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TED-Ed, How to build a dark matter detector - Jenna Saffin

How to build a dark matter detector - Jenna Saffin

More than two kilometers below the surface of northern Ontario, 00:12 suspended in 345,000 liters of ultra-pure water, 00:18 there's a perfect sphere. 00:20 It contains 3600 kilograms of liquid argon, 00:24 cooled to -180 degrees Celsius. 00:28 Scientists continuously monitor this chamber from above ground, 00:32 looking for a glimmer of light in the darkness. 00:35 Because down here, 00:36 deep beneath the Earth's surface and cocooned in a watery shield, 00:39 that light would indicate the presence of one of the universe's greatest mysteries: 00:44 dark matter. 00:46 All the matter we can see, planets, stars and galaxies, 00:50 doesn't create enough gravitational pull 00:52 to explain the universe's larger structure. 00:55 It's dark matter, which is estimated to make up 25% of the known universe. 01:01 But despite its prevalence, 01:02 so far we haven't been able to detect it directly. 01:05 It's no small challenge. 01:07 Dark matter was so named because it doesn't interact with any type of light, 01:11 visible or otherwise, 01:13 which means our usual observation tools 01:15 simply don't work when trying to observe it. 01:18 But while dark matter may not be visible in the electromagnetic spectrum, 01:21 it's still matter, 01:23 so we should be able to measure its interactions with other matter. 01:26 And if our current model of physics is correct, 01:29 billions of sub-atomic dark matter particles 01:32 are passing through the Earth every second. 01:34 Despite the prevalence of dark matter, 01:36 its interactions are predicted to be rare and extremely weak. 01:40 To detect these interactions, 01:41 dark matter experiments need to be incredibly sensitive. 01:45 With such sensitive equipment, 01:47 the ever-present background radiation on Earth's surface 01:50 would create so much noise in the data 01:52 that any dark matter particles would be completely overwhelmed. 01:56 It would be like trying to hear a pin drop on a busy city street. 02:00 To solve this problem, 02:01 scientists have had to dig deep into the Earth. 02:04 Dark matter experiments are set up in specialized underground labs, 02:08 either in mines or inside mountains. 02:11 The rock that makes up the Earth's crust works like a filter, 02:15 absorbing radiation and stopping disruptive particles. 02:18 The ultra-pure water in which the detector is suspended 02:22 adds an additional layer of radiation filtering. 02:25 This shielding ensures that only the particles scientists are looking for 02:29 can make their way into the detectors. 02:31 Once these particles reach an experiment's inner vessel, 02:34 scientists have a chance of detecting them. 02:37 The detector media are chosen because they're exquisitely sensitive detectors 02:41 that can be purified extremely well. 02:43 These could be a liquid noble gas, 02:45 germanium 02:46 and silicon crystals, 02:48 a refrigerant, 02:49 or other materials. 02:50 When radiation interacts, it leaves tell-tale signs, 02:53 such as light or bubbles, 02:55 which can be picked up by the sensors inside the detector. 02:58 The detector media are held in a central chamber made of glass 03:01 or a special type of acrylic. 03:03 These chambers have to be able to hold the substance inside 03:06 without interacting with it 03:08 while withstanding incredible pressure from the water outside. 03:12 The inner vessel is surrounded by powerful sensors 03:15 designed to detect even the tiniest blips of light, 03:18 or the sound vibrations caused by a single bubble. 03:21 Each sensor records data 24/7, 03:25 and experiments run for months and years at a time, 03:28 generating terabytes of data every day. 03:31 Building dark matter detectors is as much a feat of engineering 03:35 as it is a feat of physics. 03:37 By the time an experiment is ready to start collecting data, 03:40 years or decades of work and investment have already gone into it, 03:44 to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. 03:47 As of 2017, no dark matter particles have been directly detected. 03:53 That's not entirely surprising. 03:55 Physicists expect these interactions to be incredibly rare and difficult to detect. 04:00 In the meantime, 04:01 scientists continue to develop new technologies 04:04 and increase detector sensitivity, 04:06 closing in on where dark matter is hiding. 04:09 And when they find it, 04:10 we'll finally be able to bring the universe's darkest secrets into the light.

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How to build a dark matter detector - Jenna Saffin |||||||Jenna Saffin|Saffin |||||||Jenna|Saffin Wie man einen Detektor für dunkle Materie baut - Jenna Saffin Cómo construir un detector de materia oscura - Jenna Saffin Comment construire un détecteur de matière noire - Jenna Saffin Come costruire un rivelatore di materia oscura - Jenna Saffin ダークマター検出器の作り方 - Jenna Saffin 암흑 물질 탐지기를 만드는 방법 - Jenna Saffin Kaip sukurti tamsiosios medžiagos detektorių - Jenna Saffin Jak zbudować detektor ciemnej materii - Jenna Saffin Como construir um detetor de matéria negra - Jenna Saffin Как построить детектор темной материи - Дженна Саффин Bir karanlık madde dedektörü nasıl inşa edilir - Jenna Saffin Як побудувати детектор темної матерії - Дженна Саффін 如何构建暗物质探测器 - Jenna Saffin 如何構建暗物質探測器 - Jenna Saffin

More than two kilometers below the surface of northern Ontario, 00:12 suspended in 345,000 liters of ultra-pure water, 00:18 there’s a perfect sphere. ||||||||||schwebend|||||||||| Mehr als zwei Kilometer unter der Oberfläche des nördlichen Ontario, 00:12 schwebend in 345.000 Litern hochreinem Wasser, 00:18 befindet sich eine perfekte Kugel. Kuzey Ontario'nun yüzeyinin iki kilometreden fazla altında, 00:12 345.000 litre ultra saf suyun içinde asılı duran 00:18 mükemmel bir küre var. Понад два кілометри нижче поверхні північного Онтаріо, 00:12 у 345 000 літрах надчистої води, 00:18 є ідеальна сфера. 00:20 It contains 3600 kilograms of liquid argon, 00:24 cooled to -180 degrees Celsius. |||||Argon|||| |||||argônio|||| 00:20 Het bevat 3600 kg vloeibaar argon, 00:24 gekoeld tot -180 graden Celsius. 00:20 3600 kilogram sıvı argon içeriyor, 00:24 -180 santigrat dereceye kadar soğutulmuş. 00:28 Scientists continuously monitor this chamber from above ground, 00:32 looking for a glimmer of light in the darkness. |||||||||||faint light||||| |||||||||||brilho||||| 00:28 Bilim insanları bu odayı yer üstünden sürekli olarak izliyor, 00:32 karanlıkta bir ışık parıltısı arıyorlar. 00:28 Вчені постійно спостерігають за цією камерою над землею, 00:32 шукаючи проблиск світла в темряві. 00:35 Because down here, 00:36 deep beneath the Earth’s surface and cocooned in a watery shield, 00:39 that light would indicate the presence of one of the universe’s greatest mysteries: 00:44 dark matter. |||||||||in einer schützenden||||||||||||||||||| ||||abaixo|||||envolto em um casulo|||aquoso|||||||||||||||| 00:35 Çünkü burada, 00:36 Dünya yüzeyinin derinliklerinde ve sulu bir kalkanın içinde, 00:39 bu ışık evrenin en büyük gizemlerinden birinin varlığına işaret ediyor: 00:44 karanlık madde. 00:35 Тому що тут, 00:36 глибоко під поверхнею Землі та закутий у водяний щит, 00:39 це світло вказує на присутність однієї з найбільших таємниць Всесвіту: 00:44 темної матерії. 00:46 All the matter we can see, planets, stars and galaxies, 00:50 doesn’t create enough gravitational pull 00:52 to explain the universe’s larger structure. 00:46 惑星、恒星、銀河など、私たちが目にすることのできる物質はすべて、00:50 宇宙の大きな構造を説明するのに十分な引力を生み出してはいない。 00:46 Görebildiğimiz tüm madde, gezegenler, yıldızlar ve galaksiler, 00:50 evrenin daha büyük yapısını açıklamak için yeterli çekim gücü 00:52 yaratmıyor. 00:55 It’s dark matter, which is estimated to make up 25% of the known universe. 00:55 Bu, bilinen evrenin %25'ini oluşturduğu tahmin edilen karanlık maddedir. 00:55 Це темна матерія, яка, за оцінками, становить 25% відомого Всесвіту. 01:01 But despite its prevalence, 01:02 so far we haven’t been able to detect it directly. |||Verbreitung|||||||||| 01:01 Ancak yaygınlığına rağmen, 01:02 şimdiye kadar bunu doğrudan tespit edemedik. 01:01 Але незважаючи на його поширеність, 01:02 поки що ми не змогли виявити його безпосередньо. 01:05 It’s no small challenge. 01:05 Bu küçük bir zorluk değil. 01:05 Це не малий виклик. 01:07 Dark matter was so named because it doesn’t interact with any type of light, 01:11 visible or otherwise, 01:13 which means our usual observation tools 01:15 simply don’t work when trying to observe it. 01:07 Karanlık madde bu şekilde adlandırılmıştır çünkü 01:11 görünür veya başka türlü herhangi bir ışık türüyle etkileşime girmez, 01:13 bu da olağan gözlem araçlarımızın 01:15 onu gözlemlemeye çalışırken işe yaramadığı anlamına gelir. 01:18 But while dark matter may not be visible in the electromagnetic spectrum, 01:21 it’s still matter, 01:23 so we should be able to measure its interactions with other matter. 01:18 Ancak karanlık madde elektromanyetik spektrumda görünür olmasa da, 01:21 yine de maddedir, 01:23 bu nedenle diğer maddelerle etkileşimlerini ölçebilmeliyiz. 01:26 And if our current model of physics is correct, 01:29 billions of sub-atomic dark matter particles 01:32 are passing through the Earth every second. 01:26 Ve eğer mevcut fizik modelimiz doğruysa, 01:29 milyarlarca atom altı karanlık madde parçacığı 01:32 her saniye Dünya'dan geçiyor. 01:34 Despite the prevalence of dark matter, 01:36 its interactions are predicted to be rare and extremely weak. 01:34 Karanlık maddenin yaygınlığına rağmen, 01:36 etkileşimlerinin nadir ve son derece zayıf olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. 01:34 Незважаючи на поширеність темної матерії, 01:36 прогнозується, що її взаємодії будуть рідкісними та надзвичайно слабкими. 01:40 To detect these interactions, 01:41 dark matter experiments need to be incredibly sensitive. 01:40 Bu etkileşimleri tespit etmek için 01:41 karanlık madde deneylerinin inanılmaz derecede hassas olması gerekiyor. 01:45 With such sensitive equipment, 01:47 the ever-present background radiation on Earth’s surface 01:50 would create so much noise in the data 01:52 that any dark matter particles would be completely overwhelmed. |||||||background||||||||||||||||||||| 01:45 Bu kadar hassas ekipmanlarla, 01:47 Dünya yüzeyinde her zaman var olan arka plan radyasyonu 01:50 verilerde o kadar çok gürültü yaratacaktır ki 01:52 herhangi bir karanlık madde parçacığı tamamen boğulacaktır. 01:56 It would be like trying to hear a pin drop on a busy city street. ||||||||agulha|||||| 01:56 Sería como intentar oír la caída de un alfiler en una concurrida calle de la ciudad. 01:56 Bu, kalabalık bir şehir caddesinde iğne sesini duymaya çalışmak gibi bir şey. 01:56 Це було б схоже на спробу почути, як шпилька впала на жвавій міській вулиці. 02:00 To solve this problem, 02:01 scientists have had to dig deep into the Earth. 02:00 Bu sorunu çözmek için, 02:01 bilim insanları Dünya'nın derinliklerine inmek zorunda kaldılar. 02:04 Dark matter experiments are set up in specialized underground labs, 02:08 either in mines or inside mountains. 02:04 Karanlık madde deneyleri özel yeraltı laboratuvarlarında, 02:08 ya madenlerde ya da dağların içinde kurulur. 02:11 The rock that makes up the Earth’s crust works like a filter, 02:15 absorbing radiation and stopping disruptive particles. |||||||crosta|||||||||disruptivas| 02:11 Yerkabuğunu oluşturan kaya bir filtre gibi çalışır, 02:15 radyasyonu emer ve bozucu parçacıkları durdurur. 02:11 Порода, з якої складається земна кора, працює як фільтр, 02:15 поглинаючи радіацію та зупиняючи руйнівні частинки. 02:18 The ultra-pure water in which the detector is suspended 02:22 adds an additional layer of radiation filtering. |||||||||eingebettet||||||| 02:18 Dedektörün içinde asılı olduğu ultra saf su 02:22 ek bir radyasyon filtreleme katmanı ekler. 02:18 Надчиста вода, в якій знаходиться детектор 02:22, додає додатковий шар фільтрації випромінювання. 02:25 This shielding ensures that only the particles scientists are looking for 02:29 can make their way into the detectors. |Abschirmung||||||||||||||||Detektoren 02:25 Bu kalkan, yalnızca bilim insanlarının aradığı parçacıkların 02:29 dedektörlere girebilmesini sağlar. 02:25 Це екранування гарантує, що лише ті частинки, які шукають вчені, 02:29 можуть потрапити в детектори. 02:31 Once these particles reach an experiment’s inner vessel, 02:34 scientists have a chance of detecting them. |||||des Experiments||||||||| 02:31 Sobald diese Teilchen das innere Gefäß eines Experiments erreichen, 02:34 haben die Wissenschaftler die Möglichkeit, sie zu entdecken. 02:31 Bu parçacıklar bir deneyin iç damarına ulaştığında, 02:34 bilim insanlarının bunları tespit etme şansı vardır. 02:37 The detector media are chosen because they’re exquisitely sensitive detectors 02:41 that can be purified extremely well. |||||||||||||gereinigt|| 02:37 Dedektör ortamı, son derece iyi saflaştırılabilen 02:41 son derece hassas dedektörler oldukları için seçilmiştir. 02:37 Середовище для детектора вибрано тому, що це надзвичайно чутливі детектори 02:41, які можна надзвичайно добре очищати. 02:43 These could be a liquid noble gas, 02:45 germanium 02:46 and silicon crystals, 02:48 a refrigerant, 02:49 or other materials. |||||||Germanium|||Kristalle||||| 02:43 Dit kan een vloeibaar edelgas zijn, 02:45 germanium 02:46 en siliciumkristallen, 02:48 een koelmiddel, 02:49 of andere materialen. 02:43 Bunlar sıvı bir asal gaz, 02:45 germanyum 02:46 ve silikon kristalleri, 02:48 bir soğutucu, 02:49 veya diğer malzemeler olabilir. 02:43 Це може бути рідкий благородний газ, 02:45 германій 02:46 і кристали кремнію, 02:48 холодоагент, 02:49 або інші матеріали. 02:50 When radiation interacts, it leaves tell-tale signs, 02:53 such as light or bubbles, 02:55 which can be picked up by the sensors inside the detector. 02:50 Radyasyon etkileşime girdiğinde, dedektörün içindeki sensörler tarafından algılanabilen ışık veya kabarcıklar gibi 02:53 işaretler bırakır. 02:50 Коли випромінювання взаємодіє, воно залишає сигнальні ознаки, 02:53 такі як світло або бульбашки, 02:55 які можуть бути вловлені датчиками всередині детектора. 02:58 The detector media are held in a central chamber made of glass 03:01 or a special type of acrylic. |||||||||||||||||Acrylglas 02:58 Dedektör ortamı camdan 03:01 veya özel bir akrilik türünden yapılmış merkezi bir bölmede tutulur. 02:58 Носії детектора містяться в центральній камері зі скла 03:01 або спеціального типу акрилу. 03:03 These chambers have to be able to hold the substance inside 03:06 without interacting with it 03:08 while withstanding incredible pressure from the water outside. ||||||||||||||||standhalten|||||| 03:03 Bu odacıklar, dışarıdaki sudan gelen inanılmaz basınca dayanırken 03:06 içindeki maddeyi onunla etkileşime girmeden 03:08 tutabilmelidir. 03:03 Ці камери мають утримувати речовину всередині 03:06 без взаємодії з нею 03:08 витримуючи при цьому неймовірний тиск води ззовні. 03:12 The inner vessel is surrounded by powerful sensors 03:15 designed to detect even the tiniest blips of light, 03:18 or the sound vibrations caused by a single bubble. ||||||||||||||Lichtblitze||||||Schallwellen||||| ||||||||||||||微小な変化||||||||||| 03:12 Het binnenvat is omgeven door krachtige sensoren 03:15 ontworpen om zelfs de kleinste lichtflits, 03:18 of de geluidstrillingen veroorzaakt door een enkele luchtbel te detecteren. 03:12 İç damar, en küçük ışık kırıntılarını, 03:18 veya tek bir baloncuğun neden olduğu ses titreşimlerini bile tespit etmek için tasarlanmış güçlü sensörlerle 03:15 çevrilidir. 03:12 Внутрішня посудина оточена потужними датчиками, 03:15 призначеними для виявлення навіть найдрібніших спалахів світла, 03:18 або звукових коливань, викликаних однією бульбашкою. 03:21 Each sensor records data 24/7, 03:25 and experiments run for months and years at a time, 03:28 generating terabytes of data every day. |Sensor||||||||||||||Terabytes|||| 03:21 Her sensör 7/24 veri kaydeder, 03:25 ve deneyler bir seferde aylarca ve yıllarca sürer, 03:28 her gün terabaytlarca veri üretir. 03:31 Building dark matter detectors is as much a feat of engineering 03:35 as it is a feat of physics. |||||||||||||||偉業|| 03:31 Karanlık madde dedektörleri inşa etmek bir mühendislik başarısı olduğu kadar 03:35 bir fizik başarısıdır. 03:31 Створення детекторів темної матерії — це такий же подвиг інженерії 03:35, як і фізики. 03:37 By the time an experiment is ready to start collecting data, 03:40 years or decades of work and investment have already gone into it, 03:44 to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. 03:37 Bir deney veri toplamaya başlamaya hazır olduğunda, 03:40 yıllarca veya on yıllarca süren çalışma ve yatırım, 03:44 on milyonlarca dolara mal olmuştur. 03:37 До того моменту, коли експеримент готовий почати збирати дані, 03:40 у нього вже було витрачено 03:40 років або десятиліть роботи та інвестицій, 03:44 на суму десятків мільйонів доларів. 03:47 As of 2017, no dark matter particles have been directly detected. 03:47 2017 itibariyle hiçbir karanlık madde parçacığı doğrudan tespit edilemedi. 03:53 That’s not entirely surprising. 03:53 Bu çok da şaşırtıcı değil. 03:55 Physicists expect these interactions to be incredibly rare and difficult to detect. 03:55 Fizikçiler bu etkileşimlerin inanılmaz derecede nadir ve tespit edilmesinin zor olmasını bekliyor. 04:00 In the meantime, 04:01 scientists continue to develop new technologies 04:04 and increase detector sensitivity, 04:06 closing in on where dark matter is hiding. 04:00 Bu arada, 04:01 bilim insanları yeni teknolojiler geliştirmeye 04:04 ve dedektör hassasiyetini artırmaya devam ediyor, 04:06 karanlık maddenin saklandığı yere yaklaşıyorlar. 04:09 And when they find it, 04:10 we’ll finally be able to bring the universe’s darkest secrets into the light. 04:09 Ve onu bulduklarında, 04:10 nihayet evrenin en karanlık sırlarını gün ışığına çıkarabileceğiz.