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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Dec 8, 2017 - In Jerusalem, Palestinian perception that Trump favors Israel b...

Dec 8, 2017 - In Jerusalem, Palestinian perception that Trump favors Israel b...

In Jerusalem, Palestinian perception that Trump favors Israel boils over into protest clashes.

Judy Woodruff:

Wednesday's decision by President Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and to move the U.S. Embassy there, has convulsed the Middle East.

Today, protesters took to the streets throughout the region and beyond.

Special correspondent Jane Ferguson is in Jerusalem Jane Ferguson:

As Palestinians left the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, they confronted Israeli security forces. A day of rage had been called by Palestinian leadership, and the anger on these ancient streets was clear.

President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel had shocked much of the Muslim world, and first among them, the Palestinians, who claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Hussam (through Interpreter):

Trump's decision is intended to start a religious war, an unethical war, because Trump is biased to Israel. They say there is a peace process, but it is not. America is blessing Netanyahu. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. It is holy Islamic land. Jane Ferguson:

Protesters are clashing with Israeli soldiers here. They came out of the mosque chanting and walking through the Old City, and now violence has broken out within a matter of seconds.

On these streets, there is growing frustration with decades of struggling for a country of their own. Ahmad Budhari:

Palestinians have tried everything. Jane Ferguson:

Political analyst Ahmad Budhari says after years of supporting an independent Palestinian state, the U.S. has now taken Israel's side. Ahmad Budhari:

But, in the end of the day, they have reached a point that they are not going to get their state, simply because America made a choice. The choice is that America is going to support Israel completely. Jane Ferguson:

But this Jewish settler in the Old City, who didn't want to give his name, says it's always been clear Jerusalem belongs to a Jewish homeland. Man (through Interpreter):

With respect to the president of the United States, it's a simple thing. It took the Americans a long time to understand, but it's simple. It's a thing that is clear to everyone that knows. Jane Ferguson:

Across the West Bank and in other Arab capitals, however, outrage boiled over. Palestinians burned tires and images of President Trump, and threw rocks at Israeli troops, who responded with live gunfire, tear gas and rubber bullets.

In Southern Gaza, the Palestinian Health Ministry says a 30-year-old man was shot dead in a skirmish with Israeli forces, the first death in protests since Mr. Trump's announcement. And later in the day, Israeli's military said it bombed militant targets in Gaza, in response to rockets fired from there at Israeli towns. Palestinians said 25 people were wounded, including six children. Leaders of the Palestinian militant group Hamas called again for an armed uprising, and terrorist groups like al-Qaida urged followers to carry out attacks against U.S. sites worldwide. Man

: We clearly disagree with the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Jane Ferguson:

The U.S. move also drew strong condemnation today at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Member nations in the region and Europe said the decision unnecessarily reignited conflict. Riyad Mansour:

Complicity must be recognized, that one party cannot continue to monopolize the peace process, especially not one that acts with bias in favor of the occupying power, at the expense of the law and the rights of the occupied people. Jane Ferguson:

But U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley dismissed that criticism, saying the U.S. is still committed to helping negotiate peace. In turn, she blasted the U.N. Nikki Haley:

Israel will never be and should never be bullied into an agreement by the United Nations or by any collection of countries that have proven their disregard for Israel's security. Jane Ferguson:

Despite protests and clashes with the police here in Jerusalem, what we're not seeing on the ground is a response to those calls for all-out intifada, or an uprising. However, on a larger scale and longer term, the fear is that Palestinians are moving closer to that option.

Sari Nusseibeh is a Palestinian commentator and academic. He believes Mr. Trump's announcement earlier this week applies pressure to the Israelis, too. If the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem continues, and no Palestinian state is formed, this would create a major identity challenge for Israel. Sari Nusseibeh:

In that case, I think the Israelis will then end up being in a position where they will be dealing, in addition to the 20 percent Arab population in Israel, another four million Palestinians under their rule asking for equal rights, in what is supposedly a Jewish state. Jane Ferguson:

There is no other place on earth more contested than Jerusalem, sacred to Christians, Muslims and Jews. Sari Nusseibeh:

And it's supposed to be the city that's the gateway to the divine. So if you have that sort of angle, the spiritual angle that you hold dear to your heart, it's a thing you can't really do away with. It's like tearing your inner spirit apart. Jane Ferguson:

As the sun set on the Holy City, a relative peace returned to its streets. After hundreds of years of fighting over this sacred place, the only thing everyone here can agree on is that the peace will be temporary.

For the PBS NewsHour, I'm Jane Ferguson in Jerusalem.

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In Jerusalem, Palestinian perception that Trump favors Israel boils over into protest clashes. À Jérusalem, la perception palestinienne selon laquelle Trump favorise Israël débouche sur des affrontements de protestation.

Judy Woodruff:

Wednesday's decision by President Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and to move the U.S. Embassy there, has convulsed the Middle East. |||shaken up|||

Today, protesters took to the streets throughout the region and beyond. Aujourd'hui, les manifestants sont descendus dans la rue dans toute la région et au-delà.

Special correspondent Jane Ferguson is in Jerusalem Jane Ferguson:

As Palestinians left the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, they confronted Israeli security forces. |||||the holy site|Muslim worship place||||||| En quittant la mosquée Al-Aqsa à Jérusalem, les Palestiniens se sont heurtés aux forces de sécurité israéliennes. A day of rage had been called by Palestinian leadership, and the anger on these ancient streets was clear. Les dirigeants palestiniens avaient appelé à un jour de colère, et la colère dans ces rues anciennes était évidente.

President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel had shocked much of the Muslim world, and first among them, the Palestinians, who claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Hussam (through Interpreter): Hussam says||

Trump's decision is intended to start a religious war, an unethical war, because Trump is biased to Israel. La décision de Trump vise à déclencher une guerre de religion, une guerre contraire à l'éthique, car Trump a un parti pris pour Israël. They say there is a peace process, but it is not. America is blessing Netanyahu. L'Amérique bénit Netanyahu. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine. It is holy Islamic land. C'est une terre sainte de l'Islam. Jane Ferguson:

Protesters are clashing with Israeli soldiers here. ||fighting|||| They came out of the mosque chanting and walking through the Old City, and now violence has broken out within a matter of seconds. Ils sont sortis de la mosquée en chantant et en marchant dans la vieille ville, et voilà que la violence éclate en quelques secondes.

On these streets, there is growing frustration with decades of struggling for a country of their own. Ahmad Budhari:

Palestinians have tried everything. Jane Ferguson:

Political analyst Ahmad Budhari says after years of supporting an independent Palestinian state, the U.S. |||Ahmad Budhari|||||||||||| has now taken Israel's side. Ahmad Budhari:

But, in the end of the day, they have reached a point that they are not going to get their state, simply because America made a choice. Mais, en fin de compte, ils sont arrivés à un point où ils n'obtiendront pas leur État, simplement parce que l'Amérique a fait un choix. The choice is that America is going to support Israel completely. Jane Ferguson:

But this Jewish settler in the Old City, who didn't want to give his name, says it's always been clear Jerusalem belongs to a Jewish homeland. Mais ce colon juif de la vieille ville, qui n'a pas voulu donner son nom, affirme qu'il a toujours été clair que Jérusalem appartenait à un foyer juif. Man (through Interpreter):

With respect to the president of the United States, it's a simple thing. It took the Americans a long time to understand, but it's simple. Les Américains ont mis du temps à comprendre, mais c'est simple. It's a thing that is clear to everyone that knows. C'est une chose qui est claire pour tous ceux qui savent. Jane Ferguson:

Across the West Bank and in other Arab capitals, however, outrage boiled over. ||||||||major cities|||| En Cisjordanie et dans d'autres capitales arabes, cependant, l'indignation a explosé. Palestinians burned tires and images of President Trump, and threw rocks at Israeli troops, who responded with live gunfire, tear gas and rubber bullets. Les Palestiniens ont brûlé des pneus et des images du président Trump, et ont jeté des pierres sur les troupes israéliennes, qui ont répondu par des tirs réels, des gaz lacrymogènes et des balles en caoutchouc.

In Southern Gaza, the Palestinian Health Ministry says a 30-year-old man was shot dead in a skirmish with Israeli forces, the first death in protests since Mr. Trump's announcement. And later in the day, Israeli's military said it bombed militant targets in Gaza, in response to rockets fired from there at Israeli towns. Plus tard dans la journée, l'armée israélienne a déclaré avoir bombardé des cibles militantes à Gaza, en réponse à des roquettes tirées depuis cette zone sur des villes israéliennes. Palestinians said 25 people were wounded, including six children. Les Palestiniens ont déclaré que 25 personnes avaient été blessées, dont six enfants. Leaders of the Palestinian militant group Hamas called again for an armed uprising, and terrorist groups like al-Qaida urged followers to carry out attacks against U.S. ||||||militant organization||||||||||||||||||||| sites worldwide. dans le monde entier. Man

: We clearly disagree with the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Jane Ferguson:

The U.S. move also drew strong condemnation today at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Member nations in the region and Europe said the decision unnecessarily reignited conflict. |||||||||||sparked again| Riyad Mansour: Riyad Mansour: Diplomat|Riyad Mansour:

Complicity must be recognized, that one party cannot continue to monopolize the peace process, especially not one that acts with bias in favor of the occupying power, at the expense of the law and the rights of the occupied people. La complicité doit être reconnue, une partie ne peut pas continuer à monopoliser le processus de paix, surtout pas une partie qui agit avec un parti pris en faveur de la puissance occupante, au détriment de la loi et des droits de la population occupée. Jane Ferguson:

But U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley dismissed that criticism, saying the U.S. |||||Nikki Haley|Nikki Haley||||||| L'ambassadrice auprès des Nations unies, Nikki Haley, a rejeté cette critique, affirmant que les États-Unis étaient en train de mettre en place un système de gestion de l'information. is still committed to helping negotiate peace. s'engage toujours à contribuer à la négociation de la paix. In turn, she blasted the U.N. À son tour, elle a critiqué les Nations unies. Nikki Haley: |Nikki Haley

Israel will never be and should never be bullied into an agreement by the United Nations or by any collection of countries that have proven their disregard for Israel's security. Israël ne sera jamais et ne devrait jamais être contraint à un accord par les Nations unies ou par un groupe de pays qui ont prouvé leur mépris pour la sécurité d'Israël. Jane Ferguson:

Despite protests and clashes with the police here in Jerusalem, what we're not seeing on the ground is a response to those calls for all-out intifada, or an uprising. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||uprising or rebellion||| However, on a larger scale and longer term, the fear is that Palestinians are moving closer to that option.

Sari Nusseibeh is a Palestinian commentator and academic. a given name|Surname of commentator|||||| He believes Mr. Trump's announcement earlier this week applies pressure to the Israelis, too. If the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem continues, and no Palestinian state is formed, this would create a major identity challenge for Israel. Sari Nusseibeh:

In that case, I think the Israelis will then end up being in a position where they will be dealing, in addition to the 20 percent Arab population in Israel, another four million Palestinians under their rule asking for equal rights, in what is supposedly a Jewish state. Dans ce cas, je pense que les Israéliens se retrouveront dans une position où ils devront faire face, en plus des 20 % de population arabe en Israël, à quatre millions de Palestiniens sous leur autorité qui demandent l'égalité des droits, dans ce qui est censé être un État juif. Jane Ferguson:

There is no other place on earth more contested than Jerusalem, sacred to Christians, Muslims and Jews. ||||||||disputed|||||||| Sari Nusseibeh: |Sari Nusseibeh:

And it's supposed to be the city that's the gateway to the divine. La ville est censée être la porte d'entrée du divin. So if you have that sort of angle, the spiritual angle that you hold dear to your heart, it's a thing you can't really do away with. Donc, si vous avez ce genre d'angle, l'angle spirituel qui vous tient à cœur, c'est une chose dont vous ne pouvez pas vraiment vous débarrasser. It's like tearing your inner spirit apart. C'est comme si vous déchiriez votre esprit intérieur. Jane Ferguson:

As the sun set on the Holy City, a relative peace returned to its streets. Alors que le soleil se couche sur la ville sainte, une paix relative revient dans ses rues. After hundreds of years of fighting over this sacred place, the only thing everyone here can agree on is that the peace will be temporary. Après des centaines d'années de lutte pour ce lieu sacré, la seule chose sur laquelle tout le monde s'accorde ici, c'est que la paix sera temporaire.

For the PBS NewsHour, I'm Jane Ferguson in Jerusalem. Pour le PBS NewsHour, je suis Jane Ferguson à Jérusalem.