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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Thirty-six: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat –Part One

Thirty-six: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat –Part One

Steve: Hello, Jill.

Jill: Hello, how are you?

Steve: Not too bad.

Jill: Good.

Steve: Jill, since the last time we spoke, you're a married woman.

Jill: I am, yes.

I know, it was over a month ago that we last spoke and I guess a lot has changed since then.

Steve: Yes. You know, it's interesting; we will talk a little bit about your trip to Latin American, Central America, which sounds very interesting and I think people are interested in that subject but, first of all, I would like to ask you about marriage and children. Nowadays, women seem to get married later and they have children later.

Jill: Women and men.

Steve: Well yeah, it kind of takes the two.

Jill: Yes, but men used to be younger when they got married.

Steve: Right, but it becomes, in a way, more of an issue for women than for men because women have this so-called biological clock which, in theory, the men don't have. So, this is one of the reasons why the birthrate in many countries has dropped in so-called advanced countries or the wealthier countries.

Jill: First world countries.

Steve: Yeah, it seems the wealthier a country is, the fewer children they have.

Jill: Right, the poorer the country, the more children people have.

Steve: The question I want to ask is, first of all if it's not too personal, how many children do you intend to have, if all goes well?

Jill: Yeah, if all goes well, I think probably two; maybe three. Definitely, I want more than one and I don't want more than three so two or three.

Steve: Do you think that most of your friends, your girlfriends, do they want to have two or three children? Do some of them just want to have their professional career? Is your attitude typical amongst your friends?

Jill: Most of my friends I have to say, actually, a couple already have children or one child and most of my close friends do want at least a couple of children. I do have one sister-in-law and another friend who are more focused on their career. Although they love children and they are very good with children, it's hard for them to think of, you know, giving up the lifestyle that they have to raise children and if they did have children, they would definitely want to go back to work. That's what they think now anyway.

Steve: I think it is a little easier now to work and have children and probably we should make it even easier.

Now, obviously, for a small company like ours, we are not going to start a daycare center here on the premises for 10 employees but we are quite flexible; people can work from home. Everyone has a computer and high-speed access which the company pays for and people regularly say "I'm working from home today" and we do tend to accommodate people who have to take their children here or take their children there. Jill: Right, yes.

Steve: And I think the workplace will become more flexible.

Jill: Well, and actually, I read several months ago an article, I think in the newspaper, that was talking about a few big companies here in Vancouver not all Canadian companies but gaming companies such as Radical and EA [Electronic Arts] ,and talking about how they have started, because of this situation of both parents having to work or wanting to work, they've started allowing different schedules. So, one woman, for example, comes in at 6 in the morning and stays until 2 and her husband gets the kids to school and she's off in time to pick them up from school. Others go in later and stay until 8 at night and I think some bigger companies are doing things like that or providing daycare services so that it's easier.

Steve: There was an article in the paper here the other day saying that in Denmark they have increased the birthrate because the health system there is more generous in paying for various, you know, technologies related to helping older women have children.

Jill: Oh, that's interesting.

Steve: Whereas in Canada, these can be quite expensive and they are not necessarily covered by the health system. So that whereas women, perhaps, traditionally felt that their childbearing years ended at the end of their 30s or into their early 40s and that was it, now it's possible to have children later than that. If women have a career and are professionally very active up until their early or even mid 30s and they then decide to have a family, the idea that the national health system helps them to have children, if they for whatever biological or medical reason would normally have difficulty, you know, that's not a bad thing to do.

Jill: No.

Steve: That's not a bad thing to do.

Jill: Seems to me that Europe is always sort of on the cutting edge of things like that. There is often technology there for quite a few years before it comes over to North America.

Steve: Well, it's not so much that the technology comes from there; I think a lot of the technology is developed in the United States. But, what's interesting in Denmark is that the state health system will pay for these technologies so they are not considered just an optional procedure

Jill: that only wealthy people can afford.

Steve: That's right. I think people in developed countries are concerned about their aging population; their declining birthrates. Denmark apparently has a birthrate of 1.9 per thousand or whatever which is quite high per family. I don't know what the number is, but replacement is two so at 1.9 they're not bad.

Jill: No.

Steve: Korea is like 1.1; Italy is 1.2; I think Canada is 1.5 or 1.6.

Jill: Japan is very low.

Steve: Japan is very low. I think it's also an attitude thing. I know in talking to some of our French learners the feeling there is that young women now are more interested in having children. That this whole idea that the women felt that well, I'm not going to have kids; I'm going to have my career. I think societies' attitudes are changing and it's almost as if there's a sense now that gees, we can't just Jill: It's important to have children.

Steve: We need kids.

Jill: You need to carry on.

Steve: Well, that's right.

It's almost as if the sort of western, including Japan and Korea, modern, call it secular non-religious lifestyle, is essentially a suicidal lifestyle in the sense that those communities don't reproduce themselves.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So that over a sufficient period of time they won't be there anymore.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So, anyway, that's good. No, I think we should do more to make it easier for women to have children and to bring them up and yet maintain their, you know, professional careers and so forth.

Jill: And, I mean, part of the problem I know here in Vancouver is there are a lot of women I know and my mom was one of these women who would have loved to have stayed home with her kids but simply couldn't afford to. It was just not possible to survive on one income living in such an expensive city and that is definitely the case I think for a lot of people today. Sure, living in smaller communities and things like that can be cheaper, but it's just often a necessity.

Steve: And it is true, I think, you know, as attitudes in our society change, there are a lot of women who work who don't need to work; right. There are a lot of two-income families where actually one of them makes enough money for both.

Jill: And by the time they've paid for daycare too, often they don't even take in very much from the other person's salary.

Steve: That's right. But it always was I think the case that if a woman is at a party somewhere and someone says "And what do you do?" And she says "Well, I stay home and look after the kids," then that was kind of like a loss of face or something. Jill: Right.

Steve: But I think attitudes are changing and I think people in society now have more respect for someone that says "Well, I look after the family and I'm very busy doing it. " Jill: Yes, that"s right and I"m happy to do it. Steve: And people kind of say "Good for you; we need someone to do that. " Jill: It's a tough job.

Steve: It's a tough job and, of course, it is also a less stimulating environment than, you know, going to work. But, of course, occasionally I'll go to a party and I'll meet some man and I'll say "What do you do?" And he says "I"m a househusband. " Jill: Really? You've had that happen?

Steve: Twice!

Jill: Wow!

Steve: So, yeah.

Jill: I thought that was only in the movies but that's great.

Steve: No, I've had it twice; I've had it twice.

Jill: That's great.

Steve: I don't think society has yet fully accepted the househusband.

Jill: Well, and I think it is still rare that a woman makes more than her husband, in most cases; not all, of course. And so, I think that's just where it has always made sense that the person who makes the most money is going to continue to work and that's typically the man.

Steve: Right, although, as you say, it doesn't have to be but it very often is. It's almost like a vicious circle. I think one of the reasons why women often make less is that the employer kind of halfway expects that somewhere down the line

Jill: they are going to leave.

Steve: And, statistically, they do. I mean even in something like medicine, a very high percentage of women doctors, which are a higher and higher percentage of graduates from our medical schools, they don't work as many hours as the men.

Jill: They do part-time.

Steve: They do part-time and they end their careers early so, I mean, there is some truth in that.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: Of course, there are other reasons too, but we don't want to have the women earning too much money. I mean that's come on now. Jill

Jill: You've got to keep them under your thumb, ha?

Steve: Well, you know, you have to be a little sensitive to the position of the man.

Jill: Right

Steve: So, if the woman makes more than the man, how do you think the man feels? Have you thought of that?

Jill: They've just got to get their egos under control.

Steve: Well, it's easy for you to say that but, you know, if the woman makes more he can't boss her around.

Jill: Not all men are interested in bossing around!

Steve: I'm not really, but no, that would be a big comedown. But, she would have to pretend to make less. If she were really smart, she would pretend to make

Jill: she would let him still think that he was the breadwinner.

Steve: That's right. I mean the women control the money anyway.

Jill: We control everything, pretty much.

Steve: Well, that's right.

I haven't a clue where my money gets spent. Fortunately though, my wife is more frugal than I am so it's probably a good thing

Jill: that she's in control.

Steve: She knows what's happening.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: Well, okay. Well, we've talked a little bit about family-type things and it's been interesting. Maybe the next time we talk we'll talk a little bit about Central America.

Jill: Perfect.

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Thirty-six: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat –Part One Sechsunddreißig: Steve und Jill führen ein freundliches Gespräch - Teil eins Treinta y seis: Steve y Jill tienen una charla amistosa - Primera parte Trente-six : Steve et Jill ont une discussion amicale - Première partie Trentasei: Steve e Jill fanno una chiacchierata amichevole - Prima parte 36:スティーブとジル、仲良くおしゃべり -前編 36: 스티브와 질, 친근한 대화를 나누다 - 1부 Trzydzieści sześć: Przyjacielska pogawędka Steve'a i Jill - część pierwsza Trinta e seis: Steve e Jill têm uma conversa amigável -Parte Um Тридцать шесть: Стив и Джилл дружески беседуют - часть первая Trettiosex: Steve och Jill har en vänskaplig pratstund - Del ett Otuz Altı: Steve ve Jill Dostça Bir Sohbet Yapıyor -Birinci Bölüm Тридцять шостий: Стів і Джилл ведуть дружню бесіду - частина перша 三十六:史蒂夫和吉尔进行了一次友好的交谈——第一部分 三十六:史蒂夫和吉爾進行了一次友好的對話——第一部分

Steve: Hello, Jill.

Jill: Hello, how are you?

Steve: Not too bad. スティーブ:悪くない。 Стив: Не так уж плохо.

Jill: Good.

Steve: Jill, since the last time we spoke, you’re a married woman. Steve: Jill, desde la última vez que hablamos, eres una mujer casada. スティーブ:ジル、前回話して以来、あなたは既婚女性です。

Jill: I am, yes.

I know, it was over a month ago that we last spoke and I guess a lot has changed since then. Lo sé, fue hace más de un mes que hablamos por última vez y supongo que muchas cosas han cambiado desde entonces. 私たちが最後に話したのは1か月以上前で、それ以来多くのことが変わったと思います。

Steve: Yes. You know, it’s interesting; we will talk a little bit about your trip to Latin American, Central America, which sounds very interesting and I think people are interested in that subject but, first of all, I would like to ask you about marriage and children. 面白いですね。ラテンアメリカ、中米への旅行について少しお話します。これは非常に興味深いと思います。人々はそのテーマに興味を持っていると思いますが、まずは結婚と子供についてお聞きしたいと思います。 Nowadays, women seem to get married later and they have children later.

Jill: Women and men.

Steve: Well yeah, it kind of takes the two. ||||||||两个 Steve: Bueno, sí, toma los dos. スティーブ:ええ、そういうふうにかかります。 Steve: Evet, bu ikisini de alıyor. Стів: Ну, так, для цього потрібно два. 史蒂夫:嗯,是的,两者兼而有之。

Jill: Yes, but men used to be younger when they got married. ジル:はい、しかし、男性は結婚したときに若かったです。 Jill: Evet, ama erkekler evlendiklerinde daha gençti.

Steve: Right, but it becomes, in a way, more of an issue for women than for men because women have this so-called biological clock which, in theory, the men don’t have. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||男性|| Стив: Точно така, но в известен смисъл това става по-важен въпрос за жените, отколкото за мъжете, защото жените имат този така наречен биологичен часовник, който на теория мъжете нямат. Steve: Correcto, pero se convierte, en cierto modo, en un problema mayor para las mujeres que para los hombres porque las mujeres tienen este llamado reloj biológico que, en teoría, los hombres no tienen. スティーブ:確かに、しかし、ある意味で、女性は男性よりも女性の方が問題になります。なぜなら、女性は理論的には男性にはないこのいわゆる生物時計を持っているからです。 Steve: Doğru, ama bir şekilde, kadınlar için kadınlardan ziyade bir sorun haline geliyor, çünkü kadınlar bu teoride erkeklerin sahip olmadığı sözde bir biyolojik saate sahipler. 史蒂夫:是的,但从某种程度上来说,这对女性来说比对男性更成问题,因为女性有所谓的生物钟,而理论上男性没有。 So, this is one of the reasons why the birthrate in many countries has dropped in so-called advanced countries or the wealthier countries. |||||||||出生率|||||||||||||富裕的| ||||||||||||||||||developed||||| |||||||||taxa de natalidade|||||||||||||| |||||||||tasa de natalidad|||||||||||||más ricas| |||||||||出生率|||||||||||||| И така, това е една от причините, поради които раждаемостта в много страни е спаднала в така наречените напреднали страни или по-богатите страни. Entonces, esta es una de las razones por las cuales la tasa de natalidad en muchos países ha descendido en los llamados países avanzados o en los países más ricos. それが、いわゆる先進国や富裕国で多くの国で出生率が低下した理由の一つです。

Jill: First world countries. Джил: Страните от първия свят. ジル:最初の世界の国々。 Jill: İlk dünya ülkeleri.

Steve: Yeah, it seems the wealthier a country is, the fewer children they have. ||||||||||smaller number of||| ||||||||||menos||| Стив: Да, изглежда, че колкото по-богата е една страна, толкова по-малко деца има. Steve: Sí, parece que cuanto más rico es un país, menos hijos tienen. スティーブ:ええ、国が豊かになればなるほど、子どもの数は少なくなるようです。 Steve: Evet, bir ülke ne kadar zenginse o kadar az çocuk sahibi oluyor gibi görünüyor.

Jill: Right, the poorer the country, the more children people have. Джил: Правилно, колкото по-бедна е страната, толкова повече деца имат хората.

Steve: The question I want to ask is, first of all if it’s not too personal, how many children do you intend to have, if all goes well? ||||||||||||||||||||你||||||| Стив: Въпросът, който искам да задам, е, първо, ако не е твърде личен, колко деца възнамерявате да имате, ако всичко върви добре? スティーブ:私が尋ねたい質問は、まず第一にそれがあまりにも個人的ではない場合、何人の子供がいるつもりですか、すべてがうまくいけばですか? 史蒂夫:我想问的问题是,首先,如果这不是太过私人的问题的话,如果一切顺利的话,你打算生几个孩子?

Jill: Yeah, if all goes well, I think probably two; maybe three. ジル:ええ、すべてうまくいけば、おそらく2つだと思います。たぶん3。 Definitely, I want more than one and I don’t want more than three so two or three. Определено искам повече от един и не искам повече от три, така че два или три. 間違いなく、私は2つ以上が必要であり、3つ以上は必要ないので、2つまたは3つです。

Steve: Do you think that most of your friends, your girlfriends, do they want to have two or three children? Стив: Смятате ли, че повечето от вашите приятели, вашите приятелки, искат да имат две или три деца? Steve: ¿Crees que la mayoría de tus amigos, tus amigas, quieren tener dos o tres hijos? Do some of them just want to have their professional career? Дали някои от тях просто искат да направят професионална кариера? ¿Algunos de ellos sólo quieren hacer carrera profesional? 彼らの何人かは、単に職業上のキャリアを持ちたいですか? Bazıları sadece mesleki kariyerine sahip olmak istiyor mu? Is your attitude typical amongst your friends? ||||entre|| Типично ли е отношението ви към приятелите ви? ¿Es tu actitud típica entre tus amigos? あなたの態度は友達の間で典型的ですか? Senin tavrın arkadaşların arasında tipik mi?

Jill: Most of my friends…I have to say, actually, a couple already have children or one child and most of my close friends do want at least a couple of children. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||几个|| Джил: Повечето от моите приятели трябва да кажа, че всъщност няколко от тях вече имат деца или по едно дете и повечето от моите близки приятели искат да имат поне няколко деца. ジル:私の友人のほとんど…私は、実際には、カップルはすでに子供または1人の子供を持っていると言わなければなりません、そして、私の親しい友人のほとんどは少なくともカップルの子供を望んでいます。 Jill: Arkadaşlarımın çoğu… Aslında, bir çiftin zaten bir çocuğu ya da bir çocuğu var ve yakın arkadaşlarımın çoğu en azından birkaç çocuğu istiyor. 吉尔:我不得不说,实际上,我的大多数朋友都有一对夫妇已经有了孩子,或者有一个孩子,而我的大多数亲密朋友也确实想要至少几个孩子。 I do have one sister-in-law and another friend who are more focused on their career. Имам една снаха и още една приятелка, които са съсредоточени повече върху кариерата си. 義理の姉妹と、自分のキャリアにもっと集中しているもう一人の友人がいます。 Bir kayınbiraderim var ve kariyerlerine daha fazla odaklanan başka bir arkadaşım var. Although they love children and they are very good with children, it’s hard for them to think of, you know, giving up the lifestyle that they have to raise children and if they did have children, they would definitely want to go back to work. ||||||verbo auxiliar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Въпреки че обичат децата и са много добри с тях, им е трудно да си представят, че трябва да се откажат от начина на живот, който имат, за да отглеждат деца, а ако имат деца, определено биха искали да се върнат на работа. Aunque aman a los niños y son muy buenos con los niños, es difícil para ellos pensar en renunciar al estilo de vida que tienen para criar a los niños y si tuvieran hijos, definitivamente querrían volver a trabajar. 彼らは子供を愛し、子供と非常に良いですが、彼らが子供を育てなければならないライフスタイルを放棄することを考えるのは難しいです、そして彼らが子供を持っていたなら、彼らは間違いなく仕事に戻りたいでしょう。 Çocukları sevmelerine ve çocuklarla çok iyi olmasına rağmen, çocuklarını yetiştirmek zorunda oldukları yaşam tarzından vazgeçip, çocuk sahibi olmaları durumunda, kesinlikle işe geri dönmek isteyeceklerini düşünmeleri çok zor. That’s what they think now anyway. Така мислят сега. De todos modos, eso es lo que piensan ahora. とにかくそれは彼らが今考えていることです。 Zaten böyle düşünüyorlar.

Steve: I think it is a little easier now to work and have children and probably we should make it even easier. ||||||||||||||||||||更| Steve: Creo que ahora es un poco más fácil trabajar y tener hijos, y probablemente deberíamos hacerlo aún más fácil. スティーブ:仕事をして子供をもうけるのはもう少し簡単だと思います。おそらくもっと簡単にすべきでしょう。 Steve: Şimdi çalışmanın ve çocuk sahibi olmanın biraz daha kolay olduğunu düşünüyorum ve muhtemelen daha da kolaylaştırmalıyız. 史蒂夫:我认为现在工作和生孩子变得容易一些了,也许我们应该让这一切变得更容易。

Now, obviously, for a small company like ours, we are not going to start a daycare center here on the premises for 10 employees but we are quite flexible; people can work from home. ||||||||||||||||||||场所|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||guardería|||||las instalaciones|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||có thể||| Очевидно е, че за малка компания като нашата няма да открием детска градина за 10 служители, но сме доста гъвкави - хората могат да работят от дома си. Ahora, obviamente, para una empresa pequeña como la nuestra, no vamos a montar una guardería aquí en las instalaciones para 10 empleados, pero somos bastante flexibles; la gente puede trabajar desde casa. 今、明らかに、私たちのような小さな会社の場合、ここに10人の従業員のために敷地内にデイケアセンターを開始するつもりはありませんが、非常に柔軟です。人々は自宅で仕事をすることができます。 Açıkçası, bizimki gibi küçük bir şirket için, burada 10 çalışanı için bir günlük bakım merkezine gitmeyeceğiz, ancak oldukça esniyiz; insanlar evden çalışabilirler. Everyone has a computer and high-speed access which the company pays for and people regularly say "I’m working from home today" and we do tend to accommodate people who have to take their children here or take their children there. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||照顾||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||usually try to||make allowances for||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||acomodamos a||||||||||||| Всеки има компютър и високоскоростен достъп, за който компанията плаща, и хората редовно казват: "Днес работя от вкъщи", а ние сме склонни да се съобразяваме с хората, които трябва да водят децата си тук или там. 誰もが会社が支払うコンピューターと高速アクセスを備えており、人々は定期的に「今日は自宅で仕事をしています」と言います。 Każdy ma komputer i szybki dostęp do Internetu, za który płaci firma, a ludzie regularnie mówią "Pracuję dziś z domu" i mamy tendencję do przyjmowania osób, które muszą zabrać swoje dzieci tutaj lub zabrać je tam. Herkesin, parasını şirketin ödediği bir bilgisayarı ve yüksek hızlı erişimi var ve insanlar düzenli olarak "Bugün evden çalışıyorum" diyor ve çocuklarını buraya getirmek veya oraya götürmek zorunda olan insanları ağırlama eğilimindeyiz. 每个人都有一台电脑和高速接入,公司为此付费,人们经常说“我今天在家工作”,我们确实倾向于容纳那些不得不把孩子带到这里或那里的人。 Jill: Right, yes.

Steve: And I think the workplace will become more flexible. |||||lugar de trabajo|||| Steve: Y creo que el lugar de trabajo será más flexible. スティーブ:そして、職場はより柔軟になると思います。

Jill: Well, and actually, I read several months ago an article, I think in the newspaper, that was talking about a few big companies here in Vancouver… not all Canadian companies but gaming companies such as Radical and EA [Electronic Arts] ,and talking about how they have started, because of this situation of both parents having to work or wanting to work, they’ve started allowing different schedules. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||温哥华||||||||||Radical||艺电||||||||||||||||||||||||||||工作时间表 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||EA|||||||||han comenzado||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||美商藝電|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Джил: Всъщност преди няколко месеца прочетох една статия, мисля, че във вестника, в която се говореше за няколко големи компании тук, във Ванкувър, не всички канадски компании, а компании за игри, като Radical и EA [Electronic Arts], и се разказваше за това как те са започнали, поради ситуацията, в която и двамата родители трябва да работят или искат да работят, да позволяват различни графици. Jill: Bueno, y en realidad, leí hace varios meses un artículo, creo que en el periódico, que hablaba de algunas grandes empresas aquí en Vancouver no todas las empresas canadienses, pero las empresas de juegos como Radical y EA [Electronic Arts], y hablando de cómo han comenzado, debido a esta situación de ambos padres tienen que trabajar o querer trabajar, que han comenzado a permitir diferentes horarios. ジル:まあ、実際、私は数ヶ月前に新聞で、バンクーバーのいくつかの大企業について話していた記事を読みました。カナダのすべての会社ではなく、ラジカルやEA [Electronic Arts]などのゲーム会社両親が仕事をしている、または仕事をしたいというこの状況のために、彼らは異なるスケジュールを許可し始めました。 吉尔:嗯,实际上,我几个月前读到一篇文章,我想是在报纸上,那篇文章谈到了温哥华的几家大公司(不是所有加拿大公司),但谈到了 Radical 和 EA [电子艺界] 等游戏公司,谈到了它们是如何开始的,由于父母双方都必须工作或都想工作的情况,他们开始允许孩子安排不同的时间安排。 So, one woman, for example, comes in at 6 in the morning and stays until 2 and her husband gets the kids to school and she’s off in time to pick them up from school. Така например една жена идва в 6 сутринта и остава до 2 часа, а съпругът ѝ води децата на училище и тя си тръгва навреме, за да ги вземе от училище. Entonces, una mujer, por ejemplo, llega a las 6 de la mañana y se queda hasta las 2 y su esposo lleva a los niños a la escuela y ella sale a tiempo para recogerlos de la escuela. たとえば、1人の女性が朝6時に来て2時まで滞在し、夫が子供たちを学校に連れて行き、彼女が学校から迎えに行く時間に間に合ったとします。 Yani, bir kadın, örneğin, sabah 6'da gelir ve 2'ye kadar kalır ve kocası çocukları okula götürür ve okuldan almak için zamanında ayrılır. Others go in later and stay until 8 at night and I think some bigger companies are doing things like that or providing daycare services so that it’s easier. Други влизат по-късно и остават до 8 часа вечерта и мисля, че някои по-големи компании правят подобни неща или предоставят услуги за дневни грижи, за да е по-лесно. 他の人は後で入り、夜8時まで滞在します。いくつかの大企業はそのようなことをしている、または簡単にするためにデイケアサービスを提供していると思います。

Steve: There was an article in the paper here the other day saying that in Denmark they have increased the birthrate because the health system there is more generous in paying for various, you know, technologies related to helping older women have children. |||||||||||||||丹麦|||||||||||||慷慨||||||||||||||孩子 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||different types of|||||||||| |||||||||||||||Dinamarca||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Стив: Онзи ден във вестника имаше статия, в която се казваше, че в Дания раждаемостта се е увеличила, защото здравната система там е по-щедра в заплащането на различни технологии, свързани с подпомагането на по-възрастните жени да имат деца. スティーブ:先日、ここの新聞に記事がありました。デンマークでは、年配の女性が子供を育てるのを支援することに関連するさまざまなテクノロジーの支払いに寛容な医療システムがあるため、出生率が増加したとのことです。 Steve: Gazetede geçen gün makalesinde bir makale vardı: Danimarka'da doğum oranını artırdılar çünkü sağlık sistemi daha fazla ücret ödemede daha cömert davranıyor, bildiğiniz gibi, yaşlı kadınların çocuklarına yardım etmeyle ilgili teknolojiler var. 史蒂夫:前几天这里的报纸上有一篇文章说,在丹麦,他们提高了出生率,因为那里的卫生系统更慷慨地支付各种与帮助老年妇女生育有关的技术。

Jill: Oh, that’s interesting.

Steve: Whereas in Canada, these can be quite expensive and they are not necessarily covered by the health system. |mientras que||||||||||||||||| Стив: Докато в Канада те могат да бъдат доста скъпи и невинаги се покриват от здравната система. スティーブ:カナダでは、これらは非常に高価である可能性があり、必ずしも健康システムでカバーされているわけではありません。 Steve: Podczas gdy w Kanadzie mogą być one dość drogie i niekoniecznie są objęte systemem opieki zdrowotnej. Steve: Kanada'da, bunlar oldukça pahalı olabilir ve mutlaka sağlık sistemi kapsamında değildir. So that whereas women, perhaps, traditionally felt that their childbearing years ended at the end of their 30s or into their early 40s and that was it, now it’s possible to have children later than that. ||而||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||出産年齢|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||la maternidad||terminaron|||finalizan esas||||||||||||||||||||| Така че, докато жените може би традиционно са смятали, че годините им за раждане приключват в края на 30-те или началото на 40-те години и това е всичко, сега е възможно да имат деца и по-късно. Während Frauen vielleicht traditionell das Gefühl hatten, dass ihre gebärfähigen Jahre Ende 30 oder Anfang 40 endeten und das war es, ist es jetzt möglich, später Kinder zu bekommen. Entonces, mientras que las mujeres, tal vez, tradicionalmente sentían que sus años fértiles terminaban al final de los 30 o principios de los 40 y eso era todo, ahora es posible tener hijos más tarde. 女性は、おそらく伝統的に、30代の終わりか40代前半に出産の年が終わったと感じていたので、それ以降は子供を産むことが可能になりました。 Tak więc, podczas gdy kobiety, być może, tradycyjnie uważały, że ich okres rozrodczy kończy się pod koniec 30. lub na początku 40. roku życia i to wszystko, teraz możliwe jest posiadanie dzieci później. Yani, kadınlar, belki de, geleneksel olarak, kendi doğurganlık yıllarının 30'larının sonunda ya da 40'ların başlarına kadar sona erdiğini hissediyorlardı, bu da şimdi oldu, şimdi çocuklara sahip olmak daha mümkün. 因此,也许女性传统上认为她们的生育年龄在 30 岁末或 40 岁出头时结束,仅此而已,但现在有可能比这更晚生育。 If women have a career and are professionally very active up until their early or even mid 30s and they then decide to have a family, the idea that the national health system helps them to have children, if they for whatever biological or medical reason would normally have difficulty, you know, that’s not a bad thing to do. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||会|||||知道||||||| |||||||||activas profesionalmente|hasta|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ако жените правят кариера и са много активни в професионален план до ранните или дори до средата на 30-те си години, а след това решат да създадат семейство, идеята националната здравна система да им помогне да имат деца, ако по някаква биологична или медицинска причина обикновено биха имали затруднения, знаете, че не е лошо да се направи. Eğer kadınlar bir kariyere sahiplerse ve 30'lu yaşların ortalarına ya da 30'larına kadar profesyonel olarak çok aktifler ve daha sonra bir aile sahibi olmaya karar verirlerse, ulusal sağlık sisteminin normalde biyolojik ya da tıbbi sebepleri ne olursa olsun çocuk sahibi olmalarına yardımcı oldukları fikri çocuklara yardımcı olur. zorluk çekiyorsun, biliyorsun, bu kötü bir şey değil. 如果女性在 30 岁出头或什至 30 岁之前都有自己的事业并且在专业上非常活跃,然后她们决定要有一个家庭,那么国家卫生系统帮助她们生育孩子的想法,如果她们出于任何生物学或医学原因通常会有困难,你知道,这不是一件坏事。

Jill: No.

Steve: That’s not a bad thing to do. |||||事情|| Стив: Това не е лошо да се направи. Steve: Yapacak çok da kötü bir şey değil. 史蒂夫:这并不是什么坏事。

Jill: Seems to me that Europe is always sort of on the cutting edge of things like that. |||||||||||||||事情|| |parece|||||||||||||||| Джил: Джил: Струва ми се, че Европа винаги е в авангарда на подобни неща. Jill: Me parece que Europa siempre está a la vanguardia de cosas así. Jill : Il me semble que l'Europe est toujours en quelque sorte à la pointe de ce genre de choses. ジル:ヨーロッパは常にそういうものの最先端にいると私には思えます。 Jill: Bana öyle geliyor ki, Avrupa her zaman böyle şeylerin kesici kenarıdır. 吉尔:在我看来,欧洲总是处于此类事情的前沿。 There is often technology there for quite a few years before it comes over to North America. ||||||相当多||||||到达|||| Често технологиите се използват там в продължение на няколко години, преди да се появят в Северна Америка. Il y a souvent de la technologie là-bas pendant plusieurs années avant qu'elle n'arrive en Amérique du Nord. 北米に普及する前のかなりの数年の間、技術がそこにあることがよくあります。 Kuzey Amerika'ya gelmeden önce birkaç yıl boyunca orada sık sık teknoloji var.

Steve: Well, it’s not so much that the technology comes from there; I think a lot of the technology is developed in the United States. ||||||||||||||||||||desarrollada|||| Стив: Е, не става въпрос толкова за това, че технологията идва оттам; мисля, че голяма част от технологията е разработена в Съединените щати. Steve : Eh bien, ce n'est pas tant que la technologie vient de là ; Je pense qu'une grande partie de la technologie est développée aux États-Unis. スティーブ:そうですね、テクノロジーがそこから生まれるということはそれほど多くありません。多くの技術はアメリカで開発されていると思います。 Steve: Pekala, teknolojinin oradan gelmesi o kadar da değil; Bence Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde bir çok teknoloji geliştirildi. But, what’s interesting in Denmark is that the state health system will pay for these technologies so they are not considered just an optional procedure Но интересното в Дания е, че държавната здравна система ще плаща за тези технологии, така че те не се считат само за незадължителна процедура. Ancak, Danimarka'da ilginç olan şey, devlet sağlık sisteminin bu teknolojiler için ödeme yapması ve böylece sadece isteğe bağlı bir prosedür olarak görülmemesidir.

Jill: …that only wealthy people can afford. |||ricos||| Jill: que solo la gente rica puede permitirse. Jill:… sadece zengin insanların parası yetmez.

Steve: That’s right. I think people in developed countries are concerned about their aging population; their declining birthrates. ||||||||||||||出生率下降 ||||||||||envelhecimento|||| ||||||||||envejecimiento|población envejecida||declinantes tasas de|tasas de natalidad ||||||||||||||出生率 Мисля, че хората в развитите страни са загрижени за застаряващото си население, за намаляващата раждаемост. Creo que la gente de los países desarrollados está preocupada por el envejecimiento de su población; sus tasas de natalidad decrecientes. Gelişmiş ülkelerdeki insanlar yaşlanan nüfusları hakkında endişeli; azalan doğum oranları. Denmark apparently has a birthrate of 1.9 per thousand or whatever which is quite high per family. |||||||||等等|||||| ||||tasa de natalidad||||||||||| Дания очевидно има раждаемост от 1,9 на хиляда или колкото и да е там, което е доста висок процент на семейство. Aparentemente, Dinamarca tiene una tasa de natalidad de 1,9 por mil o lo que sea, que es bastante alta por familia. デンマークの出生率は1000人あたり1.9人か、家族あたりの出生率がかなり高いようです。 Danimarka'nın görünüşe göre, binde 1.9'a kadar bir doğum oranı ya da aileye göre oldukça yüksek olanı vardır. 丹麦的家庭出生率显然是每千人 1.9 左右,这个数字相当高。 I don’t know what the number is, but replacement is two so at 1.9 they’re not bad. Не знам какво е числото, но замяната е две, така че при 1,9 те не са лоши. No sé cuál es el número, pero el reemplazo es dos, por lo que en 1.9 no están mal. 数はわかりませんが、交換は2つなので1.9で悪くはありません。 Rakamın ne olduğunu bilmiyorum, ancak değiştirme iki, yani 1,9'da fena değiller.

Jill: No.

Steve: Korea is like 1.1; Italy is 1.2; I think Canada is 1.5 or 1.6.

Jill: Japan is very low. ||||bajo

Steve: Japan is very low. I think it’s also an attitude thing. |||||态度| |||||actitud| Мисля, че това е и въпрос на отношение. Creo que también es una actitud. 態度でもあると思います。 Bence aynı zamanda bir tutum. I know in talking to some of our French learners the feeling there is that young women now are more interested in having children. ||||||||||||||||||||感兴趣||| ||||||||||||||||las mujeres||||||| Знам, че в разговори с някои от нашите френски ученици се усеща, че младите жени сега са по-заинтересовани да имат деца. Bazı Fransız öğrencilerimizle konuştuğumda, genç kadınların şu anda çocuk sahibi olmalarıyla daha çok ilgili olduklarını hissediyorum. 在与一些法语学习者交谈时,我发现现在的年轻女性对生孩子更感兴趣。 That this whole idea that the women felt that well, I’m not going to have kids; I’m going to have my career. ||||||||||||||有||||||| Цялата тази идея, че жените смятат, че няма да имат деца, а ще правят кариера. Que toda esta idea de que las mujeres se sintieron tan bien, no voy a tener hijos; Voy a tener mi carrera. Kadınların bu kadar iyi hissettikleri fikri, çocuk sahibi olmayacağım; Kariyerim olacak. I think societies' attitudes are changing and it’s almost as if there’s a sense now that gees, we can’t just ||||||||||||||||trời ơi||| ||||||||||||||||caramba||| ||||||||||||||||哎呀||| Мисля, че нагласите на обществата се променят и сякаш вече има усещане, че не можем просто да 社会の態度は変化していると思います。まるで今、そういう感覚があるかのようです。 Sanırım toplumların tavırları değişiyor ve sanki şimdi artık bir his varmış gibi geliyor, biz sadece Я думаю, що ставлення суспільства змінюється, і це майже так, ніби зараз є відчуття, що ми не можемо просто Jill: …It’s important to have children.

Steve: We need kids.

Jill: You need to carry on. Джил: Трябва да продължиш. Jill: Tienes que continuar. Jill: Devam etmelisin.

Steve: Well, that’s right.

It’s almost as if the sort of western, including Japan and Korea, modern, call it secular non-religious lifestyle, is essentially a suicidal lifestyle in the sense that those communities don’t reproduce themselves. |||||||||||||||世俗的|||||||自杀的|||||||||| |||||||||||||||Non-religious|||||||self-destructive|||||||||| |||||||occidental|||||||||||||||suicida|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||tự sát|||||||||tái sản xuất| Сякаш западният, включително в Япония и Корея, модерен, да го наречем светски, нерелигиозен начин на живот, е по същество самоубийствен начин на живот в смисъл, че тези общности не се възпроизвеждат. Es casi como si el estilo de vida occidental, incluidos Japón y Corea, moderno, llámese estilo de vida secular no religioso, fuera esencialmente un estilo de vida suicida en el sentido de que esas comunidades no se reproducen a sí mismas. 日本と韓国を含む現代の西洋のタイプは、世俗的な非宗教的ライフスタイルと呼ばれ、それらのコミュニティが自分自身を複製しないという意味で本質的に自殺的ライフスタイルであるかのようです。 Sanki Japonya ve Kore de dahil olmak üzere, batının bir türünün, laik olmayan dinsel yaşam tarzı olarak adlandırılan batı tipi, aslında bu toplulukların kendilerini yeniden üretmemeleri anlamında intihar tarzı bir yaşam tarzıdır. 这几乎就像是那种西方的,包括日本和韩国,现代的,称之为世俗的非宗教生活方式,本质上是一种自杀式的生活方式,因为这些社区不会自我繁殖。

Jill: Right.

Steve: So that over a sufficient period of time they won’t be there anymore. |||||adequate|||||||| Стив: Така че за достатъчно дълъг период от време те вече няма да са там. Steve: Böylece yeterli bir süre içinde artık orada olmayacaklar.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So, anyway, that’s good. Стив: Така или иначе, това е добре. No, I think we should do more to make it easier for women to have children and to bring them up and yet maintain their, you know, professional careers and so forth. Не, мисля, че трябва да направим повече, за да улесним жените да имат деца, да ги отглеждат и същевременно да поддържат професионалната си кариера и т.н. いいえ、私は、女性が子供を産みやすく、子供を育てながら、彼らの、ご存知のように、職業上のキャリアなどを維持できるようにするために、もっと多くのことをすべきだと思います。 Hayır, bence kadınların çocuk sahibi olmalarını, onları büyütmelerini ve aynı zamanda profesyonel kariyerlerine devam etmelerini kolaylaştırmak için daha fazlasını yapmalıyız.

Jill: And, I mean, part of the problem I know here in Vancouver is there are a lot of women… I know  and my mom was one of these women… who would have loved to have stayed home with her kids but simply couldn’t afford to. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||no podían pagar| Джил: Искам да кажа, че част от проблема, който познавам тук, във Ванкувър, е, че има много жени, които познавам, а майка ми беше една от тези жени, които с удоволствие биха останали вкъщи с децата си, но просто не можеха да си го позволят. Jill: Y, quiero decir, parte del problema que conozco aquí en Vancouver es que hay un montón de mujeres que conozco y mi madre era una de estas mujeres que le hubiera encantado quedarse en casa con sus hijos, pero simplemente no podía permitírselo. Jill: Demek istediğim, Vancouver'da bildiğim problemin bir kısmı çok kadın var… Biliyorum ve annem de bu kadınlardan biriydi… Kim çocuklarıyla evine gitmeyi çok isterdi ama basitçe unutamazdı. veremem. It was just not possible to survive on one income living in such an expensive city and that is definitely the case I think for a lot of people today. |||||||||ingreso económico|||||||||||||||||||| No era posible sobrevivir con un solo sueldo en una ciudad tan cara, y creo que eso es lo que le ocurre a mucha gente hoy en día. このような高額な都市に住む1つの収入で生き残ることは不可能でした。それは、今日の多くの人々にとって間違いなく事実だと思います。 Böylesine pahalı bir şehirde yaşayan bir gelirden hayatta kalmak mümkün değildi ve bugün pek çok insan için düşündüğüm durum kesinlikle bu. Sure, living in smaller communities and things like that can be cheaper, but it’s just often a necessity. Разбира се, животът в по-малки населени места и други подобни неща може да е по-евтин, но често това е просто необходимост. Elbette, daha küçük topluluklarda yaşamak ve bunun gibi şeyler daha ucuz olabilir, ancak bu sadece bir zorunluluktur.

Steve: And it is true, I think, you know, as attitudes in our society change, there are a lot of women who work who don’t need to work; right. Стив: И това е вярно, мисля, че с промяната на нагласите в нашето общество има много работещи жени, които нямат нужда да работят; нали. Steve: Y es verdad, creo que, ya sabes, a medida que cambian las actitudes en nuestra sociedad, hay muchas mujeres que trabajan que no necesitan trabajar; cierto. スティーブ:そして、私たちの社会の態度が変化するにつれて、働く必要のない多くの女性が働いているというのは事実です。正しい。 There are a lot of two-income families where actually one of them makes enough money for both. 2所得世帯はたくさんありますが、実際にはどちらか一方だけで十分です。 Aslında ikisinin de her ikisi için yeterli paraya sahip olduğu iki gelirli aileler var.

Jill: And by the time they’ve paid for daycare too, often they don’t even take in very much from the other person’s salary. Джил: И докато платят и за детската градина, често дори не получават много от заплатата на другия. Jill: Y para cuando pagaron la guardería también, a menudo ni siquiera reciben mucho del salario de la otra persona. ジル:そして、彼らが保育所の代金も支払った時までに、彼らはしばしば他人の給料からあまり多くを取り入れさえしません。 Jill: Ve kreş masraflarını da karşıladıklarında, çoğu zaman diğer kişinin maaşından çok fazla bir şey bile alamıyorlar.

Steve: That’s right. But it always was I think the case that if a woman is at a party somewhere and someone says "And what do you do?" Но мисля, че винаги е било така, че ако една жена е някъде на парти и някой я попита "А ти какво правиш?" でも、女性がどこかのパーティーにいて、誰かが「それで、どうする?」と言ったら、いつもそうだったと思います。 Ale myślę, że zawsze było tak, że jeśli kobieta jest gdzieś na imprezie i ktoś pyta "A czym się zajmujesz?". Ama her zaman bir kadının bir yerde bir partide olması ve birinin "Ne yaparsın?" And she says "Well, I stay home and look after the kids," then that was kind of like a loss of face or something. И тя казва: "Ами, аз си стоя вкъщи и се грижа за децата", тогава това е нещо като загуба на лице или нещо подобно. Y ella dice: "Bueno, me quedo en casa y cuido a los niños", eso fue como perder la cara o algo así. そして、彼女は「まあ、私は家にいて子供たちの世話をします」と言います、そしてそれは一種の顔の喪失か何かのようなものでした。 A ona na to: "Cóż, zostaję w domu i opiekuję się dziećmi", a to było jak utrata twarzy czy coś w tym rodzaju. Ve diyor ki "Ben evde kalıyorum ve çocuklara bakıyorum," o zaman bu bir tür yüz falan gibiydi. Jill: Right.

Steve: But I think attitudes are changing and I think people in society now have more respect for someone that says "Well, I look after the family and I’m very busy doing it. " Стив: Но мисля, че нагласите се променят и че хората в обществото вече изпитват по-голямо уважение към някого, който казва: "Аз се грижа за семейството и съм много зает с това. " Steve: Pero creo que las actitudes están cambiando y que ahora la gente en la sociedad respeta más a alguien que dice "Bueno, yo cuido de la familia y estoy muy ocupado haciéndolo". " Steve: Ama bence tutumlar değişiyor ve bence toplumdaki insanlar artık "Bir aileye bakıyorum ve bunu yapmakla meşgulüm" diyen birine daha çok saygı duyuyorlar. Jill: Yes, that"s right and I"m happy to do it. Steve: And people kind of say "Good for you; we need someone to do that. " Стив: И хората казват: "Добре за теб, имаме нужда от някой, който да прави това. " Steve: Ve insanlar "Senin için iyi; bunu yapabilecek birine ihtiyacımız var" derler. Jill: It’s a tough job. |||difícil| Jill: Bu zor bir iş.

Steve: It’s a tough job and, of course, it is also a less stimulating environment than, you know, going to work. ||||||||||||||entorno menos estimulante|||||| Стив: Това е трудна работа и, разбира се, също така е по-малко стимулираща среда, отколкото, знаете, да отидеш на работа. Steve: Es un trabajo duro y, por supuesto, también es un ambiente menos estimulante que, ya sabes, ir a trabajar. Steve: Bu zor bir iş ve elbette, işe yarayandan daha az uyarıcı bir ortam. But, of course, occasionally I’ll go to a party and I’ll meet some man and I’ll say "What do you do?" Ama tabii ki bazen bir partiye giderim ve bir adamla tanışırım ve "Ne iş yapıyorsun?" diye sorarım. And he says "I"m a househusband. " ||||||家庭主夫 ||||||marido de casa ||||||esposo en casa ||||||主夫 Y dice "soy amo de casa". " Ve ben "ben" ma ev haykırıyor. " Jill: Really? You’ve had that happen? Случвало ли ви се е това? Has tenido que pasar? Bunun oldu mu?

Steve: Twice! Steve: ¡Dos veces!

Jill: Wow!

Steve: So, yeah. Стив: И така, да.

Jill: I thought that was only in the movies but that’s great. Jill: Sadece filmlerde olduğunu düşündüm ama bu harika.

Steve: No, I’ve had it twice; I’ve had it twice. Стив: Не, имах го два пъти; имах го два пъти. Steve: No, lo he tenido dos veces; lo he tenido dos veces.

Jill: That’s great.

Steve: I don’t think society has yet fully accepted the househusband. Steve: Creo que la sociedad aún no ha aceptado del todo al amo de casa. Steve: Toplumun henüz ev kocasını tam olarak kabul ettiğini düşünmüyorum.

Jill: Well, and I think it is still rare that a woman makes more than her husband, in most cases; not all, of course. Джил: Мисля, че все още е рядкост жената да печели повече от съпруга си, в повечето случаи, не във всички, разбира се. Jill: Bence bir kadının kocasından daha fazla kazanması çoğu durumda hala nadir bir durum; tabii ki hepsi değil. And so, I think that’s just where it has always made sense that the person who makes the most money is going to continue to work and that’s typically the man. И така, мисля, че в този случай винаги е имало смисъл човекът, който печели най-много пари, да продължи да работи и това обикновено е мъжът. Ve bence, bu, en çok parayı yapan kişinin çalışmaya devam edeceği ve genellikle de bu adam olduğu her zaman anlamlıdır.

Steve: Right, although, as you say, it doesn’t have to be but it very often is. Steve: Correcto, aunque, como dices, no tiene por qué serlo, pero a menudo lo es. Steve: Doğru, dediğiniz gibi öyle olması gerekmiyor ama çoğu zaman öyle oluyor. It’s almost like a vicious circle. ||||vòng luẩn quẩn| ||||Unending cycle| Това е почти като омагьосан кръг. Es casi como un círculo vicioso. Neredeyse bir kısır döngü gibi. I think one of the reasons why women often make less is that the employer kind of halfway expects that somewhere down the line |||||||||||||||||mais ou menos|||||| |||||||||||||||||a medias|espera que||||| Мисля, че една от причините, поради които жените често печелят по-малко, е, че работодателят сякаш наполовина очаква, че някъде по веригата Creo que una de las razones por las que las mujeres a menudo ganan menos es que el empleador espera a medias que en algún momento Я думаю, что одна из причин, по которой женщины часто зарабатывают меньше, заключается в том, что работодатель как бы наполовину ожидает, что где-то в конце концов Bence kadınların genellikle daha az kazanmasının nedenlerinden biri, işverenin bir yerde yarı yarıya bunu beklemesi Я думаю, що одна з причин, чому жінки часто заробляють менше, полягає в тому, що роботодавець наполовину очікує, що десь у кінці кінців

Jill: …they are going to leave. Джил: те ще си тръгнат. Jill: se van a ir.

Steve: And, statistically, they do. ||estadísticamente|ellos estadísticamente| Стив: И статистически те го правят. I mean even in something like medicine, a very high percentage of women doctors, which are a higher and higher percentage of graduates from our medical schools, they don’t work as many hours as the men. Искам да кажа, че дори в нещо като медицината, където много голям процент жени лекари, които са все по-голям процент от завършилите нашите медицински училища, не работят толкова много часове, колкото мъжете. つまり、医学のようなものでさえ、私たちの医学部の卒業生の割合がますます高くなっている女性医師の非常に高い割合は、男性ほど多くの時間働いていません。 我的意思是,即使在像医学这样的领域,也有很高比例的女医生,也就是我们医学院毕业生的比例越来越高,但她们的工作时间没有男性那么长。

Jill: They do part-time. Джил: Те работят на непълно работно време. Jill: Lo hacen a tiempo parcial.

Steve: They do part-time and they end their careers early so, I mean, there is some truth in that. Стив: Те работят на непълно работно време и приключват кариерата си рано, така че има известна доза истина в това.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: Of course, there are other reasons too, but we don’t want to have the women earning too much money. Стив: Разбира се, има и други причини, но не искаме жените да печелят твърде много пари. Steve: Elbette başka sebepler de var ama kadınların çok fazla para kazanmasını istemiyoruz. 史蒂夫:当然,还有其他原因,但我们不想让女性赚太多钱。 I mean that’s …come on now. Искам да кажа, че това вече е факт. Quiero decir que es ... vamos ahora. つまり…今すぐに来てください。 Demek istediğim, şimdi… Jill

Jill: You’ve got to keep them under your thumb, ha? ||tienes que||||||control| Джил: Трябва да ги държиш под око, ха? Jill: Tienes que mantenerlos bajo control, ¿eh? ジル:親指の下に置いておく必要がありますね。 Jill: Onları baş parmağın altında tutmalısın, ha? 吉尔:你得控制住他们,哈?

Steve: Well, you know, you have to be a little sensitive to the position of the man. Стив: Знаете ли, трябва да сте малко чувствителни към положението на човека. Steve: Şey, bilirsiniz, adamın konumuna karşı biraz hassas olmalısınız. 史蒂夫:嗯,你知道,你必须对男人的位置有点敏感。

Jill: Right

Steve: So, if the woman makes more than the man, how do you think the man feels? スティーブ:では、女性が男性よりも多くを作っているとしたら、男性はどのように感じていると思いますか? Steve: Peki, eğer kadın erkekten daha fazla kazanıyorsa, sence erkek nasıl hisseder? Have you thought of that? ||pensado|| Мислили ли сте за това? ¿Has pensado en eso? Bunu hiç düşündün mü?

Jill: They’ve just got to get their egos under control. |||||||cái tôi|| |||||||egos|| Джил: Те просто трябва да контролират егото си. ジル:彼らは自分のエゴをコントロールしなければなりません。 Jill: Sadece egolarını kontrol altına almak zorundalar. 吉尔:他们必须控制住自己的自负。

Steve: Well, it’s easy for you to say that but, you know, if the woman makes more he can’t boss her around. |||||||||||biết||||||||sếp|| ||||||||||||||la mujer||||||| Стив: Лесно ти е да го кажеш, но ако жената печели повече, той не може да я командва. Steve: Bueno, es fácil para ti decir eso, pero, ya sabes, si la mujer gana más no puede controlarla. スティーブ:そうですね、言うのは簡単ですが、女性がもっと稼いだら、彼女を上司にすることはできません。 Стив: Ну, вам легко так говорить, но, знаете, если женщина зарабатывает больше, он не может ею командовать. Steve: Evet, bunu söylemenin kolay, ama biliyorsun, eğer kadın daha çok şey yaparsa, patronu onun etrafında yapamaz. 史蒂夫:好吧,你这么说很容易,但是,你知道,如果女人赚得更多,他就不能对她摆布。

Jill: Not all men are interested in bossing around! |||||||指揮| |||||||mandar sobre| Джил: Не всички мъже се интересуват от това да командват! Jill: Bütün erkekler etrafta dolaşmakla ilgilenmez!

Steve: I’m not really, but no, that would be a big comedown. |||||||||||decepção |||||||||||sự giảm sút |||||||||||大失所望 |||||||||||落差 |||||||||||落ち込み |||||||||||decepción Стив: Не съм, но не, това би било голямо разочарование. Steve: Ich bin nicht wirklich, aber nein, das wäre ein großer Comedown. Steve: Realmente no lo soy, pero no, eso sería un gran bajón. Steve: Ben gerçekten değilim, ama hayır, bu büyük bir rahatsızlık olurdu. Стів: Я не дуже, але ні, це було б серйозним падінням. But, she would have to pretend to make less. Но тя ще трябва да се преструва, че прави по-малко. Pero, ella tendría que fingir que gana menos. If she were really smart, she would pretend to make Eğer gerçekten akıllı olsaydı, yapacağı gibi yapardı

Jill: …she would let him still think that he was the breadwinner. |||||||||||經濟支柱 |||||||||||provedor da família |||||||||||el sostén |||||||||||người kiếm sống Джил: тя ще му позволи да продължи да мисли, че той е издържащият семейството. Jill: ... hala ekmek yiyen olduğunu düşünmesine izin verecekti.

Steve: That’s right. I mean the women control the money anyway. Искам да кажа, че така или иначе жените контролират парите.

Jill: We control everything, pretty much. Джил: Контролираме всичко, почти всичко. Jill: Controlamos todo, más o menos.

Steve: Well, that’s right. 史蒂夫: 好吧,没错。|||

I haven’t a clue where my money gets spent. |||la menor idea||||| Нямам представа за какво се харчат парите ми. No tengo ni idea de dónde se gasta mi dinero. 自分のお金がどこに使われているのか、さっぱりわからない。 Paramın harcanabileceği bir fikrim yok. Fortunately though, my wife is more frugal than I am so it’s probably a good thing ||||||節儉||||||||| ||||||economical with money||||||||| ||||||倹約家||||||||| |sin embargo|||||ahorrativa||||||||| ||||||tiết kiệm||||||||| За щастие обаче съпругата ми е по-скромна от мен, така че вероятно това е добре. Afortunadamente, mi esposa es más frugal que yo, así que probablemente sea algo bueno 幸いなことに、妻は私よりも質素なので、良いことかもしれません。 Neyse ki eşim benden daha tutumlu, bu yüzden muhtemelen iyi bir şey

Jill: …that she’s in control. Джил: че тя контролира ситуацията. Jill: Kontrolün onda olduğunu.

Steve: She knows what’s happening. スティーブ:彼女は何が起きているのか知っているんだ。

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: Well, okay. Well, we’ve talked a little bit about family-type things and it’s been interesting. Maybe the next time we talk we’ll talk a little bit about Central America. 次回は、中米について少しお話ししましょうか。

Jill: Perfect.