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English at University, 5: Registration

5: Registration

Narrator It's time again for English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. Mary's met her new roommate Abi and is settling in well. But before her lectures finally begin there's some admin to do… Mary Admin? Narrator Administration – paperwork – you need to go to registration and complete some forms. Oh and don't forget to pick up your student card – that will be very useful. Mary Oh ok. Thanks. I'll do that now. Sharon Next. Mary Oh, hello. I'm Mary. I'm new. Sharon So is everyone else – you've come to register have you? Mary I think so. I think I need to fill in some forms. Sharon Oh yes, lots of them. Here you go… next! Narrator She's not very friendly – but it's a good idea to keep in with the administration assistant – she can help you with lots of things. Do you need help now Mary? Mary Oh yes I do. Look at all this paper… this one asks for D-O-B and this one says plagiarism declaration. Narrator Don't panic. Be polite and ask for help. Say something like… I'm really sorry but I'm not sure what to write, or, could you explain this form to me please, or, I know you're busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me. Give it a go – I'm sure she won't bite your head off. Mary Bite my head off?! I hope not. Right… I know you're really busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me. Please? Sharon Yes of course dear… this is a 'plagiarism declaration' which says that you won't copy anyone's work… just sign it here. This is a form with your important contact details and next-of-kin… that's the person we'll contact if you get ill or die or something. Mary And this? Sharon Oh don't forget this one. Fill this in and you'll get a student card – that'll give you discounts on books and food and get you into the student nightclub. You'll need to include a photograph of yourself. Mary Oh great. Thanks so much…err? Sharon Sharon. Mary And I'm Mary. One last thing… could I borrow a pen please? Narrator Well done Mary. You're making progress. You can usually get help by using these useful phrases… I'm really sorry but I'm not sure what to write. Could you explain this form to me please? I know you're busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me. And of course… Could I borrow a pen please? Visit bbclearningenglish.com to practise these phrases and learn more about some of the forms you may have to complete when starting university. Now how's Mary getting on? Mary ….D-O-B…date of birth…. There all done. Sharon Ah, hello sweetheart… are those the forms for me? Great. Now all I need now is your passport… to prove who you are. Mary Yes of course… oh no, my passport! It was in my back pocket… Daniel Hello… are you looking for this? Mary Daniel… my passport! Oh thank you. Daniel You look prettier in real life than you do in your passport photo. Mary Thanks!

5: Registration

Narrator It's time again for English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. Mary's met her new roommate Abi and is settling in well. Mary megismerkedett új szobatársával, Abival, és jól beilleszkedett. But before her lectures finally begin there's some admin to do… Mary Admin? De mielőtt az előadásai végre elkezdődnének, még van egy kis adminisztráció... Mary Admin? Narrator Administration – paperwork – you need to go to registration and complete some forms. Oh and don't forget to pick up your student card – that will be very useful. Mary Oh ok. Thanks. I'll do that now. Sharon Next. Mary Oh, hello. I'm Mary. I'm new. Sharon So is everyone else – you've come to register have you? Sharon Mindenki más is - ugye, eljöttél regisztrálni? Mary I think so. I think I need to fill in some forms. Azt hiszem, ki kell töltenem néhány űrlapot. Sharon Oh yes, lots of them. Here you go… next! Narrator She's not very friendly – but it's a good idea to keep in with the administration assistant – she can help you with lots of things. Do you need help now Mary? Segítségre van szükséged, Mary? Mary Oh yes I do. Look at all this paper… this one asks for D-O-B and this one says plagiarism declaration. Nézd meg ezt a sok papírt... ez itt D-O-B-t kér, ez meg plágiumnyilatkozatot ír. Narrator Don't panic. Be polite and ask for help. Legyen udvarias és kérjen segítséget. Say something like… I'm really sorry but I'm not sure what to write, or, could you explain this form to me please, or, I know you're busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me. Give it a go – I'm sure she won't bite your head off. Próbáld ki - biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem fogja leharapni a fejed. Mary Bite my head off?! Mary leharapja a fejem?! I hope not. Right… I know you're really busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me. Please? Sharon Yes of course dear… this is a 'plagiarism declaration' which says that you won't copy anyone's work… just sign it here. Sharon Igen, persze kedvesem... ez egy 'plágium-nyilatkozat', amely azt mondja, hogy nem fogod másolni senki munkáját... csak írd alá itt. This is a form with your important contact details and next-of-kin… that's the person we'll contact if you get ill or die or something. Mary And this? Sharon Oh don't forget this one. Fill this in and you'll get a student card – that'll give you discounts on books and food and get you into the student nightclub. Töltsd ki, és kapsz egy diákigazolványt - ezzel kedvezményeket kapsz a könyvekre és az ételekre, és bejuthatsz a diák éjszakai klubba. You'll need to include a photograph of yourself. Egy fényképet kell mellékelnie magáról. Mary Oh great. Thanks so much…err? Sharon Sharon. Mary And I'm Mary. One last thing… could I borrow a pen please? Narrator Well done Mary. You're making progress. Haladsz. You can usually get help by using these useful phrases… I'm really sorry but I'm not sure what to write. Általában ezekkel a hasznos mondatokkal kaphatsz segítséget... Nagyon sajnálom, de nem tudom, mit írjak. Could you explain this form to me please? I know you're busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me. And of course… Could I borrow a pen please? És persze... Kölcsönkérhetnék egy tollat? Visit bbclearningenglish.com to practise these phrases and learn more about some of the forms you may have to complete when starting university. Now how's Mary getting on? Na, hogy van Mary? Mary ….D-O-B…date of birth…. There all done. Sharon Ah, hello sweetheart… are those the forms for me? Sharon Á, helló, édesem... azok a nyomtatványok nekem szólnak? Great. Now all I need now is your passport… to prove who you are. Most már csak az útleveledre van szükségem... hogy bizonyítsam, ki vagy. Mary Yes of course… oh no, my passport! It was in my back pocket… Daniel Hello… are you looking for this? Mary Daniel… my passport! Oh thank you. Daniel You look prettier in real life than you do in your passport photo. Daniel A való életben szebb vagy, mint az útlevélképeden. Mary Thanks!