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Matt's Today in History, The Plot to Kill Hitler, July 20, 1944

The Plot to Kill Hitler, July 20, 1944

On July 20, 1944, a group of conspirators made an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler during a military staff meeting at his Wolf's Lair field headquarters near Rastenburg, East Prussia. This was the German Resistance movement's last attempt to overthrow the Nazis and make a separate peace with the Western allies. A plot to overthrow Hitler and his henchmen began to emerge in the German Army as early as 1938. Several high-ranking officers (including a former Army Chief of Staff) supported the idea of a coup as a means of preventing the Nazis from embroiling Germany in another world war, the second in a little over 20 years. But as a plan moved forward, many of the active duty officers began questioning the soundness of the plan. One of the requirements of success was outside support once the current government collapsed. Unfortunately, the rest of the Europe seemed uninterested in stopping Hitler. Another war was only a matter of time.

Plans were put on hold until 1941, when a new group of conspirators came to the fore. This was a tough year to plan a coup, for the German Army was still victorious everywhere it went and Hitler was immensely popular both in the military and among German civilians. But by late 1942, cracks began to show in the armor of the Third Reich. That was when a plan was hatched to place a bomb on Hitler's plane when he made a trip to the headquarters of Army Group Centre fighting on the Eastern Front. The trip was made in March, 1943, but the bomb failed to explode, as did one set a few days later in Berlin.

By the end of 1943, it was clear to most high-level German officers that the Axis powers were going to lose the war. Their biggest fear was a Soviet invasion of Germany, for they knew that the Soviets would not be as magnanimous in victory as the Americans, British and French. The coup plotters thought that if they could overthrow Hitler and establish a new government in Berlin, they might be able to negotiate an end to the war before the Soviets reached the German border. It was during this time that the conspirators brought on board a new member----Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg.

Von Stauffenberg was born into an aristocratic Bavarian family in 1907. As was traditional for the males in his family, he pursued a military career. When Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, von Stauffenberg was not immediately set against him. He abhorred the Nazis' anti-semitism, but liked Hitler's strong nationalism. The German Army's successes early in the Second World War convinced von Stauffenberg that Hitler was a bold military leader. After the invasion of the Soviet Union in June, 1941, von Stauffenberg began to hear rumors concerning the activities of the SS troops in captured areas. Jews were being executed by the thousands along with anyone who was considered “undesirable” to the German state. While von Stauffenberg had long clung to the Teutonic concept of German colonization of Eastern Europe, his Catholic faith told him there was a higher law that all men must obey.

Von Stauffenberg was badly wounded in North Africa in April, 1943, and after months of recuperation received orders as a staff officer to the Replacement Army, the German army reserve. This put him in an advantageous position to help stage a coup, for the Replacement Army was in charge of quelling any internal unrest occurring inside Germany's borders. If unrest occurred, Operation Valkyrie would be put into effect. Valkyrie called for the Replacement Army to take over the policing of cities and towns until order was restored. General Friedrich Fromm, head of the Reserve Army, was the only officer that could put the operation into play; thus he would have to join the conspirators or be moved out of the way.

By July, 1944, Adolf Hitler had become a difficult target for assassination. He was distrustful of nearly everyone around him and spent very little time in Berlin. The Gestapo knew that plotters were working to take over the government and were on the case. It is suspected by many historians that Henrich Himmler, head of the SS and the Gestapo, knew more about the plot to kill Hitler than he let on and did little about it. However, since Himmler committed suicide in May, 1945, the truth of what he knew will never be known.

As chief-of-staff of the Reserve Army, Colonel von Stauffenberg attended all of Hitler's military conferences. This put him in the position of actually being able to kill the dictator when the time came. Von Stauffenberg carried a bomb in his briefcase to meetings with Hitler at least twice in early July, but the plan was not carried out because it had been decided that Henrich Himmler needed to be assassinated as well. But since Himmler rarely attended military conferences, von Stauffenberg was able to convince the other conspirators that Hitler would have to be attacked at the next available opportunity, with or without Himmler.

On July 20 just after noon, another military conference began at Rastenburg. Von Stauffenberg placed his loaded briefcase under the large table; Hitler and more than 20 officers were in the room. After 10 minutes, the Colonel excused himself and left. The bomb exploded at 12:40PM, killing several officers. Hitler was spared, possibly by one of the table's thick legs. Von Stauffenberg made it to a local airfield and was airborne before the alarm was sounded.

By the time he reached Berlin three hours later, the conspirators were already beginning to hear rumors that Hitler had survived the blast. Many of them lost their nerve and began to take action in order to save themselves. Operation Valkyrie was ordered into action, but a short time later Himmler countermanded the order. Some reserve troops did muster and were led by officers who assumed Hitler was dead. SS officers were arrested throughout Europe and even the Propaganda Ministry was surrounded. But as word of Hitler's survival spread, the troops were dispersed and their officers were arrested. General Fromm, head of the Reserve Army, turned against the conspirators and had von Stauffenberg and others arrested. In order to have no witnesses to his own involvement, he set up a court-martial, found the men guilty and had them immediately shot. Fromm then told his superiors that he had suppressed the coup, but was promptly arrested.

Over 5,000 people were eventually arrested by the Gestapo. More than 200 of those were executed. Some of the people arrested had nothing to do with the plot, but were either in the wrong place at the wrong time or were on the Gestapo's watch list for another reason entirely. The search for conspirators continued well into 1945, even as Germany collapsed as allied forces advanced on Berlin from east and west. Executions took place until the very last days of the Third Reich.

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The Plot to Kill Hitler, July 20, 1944 ||||Nazi leader| مؤامرة قتل هتلر 20 يوليو 1944 Das Attentat auf Hitler, 20. Juli 1944 Η συνωμοσία για τη δολοφονία του Χίτλερ, 20 Ιουλίου 1944 The Plot to Kill Hitler, July 20, 1944 El complot para matar a Hitler, 20 de julio de 1944 Le complot visant à tuer Hitler, 20 juillet 1944 Il complotto per uccidere Hitler, 20 luglio 1944 ヒトラー殺害計画、1944年7月20日 히틀러 살해 음모, 1944년 7월 20일 Plan zabicia Hitlera, 20 lipca 1944 r. A conspiração para matar Hitler, 20 de julho de 1944 Заговор с целью убийства Гитлера, 20 июля 1944 года Hitler'i Öldürme Planı, 20 Temmuz 1944 Змова з метою вбивства Гітлера, 20 липня 1944 року 刺杀希特勒的阴谋,1944 年 7 月 20 日 刺杀希特勒的阴谋,1944 年 7 月 20 日

On July 20, 1944, a group of conspirators made an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler during a military staff meeting at his Wolf's Lair field headquarters near Rastenburg, East Prussia. |||||conspirateurs|||||||||||||||Tanière du Loup|Tanière|||||| |||||Verschwörer|||||ermorden||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||المقر الرئيسي|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||military base||Rastenburg East||East Prussia في 20 يوليو 1944 ، قامت مجموعة من المتآمرين بمحاولة اغتيال أدولف هتلر خلال اجتماع للموظفين العسكريين في مقره الميداني وولفز لاير بالقرب من راستنبورغ ، شرق بروسيا. 1944 年 7 月 20 日,一群阴谋者企图在阿道夫·希特勒 (Adolf Hitler) 在东普鲁士拉斯滕堡 (Rastenburg) 附近的狼穴 (Wolf's Lair) 战地指挥部举行的一次军事参谋会议上暗杀他。 This was the German Resistance movement's last attempt to overthrow the Nazis and make a separate peace with the Western allies. |||||||||إسقاط|||||||||||الحلفاء الغربي |||||||||||Nazi regime||||||||| |||||||||derrubar|||||||||||aliados ocidentais كانت هذه آخر محاولة لحركة المقاومة الألمانية للإطاحة بالنازيين وعقد سلام منفصل مع الحلفاء الغربيين. Bu, Alman Direniş hareketinin Nazileri devirmek ve Batılı müttefiklerle ayrı bir barış yapmak için son girişimiydi. 这是德国抵抗运动推翻纳粹并与西方盟友单独议和的最后一次尝试。 A plot to overthrow Hitler and his henchmen began to emerge in the German Army as early as 1938. |complot||||||hommes de main|||||||||| |مؤامرة||||||أعوانه|||||||||| |||||||Handlanger|||auftauchen||||||| |||||||sottoposti|||||||||| |||||||os capangas|||||||||| بدأت مؤامرة للإطاحة بهتلر وأتباعه بالظهور في الجيش الألماني منذ عام 1938. Alman Ordusu'nda Hitler ve yandaşlarını devirmeye yönelik bir komplo daha 1938'de ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. 早在 1938 年,德国军队就开始出现推翻希特勒及其追随者的阴谋。 Several high-ranking officers (including a former Army Chief of Staff) supported the idea of a coup as a means of preventing the Nazis from embroiling Germany in another world war, the second in a little over 20 years. |||||||armija|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||verhindern||||hineinziehen|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||de la part|impliquer dans|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||golpe de estado|||||||||envolver a|||||||||||| Bazı yüksek rütbeli subaylar (aralarında eski bir Genelkurmay Başkanı da vardı), Nazilerin Almanya'yı 20 yıldan biraz daha uzun bir süre içinde ikinci bir dünya savaşına sokmasını engellemek için darbe fikrini destekledi. 几位高级军官(包括一名前陆军参谋长)支持政变的想法,以防止纳粹将德国卷入另一场世界大战,这是 20 多年来的第二次世界大战。 But as a plan moved forward, many of the active duty officers began questioning the soundness of the plan. ||||||||||||ont commencé|||solidité du plan||| |||||||||||||||Tragfähigkeit||| |||||||||||||||solidez||| Mais au fur et à mesure qu'un plan avançait, de nombreux officiers en service actif ont commencé à remettre en question la solidité du plan. Ancak plan ilerledikçe, muvazzaf subayların birçoğu planın sağlamlığını sorgulamaya başladı. 但随着计划的推进,许多现役军官开始质疑该计划的合理性。 One of the requirements of success was outside support once the current government collapsed. L'une des conditions du succès était le soutien extérieur une fois que le gouvernement actuel s'est effondré. Başarının gereklerinden biri, mevcut hükümet çöktüğünde dışarıdan destek almaktı. 一旦现任政府垮台,成功的条件之一就是外部支持。 Unfortunately, the rest of the Europe seemed uninterested in stopping Hitler. 不幸的是,欧洲其他国家似乎对阻止希特勒不感兴趣。 Another war was only a matter of time. ||||uma||| Başka bir savaş sadece zaman meselesiydi. 另一场战争只是时间问题。

Plans were put on hold until 1941, when a new group of conspirators came to the fore. |||||||||groupe|||sont apparus|||avant-scène |||||||||||||||in den Vordergrund |||||||||||||||前面に出た |||||||||||||||emergiu |||||||||||||||alla ribalta Los planes se pospusieron hasta 1941, cuando un nuevo grupo de conspiradores pasó a primer plano. Les plans ont été suspendus jusqu'en 1941, lorsqu'un nouveau groupe de conspirateurs est apparu. Planlar, yeni bir komplocu grubun ön plana çıktığı 1941 yılına kadar askıya alındı. 计划一直搁置到 1941 年,当时一群新的阴谋者脱颖而出。 This was a tough year to plan a coup, for the German Army was still victorious everywhere it went and Hitler was immensely popular both in the military and among German civilians. ||||||||Putsch||||||||||||||||||||||| |||difficile|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||imensamente||||||||| Darbe planlamak için zor bir yıldı çünkü Alman Ordusu gittiği her yerde zafer kazanmaya devam ediyordu ve Hitler hem ordu içinde hem de Alman siviller arasında son derece popülerdi. 今年是策划政变的艰难一年,因为德国军队所到之处仍然取得胜利,希特勒在军队和德国平民中都非常受欢迎。 But by late 1942, cracks began to show in the armor of the Third Reich. |||||||||||||Terceiro Reich Mais à la fin de 1942, des fissures ont commencé à apparaître dans l'armure du Troisième Reich. Ancak 1942'nin sonlarına doğru Üçüncü Reich'ın zırhında çatlaklar oluşmaya başladı. 但到 1942 年底,第三帝国的盔甲开始出现裂痕。 That was when a plan was hatched to place a bomb on Hitler's plane when he made a trip to the headquarters of Army Group Centre fighting on the Eastern Front. ||||||elaborada||colocar|||||||||||||||||||||| C'est à ce moment-là qu'un plan a été élaboré pour placer une bombe sur l'avion d'Hitler alors qu'il se rendait au quartier général du groupe d'armées Centre combattant sur le front de l'Est. İşte o zaman, Doğu Cephesi'nde savaşan Merkez Ordu Grubu'nun karargâhına giden Hitler'in uçağına bir bomba yerleştirme planı yapıldı. 就在那时,当希特勒前往在东线作战的中央集团军总部时,计划在希特勒的飞机上放置一枚炸弹。 The trip was made in March, 1943, but the bomb failed to explode, as did one set a few days later in Berlin. Le voyage a eu lieu en mars 1943, mais la bombe n'a pas explosé, tout comme une bombe posée quelques jours plus tard à Berlin. Yolculuk Mart 1943'te yapıldı, ancak bomba birkaç gün sonra Berlin'e yerleştirilen bomba gibi patlamadı. 这次旅行是在 1943 年 3 月进行的,但炸弹没有爆炸,就像几天后在柏林发生的那样。

By the end of 1943, it was clear to most high-level German officers that the Axis powers were going to lose the war. À la fin de 1943, il était clair pour la plupart des officiers allemands de haut niveau que les puissances de l'Axe allaient perdre la guerre. 1943 yılının sonuna gelindiğinde, çoğu üst düzey Alman subayı için Mihver güçlerinin savaşı kaybedeceği açıktı. 到 1943 年底,大多数德国高级军官都清楚轴心国将输掉这场战争。 Their biggest fear was a Soviet invasion of Germany, for they knew that the Soviets would not be as magnanimous in victory as the Americans, British and French. |||||||||||||||||||großzügig|||||||| 他们最大的恐惧是苏联入侵德国,因为他们知道苏联人不会像美国、英国和法国那样在胜利中大度。 The coup plotters thought that if they could overthrow Hitler and establish a new government in Berlin, they might be able to negotiate an end to the war before the Soviets reached the German border. ||Verschwörer|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||os conspiradores|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Les putschistes pensaient que s'ils pouvaient renverser Hitler et établir un nouveau gouvernement à Berlin, ils pourraient peut-être négocier la fin de la guerre avant que les Soviétiques n'atteignent la frontière allemande. Darbeciler, Hitler'i devirip Berlin'de yeni bir hükümet kurabilirlerse, Sovyetler Almanya sınırına ulaşmadan önce savaşı sona erdirmek için müzakere edebileceklerini düşünüyorlardı. 政变策划者认为,如果他们能够推翻希特勒并在柏林建立新政府,他们或许能够在苏联到达德国边境之前通过谈判结束战争。 It was during this time that the conspirators brought on board a new member----Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. Bu sırada komplocular gemiye yeni bir üye getirdiler----Albay Claus von Stauffenberg. 正是在这个时候,阴谋者带来了一名新成员——克劳斯·冯·施陶芬贝格上校。

Von Stauffenberg was born into an aristocratic Bavarian family in 1907. 冯·施陶芬贝格 1907 年出生于巴伐利亚的一个贵族家庭。 As was traditional for the males in his family, he pursued a military career. Ailesindeki erkekler için geleneksel olduğu üzere, askeri bir kariyer peşinde koştu. 按照他家族中男性的传统,他追求军旅生涯。 When Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, von Stauffenberg was not immediately set against him. Quand Adolf Hitler est arrivé au pouvoir en Allemagne en 1933, von Stauffenberg ne s'est pas immédiatement opposé à lui. Adolf Hitler 1933'te Almanya'da iktidara geldiğinde, von Stauffenberg hemen ona karşı çıkmadı. 当阿道夫·希特勒于 1933 年在德国上台时,冯·施陶芬贝格并没有立即反对他。 He abhorred the Nazis' anti-semitism, but liked Hitler's strong nationalism. |detestava||||||||| Nazilerin anti-semitizminden nefret ediyordu ama Hitler'in güçlü milliyetçiliğini seviyordu. 他痛恨纳粹的反犹太主义,却喜欢希特勒强烈的民族主义。 The German Army's successes early in the Second World War convinced von Stauffenberg that Hitler was a bold military leader. |||||||||||||que|||||| Les succès de l'armée allemande au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont convaincu von Stauffenberg que Hitler était un chef militaire audacieux. 德国军队在第二次世界大战初期的胜利使冯·施陶芬贝格确信希特勒是一位勇敢的军事领袖。 After the invasion of the Soviet Union in June, 1941, von Stauffenberg began to hear rumors concerning the activities of the SS troops in captured areas. |||||||||||||||sobre||||||||| Haziran 1941'de Sovyetler Birliği'nin işgalinden sonra von Stauffenberg, SS birliklerinin ele geçirilen bölgelerdeki faaliyetlerine ilişkin söylentiler duymaya başladı. 1941 年 6 月苏联入侵后,冯施陶芬贝格开始听到有关党卫军部队在占领区活动的谣言。 Jews were being executed by the thousands along with anyone who was considered “undesirable” to the German state. |||||||||||||unerwünscht|||| os judeus|||||||||||||indesejável|||| Yahudiler, Alman devleti için "istenmeyen" olarak görülen herkesle birlikte binlerce kişi tarafından idam ediliyordu. 成千上万的犹太人和任何被德国政府认为“不受欢迎”的人一起被处决。 While von Stauffenberg had long clung to the Teutonic concept of German colonization of Eastern Europe, his Catholic faith told him there was a higher law that all men must obey. ||von Stauffenberg|||s'accrochait à|||||||||||||||||||||||||obéir à |||||festgehalten an|||deutschen|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||aguentou-se a|||teutônica||||||Leste europeu||||||||||||||||obedecer a Von Stauffenberg, Doğu Avrupa'nın Alman sömürgesi haline getirilmesine ilişkin Tötonik konsepte uzun süre bağlı kalmış olsa da, Katolik inancı ona tüm insanların uyması gereken daha yüksek bir yasa olduğunu söylüyordu. 尽管冯·施陶芬贝格长期以来一直坚持日耳曼人对东欧进行德国殖民的观念,但他的天主教信仰告诉他,所有人都必须遵守更高的法律。

Von Stauffenberg was badly wounded in North Africa in April, 1943, and after months of recuperation received orders as a staff officer to the Replacement Army, the German army reserve. ||||||||||||||Genesung|||||||||||||| Von Stauffenberg a été grièvement blessé en Afrique du Nord en avril 1943, et après des mois de convalescence, il a reçu des ordres en tant qu'officier d'état-major de l'Armée de remplacement, la réserve de l'armée allemande. Von Stauffenberg Nisan 1943'te Kuzey Afrika'da ağır yaralandı ve aylar süren iyileşme sürecinin ardından Alman ordusunun yedek kuvveti olan Yedek Ordu'da kurmay subay olarak görevlendirildi. 1943 年 4 月,冯·施陶芬贝格在北非受了重伤,经过数月的休养后,他接到命令,担任德国陆军预备役补充军的参谋。 This put him in an advantageous position to help stage a coup, for the Replacement Army was in charge of quelling any internal unrest occurring inside Germany's borders. ||||||||||||||||||||réprimer||||||| ||||||||||||||Ersatzheer||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||reprimir|||agitação interna|||| Cela l'a mis dans une position avantageuse pour aider à organiser un coup d'État, car l'Armée de remplacement était chargée d'étouffer toute agitation interne survenant à l'intérieur des frontières de l'Allemagne. Это ставило его в выгодное положение для помощи в организации переворота, так как Запасная армия отвечала за подавление любых внутренних беспорядков, возникавших внутри границ Германии. Bu onu bir darbenin sahnelenmesine yardımcı olmak için avantajlı bir konuma getirdi, çünkü Yedek Ordu Almanya sınırları içinde meydana gelen herhangi bir iç huzursuzluğu bastırmakla görevliydi. 这使他处于帮助发动政变的有利位置,因为替换军负责平息德国境内发生的任何内部动乱。 If unrest occurred, Operation Valkyrie would be put into effect. Eğer huzursuzluk çıkarsa, Valkyrie Operasyonu devreye sokulacaktı. 如果发生动乱,就会实施女武神行动。 Valkyrie called for the Replacement Army to take over the policing of cities and towns until order was restored. ||||Ersatztruppe||||||Polizeiaufgaben übernehmen|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||restaurada Valkyrie a appelé l'armée de remplacement à prendre en charge la police des villes et des villages jusqu'à ce que l'ordre soit rétabli. Valkyrie, Yedek Ordu'nun düzen yeniden sağlanana kadar şehir ve kasabaların polisliğini üstlenmesi çağrısında bulundu. 瓦尔基里号召替换军接管城镇治安,直到秩序恢复。 General Friedrich Fromm, head of the Reserve Army, was the only officer that could put the operation into play; thus he would have to join the conspirators or be moved out of the way. Le général Friedrich Fromm, chef de l'armée de réserve, était le seul officier qui pouvait mettre l'opération en jeu ; il devrait donc se joindre aux conspirateurs ou être écarté. İhtiyat Ordusu Komutanı General Friedrich Fromm operasyonu başlatabilecek tek subaydı; dolayısıyla komploculara katılması ya da yolundan çekilmesi gerekiyordu. 后备军团长弗雷德里希·弗洛姆将军是唯一能够实施该行动的军官;因此,他将不得不加入阴谋者或被赶走。

By July, 1944, Adolf Hitler had become a difficult target for assassination. |||||||alvo difícil||| Temmuz 1944'e gelindiğinde Adolf Hitler suikast için zor bir hedef haline gelmişti. 到 1944 年 7 月,阿道夫·希特勒已成为难以暗杀的目标。 He was distrustful of nearly everyone around him and spent very little time in Berlin. ||misstrauisch|||||||||||| ||desconfiado|||||||||||| He was distrustful of nearly everyone around him and spent very little time in Berlin. Il se méfiait de presque tout le monde autour de lui et passait très peu de temps à Berlin. Çevresindeki neredeyse herkese karşı güvensizdi ve Berlin'de çok az zaman geçirdi. 他几乎不信任身边的每一个人,在柏林的时间也很少。 The Gestapo knew that plotters were working to take over the government and were on the case. |secret police|||Verschwörer|||||||||||| |Gestapo|||||||tomar o controle|||||||| La Gestapo savait que des comploteurs travaillaient pour prendre le pouvoir et étaient sur l'affaire. Gestapo, komplocuların hükümeti ele geçirmek için çalıştığını biliyordu ve davanın peşindeydi. 盖世太保知道阴谋者正在努力接管政府并正在处理此案。 It is suspected by many historians that Henrich Himmler, head of the SS and the Gestapo, knew more about the plot to kill Hitler than he let on and did little about it. Pek çok tarihçi SS ve Gestapo'nun başı Henrich Himmler'in Hitler'i öldürme planı hakkında söylediğinden daha fazlasını bildiğinden ve bu konuda çok az şey yaptığından şüphelenmektedir. 许多历史学家怀疑,党卫军和盖世太保的头目亨里希·希姆莱对刺杀希特勒的阴谋的了解比他透露的要多,而且几乎没有采取任何行动。 However, since Himmler committed suicide in May, 1945, the truth of what he knew will never be known. Ancak Himmler Mayıs 1945'te intihar ettiğinden, bildiği gerçekler hiçbir zaman bilinemeyecektir. 然而,自从希姆莱于 1945 年 5 月自杀后,他所知道的真相就永远不会为人所知。

As chief-of-staff of the Reserve Army, Colonel von Stauffenberg attended all of Hitler's military conferences. As chief-of-staff of the Reserve Army, Colonel von Stauffenberg attended all of Hitler's military conferences. Albay von Stauffenberg, Yedek Ordu'nun kurmay başkanı olarak Hitler'in tüm askeri konferanslarına katıldı. 作为后备军参谋长,冯施陶芬贝格上校参加了希特勒的所有军事会议。 This put him in the position of actually being able to kill the dictator when the time came. Bu onu, zamanı geldiğinde diktatörü gerçekten öldürebilecek bir konuma getirdi. 这使他处于真正能够在时机成熟时杀死独裁者的位置。 Von Stauffenberg carried a bomb in his briefcase to meetings with Hitler at least twice in early July, but the plan was not carried out because it had been decided that Henrich Himmler needed to be assassinated as well. |||||||Aktentasche||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||maleta de mão||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Фон Штауффенберг носил бомбу в своем портфеле на встречи с Гитлером, по крайней мере, дважды в начале июля, но план не был осуществлен, потому что было решено, что Генрих Гиммлер также должен быть убит. Von Stauffenberg Temmuz ayı başlarında Hitler'le en az iki kez görüşmeye giderken çantasında bir bomba taşıdı, ancak Henrich Himmler'in de öldürülmesi gerektiğine karar verildiği için plan uygulanmadı. 7 月初,冯·施陶芬贝格至少两次在公文包中携带一枚炸弹与希特勒会面,但该计划并未实施,因为已决定也需要暗杀亨利希·希姆莱。 But since Himmler rarely attended military conferences, von Stauffenberg was able to convince the other conspirators that Hitler would have to be attacked at the next available opportunity, with or without Himmler. Ancak Himmler askeri konferanslara nadiren katıldığı için von Stauffenberg diğer komplocuları, Himmler olsun ya da olmasın, Hitler'e ilk fırsatta saldırılması gerektiğine ikna edebildi. 但由于希姆莱很少参加军事会议,冯施陶芬贝格得以说服其他阴谋者,希特勒必须在下一个可用的机会受到攻击,无论有没有希姆莱。

On July 20 just after noon, another military conference began at Rastenburg. 20 Temmuz günü öğleden hemen sonra Rastenburg'da bir başka askeri konferans başladı. 7 月 20 日中午刚过,另一场军事会议在拉斯滕堡召开。 Von Stauffenberg placed his loaded briefcase under the large table; Hitler and more than 20 officers were in the room. ||||carregada|||||||||||||| Von Stauffenberg dolu evrak çantasını büyük masanın altına yerleştirdi; Hitler ve 20'den fazla subay odadaydı. 冯·施陶芬贝格把他装满东西的公文包放在大桌子底下。房间里有希特勒和 20 多名军官。 After 10 minutes, the Colonel excused himself and left. ||||despediu-se||| 10分钟后,上校告辞离开。 The bomb exploded at 12:40PM, killing several officers. 炸弹在中午 12 点 40 分爆炸,炸死数名军官。 Hitler was spared, possibly by one of the table's thick legs. ||épargné|||||||| ||verschont geblieben|||||||| ||salvo|||||||| Hitler, muhtemelen masanın kalın ayaklarından biri sayesinde kurtuldu. 希特勒幸免于难,可能是因为桌子上的一条粗腿。 Von Stauffenberg made it to a local airfield and was airborne before the alarm was sounded. |||||||aeródromo|||em voo||||| Von Stauffenberg s'est rendu à un aérodrome local et a décollé avant que l'alarme ne soit déclenchée. Von Stauffenberg yerel bir havaalanına ulaşmış ve alarm çalmadan önce havalanmıştı. 冯·施陶芬贝格成功抵达当地机场,并在警报响起前升空。

By the time he reached Berlin three hours later, the conspirators were already beginning to hear rumors that Hitler had survived the blast. ||||||||||||||||||||||explosão 三小时后他到达柏林时,阴谋者已经开始听到希特勒在爆炸中幸存下来的谣言。 Many of them lost their nerve and began to take action in order to save themselves. Beaucoup d'entre eux ont perdu leur sang-froid et ont commencé à agir pour se sauver. Birçoğu cesaretini kaybetti ve kendilerini kurtarmak için harekete geçmeye başladı. 他们中的许多人失去了勇气,开始采取行动以自救。 Operation Valkyrie was ordered into action, but a short time later Himmler countermanded the order. ||||||||||||widerrufen|| ||||||||||||revogou|| L'opération Valkyrie a été ordonnée, mais peu de temps après, Himmler a annulé l'ordre. Valkyrie Operasyonu'nun başlatılması emredildi, ancak kısa bir süre sonra Himmler emri iptal etti. 女武神行动奉命展开,但不久之后希姆莱撤销了该命令。 Some reserve troops did muster and were led by officers who assumed Hitler was dead. ||||||étaient|||||||| ||||||||||||||morto Certaines troupes de réserve se sont rassemblées et étaient dirigées par des officiers qui pensaient qu'Hitler était mort. Некоторые резервные войска все же собрались и были возглавлены офицерами, которые считали Гитлера мертвым. Bazı yedek birlikler toplandı ve Hitler'in öldüğünü varsayan subaylar tarafından yönetildi. 一些预备役部队确实召集起来,并由认为希特勒已经死了的军官领导。 SS officers were arrested throughout Europe and even the Propaganda Ministry was surrounded. Des officiers SS ont été arrêtés dans toute l'Europe et même le ministère de la Propagande a été encerclé. SS subayları Avrupa çapında tutuklandı ve Propaganda Bakanlığı bile kuşatıldı. 党卫军军官在整个欧洲被捕,甚至宣传部也被包围。 But as word of Hitler's survival spread, the troops were dispersed and their officers were arrested. ||||||||||zerstreut||||| Mais alors que la rumeur de la survie d'Hitler se répandait, les troupes ont été dispersées et leurs officiers ont été arrêtés. Ancak Hitler'in hayatta olduğu haberi yayılınca birlikler dağıtıldı ve subayları tutuklandı. 但随着希特勒生还的消息传开,部队被驱散,他们的军官被捕。 General Fromm, head of the Reserve Army, turned against the conspirators and had von Stauffenberg and others arrested. Генерал Фромм, глава резервной армии, выступил против заговорщиков и приказал арестовать фон Штауффенберга и других. Yedek Ordu Komutanı General Fromm komploculara karşı çıktı ve von Stauffenberg ile diğerlerini tutuklattı. 后备军司令弗洛姆将军转而反对阴谋者,并逮捕了冯·施陶芬贝格和其他人。 In order to have no witnesses to his own involvement, he set up a court-martial, found the men guilty and had them immediately shot. |||||liudytojai||||||||||||||||||| Afin d'avoir aucun témoin de sa propre implication, il a mis en place une cour martiale, a déclaré les hommes coupables et les a immédiatement fusillés. Чтобы не было свидетелей его собственной причастности, он устроил военный трибунал, признал мужчин виновными и приказал немедленно их расстрелять. Kendisinin bu işe karıştığına dair tanık olmaması için bir askeri mahkeme kurdu, adamları suçlu buldu ve derhal kurşuna dizdirdi. 为了不让任何人见证他自己的参与,他设立了一个军事法庭,认定这些人有罪并立即将他们枪决。 Fromm then told his superiors that he had suppressed the coup, but was promptly arrested. ||||||||niedergeschlagen|||||umgehend| Затем Фромм сообщил своему начальству, что подавил переворот, но был немедленно арестован. Fromm daha sonra üstlerine darbeyi bastırdığını söyledi, ancak derhal tutuklandı. 弗洛姆随后告诉他的上级他已经镇压了政变,但很快就被捕了。

Over 5,000 people were eventually arrested by the Gestapo. Sonunda 5.000'den fazla kişi Gestapo tarafından tutuklandı. 盖世太保最终逮捕了 5,000 多人。 More than 200 of those were executed. Bunlardan 200'den fazlası idam edildi. 其中 200 多人被处决。 Some of the people arrested had nothing to do with the plot, but were either in the wrong place at the wrong time or were on the Gestapo's watch list for another reason entirely. 一些被捕的人与阴谋无关,而是在错误的时间出现在错误的地点,或者完全出于其他原因在盖世太保的监视名单上。 The search for conspirators continued well into 1945, even as Germany collapsed as allied forces advanced on Berlin from east and west. ||||||||||||as forças aliadas|||||||| Komplocuların aranması, müttefik güçlerin doğudan ve batıdan Berlin'e ilerlemesiyle Almanya çökerken bile 1945 yılına kadar devam etti. 寻找阴谋者的行动一直持续到 1945 年,甚至在盟军从东、西向柏林推进时,德国已经崩溃。 Executions took place until the very last days of the Third Reich. İnfazlar Üçüncü Reich'ın son günlerine kadar devam etti. 处决一直持续到第三帝国的最后几天。