché era costruito come la prua di una nave, e il reverendo vi saliva su una scala di corda. Era um púlpito estranho, porque era construído como a proa de um navio, e o reverendo subia até ele por uma escada de corda. Father Mapple was the reverend’s name and he was loved by all the whalers. |отец Мепл|||||||||||| Отца Мэппла звали преподобного, и его любили все китобои. He had been a whaler himself many years ago when he was younger. ||||китолов|||||||| ||||baleeiro|||||||| Ele próprio tinha sido baleeiro há muitos anos, quando era mais novo.

Today his sermon was about Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale - very appropriate, I thought - and frightening. ||sermão|||Jonas|||engolido||||muito|apropriado||||aterrorizante Oggi il suo sermone era su Giona, che fu inghiottito da una balena - molto appropriato, ho pensato - e spaventoso. Hoje o seu sermão foi sobre Jonas, que foi engolido por uma baleia - muito apropriado, pensei - e assustador. Сегодня его проповедь была посвящена Ионе, которого проглотил кит - очень уместно, как мне показалось, и пугающе.

We returned to the Spouter Inn and sat in front of a warm fire. ||||||||||||acolhedor| Spouter Innに戻り、暖かい火の前に座った。 Regressámos à Pousada Spouter e sentámo-nos em frente a uma lareira quente. I sat there watching Queequeg thoughtfully. |||||pensativamente 私はそこに座って思慮深くQueequegを見ました。 Fiquei sentado a observar o Queequeg, pensativo. Я сидел и задумчиво смотрел на Квикега. In spite of his strange color and tattooed face and body, he was a dignified, pleasant person. ||||||||||||||гідний|| |apesar||||||tatuado|||||||dignificado|agradável| 彼の奇妙な色と入れ墨のある顔と体にもかかわらず、彼は威厳のある、楽しい人でした。 Apesar da sua cor estranha e do seu rosto e corpo tatuados, era uma pessoa digna e agradável. Несмотря на странный цвет кожи и татуировки на лице и теле, он был достойным, приятным человеком. You can’t hide a man’s soul, and under all those tattoos I could see a simple, honest heart and a kind soul. Não se pode esconder a alma de um homem e, por baixo de todas aquelas tatuagens, pude ver um coração simples e honesto e uma alma bondosa. Here was a man far away from home in a world so different from his own, who was serene and peaceful. Aqui estava um homem longe de casa, num mundo tão diferente do seu, sereno e tranquilo. Вот человек, находящийся вдали от дома, в мире, столь непохожем на его собственный, был безмятежен и спокоен. He looked wild and yet I began to feel mysteriously attracted towards him. ||||||||||приваблений|| Ele||selvagem|||||||misteriosamente|atraída|para| Aveva un aspetto selvaggio, eppure cominciai a sentirmi misteriosamente attratto da lui. Ele parecia selvagem e ainda assim eu comecei a me sentir misteriosamente atraído por ele. Он выглядел дико, и все же я почувствовал таинственное влечение к нему. I’ll try a pagan friend, I thought, since Christian friends were often quite disappointing. |||||||||||||decepcionantes Proverò con un amico pagano, pensai, visto che gli amici cristiani erano spesso piuttosto deludenti. Vou tentar um amigo pagão, pensei, já que os amigos cristãos muitas vezes eram bastante decepcionantes. Попробую завести друга-язычника, подумал я, поскольку друзья-христиане часто разочаровывали.

I asked Queequeg about himself and he told me that he was a native of Kokovoko, an island in the South Pacific. |||||||||||||уродженець||Коковоко|||||| ||||||||||||sobre|nativo||||ilha||||Pacífico Ho chiesto a Queequeg di parlare di sé e mi ha detto di essere originario di Kokovoko, un'isola del Pacifico meridionale. Perguntei a Queequeg sobre si mesmo e ele me disse que era nativo de Kokovoko, uma ilha no Sul do Pacífico. Я спросил Квикега о нем, и он сказал мне, что он уроженец Коковоко, острова в южной части Тихого океана. He was related to the royal family there. |||||||lá Era imparentato con la famiglia reale del luogo. Ele era parente da família real de lá. Он был связан с королевской семьей там. But he did not want to be a king one day - he wanted a life of adventure. Mas ele não queria ser rei um dia - queria uma vida de aventura. He decided to join a whaling ship that was visiting the island, and one night he left home and went on board the ship. |||juntar-se||||||||||||||||||a bordo|| Decidiu juntar-se a um navio baleeiro que estava a visitar a ilha e, uma noite, saiu de casa e foi para bordo do navio.

He learned many things about life at sea and became an excellent harpooner after sailing around the world three times. Aprendeu muitas coisas sobre a vida no mar e tornou-se um excelente arpoador depois de dar três voltas ao mundo. After living with Christians he also learned that they could be as bad as the people they were trying to convert. ||||||||||||||||||||converter Depois de viver com cristãos, aprendeu também que eles podiam ser tão maus como as pessoas que tentavam converter. Живя с христианами, он также узнал, что они могут быть такими же плохими, как и люди, которых они пытались обратить.

We felt true affection for each other and became good friends - Ishmael, Queequeg and Yojo, his little black idol. ||||||||||||||Йоджо|||| ||||||outro||||||Queequeg|||||| Ci siamo affezionati l'uno all'altro e siamo diventati buoni amici: Ishmael, Queequeg e Yojo, il suo piccolo idolo nero. Sentimos um verdadeiro afeto uns pelos outros e tornámo-nos bons amigos - Ismael, Queequeg e Yojo, o seu pequeno ídolo negro.

The next morning we took a boat to the port of Nantucket because that was where we could sign up with a whaling ship. |||||||||||Нантакет|||||||||||| |||||||||porto||Nantucket|||||||assinar||||| Il mattino seguente prendemmo una barca per il porto di Nantucket, dove avremmo potuto imbarcarci su una nave baleniera. Na manhã seguinte, apanhámos um barco para o porto de Nantucket, porque era lá que podíamos inscrever-nos num navio baleeiro. Choosing a whaling ship was an important decision because we would be at sea for the next three years. |||||||||||estar||||||| A escolha de um navio baleeiro foi uma decisão importante porque iríamos estar no mar durante os três anos seguintes. Queequeg was not worried about choosing the right ship. He said his little black idol told him that it was my responsibility. Ha detto che il suo piccolo idolo nero gli ha detto che la responsabilità era mia.

At the port there were three ships to choose from. |||||||||entre No porto, havia três navios à escolha. There was the Devil-Dam - not a good name. C'era la Diga del Diavolo - non è un bel nome. Havia a Barragem do Diabo - não é um bom nome. Была "Дьявол-Дам" - не самое удачное название. Then there was the Tit-Bit, but I chose the Pequod, named after an old Indian tribe of Massachusetts. ||||||||||Пеквод||||||||

"Look at that old ship," I said to Queequeg. "Olha aquele velho navio," eu disse para Queequeg. "It’s a noble ship! "É um navio nobre! "Благородный корабль! It’s our ship!" "É o nosso navio!" Queequeg simply nodded and we went aboard to sign up. |||||пішли на б|||| ||acenou||||a bordo||| Queequeg acenou simplesmente com a cabeça e subimos a bordo para nos inscrevermos. Квикег просто кивнул, и мы пошли на борт, чтобы зарегистрироваться. We met a tough-looking young man. Abbiamo incontrato un giovane dall'aspetto duro. Encontrámos um jovem de aspeto duro. Мы познакомились с молодым человеком крепкого телосложения.

"Ahoy!" Привіт "Эй!" I said. "Are you the captain of the ship?" "No!" answered the young man. "I’m the first mate of this ship. "Sono il primo ufficiale di questa nave. "Sou o imediato deste navio. "Я первый помощник капитана этого корабля. My name’s Starbuck. ||Старбак What do you want?" O que você quer? "My friend and I want to sign up." ||||||зареєструвати| Meu amigo e eu queremos nos inscrever. "Have you ever been whaling?" |||estado|pesca de baleias Você já foi caçar baleias? he asked.

"No, but I’ve been to sea many times, and I want to see what whaling is like." "Não, mas já estive no mar muitas vezes e quero ver como é a caça à baleia." "You want to see what whaling is like, eh?" he asked, looking at me carefully. ele perguntou, olhando-me cuidadosamente. "Alright, you’ll do." "Está bem, você serve." "But shouldn’t I talk to the captain?" "Mas eu não deveria falar com o capitão?" I asked.

"Captain Ahab...," he said with a half-smile, "there’s plenty of time to get to know him. |Ахаб||||||||||||||| "Capitão Ahab...", disse ele com um meio sorriso, "há muito tempo para o conhecer. You’ll know him as soon as you see him because he has only one leg. Reconhecê-lo-ão assim que o virem, porque ele só tem uma perna. The other one was torn off and eaten by the most monstrous whale of the sea." |||||||comido|||||||| L'altro è stato strappato e mangiato dalla più mostruosa balena del mare". O outro foi arrancado e comido pela baleia mais monstruosa do mar". "What did that whale do?" "O que é que aquela baleia fez?" I asked nervously.

"You heard me," he said, "and it killed many men." "Vocês ouviram-me", disse ele, "e isso matou muitos homens". "What’s Captain Ahab like?" "Como é que é o Capitão Ahab?" "На кого похож капитан Ахав?" I asked.

"He’s a strange man, but a good one," said the first mate. "È un uomo strano, ma buono", disse il primo ufficiale. "Ele é um homem estranho, mas bom," disse o primeiro oficial. "He doesn’t speak much but when he does you’d better listen." "Ele não fala muito, mas quando fala, é melhor você ouvir." "Yes, sir," I replied. "Sim, senhor," respondi. "And what about my friend?" The first mate looked at him with doubtful eyes. |||||||сумнівними| |||||||duvidosos| O imediato olhou para ele com olhos duvidosos. "He’s a strange fellow - looks like a pagan." Ele|||sujeito|||| "È un tipo strano, sembra un pagano". "Ele é um tipo estranho - parece um pagão." "Things aren’t always what they seem," I said. "As coisas nem sempre são o que parecem", disse eu. "I know him, he’s a good, strong man." Then Queequeg took his harpoon and pointed to a small piece of wood floating in the sea. ||||||||||pedaço|||||| Então Queequeg pegou no seu arpão e apontou para um pequeno pedaço de madeira que flutuava no mar. His strong arm threw the harpoon and hit it. O seu braço forte atirou o arpão e acertou-lhe. Его сильная рука метнула гарпун и попала в него.

The first mate was amazed and said, "Quick! Il primo ufficiale rimase stupito e disse: "Presto! Sign him up! Inscreve-o! Подписать его! Quick!" He knew how valuable a good harpooner was on a whaling ship. |||valioso||||||||

Queequeg and I were now happy. We were about to start an exciting adventure at sea hunting giant whales.

While we were walking around the docks, we met a crazy old man. As we walked by him he took my arm and said, "You were on the Pequod. Quando passámos por ele, pegou no meu braço e disse: "Estiveste no Pequod. Have you met Captain Ahab yet?" "No," I said, surprised. "Have you signed up?" "Вы зарегистрировались?" "Yes, we have, but what do you know about Ahab?" The crazy old man shook his head and said, "Well, what’s done is done. O velho louco abanou a cabeça e disse: "Bem, o que está feito está feito. Сумасшедший старик покачал головой и сказал: "Что ж, что сделано, то сделано. There’s no turning back now - but that ship is doomed, doomed! Non si può più tornare indietro, ma quella nave è condannata, condannata! Haven’t you seen the demons he keeps in the hold of the ship?" você não|||||||||porão||| Non hai visto i demoni che tiene nella stiva della nave?". Não viram os demónios que ele guarda no porão do navio?" "Doomed? The demons?" I said laughing. "What are you saying? You’re crazy, old man." He looked at us with his wild eyes and said softly, "God have mercy on you." |||||||||||||misericórdia|| |||нам||||||||Боже|||| Olhou para nós com os seus olhos selvagens e disse baixinho: "Deus tenha piedade de vós". What nonsense, I told myself, as Queequeg and I hurried away. |||||||||apressadamente| Che sciocchezze, mi dissi, mentre Queequeg e io ci allontanavamo in fretta. Que disparate, disse a mim próprio, enquanto o Queequeg e eu nos afastávamos a correr. I turned around and asked, "But who are you?" Virei-me e perguntei: "Mas quem és tu?" "I’m Elijah!" |Я Ілля "Eu sou o Elijah!" he said.

The name of a prophet, I thought nervously. o||||||| Имя пророка, - нервно подумал я. But I pushed the man and his prophecy out of my mind. Mas afastei o homem e a sua profecia da minha mente. This was going to be an exciting voyage, a chance to see the world and hunt whales. |||||||подорож||||||||| |era||||||||||||||| That old fool wasn’t going to ruin things for me. ||idiota||||||| Aquele velho idiota não me ia estragar as coisas.