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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Thirty-seven: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat –Part Two

Thirty-seven: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat –Part Two

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, again.

Steve: Where have you been recently that's been interesting?

Jill: For the better part of April, I was traveling throughout Central America.

There are seven countries; I think we spoke about that before and I went to five of them.

Steve: Now, Jill, you know, I think of the sort of backpacker, you know, wearing the same shirts and underwear for six months, trekking around India, eating, you know, off the floor of a truck, whatever and then I think of you; not the same.

Jill: No.

Steve: Not the same. So, how did you fare in Latin America? Because I know you went into the bush and you were in somewhat rough places. How was it?

Jill: It was great. It was so, so great. I'm sure there were times that I was maybe not so happy. Looking back, I have nothing but fond memories. But, we did break it up a bit. We started in Costa Rica and the first four nights we stayed in a very nice, luxurious, beachfront boutique resort, so that was beautiful and we ended in Belize where we also stayed in a nice hotel on the beach. So, that's kind of my style; more my style. Chris, you know, he kind of likes the backpacking around which I don't mind either, so we had a bit of both. We spent about maybe two weeks or just under two weeks backpacking around and staying in a lot of places for one night or two nights. So, just moving around a lot, taking a lot of buses, you know, getting up in the middle of the night to catch a bus, stuff like that. That was all fine, actually; I didn't even mind that.

Steve: But I gather you had an encounter with some of the local wildlife of the small variety.

Jill: Yeah. Yeah, in Costa Rica I got stung by a scorpion which wasn't a pleasant experience. It felt like a bad bee sting. It wasn't extremely painful but it was just gross to see this big bug crawling.

Steve: How big was it?

Jill: Well, to me, I thought it was about a foot long but, of course, Chris said, you know, no. It was really I think it was about two to three inches, so it wasn't huge but much bigger than what we're used to seeing here in Vancouver. They are just not particularly attractive looking creatures and the fact that it had stung me and all the rest didn't make me too thrilled.

Steve: You didn't like it?

Jill: No, it was a little scary, but it was all okay and by that night the mark was gone, nothing hurt and it was fine.

Steve: How about the food down there? How did you like to food?

Jill: The local food was fine. It consisted of a lot of chicken cooked in a variety of ways: barbequed, grilled, fried, you know, all different ways and rice and often beans and sometimes it was quite tasty and other times it was quite bland, it just depended. You know, some restaurants were better than others.

Steve: Right.

Jill: But, we didn't eat a lot of that, you know. You travel nowadays and there's just everywhere has pizza. That's just everywhere, even in small little villages, so we had pizza probably four times. We were pretty sick of pizza actually by the end, to say. And we had, you know when we were on the coast there was always lots of seafood, so we would have lots of seafood.

Steve: Now, how do they make the seafood?

Jill: We got things that are very similar to here; you know, snapper or just grilled.

Steve: Do they fry it in a frying pan?

Jill: A variety of ways. You could get it a variety of ways. It was almost always very good, actually.

Steve: Oh, okay and was it expensive?

Jill: Belize was really expensive; it was the most expensive. It was very expensive. In fact, a lot of things were more expensive than in Canada.

Steve: But how do the locals

Jill: I don’t know. I had a talk with some of them and I said how because their income is obviously not as high as ours and they just said they just, you know, they just make do; they get by.

Steve: How about language? You speak a few words of Spanish; I guess you used it occasionally. Did you mostly have to communicate in Spanish or in English?

Jill: Yes.

In Costa Rica, especially at the first resort we stayed, everybody spoke English really well, actually. That wasn't a problem. In Nicaragua and Honduras there was were some people who knew a little bit of English, but more often than not, we communicated primarily in Spanish. Chris's Spanish is quite decent and at least we can understand most of the time if people slow down. Some people just won't slow down for you. That happened the odd time. Most people were very gracious, but sometimes they just wouldn't or, you know, just like with English or any language, there are people who speak the language better than other people. You know, they enunciate more clearly; they speak with less of an accent or whatever. So, sometimes people were real easy to understand and other people we just couldn't understand no matter what; we just couldn't. But for the most part, we communicated in Spanish and then in Belize they all speak English. English is the native language.

Steve: Oh, right you are. That's British Honduras.

Jill: Yeah, it was a British colony.

Steve: How evident is I know you saw some of the old Native American ruins, but how evident is that culture in everyday life down there?

Jill: I would say in Guatemala where the main Mayan ruins are located it's still very evident. Fifty percent of the population is full-blooded Mayan. That's what they think anyway; 50 to 60 percent, so they still speak the Mayan language.

Steve: Really?

Jill: It’s their first language before Spanish. They've got, you know, traditional clothing on, very dark skinned, so there it was very interesting. In the other countries there wasn’t really that element. So, Guatemala was where it seemed very, you know, native.

Steve: Right; okay. Were there any things that you identified as native food or was the food more or less the same in all the countries; the chicken with the rice and the beans?

Jill: Yeah, the food was more or less you know, even in South America it's pretty much chicken and rice. You know, "pollo" that's what is served. Chickens are easy to have. You know, everybody can have them. You don't need a lot of land so I think chicken is pretty standard fare.

Steve: Alright; okay. Were you in the ocean at all?

Jill: Oh, yes, that was wonderful.

Steve: What was the water like?

Jill: Well, in Costa Rica you could go the Caribbean or the Pacific side. We went to the Pacific side which was fantastic; huge waves, excellent surfing. I learned to surf. The water is really warm. It's not a clear color being the Pacific; although, Hawaii is on the Pacific and is. So, it's not like it's great snorkeling there, but warm water, great surf and long beaches with nobody on them so it was fantastic.

Steve: Wow.

Jill: In Belize that was on the Caribbean so that was spectacular water; warm and crystal clear. They have a second biggest barrier reef there in the world there so the diving and snorkeling was amazing. We went snorkeling and we were snorkeling with sharks and dolphins.

Steve: With sharks?

Jill: Sharks. These ones were quite big but they aren't aggressive. They swim away from you.

Steve: You believed that?

Jill: Yeah, well I tried to touch one.

Steve: Did you really?

Jill: I kept trying to get close but they just swam away.

Steve: Well that's pretty brave of you.

Jill: Well, I was pretty far away still. But yeah, stingrays and

Steve: But they can sting you the stingrays.

Jill: Yeah, yeah, they can but they're pretty docile, generally, and they sort of stay back and there are moray eels and it was fantastic.

Steve: My goodness. And was there a lot of, sort of, vegetation on the ocean floor?

Jill: Well, yeah, it's a coral reef; a barrier reef so lots of coral. In Belize they have conch, big conch shells everywhere on the ocean floor and that's one of the main foods that they serve at the restaurants there is conch. I never knew you ate conch but I guess it's just like another shell fish.

Steve: Sure.

Jill: So, big beautiful conchs. We would just dive down and pick up a conch and they were just everywhere. It was really amazing, yeah.

Steve: So, you were on the beach, you were in a resort, you were in the jungle, I guess.

Jill: We were in the cloud forest in Costa Rica, yeah.

Steve: in Costa Rica. You visited the Mayan ruins.

Jill: Yes.

Steve: That must have been quite the trip.

Jill: It was. Actually, one interesting thing too, in Costa Rica in the cloud forest and, of course, this is a very old forest, old growth, and we were in there and we saw a couple different types of monkeys and amazing birds, quetzals, which are the national bird of Costa Rica and they are very difficult to see. They are the most beautiful birds I've ever seen and we saw those. We also had one big tree collapse and take down three other trees with it in the forest just while we were standing there. We just heard this noise and looked and right in front of us, I mean not right in front of us, a bunch of big trees just fell over. I mean, it's part of the natural cycle of things but it was quite something to see.

Steve: Sounds interesting. You know, we should say that this is going to be transcribed and the transcript will be available in the library of The Linguist which is soon to be the LingQ library so people can read and listen at the same time. And, of course, they should go to the LingQ blog which is EnglishLingQ.com. So, thank you very much, Jill.

Jill: Thank you.

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Thirty-seven: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat –Part Two Siebenunddreißig: Steve und Jill führen ein freundliches Gespräch - Teil zwei Treinta y siete: Steve and Jill Have a Friendly Chat -Part Two Trente-sept : Steve et Jill ont une discussion amicale - Deuxième partie Trentasette: Steve e Jill fanno una chiacchierata amichevole - Parte seconda 37歳スティーヴとジルのおしゃべり -後編 Trzydzieści siedem: Steve i Jill ucinają sobie przyjacielską pogawędkę - część druga Trinta e sete: Steve e Jill têm uma conversa amigável – parte dois Тридцать семь: Стив и Джилл дружески беседуют - часть вторая Trettiosju: Steve och Jill har en vänskaplig pratstund - Del två Otuz yedi: Steve ve Jill Dostça Bir Sohbet Yapıyor -İkinci Bölüm Тридцять сім: Стів і Джилл ведуть дружню бесіду - частина друга 三十七:史蒂夫和吉尔进行了一次友好的交谈——第二部分 三十七:史蒂夫和吉爾進行了一次友好的對話-第二部分

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, again. Jill: Hi, again.

Steve: Where have you been recently that’s been interesting? Стив: Къде сте били напоследък, което е било интересно? Steve: Where have you been recently that's been interesting? スティーブ:最近どこに行ったのですか? Steve: Onde você esteve recentemente que foi interessante? Steve: Son zamanlarda ilginç olan nerelerde bulundunuz? 史蒂夫:您最近去哪里很有趣?

Jill: For the better part of April, I was traveling throughout Central America. Джил: През по-голямата част от април пътувах из Централна Америка. ジル:4月の大半は中央アメリカ中を旅していました。 Jill: Durante a maior parte de abril, eu estava viajando pela América Central. Джилл: Большую часть апреля я путешествовала по Центральной Америке. Jill: Nisan ayının büyük bir bölümünde Orta Amerika'da seyahat ediyordum. 吉尔:在四月的大部分时间里,我正在中美洲旅行。

There are seven countries; I think we spoke about that before and I went to five of them. Има седем държави; мисля, че вече говорихме за това и аз посетих пет от тях. 7か国があります。私は前にそれについて話したと思います、そして私はそれらの5つに行きました。

Steve: Now, Jill, you know, I think of the sort of backpacker, you know, wearing the same shirts and underwear for six months, trekking around India, eating, you know, off the floor of a truck, whatever and then I think of you; not the same. |||||||||||mochileiro||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||người đi phượt||||||||đồ lót||||đi bộ đường dài||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||徒步旅行||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||背包客|你|||||||||||徒步旅行||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||バックパッカー||||||||||||トレッキング||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||mochilero|||vistiendo ropa|||||ropa interior||||caminando largas dist||||||||||||||||||||| Стив: Сега, Джил, знаеш ли, мисля си за един вид турист, който носи едни и същи ризи и бельо в продължение на шест месеца, обикаля Индия, храни се от пода на камион, каквото и да е, и после си мисля за теб; не е същото. Steve: Ahora, Jill, ya sabes, pienso en el tipo de mochilero, ya sabes, vistiendo las mismas camisas y ropa interior durante seis meses, caminando por la India, comiendo, ya sabes, en el piso de un camión, lo que sea y luego yo pensar en ti; no es el mísmo. スティーブ:ジル、そうか、バックパッカーみたいなものだと思うよ。同じシャツと下着を6か月着て、インドをトレッキングして、トラックの床から食べて、何でも、それから私はあなたのことを考える;同じではありません。 Стив: Теперь, Джилл, вы знаете, я думаю о рюкзаке, который вы знаете, который носит шесть месяцев одинаковые рубашки и нижнее белье, путешествует по Индии, ест, вы знаете, с пола грузовика, что угодно, а потом я думать о тебе; не то же самое. Steve: Jill, ben sırt çantalı gezginleri düşünüyorum, bilirsin, altı ay boyunca aynı gömlekleri ve iç çamaşırlarını giyen, Hindistan'ı dolaşan, bir kamyonun tabanında yemek yiyen, her neyse ve sonra seni düşünüyorum; aynı değil.

Jill: No.

Steve: Not the same. So, how did you fare in Latin America? ||||thế nào||| ||||te saíste||| ||||te fue||| И така, как се представихте в Латинска Америка? Entonces, ¿cómo te fue en América Latina? Alors, comment t'es-tu débrouillé en Amérique latine ? それで、あなたはラテンアメリカでどのように運賃を払いましたか? Dus, hoe verging het je in Latijns-Amerika? А как вы себя чувствовали в Латинской Америке? Peki, Latin Amerika'da nasıl ücret aldın? Because I know you went into the bush and you were in somewhat rough places. |||||||bụi rậm||||||khó khăn| |||||||la selva||||||| Защото знам, че сте ходили в храсталаците и сте били на доста сурови места. Porque sé que te metiste en el monte y estuviste en lugares algo difíciles. Потому что я знаю, что ты ушел в буш и был в довольно трудных местах. Çünkü çalılıklara gittiğinizi ve biraz zorlu yerlerde bulunduğunuzu biliyorum. How was it?

Jill: It was great. It was so, so great. Беше толкова, толкова страхотно. Çok, çok harikaydı. I’m sure there were times that I was maybe not so happy. Eminim o kadar da mutlu olmadığım zamanlar olmuştur. Looking back, I have nothing but fond memories. ||||||美好的| ||||||boas| ||||||gratos recuerdos| ||||||tốt đẹp| Поглеждайки назад, имам само приятни спомени. Mirando hacia atrás, no tengo más que buenos recuerdos. Avec le recul, je n'ai que de bons souvenirs. 振り返ってみると、懐かしい思い出しかありません。 Terugkijkend heb ik niets dan goede herinneringen. Оглядываясь назад, я испытываю только приятные воспоминания. Geriye dönüp baktığımda, güzel anılardan başka hiçbir şeyim yok. Озираючись назад, я не маю нічого, крім приємних спогадів. 回想起来,除了美好的回忆,我什么都没有。 But, we did break it up a bit. Но ние го разчупихме малко. Pero lo separamos un poco. Mais, nous l'avons cassé un peu. Ale trochę to rozbiliśmy. Но мы немного разбили его на части. Ama biraz ara verdik. Але ми все-таки трохи розійшлися. 但是,我们确实打破了一点。 We started in Costa Rica and the first four nights we stayed in a very nice, luxurious, beachfront boutique resort, so that was beautiful and we ended in Belize where we also stayed in a nice hotel on the beach. |||||||||||||||||海濱|精品店||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||伯利兹||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||ビーチフロント|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||frente a la playa|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||khách sạn boutique||||||||||||||||||||| Започнахме в Коста Рика и първите четири нощувки прекарахме в много хубав, луксозен бутиков курорт на брега на морето, така че беше прекрасно, а завършихме в Белиз, където също отседнахме в хубав хотел на брега на морето. Comenzamos en Costa Rica y las primeras cuatro noches nos alojamos en un hotel boutique muy lindo y lujoso frente a la playa, así que fue hermoso y terminamos en Belice, donde también nos hospedamos en un lindo hotel en la playa. Nous avons commencé au Costa Rica et les quatre premières nuits, nous avons séjourné dans une très belle et luxueuse station balnéaire en bord de mer, donc c'était magnifique et nous avons terminé au Belize où nous avons également séjourné dans un bel hôtel sur la plage. We begonnen in Costa Rica en de eerste vier nachten verbleven we in een heel mooi, luxe, beachfront boutique resort, dus dat was prachtig en we eindigden in Belize waar we ook in een mooi hotel aan het strand verbleven. 我们从哥斯达黎加开始,前四个晚上我们住在一个非常漂亮、豪华的海滨精品度假村,那里很漂亮,我们在伯利兹结束,在那里我们也住在海滩上的一家不错的酒店。 So, that’s kind of my style; more my style. Така че това е моят стил, по-скоро моят стил. Donc, c'est un peu mon style; plus mon style. Chris, you know, he kind of likes the backpacking around which I don’t mind either, so we had a bit of both. ||||||||senderismo||||||||||||| Крис, знаете ли, обича да ходи с раница на гръб, което не ме притеснява, така че имахме по малко и от двете. Chris, ya sabes, le gusta andar de mochilero y a mí tampoco me importa, así que tuvimos un poco de ambos. Chris, tu sais, il aime bien faire du sac à dos, ce qui ne me dérange pas non plus, alors nous avons eu un peu des deux. We spent about maybe two weeks or just under two weeks backpacking around and staying in a lot of places for one night or two nights. Прекарахме около две седмици или малко по-малко от две седмици, обикаляйки с раница на гръб и отсядайки на много места за една или две нощи. Yaklaşık iki hafta ya da iki haftadan biraz daha az bir süreyi sırt çantasıyla dolaşarak ve birçok yerde bir ya da iki gece kalarak geçirdik. So, just moving around a lot, taking a lot of buses, you know, getting up in the middle of the night to catch a bus, stuff like that. И така, просто се движех много, пътувах с много автобуси, знаеш, ставах посред нощ, за да хвана автобус, и други подобни неща. Donc, juste se déplacer beaucoup, prendre beaucoup de bus, vous savez, se lever au milieu de la nuit pour prendre un bus, des trucs comme ça. Yani, sadece bir sürü otobüs gezmek, bir sürü otobüs almak, bilirsiniz, gecenin ortasında bir otobüse yetişmek için, böyle şeyler gibi. That was all fine, actually; I didn’t even mind that. Всъщност всичко беше наред, дори нямах нищо против това. Todo estaba bien, en realidad; Ni siquiera me importó eso. Tout allait bien, en fait; Cela ne me dérangeait même pas. Aslında her şey yolundaydı; Buna aldırmadım bile.

Steve: But I gather you had an encounter with some of the local wildlife of the small variety. |||supongo||||||||||vida silvestre|||| Стив: Но разбрах, че сте се сблъскали с някои от местните диви животни от малък вид. Steve: Pero deduzco que tuviste un encuentro con algunos de los animales salvajes locales de la variedad pequeña. Steve : Mais je suppose que vous avez rencontré une partie de la faune locale de la petite variété. スティーブ:しかし、あなたは小さな種類の地元の野生生物のいくつかとの出会いを集めました。 Стив: Но я так понимаю, что вы встречались с некоторыми местными дикими животными небольшого разнообразия. Steve: Ama ben, küçük çeşitliliğin bazı yerel vahşi yaşamı ile bir karşılaşmanın olduğunu topladım. 史蒂夫:但我了解到你遇到过一些当地的小型野生动物。

Jill: Yeah. Yeah, in Costa Rica I got stung by a scorpion which wasn’t a pleasant experience. ||||||bị châm|||bò cạp||||không dễ chịu| |||||||||蠍子||||| ||||||picado|||||||| ||||||picado|||||||| ||||||蜇伤|||蝎子||||| Да, в Коста Рика ме ужили скорпион, което не беше приятно преживяване. Ja, in Costa Rica wurde ich von einem Skorpion gestochen, was keine angenehme Erfahrung war. Oui, au Costa Rica, je me suis fait piquer par un scorpion, ce qui n'a pas été une expérience agréable. Evet, Kosta Rika'da hoş bir deneyim olmayan bir akrep tarafından sokuldum. It felt like a bad bee sting. |||||picadura de abeja|picadura de abeja Чувствах се като след ужилване от пчела. Es fühlte sich an wie ein schlechter Bienenstich. Parecía una picadura de abeja. C'était comme une mauvaise piqûre d'abeille. ひどいハチ刺されのように感じました。 Kötü bir arı sokması gibi hissettim. It wasn’t extremely painful but it was just gross to see this big bug crawling. ||||||||ghê tởm|||||| ||||||||disgusting|||||| |||||||||||||bicho|arrastrándose ||||||||nojento|||||| ||||||||||||||爬行 Не беше изключително болезнено, но беше просто гадно да видиш как пълзи тази голяма буболечка. Es war nicht sehr schmerzhaft, aber es war nur eklig, diesen großen Käfer kriechen zu sehen. No fue extremadamente doloroso, pero fue asqueroso ver este gran insecto arrastrándose. Ce n'était pas extrêmement douloureux mais c'était juste dégoûtant de voir ce gros insecte ramper. それほど痛くはありませんでしたが、この大きなバグがクロールしているのを見るのはひどいものでした。 Это было не очень больно, но просто противно видеть, как ползет этот большой жук. Son derece acı verici değildi ama bu büyük böceğin taranmasını görmek çok iğrençti. Це було не дуже боляче, але було просто огидно бачити, як ця велика помилка повзає.

Steve: How big was it? Steve: Wie groß war es?

Jill: Well, to me, I thought it was about a foot long but, of course, Chris said, you know, no. Джил: Ами, аз си помислих, че е дълъг около метър, но, разбира се, Крис каза, че не. Jill: Nun, für mich dachte ich, es wäre ungefähr einen Fuß lang, aber natürlich sagte Chris, weißt du, nein. ジル:ええ、私にはそれは1フィートくらいだと思いましたが、もちろん、クリスは言った、そうですね。 It was really…I think it was about two to three inches, so it wasn’t huge but much bigger than what we’re used to seeing here in Vancouver. Мисля, че беше около два-три инча, така че не беше огромна, но беше много по-голяма от това, което сме свикнали да виждаме тук, във Ванкувър. Es war wirklich… ich denke, es war ungefähr zwei bis drei Zoll groß, also war es nicht riesig, aber viel größer als das, was wir hier in Vancouver gewohnt sind. Gerçekten ... Sanırım iki ila üç inç civarındaydı, bu yüzden Vancouver'da görmek için kullandığımızdan çok büyük değildi ama çok daha büyük değildi. They are just not particularly attractive looking creatures and the fact that it had stung me and all the rest didn’t make me too thrilled. ||||||||||||||||||||||||hào hứng ||||||||||||||||||||||||very excited ||||||||||||||||||||||||entusiasmado Те просто не са особено привлекателни същества и фактът, че ме беше ужилил и всичко останало, не ме накара да се развълнувам. Sie sind einfach keine besonders attraktiv aussehenden Kreaturen und die Tatsache, dass es mich gestochen hat und alles andere hat mich nicht allzu begeistert. Simplemente no son criaturas particularmente atractivas y el hecho de que me hubiera picado y todo lo demás no me emocionó demasiado. Ce ne sont tout simplement pas des créatures particulièrement attrayantes et le fait que cela m'ait piqué et tout le reste ne m'a pas trop ravi. 彼らは特に魅力的な生き物ではなく、それが私を刺し、残りのすべてが私をあまり興奮させなかったという事実です。 Они просто не очень привлекательные существа, и тот факт, что он ужалил меня и все остальное, не привел меня в восторг. Onlar sadece çekici görünümlü yaratıklar değillerdi ve beni çok şaşırttı ve gerisi beni çok heyecanlandırmıyordu.

Steve: You didn’t like it? Steve: Es hat dir nicht gefallen?

Jill: No, it was a little scary, but it was all okay and by that night the mark was gone, nothing hurt and it was fine. Джил: Не, беше малко страшно, но всичко беше наред и до вечерта следата изчезна, нищо не ме болеше и всичко беше наред. Jill: Nein, es war ein bisschen beängstigend, aber es war alles in Ordnung und in dieser Nacht war das Mal weg, nichts tat weh und es war in Ordnung. Jill: No, fue un poco aterrador, pero todo estuvo bien y esa noche la marca había desaparecido, no dolía nada y estaba bien.

Steve: How about the food down there? Стив: Какво ще кажете за храната там? How did you like to food? Как ви хареса храната?

Jill: The local food was fine. It consisted of a lot of chicken cooked in a variety of ways: barbequed, grilled, fried, you know, all different ways and rice and often beans and sometimes it was quite tasty and other times it was quite bland, it just depended. |||||||||||||燒烤的|烤製的|||||||||||||||||美味的|||||||||| |was made up|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||バーベキューされた|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |consistía en||||||||||||a la parrilla|||||||||||||||||||||||||insípido||| |||||||||||||nướng|||||||||||||||||||||||||nhạt nhẽo||| Състоеше се от много пилешко месо, приготвено по различни начини: на барбекю, на скара, пържено, знаете, по най-различни начини, с ориз и често с боб и понякога беше доста вкусно, а друг път - доста безвкусно, просто зависеше от това. Es bestand aus einer Menge Hühnchen, das auf verschiedene Arten gekocht wurde: gegrillt, gegrillt, gebraten, auf alle Arten und Reis und oft Bohnen, und manchmal war es ziemlich lecker und manchmal war es ziemlich langweilig, es hing nur davon ab. それは、さまざまな方法で調理されたたくさんの鶏肉で構成されていました:バーベキュー、グリル、フライ、ご存知のように、さまざまな方法でご飯としばしば豆があり、時にはそれは非常に美味しかった、そして時にはそれは非常に口当たりが良かった、それはただ依存しました。 Çeşitli şekillerde pişirilen tavuk bir sürü oluşuyordu: ızgara, ızgara, kızarmış, biliyorsunuz, tüm farklı yollar ve pirinç ve genellikle fasulye ve bazen oldukça lezzetli ve diğer zamanlarda oldukça mülayim, sadece bağlıydı. You know, some restaurants were better than others. Sie wissen, einige Restaurants waren besser als andere. あなたが知っている、いくつかのレストランは他よりも優れていました。

Steve: Right.

Jill: But, we didn’t eat a lot of that, you know. Джил: Но ние не ядяхме много от това, знаете ли. You travel nowadays and there’s just…everywhere has pizza. В днешно време пътувате и навсякъде има пица. Sie reisen heutzutage und es gibt nur ... überall Pizza. Viajas hoy en día y en todas partes hay pizza. Bugünlerde seyahat ediyorsunuz ve her yerde pizza var. That’s just everywhere, even in small little villages, so we had pizza probably four times. Така е навсякъде, дори в малките селца, така че ядохме пица вероятно четири пъти. Das ist einfach überall, sogar in kleinen Dörfern, also hatten wir wahrscheinlich viermal Pizza. C'est juste partout, même dans de petits petits villages, donc nous avons mangé de la pizza probablement quatre fois. 小さな村でも、どこにでもあるので、たぶんピザを4回食べました。 Bu her yerde var, küçük köylerde bile, bu yüzden muhtemelen dört kez pizza yedik. We were pretty sick of pizza actually by the end, to say. Всъщност към края ни беше писнало от пицата, да кажем. Estábamos bastante hartos de la pizza al final, por decir. Nous étions assez fatigués de la pizza en fait à la fin, pour dire. Скажем так, мы были очень сыты по пицце. Sonunda, aslında pizzadan epey hastaydık. And we had, you know…when we were on the coast there was always lots of seafood, so we would have lots of seafood. И когато бяхме на брега, винаги имаше много морски дарове, така че ядяхме много морски дарове. ええと、私たちが海岸にいたときは常にたくさんのシーフードがあり、たくさんのシーフードがありました。

Steve: Now, how do they make the seafood? Стив: А как се приготвят морските дарове? スティーブ:では、どのようにしてシーフードを作っているのですか?

Jill: We got things that are very similar to here; you know, snapper or just grilled. ||||||||||||Red snapper fish||| ||||||||||||pargo||| ||||||||||||cá snapper||| ||||||||||||鲷鱼||| ||||||||||||鯛魚||| ||||||||||||スナッパー||| ||||||||||||pescado snapper|||a la parrilla Джил: Имаме неща, които са много подобни на тези тук: знаете, че това е снапер или просто скара. Jill: Wir haben Dinge, die hier sehr ähnlich sind. Sie wissen, Schnapper oder nur gegrillt. Jill: Tenemos cosas que son muy similares a aquí; ya sabes, pargo o simplemente a la parrilla. Jill : Nous avons des choses très similaires à celles d'ici ; vous savez, vivaneau ou simplement grillé. Jill: We hebben dingen die hier erg op lijken; je weet wel, snapper of gewoon gegrild. Джилл: У нас есть вещи, которые очень похожи здесь; Вы знаете, Снаппер или просто на гриле. Jill: Burada çok benzer şeyler var; biliyorsun, snapper veya sadece ızgara.

Steve: Do they fry it in a frying pan? Steve: ¿Lo fríen en una sartén?

Jill: A variety of ways. Jill: Çeşitli şekillerde. You could get it a variety of ways. Можете да го получите по различни начини. Bunu çeşitli şekillerde elde edebilirsiniz. It was almost always very good, actually. Всъщност почти винаги беше много добра.

Steve: Oh, okay and was it expensive?

Jill: Belize was really expensive; it was the most expensive. |Belize|||||||| It was very expensive. In fact, a lot of things were more expensive than in Canada.

Steve: But how do the locals Стив: Но как местните хора Steve: Ale w jaki sposób miejscowi

Jill: I don’t know. I had a talk with some of them and I said how…because their income is obviously not as high as ours and they just said they just, you know, they just make do; they get by. Разговарях с някои от тях и им казах как, защото доходите им очевидно не са толкова високи, колкото нашите, а те просто казаха, че просто се справят и се издържат. Tuve una conversación con algunos de ellos y les dije que porque sus ingresos obviamente no son tan altos como los nuestros y simplemente dijeron que, ya sabes, simplemente se las arreglan; se las arreglan. J'ai eu une conversation avec certains d'entre eux et j'ai dit comment parce que leur revenu n'est manifestement pas aussi élevé que le nôtre et ils ont juste dit qu'ils se débrouillaient simplement; ils s'en sortent. Я поговорил с некоторыми из них и спросил, как так, ведь их доходы явно не такие высокие, как у нас, и они ответили, что просто, знаете, они просто делают то, что могут; они сводят концы с концами. Bazılarıyla konuştum ve gelirlerinin bizimki kadar yüksek olmadığını söyledim ve onlar da sadece, bilirsiniz, idare ettiklerini, geçindiklerini söylediler. Я мав розмову з деякими з них, і я сказав, що тому, що їхній дохід, очевидно, не такий високий, як у нас, і вони просто сказали, що вони просто, ви знаєте, вони просто виживають; вони обходяться. 我和他们中的一些人谈过,我说是因为他们的收入显然没有我们的高,他们只是说他们只是,你知道,他们只是凑合;他们过得去。

Steve: How about language? Стив: Какво ще кажете за езика? You speak a few words of Spanish; I guess you used it occasionally. ||||||||||||from time to time Did you mostly have to communicate in Spanish or in English? Налагаше ли се да общувате предимно на испански или на английски език?

Jill: Yes.

In Costa Rica, especially at the first resort we stayed, everybody spoke English really well, actually. |||||||resort hotel|||||||| В Коста Рика, особено в първия курорт, в който отседнахме, всички говореха английски много добре. That wasn’t a problem. In Nicaragua and Honduras there was were some people who knew a little bit of English, but more often than not, we communicated primarily in Spanish. |尼加拉瓜||洪都拉斯|||||||||||||||||||||| |Nicaragua|||||||||||||||||||||||| В Никарагуа и Хондурас имаше хора, които знаеха малко английски, но най-често общувахме предимно на испански. Chris’s Spanish is quite decent and at least we can understand most of the time if people slow down. クリスの|||||||||||||||||| de Chris|||||||||||||||||| Испанският на Крис е доста приличен и поне можем да се разберем през повечето време, ако хората забавят темпото. El español de Chris es bastante decente y al menos podemos entender la mayor parte del tiempo si la gente va más despacio. Some people just won’t slow down for you. Algunas personas simplemente no reducirán la velocidad por ti. Некоторые люди просто не будут замедляться для вас. That happened the odd time. |||thỉnh thoảng| ||||ocasionalmente Това се случи в странни случаи. Eso sucedió en alguna ocasión. C'est arrivé de temps en temps. それは奇妙な時期に起こりました。 Это случилось странное время. Bu tuhaf zaman oldu. Це сталося несподівано. Most people were very gracious, but sometimes they just wouldn’t or, you know, just like with English or any language, there are people who speak the language better than other people. ||||和蔼可亲|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||kind and polite|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||amables|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||tử tế|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Повечето хора бяха много любезни, но понякога просто не искаха да го направят или, знаете ли, точно както с английския или с всеки друг език, има хора, които говорят езика по-добре от други хора. La plupart des gens étaient très aimables, mais parfois ils ne voulaient tout simplement pas ou, vous savez, comme avec l'anglais ou n'importe quelle langue, il y a des gens qui parlent mieux la langue que d'autres. ほとんどの人はとても礼儀正しい人でしたが、時々彼らはそうしなかったり、英語や他の言語と同じように、他の人よりもその言語を上手に話す人がいます。 Большинство людей были очень любезны, но иногда они просто не хотели или, вы знаете, как с английским или любым другим языком, есть люди, которые говорят на этом языке лучше, чем другие люди. You know, they enunciate more clearly; they speak with less of an accent or whatever. |||phát âm rõ ràng||||||||||| |||发音清晰||||||||||| |||發音清晰||||||||||| Знаете, че те произнасят по-ясно, говорят с по-малък акцент или нещо друго. Enuncian con más claridad, hablan con menos acento o lo que sea. Вы знаете, они излагаются более четко; они говорят с меньшим акцентом или чем-то еще. Biliyorsunuz, daha açık bir şekilde ifade ediyorlar; daha az aksan ile konuşurlar ya da her neyse. So, sometimes people were real easy to understand and other people we just couldn’t understand no matter what; we just couldn’t. Така че понякога хората бяха много лесни за разбиране, а други просто не можехме да разберем, независимо от всичко; просто не можехме. But for the most part, we communicated in Spanish and then in Belize they all speak English. Но в по-голямата си част общувахме на испански, а в Белиз всички говорят английски. English is the native language.

Steve: Oh, right you are. Стив: О, точно така. Steve: Oh, tienes razón. That’s British Honduras. Това е британски Хондурас. それがイギリスのホンジュラスです。

Jill: Yeah, it was a British colony.

Steve: How evident is…I know you saw some of the old Native American ruins, but how evident is that culture in everyday life down there? ||||||||||||||遗址||||||||||| ||clearly noticeable||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||di tích||||||||||| Стив: Доколко е очевидна, знам, че сте видели някои от старите индиански руини, но доколко е очевидна тази култура в ежедневието там? Steve: ¿Qué tan evidente es? Sé que viste algunas de las antiguas ruinas de los nativos americanos, pero ¿qué tan evidente es esa cultura en la vida cotidiana allá abajo? Steve : À quel point est-ce évident que je sais que vous avez vu certaines des anciennes ruines amérindiennes, mais à quel point cette culture est-elle évidente dans la vie quotidienne là-bas ? スティーブ:どのように明白であるか...私はあなたが古いインディアンの遺跡のいくつかを見たのを知っていますが、そこの日常生活の中でその文化はどれほど明白ですか? Steve: Wiem, że widziałeś kilka starych ruin rdzennych Amerykanów, ale jak widoczna jest ta kultura w codziennym życiu? Стив: Насколько очевидно, что я знаю, что вы видели некоторые из старых руин коренных американцев, но насколько очевидна эта культура в повседневной жизни? Steve: Eski Kızılderili kalıntılarını gördüğünüzü biliyorum ama bu kültür oradaki günlük yaşamda ne kadar belirgin? Стів: Наскільки я знаю, що ви бачили деякі руїни старих індіанців, але наскільки очевидна ця культура в повсякденному житті внизу?

Jill: I would say in Guatemala where the main Mayan ruins are located it’s still very evident. Джил: Бих казала, че в Гватемала, където се намират основните руини на маите, това все още е много очевидно. Jill: Diría que en Guatemala, donde se encuentran las principales ruinas mayas, todavía es muy evidente. ジル:マヤの主要な遺跡があるグアテマラでは、それはまだ非常に明白です。 Jill: Ana Maya kalıntılarının bulunduğu Guatemala'da hala çok açık olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Fifty percent of the population is full-blooded Mayan. Fünfzig Prozent der Bevölkerung sind Vollblut-Maya. El cincuenta por ciento de la población es maya de pura sangre. 人口の50%が全血のマヤ人です。 Nüfusun yüzde ellisi tam kan Maya'dır. 百分之五十的人口是纯种玛雅人。 That’s what they think anyway; 50 to 60 percent, so they still speak the Mayan language. Така мислят 50-60% от тях, които все още говорят езика на маите. それはとにかく彼らが考えていることです。 50〜60%なので、彼らはまだマヤ語を話します。

Steve: Really?

Jill: It’s their first language before Spanish. Джил: Това е първият им език преди испанския. They’ve got, you know, traditional clothing on, very dark skinned, so there it was very interesting. |||||||||膚色黝黑|||||| |||||||||de piel oscura|||||| Те са облечени в традиционни дрехи, имат много тъмна кожа, така че беше много интересно. Ils portent, vous savez, des vêtements traditionnels, la peau très foncée, donc là, c'était très intéressant. In the other countries there wasn’t really that element. В другите страни нямаше такъв елемент. W innych krajach nie było tego elementu. So, Guatemala was where it seemed very, you know, native. |危地马拉|||||||| И така, Гватемала беше мястото, където това изглеждаше много, знаете, родно. Bu yüzden Guatemala çok yerli göründüğü bir yerdi.

Steve: Right; okay. Стив: Точно така; добре. Were there any things that you identified as native food or was the food more or less the same in all the countries; the chicken with the rice and the beans? ||||||được xác định|||||||||||||||||||||||| Имаше ли неща, които определихте като местна храна, или храната беше приблизително еднаква във всички страни - пиле с ориз и боб? すべての国でネイティブフードとして識別されたもの、または多かれ少なかれ同じフードであったものはありましたか。鶏肉とご飯と豆? Yerel yemek olarak tanımladığınız herhangi bir şey var mıydı yoksa yemekler tüm ülkelerde aşağı yukarı aynı mıydı; pilavlı tavuk ve fasulye?

Jill: Yeah, the food was more or less…you know, even in South America it’s pretty much chicken and rice. Джил: Да, храната беше повече или по-малко, знаете, дори в Южна Америка е почти като пиле с ориз. ジル:ええ、食べ物は多かれ少なかれ…ご存知のとおり、南アメリカでさえ、それはかなり鶏肉と米です。 Jill: Evet, yemekler aşağı yukarı, bilirsiniz, Güney Amerika'da bile tavuk ve pilavdan ibarettir. You know, "pollo" that’s what is served. ||雞肉|||| ||鶏肉|||| ||pollo|||| Знаете, че "pollo" е това, което се сервира. Vous savez, "pollo" c'est ce qui est servi. Biliyorsun, "pollo" servis ediliyor. Chickens are easy to have. Пилетата са лесни за отглеждане. You know, everybody can have them. You don’t need a lot of land so I think chicken is pretty standard fare. ||||||||||||||thực phẩm tiêu chuẩn ||||||||||||||comida estándar Не се нуждаете от много земя, така че мисля, че пилешкото е доста стандартно. No necesitas mucha tierra, así que creo que el pollo es una comida bastante estándar. 土地はそれほど必要ないので、鶏肉はかなり標準的な料金だと思います。 Çok fazla araziye ihtiyacınız yok, bu yüzden tavuğun oldukça standart bir yiyecek olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Steve: Alright; okay. Were you in the ocean at all? Бяхте ли изобщо в океана? あなたはまったく海にいましたか? Hiç okyanusa girdin mi?

Jill: Oh, yes, that was wonderful.

Steve: What was the water like? Стив: Каква беше водата? Steve: ¿Cómo era el agua?

Jill: Well, in Costa Rica you could go the Caribbean or the Pacific side. Джил: В Коста Рика можете да изберете Карибския или Тихоокеанския басейн. Jill: Bueno, en Costa Rica podrías ir al Caribe o al Pacífico. We went to the Pacific side which was fantastic; huge waves, excellent surfing. ||đến|||||||||| Отидохме на тихоокеанската страна, която беше фантастична; огромни вълни, отличен сърф. I learned to surf. Научих се да карам сърф. Я научился серфингу. The water is really warm. It’s not a clear color being the Pacific; although, Hawaii is on the Pacific and is. Това не е ясен цвят на Тихия океан, въпреки че Хавайските острови са на Тихия океан и са такива. Ce n'est pas une couleur claire étant le Pacifique; bien que Hawaï soit sur le Pacifique et l'est. Pasifik net bir renk değil; gerçi Hawaii Pasifik'te ve öyle. So, it’s not like it’s great snorkeling there, but warm water, great surf and long beaches with nobody on them so it was fantastic. ||||||浮潜活动||||||||||||||||| ||||||underwater swimming||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||lướt sóng||||||||||| Така че не е като да има страхотно гмуркане, но водата е топла, има страхотен сърф и дълги плажове, на които няма никой, така че беше фантастично. Por lo tanto, no es que sea muy bueno bucear allí, pero el agua tibia, el oleaje excelente y las largas playas sin nadie en ellas, así que fue fantástico. Yani, orada harika bir şnorkelle yüzme yok, ama ılık su, harika sörf ve üzerinde kimsenin olmadığı uzun plajlar, bu yüzden harikaydı.

Steve: Wow.

Jill: In Belize that was on the Caribbean so that was spectacular water; warm and crystal clear. |||||||||||壮观的||||| |||||||||||breathtaking||||| Джил: В Белиз водата беше на Карибско море, така че беше впечатляваща - топла и кристално чиста. Jill: En Belice eso estaba en el Caribe, así que era un agua espectacular; cálido y cristalino. Jill: Belize'de Karayipler'deydi, bu yüzden su muhteşemdi; ılık ve kristal berraklığında. They have a second biggest barrier reef there in the world there so the diving and snorkeling was amazing. |||||障碍物|珊瑚礁|||||||||||| ||||||recife de barreira|||||||||||| |||||rạn san hô|||||||||||lặn biển|| Там се намира вторият по големина бариерен риф в света, така че гмуркането и гмуркането с шнорхел бяха невероятни. Tienen la segunda barrera de coral más grande del mundo, así que el buceo y el snorkel fueron increíbles. Orada dünyanın en büyük ikinci bariyer resifine sahipler, bu yüzden dalış ve şnorkelle yüzme muhteşemdi. We went snorkeling and we were snorkeling with sharks and dolphins. ||||||||tiburones|| Отидохме да се гмуркаме с шнорхел и се гмуркахме с акули и делфини. Fuimos a bucear y estuvimos buceando con tiburones y delfines.

Steve: With sharks?

Jill: Sharks. Jill: Tiburones. These ones were quite big but they aren’t aggressive. Тези бяха доста големи, но не са агресивни. Estos eran bastante grandes pero no son agresivos. They swim away from you. Те плуват далеч от вас.

Steve: You believed that?

Jill: Yeah, well I tried to touch one. Jill : Ouais, eh bien j'ai essayé d'en toucher un.

Steve: Did you really? Стив: Наистина ли?

Jill: I kept trying to get close but they just swam away. ||||||||||nadar| Джил: Опитвах се да се приближа, но те просто отплуваха. Jill : J'ai continué à essayer de m'approcher, mais ils ont juste nagé. Jill: Yaklaşmaya çalıştım ama yüzerek uzaklaştılar.

Steve: Well that’s pretty brave of you. Стив: Това е доста смело от твоя страна. Bueno, eso es muy valiente de tu parte. Bu çok cesurca.

Jill: Well, I was pretty far away still. Джил: Е, аз все още бях доста далеч. Jill: Bueno, todavía estaba bastante lejos. Jill : Eh bien, j'étais encore assez loin. Jill: Hala çok uzaktaydım. But yeah, stingrays and ||as raias| ||cá đuối| ||黄貂鱼| ||魟魚| ||エイ| ||mantarrayas| Но да, скатовете и Aber ja, Stachelrochen und Mais oui, les raies et

Steve: But they can sting you the stingrays. ||||chích||| Steve: Pero te pueden picar las rayas. Steve : Mais ils peuvent vous piquer les raies pastenagues.

Jill: Yeah, yeah, they can but they’re pretty docile, generally, and they sort of stay back and there are moray eels and it was fantastic. ||||||||||||||||||||moray eels|||| |||||||||||||||||||moreias|enguias|||| ||||||||hiền lành|||||||||||||||| ||||||||温顺的|||||||||||海鳗|鳗鱼|||| |||||||||||||||||||海鰻||||| |||||||||||||||||||ウツボ||||| |||||||||||||||||||morenas|morenas|||| Джил: Да, да, те могат, но като цяло са доста послушни и се държат настрана, а има и морени и беше фантастично. Jill: Sí, sí, pueden, pero son bastante dóciles, en general, y se quedan atrás y hay morenas y fue fantástico. Jill : Ouais, ouais, ils peuvent mais ils sont plutôt dociles, en général, et ils restent en quelque sorte en arrière et il y a des murènes et c'était fantastique. ジル:ええ、ええ、そうですが、彼らは一般的にかなりおとなしいです。 Jill: Tak, tak, mogą, ale generalnie są dość potulne i trzymają się z tyłu, a tam są mureny i było fantastycznie.

Steve: My goodness. ||Oh my goodness ||dios mío Стив: Боже мой. And was there a lot of, sort of, vegetation on the ocean floor? ||||||||plant life|||| А имало ли е много растителност на океанското дъно? ¿Y había mucha vegetación en el fondo del océano?

Jill: Well, yeah, it’s a coral reef; a barrier reef so lots of coral. |||||珊瑚礁|||||||| ||||||arrecife de coral||||||| Jill: Bueno, sí, es un arrecife de coral; una barrera de coral, así que muchos corales. Jill: Evet, bu bir mercan kayalığı. bir bariyer resif çok mercan. In Belize they have conch, big conch shells everywhere on the ocean floor and that’s one of the main foods that they serve at the restaurants there is conch. ||||concha|||conchas||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sò điệp ||||海螺|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||海螺|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||大きな巻貝|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||caracol|||||||||||||||||||||||| В Белиз навсякъде по дъното на океана има големи черупки от конхи и това е една от основните храни, които се сервират в ресторантите там. Belize'de okyanus tabanında her yerde konkhos, büyük kabuklu deniz kabukları var ve lokantalarda servis ettikleri başlıca yiyeceklerden biri de kabukludur. I never knew you ate conch but I guess it’s just like another shell fish. |||||||||||||concha| |||||caramujo||||||||| 巻き貝を食べたなんて知らなかったけど、他の貝のようだと思う。 Я никогда не знал, что вы едите конхов, но думаю, что это просто как другая моллюсковая рыба. Deniz kabuğu yediğini hiç bilmiyordum ama sanırım başka bir kabuklu balık gibi.

Steve: Sure.

Jill: So, big beautiful conchs. ||||大美海螺 ||||大きな美しい巻貝 ||||caracoles hermosos Jill: Dus, grote mooie schelphoorns. We would just dive down and pick up a conch and they were just everywhere. Просто се гмуркахме и вдигахме конуси, а те бяха навсякъде. Nos zambullíamos y cogíamos una caracola, y estaban por todas partes. 飛び降りて巻き貝を拾うだけで、どこにでもいた。 Sadece aşağı inip bir kabuklu ot toplayıp sadece her yerdeydik. It was really amazing, yeah.

Steve: So, you were on the beach, you were in a resort, you were in the jungle, I guess. |||||||||||complejo turístico||||||| スティーブ:それで、あなたはビーチにいて、リゾートにいて、ジャングルにいたと思います。

Jill: We were in the cloud forest in Costa Rica, yeah. Джил: Бяхме в облачната гора в Коста Рика, да.

Steve: …in Costa Rica. You visited the Mayan ruins. |visitaste|||

Jill: Yes.

Steve: That must have been quite the trip. ||||||remarkable| Стив: Това трябва да е било доста интересно пътуване. Steve : Cela a dû être tout un voyage. スティーブ:それはかなりの旅だったに違いありません。 Стив: Должно быть, это была очень интересная поездка. Oldukça zorlu bir yolculuk olmuş olmalı.

Jill: It was. Actually, one interesting thing too, in Costa Rica in the cloud forest and, of course, this is a very old forest, old growth, and we were in there and we saw a couple different types of monkeys and amazing birds, quetzals, which are the national bird of Costa Rica and they are very difficult to see. ||||||||||nuvem||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chim quetzal||||quốc gia||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||凤尾绿咬鹃||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||鳳尾綠咬鵑||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ケツァール||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||quetzales||||||||||||||| Всъщност, в Коста Рика, в облачната гора, разбира се, това е много стара гора, старопланинска, бяхме там и видяхме няколко различни вида маймуни и невероятни птици - кетцали, които са националната птица на Коста Рика и са много трудни за наблюдение. They are the most beautiful birds I’ve ever seen and we saw those. Това са най-красивите птици, които някога съм виждала, а ние видяхме такива. Son los pájaros más hermosos que he visto y los vimos. We also had one big tree collapse and take down three other trees with it in the forest just while we were standing there. Също така едно голямо дърво се срути и повали три други дървета в гората, докато стояхме там. También tuvimos el colapso de un gran árbol y derribamos otros tres árboles en el bosque justo mientras estábamos parados allí. Nous avons également eu un gros arbre qui s'est effondré et avons abattu trois autres arbres avec lui dans la forêt juste au moment où nous nous tenions là. В лесу, пока мы там стояли, одно большое дерево рухнуло и свалило с собой еще три дерева. Orada bir büyük ağaç çöküşü vardı ve orada dururken ormandaki üç başka ağacı da aldık. 就在我们站在那里的时候,我们还倒下了一棵大树,并在森林里砍倒了另外三棵树。 We just heard this noise and looked and right in front of us, I mean not right in front of us, a bunch of big trees just fell over. |||||||||||||||||||||un||||||| Чухме шум, погледнахме и точно пред нас, не точно пред нас, паднаха няколко големи дървета. Acabamos de escuchar este ruido y miramos y justo en frente de nosotros, quiero decir, no justo en frente de nosotros, un montón de árboles grandes simplemente se derrumbaron. On a juste entendu ce bruit et on a regardé et juste devant nous, je veux dire pas juste devant nous, un tas de gros arbres est tombé. 私たちはちょうどこのノイズを聞いて、私たちの目の前を見ました。つまり、目の前ではなく、大きな木がたくさん倒れただけです。 I mean, it’s part of the natural cycle of things but it was quite something to see. |||||||||||||bastante|algo notável|| Тоест, това е част от естествения цикъл на нещата, но беше доста интересно да се види. Je veux dire, ça fait partie du cycle naturel des choses mais c'était quelque chose à voir. つまり、それは物事の自然なサイクルの一部ですが、見るべきものはかなりありました。 Я имею в виду, что это часть естественного цикла вещей, но было на что посмотреть. 我的意思是,这是事物自然循环的一部分,但它确实值得一看。

Steve: Sounds interesting. Steve: İlginç geliyor. You know, we should say that this is going to be transcribed and the transcript will be available in the library of The Linguist which is soon to be the LingQ library so people can read and listen at the same time. |||||||||||轉錄|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Vous savez, nous devrions dire que cela va être transcrit et la transcription sera disponible dans la bibliothèque de The Linguist qui sera bientôt la bibliothèque LingQ afin que les gens puissent lire et écouter en même temps. And, of course, they should go to the LingQ blog which is EnglishLingQ.com. So, thank you very much, Jill.

Jill: Thank you.