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Friends S03, Friends S03E14 3d

Friends S03E14 3d

Oh, God! It freaked me out. It shouldn't, but it did. I wanna keep seeing her, but it's like: "Hey, you know what? Where's your leg?" I'm the smallest person in the world, aren't I? Morning. Actually, he's the smallest person in the world. Heard about the leg-burning, huh? It came up. Listen, I know it's a long shot, but... ...by any chance, did she find that funny? So I nodded off a little! "Nodded off"? Ross, you were snoring! My father's boat didn't make that much noise when it hit rocks! Come on! Forty-five minutes... Forty-five minutes, the man talked about strappy-backed dresses. Okay, how about four hours in a freezing museum auditorium... ...listening to Professor "Pitstains" say: "Remember that thing that died a gazillion years ago? Well, here's a little bone we didn't know it had!" First of all, it's Professor Pitain. And second of all, that little bone proved that... ...that particular dinosaur had wings but didn't fly. Okay, you know what I just heard? A hundred million people went to see a movie about what I do. I wonder how many people would go see a movie called Jurassic Parka. Oh, that is so... A bunch of out-of-control jackets take over an island! If what I do is so lame... ...then why did you insist on coming with me this morning? Was it so I just wouldn't go with Mark? I wanted to be with you. I don't know, I feel like lately... ...you're slipping away from me... ...with this new job and all these new people. And you've got this whole other life going on. I know it's dumb... ...but I just hate that I'm not a part of it. It's not dumb. But maybe it's okay that you're not a part of it. You know what I mean? I mean, it's like... ...I like that you're not involved in that part of my life. That's a little clearer. See, it doesn't mean I don't love you... ...because I do. I love you so much. But my work... It's for me, you know? I'm out there on my own, and I'm doing it. And it's scary, but I love it because it's mine. But I mean, is that okay? Sure. You're thinking about my leg. Actually, I forgot. What's the deal with that again? Look, it's okay if it bothers you. I only need to know how much it bothers you... ...because I don't like wasting my time. Am I wasting my time? No, I don't think so. It's like anything else. You just have to get used to it. What's that? That's my "nubbin." What's a nubbin? It's kind of a third-nipple kind of thing. You have three nipples? Well, you know, two regulars... ...and one that barely qualifies as a... - What? - Nothing. You know, I... I just remembered. I have to leave. You have to leave? Now? How come? Well, it's nubbin. Nothing! You know what? I'll see you later. I thought you weren't coming. - Where were you? - Come here, come here. Don't get mad, okay? Don't give me a reason to get mad, okay? I played Smelly Cat for my old ad agency. They went nuts! I told you I didn't want you to try and sell it... ...and you just big, fat did it anyway! I think, five years ago, I probably would have done anything... ...to play with you. But I can do it myself. If I can't trust you, then forget it. I don't wanna forget it. You know what? You have to choose. If the most important thing on the planet to you... ...is this cat-poopy thing, then you can have Smelly Cat. But we won't be partners. So, what's it gonna be? - Smelly cat, smelly cat - Problem odor in the litter box? Don't change your kitty, change your kitty litter. It's not your fault - Sorry, Pheebs. - Yeah. You okay? I actually am. Because, you know, life's gonna hand you all kinds of stuff. You learn your little lessons and hopefully you grow. - You wanna hear a new song? - We'd love to. Jingle bitch screwed me over Go to hell, jingle whore Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell That's all I have so far. Well, hello! - Where you been? - The doctor. Is everything okay? Just had me a little nubbin-ectomy. Two nipples, no waiting. Well! Just like Rachel in high school. What? Come on, I was kidding! It was such an obvious joke. That was an obvious joke. And I didn't think of it. Why? The source of all my powers. Oh, dear God, what have I done?

Friends S03E14 3d Friends S03E14 3d フレンズ S03E14 3d Przyjaciele S03E14 3d Friends S03E14 3d Friends S03E14 3d 老友记 S03E14 3d 老友記 S03E14 3d

Oh, God! It freaked me out. Це налякало мене. It shouldn't, but it did. Це не повинно було статися, але сталося. I wanna keep seeing her, but it's like: "Hey, you know what? Я хочу продовжувати з нею зустрічатися, але це як: "Ей, знаєш що? Where's your leg?" I'm the smallest person in the world, aren't I? Morning. Actually, he's the smallest person in the world. Heard about the leg-burning, huh? It came up. Вийшло. Listen, I know it's a long shot, but... ...by any chance, did she find that funny? Слухай, я знаю, що це малоймовірно, але... ...їй, випадково, не здалося це смішним? So I nodded off a little! Тож я трохи задрімав! "Nodded off"? "Задрімав"? Ross, you were snoring! Росс, ти хропів! My father's boat didn't make that much noise when it hit rocks! Come on! Forty-five minutes... Forty-five minutes, the man talked about strappy-backed dresses. Сорок п'ять хвилин... Сорок п'ять хвилин чоловік говорив про сукні на бретельках. Okay, how about four hours in a freezing museum auditorium... ...listening to Professor "Pitstains" say: "Remember that thing that died a gazillion years ago? Well, here's a little bone we didn't know it had!" Ну, ось маленька кісточка, про яку ми не знали, що вона є!" First of all, it's Professor Pitain. And second of all, that little bone proved that... ...that particular dinosaur had wings but didn't fly. Okay, you know what I just heard? A hundred million people went to see a movie about what I do. I wonder how many people would go see a movie called Jurassic Parka. Oh, that is so... A bunch of out-of-control jackets take over an island! О, це так... Купка неконтрольованих піджаків захопила острів! If what I do is so lame... ...then why did you insist on coming with me this morning? Якщо те, що я роблю, таке відстійне... ...то чому ти наполягала на тому, щоб піти зі мною сьогодні вранці? Was it so I just wouldn't go with Mark? I wanted to be with you. I don't know, I feel like lately... ...you're slipping away from me... ...with this new job and all these new people. And you've got this whole other life going on. I know it's dumb... ...but I just hate that I'm not a part of it. Я знаю, що це нерозумно... ...але я просто ненавиджу, що я не є частиною цього. It's not dumb. Це не дурниця. But maybe it's okay that you're not a part of it. You know what I mean? I mean, it's like... ...I like that you're not involved in that part of my life. Я маю на увазі, це як... ...мені подобається, що ти не береш участі в цій частині мого життя. That's a little clearer. Так трохи зрозуміліше. See, it doesn't mean I don't love you... ...because I do. I love you so much. But my work... It's for me, you know? I'm out there on my own, and I'm doing it. Я сам по собі, і я роблю це. And it's scary, but I love it because it's mine. But I mean, is that okay? Sure. You're thinking about my leg. Actually, I forgot. Взагалі-то, я забув. What's the deal with that again? Look, it's okay if it bothers you. Послухайте, це нормально, якщо вас це турбує. I only need to know how much it bothers you... ...because I don't like wasting my time. Мені лише потрібно знати, наскільки це вас турбує... ...тому що я не люблю витрачати свій час даремно. Am I wasting my time? No, I don't think so. It's like anything else. You just have to get used to it. До цього треба просто звикнути. What's that? That's my "nubbin." Це мій "пушок". What's a nubbin? It's kind of a third-nipple kind of thing. You have three nipples? Well, you know, two regulars... ...and one that barely qualifies as a... - What? Ну, знаєте, двоє постійних клієнтів... ...і один, який ледве можна назвати... - що? - Nothing. You know, I... I just remembered. I have to leave. You have to leave? Now? How come? Well, it's nubbin. Nothing! You know what? I'll see you later. I thought you weren't coming. Я думала, ти не прийдеш. - Where were you? - Come here, come here. Don't get mad, okay? Не сердься, гаразд? Don't give me a reason to get mad, okay? I played Smelly Cat for my old ad agency. They went nuts! I told you I didn't want you to try and sell it... ...and you just big, fat did it anyway! Я ж казав тобі, що не хочу, щоб ти намагався його продати... ...а ти все одно це зробив! I think, five years ago, I probably would have done anything... ...to play with you. But I can do it myself. If I can't trust you, then forget it. I don't wanna forget it. You know what? You have to choose. If the most important thing on the planet to you... ...is this cat-poopy thing, then you can have Smelly Cat. But we won't be partners. So, what's it gonna be? То що ж це буде? - Smelly cat, smelly cat - Problem odor in the litter box? Don't change your kitty, change your kitty litter. Не міняйте котика, міняйте наповнювач для котячого туалету. It's not your fault - Sorry, Pheebs. - Yeah. You okay? I actually am. Because, you know, life's gonna hand you all kinds of stuff. Тому що, знаєте, життя підкине вам різні речі. You learn your little lessons and hopefully you grow. - You wanna hear a new song? - We'd love to. Jingle bitch screwed me over Go to hell, jingle whore Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell That's all I have so far. Дзвінка шльондра підставила мене Іди до біса, дзвінка шльондра Іди до біса, іди до біса, іди до біса Це все, що я поки що маю. Well, hello! - Where you been? - The doctor. Is everything okay? Just had me a little nubbin-ectomy. Мені щойно зробили невелику нубін-ектомію. Two nipples, no waiting. Два соски, не чекай. Well! Just like Rachel in high school. What? Come on, I was kidding! It was such an obvious joke. Це був такий очевидний жарт. That was an obvious joke. And I didn't think of it. Why? The source of all my powers. Джерело всіх моїх сил. Oh, dear God, what have I done?