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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Dec 9, 2017 - Israeli airstrikes kill two amid unrest over Jerusalem

Dec 9, 2017 - Israeli airstrikes kill two amid unrest over Jerusalem

Hari Sreenivasan:

Unrest continue throughout the Muslim world today marking the ‘third day of rage' call by Palestinian protesters. This after President Trump announced on Wednesday that the United States formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Israeli security forces fired tear gas and skunk water at Palestinian demonstrators in Jerusalem in the West Bank and launched air strikes in Gaza killing two Palestinian gunmen and bringing the death toll there to four. President Trumps announcement along with a plan to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem has sparked enunciations from around the world. In a speech in Istanbul today, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the decision entirely provocation. Erdogan plans to convene Muslim leaders for an urgent meeting in Turkey next week. Joining me now via Skype from Jerusalem is our weekend special correspondent Jane Ferguson. Give us a sense of how people are feeling? Jane Ferguson:

What you see on the street today is a continuation of protests that we saw yesterday although they are smaller. So anger is boiling over in places like Bethlehem and the West Bank but also here in Jerusalem and in East Jerusalem in particular there were some small protests today. At one end, East Jerusalem was actually broken out by Israeli security forces on horseback. What we're not seeing is the level of violence or rioting that could have happened that people were predicting to a certain extent whenever the announcement was made by President Trump and that might be because many people here feel that the peace process is fairly dead in the water at the moment anyway and this doesn't perhaps rile up the streets inside Jerusalem as much as, say for instance, a few months ago when we had massive protests as a result of metal detectors being placed outside the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. But still, they're still on a diplomatic and political level here. There's absolute dismay amongst Palestinians and a lot of celebration as you can imagine amongst the Israelis. Hari Sreenivasan:

What does this mean in their larger timeline for Mideast peace if the people that you've talked to on the streets feel that the process has kind of stopped? Do they think that this will be the catalyst to try to bring people back to the table? Spread them further apart? Jane Ferguson:

At the moment the major problem on the talking point amongst Palestinians here is if there is any attempt or any real intent by the White House to restart peace talks then how can they view the Americans as honest brokers? Basically they're saying that they are not being fair to both sides by saying that they recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because of course the Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. So the main sticking point amongst Palestinians at the moment is how can they really trust the Americans to be a fair broker. Now for instance, we've got Mike Pence who is expected to come here and visit in the region later this month. And now we're hearing a list of growing names saying they won't even meet with the Americans when he goes to the region. Today we just heard that the head of the Coptic church in Egypt, Pope Tawadros II, has said he will not meet with Pence because of the decision by the U.S. administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We've also heard that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that he won't. On top of that Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Imam of the El Azhar mosque in Cairo – that's the highest religious authority for the Sunni Islamic world – all said they won't even meet with Mike Pence. So how the Americans are going to get the Palestinians to talk to the Israelis when they're not even talking to the Americans is going to be a huge challenge.

Dec 9, 2017 - Israeli airstrikes kill two amid unrest over Jerusalem 9. Dezember 2017 - Israelische Luftangriffe töten zwei Menschen bei Unruhen um Jerusalem Δεκ 9, 2017 - Δύο νεκροί από ισραηλινές αεροπορικές επιδρομές εν μέσω αναταραχών για την Ιερουσαλήμ Dec 9, 2017 - Ataques aéreos israelíes matan a dos personas en medio de disturbios por Jerusalén 9 décembre 2017 - Des frappes aériennes israéliennes tuent deux personnes au milieu des troubles à Jérusalem 9 dic 2017 - Gli attacchi aerei israeliani uccidono due persone in mezzo ai disordini su Gerusalemme 2017年12月9日 - イスラエルの空爆で2人死亡 エルサレムをめぐる騒動の中 2017년 12월 9일 - 예루살렘의 불안 속에서 이스라엘 공습으로 두 명 사망 9 grudnia 2017 r. - Izraelskie naloty zabiły dwie osoby w wyniku niepokojów związanych z Jerozolimą 9 dez 2017 - Ataques aéreos israelitas matam duas pessoas no meio da agitação sobre Jerusalém Dec 9, 2017 - В результате израильских авиаударов погибли два человека на фоне беспорядков вокруг Иерусалима 9 Aralık 2017 - İsrail'in hava saldırılarında iki kişi öldü 2017 年 12 月 9 日 - 耶路撒冷引发骚乱,以色列空袭造成两人死亡 2017 年 12 月 9 日 - 耶路撒冷引发骚乱,以色列空袭造成两人死亡

Hari Sreenivasan:

Unrest continue throughout the Muslim world today marking the ‘third day of rage' call by Palestinian protesters. désordre|||||||||||||||| Les troubles se poursuivent dans le monde musulman aujourd'hui, marquant le "troisième jour de rage" lancé par les manifestants palestiniens. This after President Trump announced on Wednesday that the United States formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Israeli security forces fired tear gas and skunk water at Palestinian demonstrators in Jerusalem in the West Bank and launched air strikes in Gaza killing two Palestinian gunmen and bringing the death toll there to four. Les forces de sécurité israéliennes ont tiré des gaz lacrymogènes et de l'eau de moufette sur des manifestants palestiniens à Jérusalem en Cisjordanie et ont lancé des frappes aériennes à Gaza, tuant deux Palestiniens armés et portant à quatre le nombre de morts. President Trumps announcement along with a plan to move the U.S. L'annonce du président Trumps ainsi qu'un plan visant à déplacer les États-Unis... embassy to Jerusalem has sparked enunciations from around the world. l'ambassade à Jérusalem a suscité des énonciations du monde entier. In a speech in Istanbul today, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the decision entirely provocation. Erdogan plans to convene Muslim leaders for an urgent meeting in Turkey next week. Erdogan prévoit de convoquer les dirigeants musulmans pour une réunion urgente en Turquie la semaine prochaine. Joining me now via Skype from Jerusalem is our weekend special correspondent Jane Ferguson. Give us a sense of how people are feeling? Comment les gens se sentent-ils ? Jane Ferguson:

What you see on the street today is a continuation of protests that we saw yesterday although they are smaller. So anger is boiling over in places like Bethlehem and the West Bank but also here in Jerusalem and in East Jerusalem in particular there were some small protests today. Ainsi, la colère déborde dans des endroits comme Bethléem et en Cisjordanie, mais aussi ici à Jérusalem et à Jérusalem-Est en particulier, il y a eu quelques petites manifestations aujourd'hui. At one end, East Jerusalem was actually broken out by Israeli security forces on horseback. À une extrémité, Jérusalem-Est a en fait été percée par les forces de sécurité israéliennes à cheval. What we're not seeing is the level of violence or rioting that could have happened that people were predicting to a certain extent whenever the announcement was made by President Trump and that might be because many people here feel that the peace process is fairly dead in the water at the moment anyway and this doesn't perhaps rile up the streets inside Jerusalem as much as, say for instance, a few months ago when we had massive protests as a result of metal detectors being placed outside the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Ce que nous ne voyons pas, c'est le niveau de violence ou d'émeute qui aurait pu se produire et que les gens prédisaient dans une certaine mesure lorsque l'annonce a été faite par le président Trump. Cela pourrait être dû au fait que beaucoup de gens ici pensent que le processus de paix est plutôt mort pour l'instant de toute façon et que cela n'agite peut-être pas les rues de Jérusalem autant que, par exemple, il y a quelques mois lorsque nous avons eu des protestations massives à la suite de la mise en place de détecteurs de métaux à l'extérieur de la mosquée Al Aqsa à Jérusalem. But still, they're still on a diplomatic and political level here. Mais il n'en reste pas moins qu'ils sont toujours au niveau diplomatique et politique. There's absolute dismay amongst Palestinians and a lot of celebration as you can imagine amongst the Israelis. Il y a une consternation absolue parmi les Palestiniens et beaucoup de célébrations comme vous pouvez l'imaginer parmi les Israéliens. Hari Sreenivasan:

What does this mean in their larger timeline for Mideast peace if the people that you've talked to on the streets feel that the process has kind of stopped? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie dans leur calendrier plus large pour la paix au Moyen-Orient si les gens à qui vous avez parlé dans la rue ont le sentiment que le processus s'est en quelque sorte arrêté ? Do they think that this will be the catalyst to try to bring people back to the table? Pensent-ils que ce sera le catalyseur pour tenter de ramener les gens à la table? Spread them further apart? Les écarter davantage ? Jane Ferguson:

At the moment the major problem on the talking point amongst Palestinians here is if there is any attempt or any real intent by the White House to restart peace talks then how can they view the Americans as honest brokers? Pour le moment, le problème majeur sur le sujet de discussion parmi les Palestiniens ici est que s'il y a une tentative ou une intention réelle de la part de la Maison Blanche de relancer les pourparlers de paix, comment peuvent-ils considérer les Américains comme des courtiers honnêtes ? Basically they're saying that they are not being fair to both sides by saying that they recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because of course the Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Fondamentalement, ils disent qu'ils ne sont pas justes envers les deux parties en disant qu'ils reconnaissent Jérusalem comme capitale d'Israël parce que, bien sûr, les Palestiniens veulent Jérusalem-Est comme capitale d'un futur État palestinien. So the main sticking point amongst Palestinians at the moment is how can they really trust the Americans to be a fair broker. Ainsi, le principal point de friction parmi les Palestiniens en ce moment est de savoir comment peuvent-ils vraiment faire confiance aux Américains pour être un intermédiaire équitable. Now for instance, we've got Mike Pence who is expected to come here and visit in the region later this month. And now we're hearing a list of growing names saying they won't even meet with the Americans when he goes to the region. Et maintenant, nous entendons une liste de plus en plus longue de noms qui disent qu'ils ne rencontreront même pas les Américains lorsqu'ils se rendront dans la région. Today we just heard that the head of the Coptic church in Egypt, Pope Tawadros II, has said he will not meet with Pence because of the decision by the U.S. administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We've also heard that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that he won't. On top of that Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Imam of the El Azhar mosque in Cairo – that's the highest religious authority for the Sunni Islamic world – all said they won't even meet with Mike Pence. En plus de cela, Ahmed al-Tayeb, l'imam de la mosquée El Azhar au Caire – qui est la plus haute autorité religieuse du monde islamique sunnite – a tous déclaré qu'ils ne rencontreraient même pas Mike Pence. So how the Americans are going to get the Palestinians to talk to the Israelis when they're not even talking to the Americans is going to be a huge challenge. La façon dont les Américains vont amener les Palestiniens à parler aux Israéliens alors qu'ils ne parlent même pas aux Américains va donc constituer un énorme défi.