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Songs, 14 - Destiny's Child

14 - Destiny's Child

It's over and done But the heartache lives on inside And who's the one you're clinging to Instead of me tonight? And where are you now, now that I need you? Tears on my pillow wherever you go I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean You'll never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotions taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight I'm there at your side, I'm part of all the things you are But you've got a part of someone else You've got to find your shining star And where are you now, now that I need you? Tears on my pillow wherever you go I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean You'll never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight And where are you now, now that I need you? Tears on my pillow wherever you go I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean You'll never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight

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14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - デスティニーズ・チャイルド 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - Kaderin Çocuğu 14 - Destiny's Child 14 - 命运之子 14 - 命運之子

It's over and done But the heartache lives on inside And who's the one you're clinging to Instead of me tonight? It is||||||emotional pain|||||||||holding on||||| Es ist vorbei und erledigt Aber der Herzschmerz lebt in mir weiter Und wer ist derjenige, an den du dich heute Abend anstelle von mir klammerst? تمام شد و تمام شد اما درد دل در درون زنده است و آن کسی که امشب به جای من به او می چسبی کیست؟ それは終わって終わりましたしかし心痛は内側に住んでいますそしてあなたが今夜私の代わりにしがみついているのは誰ですか? Все кончено, но душевная боль живет внутри, И за кого ты сегодня цепляешься вместо меня? Bitti ve bitti Ama kalp acısı içeride yaşıyor Ve bu gece benim yerime yapıştığın kim? And where are you now, now that I need you? و الان که بهت نیاز دارم کجایی؟ そして、あなたは今どこにいますか、今私はあなたを必要としていますか? Ve şimdi neredesin, şimdi sana ihtiyacım var? Tears on my pillow wherever you go I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean You'll never see me fall apart Tränen auf meinem Kissen, wohin du auch gehst Ich werde mir einen Fluss weinen, der zu deinem Ozean führt Du wirst mich nie auseinanderfallen sehen اشک بر بالشتم هر جا که بروی گریه ام می کنم رودخانه ای که به اقیانوس تو منتهی می شود تو هرگز نمی بینی که از هم پاشیده شوم どこへ行っても私の枕の涙私はあなたの海につながる川を私に叫びますあなたは私がバラバラになるのを見ることは決してないでしょう Yastığımdaki gözyaşları nereye gidersen git ağlayacağım senin okyanusuna uzanan bir nehir Beni asla yıkılırken görmeyeceksin In the words of a broken heart It's just emotions taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? In den Worten eines gebrochenen Herzens Es sind nur Emotionen, die mich überwältigen Gefangen in der Trauer Verloren im Lied Aber wenn du nicht zurückkommst Komm nach Hause zu mir, Liebling Weißt du nicht, dass es niemanden mehr auf dieser Welt gibt, der mich festhält? به قول یه قلب شکسته فقط احساسات منو میگیرن گرفتار غم گم شدم تو آهنگ اما اگه برنگردی به خونه بیا پیشم عزیزم نمیدونی هیچکس تو این دنیا نمانده که محکم بغلم کنه ? 傷ついた心の言葉で私を引き継ぐのはただの感情悲しみに巻き込まれた歌に負けたでも戻ってこないのなら家に帰ってダーリンこの世界に私を引き締める人が誰もいないのを知らないか? Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight Weißt du nicht, dass es niemanden mehr auf der Welt gibt, dem du einen Gutenachtkuss geben kannst? Goodnight, goodnight نمی دانی در این دنیا کسی نیست که شب بخیر را ببوسد شب بخیر، شب بخیر おやすみなさい、おやすみなさい、この世界にキスをする人が誰もいないことを知っていますか I'm there at your side, I'm part of all the things you are But you've got a part of someone else You've got to find your shining star Ich bin an deiner Seite, ich bin ein Teil von allem, was du bist Aber du hast einen Teil von jemand anderem Du musst deinen leuchtenden Stern finden من در کنار تو هستم، من بخشی از همه چیزهایی هستم که تو هستی، اما تو بخشی از شخص دیگری را داری، باید ستاره درخشان خود را پیدا کنی 私はあなたの側にいます、私はあなたがいるすべてのものの一部ですしかしあなたは他の誰かの一部を持っていますあなたはあなたの輝く星を見つけなければなりません And where are you now, now that I need you? و الان که بهت نیاز دارم کجایی؟ そして、あなたは今どこにいますか、今私はあなたを必要としていますか? Tears on my pillow wherever you go I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean You'll never see me fall apart اشک روی بالشتم هر جا که بروی گریه ام می کنم رودخانه ای که به اقیانوس تو منتهی می شود تو هرگز نمی بینی که از هم پاشیده شوم どこへ行っても私の枕の涙私はあなたの海につながる川を私に叫びますあなたは私がバラバラになるのを見ることは決してないでしょう In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? In den Worten eines gebrochenen Herzens Es sind nur Gefühle, die mich überwältigen Gefangen in der Trauer Verloren im Lied Aber wenn du nicht zurückkommst Komm nach Hause zu mir, Liebling Weißt du nicht, dass es niemanden mehr auf dieser Welt gibt, der mich festhält? 傷ついた心の言葉で私を引き継ぐのはただの感情悲しみに巻き込まれた歌に負けたでも戻ってこないのなら家に帰ってダーリンこの世界に私を引き締める人が誰もいないのを知らないか? Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight And where are you now, now that I need you? Tears on my pillow wherever you go I'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean You'll never see me fall apart In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion taking me over Caught up in sorrow Lost in the song But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? Don't you know there's nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight