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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 4, 2017 - Investigation shows widespread abuse in Florida juvenile detention

Nov 4, 2017 - Investigation shows widespread abuse in Florida juvenile detention

Nov 4, 2017 - Investigation shows widespread abuse in Florida juvenile detention.

Hari Sreenivasan:

A Miami Herald investigation into Florida's juvenile justice system depicts a harsh and violent culture for teens behind bars. The story, “Fight Club,” revealed steady beatings by guards who also forced young prisoners to fight each other.The series is based on interviews as well as an in-depth review of documents and surveillance videos.As a result of the reporting, Florida lawmakers have made two surprise visits to juvenile detention facilities to inspect conditions themselves.Miami Herald senior investigative reporter Carol Marbin Miller is one of the authors of the series, and I recently spoke to her about it.

For people who haven't seen the report yet, first of all, what did it find? Carol Marbin Miller:

Well we looked at 10 years' worth of data that we obtained from the State Department of Juvenile Justice. We found widespread use of unnecessary and excessive force.We found a number of instances in which officers and youth workers outsourced discipline.What they were doing is, offering honey buns and other treats to detainees to get them to beat up other kids who were unruly.We found rampant sexual misconduct and we found that over many years there was a persistent problem of medical neglect.Hari Sreenivasan:

How pervasive was this?

Carol Marbin Miller:

Well it's it's hard for us to say precisely how widespread it was because we did not have access to all of the reports. What we did was we got a spreadsheet from the state with about 20,000 rows of data and we went through the spreadsheet and we requested cases that looked interesting to us.And in so doing, we found cases of outsourcing of discipline all over the state of Florida and what we read in those reports was remarkably consistent across jurisdictions, where the youths were using the same language.We also found videos that were very disturbing, in which you can see these kids fighting each other with officers or youth workers right there, appearing as if they're refereeing these bouts.Hari Sreenivasan: Now who are these officers?

What are their backgrounds?Carol Marbin Miller:

That's one of the problems that we identified is the officers in the lockups and the youth workers in the commitment facilities were not professional staff. We drilled down into the background of many of these workers.We found some of them had criminal histories that were not much better than the youths they were supervising.We found there were a large number of men and women who had been hired by either the state or a private provider after they'd been fired for misconduct by a state prison or a local police department.Hari Sreenivasan: You detailed so many particular cases where kids were just brutally beaten to within an inch of their life, or in a couple of cases had lost their lives.

Have any of these people been charged for criminal misconduct?Carol Marbin Miller:

There have been a handful of cases where youth workers who used, you know, really egregiously excessive force were criminally charged and a handful of convictions that we saw.

With regard to the children who lost their lives, we are not aware of a single instance in which a worker was sent to prison for wrongdoing.Hari Sreenivasan:

But what about the Department of Juvenile Justice?

What's their response been?Carol Marbin Miller: In the hearings that have been held since we published, they have acknowledged that all of the facts of this series were accurate.

They have argued that the Herald was not fair to them.They say that we did not give them adequate credit for some reforms in recent years.We did give them credit, for instance, for the civil citation program that was launched in 2011, in which kids who commit non-violent non-serious offenses can be given the equivalent of a ticket and they have or avoid getting arrested and sent to a youth facility.DJJ also is taking credit for the significant reduction in youth crime.That's kind of a stretch, however, in that youth crime nationwide has been reduced by greater than 50 percent in the last decade.That's happened all over the country.We have seen this very significant reduction in youth criminality across the board.Hari Sreenivasan: What's the response been to your articles? Carol Marbin Miller:

There was a bill filed last week by a couple of lawmakers who want the authority to go into these facilities without giving advance notice to the state.

There are other ideas that are being bounced around a couple of Senate committees that have held hearings right after our series ran.One proposal would be to have the equivalent of school resource, resource officers inside every one of these facilities so that you would have an independent set of eyes and ears watching what's going on, and folks who would be able to report misconduct to an entity separate from the Department of Juvenile Justice. Hari Sreenivasan:

All right.

The investigation is called “Fight Club” by the Miami Herald.We're joined by Carole Marbin Miller.Thanks so much for joining us. Carol Marbin Miller:

Thanks for having me.

Nov 4, 2017 - Investigation shows widespread abuse in Florida juvenile detention Nov 4, 2017 - Untersuchung zeigt weit verbreiteten Missbrauch in Jugendgefängnissen in Florida Nov 4, 2017 - Una investigación revela abusos generalizados en centros de menores de Florida 4 novembre 2017 - Une enquête révèle des abus généralisés dans les centres de détention pour mineurs de Floride 4 novembre 2017 - Un'indagine mostra abusi diffusi nel carcere minorile della Florida 2017年11月4日 - 調査の結果、フロリダ州の少年院で広範な虐待が行われていたことが判明 Nov 4, 2017 - Tyrimas parodė, kad Floridos nepilnamečių įkalinimo įstaigose plačiai paplitęs piktnaudžiavimas 4 nov 2017 - Onderzoek toont wijdverspreid misbruik in Florida jeugddetentie aan 4 listopada 2017 r. - Dochodzenie wykazało powszechne nadużycia w więzieniach dla nieletnich na Florydzie Nov 4, 2017 - Investigação revela abusos generalizados em centros de detenção juvenil na Florida 4 ноября 2017 - Расследование показало широко распространенные злоупотребления в тюрьмах для несовершеннолетних во Флориде 4 Kasım 2017 - Soruşturma Florida'daki çocuk gözaltı merkezlerinde yaygın istismar olduğunu gösteriyor 4 листопада 2017 р. - Розслідування показало широке розповсюдження зловживань у в'язницях для неповнолітніх у Флориді 2017 年 11 月 4 日 - 调查显示佛罗里达州少年拘留所普遍存在虐待行为 2017 年 11 月 4 日 - 調查顯示佛羅里達少年拘留所普遍存在虐待行為

Nov 4, 2017 - Investigation shows widespread abuse in Florida juvenile detention. 4 novembre 2017 - Une enquête révèle des abus généralisés dans les centres de détention pour mineurs de Floride. 2017 年 11 月 4 日 - 调查显示佛罗里达州少年拘留所普遍存在虐待行为。

Hari Sreenivasan:

A Miami Herald investigation into Florida's juvenile justice system depicts a harsh and violent culture for teens behind bars. Une enquête du Miami Herald sur le système de justice pour mineurs de Floride dépeint une culture dure et violente pour les adolescents derrière les barreaux. 《迈阿密先驱报》对佛罗里达州少年司法系统的调查描绘了监狱中青少年的严酷和暴力文化。 The story, “Fight Club,” revealed steady beatings by guards who also forced young prisoners to fight each other.The series is based on interviews as well as an in-depth review of documents and surveillance videos.As a result of the reporting, Florida lawmakers have made two surprise visits to juvenile detention facilities to inspect conditions themselves.Miami Herald senior investigative reporter Carol Marbin Miller is one of the authors of the series, and I recently spoke to her about it. L'histoire, "Fight Club", a révélé des passages à tabac réguliers par des gardiens qui ont également forcé de jeunes prisonniers à se battre. La série est basée sur des entretiens ainsi qu'un examen approfondi de documents et de vidéos de surveillance. À la suite du reportage, Les législateurs de Floride ont effectué deux visites surprises dans des centres de détention pour mineurs pour inspecter eux-mêmes les conditions. Carol Marbin Miller, journaliste d'investigation principale au Miami Herald, est l'un des auteurs de la série, et je lui en ai récemment parlé. 《搏击俱乐部》的故事揭露了狱警不断殴打,还强迫年轻囚犯互相打斗的故事。该系列节目基于采访以及对文件和监控录像的深入审查。佛罗里达州立法者两次突然访问青少年拘留设施,亲自检查条件。《迈阿密先驱报》高级调查记者卡罗尔·马宾·米勒是该系列文章的作者之一,我最近与她谈过此事。

For people who haven't seen the report yet, first of all, what did it find? Pour les personnes qui n'ont pas encore vu le rapport, tout d'abord, qu'a-t-il trouvé ? Carol Marbin Miller:

Well we looked at 10 years' worth of data that we obtained from the State Department of Juvenile Justice. Eh bien, nous avons examiné 10 ans de données que nous avons obtenues du Département d'État de la justice pour mineurs. We found widespread use of unnecessary and excessive force.We found a number of instances in which officers and youth workers outsourced discipline.What they were doing is, offering honey buns and other treats to detainees to get them to beat up other kids who were unruly.We found rampant sexual misconduct and we found that over many years there was a persistent problem of medical neglect.Hari Sreenivasan: Nous avons constaté un recours généralisé à une force inutile et excessive. .Nous avons constaté une inconduite sexuelle endémique et nous avons constaté que pendant de nombreuses années, il y avait un problème persistant de négligence médicale. Hari Sreenivasan :

How pervasive was this? À quel point cela était-il répandu ?

Carol Marbin Miller:

Well it's it's hard for us to say precisely how widespread it was because we did not have access to all of the reports. Eh bien, il nous est difficile de dire avec précision à quel point c'était répandu parce que nous n'avions pas accès à tous les rapports. What we did was we got a spreadsheet from the state with about 20,000 rows of data and we went through the spreadsheet and we requested cases that looked interesting to us.And in so doing, we found cases of outsourcing of discipline all over the state of Florida and what we read in those reports was remarkably consistent across jurisdictions, where the youths were using the same language.We also found videos that were very disturbing, in which you can see these kids fighting each other with officers or youth workers right there, appearing as if they're refereeing these bouts.Hari Sreenivasan: Ce que nous avons fait, c'est que nous avons obtenu une feuille de calcul de l'État avec environ 20 000 lignes de données et nous avons parcouru la feuille de calcul et nous avons demandé des cas qui nous semblaient intéressants. Et ce faisant, nous avons trouvé des cas d'externalisation de la discipline dans tout l'État de Floride et ce que nous avons lu dans ces rapports était remarquablement cohérent d'une juridiction à l'autre, où les jeunes utilisaient le même langage. apparaissant comme s'ils arbitraient ces combats. Hari Sreenivasan : 我们所做的是,我们从该州获得了一份包含大约 20,000 行数据的电子表格,我们仔细检查了该电子表格,并请求了我们感兴趣的案例。在这样做的过程中,我们发现了整个州的纪律外包案例。佛罗里达州和我们在这些报告中读到的内容在各个司法管辖区都非常一致,那里的年轻人使用相同的语言。我们还发现了非常令人不安的视频,在视频中你可以看到这些孩子与警察或青年工人互相打斗,看起来好像他们正在裁判这些比赛。Hari Sreenivasan: Now who are these officers?

What are their backgrounds?Carol Marbin Miller:

That's one of the problems that we identified is the officers in the lockups and the youth workers in the commitment facilities were not professional staff. C'est l'un des problèmes que nous avons identifiés, c'est que les agents dans les prisons et les travailleurs auprès des jeunes dans les établissements d'engagement n'étaient pas du personnel professionnel. 我们发现的问题之一是看守所的官员和收容所的青年工人不是专业人员。 We drilled down into the background of many of these workers.We found some of them had criminal histories that were not much better than the youths they were supervising.We found there were a large number of men and women who had been hired by either the state or a private provider after they'd been fired for misconduct by a state prison or a local police department.Hari Sreenivasan: Nous avons approfondi les antécédents de bon nombre de ces travailleurs. Nous avons constaté que certains d'entre eux avaient des antécédents criminels qui n'étaient guère meilleurs que ceux des jeunes qu'ils supervisaient. Nous avons découvert qu'un grand nombre d'hommes et de femmes avaient été embauchés soit par l'État ou un fournisseur privé après avoir été licencié pour mauvaise conduite par une prison d'État ou un service de police local. Hari Sreenivasan : 我们深入了解了其中许多工人的背景。我们发现他们中的一些人有犯罪记录,这些犯罪记录并不比他们所监管的年轻人好多少。我们发现有大量的男性和女性曾受雇于任何一个组织。因不当行为被州监狱或当地警察局解雇后,州或私人提供者被解雇。Hari Sreenivasan: You detailed so many particular cases where kids were just brutally beaten to within an inch of their life, or in a couple of cases had lost their lives. Vous avez détaillé tant de cas particuliers où des enfants ont été brutalement battus à moins d'un pouce de leur vie ou, dans quelques cas, ont perdu la vie.

Have any of these people been charged for criminal misconduct?Carol Marbin Miller:

There have been a handful of cases where youth workers who used, you know, really egregiously excessive force were criminally charged and a handful of convictions that we saw. Il y a eu une poignée de cas où des travailleurs auprès des jeunes qui ont utilisé, vous savez, une force vraiment excessivement excessive ont été accusés au criminel et une poignée de condamnations que nous avons vues.

With regard to the children who lost their lives, we are not aware of a single instance in which a worker was sent to prison for wrongdoing.Hari Sreenivasan: En ce qui concerne les enfants qui ont perdu la vie, nous n'avons pas connaissance d'un seul cas où un travailleur a été envoyé en prison pour des actes répréhensibles. Hari Sreenivasan :

But what about the Department of Juvenile Justice?

What's their response been?Carol Marbin Miller: In the hearings that have been held since we published, they have acknowledged that all of the facts of this series were accurate.

They have argued that the Herald was not fair to them.They say that we did not give them adequate credit for some reforms in recent years.We did give them credit, for instance, for the civil citation program that was launched in 2011, in which kids who commit non-violent non-serious offenses can be given the equivalent of a ticket and they have or avoid getting arrested and sent to a youth facility.DJJ also is taking credit for the significant reduction in youth crime.That's kind of a stretch, however, in that youth crime nationwide has been reduced by greater than 50 percent in the last decade.That's happened all over the country.We have seen this very significant reduction in youth criminality across the board.Hari Sreenivasan: What's the response been to your articles? Carol Marbin Miller:

There was a bill filed last week by a couple of lawmakers who want the authority to go into these facilities without giving advance notice to the state. Il y a eu un projet de loi déposé la semaine dernière par quelques législateurs qui veulent que l'autorité puisse entrer dans ces installations sans en avertir l'État à l'avance.

There are other ideas that are being bounced around a couple of Senate committees that have held hearings right after our series ran.One proposal would be to have the equivalent of school resource, resource officers inside every one of these facilities so that you would have an independent set of eyes and ears watching what's going on, and folks who would be able to report misconduct to an entity separate from the Department of Juvenile Justice. Il y a d'autres idées qui sont lancées autour de quelques comités sénatoriaux qui ont tenu des audiences juste après la diffusion de notre série. Une proposition serait d'avoir l'équivalent de ressources scolaires, des agents de ressources dans chacune de ces installations afin que vous ayez un un ensemble indépendant d'yeux et d'oreilles surveillant ce qui se passe, et des gens qui pourraient signaler une faute à une entité distincte du Département de la justice pour mineurs. Hari Sreenivasan:

All right.

The investigation is called “Fight Club” by the Miami Herald.We're joined by Carole Marbin Miller.Thanks so much for joining us. Carol Marbin Miller:

Thanks for having me.