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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Thirty-two: The Internet, The Best Place to Learn English

Thirty-two: The Internet, The Best Place to Learn English

Table of Contents: The Primacy of Input Vocabulary over Grammar Learning in Chunks Better Tutors on the Internet Meaningful Communication Motivation and Enjoyment Efficiency A Learning Community, The Linguist English is the dominant language of the Internet.

The Internet will in turn become the dominant place to learn English. The way languages are learned is changing, and these changes are accelerating. The Internet is constantly evolving. It has created a dynamic environment for the communication and the management of information. The Internet has brought with it new forms of social interaction without boundaries. Technologies like MP3, iPod, Skype and PDAs, as well as blogs and podcasts, are making an immense variety of communication, information, literature, news and other language content available anywhere and anytime. A cascade of developments is causing interactive communities to spring up based on common interests, without regard to geography. This is going to stand traditional language learning on its head. English dominates on the Internet in areas ranging from entertainment to science. If you want to learn English, this represents an unprecedented opportunity. You can access English language content on any subject and learn from it. You can connect with English speaking people who share your interests. You can do this via e-mail, through blogs, podcasts and forums. You can link up with friends or even language tutors using free Internet telephony. The World Wide Web is the ultimate dynamic classroom and learning community. Over the next few years the Internet will take over from the classroom as the place of choice to learn English: Here are some of the reasons. The Primacy of Input If you want to learn English or any other language, you need input, meaningful, interesting and at your level. Today language learning experts emphasize input over output, listening and reading over grammar study. Before you can use the language, you must get used to the language. You don't need to be in a hurry to speak English, and you don't need to speak it all the time to improve. Real language acquisition develops slowly, and speaking skills emerge significantly later than listening skills, even when conditions are perfect. The best methods are therefore those that supply 'comprehensible input' in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are 'ready', recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production." Stephen Krashen, University of Southern California. When you learned your own language as a child, you didn't begin by speaking. You began by listening. New language learners can benefit from a "silent period". During the "silent period" you can absorb the language. You need not force yourself to speak it until you are confident. Even if you are an intermediate learner, extensive reading and listening will increase your familiarity with the language, enrich your vocabulary, and develop confidence. This is more beneficial than studying grammar. While listening and reading often and regularly are vital, the content must be meaningful. Learning content should be interesting and comprehensible to you. This means that you, not the teacher, should choose what to learn from. The Internet allows unlimited choice of fascinating authentic content. The traditional textbook cannot compete. Motivated learners used to spend their time in book stores looking for graded content that would help them in their language studies. Yet, inevitably a lot of this material could only be found in uninteresting textbooks and readers. But today authentic content on a variety of subjects is only a click away. This is especially the case for the person who wants to learn English. This range of material is made accessible to learners, since new systems can grade it for difficulty in a way that is customized to your specific vocabulary. You can learn English by listening to and reading on subjects that interest you and you won?t find it too difficult. Vocabulary over Grammar In order to achieve fluency in English you need to be comfortable using at least 10,000 words. On the Internet, you can choose appropriate content to listen to and read. The content can be graded to your level. But what about learning and remembering all those new words. We know how quickly we forget words when we look them up in a dictionary. And there are so many words to learn. Fortunately, the Internet makes it a lot easier to learn vocabulary. On the Internet you can use online dictionaries to look up words instantly (i.e., Babylon). There are learning software programs which create customized word lists for you as you learn words. This software can help you accumulate example sentences for these words from the familiar contexts you are listening to and reading. You can set vocabulary goals and follow your progress towards these goals. The Internet helps you to efficiently accumulate vocabulary based on lively and interesting language content, customized to your needs. This combination of vocabulary learning efficiency and limitless content is only part of why the Internet will become the place of choice to learn English. Learning in Chunks Vocabulary does not only mean words. It also means phrases, or chunks of words. Phrases are groups of words that come together in a way that is natural to the native speaker but not always to the learner. Michael Lewis has been one of the pioneers in pointing out that you learn language in chunks, or lexical phrases. The Internet and the computer make this easier. On the computer, you can grab language chunks as you are listening and reading and collect them in an easy to use database. Phrases and chunks of the language can be linked to larger contexts, which are already familiar to you. You don't need to rely on dictionary definitions and rote memory. You can review these chunks of language in short fragment form, in sentence form and as part of a larger context that you can listen to and read many times. In this way you gradually develop an instinctive sense for how words are used. This is the natural way to learn correct usage. It is more effective than trying to remember and apply grammar rules. As you build up your confidence in English through regular input and word and phrase learning, you will no doubt want to talk to native speakers. Once again the Internet is the ideal environment, offering more opportunities than the classroom. Better Tutors on the Internet The Internet connects people who are looking for each other. A quick search on a few professional web sites will locate native English speaker writers, editors, or professionals from all over the world, who are interested in acting as language tutors and coaches. If you want to learn English, you can interact with this outstanding pool of qualified people with a wide range of experience and knowledge. You do not need teachers with specialized linguistics degrees if you want to learn English on the Internet. The new learning paradigm does not require teachers who are trained in the details of grammar and language teaching. Instead the important qualifications for a tutor on the Internet are; an interest in people, an ability to use one's native language well, and rich experience to share with learners in English. On the Internet you can choose the tutor whose accent and interests match your own. Meaningful Communication Technologies like Skype make conversations via computer easy to organize and the communication is free of charge. You can get your friends together for a chat or make an appointment with a tutor. It is like having lessons on demand. You can schedule one-on-one or four-on-one discussions via Skype with the tutor of your choice. You can invite your friends to join, or make new friends from different countries and cultures. Tutors need only provide advice and encouragement as well as feedback, at your convenience. There is no need for grammar instruction or quizzes, since you are learning the language naturally through your input activities. In the relaxing atmosphere of Internet online discussion, learners and tutors become friends and form a community of people helping and encouraging each other. These are not stressful lessons. They are pleasant opportunities to communicate. You can record these conversations or produce your own oral essays and file them or share them. In this way you can keep track of your progress as you learn English on the Internet. To really improve your accuracy of expression it is important to write. The correction of written texts can be efficiently organized on the Internet and integrated with your input and speaking activities. Systems can keep a permanent record of both your original texts and the corrected texts. These records can include details on the nature of your mistakes and the tutor's notes. Tutors can make audio recordings of your corrected writing for you to listen to, in order to reinforce the learning of the corrected phrases. The writing can range from casual writing for a blog to serious academic essays. Motivation and Enjoyment Learning on the Internet is effective because it is fun. The Internet avoids the tension and boredom of the classroom and increases your motivation. You choose the content, vocabulary is easy to learn, progress is constantly measured, and you become part of a community. There are already blogging communities with learners and tutors sharing their experiences. People come together from all over the world to help each other. Bloggers may post in their own language, or in English. English becomes the medium of communication among people of different cultural backgrounds. Blogging isn't an assignment, but a genuine, enjoyable, and meaningful activity. A contagious enthusiasm will keep you learning. It is not like studying. It's more like making new friends and discovering new cultures through language. Efficiency The Internet introduces a higher level of efficiency in language learning. Efficiency is essential because it creates intensity. It takes a high degree of intensity to transform yourself into a fluent speaker of another language. There is also another reason why efficiency is important. You have a right to a decent return on your investment of time and money in language learning. If you want to learn English, efficiency is important, yet it is often ignored in traditional language teaching. I spent over 14 months studying English in a school. It was a waste of money for Canadian government and a waste of time for me." Humberto Soto, a recent immigrant to Canada. Traditional classroom methods are not as efficient as the Internet. It is difficult to cater to learners of different levels and interests. Stress and boredom are often the results. Many people are discouraged by their school experience, and end up convinced that they cannot learn to be fluent in a new language. They lose interest and give up. For people who want to learn English, the Internet opens up a new world of efficient and satisfying language learning. The Internet makes possible a quality and variety of input that far exceeds the resources of a traditional classroom. Learning methodologies and communication opportunities are available to you on the Internet that the classroom cannot match. Goals can be set and achievements measured. The result is a highly integrated and enjoyable learning environment. This new method of learning appeals to all ages. While youngsters and students are the most avid users of the Internet, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation 70% of Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 use the Internet! Similar trends are being seen in Europe and Asia. A Learning Community, The Linguist The Linguist is both a learning methodology and a community. It is the first language learning system developed specifically to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the Internet. It was initially developed to help people learn English. It is now being revised and expanded in order to offer other major world languages. In the future, The Linguist model has many applications for life-long education. The explosion of new media and learning technologies via the Internet will change forever the way people learn. The Linguist system will influence how many subjects are taught. It will make it possible for people all over the world to share their knowledge, expertise and learn from each other, in many languages. Learning English is just one of many lessons we can learn on the Internet. Another one of them is to learn how to learn. Steve Kaufmann Steve Kaufmann, CEO and Founder of The Linguist, grew up in Montreal. He obtained a Diplome from l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris in1966 and then entered the Canadian Foreign Service, as a Trade Commissioner. Steve was posted to Hong Kong in 1968 and then served in Japan from 1971 to 1974. In 1974 he left the diplomatic service and served in senior executive positions in the Canadian forest industry until 1987. In 1987 he founded his own company, KP Wood Ltd which today has offices in Japan, Sweden and Canada. Steve speaks fluent Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese as well as six European languages. He wrote: The Way of the Linguist: A Language Learning Odyssey. In 2002 he established The Linguist Institute Ltd. Published: August 11, 2006

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Thirty-two: The Internet, The Best Place to Learn English Zweiunddreißig: Das Internet, der beste Ort, um Englisch zu lernen Τριάντα δύο: Το Διαδίκτυο, το καλύτερο μέρος για να μάθετε αγγλικά Thirty-two: The Internet, The Best Place to Learn English Treinta y dos: Internet, el mejor lugar para aprender inglés Trente-deux : Internet, le meilleur endroit pour apprendre l'anglais Trentadue: Internet, il posto migliore per imparare l'inglese 32英語を学ぶのに最適なインターネット 서른둘: 서른둘: 인터넷, 영어를 배우기 위한 최고의 장소 Trisdešimt du: Geriausia vieta mokytis anglų kalbos - internetas Trzydzieści dwa: Internet, najlepsze miejsce do nauki angielskiego Trinta e dois: a Internet, o melhor lugar para aprender inglês 32: Интернет - лучшее место для изучения английского языка Trettiotvå: Internet, det bästa stället att lära sig engelska Otuz iki: İnternet, İngilizce Öğrenmek İçin En İyi Yer Тридцять два: Інтернет - найкраще місце для вивчення англійської мови 三十二:互联网,学习英语的最佳场所 三十二:互聯網,學習英語的最佳場所

Table of Contents: 目录表|| tabla||Contenido Tabela||Conteúdo Table des matières: Inhoudsopgave: Spis treści: Índice: İçindekiler: The Primacy of Input |Примат|| |Primary importance|| |Primazia||entrada |优先性|| |Sự ưu tiên||đầu vào |اولویت ورودی|| |輸入至上|| |優位性|| |primacía||input La primacía de la entrada La primauté de l'entrée 入力の優位性 Prymat wkładu A primazia da entrada Girişin Önceliği Першість введення Vocabulary over Grammar vocabulário|| Лексиката над граматиката Wortschatz über Grammatik Vocabulaire sur la grammaire 文法上の語彙 Vocabulário sobre gramática Dilbilgisi Üzerine Kelime Bilgisi Learning in Chunks ||порции информации ||fragmentos Apprendre en morceaux チャンクで学ぶ Nauka w kawałkach Topaklarda Öğrenme Навчання в Chunks Better Tutors on the Internet 更好的|||| İnternette Daha İyi Eğitmenler Meaningful Communication Communication significative Comunicação Significativa Anlamlı İletişim Motivation and Enjoyment ||удовлетворение Motivação e Prazer Motivasyon ve Keyif Efficiency efficiëntie verim A Learning Community, The Linguist |||该| Uma Comunidade de Aprendizagem, The Linguist English is the dominant language of the Internet. 英语||||||| |||dominante|||| 英語はインターネットの主要な言語です。 O inglês é a língua dominante da Internet.

The Internet will in turn become the dominant place to learn English. ||verbo auxiliar|||tornar-se-á|||||| На свой ред интернет ще се превърне в основно място за изучаване на английски език. Das Internet wird wiederum zum dominierenden Ort, um Englisch zu lernen. Internet se convertirá a su vez en el lugar dominante para aprender inglés. インターネットは今度は英語を学ぶための支配的な場所になるでしょう。 Internet z kolei stanie się dominującym miejscem do nauki angielskiego. A Internet, por sua vez, se tornará o lugar dominante para aprender inglês. Интернет, в свою очередь, станет доминирующим местом для изучения английского языка. İnternet, İngilizce öğrenmek için en baskın yer haline gelecektir. Інтернет, у свою чергу, стане домінуючим місцем для вивчення англійської мови. The way languages are learned is changing, and these changes are accelerating. The Internet is constantly evolving. |||||||||||ускоряются||||| |||||||||||speeding up||||| ||||||||||||||||đang phát triển ||||学习|||||||||||| |||||||||||加速している||||| ||||||||||||||||evolucionando Die Art und Weise, wie Sprachen gelernt werden, verändert sich, und diese Veränderungen beschleunigen sich. Das Internet entwickelt sich ständig weiter. 言語の学習方法は変化しており、これらの変化は加速しています。インターネットは常に進化しています。 A forma como as línguas são aprendidas está mudando, e essas mudanças estão se acelerando. A Internet está em constante evolução. Dillerin öğrenilme şekli değişiyor ve bu değişiklikler hızlanıyor. İnternet sürekli gelişiyor. It has created a dynamic environment for the communication and the management of information. |||||||||||gestão|| Criou um ambiente dinâmico para a comunicação e gestão da informação. İletişim ve bilgi yönetimi için dinamik bir ortam yarattı. The Internet has brought with it new forms of social interaction without boundaries. ||||伴随|||||||没有| |||trouxe|||||||||limites ||||||||||социального взаимодействия||границы Das Internet hat neue Formen der sozialen Interaktion ohne Grenzen mit sich gebracht. A Internet trouxe consigo novas formas de interação social sem limites. İnternet, sınırlar olmaksızın yeni sosyal etkileşim biçimlerini getirdi. Інтернет приніс із собою нові форми соціальної взаємодії без кордонів. 互联网带来了无边界的新型社交互动形式。 Technologies like MP3, iPod, Skype and PDAs, as well as blogs and podcasts, are making an immense variety of communication, information, literature, news and other language content available anywhere and anytime. ||||||персональные цифровые ассистенты||||блоги||подкасты||||||||||||||||||в любое время ||||||||||||||||vast|||||||||||||| ||||||个人数字助理|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||個人數碼助理|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||막대한|||||||||||||| ||||||دستیار دیجیتال شخصی|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||PDA||||||||||膨大な|||||||||||||| ||||||asistentes digitales personales|||||||||||||||||||||||| Tecnologias como MP3, iPod, Skype e PDAs, bem como blogs e podcasts, estão disponibilizando uma imensa variedade de conteúdos de comunicação, informação, literatura, notícias e outros idiomas em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Технології, такі як MP3, iPod, Skype та КПК, а також блоги та подкасти, роблять величезну різноманітність комунікацій, інформації, літератури, новин та іншого мовного вмісту доступним у будь-якому місці та в будь-який час. A cascade of developments is causing interactive communities to spring up based on common interests, without regard to geography. ||||||||se|||||||||| |Series of events|||||engaging and participatory|||||||||||| |uma cascata||||||||surgir||||||||| |رگبار تحولات||تحولات||||||||||||||| |chuỗi|||||tương tác|||nảy sinh||||||||| |연쇄적||||||||||||||||| 一系列|一系列||||||||||||||不考虑||| |連鎖|||である|引き起こしている|対話型|||生まれる||||||||| ||||||||||surgen|||||||| Kaskádovitý vývoj vede k tomu, že vznikají interaktivní komunity založené na společných zájmech bez ohledu na zeměpisnou polohu. Eine Kaskade von Entwicklungen lässt interaktive Gemeinschaften entstehen, die auf gemeinsamen Interessen basieren, ohne Rücksicht auf die Geographie. Una cascada de acontecimientos está provocando la aparición de comunidades interactivas basadas en intereses comunes, sin tener en cuenta la geografía. 一連の開発により、地理に関係なく、共通の関心に基づいてインタラクティブなコミュニティが生まれています。 Kaskada rozwoju powoduje powstawanie interaktywnych społeczności opartych na wspólnych zainteresowaniach, bez względu na położenie geograficzne. Uma cascata de desenvolvimentos está fazendo com que comunidades interativas surjam com base em interesses comuns, sem levar em conta a geografia. Bir dizi gelişme, etkileşimli toplulukların coğrafyaya bakılmaksızın ortak çıkarlara dayalı olarak ortaya çıkmasına neden oluyor. Каскад подій змушує створювати інтерактивні спільноти на основі спільних інтересів, незалежно від географії. 一连串的发展使互动社区基于共同的利益而兴起,而与地理无关。 This is going to stand traditional language learning on its head. ||将要|||||||| ||||覆す||||逆転させる|| ||||revolucionar||||||de cabeça para baixo Das wird das traditionelle Sprachenlernen auf den Kopf stellen. This is going to stand traditional language learning on its head. Esto va a poner patas arriba el aprendizaje tradicional de idiomas. これは、伝統的な言語学習を頭に置くことになります。 To będzie znosić naukę tradycyjnego języka na głowie. Isso vai colocar o aprendizado de idiomas tradicional de cabeça para baixo. Bu geleneksel bir dil öğrenimine başlıyor. Це поставить з ніг на голову традиційне вивчення мови. 这将颠覆传统的语言学习。 English dominates on the Internet in areas ranging from entertainment to science. |prevails|||||||||| |||||||variando de|||| |지배한다|||||||||| |غالب است|||||||||| |||||||の範囲|||| |domina|||||||||| Английският език доминира в интернет в различни области - от развлеченията до науката. Englisch dominiert im Internet in Bereichen, die von Unterhaltung bis Wissenschaft reichen. El inglés domina en Internet en áreas que van desde el entretenimiento hasta la ciencia. Angielski dominuje w Internecie w obszarach od rozrywki po naukę. O inglês domina a Internet em áreas que vão do entretenimento à ciência. İngilizce internetten eğlenceden bilim alanına uzanan alanlarda hakimdir. If you want to learn English, this represents an unprecedented opportunity. You can access English language content on any subject and learn from it. |||||||||전례 없는|||||||||||||| |||||||||前例のない|||||||||||||| |||||||||sin precedentes|||||||||||||| Wenn Sie Englisch lernen möchten, stellt dies eine beispiellose Gelegenheit dar. Sie können auf englischsprachige Inhalte zu jedem Thema zugreifen und daraus lernen. 英語を学びたいなら、これは前例のない機会です。あらゆるテーマの英語コンテンツにアクセスし、そこから学ぶことができます。 Se você quer aprender inglês, esta é uma oportunidade sem precedentes. Você pode acessar o conteúdo em inglês sobre qualquer assunto e aprender com ele. Eğer İngilizce öğrenmek istiyorsanız, bu eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir fırsattır. Herhangi bir konuda İngilizce içeriğe erişebilir ve ondan öğrenebilirsiniz. You can connect with English speaking people who share your interests. Você pode se conectar com pessoas que falam inglês e compartilham seus interesses. You can do this via e-mail, through blogs, podcasts and forums. ||||por meio de||||||| Можете да го направите по имейл, чрез блогове, подкастове и форуми. Pode fazê-lo por e-mail, através de blogs, podcasts e fóruns. You can link up with friends or even language tutors using free Internet telephony. |||||||||||||تلفن اینترنتی |||||||||||||điện thoại Internet ||联系|||||||||||网络电话 |||||||||||||網路電話 ||つながる|||||||||||電話通信 |||||||||||||telefonía por Internet Über die kostenlose Internettelefonie können Sie sich mit Freunden oder sogar Sprachlehrern verbinden. Puede ponerse en contacto con amigos o incluso con tutores de idiomas a través de la telefonía gratuita por Internet. U kunt contact leggen met vrienden of zelfs taaldocenten via gratis internettelefonie. Możesz łączyć się ze znajomymi, a nawet korepetytorami językowymi, korzystając z bezpłatnej telefonii internetowej. Pode ligar-se com amigos ou mesmo com tutores de línguas utilizando a telefonia gratuita da Internet. The World Wide Web is the ultimate dynamic classroom and learning community. Over the next few years the Internet will take over from the classroom as the place of choice to learn English: Here are some of the reasons. The Primacy of Input If you want to learn English or any other language, you need input, meaningful, interesting and at your level. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sự ưu tiên||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||取って代わる||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Das World Wide Web ist die ultimative dynamische Klassenzimmer- und Lerngemeinschaft. In den nächsten Jahren wird das Internet das Klassenzimmer als Ort der Wahl zum Englischlernen ablösen: Hier sind einige der Gründe. Das Primat des Inputs Wenn Sie Englisch oder eine andere Sprache lernen möchten, brauchen Sie Input, sinnvoll, interessant und auf Ihrem Niveau. A World Wide Web é a derradeira comunidade dinâmica de sala de aula e aprendizagem. Durante os próximos anos, a Internet substituirá a sala de aula como o local de escolha para aprender inglês: Aqui estão algumas das razões. O primado do input Se quiser aprender inglês ou qualquer outra língua, precisa de input, significativo, interessante e ao seu nível. World Wide Web, en üst düzey dinamik sınıf ve öğrenme topluluğudur. Önümüzdeki birkaç yıl içinde İnternet, İngilizce öğrenmek için tercih edilen yer olarak sınıfın yerini alacaktır: İşte bunun nedenlerinden bazıları. Girdinin Önceliği İngilizce veya başka bir dil öğrenmek istiyorsanız, anlamlı, ilginç ve sizin seviyenizde girdiye ihtiyacınız vardır. Today language learning experts emphasize input over output, listening and reading over grammar study. ||||soulignent||||||||| Günümüzde dil öğrenme uzmanları çıktı yerine girdiyi, gramer çalışması yerine dinleme ve okumayı vurgulamaktadır. Before you can use the language, you must get used to the language. |||||||deve||||| Než začnete jazyk používat, musíte si na něj zvyknout. Перш ніж ви зможете використовувати мову, ви повинні звикнути до мови. You don’t need to be in a hurry to speak English, and you don’t need to speak it all the time to improve. Real language acquisition develops slowly, and speaking skills emerge significantly later than listening skills, even when conditions are perfect. |||||||||||||||||||||||||language learning process||||||come into view|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||언어 습득||||||나타난다|상당히||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||現れる|||||||||| |||||||pressa|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Na angličtinu nemusíte spěchat a nemusíte ji mluvit neustále, abyste se zlepšili. Skutečné osvojování jazyka se vyvíjí pomalu a mluvení se objevuje podstatně později než poslech, a to i v případě, že jsou k tomu ideální podmínky. Sie müssen es nicht eilig haben, Englisch zu sprechen, und Sie müssen es nicht ständig sprechen, um sich zu verbessern. Der eigentliche Spracherwerb entwickelt sich langsam, und die Sprechfähigkeit entwickelt sich deutlich später als die Hörfähigkeit, selbst wenn die Bedingungen perfekt sind. Вам не потрібно поспішати говорити англійською, і вам не потрібно говорити нею весь час, щоб удосконалюватися. Справжнє оволодіння мовою розвивається повільно, і навички говоріння з’являються значно пізніше, ніж навички аудіювання, навіть за ідеальних умов. The best methods are therefore those that supply 'comprehensible input' in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. ||||as a result|||provide|easy to understand||||||||||||| ||||||||이해할 수 있는||||||||||||| ||||||||理解可能な||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||ouvir Nejlepší metody jsou proto ty, které poskytují "srozumitelné vstupní informace" v situacích s nízkou mírou úzkosti a obsahují sdělení, která studenti skutečně chtějí slyšet. Die besten Methoden sind daher diejenigen, die in Situationen mit geringer Angst „verständlichen Input“ liefern und Botschaften enthalten, die die Schüler wirklich hören möchten. Bu nedenle, en iyi yöntemler, öğrencilerin duymak istedikleri mesajlar içeren, düşük kaygı durumlarında “anlaşılabilir girdiler” sağlayanlardır. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are 'ready', recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production." |||||||||||||||||||||||||ارائه دادن|ارتباطی|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||コミュニケーション的|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||suministrando|comunicativa|||||||||| Тези методи не насилват ранното създаване на текст на втория език, а позволяват на учениците да създават текст, когато са "готови", като признават, че подобрението идва от предоставянето на комуникативни и разбираеми материали, а не от насилването и коригирането на текста." Tyto metody nenutí studenty k brzké produkci v druhém jazyce, ale umožňují jim produkovat, když jsou na to "připraveni", a uznávají, že zlepšení přichází díky poskytování komunikativních a srozumitelných vstupů, a ne díky nucení a opravování produkce." Diese Methoden erzwingen keine frühzeitige Produktion in der Zweitsprache, sondern ermöglichen es den Schülern, zu produzieren, wenn sie „bereit“ sind, in der Erkenntnis, dass Verbesserungen durch die Bereitstellung kommunikativen und verständlichen Inputs entstehen und nicht durch das Erzwingen und Korrigieren der Produktion.“ これらの方法は、第二言語での早期制作を強制するものではありませんが、生徒が「準備ができた」ときに制作することを可能にします。改善は、制作を強制したり修正したりすることではなく、コミュニケーションと理解しやすい入力を提供することによってもたらされることを認識しています。」 Bu yöntemler ikinci dilde erken üretimi zorlamaz, ancak öğrencilerin 'hazır' olduklarında üretmelerine izin verir, gelişimin üretimi zorlamak ve düzeltmekten değil, iletişimsel ve anlaşılır girdi sağlamaktan geldiğini kabul eder." Stephen Krashen, University of Southern California. When you learned your own language as a child, you didn’t begin by speaking. |کرشن|||||||||||||||||| You began by listening. New language learners can benefit from a "silent period". 新しい言語学習者は「沈黙期間」の恩恵を受けることができます。 Люди, які вивчають нову мову, можуть скористатися «періодом тиші». During the "silent period" you can absorb the language. ||||||take in|| You need not force yourself to speak it until you are confident. Even if you are an intermediate learner, extensive reading and listening will increase your familiarity with the language, enrich your vocabulary, and develop confidence. Дори и да сте средно напреднали, задълбоченото четене и слушане ще повиши познанията ви за езика, ще обогати речника ви и ще развие увереност. Selbst wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Lerner sind, wird ausgiebiges Lesen und Hören Ihre Vertrautheit mit der Sprache verbessern, Ihren Wortschatz erweitern und Selbstvertrauen entwickeln. This is more beneficial than studying grammar. While listening and reading often and regularly are vital, the content must be meaningful. |||more advantageous||||||||||||essential||||| Das ist vorteilhafter als das Studium der Grammatik. Während häufiges und regelmäßiges Zuhören und Lesen unerlässlich sind, muss der Inhalt sinnvoll sein. Bu, dilbilgisi çalışmaktan daha faydalıdır. Sık sık ve düzenli olarak dinlemek ve okumak hayati önem taşırken, içeriğin anlamlı olması gerekir. Learning content should be interesting and comprehensible to you. ||||||Easy to understand|| This means that you, not the teacher, should choose what to learn from. Das bedeutet, dass Sie, nicht der Lehrer, entscheiden sollten, wovon Sie lernen möchten. Bu, ne öğreneceğinizi öğretmenin değil sizin seçmeniz gerektiği anlamına gelir. The Internet allows unlimited choice of fascinating authentic content. ||||||引人入勝|| |||boundless|||captivating|genuine| İnternet, sınırsız otantik içerik seçeneği sunar. The traditional textbook cannot compete. Motivated learners used to spend their time in book stores looking for graded content that would help them in their language studies. ||sách giáo khoa|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||keep up|||||||||||||leveled||||||||| Da kann das klassische Lehrbuch nicht mithalten. Früher verbrachten motivierte Lernende ihre Zeit in Buchläden auf der Suche nach benoteten Inhalten, die ihnen beim Sprachenlernen helfen würden. 伝統的な教科書は競争できません。やる気のある学習者は、本屋で時間を過ごし、語学学習に役立つ段階的なコンテンツを探していました。 Geleneksel ders kitabı rekabet edemez. Motivasyona uğrayan öğrenciler zamanlarını kitap çalışmalarında, dil çalışmalarında onlara yardımcı olacak dereceli içerikler aramak için harcarlardı. Yet, inevitably a lot of this material could only be found in uninteresting textbooks and readers. ||||||||||||乏味的||| |unavoidably|||||||||||||| |避けられないことに|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||poco interesantes||| Doch viele dieser Materialien waren zwangsläufig nur in uninteressanten Lehrbüchern und Lesebüchern zu finden. Sin embargo, inevitablemente, gran parte de este material sólo podía encontrarse en libros de texto y de lectura poco interesantes. しかし、必然的に、この資料の多くは、興味のない教科書や読者にしか見られませんでした。 Yine de, kaçınılmaz olarak bu materyalin birçoğu ilgi çekmeyen ders kitaplarında ve okuyucularda bulunabilir. But today authentic content on a variety of subjects is only a click away. ||||||||||||クリック| Aber heute sind authentische Inhalte zu einer Vielzahl von Themen nur einen Klick entfernt. しかし今日、さまざまな主題に関する本物のコンテンツはクリックするだけです。 Ale dziś autentyczne treści na różne tematy to tylko jedno kliknięcie. Ancak bugün çeşitli konularda özgün içerik sadece bir tık uzakta. This is especially the case for the person who wants to learn English. This range of material is made accessible to learners, since new systems can grade it for difficulty in a way that is customized to your specific vocabulary. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||量身定制的|||| |||||||||||||||||||easy to understand|||||||assess|||||||||tailored to|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||سفارشی شده|||| Dies gilt insbesondere für Personen, die Englisch lernen möchten. Diese Bandbreite an Materialien wird den Lernenden zugänglich gemacht, da neue Systeme den Schwierigkeitsgrad auf eine Weise bewerten können, die an Ihren spezifischen Wortschatz angepasst ist. Bu durum özellikle İngilizce öğrenmek isteyen kişiler için geçerlidir. Yeni sistemler, özel kelime dağarcığınıza göre özelleştirilmiş bir şekilde zorluk derecesine göre derecelendirebildiğinden, bu materyal yelpazesi öğrenciler için erişilebilir hale getirilmiştir. You can learn English by listening to and reading on subjects that interest you and you won?t find it too difficult. Vocabulary over Grammar In order to achieve fluency in English you need to be comfortable using at least 10,000 words. ||||||||読むこと|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Можете да учите английски, като слушате и четете по теми, които ви интересуват, и няма да ви е трудно. Лексиката надделява над граматиката За да постигнете свободно владеене на английски език, трябва да можете да използвате поне 10 000 думи. Angličtinu se můžete učit poslechem a čtením na témata, která vás zajímají, a nebude to pro vás příliš obtížné. Slovní zásoba má přednost před gramatikou Abyste dosáhli plynulosti v angličtině, musíte umět používat alespoň 10 000 slovíček. 興味のある科目を聞いて読むことで、英語を学ぶことができます。難しいことではありません。文法よりも語彙英語で流暢に話せるようにするには、少なくとも10,000語を使いこなせる必要があります。 Możesz uczyć się angielskiego, słuchając i czytając tematy, które Cię interesują, a nie będzie to dla ciebie zbyt trudne. Słownictwo z gramatyki Aby osiągnąć biegłość w języku angielskim, musisz czuć się swobodnie, używając co najmniej 10 000 słów. On the Internet, you can choose appropriate content to listen to and read. The content can be graded to your level. ||||adjusted||| ||||avaliado||| Съдържанието може да бъде оценено според вашето ниво. Der Inhalt kann Ihrem Niveau angepasst werden. El contenido se puede calificar a su nivel. But what about learning and remembering all those new words. We know how quickly we forget words when we look them up in a dictionary. |||||||||調べる||||| And there are so many words to learn. |||||言葉|| Fortunately, the Internet makes it a lot easier to learn vocabulary. On the Internet you can use online dictionaries to look up words instantly (i.e., Babylon). Luckily|||||||||||||||||||||||right away||| 다행히도|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Babylon Felizmente|||||||||||||||||||||||||| There are learning software programs which create customized word lists for you as you learn words. Es gibt Lernsoftwareprogramme, die beim Lernen von Wörtern angepasste Wortlisten für Sie erstellen. Kelimeleri öğrenirken sizin için özelleştirilmiş kelime listeleri oluşturan öğrenme yazılım programları vardır. This software can help you accumulate example sentences for these words from the familiar contexts you are listening to and reading. |||||gather||||||||||||||| |||||축적하다||||||||||||||| Bu yazılım, dinlediğiniz ve okuduğunuz tanıdık bağlamlardan bu kelimeler için örnek cümleler biriktirmenize yardımcı olabilir. You can set vocabulary goals and follow your progress towards these goals. The Internet helps you to efficiently accumulate vocabulary based on lively and interesting language content, customized to your needs. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||được tùy chỉnh||| Sie können sich Vokabularziele setzen und Ihren Fortschritt im Hinblick auf diese Ziele verfolgen. Das Internet hilft Ihnen dabei, effizient Vokabeln aufzubauen, basierend auf lebendigen und interessanten Sprachinhalten, die auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Puede establecer objetivos de vocabulario y seguir su progreso hacia estos objetivos. Internet le ayuda a acumular vocabulario de forma eficaz basándose en contenidos lingüísticos animados e interesantes, personalizados según sus necesidades. Kelime hedefleri belirleyebilir ve bu hedeflere doğru ilerlemenizi takip edebilirsiniz. İnternet, ihtiyaçlarınıza göre özelleştirilmiş canlı ve ilginç dil içeriğine dayalı olarak verimli bir şekilde kelime biriktirmenize yardımcı olur. This combination of vocabulary learning efficiency and limitless content is only part of why the Internet will become the place of choice to learn English. Learning in Chunks Vocabulary does not only mean words. |||||effectiveness||unlimited|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||その||||||||||||||| Diese Kombination aus effizientem Vokabellernen und grenzenlosen Inhalten ist nur ein Teil dessen, warum das Internet zum Ort der Wahl wird, um Englisch zu lernen. Lernen in Chunks Vokabeln bedeutet nicht nur Worte. It also means phrases, or chunks of words. |||||어구 조각|| Es bedeutet auch Phrasen oder Wortklumpen. Oznacza to także frazy lub fragmenty słów. Aynı zamanda kelime öbekleri veya kelime grupları anlamına da gelir. Phrases are groups of words that come together in a way that is natural to the native speaker but not always to the learner. ||||||集まる|||||||||||話者|||||| 言い換えは、ネイティブスピーカーにとっては自然な方法でまとめられた単語のグループですが、必ずしも学習者にとってはそうではありません。 Michael Lewis has been one of the pioneers in pointing out that you learn language in chunks, or lexical phrases. |لوییس|||||||||||||||||واژگانی| ||||||||||||||||||어휘적| ||||||||||||||||||lexical| ||||||||||||||||||詞彙的| Michael Lewis war einer der Pioniere, der darauf hinwies, dass man Sprache in Blöcken oder lexikalischen Phrasen lernt. The Internet and the computer make this easier. On the computer, you can grab language chunks as you are listening and reading and collect them in an easy to use database. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||base de datos |||||||||||||capture||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||簡単に使える|使いやすい|||| |||||||||||||capturar||||||||||||||||| Интернет и компютърът улесняват това. На компютъра можете да събирате езикови части, докато слушате и четете, и да ги събирате в лесна за използване база данни. Das Internet und der Computer erleichtern dies. Auf dem Computer können Sie beim Hören und Lesen Sprachbrocken abrufen und in einer einfach zu bedienenden Datenbank sammeln. Internet y la computadora hacen esto más fácil. En la computadora, puede capturar fragmentos de idioma mientras escucha y lee y recopilarlos en una base de datos fácil de usar. Phrases and chunks of the language can be linked to larger contexts, which are already familiar to you. 구문||||||||||||||||| Dilin kalıpları ve parçaları, zaten size tanıdık olan daha geniş bağlamlara bağlanabilir. You don’t need to rely on dictionary definitions and rote memory. |||||||||mechanical repetition| |||||||||memória mecânica| |||||||||học thuộc lòng| |||||||||حفظ طوطی‌وار| |||||||||暗記| |||||||||memoria mecánica| No necesita confiar en las definiciones del diccionario ni en la memoria de memoria. Nie musisz polegać na definicjach słowników i pamięci rote. Sözlük tanımlarına ve belleğe güvenmeniz gerekmez. You can review these chunks of language in short fragment form, in sentence form and as part of a larger context that you can listen to and read many times. In this way you gradually develop an instinctive sense for how words are used. |||||||||قطعه کوتاه|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||natural, intuitive|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||本能的な|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sentido instintivo|||||| Можете да разглеждате тези езикови части под формата на кратки фрагменти, изречения и като част от по-широк контекст, който можете да слушате и четете многократно. По този начин постепенно ще развиете инстинктивно усещане за начина на употреба на думите. これらの言語のチャンクは、短い断片形式、文形式、および何度も聞いたり読んだりできるより大きなコンテキストの一部として確認できます。このようにして、単語がどのように使用されるかについての本能的な感覚を徐々に発達させます。 Bu dil parçalarını kısa parçalar halinde, cümle biçiminde ve birçok kez dinleyip okuyabileceğiniz daha geniş bir bağlamın parçası olarak gözden geçirebilirsiniz. Bu şekilde kelimelerin nasıl kullanıldığına dair içgüdüsel bir his geliştirirsiniz. This is the natural way to learn correct usage. Dies ist der natürliche Weg, um die richtige Verwendung zu lernen. Esta es la forma natural de aprender el uso correcto. これは正しい使い方を学ぶための自然な方法です。 It is more effective than trying to remember and apply grammar rules. As you build up your confidence in English through regular input and word and phrase learning, you will no doubt want to talk to native speakers. Es ist effektiver als zu versuchen, sich an Grammatikregeln zu erinnern und sie anzuwenden. Wenn Sie Ihr Selbstvertrauen in Englisch durch regelmäßigen Input und das Lernen von Wörtern und Sätzen aufbauen, möchten Sie zweifellos mit Muttersprachlern sprechen. Es más efectivo que tratar de recordar y aplicar reglas gramaticales. A medida que construyas tu confianza en inglés a través de aportes regulares y aprendizaje de palabras y frases, sin duda querrás hablar con hablantes nativos. Dilbilgisi kurallarını hatırlamaya ve uygulamaya çalışmaktan daha etkilidir. İngilizce'ye güveniniz, düzenli giriş ve kelime ve cümle öğrenimi yoluyla hazırlanırken, hiç şüphesiz ana dili konuşanlarla konuşmak isteyeceksiniz. Once again the Internet is the ideal environment, offering more opportunities than the classroom. Better Tutors on the Internet The Internet connects people who are looking for each other. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||um ao outro| Wieder einmal ist das Internet die ideale Umgebung, da es mehr Möglichkeiten bietet als das Klassenzimmer. Bessere Nachhilfelehrer im Internet Das Internet verbindet Menschen, die sich suchen. A quick search on a few professional web sites will locate native English speaker writers, editors, or professionals from all over the world, who are interested in acting as language tutors and coaches. |||||||||||||||proofreaders||||||||||||||||| При бързо търсене в няколко професионални уебсайта ще откриете писатели, редактори или професионалисти от цял свят, за които английският език е роден и които се интересуват от това да работят като езикови наставници и треньори. Eine schnelle Suche auf einigen professionellen Websites wird englischsprachige Autoren, Redakteure oder Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt ausfindig machen, die daran interessiert sind, als Sprachlehrer und -coaches zu fungieren. If you want to learn English, you can interact with this outstanding pool of qualified people with a wide range of experience and knowledge. You do not need teachers with specialized linguistics degrees if you want to learn English on the Internet. |||||||||||exceptional|group of experts||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Wenn Sie Englisch lernen möchten, können Sie mit diesem hervorragenden Pool an qualifizierten Personen mit einem breiten Spektrum an Erfahrungen und Kenntnissen interagieren. Wenn Sie Englisch im Internet lernen möchten, brauchen Sie keine Lehrer mit spezialisierten Linguistik-Abschlüssen. Si desea aprender inglés, puede interactuar con este destacado grupo de personas calificadas con una amplia gama de experiencia y conocimiento. No necesitas profesores con títulos especializados en lingüística si quieres aprender inglés en Internet. The new learning paradigm does not require teachers who are trained in the details of grammar and language teaching. |||model||||||||||||||| |||学習の枠組み||||||||||||||| Das neue Lernparadigma erfordert keine Lehrer, die in den Details des Grammatik- und Sprachunterrichts geschult sind. Instead the important qualifications for a tutor on the Internet are; an interest in people, an ability to use one’s native language well, and rich experience to share with learners in English. On the Internet you can choose the tutor whose accent and interests match your own. Meaningful Communication Technologies like Skype make conversations via computer easy to organize and the communication is free of charge. |||صلاحیت‌ها|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||자격 요건|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||アクセント|||||||||||||||||||||||| Stattdessen sind die wichtigen Qualifikationen für einen Nachhilfelehrer im Internet; ein Interesse an Menschen, die Fähigkeit, die eigene Muttersprache gut zu verwenden, und reiche Erfahrung, die man mit Lernenden in Englisch teilen kann. Im Internet können Sie den Tutor auswählen, dessen Akzent und Interessen zu Ihnen passen. Sinnvolle Kommunikationstechnologien wie Skype machen Gespräche über Computer einfach zu organisieren und die Kommunikation ist kostenlos. En cambio, las calificaciones importantes para un tutor en Internet son; un interés en las personas, la capacidad de usar bien el idioma nativo y una rica experiencia para compartir con los estudiantes en inglés. En Internet puede elegir el tutor cuyo acento e intereses coincidan con los suyos. Las tecnologías de comunicación significativa como Skype hacen que las conversaciones a través de la computadora sean fáciles de organizar y la comunicación es gratuita. Bunun yerine internette bir öğretmen için önemli nitelikler; insanlara ilgi duymak, kişinin ana dilini iyi kullanma yeteneği ve İngilizce öğrenenlerle paylaşacak zengin deneyimdir. İnternette, aksanı ve ilgi alanları size uyan bir öğretmen seçebilirsiniz. Skype gibi Anlamlı İletişim Teknolojileri, bilgisayar üzerinden konuşmaları organize etmeyi kolaylaştırır ve iletişim ücretsizdir. You can get your friends together for a chat or make an appointment with a tutor. It is like having lessons on demand. ||||||||||||||||||||||요청에 따라 Du kannst deine Freunde zu einem Gespräch zusammenbringen oder einen Termin mit einem Tutor vereinbaren. Es ist wie Unterricht auf Abruf. 友達を集めてチャットしたり、家庭教師との約束をしたりすることができます。オンデマンドでレッスンをするようなものです。 Arkadaşlarınızı sohbet için bir araya getirebilir veya bir öğretmenden randevu alabilirsiniz. Bu, talep üzerine ders almak gibidir. 您可以让您的朋友聚在一起聊天或与导师预约。这就像按需上课。 You can schedule one-on-one or four-on-one discussions via Skype with the tutor of your choice. Sie können per Skype Einzel- oder Vierergespräche mit dem Tutor Ihrer Wahl vereinbaren. Puede programar discusiones uno a uno o cuatro a uno a través de Skype con el tutor de su elección. Możesz zaplanować dyskusje jeden na jeden lub cztery na jeden przez Skype z wybranym nauczycielem. You can invite your friends to join, or make new friends from different countries and cultures. Tutors need only provide advice and encouragement as well as feedback, at your convenience. ||||||support and motivation||||constructive criticism|||at your convenience |||||||||||||편한 시간에 Tutoren müssen nur Ratschläge und Ermutigung sowie Feedback geben, ganz nach Ihren Wünschen. Los tutores solo necesitan brindar consejos y aliento, así como comentarios, según su conveniencia. Eğitmenlerin yalnızca tavsiye, teşvik ve geri bildirim sağlamaları yeterlidir. There is no need for grammar instruction or quizzes, since you are learning the language naturally through your input activities. In the relaxing atmosphere of Internet online discussion, learners and tutors become friends and form a community of people helping and encouraging each other. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||supporting|| Няма нужда от граматически инструкции или тестове, тъй като изучавате езика по естествен начин чрез входящите си дейности. В непринудената атмосфера на онлайн дискусиите в интернет учащите и преподавателите стават приятели и формират общност от хора, които си помагат и се насърчават взаимно. Es ist kein Grammatikunterricht oder Quiz erforderlich, da Sie die Sprache ganz natürlich durch Ihre Input-Aktivitäten lernen. In der entspannten Atmosphäre der Online-Diskussion im Internet werden Lernende und Tutoren Freunde und bilden eine Gemeinschaft von Menschen, die sich gegenseitig helfen und ermutigen. These are not stressful lessons. Dies sind keine stressigen Lektionen. They are pleasant opportunities to communicate. Sie sind angenehme Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. You can record these conversations or produce your own oral essays and file them or share them. |||||||||شفاهی||||||| ||||||||||ensayos orales||archívalos|||| In this way you can keep track of your progress as you learn English on the Internet. To really improve your accuracy of expression it is important to write. |||||||||||||||||||||표현 정확성||||||| Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Fortschritte beim Englischlernen im Internet verfolgen. Um Ihre Ausdrucksgenauigkeit wirklich zu verbessern, ist es wichtig zu schreiben. W ten sposób możesz śledzić swoje postępy podczas nauki angielskiego w Internecie. Aby naprawdę poprawić dokładność wypowiedzi, ważne jest, aby pisać. Bu şekilde, internette İngilizce öğrenirken ilerlemenizi takip edebilirsiniz. İfade doğruluğunuzu gerçekten geliştirmek için yazmak önemlidir. The correction of written texts can be efficiently organized on the Internet and integrated with your input and speaking activities. |||||||||||||combined with|||||| |||||||効率的に||||||統合される|||||| Systems can keep a permanent record of both your original texts and the corrected texts. Systeme können sowohl Ihre Originaltexte als auch die korrigierten Texte dauerhaft speichern. These records can include details on the nature of your mistakes and the tutor’s notes. |||||||||||||導師的| |||||||||||||یادداشت‌های معلم| Тези записи могат да включват подробности за естеството на грешките ви и бележките на преподавателя. Diese Aufzeichnungen können Details über die Art Ihrer Fehler und die Notizen des Tutors enthalten. Dokumenty te mogą zawierać szczegółowe informacje na temat charakteru twoich błędów i notatek nauczyciela. Tutors can make audio recordings of your corrected writing for you to listen to, in order to reinforce the learning of the corrected phrases. |||||||||||||||||강화하다||||||구문들 |||||||||||||||||reforzar|||||| Tutoren können Audioaufnahmen Ihres korrigierten Schreibens machen, die Sie sich anhören können, um das Lernen der korrigierten Sätze zu verstärken. The writing can range from casual writing for a blog to serious academic essays. Motivation and Enjoyment Learning on the Internet is effective because it is fun. The Internet avoids the tension and boredom of the classroom and increases your motivation. ||||||지루함||||||| ||evita||||aburrimiento||||||| Das Internet vermeidet die Anspannung und Langeweile des Klassenzimmers und steigert Ihre Motivation. You choose the content, vocabulary is easy to learn, progress is constantly measured, and you become part of a community. There are already blogging communities with learners and tutors sharing their experiences. |||||||||||||||||||||||viết blog|||||||| |||||||||||continuously|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||ブログ作成|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||寫博客|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||وبلاگ نویسی|||||||| People come together from all over the world to help each other. Хората от цял свят се събират, за да си помагат взаимно. Bloggers may post in their own language, or in English. 部落客||||||||| ブロガーたち||||||自分の言語||| وبلاگ‌نویسان||||||||| English becomes the medium of communication among people of different cultural backgrounds. |||手段|||||||| |||||||||||culturas diferentes 英語は異なる文化的背景を持つ人々の間のコミュニケーションの媒体になります。 Angielski staje się środkiem komunikacji między ludźmi z różnych środowisk kulturowych. Blogging isn’t an assignment, but a genuine, enjoyable, and meaningful activity. |||task or duty|||authentic|pleasurable||significant| Bloggen ist keine Aufgabe, sondern eine echte, unterhaltsame und sinnvolle Aktivität. Blog yazmak bir ödev değil, gerçek, eğlenceli ve anlamlı bir etkinliktir. A contagious enthusiasm will keep you learning. |Infectious||||| |전염성 있는||||| Заразителният ентусиазъм ще ви накара да учите. Ein ansteckender Enthusiasmus wird Sie weiterlernen lassen. 伝染性の熱意はあなたが学び続けるでしょう。 It is not like studying. It’s more like making new friends and discovering new cultures through language. Efficiency The Internet introduces a higher level of efficiency in language learning. Es ist eher wie neue Freundschaften zu schließen und neue Kulturen durch Sprache zu entdecken. Effizienz Das Internet führt ein höheres Maß an Effizienz beim Sprachenlernen ein. Es más como hacer nuevos amigos y descubrir nuevas culturas a través del idioma. Eficiencia Internet introduce un mayor nivel de eficiencia en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Daha çok yeni arkadaşlar edinmek ve dil aracılığıyla yeni kültürler keşfetmek gibi. Verimlilik İnternet, dil öğreniminde daha yüksek bir verimlilik düzeyi sunar. Efficiency is essential because it creates intensity. ||||||Focus and drive ||||||강도 効率は強度を生み出すため、不可欠です。 It takes a high degree of intensity to transform yourself into a fluent speaker of another language. There is also another reason why efficiency is important. 自分を他の言語の流暢な話者に変えるには、高度な強度が必要です。効率が重要であるもう1つの理由もあります。 Kendinizi başka bir dili akıcı bir şekilde konuşan birine dönüştürmek için yüksek derecede yoğunluk gerekir. Verimliliğin önemli olmasının bir başka nedeni daha vardır. You have a right to a decent return on your investment of time and money in language learning. ||||||Fair||||||||||| ||||||합리적인||||||||||| Имате право на достойна възвръщаемост на инвестираното време и средства в изучаването на чужди езици. Sie haben das Recht auf eine angemessene Gegenleistung für Ihre Investition von Zeit und Geld in das Sprachenlernen. 言語学習への時間とお金の投資に対して、きちんとした見返りを得る権利があります。 Dil öğrenimine yaptığınız zaman ve para yatırımından makul bir getiri elde etmeye hakkınız var. If you want to learn English, efficiency is important, yet it is often ignored in traditional language teaching. I spent over 14 months studying English in a school. |||||||||||||overlooked||||||||||||| It was a waste of money for Canadian government and a waste of time for me." Humberto Soto, a recent immigrant to Canada. Traditional classroom methods are not as efficient as the Internet. 翁貝托|索托||||||||||||||| |ソト||||||||||||||| Humberto Soto|||||||||||||||| هومبرتو سوتو|سوتو||||||||||||||| Humberto Soto, niedawny imigrant do Kanady. Tradycyjne metody klasowe nie są tak wydajne jak Internet. It is difficult to cater to learners of different levels and interests. ||||accommodate||||||| ||||atender às||||||| ||||맞추다||||||| ||||پاسخ دادن به||||||| ||||対応する||||||| ||||satisfacer las necesidades||||||| Es ist schwierig, auf Lernende mit unterschiedlichen Niveaus und Interessen einzugehen. Es difícil atender a estudiantes de diferentes niveles e intereses. Trudno jest zaspokoić potrzeby uczniów na różnych poziomach i zainteresowaniach. Farklı seviyelerdeki ve ilgi alanlarındaki öğrencilere hitap etmek zordur. Stress and boredom are often the results. estrés||aburrimiento|||| Many people are discouraged by their school experience, and end up convinced that they cannot learn to be fluent in a new language. |||disheartened||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||확신하는||||||||||| |||||||||||確信している||||||||||| Много хора са обезкуражени от опита си в училище и в крайна сметка са убедени, че не могат да се научат да говорят свободно нов език. They lose interest and give up. For people who want to learn English, the Internet opens up a new world of efficient and satisfying language learning. The Internet makes possible a quality and variety of input that far exceeds the resources of a traditional classroom. ||||một|||||||||||||truyền thống| |||||high standard||range|||||surpasses|||||| ||||||||||||초과한다||자원|||| ||||||||||||超える|||||| Интернет дава възможност за качествена и разнообразна информация, която далеч надхвърля ресурсите на традиционната класна стая. インターネットは、従来の教室のリソースをはるかに超える質と多様な入力を可能にします。 İnternet, geleneksel bir sınıfın kaynaklarını çok aşan bir girdi kalitesi ve çeşitliliğini mümkün kılmaktadır. Learning methodologies and communication opportunities are available to you on the Internet that the classroom cannot match. |學習方法||||||||||||||| |학습 방법론||||||||||||||| |学習方法論||||||||||||||| |metodologías||||||||||||||| Im Internet stehen Ihnen Lernmethoden und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung, mit denen das Klassenzimmer nicht mithalten kann. Metodologías de aprendizaje y oportunidades de comunicación están disponibles para usted en Internet que el salón de clases no puede igualar. Des méthodologies d'apprentissage et des opportunités de communication sont à votre disposition sur Internet que la salle de classe ne peut égaler. 学習方法論とコミュニケーションの機会は、教室では対応できないインターネット上で利用できます。 Metody uczenia się i możliwości komunikacji są dostępne w Internecie, a klasa nie może się z nimi równać. İnternette, sınıfta karşılaşamayacağınız öğrenme metodolojileri ve iletişim fırsatları mevcuttur. Goals can be set and achievements measured. The result is a highly integrated and enjoyable learning environment. This new method of learning appeals to all ages. |||||||||||||||plaît||| |||||||||||||||attracts||| Das Ergebnis ist eine hochintegrierte und angenehme Lernumgebung. Diese neue Lernmethode spricht alle Altersgruppen an. Le résultat est un environnement d'apprentissage hautement intégré et agréable. Cette nouvelle méthode d'apprentissage s'adresse à tous les âges. その結果、高度に統合された楽しい学習環境が実現します。この新しい学習方法は、すべての年齢層にアピールします。 While youngsters and students are the most avid users of the Internet, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation 70% of Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 use the Internet! |جوانان||||||||||||||بنیاد کایزر|||||||||||| |young people||||||enthusiastic|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||열렬한|||||||||||||||||||| |若者||||||||||||||カイザー家族財団|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||Kaiser Family Foundation|||||||||||| Макар че младите хора и студентите са най-запалените потребители на интернет, по данни на Kaiser Family Foundation 70% от американците на възраст между 55 и 64 години използват интернет! Si bien los jóvenes y los estudiantes son los usuarios más ávidos de Internet, según la Kaiser Family Foundation, ¡el 70% de los estadounidenses entre las edades de 55 y 64 años usan Internet! Alors que les jeunes et les étudiants sont les utilisateurs les plus avides d'Internet, selon la Kaiser Family Foundation, 70 % des Américains âgés de 55 à 64 ans utilisent Internet ! Similar trends are being seen in Europe and Asia. A Learning Community, The Linguist The Linguist is both a learning methodology and a community. |||||||||||Cộng đồng|||||||||||| Des tendances similaires sont observées en Europe et en Asie. Une communauté d'apprentissage, The Linguist The Linguist est à la fois une méthodologie d'apprentissage et une communauté. 同様の傾向がヨーロッパとアジアでも見られています。学習コミュニティ、言語学者言語学者は、学習方法論であると同時にコミュニティでもあります。 It is the first language learning system developed specifically to take advantage of the possibilities offered by the Internet. Il s'agit du premier système d'apprentissage des langues développé spécifiquement pour profiter des possibilités offertes par Internet. It was initially developed to help people learn English. ||처음에|||||| It is now being revised and expanded in order to offer other major world languages. ||||修訂中|||||||||| ||||updated||broadened|||||||| |||||||||||outras|principais|| ||||در حال بازبینی|||||||||| Es wird nun überarbeitet und erweitert, um weitere wichtige Weltsprachen anzubieten. Il est actuellement en cours de révision et d'extension afin d'offrir d'autres grandes langues mondiales. In the future, The Linguist model has many applications for life-long education. The explosion of new media and learning technologies via the Internet will change forever the way people learn. |||||||||pour||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||rapid growth|||||||||||||||| ||||||||응용 프로그램||||||폭발적인 증가|||||||||||||||| 将来において||||||||応用||||||爆発|||||||||||||||| À l'avenir, le modèle The Linguist aura de nombreuses applications pour l'éducation tout au long de la vie. L'explosion des nouveaux médias et des technologies d'apprentissage via Internet changera à jamais la façon dont les gens apprennent. The Linguist system will influence how many subjects are taught. |||||||môn học|| ||||affect||||| |||||||||ensinados Лингвистичната система ще повлияе на начина на преподаване на много предмети. Das linguistische System wird beeinflussen, wie viele Fächer unterrichtet werden. Dilbilimci sistem, birçok dersin nasıl öğretileceğini etkileyecektir. It will make it possible for people all over the world to share their knowledge, expertise and learn from each other, in many languages. |||||||||||||||전문 지식|||||||| Learning English is just one of many lessons we can learn on the Internet. |||||||||||||インターネット Another one of them is to learn how to learn. Steve Kaufmann Steve Kaufmann, CEO and Founder of The Linguist, grew up in Montreal. |||||||||||||||||||||||مونترال |||||||||||||스티브 카우|||||||||| Друга от тях е да се научите как да учите. Стив Кауфман Стив Кауфман, главен изпълнителен директор и основател на The Linguist, е израснал в Монреал. He obtained a Diplome from l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris in1966 and then entered the Canadian Foreign Service, as a Trade Commissioner. Steve was posted to Hong Kong in 1968 and then served in Japan from 1971 to 1974. |||文憑||研究所|研究所|政治學院|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||joined|||||||||||||||||||||| |||学位||パリ政治学院|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||diploma||el Instituto|de Estudios|Políticas||||||||||||||comisionado comercial|||||||||||||| |||مدرک تحصیلی||مؤسسه مطالعات سیاسی|مطالعات سیاسی|علوم سیاسی||||||||||||||کمیسر تجاری|||||||||||||| През 1966 г. получава диплома от Парижкия институт за политически науки, след което постъпва на работа в канадската дипломатическа служба като търговски комисар. През 1968 г. Стив е командирован в Хонконг, а след това служи в Япония от 1971 до 1974 г. Er erwarb 1966 ein Diplom vom l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris und trat dann als Handelskommissar in den kanadischen Außendienst ein. Steve wurde 1968 nach Hongkong versetzt und diente dann von 1971 bis 1974 in Japan. 彼は、1966年にパリ国立研究所から卒業証書を取得し、その後、貿易コミッショナーとしてカナダ外務省に入りました。スティーブは1968年に香港にポストされ、1971年から1974年まで日本で勤務しました。 W 1966 r. Uzyskał dyplom z l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, a następnie wstąpił do kanadyjskiej służby zagranicznej jako komisarz ds. Handlu. Steve został wysłany do Hongkongu w 1968 roku, a następnie służył w Japonii od 1971 do 1974 roku. In 1974 he left the diplomatic service and served in senior executive positions in the Canadian forest industry until 1987. ||||||||||điều hành||||||| ||||||||||senior management roles||||||| In 1987 he founded his own company, KP Wood Ltd which today has offices in Japan, Sweden and Canada. Steve speaks fluent Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese as well as six European languages. ||||||凱普||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||株式会社||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||KP Wood Ltd||Ltd||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||کی‌پی||با مسئولیت محدود||||||||||||||||||||| He wrote: The Way of the Linguist: A Language Learning Odyssey. ||||||||||اودیسه زبانی In 2002 he established The Linguist Institute Ltd. Published: August 11, 2006 През 2002 г. създава Института за лингвистични изследвания ООД. Публикувано: 11 август 2006 г.