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The Awakening of Europe, 26. First Voyage of the East India Company

26. First Voyage of the East India Company

"Whosoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world, commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself." —RALEIGH.

Far away in the Arctic regions, on a map of the world, may be seen the name Davis Straits, given to a wide sea between the western coast of Greenland and North America. This sea was discovered by John Davis, one of Elizabeth's most famous explorers, a man who not only did good work among the ice-bound regions of the north, but also piloted the first English ship sent by the East India Company to trade with those distant lands, henceforth to form so large a part of the British Empire.

John Davis was a Devonshire lad, like so many of the sixteenth-century sailors. Humphrey Gilbert and Walter Raleigh were his lifelong friends; Hawkins, Drake, and Frobisher, the inspirers of his boyish dreams.

Davis had been at sea some time himself when Frobisher sailed forth in the little Gabriel for the north-west passage, which attracted so many to that land of ice and peril. But it was not until Frobisher had given up his gallant work, to waste his efforts in the search after imaginary gold, that John Davis took up his work. To find a short cut to India by the north, by which English ships could sail to and fro without fear from the great Spanish vessels which haunted the Cape route—this was the dream of Davis.

Sailing early in January 1585 in two little ships, bearing the romantic names of Sunshine and Moonshine, he reached the coast of Greenland. And it was Davis who gave the most southern point of that cold land the name Cape Farewell, which it bears to-day.

Three times did he sail to the icy north, each time reaching a farther point and making fresh important discoveries. To him is due the honour of having re-discovered Greenland, which had been lost sight of since the days of the old Vikings, two centuries before. He also explored the sea known to us to-day as Davis Straits. He mapped out the mysterious regions of the north, and pointed out the way to those who came after. "He lighted Hudson into his strait. He lighted Baffin into his bay." But he did more than this. By his true-hearted devotion to the cause of Arctic discovery, by his patient research, his dauntless enthusiasm, he set an example which became a beacon-light to northern explorers of all time.

But his last voyage to the north was not successful, and the owners of the ships under his charge turned their eyes to India by way of the Cape of Good Hope, instead of dreaming of a shorter way by the perilous and ice-bound north.

The destruction of the Spanish Armada had made the voyage for English ships by the Cape less hazardous than before. England had swept away for a time the fleets of Spain and Portugal, and could now undertake safely the long sea route by South Africa in order to bring back rich cargoes from India and the islands beyond.

These merchant ships had heretofore been fitted out by private people, who bought the ships, appointed the commander, and received the reward. Now the merchant-princes of England made up their minds to join together in a company, to fit out fleets and establish direct trade with India, sharing the profits.

The queen approved of the arrangement, and on the very last day of the sixteenth century the East India Company, as it was called, was started. Soon a little fleet of ships left England under direction of the Company; and the chief pilot of the fleet was our old friend of the Arctic Seas, John Davis, on board the Red Dragon.

He had but just returned from piloting two Dutch ships, the Lion and the Lioness, under Cornelius Houtman, to Malacca by the Cape of Good Hope, for which services he had been specially thanked.

"The Dutch had special assistance in their late navigations by the means of Master John Davis, and in return the Dutch do in ample manner requite us, acquainting us with their voyages, discoveries, and dangers, both outward and homeward." His services were now required by his own countrymen, for this was a memorable voyage, inasmuch as it laid the foundation of the British Empire in the East.

The ships returned triumphantly from this first expedition under the Company, to be received by the news that Queen Elizabeth was dead, that James I. was on the English throne, and that a Dutch East India Company had been formed to rival English trade with India and the East.

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26. First Voyage of the East India Company |Sea expedition||||| |İlk Sefer|||Doğu Hindistan|Hindistan|Doğu Hindistan Şirketi 26. Erste Reise der Ostindien-Kompanie 26. Primer viaje de la Compañía de las Indias Orientales 26. Premier voyage de la Compagnie des Indes orientales 26. Primo viaggio della Compagnia delle Indie Orientali 26.東インド会社の最初の航海 26. 동인도 회사의 첫 항해 26. Pirmoji Rytų Indijos bendrovės kelionė 26. Eerste reis van de Oost-Indische Compagnie 26. Primeira viagem da Companhia das Índias Orientais 26. Первое плавание Ост-Индской компании 26. Doğu Hindistan Şirketi'nin İlk Yolculuğu 26. Перша подорож Ост-Індійської компанії 26. 东印度公司第一次航行 26.东印度公司的第一次航行

"Whosoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world, commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself." هر کس||||||||||تجارت||||||ثروت‌های||||و در نتیجه|||| Anyone who||||||||||||||||wealth and power|||||as a result||| Her kimse|emir verir||denizleri yönetir|||ticaret||emir verir|||||dünyanın ticareti|||zenginlikleri|||||sonuç olarak||| quem quer que|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||因此||| "Wer das Meer beherrscht, beherrscht den Handel; wer den Handel der Welt beherrscht, beherrscht die Reichtümer der Welt und damit die Welt selbst." "Celui qui commande la mer commande le commerce ; celui qui commande le commerce du monde commande les richesses du monde, et par conséquent le monde lui-même. "谁掌控海洋,谁就掌控贸易;谁掌控世界的贸易,谁就掌控世界的财富,进而掌控整个世界。" —RALEIGH. 罗利 رالی —雷利。

Far away in the Arctic regions, on a map of the world, may be seen the name Davis Straits, given to a wide sea between the western coast of Greenland and North America. ||||قطب شمال|منطقه‌ها||یک|نقشه|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||polar regions|Arctic areas||||||||||||Explorer's name|Narrow sea passage|||||||||||Green landmass||Arctic regions|North America |||||||||||||||||戴维斯||命名为||||||||||格林兰||| Weit entfernt in den arktischen Regionen ist auf der Weltkarte der Name Davis Straits zu sehen, der einem breiten Meer zwischen der Westküste Grönlands und Nordamerika gegeben wurde. Loin dans les régions arctiques, sur une carte du monde, on peut voir le nom de détroit de Davis, donné à une large mer entre la côte ouest du Groenland et l'Amérique du Nord. 在北极地区的遥远处,在世界地图上,可以看到“戴维斯海峡”的名字,它是位于格林兰西海岸与北美之间的一片宽广海域。 This sea was discovered by John Davis, one of Elizabeth’s most famous explorers, a man who not only did good work among the ice-bound regions of the north, but also piloted the first English ship sent by the East India Company to trade with those distant lands, henceforth to form so large a part of the British Empire. ||||||||||||||||不仅|||||||||||||||引导|||||||||||||||||||形成|||||||| ||||||||de|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||frozen water|frozen or restricted|icy areas||||||navigated||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||از این پس|||||||||| Dieses Meer wurde von John Davis entdeckt, einem der berühmtesten Entdecker Elisabeths, der nicht nur in den eisigen Regionen des Nordens gute Arbeit leistete, sondern auch das erste englische Schiff steuerte, das von der Ostindien-Kompanie in den Handel mit jenen fernen Ländern geschickt wurde, die fortan einen so großen Teil des britischen Reiches bilden sollten. 这个海域是由约翰·戴维斯发现的,他是伊丽莎白时代最著名的探险家之一。他不仅在北方冰封地区做了出色的工作,还引导了第一艘由东印度公司派遣到那些遥远土地上进行贸易的英国船只,从此成为大英帝国的重要组成部分。

John Davis was a Devonshire lad, like so many of the sixteenth-century sailors. ||||دِوانشایر|پسر|||||||| |||||||||||||marins John Davis war ein Junge aus Devonshire, wie so viele Seeleute des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. John Davis era un ragazzo del Devonshire, come molti marinai del XVI secolo. 约翰·戴维斯是德文郡的小伙子,像许多十六世纪的水手一样。 Humphrey Gilbert and Walter Raleigh were his lifelong friends; Hawkins, Drake, and Frobisher, the inspirers of his boyish dreams. 汉弗莱||||||||||||||启发者|||少年梦| |||||||||||||||||d'enfance| ||||رالی|||دوست‌داشتنی||||||||||| Humphrey Gilbert und Walter Raleigh waren seine lebenslangen Freunde; Hawkins, Drake und Frobisher waren die Inspiratoren seiner Bubenträume. Humphrey Gilbert en Walter Raleigh waren zijn levenslange vrienden; Hawkins, Drake en Frobisher, de inspiratoren van zijn jongensdromen. 汉弗莱·吉尔伯特和沃尔特·罗利是他一生的朋友;霍金斯、德雷克和弗罗比舍则是他少年梦想的激励者。

Davis had been at sea some time himself when Frobisher sailed forth in the little Gabriel for the north-west passage, which attracted so many to that land of ice and peril. |||||||||弗罗比舍|||在|||加布里埃尔|||||航道||||许多人|||||||危险 ||||||||||navigué|s'est élancé|||||||||||||||||||| Davis war selbst schon einige Zeit auf See, als Frobisher mit der kleinen Gabriel zur Nordwestpassage aufbrach, die so viele in das Land des Eises und der Gefahren lockte. Davis était lui-même en mer depuis un certain temps lorsque Frobisher s'embarqua sur le petit Gabriel pour le passage du nord-ouest, qui attira tant de monde vers cette terre de glace et de péril. 当弗罗比舍在小船加布里埃尔号出发前往西北航道时,戴维斯自己已经在海上待了一段时间,这条航道吸引了许多人前往那片冰与险的土地。 But it was not until Frobisher had given up his gallant work, to waste his efforts in the search after imaginary gold, that John Davis took up his work. ||||||||||||||||在|||||||||||| Aber erst nachdem Frobisher seine galante Arbeit aufgegeben hatte, um seine Kräfte mit der Suche nach imaginärem Gold zu verschwenden, nahm John Davis seine Arbeit auf. Mais ce n'est qu'après que Frobisher eut abandonné son travail courageux pour gaspiller ses efforts dans la recherche d'un or imaginaire que John Davis s'attela à la tâche. Ma solo dopo che Frobisher ebbe abbandonato la sua opera galante, per sprecare i suoi sforzi nella ricerca di un oro immaginario, John Davis riprese il suo lavoro. 但是直到弗罗比舍放弃了他的英勇工作,白白浪费精力去寻找虚构的黄金,约翰·戴维斯才开始他的工作。 To find a short cut to India by the north, by which English ships could sail to and fro without fear from the great Spanish vessels which haunted the Cape route—this was the dream of Davis. |||短的|切割|||||||||||||||||||||船只||出没于||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||assombravam||||||||| Eine Abkürzung nach Indien durch den Norden zu finden, durch die englische Schiffe ohne Angst vor den großen spanischen Schiffen, die die Kaproute verfolgten, hin und her segeln konnten - das war der Traum von Davis. Trouver un raccourci vers l'Inde par le nord, par lequel les navires anglais pourraient aller et venir sans craindre les grands navires espagnols qui hantent la route du Cap, tel était le rêve de Davis. 戴维斯的梦想是找到一条通往印度的捷径,从北方出发,使英国船只可以自由往返,而不必担心那些游荡在开普航线的巨大西班牙船只。

Sailing early in January 1585 in two little ships, bearing the romantic names of Sunshine and Moonshine, he reached the coast of Greenland. |||||||||||||阳光||月光|||||| Anfang Januar 1585 erreichte er mit zwei kleinen Schiffen, die die romantischen Namen Sunshine und Moonshine trugen, die grönländische Küste. All'inizio del gennaio 1585, a bordo di due piccole navi dai nomi romantici di Sunshine e Moonshine, raggiunse le coste della Groenlandia. 1585年1月,他乘坐两艘名为阳光和月光的小船出发,抵达格林兰的海岸。 And it was Davis who gave the most southern point of that cold land the name Cape Farewell, which it bears to-day. ||||||||||||||||||||拥有|| Und es war Davis, der dem südlichsten Punkt dieses kalten Landes den Namen Cape Farewell gab, den es bis heute trägt. Et c'est Davis qui donna à la pointe la plus méridionale de cette terre froide le nom de Cap Farewell, qu'elle porte encore aujourd'hui. 正是戴维斯给这片寒冷土地最南部的地方命名为告别角,至今仍沿用这一名称。

Three times did he sail to the icy north, each time reaching a farther point and making fresh important discoveries. |||||||冰冷的||||||||||新的||发现 Dreimal segelte er in den eisigen Norden, jedes Mal erreichte er einen weiter entfernten Punkt und machte neue wichtige Entdeckungen. Il navigua trois fois vers le nord glacé, atteignant à chaque fois un point plus éloigné et faisant de nouvelles découvertes importantes. 他三次航行到冰冷的北方,每次到达更远的地方,做出新的重要发现。 To him is due the honour of having re-discovered Greenland, which had been lost sight of since the days of the old Vikings, two centuries before. Ihm wird die Ehre zuteil, Grönland wiederentdeckt zu haben, das seit den Tagen der alten Wikinger zwei Jahrhunderte zuvor aus den Augen verloren worden war. C'est à lui que revient l'honneur d'avoir redécouvert le Groenland, perdu de vue depuis l'époque des anciens Vikings, deux siècles auparavant. 他应得发现格林兰的荣誉,自古维京人以来这个地方就再也没人看见过,距今已有两个世纪。 He also explored the sea known to us to-day as Davis Straits. ||探险|||||||||| Er erforschte auch das Meer, das wir heute als Davis Straits kennen. 他还探索了我们今天所称的戴维斯海峡。 He mapped out the mysterious regions of the north, and pointed out the way to those who came after. |绘制|||||||||||||||那些人|后来的人| Er kartografierte die geheimnisvollen Regionen des Nordens und wies den Nachfolgenden den Weg. Il a cartographié les régions mystérieuses du nord et a indiqué la voie à ceux qui sont venus après lui. 他勘测了北方神秘的地区,并为后来的人指明了道路。 "He lighted Hudson into his strait. |引导|哈德逊||| "Er hat Hudson in seine Straße gelockt. "Il a éclairé Hudson dans son détroit. "他引导哈德逊进入他的海峡。 He lighted Baffin into his bay." Er hat Baffin in seiner Bucht angezündet." Il a fait entrer Baffin dans sa baie". 他引导巴芬进入他的湾。" But he did more than this. |||更多|| Mais il a fait plus que cela. 但是他所做的不止这些。 By his true-hearted devotion to the cause of Arctic discovery, by his patient research, his dauntless enthusiasm, he set an example which became a beacon-light to northern explorers of all time. ||||奉献|||事业||||||||||||||||||灯塔||||||| Durch seine aufrichtige Hingabe an die Entdeckung der Arktis, seine geduldige Forschung und seinen unerschrockenen Enthusiasmus gab er ein Beispiel, das für alle Entdecker des Nordens zu einem Leuchtfeuer wurde. Par son dévouement sincère à la cause de la découverte de l'Arctique, par ses recherches patientes, par son enthousiasme intrépide, il a donné un exemple qui est devenu un phare pour les explorateurs nordiques de tous les temps. 由于他对北极探索事业的真诚奉献,凭借他的耐心研究和无畏的热情,他树立了一个榜样,成为了所有时代北方探险者的灯塔。

But his last voyage to the north was not successful, and the owners of the ships under his charge turned their eyes to India by way of the Cape of Good Hope, instead of dreaming of a shorter way by the perilous and ice-bound north. ||||||||||||船主||||在他指挥下|||||目光|||||||||||||||||||||||| Doch seine letzte Reise in den Norden war nicht erfolgreich, und die Eigner der ihm unterstellten Schiffe wandten sich Indien über das Kap der Guten Hoffnung zu, anstatt von einem kürzeren Weg durch den gefährlichen und eisigen Norden zu träumen. Mais son dernier voyage vers le nord ne fut pas couronné de succès et les propriétaires des navires dont il avait la charge se tournèrent vers les Indes en passant par le cap de Bonne-Espérance, au lieu de rêver à un chemin plus court par le nord, périlleux et encombré de glaces. 但他最后一次北上的航行并不成功,他所负责的船只的船东转而将目光投向了印度,选择从好望角出发,而不是梦想通过危险且冰封的北方走一条更短的路。

The destruction of the Spanish Armada had made the voyage for English ships by the Cape less hazardous than before. |||||||||||||||||危险|| Durch die Zerstörung der spanischen Armada war die Reise für englische Schiffe über das Kap weniger gefährlich geworden als zuvor. La destruction de l'Armada espagnole avait rendu le voyage des navires anglais par le Cap moins dangereux qu'auparavant. 西班牙无敌舰队的毁灭使得英国船只经过好望角的航程比以前 menos危险。 England had swept away for a time the fleets of Spain and Portugal, and could now undertake safely the long sea route by South Africa in order to bring back rich cargoes from India and the islands beyond. ||||||||||||||||安全地进行||||||经过|||||||||货物|||||群岛|以外的岛 England hatte eine Zeit lang die Flotten Spaniens und Portugals verdrängt und konnte nun gefahrlos die lange Seeroute durch Südafrika nehmen, um reiche Ladungen aus Indien und den dahinter liegenden Inseln zurückzubringen. 英格兰曾一度消灭了西班牙和葡萄牙的舰队,现在可以安全地沿南非的漫长海路来回运送来自印度及其他岛屿的丰富货物。

These merchant ships had heretofore been fitted out by private people, who bought the ships, appointed the commander, and received the reward. ||||此前|||||||||||||||||奖励 Diese Handelsschiffe wurden bisher von Privatleuten ausgestattet, die die Schiffe kauften, den Kommandanten ernannten und die Belohnung erhielten. In precedenza queste navi mercantili erano state allestite da privati, che acquistavano le navi, nominavano il comandante e ricevevano la ricompensa. 这些商船之前由私人筹备,他们购买船只,任命指挥官,并获得报酬。 Now the merchant-princes of England made up their minds to join together in a company, to fit out fleets and establish direct trade with India, sharing the profits. ||||||决定|决定||||||||||||||||贸易|||||利润 Nun beschlossen die englischen Handelsfürsten, sich in einer Gesellschaft zusammenzuschließen, Flotten auszurüsten und einen direkten Handel mit Indien aufzubauen, wobei sie sich die Gewinne teilten. Les princes marchands d'Angleterre décident alors de s'associer au sein d'une société, d'équiper des flottes et d'établir un commerce direct avec l'Inde, en partageant les bénéfices. A questo punto i principi mercantili d'Inghilterra decisero di unirsi in una compagnia, di allestire flotte e di stabilire un commercio diretto con l'India, dividendosi i profitti. 现在,英格兰的商人王子们决定联合成立一个公司,装备舰队并与印度建立直接贸易,共享利润。

The queen approved of the arrangement, and on the very last day of the sixteenth century the East India Company, as it was called, was started. |||||安排|||这||||||||||||||||| Die Königin billigte die Vereinbarung, und am letzten Tag des 16. Jahrhunderts wurde die Ostindien-Kompanie, wie sie genannt wurde, gegründet. La reine approuva l'arrangement et, le dernier jour du XVIe siècle, la Compagnie des Indes orientales, comme on l'appelait, fut créée. 女王批准了这一安排,正值十六世纪的最后一天,东印度公司如是成立。 Soon a little fleet of ships left England under direction of the Company; and the chief pilot of the fleet was our old friend of the Arctic Seas, John Davis, on board the Red Dragon. |||||||||公司指挥||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bald darauf verließ eine kleine Flotte von Schiffen unter der Leitung der Gesellschaft England; und der Chefpilot der Flotte war unser alter Freund aus den arktischen Meeren, John Davis, an Bord der Red Dragon. Bientôt, une petite flotte de navires quitte l'Angleterre sous la direction de la Compagnie ; le pilote en chef de la flotte est notre vieil ami des mers arctiques, John Davis, à bord du Red Dragon. 不久,一支小型舰队在公司的指导下离开了英国;舰队的首席驾驶员是我们老朋友,来自北极海域的约翰·戴维斯,他在红龙号上。

He had but just returned from piloting two Dutch ships, the Lion and the Lioness, under Cornelius Houtman, to Malacca by the Cape of Good Hope, for which services he had been specially thanked. |过去完成时|仅仅||||引导||||||||狮母||科尔内留斯|霍特曼||马六甲|||||||||服务||||| Er war gerade erst zurückgekehrt, nachdem er zwei holländische Schiffe, die Lion und die Lioness, unter Cornelius Houtman über das Kap der Guten Hoffnung nach Malakka gelotst hatte, wofür ihm besonders gedankt worden war. Il revenait tout juste de piloter deux navires hollandais, le Lion et la Lionne, sous les ordres de Cornelius Houtman, jusqu'à Malacca par le cap de Bonne-Espérance, services pour lesquels il avait été spécialement remercié. 他刚刚完成了对两艘荷兰船只,即狮子号和狮母号的引导,这两艘船由科尔内利乌斯·霍特曼指挥,通过好望角前往马六甲,他因此特别受到感谢。

"The Dutch had special assistance in their late navigations by the means of Master John Davis, and in return the Dutch do in ample manner requite us, acquainting us with their voyages, discoveries, and dangers, both outward and homeward." |||||||晚期|航行||这|||||||||||||充分地||回报||使我们了解||||航行|发现||||外向|| "Die Holländer hatten besondere Unterstützung bei ihren letzten Seefahrten durch Master John Davis, und im Gegenzug danken sie es uns reichlich, indem sie uns mit ihren Reisen, Entdeckungen und Gefahren, sowohl auf der Hin- als auch auf der Rückreise, vertraut machen." "Les Hollandais ont bénéficié d'une assistance spéciale lors de leurs dernières navigations par l'intermédiaire de Maître John Davis, et en retour, les Hollandais nous le rendent bien, en nous informant de leurs voyages, de leurs découvertes et de leurs dangers, tant à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur du pays". "Gli olandesi hanno avuto un'assistenza speciale nelle loro ultime navigazioni per mezzo di Master John Davis, e in cambio gli olandesi ci hanno ampiamente ricompensato, informandoci dei loro viaggi, delle loro scoperte e dei loro pericoli, sia all'andata che al ritorno". "荷兰人在后期的航行中得到了约翰·戴维斯大师的特别帮助,作为回报,荷兰人以充分的方式回报我们,向我们介绍他们的航程、发现和危险,无论是出海还是归航。" His services were now required by his own countrymen, for this was a memorable voyage, inasmuch as it laid the foundation of the British Empire in the East. |||||||||||||||因为|||||||||||| Seine Dienste wurden nun von seinen eigenen Landsleuten benötigt, denn diese Reise war insofern denkwürdig, als sie den Grundstein für das britische Empire im Osten legte. Ses services sont désormais requis par ses propres compatriotes, car ce voyage est mémorable dans la mesure où il jette les bases de l'Empire britannique en Orient. 他现在的服务被自己国家的人所需要,因为这是一次值得纪念的航行,因为它奠定了在东方建立英国帝国的基础。

The ships returned triumphantly from this first expedition under the Company, to be received by the news that Queen Elizabeth was dead, that James I. was on the English throne, and that a Dutch East India Company had been formed to rival English trade with India and the East. |||||||||||||||||||||||詹姆斯一||||||||||||印度||||||||||||| Die Schiffe kehrten triumphierend von dieser ersten Expedition der Kompanie zurück und wurden von der Nachricht empfangen, dass Königin Elisabeth tot war, dass James I. den englischen Thron bestieg und dass eine niederländische Ostindien-Kompanie gegründet worden war, die mit dem englischen Handel mit Indien und dem Osten konkurrierte. Les navires reviennent triomphants de cette première expédition sous l'égide de la Compagnie et apprennent que la reine Élisabeth est morte, que Jacques Ier est sur le trône d'Angleterre et qu'une Compagnie hollandaise des Indes orientales a été créée pour rivaliser avec le commerce anglais avec l'Inde et l'Orient. 船只从这次公司首次远征中胜利归来,收到消息称伊丽莎白女王已去世,詹姆斯一世登上英格兰王位,荷兰东印度公司已成立,以与英格兰在印度和东方的贸易竞争。