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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Twenty-seven: Winter Sports

Twenty-seven: Winter Sports

Mark: Hi, everyone and welcome to the EnglishLingQ Podcast.

I am your host, Mark Kaufmann. Today, Jill and I are just going to be talking about winter activities, winter vacations, things we like to do in the wintertime. But, before we get into that, I just would like to remind all of you to get more out of this Podcast by visiting our website at www.thelinguist.com, T H E L I N G U I S T.com, to take advantage of all the learning tools available at our site.

Mark: Now, Jill, I know recently my family and I were skiing; but, before we get into that, maybe you can talk a bit about something you've done recently.

Jill: Okay. I guess, over the Christmas holidays last month, my boyfriend and I went to a small town in central British Columbia about nine hours northeast of Vancouver where they get, usually, quite a lot of snow. His family is from there, so we went there for about six days over the holidays and went snowmobiling and snowshoeing and just sort of hung out and enjoyed the snow. It actually wasn't very cold. Some days it was above zero and sunny and beautiful. It actually didn't snow at all while we were there. There was just a little bit of snow from before, but there was enough that we could do some things and enjoy the snow.

Mark: So, there wasn't that much snow?

Jill: No, there actually wasn't. But, you know, we went up again just a couple of weekends ago and they'd had a big snowstorm and it was actually snowing while we were there and there were several, probably two feet -- I might be exaggerating, maybe less than that, but quite a lot -- of snow; fluffy, powdery, nice snow.

Mark: There's no question, it doesn't matter what activity in the snow, when there's fresh snow it's that much better.

Jill: For sure.

Mark: You know, you mentioned snowshoeing. I'll go locally here, quite often; go up to Cyprus or, which are two local mountains here in the Vancouver area. Some days you go up and, you know, sometimes here because the weather is not that cold, sometimes it's raining up there or if it's not raining, the snow is melting and then it freezes at night. And so, very often, when you go up, the conditions can be icy and for snowshoeing, for skiing, for cross country skiing, for any of those activities, if it's icy, it's not as good.

Jill: No.

Mark: Whereas, if you go up and if I go up snowshoeing and it's just snowed, it's just phenomenal. You know, you are off in the deep snow, there are no tracks from anybody else and it's really great.

Jill: I mean, this year we've had so much snow; we've had so much rainfall, which is not unusual for Vancouver in the winter. But, we've had colder than normal temperatures, so all of our local mountains and Whistler have so much snow. And so, I think skiing has been exceptional and snowshoeing has been exceptional this year.

Mark: Yeah, I haven't skied on the local mountains because I find it tough to go up and wait in line on the weekends. The time to go locally is during the week when there are not as many people but, unfortunately, we have to work.

Jill: We should just have a snow day!

Mark: We definitely should. You know, my daughter, yesterday, had Mountain Day at school. I thought, maybe we should have Mountain Day at The Linguist.

Jill: I think that's a great idea.

Mark: We better do it soon.

Jill: But, you know, that's true. I haven't been to the local mountains actually for years on a weekend. I went last year once, I think, in the evening for some night skiing and it's not very busy then if you go at, you know, 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. and you're there until 10:00 p.m. when the hills close. It's pretty good then. There is never any lineups and it's fine then but, otherwise. I went to Whistler a few weeks ago, which is a world-class resort and very, very busy, but because there's so many runs'I mean, I don't know, I've only skied Whistler a couple of times, so I don't know if it's always this way, but.we never waited in any lineups. There's just so many runs and the runs are so long that I don't think there's the kind of lineups that there are at our local hills where the runs are really short. You know, if you are a good skier or a fast skier, you can get down in ten minutes, five minutes, some of the runs.

Mark: One minute.

Jill: One minute. Whereas at Whistler you can at least go for, you know, fifteen-twenty minutes.

Mark: Yeah, Whistler, they've got some long runs there.

Jill: They have great runs, yeah.

Mark: Really long runs, yeah, and it's just much bigger; many more lifts. The lifts are higher capacity. Like up at the local mountains. I'm not sure how many people the chairlifts hold but, I mean, a lot of them might be triples.

Jill: Yeah, maybe three.

Mark: Maybe three. Whereas, I know at Christmas -- or at New Year's -- anyway, after New Year's I was at Big White. They had a new six-person chair right beside a four-person chair, high-speed chair, so that's ten people going up every chair. So, I mean, that was really great. So, there wasn't much in the way of lineups, even though that's a busy time of year for ski resorts because all the kids are out of school on holidays and people, in general, are on holiday, so.

Jill: And was the snow up there was there a lot of snow up there, too. Was it a better year than usual?

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: They always get a lot of snow, don't they?

Mark: They don't get the volume of snow that we get here on the coast. But, what they tend to get it just accumulates over the course of the winter and into the spring because their temperature is cooler, so they don't lose any. It doesn't melt; it doesn't rain, for the most part. But, that mountain is also quite rocky, so they need quite a bit of snow before you start to not have problems with rocks. And so, it was great at Christmas. I mean, there was plenty of snow and it was light, fluffy snow because it's in the interior. A lot of time on the coast here at Whistler, the snow can be a little heavier, but then there's lots of it.

Jill: Well, that's right. I've seen on TV some of the'you know, they have snow reports on local television stations talking about all the different mountains throughout BC and, of course, our local mountains and Whistler usually have the most snow. This year'I saw a report, I think maybe a couple of weeks ago, that showed, you know, 280, 320 centimeters of snow at these hills around here, which is a lot of snow.

Mark: Yeah, I think it might be more than that.

Jill: Maybe more now, yeah.

Mark: I know that they said at Whistler, and that was around Christmastime, they had something like 500 centimeters already; like a huge number and we had a few big storms after that, so they've got a ton of snow.

Jill: Well, when I was skiing there it was very powdery. You know, there was the odd place that had some ice but, in general, it was soft powder and it was great.

Mark: Yeah, yeah.

Jill: Very good conditions.

Mark: I'm sure. I'd like to go. I haven't been to Whistler in a long time.

Jill: You know, the hard thing about skiing, I find, is that it's so expensive. You know, if you go to a good mountain, somewhere list Whistler, by the time you pay the tax on the Day Pass, it's $80.00 for an adult. And, they don't have lights on the hill so, you know, the last run is 3:00 p.m. Basically, that's the last time you can go down. If you don't get up there until, you know, 10:00 or 11:00, you stop for lunch and all the places are packed for lunch, you know, for maybe four hours of skiing you spend $80.00. It's quite a lot.

Mark: For sure and, not to mention, your driving up there and back, which is an hour and a half from town here. Yeah, it's expensive; skiing.

Jill: I don't know. I've never been to Big White.

Mark: It's similar. It adds up for a family of five; although, my youngest is still free so, really it's only four of us. She won't be free much longer.

Jill: No.

Mark: Yeah, it is expensive. What's great when you're staying somewhere, especially Big White or at least from ski resorts that I've been to, at Big White not only are you staying at the resort, but you're actually on the hill. The accommodation is more or less on the hill. So, you wake up in the morning and you put your skis on and you ski down to the bottom of the lift.

Jill: Oh, wow, right from where you're staying.

Mark: Right from where you stay.

Jill: Oh, that's great.

Mark: It's awesome and, you know, you are on the mountain. So, it's snow everywhere and usually the kids are sleeping in so, that's fine. I get up and put my skis on and I'm out there right at the start of the day and I get a couple hours skiing in or my wife and I and it's great. Then, after a couple of hours, you ski back to the place and see how everybody is doing, maybe feed the kids, get them ready and then they come out too. It's a real luxury. I had never been to a ski resort like that where the accommodation is so convenient, you know. So, we never go to the chalet for lunch there. You don't waste time charging around and eating the garbage that they serve and there, it's great.

Jill: I'll have to try that place one time, maybe. I'm not such an avid skier. I haven't skied much over the past really 15 years. When I was a child and until I was about 14 years old, I had a season's pass every year and really loved skiing and then just sort of lost interest. So, really, I might go skiing or snowboarding once every, you know, two or three years max now.

Mark: Is that right?

Jill: So, you know, I do really enjoy it when I go, but I'm not into it enough that I can justify going and spending all the money on all the new equipment. So, you know, I just go once every few years.

Mark: Yeah, you know, to be honest, that's about the only time we go skiing is when we go for a week trip. The thought of rounding all the gear up and everybody up and buying tickets for everybody and going up and standing in line on the weekend or driving all the way to Whistler for the day, especially, the kids aren't that old so, you know, how much skiing are they going to do and if you're at Whistler you are there for the day. There's no sort of going home early or some guys can't go home and some guys stay skiing. Everybody's kind of got to do everything, so. There it's such a long way up to the top that maybe that's why we haven't been. But, it's a great family activity, no question, because everybody can do it together, right?

Jill: Yeah, that's right and kids seem to get quite good a skiing quite quickly. I mean, maybe not all kids; but, I mean, I see so many just tiny kids on the ski hill and I can't believe how they are going. It's unbelievable. I remember learning as a kid. I was so much better than I am now. I think, you know, you don't have the same fear is probably part of it.

Mark: The biggest thing, I think, is the fear because skiing is not that tough a thing to do.

Jill: No.

Mark: It's tough to get good at it.

Jill: Yes.

Mark: But, to make your way down the hill

Jill: you can snowplow all the way down the hill.

Mark: You can do it. It's not that difficult. The kids, at a young age, very soon are able to go down the hill. But, the biggest obstacle to skiing is fear. I know that a lot of people who don't ski until they are adults, you know, and then they start trying to learn, I think it's very difficult for them, especially because you are pointing yourself down a hill, a slippery hill, with boards strapped to your feet. That's a tough thing to overcome.

Jill: Yeah. I think maybe that's why well, I mean, some people just don't do any winter sports at all. But, I think some other people do things like snowshoeing or cross country skiing, so there's no real speed involved. It's more for exercise.

Mark: Well, yeah. I mean the snowshoeing is an unbelievable exercise if you really go at it.

Jill: Oh, yeah. You can run or you can be going up hills

Mark: or if you are in the deep snow it's a lot of work.

Jill: Yeah, when there's snow up to your hips or something.

Mark: You are chugging up a hill, but then there's a sense of satisfaction of getting up to the top of the hill. I mean, it's essentially like hiking with the added benefit that coming down is much more fun than hiking down because you can actually, you know, either jump in the snow or almost half ski down, in a way. I mean, not really skiing, but

Jill: sliding a little bit.

Mark: It's just much more fun. It's really a great feeling to be on a snow-covered hill and charge down.

Jill: I agree.

Mark: It's much different than hiking.

Jill: And knowing that a warm hot chocolate is waiting for you at the bottom when you get there. I love that.

Mark: I wasn't really thinking of that, but, yeah.

Jill: That's part of the reason I like winter sports. I don't even know if it's so much that I enjoy the sports, in particular, but I really enjoy

Mark: it's the hot chocolate.

Jill: It's the reward afterwards. That's definitely a part of it.

Mark: Well, I don't have the hot chocolate.

Jill: Or coffee or whatever, you know.

Mark: How about getting in the hot tub?

Jill: Perfect.

Mark: Because a lot of the time you start to get cold once you come down because you are working hard and

Jill: sweating going up.

Mark: Then you come down and you kind of get colder and colder, especially the worst is Grouse Mountain because there's a gondola going up to it. I was up there once this year and went up and you're pouring sweat and charge down and still we're sweating but then there were a lot of people up that day because it was a weekend and you've got to wait for the gondola to take you down to the bottom.

Jill: Yeah, sometimes there's a wait. You've got to wait a few

Mark: For sure. It was at least two or three

Jill: gondolas.

Mark: I had to wait and that's, whatever, 15-20 minutes. I don't know how often they go, but I was in that lineup for a while. I was starting to get cold. I had a change of clothes in my bag or at least a dry sweatshirt. So, I think the people there thought I was a little bit strange taking off my wet shirts in line and putting a dry shirt on, but I was a lot more comfortable after that.

Jill: You were stripping in the lineup.

Mark: Basically, yeah, I got a few funny looks.

Jill: Well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Mark: Well, yeah, I was freezing. As it was, I was cold and by the time I got home, I mean, I went straight to the hot tub, for sure, to warm up. Still, I got snowshoes, I don't know, three, four, five years ago and I really like them. They're great.

Jill: Yeah. I think it's a good activity, too, if you are into running, you know, in the nicer months, spring months, summer months, because it can be harder to run. I mean in Vancouver here, you can pretty much run all year round; road run, anyway. It just might be rainy. It might not be very nice out, but there's not usually snow on the ground.

Mark: No, not too often.

Jill: So, you can run all year round. But, I think in the winter it's nicer, if you are a runner, to actually go up and go snowshoe running rather than maybe being on a slippery, wet road.

Mark: There's something nice about being out in the snow. I mean, I love it; especially if the sun is shinning it's even better. But, even if it's overcast, it's just the white blanket everywhere and it's still and if you are snowshoeing and you can get off the trail, you are in the woods with nobody around.

Jill: It's amazing.

Mark: I really like it. Maybe it's because we are always surrounded by no snow down here that it's just not as nice. Maybe it's the novelty of being in the snow; but, any excuse to go do something in the snow.

Jill: I think it is a novelty for me, for sure, because I know that I don't have a desire to live in other parts of Canada where they have a lot of snow for five, six months a year. You know, it's cold and they've just got a lot of snow all winter long. I've never wanted to live somewhere like that. But, I think because we do have it so rarely here in Vancouver, when we get it, it's fun; it's different; it's exciting, you know, and it's much nicer than the pouring rain, which we get so much of. At least when it's snowing, sometimes, it's still quite bright out. The trees are beautiful and, you know, the snow is reflecting and it's just fun because we're not used to having it.

Mark: For sure; although, we do have it on the mountains. We always have snow in the wintertime, just about. I mean, we do; sometimes more, sometimes less, but there always is snow up there. So, it is nice to get up there and enjoy.

Jill: We kind of have the best of both worlds. We can go to the snow if we want or stay away from it if we want.

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: It's not forced on us like it is in so many parts of Canada.

Mark: That's right.

Especially in the spring when it starts to warm up there can be some beautiful days in the town here where you can, you know, whatever, be outside golfing or playing tennis or doing outdoor activities and there's still snow on the mountain. You know, you can go up and get some nice

Jill: people are sun tanning up there.

Mark: Sun tanning up there and spring skiing and, yeah, it's pretty neat. I remember -- I don't know how long ago it was -- when Cyprus Bowl was open on Canada Day because we had so much snow that year, which is July 1st, which is really late.

Jill: Very rare for us to still have snow on the mountains.

Mark: Yeah, so that was, of course, the latest they'd ever been open. And, I think, maybe they had some days where they weren't open, you know, in that spring and early summer, but they opened Canada Day and it was a free day.

Jill: Wow.

Mark: It's unreal, really, when you think of it.

Jill: Yeah, it is.

Mark: We still have snow locally Canada Day. Yeah.

I was going to ask you though I've never been snowmobiling. You said you went snowmobiling. What's that like?

Jill: You know, it's not really a novelty to me because my dad actually also lives somewhere in a small town east of Vancouver, quite far east, and they get a lot of snow and it's cold there in the winter. He always had snowmobiles and we would go up there and visit him growing up in the wintertime. So, I've always been on them. But, you know, it's fun. I think I could take it or leave it. You know, I think a lot of guys, you know, like to go on and go really fast and it's a thrill. It doesn't do that much for me. I get scared. I don't want to go that fast.

Mark: Right.

Jill: When I was younger I did. I loved it. My granddad, my dad's dad, was a crazy man on a snowmobile and we were always scabbing and bruising because he was doing crazy stuff with us and we were being thrown off.

Mark: Is that right?

Jill: Oh, yeah, it was just'so, I think that maybe sort of traumatized me a little bit so that now I'm fairly paranoid.

Mark: Right.

Jill: And, you know, I know my brother had his toes broken.

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: So, I know people who have been hurt on snow machines. So, I now'I like going on, but I prefer not to drive myself and I go on with only somebody I trust a lot and if that person goes too fast, they hear about it.

Mark: Right; yeah.

Jill: It's fun. It's nice, you know, if it's a nice day. At Christmastime we had a gorgeous, clear, sunny day; not a cloud in the sky; wasn't really cold; it was so beautiful and we went on, you know, probably at least an hour and a half-long ride through the trees and it was really nice. So, you know, it just sort of depends what you are into.

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: I think most guys who do it have fun.

Mark: Oh, I'm sure it's fun. The only, I guess, similar thing I have done is'jet skiing is kind of similar or whatever you call it. A seadoo or whatever you call those things.

Jill: Yeah, on the water.

Mark: I've only done that once, mind you. I mean, it was okay; zip around for a while. But, I would think, I mean at least with that, you'd kind of get bored after awhile, unless you start trying to do more and more like crazier and crazier things, which, as you say, ends up with, a lot of times, people getting hurt.

Jill: Yeah, yeah.

Mark: People do get hurt on snow machines.

Jill: Oh, yeah, they go fast. And I think, you know, it just depends. My family, my granddad and my grandma, in particular, always had snowmobiles and always had lots of property where they lived and, you know, hundreds and hundreds of acres that was their own private property full of trees and trails and, you know, cabins and so. They had friends that every year, you know, and us, too, when we were up there you'd go on sort of day-long trips and you pack stuff and you build a fire along the way and have marshmallows and hotdogs. So, it's kind of, you know, it's like an event rather than just speeding around for an hour. It's not really about going really fast. It's more about sort of being out in the.

Mark: Yeah.

I mean, I would image that part of it would appeal to me more, too. And, in a way, you can do the same thing on cross country skis for that matter or snowshoeing. Just pack a lunch and off you go.

Jill: It's just, you know, the lazy man's way of getting around.

Mark: That's right, basically.

Jill: It doesn't take any energy.

Mark: Yeah, that's right, which wouldn't appeal to me. I've got to get some exercise out of it.

Jill: Why do it if you're not getting exercise, right?

Mark: Well, that's right.

Mark: Well, I guess we've touched on a lot of different winter sports here today. The one we haven't really touched on, of course, is hockey, which, for the most part, tends to be more of an organized sport now. But, getting back to our trip to Big White where they have a big outdoor rink that's really another big attraction for us going there is the big outdoor rink and every night there's hockey games; pick up hockey games going. And, you know, you just show up and whoever shows up gets split up into two teams of people of all ages and all abilities and you just have a game. I tell ya, it's lots of fun. My seven-year-old son, he just loves it, you know, because he plays together with the big guys and he just thinks it's the best and, of course, everybody's pretty good. So, the older guys, you know, if the little guys have the puck, they let them take it for a while and then have a shot or pass it to the little guys and keep them in the game. And, at the same time, the older guys are pretty competitive and trying hard. Oh, yeah, and my dad comes out. I mean, it's really a lot of fun. It's sort of the roots of hockey, in a way.

Jill: Canadian tradition.

Mark: Canadian tradition and, really, it's just fun. You know, sometimes we are up there marveling at'the level of the games is pretty good a lot of the time, obviously, because a lot of people play hockey, you know, or have played as kids. So, anyway, that's lots of fun and you do get the people who haven't played before, you know, the Australian or whoever shows up to try it out and they have fun, too.

Jill: Can they skate, usually?

Mark: Well, not so much, but they kind of run around. Actually, some people take a fair bit of abuse, or their bodies take a fair bit of abuse, as they are trying to play. It's not that easy to keep your balance and do things with the puck. But, everybody plays together and it's fun and there's plenty of hot chocolate there.

Jill: Oh, good. I could join in if I wanted?

Mark: That's right.

Jill: No.

Mark: Actually, my daughters came and played; not in the game, but with their friends and they just played with the.

Jill: watched

Mark: No. They would skate with the puck and they had sticks for them and they liked it. There were four or five girls and they were playing because the skating, on its own, you can only do that so long. But when you are playing a game, you can get into it more and keep at it longer.

Mark: Otherwise, I think that probably covers the topic of

Jill: winter sports.

Mark: For those of you who live in countries where there is no winter or no snow, then I recommend you come to Canada.

Jill: Come to Vancouver.

Mark: Come to Vancouver, yeah.

Jill: Not just to anywhere in Canada.

Mark: That's right.

Jill: BC.

Mark: Come to Vancouver, BC, if you want to have fun; British Columbia. Otherwise, we'll catch up with you next time on EnglishLingQ.

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Twenty-seven: Winter Sports Siebenundzwanzig: Wintersport Είκοσι επτά: Χειμερινά αθλήματα Veintisiete: Deportes de invierno Vingt-sept : Sports d'hiver Ventisette: Sport invernali 27歳ウィンタースポーツ 스물일곱: 겨울 스포츠 Dwadzieścia siedem: Sporty zimowe Vinte e sete: Desportos de Inverno Двадцать семь: Зимние виды спорта Tjugosju: Vintersport Yirmi yedi: Kış Sporları Двадцять сім: Зимові види спорту 二十七:冬季运动

Mark: Hi, everyone and welcome to the EnglishLingQ Podcast. Mark:大家好,欢迎收听英语LingQ播客。

I am your host, Mark Kaufmann. 我是您的主持人,马克·考夫曼。 Today, Jill and I are just going to be talking about winter activities, winter vacations, things we like to do in the wintertime. ||||||||||||||||||||||冬季时光 ||||||||||||||||||||||invierno Сегодня мы с Джилл просто поговорим о зимних развлечениях, зимних каникулах, о вещах, которыми мы любим заниматься зимой. 今天,吉尔和我将谈论冬季活动、冬季假期,我们在冬天喜欢做的事情。 But, before we get into that, I just would like to remind all of you to get more out of this Podcast by visiting our website at www.thelinguist.com, T H E L I N G U I S T.com, to take advantage of all the learning tools available at our site. ||||||||||||||||||||||bằng cách||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||delve into||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||语言学家||||||||||||||||||||||||| Но, прежде чем мы углубимся в это, я просто хотел бы напомнить всем вам, чтобы получить больше от этого подкаста, посетив наш веб-сайт по адресу www.thelinguist.com, THELINGUIS T.com, чтобы воспользоваться всеми инструментами обучения, доступными на наш сайт.

Mark: Now, Jill, I know recently my family and I were skiing; but, before we get into that, maybe you can talk a bit about something you’ve done recently. |||||||||||trượt tuyết||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||아마|||||||||| |||||||||||esquiando||||||||||||||||| Марк: Теперь, Джилл, я знаю, что недавно мы с семьей катались на лыжах; но, прежде чем мы перейдем к этому, может быть, вы могли бы немного рассказать о том, что вы недавно сделали.

Jill: Okay. I guess, over the Christmas holidays last month, my boyfriend and I went to a small town in central British Columbia about nine hours northeast of Vancouver where they get, usually, quite a lot of snow. Думаю, во время рождественских каникул в прошлом месяце мы с моим парнем отправились в небольшой городок в центральной части Британской Колумбии примерно в девяти часах езды к северо-востоку от Ванкувера, где обычно выпадает довольно много снега. Sanırım geçen ayki Noel tatilinde erkek arkadaşımla birlikte Vancouver'ın dokuz saat kadar kuzeydoğusunda yer alan ve genellikle oldukça fazla kar yağan Britanya Kolumbiyası'nın orta kesimlerindeki küçük bir kasabaya gittik. Мабуть, під час різдвяних свят минулого місяця ми з моїм хлопцем поїхали до невеликого містечка в центрі Британської Колумбії приблизно за дев’ять годин на північний схід від Ванкувера, де зазвичай випадає досить багато снігу. His family is from there, so we went there for about six days over the holidays and went snowmobiling and snowshoeing and just sort of hung out and enjoyed the snow. ||||||||||||||||||雪地摩托||雪鞋健行|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||walking on snow|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||スノーモービ||スノーシュー|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||moto de nieve||caminata con ra|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||đi xe trượt tuyết||đi giày tuyết|||||||||| His family is from there, so we went there for about six days over the holidays and went snowmobiling and snowshoeing and just sort of hung out and enjoyed the snow. Su familia es de allí, así que fuimos allí durante unos seis días durante las vacaciones y fuimos en motos de nieve y raquetas de nieve y simplemente pasamos el rato y disfrutamos de la nieve. Jego rodzina stamtąd pochodzi, więc pojechaliśmy tam na około sześć dni w czasie świąt i jeździliśmy na skuterach śnieżnych, chodziliśmy na rakietach śnieżnych i po prostu spędzaliśmy czas, ciesząc się śniegiem. Его семья оттуда, поэтому мы ездили туда примерно на шесть дней на каникулах, катались на снегоходах и ходили на снегоступах, просто тусовались и наслаждались снегом. Його сім’я родом звідти, тож ми їздили туди приблизно на шість днів під час канікул, каталися на снігоходах та снігоступах і просто тусувалися та насолоджувалися снігом. It actually wasn’t very cold. Some days it was above zero and sunny and beautiful. It actually didn’t snow at all while we were there. Aslında biz oradayken hiç kar yağmadı. There was just a little bit of snow from before, but there was enough that we could do some things and enjoy the snow. Había solo un poco de nieve de antes, pero había suficiente para que pudiéramos hacer algunas cosas y disfrutar de la nieve. 之前只有一点点雪,但已经足够我们可以做一些事情并享受雪了。

Mark: So, there wasn’t that much snow?

Jill: No, there actually wasn’t. But, you know, we went up again just a couple of weekends ago and they’d had a big snowstorm and it was actually snowing while we were there and there were several, probably two feet -- I might be exaggerating, maybe less than that, but quite a lot -- of snow; fluffy, powdery, nice snow. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pó leve|| ||||||||||||||||||暴風雪|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||눈보라||||||||||||||||||||과장하는|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mềm xốp|bột mịn|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||誇張している|||||||||||ふわふわの||良い| ||||||||||||||||||tormenta de nieve||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||polvoriento|| Pero, ya sabes, subimos de nuevo hace solo un par de fines de semana y habían tenido una gran tormenta de nieve y en realidad estaba nevando mientras estábamos allí y había varios, probablemente dos pies; podría estar exagerando, tal vez menos de eso, pero mucha nieve; nieve esponjosa, polvorienta y agradable. Mais, vous savez, nous y sommes retournés il y a quelques week-ends et ils avaient eu une grosse tempête de neige et il neigeait en fait pendant que nous étions là-bas et il y avait plusieurs, probablement deux pieds -- j'exagère peut-être, peut-être moins de ça, mais pas mal -- de neige; duveteuse, poudreuse, belle neige. Але, знаєте, ми знову піднялися всього пару вихідних тому, і у них була велика снігова буря, і насправді йшов сніг, коли ми були там, і було кілька, ймовірно, два фути - я можу перебільшувати, можливо, менше ніж що, але досить багато -- снігу; пухнастий, пудровий, гарний сніг. 但是,你知道,就在几个周末之前,我们又上山了,他们遇到了一场大暴风雪,我们在那里的时候实际上正在下雪,有几英尺,可能是两英尺——我可能夸大了,可能不到那,但相当多——雪;蓬松,粉状,漂亮的雪。

Mark: There’s no question, it doesn’t matter what activity in the snow, when there’s fresh snow it’s that much better. Mark : Il n'y a aucun doute, peu importe l'activité dans la neige, quand il y a de la neige fraîche, c'est tant mieux. Mark: Hiç şüphe yok ki, karda hangi faaliyetin olduğu önemli değil, taze kar olduğunda çok daha iyi. 马克:毫无疑问,雪中的活动并不重要,当有新雪时,效果会好得多。

Jill: For sure. Jill: Kesinlikle.

Mark: You know, you mentioned snowshoeing. Марк: Ви знаєте, ви згадали про катання на снігоступах. I’ll go locally here, quite often; go up to Cyprus or, which are two local mountains here in the Vancouver area. |||||||||賽普拉斯||||||||||| ||지역적으로|||||||||||||||||| ||地元で|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||Chipre||||||||||| I'll go locally here, quite often; go up to Cyprus or, which are two local mountains here in the Vancouver area. J'irai localement ici, assez souvent; monter à Chypre ou, qui sont deux montagnes locales ici dans la région de Vancouver. Я буду ходити тут, досить часто; піднятися на Кіпр або, які є двома місцевими горами тут, у районі Ванкувера. Some days you go up and, you know, sometimes here because the weather is not that cold, sometimes it’s raining up there or if it’s not raining, the snow is melting and then it freezes at night. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||turns to ice|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||얼어붙는다|| |||行く||||||||||||||||||||もし||||||||||||| Certains jours vous montez et, vous savez, parfois ici parce qu'il ne fait pas si froid, parfois il pleut là-haut ou s'il ne pleut pas, la neige fond et puis elle gèle la nuit. Bazı günler yukarı çıkıyorsunuz, ve biliyorsunuz, bazen burada çünkü havalar o kadar soğuk değil, bazen yağmur yağıyor ya da yağmur yağmıyorsa, karlar eriyor ve daha sonra geceleri donuyor. And so, very often, when you go up, the conditions can be icy and for snowshoeing, for skiing, for cross country skiing, for any of those activities, if it’s icy, it’s not as good. |||||||||||||||||||크로스||||||||||얼음 같은|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||良くない|| ||||||||||||heladas|||caminata con ra||||||||||||||heladas|||| Y así, muy a menudo, cuando subes, las condiciones pueden ser heladas y para raquetas de nieve, para esquiar, para esquí de fondo, para cualquiera de esas actividades, si hace hielo, no es tan bueno. Et donc, très souvent, quand on monte, les conditions peuvent être glaciales et pour la raquette, pour le ski, pour le ski de fond, pour n'importe laquelle de ces activités, si c'est glacial, ce n'est pas aussi bon. Bu nedenle, çoğu zaman, yukarı çıktığınızda koşullar buzlu olabilir ve kar ayakkabısı, kayak, kros kayağı, bu faaliyetlerden herhangi biri için, eğer buzluysa, o kadar iyi değildir. І тому дуже часто, коли ви піднімаєтеся вгору, умови можуть бути ожеледі і для катання на снігоступах, для катання на лижах, для бігових лиж, для будь-якого з цих видів діяльності, якщо ожеледь, це не так добре.

Jill: No.

Mark: Whereas, if you go up and if I go up snowshoeing and it’s just snowed, it’s just phenomenal. |||||||||||||||剛下雪||| |||||||||||||||recently snowed|||extraordinarily amazing ||||||||||||||||||놀라운 |||||||||||con raquetas de nieve||||||| Mark: Mientras que, si subes y si subo con raquetas de nieve y acaba de nevar, es simplemente fenomenal. Mark : Alors que si tu montes et que je monte en raquettes et qu'il neige, c'est juste phénoménal. Mark: Eğer yukarı çıkacak olursan, kar ayakkabısına çıkıp sadece kar yağarsam, bu sadece olağanüstü. 马克:然而,如果你上去,如果我去雪鞋行走并且刚刚下雪,那真是太棒了。 You know, you are off in the deep snow, there are no tracks from anybody else and it’s really great. ||||||||||||dấu vết||||||| ||||||||||||足跡||||||| Sabes, estás en la nieve profunda, no hay huellas de nadie más y es realmente genial. Вы знаете, вы уходите в глубокий снег, нет чужих следов, и это действительно здорово. Biliyorsun, derin karda yoksun, başka kimsenin izleri yok ve gerçekten harika. Ви знаєте, ви їдете в глибокий сніг, немає жодних треків, і це дійсно чудово. 你知道,你在深雪中,没有其他人的踪迹,这真的很棒。

Jill: I mean, this year we’ve had so much snow; we’ve had so much rainfall, which is not unusual for Vancouver in the winter. ||||||||||||||강수량||||||||| ||||||||||||||chuva caída||||||||| Jill: Quiero decir, este año hemos tenido mucha nieve; hemos tenido mucha lluvia, lo cual no es inusual en Vancouver en invierno. Jill : Je veux dire, cette année, nous avons eu tellement de neige ; nous avons eu tellement de pluie, ce qui n'est pas inhabituel à Vancouver en hiver. Jill: Demek istediğim, bu yıl çok fazla kar geçirdik; Çok fazla yağış aldık, bu da kışın Vancouver için sıra dışı değil. But, we’ve had colder than normal temperatures, so all of our local mountains and Whistler have so much snow. ||||||||||||||惠斯勒|||| ||||||온도||||||||휘슬러|||| ||||||||||||||ウィスラー|||| ||||||||||||||Whistler|||| Pero hemos tenido temperaturas más frías de lo normal, por lo que todas nuestras montañas locales y Whistler tienen mucha nieve. Mais, nous avons eu des températures plus froides que la normale, donc toutes nos montagnes locales et Whistler ont tellement de neige. Ancak, normal sıcaklıklardan daha soğuktu, bu yüzden tüm yerel dağlarımız ve Whistler çok kar yağdı. Але у нас була нижча, ніж звичайна температура, тому в усіх наших місцевих горах і в Уістлері так багато снігу. And so, I think skiing has been exceptional and snowshoeing has been exceptional this year. |||||||xuất sắc||||||| ||||||||||||탁월한|| |||||||素晴らしい||||||| Et donc, je pense que le ski a été exceptionnel et la raquette a été exceptionnelle cette année. Ve bu yüzden, kayakın istisnai olduğunu düşünüyorum ve kar ayakkabısı bu yıl olağanüstü geçti. 所以,我认为今年滑雪很特别,雪鞋健行也很特别。

Mark: Yeah, I haven’t skied on the local mountains because I find it tough to go up and wait in line on the weekends. ||||滑雪過||||||||||||||||||| ||||esquiado||||||||||||||||||| Mark : Oui, je n'ai pas skié dans les montagnes locales parce que je trouve difficile de monter et de faire la queue le week-end. Марк: Да, я не катался на местных горах, потому что мне тяжело подниматься и стоять в очереди по выходным. Марк: Так, я не катався на лижах у місцевих горах, тому що мені важко підніматися і стояти в черзі на вихідних. The time to go locally is during the week when there are not as many people but, unfortunately, we have to work. |||||||||||||||||안타깝게도|||| Le temps d'aller sur place c'est la semaine où il n'y a pas autant de monde mais malheureusement il faut travailler.

Jill: We should just have a snow day! Jill : Nous devrions juste avoir un jour de neige !

Mark: We definitely should. ||확실히|해야 해 You know, my daughter, yesterday, had Mountain Day at school. I thought, maybe we should have Mountain Day at The Linguist. J'ai pensé qu'on devrait peut-être avoir Mountain Day chez The Linguist.

Jill: I think that’s a great idea.

Mark: We better do it soon. |우리가|더 좋다|하자||

Jill: But, you know, that’s true. I haven’t been to the local mountains actually for years on a weekend. На самом деле я уже много лет не был в местных горах в выходные дни. I went last year once, I think, in the evening for some night skiing and it’s not very busy then if you go at, you know, 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. J'y suis allé l'année dernière une fois, je pense, le soir pour faire du ski de nuit et ce n'est pas très fréquenté alors si vous y allez, vous savez, 17h00 ou 18h00 Я їздив минулого року одного разу, здається, ввечері на нічні лижі, і це не дуже зайнято, якщо ви їдете, знаєте, о 17:00 чи 18:00 and you’re there until 10:00 p.m. when the hills close. cuando las colinas se cierran. quand les collines se ferment. It’s pretty good then. There is never any lineups and it’s fine then but, otherwise. ||||行列|||||| ||||filas||||||de lo contrario Nunca hay alineaciones y está bien entonces, pero de lo contrario. Il n'y a jamais de files d'attente et c'est bien alors mais sinon. Asla herhangi bir kadro yoktur ve o zaman iyidir, ama aksi halde. Немає жодних складів, і тоді це добре, але інакше. 从来没有任何阵容,那很好,但是,否则。 I went to Whistler a few weeks ago, which is a world-class resort and very, very busy, but because there’s so many runs’I mean, I don’t know, I’ve only skied Whistler a couple of times, so I don’t know if it’s always this way, but.we never waited in any lineups. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||xếp hàng chờ |||||||||||||||||||||||滑雪道||||||||||||||||||||||||||||排隊等候 ||||||||||||||||||||there's|||コース|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Whistler|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||pistas|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Fui a Whistler hace unas semanas, que es un resort de clase mundial y está muy, muy ocupado, pero debido a que hay tantas pistas, quiero decir, no sé, solo he esquiado en Whistler un par de veces, así que No sé si siempre es así, pero nunca esperamos en ninguna alineación. Je suis allé à Whistler il y a quelques semaines, qui est une station de classe mondiale et très, très fréquentée, mais parce qu'il y a tellement de pistes, je veux dire, je ne sais pas, je n'ai skié Whistler que quelques fois, alors Je ne sais pas si c'est toujours comme ça, mais nous n'avons jamais attendu dans les files d'attente. Ik ben een paar weken geleden naar Whistler geweest, een resort van wereldklasse en heel erg druk, maar omdat er zoveel afdalingen zijn. Ik bedoel, ik weet het niet, ik heb maar een paar keer in Whistler geskied, dus Ik weet niet of het altijd zo is, maar we hebben nooit in een opstelling gewacht. Несколько недель назад я побывал в Уистлере, который является курортом мирового класса и очень, очень занят, но поскольку там так много трасс (я не знаю, я катался в Уистлере всего пару раз, так что не знаю, всегда ли так, но мы никогда не стояли в очередях). Birkaç hafta önce Whistler'a gittim, burası dünya standartlarında bir tatil köyü ve çok ama çok yoğun, ancak çok fazla pist olduğu için 'Bilmiyorum, Whistler'da sadece birkaç kez kayak yaptım, bu yüzden her zaman böyle midir bilmiyorum, ama hiç sıra beklemedik. Кілька тижнів тому я був у Вістлері, який є курортом світового рівня і дуже, дуже зайнятий, але оскільки там так багато трас, я маю на увазі, я не знаю, я катався на лижах у Вістлері лише пару разів, тому Не знаю, чи завжди так, але ми ніколи не чекали в жодному складі. There’s just so many runs and the runs are so long that I don’t think there’s the kind of lineups that there are at our local hills where the runs are really short. |||||||đường trượt dài||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||コース|ある|| Hay tantos recorridos y son tan largos que no creo que haya el tipo de colas que hay en nuestras colinas locales, donde los recorridos son realmente cortos. Il y a tellement de pistes et les pistes sont si longues que je ne pense pas qu'il y ait le genre de files d'attente dans nos collines locales où les pistes sont vraiment courtes. O kadar çok koşu var ve koşular o kadar uzun ki, koşuların gerçekten kısa olduğu yerel tepelerimizde olduğu gibi bir sıralama olduğunu sanmıyorum. Просто так багато забігів, а забіги такі довгі, що я не думаю, що на наших місцевих пагорбах немає таких складів, де пробіги справді короткі. You know, if you are a good skier or a fast skier, you can get down in ten minutes, five minutes, some of the runs. |||||||esquiador||||||||||||||||| Vous savez, si vous êtes un bon skieur ou un skieur rapide, vous pouvez descendre en dix minutes, cinq minutes, certaines pistes.

Mark: One minute.

Jill: One minute. Whereas at Whistler you can at least go for, you know, fifteen-twenty minutes. Alors qu'à Whistler, vous pouvez au moins tenir, vous savez, quinze à vingt minutes. Oysa Whistler'da en azından on beş-yirmi dakika gidebilirsin.

Mark: Yeah, Whistler, they’ve got some long runs there. Mark: Evet, Whistler, orada uzun koşular var.

Jill: They have great runs, yeah.

Mark: Really long runs, yeah, and it’s just much bigger; many more lifts. ||||||||||||thang máy ||||||||||||subidas de elevador ||||||||||||teleféricos Mark: Carreras realmente largas, sí, y es mucho más grande; muchos más ascensores. Mark : De très longues séries, ouais, et c'est juste beaucoup plus gros ; beaucoup plus d'ascenseurs. Mark: Gerçekten uzun pistler, evet ve çok daha büyük; çok daha fazla lift var. 马克:真的很长,是的,而且要大得多;更多的电梯。 The lifts are higher capacity. ||||greater load capacity Asansörler daha yüksek kapasitelidir. Like up at the local mountains. Como en las montañas locales. Yerel dağlardaki gibi. Як у місцевих горах. 就像在当地的山区。 I’m not sure how many people the chairlifts hold but, I mean, a lot of them might be triples. |||||||纜車座椅|||||||||||三人座 |||||||teleféricos|||||||||||triples |||||||teleféricos||||||||||| |||||||リフト|||||||||||3人用 Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie viele Leute die Sessellifte halten, aber ich meine, viele von ihnen könnten dreifach sein. No estoy seguro de cuántas personas caben en los telesillas, pero puede que muchos sean triples. Ik weet niet zeker hoeveel mensen de stoeltjesliften bevatten, maar ik bedoel, veel van hen kunnen driedubbel zijn. Telesiyeğin kaç kişi tuttuğundan emin değilim, ama bir çoğunu üçlü olabilir. 我不确定升降椅能容纳多少人,但我的意思是,其中很多人可能是三人组。

Jill: Yeah, maybe three.

Mark: Maybe three. Whereas, I know at Christmas -- or at New Year’s -- anyway, after New Year’s I was at Big White. Alors que je sais qu'à Noël -- ou au Nouvel An -- en tout cas, après le Nouvel An, j'étais à Big White. 然而,我知道在圣诞节——或者在新年——无论如何,新年之后我在大白。 They had a new six-person chair right beside a four-person chair, high-speed chair, so that’s ten people going up every chair. Tenían una nueva silla para seis personas justo al lado de una silla para cuatro personas, de alta velocidad, así que son diez personas subiendo cada silla. Ils avaient une nouvelle chaise pour six personnes juste à côté d'une chaise pour quatre personnes, une chaise à grande vitesse, donc dix personnes montaient sur chaque chaise. Dört kişilik bir sandalyenin hemen yanında altı kişilik yeni bir sandalye vardı, yüksek hızlı sandalye, yani her sandalyeye on kişi çıkıyor. У них був новий стілець на шість осіб поруч із швидкісним стільцем на чотири особи, тож на кожен стілець піднялися десять людей. So, I mean, that was really great. So, there wasn’t much in the way of lineups, even though that’s a busy time of year for ski resorts because all the kids are out of school on holidays and people, in general, are on holiday, so. ||||||||xếp hàng||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ski destinations|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||estaciones de esquí|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||滑雪勝地|||||||||||||||||| Donc, il n'y avait pas beaucoup de files d'attente, même si c'est une période chargée de l'année pour les stations de ski car tous les enfants ne sont pas scolarisés pendant les vacances et les gens, en général, sont en vacances, donc.

Jill: And was the snow up there was there a lot of snow up there, too. Was it a better year than usual?

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: They always get a lot of snow, don’t they?

Mark: They don’t get the volume of snow that we get here on the coast. |||||雪の量||||||||| Mark: Sahile ulaştığımız kar hacmini almıyorlar. But, what they tend to get it just accumulates over the course of the winter and into the spring because their temperature is cooler, so they don’t lose any. ||||||||||||||||||||||||vì vậy|||| ||||||||蓄積される|||||||||||||||||||| Aber was sie dazu neigen, sammelt sich nur im Laufe des Winters und bis in den Frühling hinein an, weil ihre Temperatur kühler ist, so dass sie keine verlieren. Pero, lo que tienden a obtener se acumula en el transcurso del invierno y en la primavera porque su temperatura es más fría, por lo que no pierden nada. Mais, ce qu'ils ont tendance à obtenir s'accumule au cours de l'hiver et au printemps parce que leur température est plus fraîche, donc ils n'en perdent pas. Ancak, ne elde etme eğiliminde olduklarını, sadece kış boyunca ve ilkbaharda biriktikleri için sıcaklıkları daha soğuk olduğu için biriktirir, dolayısıyla hiçbir şey kaybetmezler. It doesn’t melt; it doesn’t rain, for the most part. No se derrite; no llueve, en su mayor parte. But, that mountain is also quite rocky, so they need quite a bit of snow before you start to not have problems with rocks. Aber dieser Berg ist auch ziemlich felsig, so dass sie ziemlich viel Schnee brauchen, bevor Sie anfangen, keine Probleme mit Felsen zu haben. And so, it was great at Christmas. Ve böylece, Noel'de harikaydı. I mean, there was plenty of snow and it was light, fluffy snow because it’s in the interior. |||||||||||||||||nội địa |||||||||||esponjosa|||||| Había mucha nieve y era nieve ligera y esponjosa porque está en el interior. Je veux dire, il y avait beaucoup de neige et c'était de la neige légère et pelucheuse parce que c'est à l'intérieur. Ik bedoel, er was veel sneeuw en het was lichte, pluizige sneeuw omdat het in het binnenland ligt. Demek istediğim, bolca kar vardı ve ışık, kabarık kardı, çünkü içeride. Я маю на увазі, снігу було багато, і це був легкий, пухнастий сніг, тому що він всередині. 我的意思是,有很多雪,而且是轻的、蓬松的雪,因为它在室内。 A lot of time on the coast here at Whistler, the snow can be a little heavier, but then there’s lots of it. Mucho tiempo en la costa aquí en Whistler, la nieve puede ser un poco más pesada, pero entonces hay un montón de ella. Beaucoup de temps sur la côte ici à Whistler, la neige peut être un peu plus lourde, mais il y en a beaucoup. Whistler sahilinde bir çok zaman, kar biraz daha ağır olabilir, ama sonra bolca var. Багато часу на узбережжі тут, у Вістлері, сніг може бути трохи сильніше, але тоді його багато.

Jill: Well, that’s right. I’ve seen on TV some of the’you know, they have snow reports on local television stations talking about all the different mountains throughout BC and, of course, our local mountains and Whistler usually have the most snow. ||||||你知道的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||ao longo de|||||||||||||| ||||||あなたたち|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||tú|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||truyền hình địa phương|||||||||||||||||||||| This year’I saw a report, I think maybe a couple of weeks ago, that showed, you know, 280, 320 centimeters of snow at these hills around here, which is a lot of snow. |今年我||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |今年||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |este año||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| В этом году я видел отчет, кажется, пару недель назад, в котором говорилось о 280-320 сантиметрах снега на окрестных холмах, что очень много.

Mark: Yeah, I think it might be more than that.

Jill: Maybe more now, yeah.

Mark: I know that they said at Whistler, and that was around Christmastime, they had something like 500 centimeters already; like a huge number and we had a few big storms after that, so they’ve got a ton of snow. ||||||||||||聖誕節期間|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||で|たくさんの|| |||||||Whistler|||||Navidad|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Марк: Я знаю, що вони сказали в Whistler, і це було близько Різдва, у них вже було приблизно 500 сантиметрів; як величезна кількість, і після цього у нас було кілька великих штормів, тож у них випала тонна снігу.

Jill: Well, when I was skiing there it was very powdery. Jill: Ben orada kayak yaparken çok tozluydu. Джилл: Ну, коли я там каталася на лижах, це було дуже пудрово. You know, there was the odd place that had some ice but, in general, it was soft powder and it was great. Ya sabes, había un lugar extraño que tenía algo de hielo pero, en general, era un polvo blando y estaba genial. Biliyorsunuz, biraz buz olan garip bir yer vardı ama genel olarak yumuşak bir tozdu ve harikaydı.

Mark: Yeah, yeah.

Jill: Very good conditions.

Mark: I’m sure. I’d like to go. I haven’t been to Whistler in a long time. Je ne suis pas allé à Whistler depuis longtemps.

Jill: You know, the hard thing about skiing, I find, is that it’s so expensive. You know, if you go to a good mountain, somewhere list Whistler, by the time you pay the tax on the Day Pass, it’s $80.00 for an adult. ||||||||||||before|||||||||||||| Whistler gibi iyi bir dağa gittiğinizde, günlük biletin vergisini ödediğinizde bir yetişkin için 80,00 dolar ödüyorsunuz. 你知道,如果你去一座好山,列出惠斯勒的某个地方,当你支付日票税时,成人是 80.00 美元。 And, they don’t have lights on the hill so, you know, the last run is 3:00 p.m. Et, ils n'ont pas de lumières sur la colline donc, vous savez, la dernière course est à 15h00 Basically, that’s the last time you can go down. If you don’t get up there until, you know, 10:00 or 11:00, you stop for lunch and all the places are packed for lunch, you know, for maybe four hours of skiing you spend $80.00. Si no llegas hasta, ya sabes, las 10:00 o las 11:00, paras a comer y todos los sitios están llenos para comer, ya sabes, por unas cuatro horas de esquí te gastas 80 dólares. Si vous ne montez pas là-bas avant, vous savez, 10h00 ou 11h00, vous vous arrêtez pour le déjeuner et tous les endroits sont pleins pour le déjeuner, vous savez, pour peut-être quatre heures de ski, vous dépensez 80,00 $. It’s quite a lot.

Mark: For sure and, not to mention, your driving up there and back, which is an hour and a half from town here. Марк: Напевно, і, не кажучи вже про те, що ви їздите туди й назад, а це за півтори години їзди від міста. Yeah, it’s expensive; skiing.

Jill: I don’t know. I’ve never been to Big White. Je n'ai jamais été à Big White. Big White'a hiç gitmedim.

Mark: It’s similar. It adds up for a family of five; although, my youngest is still free so, really it’s only four of us. |合計する||||||||||||||||||| Se suma para una familia de cinco; aunque mi hijo menor todavía está libre, así que en realidad solo somos cuatro. Cela s'additionne pour une famille de cinq personnes ; bien que mon plus jeune soit toujours libre, nous ne sommes donc que quatre. Beş kişilik bir aile için ekler; en gencim hala özgür olsa da, gerçekten sadece dörtümüz. Це складає сім’ю з п’яти чоловік; хоча, мій молодший ще вільний, тож насправді нас лише четверо. She won’t be free much longer. Она не будет долго оставаться на свободе. Вона довго не буде вільною.

Jill: No.

Mark: Yeah, it is expensive. What’s great when you’re staying somewhere, especially Big White or at least from ski resorts that I’ve been to, at Big White not only are you staying at the resort, but you’re actually on the hill. Ce qui est génial quand vous séjournez quelque part, en particulier à Big White ou au moins dans les stations de ski où je suis allé, à Big White, non seulement vous séjournez à la station, mais vous êtes en fait sur la colline. Bir yerde, özellikle de Big White'da ya da en azından benim gittiğim kayak merkezlerinde kalırken harika olan şey, Big White'da sadece tesiste kalmıyorsunuz, aynı zamanda gerçekten tepedesiniz. Що чудово, коли ти зупиняєшся десь, особливо у Big White або принаймні на гірськолижних курортах, на яких я був, у Big White ти не тільки зупиняєшся на курорті, але й насправді на пагорбі. The accommodation is more or less on the hill. |宿泊施設||||||| El alojamiento está más o menos en la colina. Konaklama az ya da çok tepede. Житло більш-менш на пагорбі. So, you wake up in the morning and you put your skis on and you ski down to the bottom of the lift. Итак, вы просыпаетесь утром, надеваете лыжи и спускаетесь к нижней точке подъемника. Öyleyse, sabah uyandığında, kayaklarınızı kaldırıyorsunuz ve siz de asansörü aşağıya indiriyorsunuz. Отже, ви прокидаєтеся вранці, надягаєте лижі і спускаєтеся на дно підйомника.

Jill: Oh, wow, right from where you’re staying. Jill : Oh, wow, juste de chez vous. Джилл: Вау, саме з того місця, де ти зупинився.

Mark: Right from where you stay. Mark: Kaldığın yerden.

Jill: Oh, that’s great.

Mark: It’s awesome and, you know, you are on the mountain. Mark||increíble|||||||| Mark: Es ist großartig und du bist auf dem Berg. Mark: Harika ve bilirsin, dağdasın. So, it’s snow everywhere and usually the kids are sleeping in so, that’s fine. |||||||||寝ている|||| Отже, скрізь сніг, і зазвичай діти сплять, і це нормально. I get up and put my skis on and I’m out there right at the start of the day and I get a couple hours skiing in or my wife and I and it’s great. ||||||滑雪板|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Я встаю, одягаю лижі, і я там на початку дня, і я отримую пару годин катання на лижах або ми з дружиною, і це чудово. Then, after a couple of hours, you ski back to the place and see how everybody is doing, maybe feed the kids, get them ready and then they come out too. Luego, después de un par de horas, vuelves a esquiar al lugar y ves cómo están todos, quizás alimentes a los niños, los prepares y luego ellos también salen. Ensuite, après quelques heures, vous revenez à ski à l'endroit et voyez comment tout le monde va, peut-être nourrir les enfants, les préparer et ensuite ils sortent aussi. Sonra, birkaç saat sonra, yere geri dönüp, herkesin nasıl olduğunu görebiliyorsunuz, belki de çocukları besle, onları hazırla, sonra da dışarı çıkıyorlar. It’s a real luxury. C'est un vrai luxe. Bu gerçek bir lüks. I had never been to a ski resort like that where the accommodation is so convenient, you know. |||||||||||||||easy to access|| Asla bir kayak beldesine hiç gitmemiştim ki, burası çok uygun bir yerdi, biliyorsun. So, we never go to the chalet for lunch there. ||||||cabin||| ||||||chalé||| ||||||小木屋||| ||||||nhà gỗ nghỉ dưỡng||| ||||||シャレー||| ||||||cabaña||| Entonces, nunca vamos al chalet a almorzar allí. We gaan dus nooit naar het chalet om daar te lunchen. Yani, biz asla oradaki öğle yemeği için dağ evine gitmeyiz. You don’t waste time charging around and eating the garbage that they serve and there, it’s great. ||||running around|||||||||||| Sie verschwenden keine Zeit damit, herumzuladen und den Müll zu essen, den sie servieren, und dort ist es großartig. No pierdes el tiempo cargando y comiendo la basura que sirven y allí, es genial. Vous ne perdez pas de temps à charger et à manger les ordures qu'ils servent et là, c'est génial. Etrafta şarj etme ve hizmet ettikleri çöpleri yıpratarak harcayacaksınız, bu harika. Ви не витрачаєте час на зарядку й поїдання сміття, яке вони подають, і це чудово. 你不会浪费时间充电和吃他们提供的垃圾,这很棒。

Jill: I’ll have to try that place one time, maybe. I’m not such an avid skier. ||||enthusiastic| No soy un esquiador tan ávido. Ben çok hevesli bir kayakçı değilim. Я не такий завзятий лижник. I haven’t skied much over the past really 15 years. |||あまり||||| When I was a child and until I was about 14 years old, I had a season’s pass every year and really loved skiing and then just sort of lost interest. |||||||||||||||シーズンパス|||||||||||||| So, really, I might go skiing or snowboarding once every, you know, two or three years max now. |||||||滑雪板運動|||||||||最多| |||||||snowboarder|||||||||| Yani, gerçekten, en fazla iki ya da üç yılda bir kayak ya da snowboard yapmaya gidebilirim. 所以,真的,我可能会去滑雪或单板滑雪,你知道,现在最多两三年。

Mark: Is that right?

Jill: So, you know, I do really enjoy it when I go, but I’m not into it enough that I can justify going and spending all the money on all the new equipment. |||||||||||||||||||||biện minh cho||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||и||||||||| Jill: Yani, bilirsin, ben gittiğimde gerçekten zevk alıyorum, ama tüm paranın yeni ekipmana gitmesini haklı çıkarabileceğim kadar param yok. 吉尔:所以,你知道,当我去的时候,我真的很喜欢它,但我对它的兴趣还不够,以至于我可以证明去所有的钱都花在所有新设备上是合理的。 So, you know, I just go once every few years. Yani, bilirsiniz, birkaç yılda bir giderim.

Mark: Yeah, you know, to be honest, that’s about the only time we go skiing is when we go for a week trip. Mark : Ouais, tu sais, pour être honnête, c'est à peu près la seule fois où nous allons skier, c'est quand nous partons pour un voyage d'une semaine. The thought of rounding all the gear up and everybody up and buying tickets for everybody and going up and standing in line on the weekend or driving all the way to Whistler for the day, especially, the kids aren’t that old so, you know, how much skiing are they going to do and if you’re at Whistler you are there for the day. |||tập hợp|||thiết bị||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||gathering together|||equipment||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||集まる|||道具||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||reuniendo||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Whistler|||||| ||||||裝備||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| La idea de reunir todo el equipo y a todo el mundo y comprar entradas para todos y subir y hacer cola el fin de semana o conducir hasta Whistler para pasar el día, especialmente, los niños no son tan mayores así que, ya sabes, cuánto van a esquiar y si estás en Whistler estás allí para pasar el día. L'idée de rassembler tout le matériel et tout le monde et d'acheter des billets pour tout le monde et de faire la queue le week-end ou de conduire jusqu'à Whistler pour la journée, surtout, les enfants ne sont pas si vieux alors, vous savez , quelle quantité de ski vont-ils faire et si vous êtes à Whistler, vous y êtes pour la journée. Tüm ekipmanı yuvarlama ve herkesin bilet alması ve herkes için bilet alması, hafta sonu peşinde koşup ayağa kalkmak veya gün boyu Whistler'a kadar sürmek düşüncesi, özellikle de çocuklar o kadar yaşlı değil, biliyorsunuz Ne kadar kayak yapacaklar ve eğer Whistler'da olursan o gün oradasın. Думка про те, щоб зібрати все спорядження вгору і всіх, купити квитки для всіх і піднятися і стояти в черзі на вихідних або проїхати весь день до Вістлера на день, особливо, діти не такі вже й старі, ви знаєте , скільки вони збираються кататися на лижах, і якщо ви перебуваєте в Вістлері, ви там протягом дня. 想到把所有的装备和每个人都收拾好,为每个人买票,周末去排队,或者当天一路开车去惠斯勒,特别是,孩子们还没有那么老,所以,你知道,他们打算滑雪多少次,如果您在惠斯勒,您将在那里度过这一天。 There’s no sort of going home early or some guys can’t go home and some guys stay skiing. Il n'y a aucune sorte de retour à la maison tôt ou certains gars ne peuvent pas rentrer à la maison et certains gars restent skier. Немає ніякого роду повернення додому раніше, або деякі хлопці не можуть повернутися додому, а деякі хлопці залишаються кататися на лижах. 没有什么可以早点回家,或者有些人不能回家而有些人继续滑雪。 Everybody’s kind of got to do everything, so. Tout le monde doit en quelque sorte tout faire, donc. Herkesin herşeyi yapması lazım. Тому кожен має робити все. There it’s such a long way up to the top that maybe that’s why we haven’t been. |||||道||||||||||| Là, c'est tellement long jusqu'au sommet que c'est peut-être pour ça que nous n'y sommes pas allés. Tepeye kadar çok uzun bir yol var, belki de bu yüzden olmadık. Там такий довгий шлях до вершини, що, можливо, тому ми й не були. But, it’s a great family activity, no question, because everybody can do it together, right? Mais, c'est une excellente activité familiale, sans aucun doute, parce que tout le monde peut le faire ensemble, n'est-ce pas ?

Jill: Yeah, that’s right and kids seem to get quite good a skiing quite quickly. I mean, maybe not all kids; but, I mean, I see so many just tiny kids on the ski hill and I can’t believe how they are going. It’s unbelievable. I remember learning as a kid. I was so much better than I am now. I think, you know, you don’t have the same fear is probably part of it.

Mark: The biggest thing, I think, is the fear because skiing is not that tough a thing to do. マーク:最大のことは、スキーはそれほど難しいことではないので、恐れです。 Марк: Найбільше, я думаю, це страх, тому що кататися на лижах не так вже й важко.

Jill: No.

Mark: It’s tough to get good at it. マーク:上手になるのは難しいです。 马克:要擅长它很难。

Jill: Yes.

Mark: But, to make your way down the hill マーク:しかし、丘を下るには

Jill: you can snowplow all the way down the hill. |||吉兒:你可以犁式滑雪滑下山。|||||| |||control your descent|||||| |||雪かき車|||||| |||esquiar a toda|||||| |||cày tuyết|||||| Jill : vous pouvez chasser la neige jusqu'en bas de la colline. ジル:丘をずっと下って除雪することができます。 Tepeden aşağıya kadar kar küreyebilirsin. 吉尔:你可以从山上一路扫雪。

Mark: You can do it. It’s not that difficult. The kids, at a young age, very soon are able to go down the hill. But, the biggest obstacle to skiing is fear. しかし、スキーの最大の障害は恐怖です。 I know that a lot of people who don’t ski until they are adults, you know, and then they start trying to learn, I think it’s very difficult for them, especially because you are pointing yourself down a hill, a slippery hill, with boards strapped to your feet. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||trơn trượt|||ván trượt tuyết|buộc chặt vào||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||slick||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||固定された||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||resbaladiza||||atados||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||綁在||| Sé que muchas personas que no esquían hasta que son adultos, ya sabes, y luego comienzan a tratar de aprender, creo que es muy difícil para ellos, especialmente porque estás apuntando hacia una colina, una colina resbaladiza, con tablas atadas a tus pies. 大人になるまでスキーをしない人がたくさんいることを知っています。そして、彼らは学び始めます。特に、あなたが丘、滑りやすい丘を下に向けているので、彼らにとって非常に難しいと思います。ボードを足にストラップで固定します。 That’s a tough thing to overcome. |||||superar C'est une chose difficile à surmonter. Это трудно преодолеть.

Jill: Yeah. I think maybe that’s why well, I mean, some people just don’t do any winter sports at all. そういうわけで、ウィンタースポーツをまったくしない人もいると思います。 But, I think some other people do things like snowshoeing or cross country skiing, so there’s no real speed involved. Mais, je pense que d'autres personnes font des choses comme la raquette ou le ski de fond, donc il n'y a pas de vitesse réelle impliquée. Ama sanırım diğer bazı insanlar kar ayakkabısı veya kros kayağı gibi şeyler yapıyor, yani gerçek bir hız söz konusu değil. It’s more for exercise.

Mark: Well, yeah. I mean the snowshoeing is an unbelievable exercise if you really go at it. |||||||||||本気で|| Je veux dire que la raquette est un exercice incroyable si vous y allez vraiment. スノーシューイングは、本当にやってみると信じられないほどのエクササイズです。 Demek istediğim, kar ayakkabısıyla yürüyüş yapmak, eğer gerçekten yaparsanız inanılmaz bir egzersiz.

Jill: Oh, yeah. You can run or you can be going up hills Tu peux courir ou tu peux monter des collines Вы можете бежать или подниматься на холмы. Ви можете бігати, а можете підніматися на пагорби

Mark: or if you are in the deep snow it’s a lot of work. Марк: або якщо ти в глибокому снігу, це багато роботи.

Jill: Yeah, when there’s snow up to your hips or something. Jill : Ouais, quand il y a de la neige jusqu'aux hanches ou quelque chose comme ça. Jill: Evet, kalçana kadar kar olduğunda falan.

Mark: You are chugging up a hill, but then there’s a sense of satisfaction of getting up to the top of the hill. |||struggling but progressing||||||||||||||||||| |||subindo com esforço||||||||||||||||||| |||爬坡||||||||||||||||||| |||leo dốc chậm||||||||||||||||||| |||登っている||||||||||||||||||| |||subiendo con esfuerzo||||||||||||||||||| Mark: Estás subiendo una cuesta, pero luego hay una sensación de satisfacción al llegar a la cima de la cuesta. Mark : Vous gravissez une colline, mais il y a ensuite un sentiment de satisfaction à monter au sommet de la colline. マーク:あなたは丘を登っていますが、丘の頂上に上がることに満足感があります。 Mark: Je tuft een heuvel op, maar dan is er een gevoel van voldoening om de top van de heuvel te bereiken. Mark: Bir tepeye tırmanıyorsunuz ama sonra tepenin zirvesine çıkmanın verdiği bir tatmin duygusu var. I mean, it’s essentially like hiking with the added benefit that coming down is much more fun than hiking down because you can actually, you know, either jump in the snow or almost half ski down, in a way. Quiero decir, es esencialmente como ir de excursión con el beneficio adicional de que bajar es mucho más divertido que caminar porque en realidad puedes, ya sabes, saltar en la nieve o casi medio esquiar, de alguna manera. Je veux dire, c'est essentiellement comme la randonnée avec l'avantage supplémentaire que la descente est beaucoup plus amusante que la descente parce que vous pouvez en fait, vous savez, sauter dans la neige ou presque à moitié skier, d'une certaine manière. つまり、基本的にはハイキングに似ていますが、実際には、雪の中をジャンプしたり、スキーを半分近く降りたりすることができるので、降りる方がハイキングよりもはるかに楽しいという利点があります。 To znaczy, to w zasadzie jak wędrówka z dodatkową korzyścią, że schodzenie jest o wiele przyjemniejsze niż wędrówka w dół, ponieważ można, no wiesz, albo skakać w śniegu, albo prawie w połowie zjeżdżać na nartach. Yani, aslında yürüyüş yapmak gibi bir şey ama aşağı inmek yürüyüş yapmaktan çok daha eğlenceli çünkü bir bakıma ya karda zıplayabiliyorsunuz ya da neredeyse yarı kayak yapabiliyorsunuz. I mean, not really skiing, but

Jill: sliding a little bit. Jill: deslizándome un poco. Biraz kayıyor.

Mark: It’s just much more fun. It’s really a great feeling to be on a snow-covered hill and charge down. |||||||||||||lao xuống| Es realmente una gran sensación estar en una colina cubierta de nieve y cargar hacia abajo. C'est vraiment une sensation formidable d'être sur une colline enneigée et de foncer vers le bas. 雪に覆われた丘の上にいて、充電するのは本当に素晴らしい気分です。 Это действительно прекрасное чувство - оказаться на заснеженном склоне и спуститься вниз. Karla kaplı bir tepede olmak ve aşağı inmek gerçekten harika bir duygu.

Jill: I agree.

Mark: It’s much different than hiking. Mark: Yürüyüşten çok daha farklı.

Jill: And knowing that a warm hot chocolate is waiting for you at the bottom when you get there. Джилл: І знаючи, що теплий гарячий шоколад чекає на вас внизу, коли ви туди потрапите. I love that.

Mark: I wasn’t really thinking of that, but, yeah.

Jill: That’s part of the reason I like winter sports. Jill: To jeden z powodów, dla których lubię sporty zimowe. I don’t even know if it’s so much that I enjoy the sports, in particular, but I really enjoy Je ne sais même pas si c'est tellement que j'aime le sport, en particulier, mais j'aime vraiment 我什至不知道是不是我特别喜欢运动,但我真的很喜欢

Mark: it’s the hot chocolate.

Jill: It’s the reward afterwards. Jill: Sonrasındaki ödül. That’s definitely a part of it. Bu kesinlikle bunun bir parçası.

Mark: Well, I don’t have the hot chocolate. Sıcak çikolatam yok.

Jill: Or coffee or whatever, you know.

Mark: How about getting in the hot tub? |||||||bồn tắm nóng Mark: ¿Qué tal si te metes en el jacuzzi? Mark : Que diriez-vous d'aller dans le bain à remous ? Марк: Как насчет того, чтобы залезть в джакузи? Jakuziye girmeye ne dersin? Марк: Як щодо того, щоб потрапити в гарячу ванну?

Jill: Perfect.

Mark: Because a lot of the time you start to get cold once you come down because you are working hard and Mark : Parce que la plupart du temps, vous commencez à avoir froid une fois que vous êtes descendu parce que vous travaillez dur et Марк: Тому що багато часу ти починаєш мерзнути, коли спускаєшся вниз, тому що ти наполегливо працюєш і

Jill: sweating going up. |perspiring|| |suando|| Jill: sube la sudoración. Джилл: потоотделение повышается. Джилл: пітливість посилюється. 吉尔:汗流浃背。

Mark: Then you come down and you kind of get colder and colder, especially the worst is Grouse Mountain because there’s a gondola going up to it. ||||||||||||||||||||||góndola|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||gôndola|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||ゴンドラ|||| Mark: Luego bajas y cada vez hace más frío, sobre todo lo peor es Grouse Mountain porque hay una telecabina que sube hasta allí. Mark : Ensuite, vous descendez et vous devenez de plus en plus froid, surtout le pire est Grouse Mountain parce qu'il y a une télécabine qui y monte. Mark: Sonra aşağı iniyorsunuz ve gittikçe soğuyorsunuz, özellikle en kötüsü Grouse Dağı çünkü oraya çıkan bir gondol var. 马克:然后你下来,你会越来越冷,尤其是最糟糕的是松鸡山,因为有缆车上去。 I was up there once this year and went up and you’re pouring sweat and charge down and still we’re sweating but then there were a lot of people up that day because it was a weekend and you’ve got to wait for the gondola to take you down to the bottom. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||纜車||||||| ||||||||||||汗が噴き|汗||降りる|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cáp treo||||||| I was up there once this year and went up and you're pouring sweat and charge down and still we're sweating but then there were a lot of people up that day because it was a weekend and you've got to wait for the gondola to take you down to the bottom. Estuve allí una vez este año y subí y estás sudando a raudales y cargando y todavía estamos sudando, pero luego había mucha gente despierta ese día porque era un fin de semana y tienes que esperar a góndola para llevarte al fondo. J'étais là-haut une fois cette année et je suis monté et vous versez de la sueur et de la charge et nous transpirons toujours, mais il y avait beaucoup de monde ce jour-là parce que c'était un week-end et vous devez attendre le gondole pour vous emmener au fond. 私は今年一度そこに行って上がって、あなたは汗を流して充電していて、それでも私たちは汗をかいていますが、週末だったのでその日はたくさんの人がいました。ゴンドラはあなたを底に連れて行きます。 Byłem tam raz w tym roku i pojechałem na górę, a ty wylewasz pot i ładujesz się w dół i nadal się pocimy, ale tego dnia było dużo ludzi, ponieważ był to weekend i musisz poczekać, aż gondola zabierze cię na dół.

Jill: Yeah, sometimes there’s a wait. |||||chờ đợi You’ve got to wait a few

Mark: For sure. It was at least two or three

Jill: gondolas. |貢多拉船。 |ゴンドラ |góndolas

Mark: I had to wait and that’s, whatever, 15-20 minutes. I don’t know how often they go, but I was in that lineup for a while. I was starting to get cold. I had a change of clothes in my bag or at least a dry sweatshirt. ||||||||||||||áo nỉ khô I had a change of clothes in my bag or at least a dry sweatshirt. Llevaba una muda en la mochila o al menos una sudadera seca. So, I think the people there thought I was a little bit strange taking off my wet shirts in line and putting a dry shirt on, but I was a lot more comfortable after that. Entonces, creo que la gente de allí pensó que era un poco extraño quitarme las camisas mojadas en la fila y ponerme una camisa seca, pero me sentí mucho más cómodo después de eso.

Jill: You were stripping in the lineup. |||cởi đồ||| |||desnudándote||| Jill: Du hast dich in der Aufstellung ausgezogen. Jill : Tu faisais du strip-tease dans la programmation. Джилл: Ти роздягалась у складі. 吉尔:你在阵容中脱衣。

Mark: Basically, yeah, I got a few funny looks.

Jill: Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Jill : Eh bien, tu dois faire ce que tu as à faire. Джил: Ну, ты должен делать то, что должен. Джилл: Ну, ти повинен робити те, що повинен.

Mark: Well, yeah, I was freezing. As it was, I was cold and by the time I got home, I mean, I went straight to the hot tub, for sure, to warm up. Como estaba, tenía frío y cuando llegué a casa, quiero decir, fui directamente al jacuzzi, seguro, para calentarme. Eve geldiğimde üşümüştüm ve ısınmak için doğruca jakuziye gittim. Still, I got snowshoes, I don’t know, three, four, five years ago and I really like them. |||雪鞋||||||||||||| |||No translation needed||||||||||||| |||raquetas de nieve||||||||||||| Pourtant, j'ai eu des raquettes, je ne sais pas, il y a trois, quatre, cinq ans et je les aime beaucoup. They’re great.

Jill: Yeah. I think it’s a good activity, too, if you are into running, you know, in the nicer months, spring months, summer months, because it can be harder to run. Creo que también es una buena actividad, si te gusta correr, ya sabes, en los meses más bonitos, los meses de primavera, los meses de verano, porque puede ser más difícil correr. Je pense que c'est une bonne activité aussi, si vous aimez courir, vous savez, pendant les beaux mois, les mois de printemps, les mois d'été, car il peut être plus difficile de courir. Bence koşmayı seviyorsanız, güzel aylarda, bahar aylarında, yaz aylarında koşmak daha zor olabileceği için bu da iyi bir aktivite. Я вважаю, що це також гарне заняття, якщо ви любите бігати, знаєте, у хороші місяці, весняні місяці, літні місяці, тому що бігати може бути важче. I mean in Vancouver here, you can pretty much run all year round; road run, anyway. |||バンクーバー|||||||||||| It just might be rainy. It might not be very nice out, but there’s not usually snow on the ground.

Mark: No, not too often.

Jill: So, you can run all year round. But, I think in the winter it’s nicer, if you are a runner, to actually go up and go snowshoe running rather than maybe being on a slippery, wet road. |||||||||||||||||||雪鞋跑步|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||raquetas de nieve|||||||||| Mais je pense qu'en hiver, si vous êtes un coureur, il est préférable de monter et de courir en raquettes plutôt que d'être sur une route glissante et mouillée. Ama bence kışın, eğer bir koşucuysanız, kaygan ve ıslak bir yolda olmaktansa kar ayakkabısıyla koşmak daha güzel.

Mark: There’s something nice about being out in the snow. ||||||||cái| Mark: Hay algo agradable en estar en la nieve. Mark: Karda dışarıda olmanın güzel bir yanı var. I mean, I love it; especially if the sun is shinning it’s even better. ||||||||||輝いている||| ||||||||||brillando||| Je veux dire, je l'aime; surtout si le soleil brille c'est encore mieux. But, even if it’s overcast, it’s just the white blanket everywhere and it’s still and if you are snowshoeing and you can get off the trail, you are in the woods with nobody around. |||||||||||||||||||||||||đường mòn|||||||| ||||曇り||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||nublado||||||||||||||caminata con ra||||||||||||||| Pero, incluso si está nublado, es sólo la manta blanca en todas partes y es todavía y si usted está raquetas de nieve y se puede salir de la pista, que está en el bosque sin nadie alrededor. Mais, même s'il fait couvert, c'est juste la couverture blanche partout et c'est calme et si vous faites de la raquette et que vous pouvez sortir du sentier, vous êtes dans les bois sans personne autour. Але, навіть якщо похмуро, скрізь лише біла ковдра, і це нерухомо, і якщо ви ходите на снігоступах і можете зійти зі стежки, ви в лісі без нікого. 但是,即使是阴天,到处都是白色的毯子,而且它是静止的,如果您在雪地行走并且可以离开小径,那么您就在树林里,周围没有人。

Jill: It’s amazing.

Mark: I really like it. Maybe it’s because we are always surrounded by no snow down here that it’s just not as nice. C'est peut-être parce que nous sommes toujours entourés de neige ici que ce n'est pas aussi agréable. Belki de burada etrafımız hep karla çevrili olduğu için o kadar güzel değildir. 也许是因为我们这里周围总是没有雪,所以没有那么好。 Maybe it’s the novelty of being in the snow; but, any excuse to go do something in the snow. |||new experience||||||||||||||| |||新鮮さ|||||||どんな|||||||| C'est peut-être la nouveauté d'être dans la neige; mais, aucune excuse pour aller faire quelque chose dans la neige. Belki de karda olmanın yeniliği; ama karda bir şeyler yapmak için herhangi bir bahane. 也许是在雪地里的新鲜感吧;但是,任何借口去雪地里做点什么。

Jill: I think it is a novelty for me, for sure, because I know that I don’t have a desire to live in other parts of Canada where they have a lot of snow for five, six months a year. ||||||novidade||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill : Je pense que c'est une nouveauté pour moi, c'est sûr, parce que je sais que je n'ai pas envie de vivre dans d'autres régions du Canada où il y a beaucoup de neige pendant cinq ou six mois par an. You know, it’s cold and they’ve just got a lot of snow all winter long. Vous savez, il fait froid et ils ont juste eu beaucoup de neige tout l'hiver. I’ve never wanted to live somewhere like that. But, I think because we do have it so rarely here in Vancouver, when we get it, it’s fun; it’s different; it’s exciting, you know, and it’s much nicer than the pouring rain, which we get so much of. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mưa như trút||||||nhiều hơn hẳn| Mais, je pense que parce que nous l'avons si rarement ici à Vancouver, quand nous l'obtenons, c'est amusant ; c'est différent; c'est excitant, vous savez, et c'est beaucoup plus agréable que la pluie battante, dont nous recevons tellement. Ama bence Vancouver'da çok nadiren yağdığı için, yağdığı zaman da eğlenceli, farklı, heyecan verici ve çok sık yağan sağanak yağmurdan çok daha güzel. At least when it’s snowing, sometimes, it’s still quite bright out. |||||||||明るい| Au moins quand il neige, parfois, il fait encore assez clair. 至少在下雪的时候,有时,它仍然很亮。 The trees are beautiful and, you know, the snow is reflecting and it’s just fun because we’re not used to having it. ||||||||||phản chiếu||||||||||| ||||||||||bouncing back||||||||||| Les arbres sont beaux et, vous savez, la neige se reflète et c'est juste amusant parce que nous n'avons pas l'habitude d'en avoir. 木々は美しく、雪が反射していて、慣れていないので楽しいです。 Ağaçlar çok güzel ve bilirsiniz, kar yansıyor ve bu çok eğlenceli çünkü buna alışık değiliz.

Mark: For sure; although, we do have it on the mountains. Marque : Bien sûr ; bien que nous l'ayons sur les montagnes. Mark: Kesinlikle; gerçi dağlarda da var. We always have snow in the wintertime, just about. 冬はいつも雪が降ります。 I mean, we do; sometimes more, sometimes less, but there always is snow up there. Je veux dire, nous le faisons; parfois plus, parfois moins, mais il y a toujours de la neige là-haut. So, it is nice to get up there and enjoy.

Jill: We kind of have the best of both worlds. Jill : Nous avons en quelque sorte le meilleur des deux mondes. We can go to the snow if we want or stay away from it if we want. 如果我们愿意,我们可以去雪地或远离它。

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: It’s not forced on us like it is in so many parts of Canada. |||強制されて||||||||||| ジル:カナダの多くの地域にあるように、私たちに強制されることはありません。 Jill: Kanada'nın pek çok yerinde olduğu gibi bize zorla dayatılmıyor. Джилл: Нам це не нав’язують, як у багатьох частинах Канади.

Mark: That’s right.

Especially in the spring when it starts to warm up there can be some beautiful days in the town here where you can, you know, whatever, be outside golfing or playing tennis or doing outdoor activities and there’s still snow on the mountain. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chơi golf|||||||||||||| Surtout au printemps, quand il commence à se réchauffer, il peut y avoir de belles journées dans la ville ici où vous pouvez, vous savez, peu importe, jouer au golf ou jouer au tennis ou faire des activités de plein air et il y a encore de la neige sur la montagne. You know, you can go up and get some nice

Jill: people are sun tanning up there. ||||曬太陽|| ||||bronceándose al sol|| ||||tomando sol|| ||||tắm nắng|| Jill: la gente se broncea allí. Jill : les gens bronzent là-haut. Джилл: там люди засмагають.

Mark: Sun tanning up there and spring skiing and, yeah, it’s pretty neat. ||日焼け||||||||||素晴らしい Mark : Le bronzage là-haut et le ski de printemps et, oui, c'est plutôt chouette. Марк: Засмагає там і весняне катання на лижах, і, так, це досить акуратно. 马克:在那里晒太阳和春季滑雪,是的,非常整洁。 I remember -- I don’t know how long ago it was -- when Cyprus Bowl was open on Canada Day because we had so much snow that year, which is July 1st, which is really late. Je me souviens -- je ne sais pas combien de temps il y a -- quand le Cyprus Bowl était ouvert le jour de la fête du Canada parce que nous avions tellement de neige cette année-là, c'est-à-dire le 1er juillet, ce qui est très tard. Я пам’ятаю – я не знаю, як давно це було – коли Cyprus Bowl відкривали на День Канади, тому що того року, а це 1 липня, було дуже пізно, у нас було так багато снігу.

Jill: Very rare for us to still have snow on the mountains. Jill : Très rare pour nous d'avoir encore de la neige sur les montagnes.

Mark: Yeah, so that was, of course, the latest they’d ever been open. Mark : Ouais, donc c'était, bien sûr, la dernière fois qu'ils étaient ouverts. And, I think, maybe they had some days where they weren’t open, you know, in that spring and early summer, but they opened Canada Day and it was a free day. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||それ||||

Jill: Wow.

Mark: It’s unreal, really, when you think of it. Mark: Düşündüğünüzde gerçekten de gerçek dışı.

Jill: Yeah, it is.

Mark: We still have snow locally Canada Day. マーク:カナダの日はまだ地元で雪が降っています。 Yeah.

I was going to ask you though I’ve never been snowmobiling. ||||||||||đi xe trượt tuyết J'allais vous demander même si je n'ai jamais fait de motoneige. You said you went snowmobiling. What’s that like?

Jill: You know, it’s not really a novelty to me because my dad actually also lives somewhere in a small town east of Vancouver, quite far east, and they get a lot of snow and it’s cold there in the winter. He always had snowmobiles and we would go up there and visit him growing up in the wintertime. |||snow vehicles|||||||||||||| Siempre tenía motos de nieve e íbamos a visitarle en invierno. Il avait toujours des motoneiges et nous allions là-haut et lui rendions visite en grandissant en hiver. Her zaman kar motosikletleri vardı ve kışın oraya gidip onu ziyaret ederdik. 他总是有雪地摩托,我们会去那里看望他在冬天长大。 So, I’ve always been on them. だから、私はいつも彼らに取り組んできました。 Так что я всегда был на них. But, you know, it’s fun. I think I could take it or leave it. ||||受け入れる|||どちらでもいい| Je pense que je peux le prendre ou le laisser. 私はそれを取るか、それを残すことができると思います。 我想我可以接受或离开它。 You know, I think a lot of guys, you know, like to go on and go really fast and it’s a thrill. |||||||||||||||||||||cảm giác mạnh |||||||||||||||||||||emoción Vous savez, je pense que beaucoup de gars, vous savez, aiment continuer et aller très vite et c'est un frisson. It doesn’t do that much for me. Ça ne me fait pas grand-chose. それは私にとってそれほど多くはありません。 I get scared. 我会害怕。 I don’t want to go that fast.

Mark: Right.

Jill: When I was younger I did. I loved it. My granddad, my dad’s dad, was a crazy man on a snowmobile and we were always scabbing and bruising because he was doing crazy stuff with us and we were being thrown off. ||||||||||||||||getting minor injuries|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||caindo de cara|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||trầy xước||bị bầm tím|||||||||||||bị văng ra| |爺爺||||||||||雪地摩托|||||擦傷|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||スノーモービル|||||転げ落ちて||打撲して|||||||||||||投げ出されて| |abuelo||||||||||moto de nieve|||||raspando|||||||||||||||| Mi abuelo, el papá de mi papá, era un loco en una moto de nieve y siempre teníamos costras y moretones porque él estaba haciendo locuras con nosotros y nos estaban echando. Mon grand-père, le père de mon père, était un fou sur une motoneige et nous avions toujours des croûtes et des ecchymoses parce qu'il faisait des trucs fous avec nous et nous étions jetés. 私の祖父、私の父の父はスノーモービルに乗った狂った男でした、そして彼が私たちと一緒に狂ったことをしていて私たちが捨てられていたので私たちはいつもかさぶたと打撲傷を負っていました。 Мой дедушка, отец моего отца, был сумасшедшим человеком на снегоходе, и мы всегда были в царапинах и синяках, потому что он вытворял с нами сумасшедшие вещи, и нас сбрасывало. Büyükbabam, babamın babası, kar motosikleti kullanan çılgın bir adamdı ve bizimle çılgınca şeyler yaptığı için sürekli yara bere içindeydik ve savruluyorduk. Мій дідусь, батько мого тата, був божевільним чоловіком на снігоході, і ми завжди були в струпах і синці, тому що він робив з нами божевільні речі, і нас скидали. 我的祖父,我父亲的父亲,是一个骑雪地摩托的疯子,我们总是结痂和瘀伤,因为他和我们一起做疯狂的事情,我们被甩了。

Mark: Is that right? ||それ|

Jill: Oh, yeah, it was just’so, I think that maybe sort of traumatized me a little bit so that now I’m fairly paranoid. |||||太過如此|||||||受到創傷|||||||||| |||||本当に|||||||||||||||||偏執的 |||||así||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||bị tổn thương||||||||||hoang tưởng Jill : Oh, ouais, c'était juste tellement, je pense que ça m'a peut-être un peu traumatisé, de sorte que maintenant je suis assez paranoïaque. ジル:ああ、そうだね、それはただのことだった。多分、私は少しトラウマを抱えていたので、今はかなり妄想的だと思う。

Mark: Right.

Jill: And, you know, I know my brother had his toes broken. Jill: Y, ya sabes, sé que a mi hermano le rompieron los dedos de los pies. Jill : Et, vous savez, je sais que mon frère s'est cassé les orteils.

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: So, I know people who have been hurt on snow machines. So, I now’I like going on, but I prefer not to drive myself and I go on with only somebody I trust a lot and if that person goes too fast, they hear about it. ||現在我|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||今|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||ahora yo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Donc, maintenant, j'aime continuer, mais je préfère ne pas conduire moi-même et je continue avec seulement quelqu'un en qui j'ai beaucoup confiance et si cette personne va trop vite, elle en entend parler. Bu yüzden, artık yola çıkmayı seviyorum, ancak kendim sürmemeyi tercih ediyorum ve sadece çok güvendiğim biriyle yola çıkıyorum ve o kişi çok hızlı giderse, bunu duyuyorlar.

Mark: Right; yeah.

Jill: It’s fun. It’s nice, you know, if it’s a nice day. At Christmastime we had a gorgeous, clear, sunny day; not a cloud in the sky; wasn’t really cold; it was so beautiful and we went on, you know, probably at least an hour and a half-long ride through the trees and it was really nice. À Noël, nous avons eu une journée magnifique, claire et ensoleillée; pas un nuage dans le ciel; n'était pas vraiment froid; c'était si beau et nous avons continué, vous savez, probablement au moins une heure et demie de balade à travers les arbres et c'était vraiment sympa. So, you know, it just sort of depends what you are into. Entonces, ya sabes, depende de lo que te guste. Donc, vous savez, cela dépend en quelque sorte de ce que vous aimez. Отже, ви знаєте, це просто залежить від того, чим ви займаєтесь. 所以,你知道,这取决于你喜欢什么。

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: I think most guys who do it have fun.

Mark: Oh, I’m sure it’s fun. The only, I guess, similar thing I have done is’jet skiing is kind of similar or whatever you call it. |||||||||滑水|||||||||| |||||||||アイス|||||||||| |||||||||esquí acuático|||||||||| |||||||||lướt ván phản lực|||||||||| La seule, je suppose, chose similaire que j'ai faite est que le jet ski est un peu similaire ou peu importe comment vous l'appelez. 我想,我做过的唯一类似的事情是'喷气滑雪有点类似或随便你怎么称呼它。 A seadoo or whatever you call those things. |personal watercraft|||||| |jet ski|||||| |水上摩托車|||||| |mô tô nước|||||| |ジェットスキー|||||| |moto acuática|||||| Ein Seadoo oder wie auch immer du diese Dinge nennst. Een seadoo of hoe je die dingen ook noemt. Seadoo или как вы там называете эти штуки. Seadoo або як ви називаєте ці речі.

Jill: Yeah, on the water.

Mark: I’ve only done that once, mind you. Mark: Bunu sadece bir kez yaptım, dikkatinizi çekerim. 马克:我只做过一次,请注意。 I mean, it was okay; zip around for a while. |||||chạy vòng quanh|||| |||||move quickly|||| |||||動き回る|||| Ich meine, es war okay; Reißverschluss für eine Weile. Quiero decir, estuvo bien; zip alrededor por un tiempo. Je veux dire, ça allait; faites le tour pendant un moment. つまり、大丈夫でした。しばらくジッパーを回します。 Я маю на увазі, це було добре; застібати на блискавку на деякий час. 我的意思是,没关系;拉上一会儿。 But, I would think, I mean at least with that, you’d kind of get bored after awhile, unless you start trying to do more and more like crazier and crazier things, which, as you say, ends up with, a lot of times, people getting hurt. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||更瘋狂的事情||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||more extreme things||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||もっとクレイジーな||||||||終わる||||||||| Mais, je pense, je veux dire au moins avec ça, vous vous ennuieriez au bout d'un moment, à moins que vous ne commenciez à essayer de faire de plus en plus des choses de plus en plus folles, ce qui, comme vous le dites, finit par, beaucoup de fois, les gens se blessent.

Jill: Yeah, yeah.

Mark: People do get hurt on snow machines. Mark : Les gens se blessent avec les motoneiges.

Jill: Oh, yeah, they go fast. And I think, you know, it just depends. My family, my granddad and my grandma, in particular, always had snowmobiles and always had lots of property where they lived and, you know, hundreds and hundreds of acres that was their own private property full of trees and trails and, you know, cabins and so. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mẫu Anh|||||||||||đường mòn||||nhà gỗ nhỏ|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||小屋|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cabines|| Ma famille, mon grand-père et ma grand-mère, en particulier, ont toujours eu des motoneiges et ont toujours eu beaucoup de propriété où ils vivaient et, vous savez, des centaines et des centaines d'acres qui étaient leur propre propriété privée pleine d'arbres et de sentiers et, vous savez, cabines et ainsi de suite. Моя родина, мій дідусь і моя бабуся, зокрема, завжди мали снігоходи і завжди мали багато власності, де вони жили, і, знаєте, сотні й сотні акрів, які були їхньою приватною власністю, повною дерев і стежок, і, знаєте, каюти тощо. They had friends that every year, you know, and us, too, when we were up there you’d go on sort of day-long trips and you pack stuff and you build a fire along the way and have marshmallows and hotdogs. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||đóng gói||||đốt lên||||||||kẹo dẻo marshmallow|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ホットドッグ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||malvaviscos||perros calientes ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||熱狗 Tenían amigos que todos los años, ya sabes, y nosotros también, cuando estábamos allí arriba, hacíamos una especie de excursiones de un día en las que empaquetábamos cosas y encendíamos una hoguera por el camino y comíamos malvaviscos y perritos calientes. Ils avaient des amis avec qui chaque année, vous savez, et nous aussi, quand nous étions là-haut, vous faisiez des voyages d'une journée et vous emballiez des affaires et vous allumiez un feu en cours de route et preniez des guimauves et des hot-dogs. У них були друзі, які щороку, знаєш, і ми теж, коли ми були там, ти ходив у цілі подорожі, пакував речі, розводив багаття по дорозі і їв зефір і хот-доги. So, it’s kind of, you know, it’s like an event rather than just speeding around for an hour. |||||||||||||chạy quá tốc độ|||| Отже, це щось на кшталт події, а не просто катання на годину. It’s not really about going really fast. それは本当に速く行くことについてではありません。 It’s more about sort of being out in the. それは、の中にいるようなものです。 Это больше похоже на то, чтобы побыть на природе.

Mark: Yeah.

I mean, I would image that part of it would appeal to me more, too. Quiero decir, me imagino que parte de eso también me atraería más. Я маю на увазі, що я б уявляв, що ця частина мене також сподобається більше. And, in a way, you can do the same thing on cross country skis for that matter or snowshoeing. ||||||||||||||に関して|||| ||||||||||||||||||raquetas de nieve そして、ある意味では、クロスカントリースキーやスノーシューでも同じことができます。 Ve bir bakıma aynı şeyi kros kayağı ya da kar ayakkabısıyla da yapabilirsiniz. 而且,在某种程度上,您可以在越野滑雪或雪鞋行走上做同样的事情。 Just pack a lunch and off you go. |お弁当を|||||| Solo prepara un almuerzo y listo. Sadece bir öğle yemeği hazırlayın ve gidin. 带上午餐就可以了。

Jill: It’s just, you know, the lazy man’s way of getting around. ||||||||||đi lại|vượt qua Jill : C'est juste, tu sais, la façon de se déplacer des paresseux.

Mark: That’s right, basically.

Jill: It doesn’t take any energy.

Mark: Yeah, that’s right, which wouldn’t appeal to me. ||||||chamar a atenção|a| Mark: Sí, así es, lo que no me atraería. マーク:ええ、そうです、それは私には魅力的ではありません。 Mark: Evet, doğru, bu bana hitap etmezdi. I’ve got to get some exercise out of it. 私はそれからいくつかの運動をしなければなりません。 Biraz egzersiz yapmalıyım.

Jill: Why do it if you’re not getting exercise, right? ジル:運動をしていないのになぜそうするのですか? Jill: Egzersiz yapmayacaksan neden yapıyorsun, değil mi?

Mark: Well, that’s right.

Mark: Well, I guess we’ve touched on a lot of different winter sports here today. |||||触れた||||||||| Mark: Bueno, creo que hoy hemos abordado muchos deportes de invierno diferentes. Марк: Ну, я думаю, ми сьогодні торкнулися тут багатьох різних зимових видів спорту. The one we haven’t really touched on, of course, is hockey, which, for the most part, tends to be more of an organized sport now. ||||||||||khúc côn cầu||||||||||||có tổ chức|| El que no hemos abordado realmente, por supuesto, es el hockey, que, en su mayor parte, tiende a ser un deporte más organizado ahora. Celui que nous n'avons pas vraiment abordé, bien sûr, est le hockey, qui, pour la plupart, a tendance à être davantage un sport organisé maintenant. But, getting back to our trip to Big White where they have a big outdoor rink that’s really another big attraction for us going there is the big outdoor rink and every night there’s hockey games; pick up hockey games going. |||||||||||||||sân trượt băng||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||open-air|ice skating area||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||リンク||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||pista de hielo||||||||||||||pista de hielo||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pista de gelo||||||||||| Pero, volviendo a nuestro viaje a Big White, donde tienen una gran pista al aire libre que es realmente otra gran atracción para nosotros es la gran pista al aire libre y todas las noches hay juegos de hockey; ir a los partidos de hockey. Але, повертаючись до нашої подорожі до Big White, де у них є великий відкритий каток, це справді ще одна велика привабливість для нас, ідучи туди, є великий відкритий каток і щовечора там проводяться хокейні ігри; збираються хокейні ігри. And, you know, you just show up and whoever shows up gets split up into two teams of people of all ages and all abilities and you just have a game. |||||xuất hiện|xuất hiện|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||composed of|individuals|composed of|every skill level|||||||||| |||||||||参加する|||分けられる||||||人々||||そして|||||||| ||||||||quien sea|||||||||||||||||||||| Y, ya sabes, simplemente apareces y quienquiera que aparezca se divide en dos equipos de personas de todas las edades y todas las habilidades y tú solo tienes un juego. Et, vous savez, vous venez de vous présenter et celui qui se présente est divisé en deux équipes de personnes de tous âges et de toutes capacités et vous avez juste un match. І, знаєте, ви просто з’являєтеся, і кожен, хто з’являється, розбивається на дві команди людей різного віку та всіх здібностей, і у вас просто гра. I tell ya, it’s lots of fun. My seven-year-old son, he just loves it, you know, because he plays together with the big guys and he just thinks it’s the best and, of course, everybody’s pretty good. Mon fils de sept ans, il adore ça, vous savez, parce qu'il joue avec les grands et il pense que c'est le meilleur et, bien sûr, tout le monde est plutôt bon. So, the older guys, you know, if the little guys have the puck, they let them take it for a while and then have a shot or pass it to the little guys and keep them in the game. ||||||||||||冰球|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||お兄さんたち|||||||||パック|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||puck: "bóng khúc côn"|||||||||||||cú sút||||||||||||| Donc, les gars plus âgés, vous savez, si les petits gars ont la rondelle, ils les laissent prendre pendant un moment et ensuite ont un tir ou le passent aux petits gars et les gardent dans le match. ですから、年配の男性は、小さな男性がパックを持っている場合、しばらくそれを持って行ってから、ショットを撮るか、小さな男性に渡してゲームに残します。 And, at the same time, the older guys are pretty competitive and trying hard. ||||||||||cạnh tranh||| Et, en même temps, les gars plus âgés sont assez compétitifs et essaient dur. Oh, yeah, and my dad comes out. |||||emerges| Oh, ouais, et mon père sort. I mean, it’s really a lot of fun. Quiero decir, es realmente muy divertido. It’s sort of the roots of hockey, in a way. ||||origins||||| Es una especie de raíz del hockey, en cierto modo. C'est un peu les racines du hockey, d'une certaine façon. Это в некотором роде корни хоккея.

Jill: Canadian tradition.

Mark: Canadian tradition and, really, it’s just fun. You know, sometimes we are up there marveling at’the level of the games is pretty good a lot of the time, obviously, because a lot of people play hockey, you know, or have played as kids. |||||||admiring|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||maravilhando-nos|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||kinh ngạc|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||在...的||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||驚いている|その||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||en||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sabes, a veces estamos ahí arriba maravillándonos de que el nivel de los juegos es bastante bueno la mayor parte del tiempo, obviamente, porque mucha gente juega hockey, ya sabes, o ha jugado de niños. Vous savez, parfois nous nous émerveillons du niveau des jeux la plupart du temps, évidemment, parce que beaucoup de gens jouent au hockey, vous savez, ou ont joué quand ils étaient enfants. Ви знаєте, іноді ми дивуємося, що рівень ігор досить хороший багато часу, очевидно, тому що багато людей грають у хокей, знаєте, або грали в дитинстві. So, anyway, that’s lots of fun and you do get the people who haven’t played before, you know, the Australian or whoever shows up to try it out and they have fun, too. |||||||||||||||||||||quien sea||||||||||| Donc, de toute façon, c'est très amusant et vous obtenez les gens qui n'ont jamais joué auparavant, vous savez, l'Australien ou quiconque se présente pour l'essayer et ils s'amusent aussi.

Jill: Can they skate, usually? |||滑冰|

Mark: Well, not so much, but they kind of run around. Mark: Bueno, no tanto, pero como que corren. Mark : Eh bien, pas tellement, mais ils courent un peu partout. 马克:嗯,没有那么多,但他们有点跑来跑去。 Actually, some people take a fair bit of abuse, or their bodies take a fair bit of abuse, as they are trying to play. ||||||||lạm dụng||||||||||||||| ||||||||虐待|||||一部|かなり|かなり|||||||| En realidad, algunas personas sufren un poco de abuso, o sus cuerpos sufren un poco de abuso, mientras intentan jugar. En fait, certaines personnes subissent pas mal d'abus, ou leur corps en subit pas mal, alors qu'ils essaient de jouer. 実際、プレイしようとしているときに、かなりの虐待を受けたり、体がかなりの虐待を受けたりする人もいます。 Aslında, bazı insanlar oynamaya çalışırken epeyce hırpalanıyor ya da vücutları epeyce hırpalanıyor. Насправді, деякі люди відчувають неабияку кількість знущань, або їхні тіла відчувають справедливу частку зловживань, коли вони намагаються грати. 实际上,有些人在尝试玩耍时受到了相当多的虐待,或者他们的身体受到了相当多的虐待。 It’s not that easy to keep your balance and do things with the puck. |||||||||||||puck (khúc côn cầu) ||||||||||||その| But, everybody plays together and it’s fun and there’s plenty of hot chocolate there. Mais, tout le monde joue ensemble et c'est amusant et il y a plein de chocolat chaud là-bas.

Jill: Oh, good. I could join in if I wanted? Я могу присоединиться, если захочу?

Mark: That’s right.

Jill: No.

Mark: Actually, my daughters came and played; not in the game, but with their friends and they just played with the. Mark : En fait, mes filles sont venues et ont joué ; pas dans le jeu, mais avec leurs amis et ils ont juste joué avec.

Jill: watched

Mark: No. They would skate with the puck and they had sticks for them and they liked it. |||||||||gậy khúc côn cầu|||||| Patinaban con el disco y tenían palos para ellos y les gustaba. Ils patinaient avec la rondelle et ils avaient des bâtons pour eux et ils aimaient ça. 彼らはパックでスケートをし、スティックを持っていて、それが好きでした。 Вони каталися з шайбою, у них були ключки, і їм це подобалося. There were four or five girls and they were playing because the skating, on its own, you can only do that so long. |||||||||||||の||||||||| Había cuatro o cinco chicas y estaban jugando porque el patinaje, por sí solo, solo se puede hacer durante un tiempo. Il y avait quatre ou cinq filles et elles jouaient parce que le patinage, tout seul, ça ne peut pas durer longtemps. But when you are playing a game, you can get into it more and keep at it longer. Ancak bir oyun oynarken, kendinizi daha fazla kaptırabilir ve daha uzun süre devam edebilirsiniz. 但是当你在玩游戏时,你可以更多地投入其中并保持更长时间。

Mark: Otherwise, I think that probably covers the topic of |caso contrário|||||||| Mark: De lo contrario, creo que probablemente cubra el tema de Mark : Sinon, je pense que cela couvre probablement le sujet de マーク:そうでなければ、おそらくそれはのトピックをカバーしていると思います Mark: Aksi takdirde, sanırım bu muhtemelen şu konuyu kapsıyor

Jill: winter sports.

Mark: For those of you who live in countries where there is no winter or no snow, then I recommend you come to Canada. Mark : Pour ceux d'entre vous qui vivent dans des pays où il n'y a ni hiver ni neige, alors je vous recommande de venir au Canada.

Jill: Come to Vancouver.

Mark: Come to Vancouver, yeah.

Jill: Not just to anywhere in Canada.

Mark: That’s right.

Jill: BC.

Mark: Come to Vancouver, BC, if you want to have fun; British Columbia. Otherwise, we’ll catch up with you next time on EnglishLingQ. ||追いつく||||||| caso contrário||||||||| 否则,我们下次会在EnglishLingQ 上与您联系。