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Friends S03, Friends S03E20 2d

Friends S03E20 2d

If you wanna make the boys' bathroom realistic... ...you're gonna have to put some teeny, tiny porno magazines behind the toilet. Look everybody! Look at my new dollhouse! Look, look! Hey, what's this? It's a slide instead of stairs. Look. Very interesting, Phoebe. What's this? The licorice room. You can eat all the furniture. When guests come over, they can stay on the Tootsie Roll-away bed. This is the coolest house ever! Does anyone want to join me in the Aroma Room? - All right. - I would. Hey, guys? Guys! Did you see my new china cabinet? Watch. Watch. And. And. Hey, my father's house does that. Okay. How did it go? Tell me everything! The movie was great... ...dinner was great, and there's nothing like a cool, crisp New York evening. Of course, I didn't enjoy any of that because Joanna's such a big, dull dud! Chandler is fantastic! - What? - We click! You know how people click? He came by to pick me up, I opened the door and it was just like, "click!" Did he tell you? He's got such a good heart. Doesn't he have a good heart? And he's so sweet. He said he'd call, so put him straight through. - Isn't this great? - Don't spoil it. Come on, baby, don't go. Please? What do you say? It's you. Just one sec. I'm going to take this call. When I continue, I hope that there will appear on-stage... ...this magical thing that in the theater we call... ...committing to the moment! The guy's like a cartoon. - What do you see in him, anyway? - He happens to be brilliant. Which is more than I can say for that sweater you're dating. I'm not interested in her sweater. It's what's underneath her sweater that counts. And besides, since when do you care who I'm going out with? I don't care. Why, do you want me to care? Do you want me to want you to care? Do you? What? Okay. I'm afraid to say this, but let's pick it up where we left off. Come on, baby, don't go. Please? What do you say? I've got no reason to stay. Stop! Stop it! You must stop! You are bad actors! This is a terrible play! I'll see you in the morning. I can't believe we go on in a week. Hey, it's gonna be all right. So since we're getting off early, do you want to go and paint mugs? What? At the place I told you about last night? Yeah, with the mug-painting. I was so listening to that. But you know what? I need to work on my stuff tonight. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I guess. What are we gonna do about the scene? I don't know. Maybe if it had more heat. Well, how do you mean? Adrianne's looking for a reason to stay, right? Victor can't just kiss her. He's gotta... He's gotta really give her a reason. Maybe he could slip her the tongue. Or maybe... Maybe he could grab her, and lift her up. Then Adrianne could wrap her legs around his waist. She could do that. And claw at his back. Right. Then she could rip off his shirt and kiss his chest and his stomach. Then he could use his teeth to undo her dress... ...and bite her! And then right when the scene ends... ...he could take her with this raw, animal... Something like that? Yeah. That's pretty much what I had in mind. It's a little early to be drinking. Things finally happened with Kate. - You're kidding? - That's great. It was so amazing. After the lovemaking... Oh, my! ...I just watched her sleep for hours. Just breathing in... ...and breathing out. And then I knew she was dreaming because her eyes kept going like this: I'm telling you, Joanna's got it all wrong. All I said was, "This was fun. Let's do it again some time. I'll give you a call." I wonder why she thinks you're going to call her? That's what you say at the end of a date. You can't just say, "Nice to meet you. Good night"? To her face? I'm so happy. It's the end of the date. I'm standing there... ...all she's waiting for is for me to say I'll call her, and it just comes out. I can't help it. It's a compulsion. When a guy says he'll call, it doesn't mean he's going to call. This never happened to you? Well, they always called. Bite me. - Did he call? - No, sorry. Why? He said he'd call. Why hasn't he called? Maybe he's intimidated by really smart, strong, successful women. Sophie, will you please climb out of my butt.

Friends S03E20 2d Freunde S03E20 2d フレンズ S03E20 2D Friends S03E20 2d 老友记 S03E20 2d

If you wanna make the boys' bathroom realistic... ...you're gonna have to put some teeny, tiny porno magazines behind the toilet. Якщо ви хочете зробити чоловічу ванну кімнату реалістичною... ...вам доведеться покласти кілька крихітних порножурналів за унітазом. Look everybody! Look at my new dollhouse! Look, look! Hey, what's this? It's a slide instead of stairs. Look. Very interesting, Phoebe. What's this? The licorice room. Лакрична кімната. You can eat all the furniture. When guests come over, they can stay on the Tootsie Roll-away bed. Коли приходять гості, вони можуть спати на розкладному ліжку "Тутсі". This is the coolest house ever! Does anyone want to join me in the Aroma Room? - All right. - I would. Hey, guys? Guys! Did you see my new china cabinet? Watch. Watch. And. And. Hey, my father's house does that. У будинку мого батька так роблять. Okay. How did it go? Як все пройшло? Tell me everything! The movie was great... ...dinner was great, and there's nothing like a cool, crisp New York evening. Фільм був чудовим... ...вечеря була чудовою, і немає нічого кращого за прохолодний, свіжий нью-йоркський вечір. Of course, I didn't enjoy any of that because Joanna's such a big, dull dud! Звісно, мені нічого з цього не сподобалося, бо Джоанна така велика, нудна дурепа! Chandler is fantastic! - What? - We click! - Ми клацаємо! You know how people click? He came by to pick me up, I opened the door and it was just like, "click!" Він приїхав забрати мене, я відчинила двері, і тут "клац!". Did he tell you? He's got such a good heart. У нього таке добре серце. Doesn't he have a good heart? And he's so sweet. He said he'd call, so put him straight through. Він сказав, що зателефонує, тож з'єднайте мене з ним. - Isn't this great? - Don't spoil it. - Не зіпсуй його. Come on, baby, don't go. Please? What do you say? It's you. Just one sec. I'm going to take this call. Я відповім на цей дзвінок. When I continue, I hope that there will appear on-stage... ...this magical thing that in the theater we call... ...committing to the moment! Коли я продовжу, я сподіваюся, що на сцені з'явиться... ...ця чарівна річ, яку в театрі ми називаємо... ...відданість моменту! The guy's like a cartoon. Він наче з мультфільму. - What do you see in him, anyway? - He happens to be brilliant. Which is more than I can say for that sweater you're dating. Чого я не можу сказати про светр, з яким ти зустрічаєшся. I'm not interested in her sweater. It's what's underneath her sweater that counts. And besides, since when do you care who I'm going out with? I don't care. Why, do you want me to care? Do you want me to want you to care? Do you? What? Okay. I'm afraid to say this, but let's pick it up where we left off. Мені страшно це говорити, але давайте почнемо з того місця, на якому ми зупинилися. Come on, baby, don't go. Please? What do you say? I've got no reason to stay. Stop! Stop it! You must stop! You are bad actors! This is a terrible play! I'll see you in the morning. I can't believe we go on in a week. Hey, it's gonna be all right. So since we're getting off early, do you want to go and paint mugs? What? At the place I told you about last night? Yeah, with the mug-painting. Так, з розписом на чашках. I was so listening to that. But you know what? I need to work on my stuff tonight. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I guess. What are we gonna do about the scene? I don't know. Maybe if it had more heat. Можливо, якби було більше тепла. Well, how do you mean? Adrianne's looking for a reason to stay, right? Victor can't just kiss her. He's gotta... He's gotta really give her a reason. Maybe he could slip her the tongue. Може, йому вдасться всунути їй язика. Or maybe... Maybe he could grab her, and lift her up. А може... Може, він міг би схопити її і підняти. Then Adrianne could wrap her legs around his waist. Тоді Адріана могла обхопити його ногами за талію. She could do that. And claw at his back. І вчепитися кігтями в його спину. Right. Then she could rip off his shirt and kiss his chest and his stomach. Потім вона могла зірвати з нього сорочку і цілувати його груди та живіт. Then he could use his teeth to undo her dress... ...and bite her! Тоді він міг би зубами розстебнути її сукню... ...і вкусити її! And then right when the scene ends... ...he could take her with this raw, animal... Something like that? Yeah. That's pretty much what I had in mind. It's a little early to be drinking. Things finally happened with Kate. З Кейт нарешті щось сталося. - You're kidding? - That's great. It was so amazing. After the lovemaking... Oh, my! Після кохання... О, Боже! ...I just watched her sleep for hours. Just breathing in... ...and breathing out. And then I knew she was dreaming because her eyes kept going like this: I'm telling you, Joanna's got it all wrong. All I said was, "This was fun. Let's do it again some time. I'll give you a call." I wonder why she thinks you're going to call her? That's what you say at the end of a date. You can't just say, "Nice to meet you. Good night"? To her face? В обличчя? I'm so happy. It's the end of the date. I'm standing there... ...all she's waiting for is for me to say I'll call her, and it just comes out. Я стою там... ...все, чого вона чекає, це коли я скажу, що зателефоную їй, і це просто вирвалося. I can't help it. It's a compulsion. Це примус. When a guy says he'll call, it doesn't mean he's going to call. This never happened to you? Well, they always called. Bite me. Викуси. - Did he call? - No, sorry. Why? He said he'd call. Why hasn't he called? Maybe he's intimidated by really smart, strong, successful women. Можливо, його лякають справді розумні, сильні, успішні жінки. Sophie, will you please climb out of my butt. Софі, будь ласка, вилізь з моєї дупи.