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Friends S03, Friends S03E18 3d

Friends S03E18 3d

Can we make it smaller? Make it fit on the head of a pin? I love when we make things fit on the head of a pin. You have a Monica Geller here. Absolutely. Yeah, send her in. Hi. What the hell is this? Hang on for a sec. I'll talk to you in the morning? You got it. - I'm sorry. What? - What is this supposed to mean? Well, you know, I never know how much to tip. You double the tax. Not double the tax of Romania. Are you buying me? Is this the way you get girls to go out with you? I'm still here. You're taking this wrong. If I didn't leave you that tip... ...you wouldn't have come, we wouldn't have this argument... ...and there wouldn't be this heat between us. You gotta admit that our relationship is hitting a new level now. You were the chef and I was the customer. But now we're, like, this couple that fights. You're a loon. Look, forget the check, okay? I like you. I think you're great. Come on, what do you say? I don't know. Why not? Because I don't wanna encourage this kind of behavior. One meal. That's all I'm asking for. Please? We go out, we eat. If you don't have a good time, I'll give you 10 grand, we're even. - Hi. - No! Wait, no. Just put the mail down. It's me. Sorry. Why were you just, like, all in the dark? Well, your laundry smelled so good that I thought I'd curl up in it. - Is that all right? - Yeah, sure. So how was your day? Well, just probably the worst one since I've been alive. What happened? Alice... She called it off. Oh, no. Did she say why? No. Just that I was too young. I don't see how I could suddenly be too young... ...because I'm older than I was when we first got together. Yeah, yeah. No. I don't... I don't know. But you know what? Maybe it's just all for the best. Well, yeah, if the best is, like, unbelievable pain. Oh, sweetie. You know, I was just finally happy. For the first time in my life... ...after my dad left me... ...and then getting arrested for stealing those birds... ...and then the whole punctured-lung thing. It's still really hard to take deep breaths in cold weather... ...but with Alice, all that stuff kind of went away. And now it's gone, and I don't know why. Well, I can tell you why. It's because of me. But you know what? I only did it because I love you, okay? What? I kind of had a little chat with Alice... ...and I sort of made her see why you two shouldn't be together. And you'll see it too, one day. You really, really will. Wait a minute. This is because of you? Okay... My mother didn't want us to be together... ...but the worst thing she ever did was tie me to the porch. You know, I came to you because I thought you'd understand. Oh, no! You know... ...I would storm out of here... ...if I had some money or a place to go. Ross, if you had a million dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy? I'd get some municipal bonds, put the rest in the bank... ...and live off the interest. Well... ...we've heard from Dr. Fun. - Oh, my God! The millionaire's here! - Oh, my God! I'm just gonna have dinner with him. Okay, just because he buys you dinner does not mean you owe him anything. I know. Okay, then get the lobster. - Hey. - Hi. - Hi. - Hey. How much cash you got in your pocket now? And that's why I'm not inviting you in for a drink. Bye. Why not? Hey, come in for a drink. - Where do you wanna go? - You like pizza? - That sounds great. - I know a great little place. You're not paying for the pizza. Come on, it's only fair. You paid for the flight. Is that enough lira? I'd throw another 1000 on that. - How much is that? - That's about 60 cents. Every night! You don't need to smoke. Cigarettes don't control you. You are a strong, confident woman... ...who does not need to smoke. A strong, confident woman... ...who does not need to smoke. So can I. Hey, Frank. Look, I know that you think I did this totally evil thing. But I so didn't. There's someone here who can explain this better than I can. Hi, Frank. Hi, Mrs. Knight. Phoebe's right, Frank. It's hard to hear, but it would've been wrong to go through with it. I was being selfish. Even though we want the same things right now... ...in the future, we may not. - Is that what it is? - Yes, but not just that. Not just that. Even though we love each other as much as we do... ...nonetheless... - Nonetheless. - Nonetheless. You're too young... ...to really know what you want. That's right, exactly. All right, that's a goodbye kiss. That's good. Bye-bye. But no, the important thing is, is that you see what I'm saying. This is clearly wrong. I've decided I'm gonna let this happen. Okay, can I just get my purse? I'm sorry. Okay, all right, good. Cigarettes don't control you. You are a strong, confident woman... ...who does not need to smoke. Joey's your best friend. You wanna make him a cheese sandwich every day. You wanna buy him hundreds of dollars' worth of pants.

Friends S03E18 3d Friends S03E18 3d

Can we make it smaller? Make it fit on the head of a pin? Зробити так, щоб він помістився на голівці шпильки? I love when we make things fit on the head of a pin. You have a Monica Geller here. Absolutely. Yeah, send her in. Так, нехай заходить. Hi. What the hell is this? Hang on for a sec. I'll talk to you in the morning? You got it. Зрозумів. - I'm sorry. What? - What is this supposed to mean? Well, you know, I never know how much to tip. You double the tax. Ви подвоюєте податок. Not double the tax of Romania. Are you buying me? Is this the way you get girls to go out with you? I'm still here. You're taking this wrong. Ти все не так зрозуміла. If I didn't leave you that tip... ...you wouldn't have come, we wouldn't have this argument... ...and there wouldn't be this heat between us. You gotta admit that our relationship is hitting a new level now. Ти маєш визнати, що наші стосунки виходять на новий рівень. You were the chef and I was the customer. But now we're, like, this couple that fights. You're a loon. Ти псих. Look, forget the check, okay? I like you. I think you're great. Come on, what do you say? I don't know. Why not? Because I don't wanna encourage this kind of behavior. Тому що я не хочу заохочувати таку поведінку. One meal. Один раз поїсти. That's all I'm asking for. Please? We go out, we eat. If you don't have a good time, I'll give you 10 grand, we're even. Якщо тобі не сподобається, я дам тобі 10 тисяч, ми квити. - Hi. - No! Wait, no. Just put the mail down. It's me. Sorry. Why were you just, like, all in the dark? Well, your laundry smelled so good that I thought I'd curl up in it. Ну, твоя білизна так добре пахла, що я вирішив згорнутися калачиком. - Is that all right? - Yeah, sure. So how was your day? Well, just probably the worst one since I've been alive. Ну, напевно, найгірша за весь час мого життя. What happened? Alice... She called it off. Аліса... Вона все скасувала. Oh, no. Did she say why? No. Just that I was too young. I don't see how I could suddenly be too young... ...because I'm older than I was when we first got together. Yeah, yeah. No. I don't... I don't know. But you know what? Maybe it's just all for the best. Well, yeah, if the best is, like, unbelievable pain. Oh, sweetie. You know, I was just finally happy. For the first time in my life... ...after my dad left me... ...and then getting arrested for stealing those birds... ...and then the whole punctured-lung thing. Вперше в житті... ...після того, як мене покинув батько... ...а потім мене заарештували за крадіжку тих птахів... ...а потім ще й з пробитою легенею. It's still really hard to take deep breaths in cold weather... ...but with Alice, all that stuff kind of went away. У холодну погоду все ще дуже важко робити глибокі вдихи... ...але з Алісою все це якось зникло. And now it's gone, and I don't know why. Well, I can tell you why. It's because of me. But you know what? I only did it because I love you, okay? What? I kind of had a little chat with Alice... ...and I sort of made her see why you two shouldn't be together. Я трохи поговорив з Еліс... ...і змусив її зрозуміти, чому ви не повинні бути разом. And you'll see it too, one day. You really, really will. Wait a minute. This is because of you? Okay... My mother didn't want us to be together... ...but the worst thing she ever did was tie me to the porch. Гаразд. Моя мати не хотіла, щоб ми були разом... ...але найгірше, що вона зробила, це прив'язала мене до ґанку. You know, I came to you because I thought you'd understand. Oh, no! You know... ...I would storm out of here... ...if I had some money or a place to go. Знаєш... ...я б втік звідси... ...якби у мене були гроші або місце, куди піти. Ross, if you had a million dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy? I'd get some municipal bonds, put the rest in the bank... ...and live off the interest. Я б купив кілька муніципальних облігацій, поклав решту в банк... ...і жив би на відсотки. Well... ...we've heard from Dr. Fun. Що ж... ...ми отримали звістку від доктора Фан. - Oh, my God! The millionaire's here! - Oh, my God! I'm just gonna have dinner with him. Okay, just because he buys you dinner does not mean you owe him anything. I know. Okay, then get the lobster. - Hey. - Hi. - Hi. - Hey. How much cash you got in your pocket now? And that's why I'm not inviting you in for a drink. Bye. Why not? Hey, come in for a drink. - Where do you wanna go? - You like pizza? - That sounds great. - I know a great little place. You're not paying for the pizza. Come on, it's only fair. You paid for the flight. Is that enough lira? I'd throw another 1000 on that. - How much is that? - That's about 60 cents. Every night! You don't need to smoke. Cigarettes don't control you. Сигарети не контролюють тебе. You are a strong, confident woman... ...who does not need to smoke. A strong, confident woman... ...who does not need to smoke. So can I. Hey, Frank. Look, I know that you think I did this totally evil thing. Послухайте, я знаю, що ви вважаєте, що я вчинив абсолютно злий вчинок. But I so didn't. Але я цього не зробив. There's someone here who can explain this better than I can. Hi, Frank. Hi, Mrs. Knight. Phoebe's right, Frank. It's hard to hear, but it would've been wrong to go through with it. Це важко чути, але було б неправильно, якби ми не пішли на це. I was being selfish. Я був егоїстом. Even though we want the same things right now... ...in the future, we may not. - Is that what it is? - Yes, but not just that. Not just that. Even though we love each other as much as we do... ...nonetheless... - Nonetheless. Навіть якщо ми любимо один одного так сильно, як любимо... ...все ж таки... - все ж таки. - Nonetheless. - Тим не менш. You're too young... ...to really know what you want. That's right, exactly. All right, that's a goodbye kiss. That's good. Bye-bye. But no, the important thing is, is that you see what I'm saying. This is clearly wrong. Це явно неправильно. I've decided I'm gonna let this happen. Okay, can I just get my purse? I'm sorry. Okay, all right, good. Cigarettes don't control you. Сигарети не контролюють тебе. You are a strong, confident woman... ...who does not need to smoke. Joey's your best friend. You wanna make him a cheese sandwich every day. Ти хочеш робити йому бутерброд із сиром щодня. You wanna buy him hundreds of dollars' worth of pants. Ти хочеш купити йому штани за сотні доларів.