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Friends S02, Friends S02E15 1d

Friends S02E15 1d

All right, no peeking. No peeking. No peeking. No peeking! All right, but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. All right. Open your eyes! Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! Days of our Lives picked up my option! - Congratulations! - I know! Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. So which one is mine? Whichever one you want, man. Whichever one you want! Not that one. Oh, yes! Oh, yeah! That's the stuff. Do we dare? We dare. The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... ...so you could watch TV with your feet up. No, they were chair-shaped cows. They never would have survived in the wild. This screen is amazing. Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size. Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen, doesn't she? Hi, you guys. Hey, you. How was your day? You know, pretty much the usual. Sun shining, birds chirping. Really? Mine too. Hey, cool! Mine too! I gotta get to the museum. So I'll see you tonight? Bye, guys! Tonight? - What's tonight? - Our first official date. Our first date. Hello? Hi. You're supposed to waitress for me? My catering thing? - Any of that trigger anything? - Oh, God, Monica. I forgot! This is our first date. - Yes, but my mom got me this job. - I can be a waitress! Thank you, thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! Really, Pheebs? You'd have to be an actual waitress. This can't be like your "I can be a bear cub" thing. I can be a waitress. Okay, watch this. Give me two number ones, 86 the bacon... one Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them!

Friends S02E15 1d |Samantha|| Freunde S02E15 1d Friends S02E15 1d フレンズ S02E15 1d Friends S02E15 1d Друзья S02E15 1d Friends S02E15 1d Друзі S02E15 1d 老友记 S02E15 1d 老友記 S02E15 1d

All right, no peeking. |okay|| In Ordnung, nicht gucken. よし、覗き見は禁止だ。 Гаразд, не підглядати. No peeking. No peeking. No peeking. No peeking! |göz atma All right, but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. わかったよ、でも僕が目を開けたときには服を着ていた方がいい。 Гаразд, але тобі краще бути одягненою, коли я розплющу очі. All right. Open your eyes! Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! Süße Mutter von allem, was gut und rein ist! すべての善良で純粋なものの優しい母! Мила мати всього доброго і чистого! Days of our Lives picked up my option! Days of our Lives hat meine Option aufgegriffen! Days of our Lives』に私のオプションが採用された! "Дні нашого життя" підібрали мій варіант! - Congratulations! - I know! Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. これで、『グリーン・エーカーズ』を本来の方法で見ることができる。 Тепер ми можемо дивитися "Зелені гектари" так, як вони мали бути побачені. So which one is mine? Whichever one you want, man. 好きな方を選べばいいさ。 Whichever one you want! Not that one. それじゃない。 Oh, yes! Oh, yeah! That's the stuff. そういうことだ。 Ось так. Do we dare? Können wir es wagen? その勇気はあるか? Чи наважимося ми? We dare. The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... ...so you could watch TV with your feet up. |||||||||inanamam|||||||||||||||| ロスとレイチェルが...2頭の牛が究極の犠牲を払ったなんて... ...だから、足を上げてテレビを見ることができる。 Той, де Росс і Рейчел... Знаєш, я не можу повірити, що дві корови принесли себе в жертву... ...щоб ти міг дивитися телевізор з піднятими ногами. No, they were chair-shaped cows. Ні, це були кріслоподібні корови. They never would have survived in the wild. This screen is amazing. Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size. Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen, doesn't she? Роуз Марі має бути на меншому екрані, чи не так? Hi, you guys. Hey, you. How was your day? You know, pretty much the usual. Ну, знаєте, майже як завжди. Sun shining, birds chirping. Really? Mine too. Hey, cool! Mine too! I gotta get to the museum. So I'll see you tonight? Bye, guys! Tonight? - What's tonight? - Our first official date. Our first date. Hello? Hi. You're supposed to waitress for me? Ти маєш бути офіціанткою для мене? My catering thing? Моя справа з кейтерингом? - Any of that trigger anything? - Щось із цього викликало у вас якісь асоціації? - Oh, God, Monica. I forgot! This is our first date. - Yes, but my mom got me this job. - I can be a waitress! Thank you, thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! Really, Pheebs? You'd have to be an actual waitress. This can't be like your "I can be a bear cub" thing. Це не може бути схоже на те, що ви кажете: "Я можу бути ведмежам". I can be a waitress. Okay, watch this. Give me two number ones, 86 the bacon... one Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them! Дайте мені два номери, 86 бекону... одного Адама і Єву на плоту і розбийте їх!