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Friends S03, Friends S03E11 3d

Friends S03E11 3d

This tiramisu is excellent. Did you make it, Mary Angela? No, I did. Well, it's yummy. So... Mary Angela, do you like it? Of course. It's her favorite. So... Mary Angela, what's your second favorite? More of Grandma's tiramisu. Oh, would you just please... ...give me your recipe, because this is great! It's topnotch! That dies with me. So will I. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. I was just squinting. It doesn't mean anything. Just do it! Will you excuse me, I have to... Finally! I thought we'd never be alone. Can I just tell you something? I have not stopped thinking about you since the party. Look, I may have jumped the gun here. I just got out of a relationship... ...and I'm not really in a in a commitment kind of place. So? Me neither! God, Mary Angela was right. You do have the softest lips. You're not Mary Angela? No! I'm Mary Therese! This is so bad. If you're not Mary Angela, then who is? I am. Oh, it's so bad. - Joey! - No Joey! No Joey! No Joey! - Joey. - What's going on? You're it! Now run and hide! It's no big deal. Chandler was just kissing me... ...because he thought I was Mary Angela. What? How could you think she was Mary Angela? I wasn't sure which one Mary Angela was. Look, I'm sorry. I was really drunk and you guys all look really similar. - I say punch him, Joey! - Yeah, punch him! We should all calm down... ...because your brother's not gonna punch me. - Are you? - That is usually what I would do. But I never thought you'd be on the receiving end of it. How could you do this? Hey, where'd everybody go? Why don't you go into the den? I think Cops is on. If you wanna punch me, go ahead. I deserve it. But I want you to know that I'd never soberly hurt you or your family. You're my best friend. And I would never do anything like this, ever again. So what? I say punch him! Yeah, punch him! No, I'm not gonna punch Chandler. - I'll do it. - No, you won't! He knows he did a terrible thing, and I believe him. He's sorry. But you got one more apology to make. You gotta apologize to Mary Angela. - Okay. Absolutely. You got it. - All right. - Cookie, now you can punch him! - What? Hey! What are you doing here? You know, this building's on my paper route, so... How did it go? The woman I interviewed with was pretty tough... ...but thank God Mark coached me. Once I talked about the Fall line, she got all happy. - I'm so proud of you. - Me too! Listen, I'm... I'm sorry I've been so crazy and jealous and... It's just, I like you a lot, so... - I know. - Yeah? - Rachel. Hi. - Hi, Mark. I just talked to Joanna, and she loves you. You got the job. - I did? - Yes! Oh, my God! Congratulations... So, Phoebe, how was your date? Oh, well, you know... Yeah, I do know. You were eavesdropping? Eavesdropping? Pheebs, the ceiling tiles were falling down. Oh, I'm sorry. But I really like this guy... ...and I think he really happens to likes me. Maybe he's just... ...jumping on a pogo stick and he really likes it. Maybe the pogo stick likes it too. All right, that's it. He cannot do this to Phoebe! This guy's gonna get the butt-kicking of a lifetime! But is he a big guy? We'll all go. Come on. Well, let's see, I just got beat up by a girl... They need me. - Thanks, you guys. Thank you! - Don't worry! God! I hope they kick his ass! Honey, I'm sorry. If it's any consolation... ...he really did sound like he was having more fun with you.

Friends S03E11 3d Freunde S03E11 3d Friends S03E11 3d

This tiramisu is excellent. Цей тірамісу чудовий. Did you make it, Mary Angela? No, I did. Well, it's yummy. So... Mary Angela, do you like it? Of course. It's her favorite. So... Mary Angela, what's your second favorite? More of Grandma's tiramisu. Oh, would you just please... ...give me your recipe, because this is great! It's topnotch! Це першокласно! That dies with me. So will I. Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. I was just squinting. Я просто примружився. It doesn't mean anything. Just do it! Will you excuse me, I have to... Finally! I thought we'd never be alone. Can I just tell you something? I have not stopped thinking about you since the party. Look, I may have jumped the gun here. Послухайте, я, можливо, поспішив з висновками. I just got out of a relationship... ...and I'm not really in a in a commitment kind of place. Я щойно розірвав стосунки... ...і мені не дуже хочеться зв'язувати себе якимись зобов'язаннями. So? Me neither! God, Mary Angela was right. You do have the softest lips. You're not Mary Angela? No! I'm Mary Therese! This is so bad. If you're not Mary Angela, then who is? I am. Oh, it's so bad. - Joey! - No Joey! No Joey! No Joey! - Joey. - What's going on? You're it! Now run and hide! А тепер тікай і ховайся! It's no big deal. Chandler was just kissing me... ...because he thought I was Mary Angela. What? How could you think she was Mary Angela? I wasn't sure which one Mary Angela was. Look, I'm sorry. I was really drunk and you guys all look really similar. - I say punch him, Joey! - Yeah, punch him! We should all calm down... ...because your brother's not gonna punch me. - Are you? - That is usually what I would do. But I never thought you'd be on the receiving end of it. Але я ніколи не думав, що ти будеш тим, хто це отримає. How could you do this? Hey, where'd everybody go? Why don't you go into the den? I think Cops is on. Здається, "Копів" показують. If you wanna punch me, go ahead. I deserve it. But I want you to know that I'd never soberly hurt you or your family. Але я хочу, щоб ви знали, що я б ніколи не заподіяв шкоди вам або вашій родині. You're my best friend. And I would never do anything like this, ever again. So what? I say punch him! Yeah, punch him! No, I'm not gonna punch Chandler. - I'll do it. - No, you won't! He knows he did a terrible thing, and I believe him. He's sorry. But you got one more apology to make. You gotta apologize to Mary Angela. - Okay. Absolutely. You got it. - All right. - Cookie, now you can punch him! - What? Hey! What are you doing here? You know, this building's on my paper route, so... How did it go? Знаєш, ця будівля на моєму шляху до газети, тож... Як все пройшло? The woman I interviewed with was pretty tough... ...but thank God Mark coached me. Жінка, з якою я проходила співбесіду, була досить жорсткою... ...але слава Богу, що Марк мене натренував. Once I talked about the Fall line, she got all happy. - I'm so proud of you. - Me too! Listen, I'm... I'm sorry I've been so crazy and jealous and... It's just, I like you a lot, so... - I know. - Yeah? - Rachel. Hi. - Hi, Mark. I just talked to Joanna, and she loves you. You got the job. - I did? - Yes! Oh, my God! Congratulations... So, Phoebe, how was your date? Oh, well, you know... Yeah, I do know. You were eavesdropping? Ти підслуховував? Eavesdropping? Pheebs, the ceiling tiles were falling down. Фібс, на стелі падала плитка. Oh, I'm sorry. But I really like this guy... ...and I think he really happens to likes me. Але мені дуже подобається цей хлопець... ...і я думаю, що я йому дуже подобаюся. Maybe he's just... ...jumping on a pogo stick and he really likes it. Можливо, він просто... ...стрибає на палиці для пого і йому це дуже подобається. Maybe the pogo stick likes it too. All right, that's it. He cannot do this to Phoebe! This guy's gonna get the butt-kicking of a lifetime! Цьому хлопцеві надеруть дупу на все життя! But is he a big guy? We'll all go. Come on. Well, let's see, I just got beat up by a girl... They need me. - Thanks, you guys. Thank you! - Don't worry! God! I hope they kick his ass! Honey, I'm sorry. If it's any consolation... ...he really did sound like he was having more fun with you. Якщо вас це втішить... ...він справді казав, що з вами йому було веселіше.