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The Awakening of Europe, 01. Story of the Netherlands

01. Story of the Netherlands

"God made the sea, but the Hollander made the land. " —Old Dutch Proverb. Far away, in the north-west corner of Europe, lie the Netherlands, the lands which are now to play a large part in the world's history. The Low Countries they were called by the men of old time; and with good reason too, for many parts were actually below the level of the sea. Spongy and marshy, bleak and cold, was this corner of the European continent in the olden days.

Winds and waves had wrought sad havoc with the coast. The rough North Sea was ever encroaching on the low-lying land, breaking over the shores with its never-ceasing roar and tumble, and flooding the country below its level whenever the wild west wind blew it home. Not only had the people of this country to contend with wind and wave, but from the other side many great rivers rolled through the land, to empty their waters into the North Sea, overflowing their low banks and flooding the surrounding neighbourhood.

The largest of these was the Rhine. Rising amid the snowy Alps, leaping joyously over the famous falls of Schaffhausen, flowing in majesty right through Germany, the Rhine at last reached the Netherlands. The mouth of this famous river gave some trouble to the Hollanders. They made colossal pumps and locks, by which they lifted the water and lowered it into the sea. There was no rest for a lazy river in these parts. The stream must be kept moving, it must do its share of work in the country.

"As long as grass grows and water runs." This was their idea of For ever.

"I struggle but I emerge. " This was the motto of Zeeland, with the crest of a lion riding out of the waves, and it sums up the story of the people of the Netherlands. For hundreds of years they fought the angry waters with a stubborn determination, a patient energy, a dauntless genius,—an example to other countries.

They erected great mounds or dykes to keep out the North Sea; they dug canals to direct course of their sluggish rivers and to keep them within bounds. And when the ocean tides were high or the winds blew long from the west; when the heavy snows from the mountains melted, or the rainfall was unusually great, so that the dykes were broken down and the waters rushed in boundless masses over their land, yet the Hollander would not give up. With dogged perseverance he began again, so that to-day such an inundation is impossible.

"God made the sea, but we made the land," they can say to-day with pride. But even to-day these great dykes which keep out the sea have to be watched. Every little hole has to be carefully stopped up or the sea would rush in and devour the land once more. Every man, woman, and child in the country knows the importance of this.

A little Dutch boy was returning from school in the late afternoon, with his bag of books hanging over his shoulder, when he thought he heard the sound of running water. He stood still and listened. Like all other little boys in the Netherlands, he knew that the least crack in a dyke would soon let in the water, that it would cover the land and bring ruin to the people. He ran to the mound and looked about. There he saw a small hole, through which the water had already begun to trickle. He was some way from his home yet. Suppose he were to run on fast and tell some one to come. It might already be too late—the water might even then be rushing over the land. He stooped down on the cold damp ground and put his fat little hand into the hole where the water was running out. It was just big enough to stop up the hole and prevent the water from escaping any more.

His mind was made up; he must stop there till some one came to relieve him. He grew cold and hungry, but no one passed that lonely way. The sun set, the night grew dark, and the cold winds began to blow. Still the little boy kept his hand in the hole. Hour after hour passed away, and he grew more and more cold and frightened as the night advanced. At last he saw little streaks of light across the sky; the dawn was coming. By-and-by the sun rose, and the boy knew his long lonely watch must soon be over. He was right. Some workmen going early to work found him crouched on the ground with his little cold hand still thrust into the hole. But the large tears were on his cheeks, and his piteous cries showed how hard he had found it to keep faithful all through the long dark night. The boy was at once set free and the hole was mended. And so it depends on each man to watch the dykes, though there are now bands of watchers appointed by the State for this purpose.

So these people have, as the poet says, "scooped out an empire" for themselves, and kept it by their never-ceasing vigilance and industry.

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01. Story of the Netherlands ||这个|荷兰 |||Dutch history Hollanda'nın Hikayesi||| 01\. قصة هولندا 01\. Geschichte der Niederlande 01. Story of the Netherlands 01. Historia de los Países Bajos 01. Histoire des Pays-Bas 01. Storia dei Paesi Bassi 01.オランダの物語 01. 네덜란드 이야기 01. Historia Holandii 01. História dos Países Baixos 01. История Нидерландов 01\. Hollanda'nın Hikayesi 01. Історія Нідерландів 01\. 荷兰的故事 01.荷兰的故事 01.荷兰的故事

"God made the sea, but the Hollander made the land. |||海洋|||荷兰人||| ||||||Dutch person||| ||||||الهولندي||| "خلق الله البحر ، لكن الهولاندر صنع الأرض. "Gott hat das Meer gemacht, aber der Holländer hat das Land gemacht. "God made the sea, but the Hollander made the land. "Dios hizo el mar, pero el Hollander hizo la tierra. "خدا دریا را ساخت ، اما هلندر زمین را ساخت. 「神は海を作ったが、オランダ人が土地を作った。 "Deus fez o mar, mas o holandês fez a terra. „Dumnezeu a făcut marea, dar Hollander a făcut țara. «Бог сотворил море, но голландец сотворил землю. "Tanrı denizi yarattı ama Hollandalılar karayı yarattı. “上帝创造了海洋,但荷兰人创造了陆地。 " —Old Dutch Proverb. ||谚语 قديم||مثل |Old Dutch Saying|Old Dutch saying ||старинная пословица " —Old Dutch Proverb. "- ضرب المثل قدیمی هلندی. "—古いオランダ語のことわざ。 " — Velho Provérbio Holandês. "- Старая голландская пословица. " —Eski Hollanda Atasözü. ”——古老的荷兰谚语。 Far away, in the north-west corner of Europe, lie the Netherlands, the lands which are now to play a large part in the world’s history. 远||||北|西部||||位于||荷兰||土地|||||||||||世界| Distant||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||Hà Lan|||||||||||||| Weit weg, in der nordwestlichen Ecke Europas, liegen die Niederlande, das Land, das nun eine große Rolle in der Weltgeschichte spielen wird. Muy lejos, en la esquina noroeste de Europa, se encuentran los Países Bajos, las tierras que ahora van a desempeñar un papel importante en la historia del mundo. はるか遠く、ヨーロッパの北西の角に、今や世界の歴史の中で大きな役割を果たす土地であるオランダがあります。 Longe, no canto noroeste da Europa, estão os Países Baixos, as terras que hoje desempenham um papel importante na história do mundo. Departe, în colțul de nord-vest al Europei, se află Olanda, țările care urmează să joace un rol important în istoria lumii. Далеко, в северо-западном углу Европы, лежат Нидерланды, земли, которые теперь должны играть большую роль в мировой истории. Uzakta, Avrupa'nın kuzeybatı köşesinde, artık dünya tarihinde büyük bir rol oynayacak olan Hollanda uzanıyor. 在遥远的欧洲西北角,坐落着荷兰,这片土地如今在世界历史上发挥着重要作用。 The Low Countries they were called by the men of old time; and with good reason too, for many parts were actually below the level of the sea. |||||||||||||||razlog|||||||||||| Những||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |below sea level|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Baixos|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |低的|国家|||||||||||||理由||||||实际上|下面|海平面|海平面||| The Low Countries they were called by the men of old time; and with good reason too, for many parts were actually below the level of the sea. Los Países Bajos fueron llamados por los hombres de antaño; y también por una buena razón, porque muchas partes estaban en realidad por debajo del nivel del mar. 彼らは昔の人々から呼ばれた低国。多くの部分が実際には海面下にあったため、正当な理由もあります。 Os Países Baixos eram chamados pelos homens de antigamente; e com razão também, pois muitas partes estavam realmente abaixo do nível do mar. Țările joase pe care le-au numit oamenii din vechime; și cu un motiv întemeiat și pentru multe părți erau de fapt sub nivelul mării. Низкие Страны они были призваны людьми древности; и не без причины, потому что многие части были фактически ниже уровня моря. Eski zamanların insanları bu ülkelere Alçak Ülkeler diyorlardı ve bunun da iyi bir nedeni vardı, çünkü birçok yer aslında deniz seviyesinin altındaydı. 古代人称他们为低地国家;这也是有充分理由的,因为许多地方实际上都在海平面以下。 Spongy and marshy, bleak and cold, was this corner of the European continent in the olden days. мягкий||болотистый|мрачный||||||||||||| Soft and wet||wet and boggy|desolate and chilly|||||||||landmass|||olden days -> past times| esponjoso||pantanoso|desolado||frio||||||||||| Xốp ướt|||ảm đạm|||||||||lục địa châu Âu|||thời xưa|những ngày xưa Süngerimsi||bataklık ve süngerimsi|kasvetli ve soğuk||||||||||||| 松软的||沼泽的|荒凉的||||||的|这||欧洲大陆||这|古老的| Spongy and marshy, bleak and cold, was this corner of the European continent in the olden days. Esponjosa y pantanosa, sombría y fría, era este rincón del continente europeo en los viejos tiempos. 昔はヨーロッパの大陸のこの一角でした。 Esponjoso e pantanoso, sombrio e frio, era este canto do continente europeu nos velhos tempos. Spongios și mlăștinos, sumbru și rece, era acest colț al continentului european pe vremuri. Губчатый и болотистый, холодный и холодный был этот уголок европейского континента в былые времена. Süngerimsi ve bataklık, kasvetli ve soğuk, eski günlerde Avrupa kıtasının bu köşesiydi. 过去欧洲大陆的这个角落,松软而沼泽,荒凉而寒冷。

Winds and waves had wrought sad havoc with the coast. 风||||造成||破坏|||海岸 Air currents||||caused, created||severe damage||| ||||нанесли ущерб||разрушения||| ||||causado||devastação||| ||||gây ra|thảm khốc|||| Winds and waves had wrought sad havoc with the coast. Los vientos y las olas habían causado estragos en la costa. 風と波が海岸に悲惨な破壊をもたらした。 Ventos e ondas causaram tristes estragos na costa. Vânturile și valurile au făcut ravagii triste cu coasta. Ветры и волны наносили печальный ущерб побережью. Rüzgârlar ve dalgalar kıyıya büyük zarar vermişti. 风浪对海岸造成了可悲的破坏。 The rough North Sea was ever encroaching on the low-lying land, breaking over the shores with its never-ceasing roar and tumble, and flooding the country below its level whenever the wild west wind blew it home. |粗糙|北海|||始终|侵蚀|||低洼的|||冲击|||海岸|||永不停息的|不停的|咆哮||翻滚||洪水|||||水平|每当|||||吹||家 |turbulent|||||advancing upon|||elevated land|||crashing against||||||unending|never stopping|||violent movement||||||||||||||| ||||||zagrażająca||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |bravo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||наступающий||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 荒れた北海が低地に侵入し、絶え間ない轟音と転倒で海岸を突破し、荒れた西風が家に吹きつけたときはいつでも国をその水位以下に氾濫させました。 O áspero Mar do Norte estava sempre invadindo as terras baixas, quebrando as costas com seu rugido e tombamento incessantes, e inundando o país abaixo de seu nível sempre que o vento selvagem do oeste o soprava para casa. Бурное Северное море когда-либо вторгалось в низменную землю, преодолевая берега своим непрекращающимся ревом и кувырком, и затопляло страну ниже его уровня всякий раз, когда ветер с дикого запада уносил его домой. Hoyrat Kuzey Denizi, alçak araziye sürekli tecavüz ediyor, hiç durmayan kükremesi ve gürültüsüyle kıyıları aşıyor ve vahşi batı rüzgârı ne zaman onu eve savursa, seviyesinin altındaki ülkeyi sular altında bırakıyordu. Бурхливе Північне море постійно наступало на низинну землю, прориваючись через береги з безперервним ревом і гуркотом, і затоплювало країну нижче свого рівня щоразу, коли дикий західний вітер дув її додому. 波涛汹涌的北海不断侵蚀低洼地带,以永不停歇的咆哮和翻滚冲破海岸,每当狂野的西风吹回家时,就会淹没其水平面以下的国家。 Not only had the people of this country to contend with wind and wave, but from the other side many great rivers rolled through the land, to empty their waters into the North Sea, overflowing their low banks and flooding the surrounding neighbourhood. |||||||||斗争||||||||||许多||河流|流动|||||排空||水|||北海||溢出|||河岸||洪水||周围的|周边地区 |||||||||struggle against|||||||||||||flowed forcefully||||||||||||spilling over|||||||nearby areas|surrounding area ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||przelewające się|||||||| Die Menschen in diesem Land hatten nicht nur mit Wind und Wellen zu kämpfen, sondern von der anderen Seite wälzten sich viele große Flüsse durch das Land, um ihr Wasser in die Nordsee zu leiten, über ihre niedrigen Ufer zu treten und die Umgebung zu überfluten. この国の人々は風と波に対抗するだけでなく、反対側から多くの大河が陸地を流れ、北海に水を流し、彼らの低い岸をあふれ、周辺の地域を氾濫させた。 Não apenas o povo deste país tinha de lutar contra o vento e as ondas, mas do outro lado muitos grandes rios corriam pela terra para despejar suas águas no Mar do Norte, transbordando de suas margens baixas e inundando a vizinhança ao redor. Людям этой страны приходилось не только бороться с ветром и волнами, но и с другой стороны многие великие реки текли по суше, выливая свои воды в Северное море, выходя из своих низких берегов и затопляя окружающие окрестности. Bu ülkenin insanları sadece rüzgâr ve dalgayla mücadele etmek zorunda kalmıyor, aynı zamanda diğer taraftan birçok büyük nehir karadan geçerek sularını Kuzey Denizi'ne boşaltıyor, alçak kıyılarını taşırıyor ve çevredeki mahalleyi sular altında bırakıyordu. Людям цієї країни не тільки доводилося боротися з вітром і хвилями, але з іншого боку багато великих річок котилися по землі, щоб вилити свої води в Північне море, виходячи з низьких берегів і затоплюючи околиці. 不仅本国人民要与风浪抗争,而且从另一边,许多大河从这片土地上滚过,将它们的水排入北海,漫过低矮的堤岸,淹没了周围的居民区。

The largest of these was the Rhine. |最大|||||莱茵 ||||||major river The largest of these was the Rhine. これらの最大のものはライン川でした。 O maior deles era o Reno. Самым крупным из них был Рейн. 其中最大的是莱茵河。 Rising amid the snowy Alps, leaping joyously over the famous falls of Schaffhausen, flowing in majesty right through Germany, the Rhine at last reached the Netherlands. 上升|在中||雪-covered|阿尔卑斯山|跳跃|欢快地||||瀑布||沙夫豪森|流淌|在中|雄伟|正好||德国||莱茵河||||| |in the middle||covered in snow|snowy mountains|jumping energetically|with great joy||||||Swiss town|moving majestically||grand splendor|||||||||| ||||||radośnie||||||||||||||||||| ||||||радостно||||||||||||||||||| Rising amid the snowy Alps, leaping joyously over the famous falls of Schaffhausen, flowing in majesty right through Germany, the Rhine at last reached the Netherlands. 雪に覆われたアルプスに囲まれ、有名なシャフハウゼンの滝を喜んで跳躍し、荘厳なドイツを抜け、ついにライン川はオランダに到着しました。 Erguendo-se entre os nevados Alpes, saltando alegremente sobre as famosas cataratas de Schaffhausen, fluindo majestosamente através da Alemanha, o Reno finalmente alcançou a Holanda. Поднимаясь среди заснеженных Альп, радостно перепрыгивая через знаменитый водопад Шаффхаузен, величественно протекая через всю Германию, Рейн наконец достиг Нидерландов. Karlı Alpler'in arasından yükselen, Schaffhausen'in ünlü şelalelerinden neşeyle akan, Almanya'nın içinden görkemli bir şekilde geçen Ren Nehri sonunda Hollanda'ya ulaştı. Піднімаючись серед засніжених Альп, радісно стрибаючи через знаменитий водоспад Шаффхаузен, велично течучи прямо через Німеччину, Рейн нарешті досяг Нідерландів. 莱茵河从白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山上升起,欢快地跃过沙夫豪森著名的瀑布,威严地流过德国,最后到达荷兰。 The mouth of this famous river gave some trouble to the Hollanders. |||||||||||荷兰人 |river's entrance||||||||||Dutch people この有名な川の河口は、オランダ人にいくつかの問題を与えました。 A foz deste famoso rio deu alguns problemas aos holandeses. Устье этой знаменитой реки доставило немало хлопот голландцам. 这条著名河流的河口给荷兰人带来了一些麻烦。 They made colossal pumps and locks, by which they lifted the water and lowered it into the sea. ||khổng lồ||||||||||||||| ||enormous|water-moving devices||water control gates|||||||||||| ||||||с помощью которых||||||||||| ||巨大的|泵||闸门||||提升|||||||| Sie bauten riesige Pumpen und Schleusen, mit denen sie das Wasser anhoben und ins Meer hinabließen. Costruirono pompe e chiuse colossali, con le quali sollevavano l'acqua e la calavano in mare. 彼らは巨大なポンプと水門を作り、それによって水を持ち上げて海に下げた。 Они сделали колоссальные насосы и шлюзы, с помощью которых поднимали воду и опускали ее в море. Suyu kaldırıp denize indirdikleri devasa tulumbalar ve kilitler yaptılar. Вони зробили колосальні насоси і шлюзи, за допомогою яких піднімали воду і спускали її в море. 他们制造了巨大的水泵和水闸,通过它们将水提升并放入海中。 There was no rest for a lazy river in these parts. ||||||懒惰的|河||| ||||||slow-moving|||| これらの部分では、流れるプールの休息はありませんでした。 В этих краях не было покоя для ленивой реки. Buralarda tembel bir nehir için dinlenme yoktu. 这些地区的漂流河没有休息的地方。 The stream must be kept moving, it must do its share of work in the country. ||||||||||份||||| ||||||||||part of work||||| Der Strom muss in Bewegung gehalten werden, er muss seinen Teil der Arbeit im Land erledigen. جریان باید مدام در حال حرکت باشد ، باید سهم خود را در کشور انجام دهد. ストリームは動き続けなければならず、国内で仕事を分担しなければなりません。 Поток нужно поддерживать, он должен выполнять свою часть работы в стране. Akarsu hareket halinde tutulmalı, ülkede kendi payına düşen işi yapmalıdır. Потік треба продовжувати рухатися, він повинен робити свою частину роботи в країні. 这条河流必须保持流动,它必须在这个国家尽自己的一份工作。

"As long as grass grows and water runs." |||草|生长||水| 「草が育ち、水が流れる限り。」 "Пока растет трава и течет вода". "Otlar büyüdüğü ve sular aktığı sürece." “只要草长,水流。” This was their idea of For ever. |||||为了| これは永遠の彼らの考えでした。 Это была их идея "Навсегда". Bu onların "Sonsuza dek" fikriydi. 这就是他们对“永远”的想法。

"I struggle but I emerge. " ||||我出现 ||||come out stronger ||||wychodzę „Ich kämpfe, aber ich komme heraus.“ 「私は苦労しますが、私は現れます。」 "Я борюсь, но я появляюсь. " "Mücadele ediyorum ama ortaya çıkıyorum. " «Я борюся, але виходжу». “我挣扎但我出现了。” This was the motto of Zeeland, with the crest of a lion riding out of the waves, and it sums up the story of the people of the Netherlands. |||座右铭||泽兰|||徽章||||骑出|||||||概括||||||||| |||guiding principle||Dutch province|||symbolic emblem||||emerging from|||||||encapsulates||||||||| Dies war das Motto von Zeeland, mit dem Wappen eines Löwen, der aus den Wellen reitet, und es fasst die Geschichte der Menschen in den Niederlanden zusammen. これはゼーラントのモットーで、ライオンの紋章が波から飛び出しており、オランダの人々の物語を要約しています。 Это был девиз Зеландии, с гребнем льва, выходящего из волн, и он подытоживает историю народа Нидерландов. Zeeland'ın sloganı olan bu söz, dalgaların arasından çıkan bir aslan tepesiyle Hollanda halkının hikayesini özetlemektedir. 这是泽兰岛的座右铭,上面有一头雄狮在海浪中驰骋,它概括了荷兰人民的故事。 For hundreds of years they fought the angry waters with a stubborn determination, a patient energy, a dauntless genius,—an example to other countries. |数百年|||他们|与愤怒的水搏斗||||||顽固的|坚定的决心||耐心的|耐心的精力||无畏的|天才||榜样||| Over the course of|||||||||||unyielding|resolute persistence|||||fearless and resolute|||model to follow||| |||||||||||упорной||||||неустрашимый г|||||| |||||||||||teimosa|||||||||||| |stoletja|||||||||||||||||||||| Hunderte von Jahren kämpften sie mit hartnäckiger Entschlossenheit, geduldiger Energie und unerschrockenem Genie gegen die wütenden Gewässer – ein Beispiel für andere Länder. For hundreds of years they fought the angry waters with a stubborn determination, a patient energy, a dauntless genius,—an example to other countries. 何百年もの間、彼らは頑固な決意、忍耐強いエネルギー、精悍な天才である怒りの水と戦った-他の国への例。 В течение сотен лет они боролись с разъяренными водами с упрямой решимостью, терпеливой энергией, бесстрашным гением - примером для других стран. Yüzlerce yıl boyunca inatçı bir kararlılık, sabırlı bir enerji ve yılmaz bir deha ile kızgın sularla savaştılar ve diğer ülkelere örnek oldular. 数百年来,他们以顽强的决心、耐心的精力和无畏的天才与愤怒的水域搏斗——为其他国家树立了榜样。

They erected great mounds or dykes to keep out the North Sea; they dug canals to direct course of their sluggish rivers and to keep them within bounds. |建立|巨大的|土堤||堤坝||保持在界限内||||||挖|运河||引导|水流方向|||缓慢||||||限制|范围 |built or raised||earthworks||Embankments or levees|||||||||waterways||||||slow-moving||||||| |||||дамбы|||||||||||||||||||||| Sie errichteten große Hügel oder Deiche, um die Nordsee fernzuhalten; Sie gruben Kanäle, um den Lauf ihrer trägen Flüsse zu lenken und sie in Grenzen zu halten. They erected great mounds or dykes to keep out the North Sea; they dug canals to direct course of their sluggish rivers and to keep them within bounds. Они возвели огромные насыпи или дамбы, чтобы защитить Северное море; они прорыли каналы, чтобы направить течение своих вялых рек и удержать их в рамках. Kuzey Denizi'ni dışarıda tutmak için büyük höyükler ya da bentler inşa ettiler; durgun nehirlerinin akışını yönlendirmek ve onları sınırlar içinde tutmak için kanallar kazdılar. 他们竖立了巨大的土墩或堤坝以阻挡北海。他们开凿运河,引导缓慢流动的河流,将它们控制在界限之内。 And when the ocean tides were high or the winds blew long from the west; when the heavy snows from the mountains melted, or the rainfall was unusually great, so that the dykes were broken down and the waters rushed in boundless masses over their land, yet the Hollander would not give up. ||||潮汐||||||||||||||大雪||||融化的|||降雨量||异常地|||||堤坝|||||||冲||无边的|洪水||||||荷兰人||不|放弃|放弃 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||limitless|large quantities|||||||||| Und wenn die Gezeiten des Ozeans hoch waren oder die Winde lange aus dem Westen wehten; wenn der schwere Schnee aus den Bergen schmolz oder die Regenfälle ungewöhnlich stark waren, so dass die Deiche brachen und das Wasser in grenzenlosen Massen über ihr Land stürzte, dennoch gab der Holländer nicht auf. And when the ocean tides were high or the winds blew long from the west; when the heavy snows from the mountains melted, or the rainfall was unusually great, so that the dykes were broken down and the waters rushed in boundless masses over their land, yet the Hollander would not give up. И когда океанские приливы и отливы были высокими или ветры дули с запада, когда таяли тяжелые снега с гор или выпадало необычайно много осадков, так что дамбы разрушались и воды безбрежными массами проносились над их землей, Голландец не сдавался. Okyanus gelgitleri yükseldiğinde ya da rüzgârlar batıdan uzun süre estiğinde; dağlardan gelen yoğun karlar eridiğinde ya da yağışlar alışılmadık derecede büyük olduğunda, böylece bentler yıkıldığında ve sular sınırsız kütleler halinde topraklarının üzerine aktığında, Hollandalı yine de pes etmedi. 当海潮高涨或风从西方吹来时;当山上的大雪融化,或雨量异常大,以致堤坝决堤,洪水漫过他们的土地时,荷兰人却不肯放弃。 With dogged perseverance he began again, so that to-day such an inundation is impossible. |顽强|毅力||||||到||||洪水||不可能 |persistent|persistent effort||||||||||overwhelming flood|| ||||||||||||наводнение|| Mit verbissener Ausdauer fing er wieder an, so dass heute eine solche Überschwemmung unmöglich ist. With dogged perseverance he began again, so that to-day such an inundation is impossible. С упорством и настойчивостью он начал снова, так что сегодня такое затопление невозможно. İnatçı bir azimle yeniden başladı, böylece bugün böyle bir su baskını imkansız hale geldi. 凭借顽强的毅力,他又开始了,所以今天不可能发生这样的洪水。

"God made the sea, but we made the land," they can say to-day with pride. ||||||||||||给|今天|与|自豪 “上帝创造了海洋,但我们创造了陆地,”他们今天可以自豪地说。 But even to-day these great dykes which keep out the sea have to be watched. ||||||堤坝||||||||| Aber auch heute müssen diese großen Deiche, die das Meer abhalten, bewacht werden. Но и сегодня за этими большими дамбами, отгораживающими море, нужно следить. Ancak bugün bile denizi dışarıda tutan bu büyük bentlerin izlenmesi gerekiyor. 但即使在今天,这些挡住大海的大堤坝也必须受到监视。 Every little hole has to be carefully stopped up or the sea would rush in and devour the land once more. |||||||堵住||||||涌入|||吞噬|||| ||||||||||||||||swallow up|||| ||||||||||||||||pożre|||| ||||||||||||||||поглотит|||| Jedes kleine Loch muss sorgfältig verstopft werden, sonst würde das Meer hereinbrechen und das Land erneut verschlingen. Каждая маленькая дырочка должна быть тщательно заделана, иначе море ворвется внутрь и снова поглотит землю. Her küçük deliğin dikkatlice kapatılması gerekiyor, yoksa deniz içeri girip karayı bir kez daha yutacak. 每个小洞都必须小心堵上,否则大海会冲进来再次吞噬这片土地。 Every man, woman, and child in the country knows the importance of this. 这个国家的每个男人、女人和孩子都知道这一点的重要性。

A little Dutch boy was returning from school in the late afternoon, with his bag of books hanging over his shoulder, when he thought he heard the sound of running water. |||||||||||||||||挂着|||肩膀|||||||||| Маленький голландский мальчик возвращался из школы поздно вечером с сумкой с учебниками, висевшей на плече, когда ему показалось, что он услышал звук бегущей воды. 傍晚时分,一个荷兰小男孩背着书包从学校回来,他以为自己听到了流水声。 He stood still and listened. Kıpırdamadan durdu ve dinledi. 他静静地站着,听着。 Like all other little boys in the Netherlands, he knew that the least crack in a dyke would soon let in the water, that it would cover the land and bring ruin to the people. |||||||荷兰|||||最小的|裂缝|||堤坝||||进来|||||||||||毁灭||| ||||||||||||smallest|small opening|||earthen barrier|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||tamy|||||||||||||||||| Как и все другие маленькие мальчики в Нидерландах, он знал, что малейшая трещина в дамбе скоро пропустит воду, что она покроет землю и принесет разорение людям. Hollanda'daki diğer tüm küçük çocuklar gibi o da bir bentteki en ufak bir çatlağın kısa sürede suyu içeri alacağını, toprağı kaplayacağını ve insanları mahvedeceğini biliyordu. 和荷兰所有其他小男孩一样,他知道堤坝上哪怕是最小的裂缝,很快就会让水渗进来,淹没土地,给人民带来毁灭。 He ran to the mound and looked about. ||||投手丘||环顾| Corse verso la collinetta e si guardò intorno. Он подбежал к насыпи и огляделся. Tümseğe koştu ve etrafına bakındı. 他跑到土丘上,环顾四周。 There he saw a small hole, through which the water had already begun to trickle. ||||||||||||已经开始||涓涓细流 ||||||||||||||begin to flow Там он увидел небольшое отверстие, через которое уже начала просачиваться вода. 他看到那里有一个小洞,水已经开始从洞里滴下来。 He was some way from his home yet. |||方式|||| Он был еще далеко от своего дома. Henüz evinden biraz uzaktaydı. 他离家还有一段距离。 Suppose he were to run on fast and tell some one to come. ||||跑|在上面||||||| Angenommen, er würde schnell weiterlaufen und jemandem sagen, er solle kommen. Предположим, он быстро побежит дальше и скажет кому-нибудь, чтобы тот пришел. 假设他要快速奔跑并告诉某人来。 It might already be too late—the water might even then be rushing over the land. ||||||||||||奔流||| ||||||||||||flowing rapidly over||| Es könnte schon zu spät sein – das Wasser könnte sogar dann über das Land rauschen. Возможно, уже слишком поздно - вода уже может хлынуть на сушу. Çok geç olabilir - su o anda bile karanın üzerinden akıyor olabilir. 可能已经太晚了——那时水可能已经冲过陆地。 He stooped down on the cold damp ground and put his fat little hand into the hole where the water was running out. |弯腰|||||潮湿的|地面||||胖||||||||||| |bent down|||||moist|||||||||||||||| Er bückte sich auf den kalten, feuchten Boden und steckte sein dickes Händchen in das Loch, wo das Wasser herauslief. Он опустился на холодную сырую землю и просунул свою маленькую толстую руку в отверстие, из которого вытекала вода. Soğuk ve nemli zemine eğildi ve küçük şişman elini suyun aktığı deliğe soktu. 他弯下腰,在冰冷潮湿的地面上,把胖乎乎的小手伸进了水流出来的洞里。 It was just big enough to stop up the hole and prevent the water from escaping any more. |||||||||||防止||||流出|| |||||||||||||||leaking out|| Es war gerade groß genug, um das Loch zu verschließen und das Wasser am weiteren Auslaufen zu hindern. Она была достаточно большой, чтобы закрыть отверстие и предотвратить дальнейшее вытекание воды. Sadece deliği kapatacak ve suyun daha fazla kaçmasını önleyecek kadar büyüktü. 它足够大,足以堵住洞,防止水再逸出。

His mind was made up; he must stop there till some one came to relieve him. |||决定|||||||||||解救| ||||||||||||||take over for| Sein Entschluss stand fest; er muss dort stehen bleiben, bis jemand kommt, um ihn abzulösen. Он решил, что должен оставаться здесь, пока кто-нибудь не придет его освободить. Kararını vermişti; biri onu rahatlatmaya gelene kadar orada durmalıydı. 他已经下定决心了;他必须停在那里,直到有人来接替他。 He grew cold and hungry, but no one passed that lonely way. 他|变得|||||||||孤独的| Ihm wurde kalt und hungrig, aber niemand ging diesen einsamen Weg. Он замерз и проголодался, но никто не проходил по этому одинокому пути. Üşümüş ve acıkmıştı ama o ıssız yoldan kimse geçmiyordu. 他又冷又饿,但没有人经过那条孤独的路。 The sun set, the night grew dark, and the cold winds began to blow. |||||||||||||吹 Die Sonne ging unter, die Nacht wurde dunkel und die kalten Winde begannen zu wehen. 夕阳西下,夜幕降临,寒风开始刮起。 Still the little boy kept his hand in the hole. 小男孩仍然把手放在洞里。 Hour after hour passed away, and he grew more and more cold and frightened as the night advanced. |||||||||||寒冷||害怕的||||深入 Stunde um Stunde verging, und er wurde immer kälter und ängstlicher, je weiter die Nacht vorrückte. Час проходил за часом, а он становился все более холодным и испуганным по мере продвижения ночи. 一个小时又一个小时过去了,夜幕降临,他变得越来越冷,越来越害怕。 At last he saw little streaks of light across the sky; the dawn was coming. |||||光线|||||||黎明|| |||||slivers||||||||| Endlich sah er kleine Lichtstreifen am Himmel; die Morgendämmerung kam. Наконец он увидел маленькие полоски света на небе; наступал рассвет. 终于,他看到了天空中划过的细小的光带。黎明来临了。 By-and-by the sun rose, and the boy knew his long lonely watch must soon be over. 渐渐地||||||||||||孤独的|守夜|||| Soon||||||||||||||||| |a|||||||||||||||| Вскоре взошло солнце, и мальчик понял, что его долгая одинокая вахта скоро закончится. 渐渐地,太阳升起来了,男孩知道他漫长的孤独守望很快就要结束了。 He was right. 他是对的。 Some workmen going early to work found him crouched on the ground with his little cold hand still thrust into the hole. |工人|||||||蹲着||||||||||伸入||| ||||||||bent down low||||||||||pushed into||| Einige Arbeiter, die früh zur Arbeit gingen, fanden ihn am Boden kauernd, die kleine kalte Hand noch in das Loch gesteckt. Несколько рабочих, отправившихся рано утром на работу, нашли его скрюченным на земле с маленькой холодной рукой, все еще просунутой в отверстие. 一些上班早的工人发现他蹲在地上,冰凉的小手还伸进洞里。 But the large tears were on his cheeks, and his piteous cries showed how hard he had found it to keep faithful all through the long dark night. |||眼泪||||脸颊|||可怜的|哭声||||||||||忠诚|全部||||| ||||||||||heartbreaking|sorrowful wails|||||||||||||||| Aber die großen Tränen standen auf seinen Wangen, und seine erbärmlichen Schreie zeigten, wie schwer es ihm gefallen war, die ganze lange dunkle Nacht hindurch treu zu bleiben. しかし、大きな涙が彼の頬にあり、彼の哀れな叫びは、彼が長く暗い夜を通して忠実を保つことがどれほど難しいかを示しました。 Но крупные слезы текли по его щекам, а жалобные крики показывали, как трудно ему было сохранять верность всю долгую темную ночь. Ama yanaklarında büyük gözyaşları vardı ve acıklı çığlıkları, uzun karanlık gece boyunca sadık kalmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu gösterdi. 但是他的脸颊上挂着大滴泪水,他可怜的哭声表明他发现在漫长的黑夜中保持忠诚是多么的艰难。 The boy was at once set free and the hole was mended. |||在||释放||||||修补好了 |||||||||||repaired or fixed Der Junge wurde sofort freigelassen und das Loch geflickt. Мальчика сразу же освободили, а дыру заделали. Çocuk hemen serbest bırakıldı ve delik onarıldı. 男孩立刻被释放了,洞也被修补了。 And so it depends on each man to watch the dykes, though there are now bands of watchers appointed by the State for this purpose. |||取决于|||||监视||堤坝|尽管|那里||现在|队伍||观察者|被任命|||国家|||目的 |||relies on||||||||||||groups of people||||||||| Und so hängt es von jedem Mann ab, die Deiche zu bewachen, obwohl es jetzt vom Staat zu diesem Zweck ernannte Wachtrupps gibt. E così dipende da ogni uomo sorvegliare le dighe, anche se ora ci sono bande di sorveglianti nominate dallo Stato a questo scopo. Поэтому следить за дамбами должен каждый человек, хотя сейчас для этого существуют группы наблюдателей, назначенных государством. 因此,看守堤坝取决于每个人,尽管现在有国家为此目的任命的守望者队伍。

So these people have, as the poet says, "scooped out an empire" for themselves, and kept it by their never-ceasing vigilance and industry. |||拥有|正如||诗人||挖掘出|||一个帝国||他们自己||保持||||||警惕性||行业 ||||||||carved out|||||||||||||constant watchfulness|| ||||||||выдолбили|||||||||||||бдительность|| Diese Leute haben sich also, wie der Dichter sagt, „ein Reich erkämpft“ und es durch ihre nie nachlassende Wachsamkeit und ihren Fleiß bewahrt. بنابراین این افراد ، همانطور که شاعر می گوید ، "یک امپراطوری را برای خودشان بیرون کشیدند" و با هوشیاری و صنعت بی وقفه آن را حفظ کردند. Così questo popolo ha, come dice il poeta, "scovato un impero" per sé, e lo ha mantenuto grazie alla sua incessante vigilanza e industria. したがって、これらの人々は、詩人が言うように、彼ら自身のために「帝国をすくい取り」、彼らの絶え間ない警戒と産業によってそれを保ちました。 Так эти люди, как говорит поэт, "вычерпали для себя империю" и сохранили ее благодаря своей неусыпной бдительности и промышленности. Böylece bu insanlar, şairin dediği gibi, kendileri için "bir imparatorluk kurdular" ve onu hiç durmayan uyanıklıkları ve sanayileriyle korudular. 所以,正如诗人所说,这些人为自己“挖出了一个帝国”,并通过他们永不停歇的警惕和勤奋来维持它。