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English at University, 17: Take note

17: Take note

Narrator Hello. Welcome back to English at University – the series that follows Mary through her first year of study abroad and teaches her and us some useful phrases. It's the second term and students at the University of Studies settle down to some hard work. Mary's in a lecture, struggling to write down everything that Professor Not is trying to say… Prof. Not …so this term, we're doing the module on marketing. Business and marketing go hand-in-hand. Any business in a marketplace is likely to be in competition with other firms offering similar products… Mary Err… excuse me Professor… could you say that again please? Prof. Not … I said… any business in a marketplace… Mary No the bit before that… please. You're going a bit too fast for me. Narrator Having trouble Mary? Mary Yes. I'm trying to write down everything he says but I can't keep up. Narrator You can't write everything down – you need to take notes. Mary Notes? Narrator Just note down words, phrases, bits of information from the lecture – things that will help you remember what's been said. Ask for help if you're not sure what to do. Mary Yes, I think I will. Ermm, Professor… sorry to interrupt again… what you're saying is fascinating… but I want to remember it all… have you any guidance about how to take notes? Prof. Not Oh thank you Mary. Fascinating eh? Well just use a pen and a notebook… Mary But what should I write down? Daniel I think you need one of these… a voice recorder… just record the whole thing, listen back to it later. Easy! Prof. Not Is it? Well, writing things down is probably more useful. It gives you a chance to ask for clarification. Now Mary, just jot down the important bits… I'll emphasise these bits in the lecture. I'll say something like 'this bit is useful to know…'. Daniel You won't need to write much then! What? It was a joke! Prof. Not Hmm. Yes, well. Now, write down what I say in your own words – although if I quote someone, make sure you write it down word-for-word. And use words, abbreviations, symbols or even pictures to summarise what I say. If you miss something, leave a gap in your notes, and get the information from me later. Does that help? Mary Perfectly. Prof. Not Remember to read through your notes after the lecture, and of course, anything you do miss you can find in my new book 'Funny Business'. Narrator That's been a useful lesson, hasn't it Mary? Note taking is an important skill to learn. If you're not sure where to start, ask for help using these phrases… Could you say that again please? You're going a bit too fast for me. Have you any guidance about how to take notes? And here's Professor Not's tips for taking notes… Write down the important bits… I'll emphasise these bits in the lecture. Write down what I say in your own words – although if I quote someone, make sure you write it down word-for-word. Use words, abbreviations, symbols or even pictures to summarise what I say. If you miss something, leave a gap in your notes, and get the information from me later. Remember to read through your notes after the lecture. You can pick up a few more top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, let's find out how the note taking's going… Prof. Not So that's all for today… must dash, I've got a yoga class to go to. We can discuss this further in your tutorial. Daniel Oh no! Oh, I don't believe it. Mary Problem Daniel? Daniel The batteries on my voice recorder have run out… so annoying… I don't suppose… Mary Yes, you can copy my notes. Daniel Great. And maybe I could buy you a drink to say thank you. Mary Maybe, Daniel.

17: Take note

Narrator Hello. Welcome back to English at University – the series that follows Mary through her first year of study abroad and teaches her and us some useful phrases. It’s the second term and students at the University of Studies settle down to some hard work. Это второй семестр, и студенты Университета исследований приступают к тяжелой работе. Mary’s in a lecture, struggling to write down everything that Professor Not is trying to say… Prof. Not …so this term, we’re doing the module on marketing. Business and marketing go hand-in-hand. Бизнес и маркетинг идут рука об руку. Any business in a marketplace is likely to be in competition with other firms offering similar products… Mary Err… excuse me Professor… could you say that again please? Prof. Not … I said… any business in a marketplace… Mary No the bit before that… please. You’re going a bit too fast for me. Narrator Having trouble Mary? Mary Yes. I’m trying to write down everything he says but I can’t keep up. Narrator You can’t write everything down – you need to take notes. Экранный диктор Нельзя все записывать - нужно делать заметки. Mary Notes? Narrator Just note down words, phrases, bits of information from the lecture – things that will help you remember what’s been said. Ask for help if you’re not sure what to do. Mary Yes, I think I will. Ermm, Professor… sorry to interrupt again… what you’re saying is fascinating… but I want to remember it all… have you any guidance about how to take notes? Prof. Not Oh thank you Mary. Fascinating eh? Well just use a pen and a notebook… Mary But what should I write down? Daniel I think you need one of these… a voice recorder… just record the whole thing, listen back to it later. Easy! Prof. Not Is it? Well, writing things down is probably more useful. It gives you a chance to ask for clarification. Now Mary, just jot down the important bits… I’ll emphasise these bits in the lecture. I’ll say something like 'this bit is useful to know…'. Daniel You won’t need to write much then! What? It was a joke! Prof. Not Hmm. Yes, well. Now, write down what I say in your own words – although if I quote someone, make sure you write it down word-for-word. And use words, abbreviations, symbols or even pictures to summarise what I say. If you miss something, leave a gap in your notes, and get the information from me later. Does that help? Mary Perfectly. Prof. Not Remember to read through your notes after the lecture, and of course, anything you do miss you can find in my new book 'Funny Business'. Narrator That’s been a useful lesson, hasn’t it Mary? Note taking is an important skill to learn. If you’re not sure where to start, ask for help using these phrases… Could you say that again please? You’re going a bit too fast for me. Have you any guidance about how to take notes? And here’s Professor Not’s tips for taking notes… Write down the important bits… I’ll emphasise these bits in the lecture. Write down what I say in your own words – although if I quote someone, make sure you write it down word-for-word. Use words, abbreviations, symbols or even pictures to summarise what I say. If you miss something, leave a gap in your notes, and get the information from me later. Remember to read through your notes after the lecture. You can pick up a few more top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Вы можете получить еще несколько полезных советов по обучению в Великобритании на нашем веб-сайте bbclearningenglish.com. Now, let’s find out how the note taking’s going… Prof. Not So that’s all for today… must dash, I’ve got a yoga class to go to. We can discuss this further in your tutorial. Daniel Oh no! Oh, I don’t believe it. Mary Problem Daniel? Daniel The batteries on my voice recorder have run out… so annoying… I don’t suppose… Mary Yes, you can copy my notes. Daniel Great. And maybe I could buy you a drink to say thank you. Mary Maybe, Daniel.