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Friends S04, Friends S04E06 2d

Friends S04E06 2d

Excuse me, Mrs. Burkart? Well, we're all cleaned up. Good. Thank you. And, well, there's this small matter of the.... -Dear? -The matter of... ...payment. Jack used to handle the finances. -You get it? -No, but I made a widow cry. See you in hell. You know what we should all do? Go see a musical. Sure. You know which one? The 1996 Tony Award winner. I mean, that one's gotta be good. Do you know the name of that one? I don't know. Grease? Rent? Yes! Rent! So when do you want to go? What? I'm sorry. I can't, I'm busy. Man, it is so hard to shop for girls. Yes, it is... ...at Office Max! What did you get her? A pen. It's two gifts in one. It's a pen that's also a clock. -You can't give her that. -Why not? She's not 11! And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah. What he means by that is, while this is a very nice gift... ...maybe it's not something a boyfriend gives. Sure it is. She needs a pen for work. She's writing. She turns it over. "It's time for my date with Joey!" All right. What did you get for Angela Del Veccio's birthday? She didn't have one. For three years? Look, it's too late, and I got an audition. I can't shop anymore. I will go out and try to find something for her. Thanks, man. While you're at it, could you get her a card? Would you like me to write her a little poem as well? Or just get a card that has a poem already in it. Oh, so it's a card, but it's also a poem-holder. -You have to get our money. -She couldn't stop crying. With those thick glasses, her tears look giant. I know, it's tough. You know what the first thing I did after my mom's funeral was? -What? -Pay the caterer! I've had a lot of jobs. And there are some people who always try to get out of paying. It's either "That massage wasn't long enough"... ...or "l don't know any of those songs"... ...or "These sombreros aren't big enough. Bad little white girl!" So you think she's faking? There weren't any tears till you showed her the bill. She sounded pretty upset to me. She seems fine now. So you just left? Her place was really that bad? You throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day. Like that, only instead of a chair, it's a pile of garbage. And instead of a jacket, it's a pile of garbage. And instead of the end of the day, it's the end of time... ...and garbage is all that has survived. -Here. -Wow. Thanks. So what happened? Nothing. I had to get out of there. Next time, you take her to your place. I tried that. She says it has a weird smell. -What kind of smell? -I don't know. Soap? -Listen, you like this girl, right? -Yeah. -You want to see her again? -Yeah. So you're going to have to do it in the mess! Yeah, okay. You're right. I mean, who cares about a little sloppiness? -It's endearing, really. -All right! Now you go get that beautiful pig! I just spent the entire afternoon looking for a present... ...for Kathy that would be better than the rabbit. Any luck? Yeah, I found this great place called "lnvisible Things for Kathy." Can you give me a hand with all this stuff? Just return the book, let Joey give her the clock pen... ...and you get her something worse than that... ...Iike a regular pen. She's really going to love this, you know? The bottom line is, I want her to have it... ...even if I don't get to be the one who gives it to her. Honey, that's so sweet. You don't think it's just pathetic? Oh, "pathetic"! I've been looking all over for you. -Where? -Our place. The hall. I got something for her. It's a book. A book? Is it a book that's also a safe? It's a book that's just a book. It's the Velveteen Rabbit. It was her favorite as a kid. So just let me know if she likes it, okay? You got it. Thanks for doing this. I owe you one. There wasn't any change from that twenty, was there? No, it came out to an even twenty. Wow. That's almost as much as a new book. -You didn't get the money? -Maybe I can try at intermission? You know what? Let's just go. We're not leaving till we get paid! I don't know who she thinks she is. I talked to the florist. She didn't get paid either. Or the limo driver, or the priest, and he can get the dead guy damned for all eternity.

Friends S04E06 2d Freunde S04E06 2d Friends S04E06 2d Friends S04E06 2d Amici S04E06 2d フレンズ S04E06 2d Przyjaciele S04E06 2d Friends S04E06 2d Друзья S04E06 2d Friends S04E06 2d Друзі S04E06 2d 老友记 S04E06 2d

Excuse me, Mrs. Burkart? Well, we're all cleaned up. Bem, estamos todos limpos. Що ж, ми все прибрали. Good. Thank you. And, well, there's this small matter of the.... -Dear? E, bem, há esta pequena questão do.... -Dear? І, ну, є ще ця маленька справа з .... -Любий? -The matter of... ...payment. -A questão do... ...pagamento. -Питання... ...оплати. Jack used to handle the finances. Джек занимался финансами. Джек займався фінансами. -You get it? -Percebem? -Зрозумів? -No, but I made a widow cry. -Não, mas fiz uma viúva chorar. -Ні, але я довів вдову до сліз. See you in hell. Vemo-nos no inferno. You know what we should all do? Sabes o que devíamos todos fazer? Знаєте, що ми всі повинні зробити? Go see a musical. Сходи на мюзикл. Sure. You know which one? Sabes qual é? The 1996 Tony Award winner. I mean, that one's gotta be good. Quero dizer, esse deve ser bom. Do you know the name of that one? I don't know. Grease? Жир? Rent? Оренда? Yes! Rent! So when do you want to go? What? I'm sorry. I can't, I'm busy. Man, it is so hard to shop for girls. É tão difícil fazer compras para raparigas. Боже, так важко робити покупки для дівчат. Yes, it is... ...at Office Max! Так, це... ...в Office Max! What did you get her? O que é que lhe compraste? Що ти їй подарував? A pen. It's two gifts in one. It's a pen that's also a clock. -You can't give her that. -Why not? She's not 11! And it's not the seventh night of Chanukah. І це не сьома ніч Хануки. What he means by that is, while this is a very nice gift... ...maybe it's not something a boyfriend gives. O que ele quer dizer com isso é que, embora seja um presente muito bonito... talvez não seja algo que um namorado dê. Sure it is. She needs a pen for work. She's writing. She turns it over. "It's time for my date with Joey!" All right. What did you get for Angela Del Veccio's birthday? She didn't have one. For three years? Look, it's too late, and I got an audition. Слухай, вже надто пізно, а я пішла на прослуховування. I can't shop anymore. I will go out and try to find something for her. Thanks, man. While you're at it, could you get her a card? Поки ви там, не могли б ви подарувати їй листівку? Would you like me to write her a little poem as well? Хочеш, я напишу їй віршик? Or just get a card that has a poem already in it. Oh, so it's a card, but it's also a poem-holder. -You have to get our money. -Ти мусиш дістати наші гроші. -She couldn't stop crying. With those thick glasses, her tears look giant. I know, it's tough. You know what the first thing I did after my mom's funeral was? Знаєте, що перше я зробив після похорону мами? -What? -Pay the caterer! I've had a lot of jobs. And there are some people who always try to get out of paying. It's either "That massage wasn't long enough"... ...or "l don't know any of those songs"... ...or "These sombreros aren't big enough. Або "масаж був недостатньо довгим"... ...або "я не знаю жодної з цих пісень"... ...або "ці сомбреро недостатньо великі. Bad little white girl!" So you think she's faking? То ти думаєш, що вона прикидається? There weren't any tears till you showed her the bill. Сліз не було, поки ти не показав їй рахунок. She sounded pretty upset to me. Мені здалося, що вона дуже засмучена. She seems fine now. So you just left? Her place was really that bad? У неї справді все було так погано? You throw your jacket on a chair at the end of the day. Наприкінці дня ви кидаєте піджак на стілець. Like that, only instead of a chair, it's a pile of garbage. Ось так, тільки замість стільця - купа сміття. And instead of a jacket, it's a pile of garbage. І замість куртки - купа сміття. And instead of the end of the day, it's the end of time... ...and garbage is all that has survived. そして、一日の終わりではなく、時間の終わり......そして、ゴミだけが生き残った。 -Here. -Wow. Thanks. So what happened? Nothing. I had to get out of there. そこから出なければならなかった。 Мені треба було забиратися звідти. Next time, you take her to your place. I tried that. She says it has a weird smell. 変な臭いがするそうだ。 Вона каже, що він має дивний запах. -What kind of smell? -I don't know. Soap? -Listen, you like this girl, right? -Yeah. -You want to see her again? -Yeah. So you're going to have to do it in the mess! だから、混乱の中でやるしかない! Тож вам доведеться робити це в безладі! Yeah, okay. You're right. I mean, who cares about a little sloppiness? Я маю на увазі, кого хвилює невелика неохайність? -It's endearing, really. -Це зворушливо, справді. -All right! Now you go get that beautiful pig! А тепер іди і принеси цю прекрасну свиню! I just spent the entire afternoon looking for a present... ...for Kathy that would be better than the rabbit. Я витратив цілий день на пошуки подарунка для Кеті, який був би кращим за кролика. Any luck? Yeah, I found this great place called "lnvisible Things for Kathy." Так, я знайшов чудове місце під назвою "Невидимі речі для Кеті". Can you give me a hand with all this stuff? Just return the book, let Joey give her the clock pen... ...and you get her something worse than that... ...Iike a regular pen. She's really going to love this, you know? The bottom line is, I want her to have it... ...even if I don't get to be the one who gives it to her. Суть в тому, що я хочу, щоб вона його отримала... ...навіть якщо я не зможу бути тим, хто дарує його їй. Honey, that's so sweet. You don't think it's just pathetic? Вам не здається, що це просто жалюгідно? Oh, "pathetic"! I've been looking all over for you. Я тебе всюди шукаю. -Where? -Our place. The hall. I got something for her. It's a book. A book? Is it a book that's also a safe? It's a book that's just a book. It's the Velveteen Rabbit. It was her favorite as a kid. So just let me know if she likes it, okay? You got it. Thanks for doing this. I owe you one. Я твій боржник. There wasn't any change from that twenty, was there? No, it came out to an even twenty. Ні, вийшло рівно двадцять. Wow. That's almost as much as a new book. -You didn't get the money? -Maybe I can try at intermission? -Може, я спробую в антракті? You know what? Let's just go. We're not leaving till we get paid! Ми не підемо, поки нам не заплатять! I don't know who she thinks she is. I talked to the florist. Я поговорила з флористом. She didn't get paid either. Їй теж не заплатили. Or the limo driver, or the priest, and he can get the dead guy damned for all eternity. Або водій лімузина, або священик, і він може зробити так, що мертвий буде проклятий на віки вічні.