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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Thirty-four: Housing in Vancouver–Part Two

Thirty-four: Housing in Vancouver–Part Two

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, Steve.

Steve: EnglishLingQ.com, again.

Jill and I were talking the last time about houses and places to live. You were telling me that you and your brother and sister-in-law and your husband were thinking of living in the same house which, for many people, would be a formula for trouble.

Jill: Disaster! Except for I think in many countries in the world it's very common to live with your extended family. Steve: Right.

Jill: But in Canada, it's not so common in North America. Steve: No, not so common. So, but I'm sure you'll be successful in doing that. What kind of a house would you want to buy?

Jill: Well ideally, we would like some sort of heritage house; an old house probably, you know, 80-90-100 years old that has a lot of character. We really like character. Chris and I, we don't like really brand new really ultra-modern homes, generally. There are some that are beautiful that we really like, of course, but we do like the style with the porches and a lot of dark wood and stuff like that. So, there are a lot of beautiful old heritage homes. The problem with them is they need a lot of work.

Steve: I was going to say, I mean, a heritage home sounds very nice, but people today are very conscious of energy issues and, of course, we have this great discussion of global warming and just the fact, even leaving aside global warming, that the energy costs are going up and typically older houses are not very well insulated.

Jill: Right.

Steve: They have poorer windows; the walls are not properly insulated. It can be quite expensive to maintain, to heat or to maintain an older home.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: The other thing too is you don't know what's in the walls. There could be some problems with it, so how do you deal with all of this uncertainty?

Jill: Well, you have to I mean, thankfully, Chris is actually very knowledgeable when it comes to a lot of this sort of thing. He's an engineer too, so he really looks into things and figures things out and is interested. He does a lot of home improvements himself for his friends and stuff like that because he enjoys it. And so, I think definitely, you would install double pane windows. You would definitely have the electrical looked at; probably, it would need to be updated.

Steve: When we say the electrical, you mean the electrical systems or the wiring.

Jill: Yes, the wiring throughout the house.

Steve: Yes, throughout the house.

Jill: Exactly.

Steve: Right.

Jill: Plumbing would probably have to be looked at.

Steve: When you say looked at, before you buy the house or after you buy the house?

Jill: Well, before. You would definitely want an inspector to come in and have a look and, you know, give you some advice.

Steve: And now these people exist. I mean, inspectors will come and inspect a house on behalf of the buyer of a house before that person commits to buying the house.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So that's quite a common service to have an inspector. Jill: Right.

Steve: For the structural aspects as well as for plumbing and electrical, what do the inspectors look at?

Jill: Well, you know, I'm not entirely sure to tell you the truth. I think they have a look at everything; I'm not sure. And, you know, some inspectors are better than others so you want to be there. You want to know a little bit about what's going on when they are there so that you can ask some questions and maybe not just leave it up to them completely. Steve: I'm sure Chris would want to be there. Jill: Oh, yes, he would be there for sure grilling the poor guy. But, no, I think most heritage homes that have not had some work put into them in the last, you know, 20 years, need work and you would have to buy it with that in mind that you would probably be spending $1 or $200,000 to update it and make it more livable. So, that is a consideration because often these old heritage homes are on very big lots so they are very expensive. Obviously, we can't buy something very expensive and then put in another couple hundred thousand dollars into making it even better. Steve: Right.

Jill: So, I mean, that's what we would like, but who knows if that's what will happen. Steve: Is there a lot of that kind of thing going on? Are there many people buying older homes and fixing them up?

Jill: Yeah, I think it's become quite popular again; going back to hard wood, natural hard wood. You know, people are ripping up carpet now that is covering hard wood because it's in fashion again. You know, you have the big molding in these old homes, usually big crown molding, which people are paying a lot of money to have in their new homes.

Steve: We might explain that too. Moldings, of course, refer to the woodwork that's molded, therefore. Jill: Or the frame or the boarders kind of around the wall.

Steve: Well, that's right. It deals with it can be the crown molding,

Jill: baseboards,

Steve: connecting the ceiling to the walls and it will have a fancy pattern which is supposed to represent, I think, the tops of the old columns from Greek architecture. You also have a baseboard which is basically the corner of where the floor meets the wall. There are all kinds of fancy names, plinths and I don't know what. Jill: Oh, I don't know either. Steve: Then, of course, you have the molding that goes around the doorframe,

Jill: window casings and door casings. These are all things you do not need to have in homes and it's much cheaper to build a home without those things and the home is just fine, but they are very attractive so a lot of people want them. Steve: I mean after all, nowadays, I mean, yeah, you could live in a shack; a one-room shack. You don't even have to have a separate room for the toilet for that matter; it's probably cheaper to have everything in one big room. So, yeah, we do spend money on things to make the homes more comfortable; to make them more pleasant. I know that nowadays, even in very relatively, I would say, inexpensive homes, it's not uncommon for people to want granite kitchen countertops. Whereas 20 years ago, everything was Formica; everything was call it fake, you know,

Jill: like plastic substances,

Steve: plastic, synthetic material; nowadays, people want real.

Jill: They want real rock and granite and tile ceramic.

Steve: That's right and, of course, the trouble is and we were involved in building a house, you know, 10 years ago of course, each individual item; it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Well, yeah, we can spend a little more money to have a granite countertop; it's not so much. But, we would like to spend a little more money to get better windows; per window it's not so much. Jill: A little bit more for appliances.

Steve: We want the better quality fridge and maybe my wife wants a better stove for her cooking and, pretty soon, you add all of these things up and it is just a fortune.

Jill: Yes, yes.

Steve: It adds up very, very quickly.

Jill: Yes. I mean I think the cost of materials right now is very, very high so it's certainly not cheap to do this. Steve: I am amazed, actually. When we built our home you could build a very good home with granite. I mean, a granite countertop was kind of the thing you had to have. Obviously, wooden floors, good quality kitchen appliances, good quality double-glazed windows with this argon gas, you know, between and what they call special ultra violet, you know, whatever coatings they put on the glass; the whole thing.

Jill: So that the sun doesn't ruin your furniture when it's coming in? Steve: Well, A: it reduces the heat gain so that you have a window facing the south and the west which is designed to reduce heat gain and the windows that face the north and the east are designed to reduce heat loss.

Jill: Right.

Steve: Okay? So these are some of the things that you can because depending on how the coatings are applied and which surface because there are actually four surfaces. If you have two panes of glass in your window, there's the outside surface of the outside pane and the inside surface of the outside pane and then so forth and so on. So, depending on where you apply what coatings you can get different functions.

Jill: It's keeping heat in your home better or keeping it out. Steve: Out; depending whether you are facing south and west or east and north.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So, with all of these things, we were able to build a house for $120.00 a square foot. I think today to build the same house is at least,

Jill: $300.00.

Steve: Yeah, it's amazing to me! So, it's not only the cost of land that's gone up, it's the cost of building and the reason for that is that Vancouver has been such an active construction market that what we call the trades people, the carpenter, the electrician, the plumber, the painter, Jill: the framers,

Steve: all of the framers, the people who lay your floors, the drywallers , because people who put up the gypsum board and, of course, in building the trades are all, you know, very much divided into different specialty skills. So, even for drywall, you have one group of people who come in and put up the gypsum board and they typically have to be quite strong because the gypsum board can be 4 feet x 8 feet, 4 feet x 10 feet, 4 feet x 12 feet and those are not easy to pick up.

Jill: No.

Steve: So, they tend to be stronger people and they have dedicated tools for that activity. Then you have the people who come in and they put the mud on and they put the tape on and they sandpaper it and they get this very smooth finish,

Jill: which is quite a difficult thing to do.

Steve: Very difficult. And so those people tend to be more detail-oriented and so they have to give you a very, very smooth finish so that when the painter comes in that he can do a good job and so they are all specialized. All of these trades people, because it's supply and demand, it's like anything else, now that Vancouver has been in a very strong construction market for year after year after year, the wages of these trades have just gone up and up and up and it’s difficult to even find people. Jill: They are so busy.

Steve: They are so busy and if you don't have a large project they come around, they have one look; they say okay, I'll send you an estimate and you never hear from them again. Jill: Yeah, if you just want your bathroom re-plumbed or painted or whatever, they are not interested because they have so much work that they can just pick and choose who they want to work for. And so, yeah, wages have gone way up and then materials are very expensive.

Steve: So, it's tough for young people. Jill: Well, I think the younger generations, you know, maybe my generation and younger, will not be living in single-family homes for much longer. I think the trend will be we've already seen it actually in North Vancouver where lots of single-family homes are being torn down and there have been triplex complexes put up. Steve: Right.

In other words, three homes.

Jill: Three homes that are

Steve: We talk about a duplex which is two homes and a triplex or triplex which is three homes, yeah.

Jill: Or fourplex or whatever which is they can be quite large, but they are all attached so almost more like a townhouse. And that's going to, I think, start to be more of the trend because the average family is just not going to be able to afford a house with land. Steve: Or, some people move further out.

Jill: Or they move a long way out of the city and then commute for two-three hours everyday to their job. So, that’s an option which some people choose but I’m not interested in that.

Steve: No, for sure. Okay, well, maybe we should end today's conversation here. We've talked again about houses and renovating houses and construction costs and so forth. Again, this is all available at EnglishLingQ.com. We hope this is useful to people in their language learning. Go to EnglishLingQ.com and please work on your language and we hope you enjoy what you are listening to and let us know if you have any comments. Thank you.

Jill: Thank you.

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Thirty-four: Housing in Vancouver–Part Two ||住房|||| Vierunddreißig: Wohnen in Vancouver - Teil zwei Τριάντα τέσσερα: Στέγαση στο Βανκούβερ-Μέρος δύο Treinta y cuatro: La vivienda en Vancouver - Segunda parte Trente-quatre : Le logement à Vancouver - Deuxième partie Trentaquattro: Alloggi a Vancouver - Parte seconda サーティーフォーバンクーバーの住宅-パート2 서른 넷: 서른넷: 밴쿠버의 주택-파트 2 Trzydzieści cztery: Mieszkania w Vancouver - część druga Trinta e quatro: Habitação em Vancouver - Segunda Parte Тридцать четыре: Жилье в Ванкувере - часть вторая Trettiofyra: Bostäder i Vancouver - del två Otuz dört: Vancouver'da Konut-İkinci Bölüm Тридцять чотири: Житло у Ванкувері - частина друга 34:温哥华的住房--第二部分

Steve: Hi, Jill. Steve: 你好,Jill。

Jill: Hi, Steve. Jill: 你好,Steve。

Steve: EnglishLingQ.com, again. Steve: 又见面了,EnglishLingQ.com。

Jill and I were talking the last time about houses and places to live. |||rozmawiałyśmy|||||||||| Jill y yo estuvimos hablando la última vez sobre casas y lugares para vivir. 我和吉尔上次谈论起房子和居住地的事。 You were telling me that you and your brother and sister-in-law and your husband were thinking of living in the same house which, for many people, would be a formula for trouble. ||||||||||||法律规定||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kłopoty Me decías que tú, tu hermano, tu cuñada y tu esposo estaban pensando en vivir en la misma casa, lo que para muchas personas sería una fórmula para los problemas. 你之前告诉我,你、你的兄弟、嫂子和丈夫正在考虑住在同一栋房子里,对许多人来说,这可能会引发麻烦。

Jill: Disaster! 吉尔:灾难! Except for I think in many countries in the world it's very common to live with your extended family. |||||||||||||||||wider family network| Behalve dat ik denk dat het in veel landen in de wereld heel gewoon is om bij je uitgebreide familie te wonen. 其实,在世界上很多国家,与扩展家庭成员一起生活是非常普遍的。 Steve: Right.

Jill: But in Canada, it's not so common in North America. Steve: No, not so common. So, but I'm sure you'll be successful in doing that. What kind of a house would you want to buy? Ne tür bir ev satın almak isterdiniz?

Jill: Well ideally, we would like some sort of heritage house; an old house probably, you know, 80-90-100 years old that has a lot of character. |||||||||maison historique||||||||||||||| |||||||||historical significance||||||||||||||| |||||||||유산||||||||||||||| |||||||||patrimonio arquitectónico||||||||||||||| ||idealmente|||||||patrimônio||||||||||||||| Джилл: В ідеалі ми хотіли б мати якийсь будинок спадщини; старий будинок, напевно, знаєте, років 80-90-100, який має багато характеру. We really like character. Chris and I, we don't like really brand new really ultra-modern homes, generally. There are some that are beautiful that we really like, of course, but we do like the style with the porches and a lot of dark wood and stuff like that. ||||||||||||||||||||hiên nhà|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||Veranden|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||varandas|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||porches|||||||||| Il y en a quelques-uns qui sont beaux que nous aimons vraiment, bien sûr, mais nous aimons le style avec les porches et beaucoup de bois sombre et des trucs comme ça. So, there are a lot of beautiful old heritage homes. ||||||||di sản| Yani, çok sayıda güzel eski miras ev var. The problem with them is they need a lot of work.

Steve: I was going to say, I mean, a heritage home sounds very nice, but people today are very conscious of energy issues and, of course, we have this great discussion of global warming and just the fact, even leaving aside global warming, that the energy costs are going up and typically older houses are not very well insulated. |||||||||Kulturerbe|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||isoliert |||||||||||||||||||aware of|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||protected from heat loss ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aisladas térm ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deixando de lado||||||||||||||||||isoladas termicamente Steve: J'allais dire, je veux dire, une maison patrimoniale semble très bien, mais les gens sont aujourd'hui très conscients des problèmes énergétiques et, bien sûr, nous avons cette grande discussion sur le réchauffement climatique et juste le fait, même en laissant de côté le réchauffement climatique , que les coûts énergétiques augmentent et que les maisons les plus anciennes ne sont généralement pas très bien isolées.

Jill: Right.

Steve: They have poorer windows; the walls are not properly insulated. It can be quite expensive to maintain, to heat or to maintain an older home.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: The other thing too is you don't know what's in the walls. Steve: Diğer bir şey de duvarların içinde ne olduğunu bilmemeniz. There could be some problems with it, so how do you deal with all of this uncertainty?

Jill: Well, you have to…I mean, thankfully, Chris is actually very knowledgeable when it comes to a lot of this sort of thing. Jill: Eh bien, vous devez, je veux dire, heureusement, Chris est en fait très compétent quand il s'agit de beaucoup de choses de ce genre. He's an engineer too, so he really looks into things and figures things out and is interested. C'est aussi un ingénieur, donc il regarde vraiment les choses et comprend les choses et est intéressé. O da bir mühendis, bu yüzden bir şeyleri gerçekten araştırıyor, çözüyor ve ilgileniyor. He does a lot of home improvements himself for his friends and stuff like that because he enjoys it. And so, I think definitely, you would install double pane windows. |||||||安裝||| ||||certainement|vous||||| |||||||||Doppelverglasung| |||||||||doble cristal| |||||||||cửa sổ hai lớp| Bu yüzden bence kesinlikle çift camlı pencereler takmalısınız. You would definitely have the electrical looked at; probably, it would need to be updated. ||||||||||||||actualizada Sie würden auf jeden Fall die Elektrik anschauen lassen; wahrscheinlich müsste es aktualisiert werden. Vous feriez certainement examiner l'électricité ; probablement, il aurait besoin d'être mis à jour. Elektrik tesisatına kesinlikle baktırmalısınız; muhtemelen güncellenmesi gerekecektir.

Steve: When we say the electrical, you mean the electrical systems or the wiring. |||||||||||||điện dây |||||||||||||electrical connections |||||||||||||fiação elétrica |||||||||||||cableado

Jill: Yes, the wiring throughout the house. ||la|||| |||fiação|por toda||

Steve: Yes, throughout the house. Steve : Oui, dans toute la maison.

Jill: Exactly.

Steve: Right.

Jill: Plumbing would probably have to be looked at. |encanamento|||||||

Steve: When you say looked at, before you buy the house or after you buy the house?

Jill: Well, before. You would definitely want an inspector to come in and have a look and, you know, give you some advice. |||||検査官|||||||||||||| |||||inspector de viviendas||||||||||||||

Steve: And now these people exist. I mean, inspectors will come and inspect a house on behalf of the buyer of a house before that person commits to buying the house. ||||||||||||||||||||承諾購買|||| ||||||||||||||||||||sich verpflichtet|||| ||検査官|||||||||||||||||||||| ||inspectores||||||||en nombre||||||||||se compromete|||| Je veux dire, les inspecteurs viendront inspecter une maison au nom de l'acheteur d'une maison avant que cette personne ne s'engage à acheter la maison. Yani, müfettişler bir evi satın alacak kişi o evi satın almayı taahhüt etmeden önce gelip o evi alıcı adına teftiş ederler.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So that's quite a common service to have an inspector. ||||||||||thanh tra Jill: Right.

Steve: For the structural aspects as well as for plumbing and electrical, what do the inspectors look at? |||Building framework integrity||||||||||||||

Jill: Well, you know, I'm not entirely sure to tell you the truth. I think they have a look at everything; I'm not sure. And, you know, some inspectors are better than others so you want to be there. Et, vous savez, certains inspecteurs sont meilleurs que d'autres, alors vous voulez être là. You want to know a little bit about what's going on when they are there so that you can ask some questions and maybe not just leave it up to them completely. Vous voulez en savoir un peu plus sur ce qui se passe lorsqu'ils sont là-bas afin de pouvoir poser des questions et peut-être ne pas simplement leur laisser le soin de le faire. Oradayken neler olup bittiği hakkında biraz bilgi sahibi olmak istersiniz, böylece bazı sorular sorabilir ve işi tamamen onlara bırakmayabilirsiniz. Steve: I'm sure Chris would want to be there. |||||||ở| Jill: Oh, yes, he would be there for sure grilling the poor guy. |||||||||盤問||| |||||||||interrogando||| |||||||||interrogando||| Jill: Oh ja, er würde sicher da sein und den armen Kerl grillen. Jill: Oh, sí, seguro que estaría allí asando al pobre tipo. Jill : Oh, oui, il serait là à coup sûr pour griller le pauvre gars. Jill: Oh, ja, hij zou er zeker zijn om de arme man te grillen. Jill: Oh, evet, kesinlikle orada zavallı adamı ızgara yapardı. But, no, I think most heritage homes that have not had some work put into them in the last, you know, 20 years, need work and you would have to buy it with that in mind that you would probably be spending $1 or $200,000 to update it and make it more livable. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||宜居的 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||habitable |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||住みやすい |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||do zamieszkania Aber nein, ich denke, die meisten denkmalgeschützten Häuser, in denen in den letzten 20 Jahren keine Arbeit geleistet wurde, brauchen Arbeit, und Sie müssten sie kaufen, da Sie wahrscheinlich 1 oder 200.000 US-Dollar ausgeben würden um es zu aktualisieren und lebenswerter zu machen. Mais, non, je pense que la plupart des maisons patrimoniales qui n'ont pas fait l'objet de travaux au cours des, vous savez, 20 dernières années, ont besoin de travaux et vous devriez l'acheter en gardant cela à l'esprit que vous dépenseriez probablement 1 $ ou 200 000 $ pour le mettre à jour et le rendre plus vivable. So, that is a consideration because often these old heritage homes are on very big lots so they are very expensive. ||||||||||||sur|||||||| ||||factor to consider|||||||||||||||| Donc, c'est une considération parce que souvent ces vieilles maisons patrimoniales sont sur de très grands terrains donc elles sont très chères. Bu da göz önünde bulundurulması gereken bir husus çünkü bu eski miras evler genellikle çok büyük araziler üzerinde yer alıyor ve bu nedenle çok pahalılar. Obviously, we can't buy something very expensive and then put in another couple hundred thousand dollars into making it even better. De toute évidence, nous ne pouvons pas acheter quelque chose de très cher et ensuite investir quelques centaines de milliers de dollars supplémentaires pour le rendre encore meilleur. Steve: Right.

Jill: So, I mean, that's what we would like, but who knows if that's what will happen. Jill : Donc, je veux dire, c'est ce que nous aimerions, mais qui sait si c'est ce qui arrivera. Jill: Yani, istediğimiz bu, ama bunun olup olmayacağını kim bilebilir? Steve: Is there a lot of that kind of thing going on? Steve : Est-ce qu'il se passe beaucoup de choses de ce genre ? Steve: Bu tür şeyler çok oluyor mu? Are there many people buying older homes and fixing them up?

Jill: Yeah, I think it's become quite popular again; going back to hard wood, natural hard wood. Jill : Ouais, je pense que c'est redevenu très populaire ; retour au bois dur, bois dur naturel. Jill: Evet, sanırım yeniden popüler olmaya başladı; sert ahşaba, doğal sert ahşaba geri dönmek. You know, people are ripping up carpet now that is covering hard wood because it's in fashion again. ||||撕掉||||||||||||| ||les gens||déchirent||||qui|||||parce que|||| ||||xé bỏ||||||||||||thời trang| La gente está arrancando la moqueta que cubre la madera dura porque vuelve a estar de moda. Vous savez, les gens arrachent maintenant les tapis qui recouvrent le bois dur parce que c'est à nouveau à la mode. Biliyorsunuz, insanlar sert ahşabı kaplayan halıyı söküyorlar çünkü yeniden moda oldu. You know, you have the big molding in these old homes, usually big crown molding, which people are paying a lot of money to have in their new homes. ||||||moulures||||||grande|||||||||||||||| ||||||moldura|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||đường viền|||||||molding trên cùng|||||||||||||||nhà ||||||Stuckatur|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||裝飾線條|||||||||||||| ||||||moldura|||||||||||||||||||||| Ya sabes, tienes las grandes molduras en estas casas antiguas, por lo general grandes molduras de corona, que la gente está pagando mucho dinero para tener en sus nuevas casas. Vous savez, vous avez de grosses moulures dans ces vieilles maisons, généralement de grosses moulures couronnées, que les gens paient très cher pour avoir dans leurs nouvelles maisons.

Steve: We might explain that too. Moldings, of course, refer to the woodwork that's molded, therefore. 模製木工件||||||||模製的| Formteile||||||Holzarbeiten||geformt| 成形部品||||||木工||| molduras||||||trabajo en madera||| ||||||||đúc khuôn| Formteile beziehen sich natürlich auf die Holzarbeiten, die daher geformt werden. Lijstwerk verwijst natuurlijk naar het houtwerk dat is gevormd. Pervazlar, elbette, kalıplanmış ahşap işçiliğini ifade eder. Jill: Or the frame or the boarders kind of around the wall. ||||||邊框||||| ||||||Rahmen oder Ränder||||| ||||||as molduras||||| ||||||bordes||||| Jill: Oder der Rahmen oder die Grenzen an der Wand. Jill: O el marco o las tablas alrededor de la pared. Jill : Ou le cadre ou les bordures autour du mur. Jill: Of het frame of de boarders rond de muur. Jill: Ya da çerçeve veya duvarın etrafındaki tahtalar.

Steve: Well, that's right. It deals with…it can be the crown molding, ||||||||đồ trang trí |||||||moldura de cor| Se ocupa de que puede ser la moldura de corona, این با ... این می تواند قالب تاج باشد ، Il s'en occupe peut être la moulure couronnée, Bununla ilgilenen taç kalıplama olabilir,

Jill: …baseboards, |吉兒:踢腳板 |Jill: Fußleisten, |巾木 |zócalos |bảng chân tường Jill:… Fußleisten, Jill: …plinten,

Steve: connecting the ceiling to the walls and it will have a fancy pattern which is supposed to represent, I think, the tops of the old columns from Greek architecture. ||||||||||||||||||||||las partes superiores||||||| |||teto|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve : relier le plafond aux murs et il aura un motif fantaisiste qui est censé représenter, je pense, les sommets des anciennes colonnes de l'architecture grecque. Steve: Tavanı duvarlara bağlayan ve sanırım Yunan mimarisindeki eski sütunların üst kısımlarını temsil etmesi beklenen süslü bir desene sahip olacak. You also have a baseboard which is basically the corner of where the floor meets the wall. ||||踢腳板|||||||||||| ||||Sockelleiste|||||||||||| ||||巾木|||||||||||| ||||zócalo|||||||||||| Vous avez également une plinthe qui est essentiellement le coin où le sol rencontre le mur. Je hebt ook een plint die in feite de hoek is van waar de vloer de muur raakt. There are all kinds of fancy names, plinths and I don't know what. |||||||socles||||| |||||||基座||||| |||||||Sockel und so.||||| |||||||bệ đỡ||||| |||||||台座||||| |||||||plintos||||| Il y a toutes sortes de noms fantaisistes, de plinthes et je ne sais quoi. Есть всякие причудливые названия, цоколи и не знаю что. Jill: Oh, I don't know either. Steve: Then, of course, you have the molding that goes around the doorframe, ||||||||||||cadre de porte ||||||||||||門框周圍 ||||||||||||Türrahmen ||||||||||||khung cửa ||||||||||||ドア枠 ||||||||||||marco de la puerta

Jill: …window casings and door casings. ||encadrements||| ||molduras||| ||khung cửa||| ||Jill: Fenster- und Türverkleidungen.||| |||||窗框和門框 ||窓枠||| ||marcos||| Jill : encadrements de fenêtres et encadrements de portes. Jill: …raamkozijnen en deurkozijnen. These are all things you do not need to have in homes and it's much cheaper to build a home without those things and the home is just fine, but they are very attractive so a lot of people want them. Ce sont toutes des choses que vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir dans les maisons et c'est beaucoup moins cher de construire une maison sans ces choses et la maison est très bien, mais elles sont très attrayantes, donc beaucoup de gens les veulent. Steve: I mean after all, nowadays, I mean, yeah, you could live in a shack; a one-room shack. ||||||||||||||小屋|||| ||||||||||||||une cabane|||| ||||||||||||||small, basic house|||| ||||||||||||||choza|||| ||||||||||||||căn nhà nhỏ||||căn chòi Steve: Quiero decir, después de todo, hoy en día, quiero decir, sí, usted podría vivir en una choza; una choza de una habitación. Steve : Je veux dire après tout, de nos jours, je veux dire, ouais, tu pourrais vivre dans une cabane ; une cabane d'une pièce. You don't even have to have a separate room for the toilet for that matter; it's probably cheaper to have everything in one big room. Vous n'avez même pas besoin d'avoir une pièce séparée pour les toilettes d'ailleurs ; c'est probablement moins cher d'avoir tout dans une grande pièce. Tuvalet için ayrı bir odanız olmasına bile gerek yok; muhtemelen her şeyi büyük bir odada bulundurmak daha ucuza gelecektir. So, yeah, we do spend money on things to make the homes more comfortable; to make them more pleasant. I know that nowadays, even in very relatively, I would say, inexpensive homes, it's not uncommon for people to want granite kitchen countertops. ||||||||||||||||||de||||plans de travail |||||||||||||||not rare||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||bancadas de granito ||||||||||||||||||||đá granit||bề mặt bếp ||||||||||||||||||||||花崗岩檯面 ||||||||||||||||||||||キッチンカウンタートップ |||||||||||económicas|||||||||granito||encimeras de granito Je sais que de nos jours, même dans des maisons très relativement, je dirais, peu coûteuses, il n'est pas rare que les gens veuillent des comptoirs de cuisine en granit. Günümüzde, nispeten ucuz diyebileceğim evlerde bile, insanların granit mutfak tezgahı istemesinin alışılmadık bir durum olmadığını biliyorum. Я знаю, що в наш час, навіть у дуже відносно, я б сказав, недорогих будинках, нерідко люди хочуть гранітні кухонні стільниці. Whereas 20 years ago, everything was Formica; everything was…call it fake, you know, Alors que|||||formica||||||| |||||福米加板||||||| |||||Kunststofflaminat||||||| |||||Formica||||||| |||||メラミン||||||| |||||formica||||||| Alors qu'il y a 20 ans, tout était en formica ; tout était faux, tu sais, Тогда как 20 лет назад все было Formica, все было, что называется, подделкой, Oysa 20 yıl önce her şey Formika'ydı; her şeye sahte diyorlardı, Тоді як 20 років тому все було Formica; все називали фейком, знаєш,

Jill: …like plastic substances, |||chất liệu |||substances plastiques

Steve: …plastic, synthetic material; nowadays, people want real. ||tổng hợp||||| ||synthétique|||||

Jill: They want real rock and granite and tile ceramic. ||||||||carrelage|céramique |||||||||ceramic tile ||||||||gạch|gạch ceramic ||||||||Fliesen| |||||||||陶瓷磚 ||||||||タイル|セラミック |||||||||cerámica Jill: Quieren auténtica roca y cerámica de granito y azulejos.

Steve: That's right and, of course, the trouble is…and we were involved in building a house, you know, 10 years ago…of course, each individual item; it doesn't seem like such a big deal. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||semble||||grosse| Steve : C'est vrai et, bien sûr, le problème est que nous étions impliqués dans la construction d'une maison, vous savez, il y a 10 ans bien sûr, chaque élément individuel ; cela ne semble pas si grave. Steve: Bu doğru ve tabii ki sorun şu ki, biz de 10 yıl önce bir ev inşa ediyorduk, tabii ki her bir parça o kadar da büyük bir mesele gibi görünmüyordu. Well, yeah, we can spend a little more money to have a granite countertop; it's not so much. |||||||||||||plan de travail|||| |||||||||||||bancada de granito|||| |||||||||||||檯面|||| |||||||||||||Arbeitsplatte aus Granit|||| |||||||||||||カウンタートップ|||| |||||||||||||encimera de granito|||| But, we would like to spend a little more money to get better windows; per window it's not so much. Mais, nous aimerions dépenser un peu plus d'argent pour obtenir de meilleures fenêtres ; par fenêtre ce n'est pas tellement. Ancak, daha iyi pencereler almak için biraz daha fazla para harcamak istiyoruz; pencere başına çok fazla değil. Jill: A little bit more for appliances. ||||||appareils électrom ||||||household devices ||||||eletrodomésticos ||||||thiết bị gia dụng ||||||Geräte ||||||electrodomésticos Un poco más para electrodomésticos. Jill : Un peu plus pour les appareils électroménagers.

Steve: We want the better quality fridge and maybe my wife wants a better stove for her cooking and, pretty soon, you add all of these things up and it is just a fortune. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||a lot ||||||||||||||fogão||||||||||||||||||| Steve : Nous voulons un réfrigérateur de meilleure qualité et peut-être que ma femme veut une meilleure cuisinière pour sa cuisine et, très bientôt, vous additionnez toutes ces choses et ce n'est qu'une fortune. Steve: Daha kaliteli bir buzdolabı istiyoruz ve belki de eşim yemek pişirmek için daha iyi bir ocak istiyor ve çok geçmeden tüm bunları topladığınızda bir servete dönüşüyor.

Jill: Yes, yes.

Steve: It adds up very, very quickly. Se acumula muy, muy rápidamente. Steve: Çok, çok hızlı bir şekilde toplanıyor. Стів: Це додається дуже, дуже швидко.

Jill: Yes. I mean I think the cost of materials right now is very, very high so it's certainly not cheap to do this. Je veux dire, je pense que le coût des matériaux en ce moment est très, très élevé, donc ce n'est certainement pas bon marché de le faire. Steve: I am amazed, actually. Aslında şaşırdım. When we built our home you could build a very good home with granite. I mean, a granite countertop was kind of the thing you had to have. ||||encimera de granito||||||||| Obviously, wooden floors, good quality kitchen appliances, good quality double-glazed windows with this argon gas, you know, between and what they call special ultra violet, you know, whatever coatings they put on the glass; the whole thing. |||||||||double vitrage|double vitrage||||argon|||||||||||ultra violet||||revêtements|||||||| ||||||||||||||gás argônio|||||||||||||||revestimentos|||||||| |||||||||||cửa sổ|||argon|||||||||||||||lớp phủ|||||||| ||||||||||||||Argongas|||||||||||||||Beschichtungen|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||塗層|||||||| ||||||||||||||アルゴン|||||||||||||||コーティング|||||||| ||||||||||doble acristal|||||||||||||||||||recubrimientos|||||||| Açıkçası, ahşap zeminler, kaliteli mutfak aletleri, argon gazlı kaliteli çift camlı pencereler, bilirsiniz, arada ve özel ultra viyole dedikleri şey, bilirsiniz, cama ne kaplama koyuyorlarsa; her şey.

Jill: So that the sun doesn't ruin your furniture when it's coming in? ||||||||nội thất|||| Steve: Well, A: it reduces the heat gain so that you have a window facing the south and the west which is designed to reduce heat gain and the windows that face the north and the east are designed to reduce heat loss. Steve: Bueno, A: reduce la ganancia de calor de modo que tienes una ventana orientada al sur y al oeste que está diseñada para reducir la ganancia de calor y las ventanas que dan al norte y al este están diseñadas para reducir la pérdida de calor. Steve : Eh bien, A : cela réduit le gain de chaleur de sorte que vous ayez une fenêtre orientée au sud et à l'ouest qui est conçue pour réduire le gain de chaleur et les fenêtres qui font face au nord et à l'est sont conçues pour réduire la perte de chaleur. Steve: Şey, A: ısı kazancını azaltır, böylece ısı kazancını azaltmak için tasarlanmış güneye ve batıya bakan bir pencereniz olur ve kuzeye ve doğuya bakan pencereler ısı kaybını azaltmak için tasarlanmıştır.

Jill: Right.

Steve: Okay? So these are some of the things that you can…because depending on how the coatings are applied and which surface because there are actually four surfaces. |||||||||||||||lớp phủ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||coating layers|||||||||||faces Voici donc certaines des choses que vous pouvez faire en fonction de la manière dont les revêtements sont appliqués et de la surface car il y a en fait quatre surfaces. If you have two panes of glass in your window, there's the outside surface of the outside pane and the inside surface of the outside pane and then so forth and so on. |||||||||||||||||tấm kính||||||||||||||| ||||vitres|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||Scheiben|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||vidrios|||||||||||||panel de vidrio||||||||panel de vidrio||||||| Pencerenizde iki cam bölme varsa, dış bölmenin dış yüzeyi ve dış bölmenin iç yüzeyi vardır ve bu böyle devam eder. So, depending on where you apply what coatings you can get different functions.

Jill: It's keeping heat in your home better or keeping it out. Jill: Es hält die Wärme in deinem Haus besser oder hält sie draußen. Steve: Out; depending whether you are facing south and west or east and north.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So, with all of these things, we were able to build a house for $120.00 a square foot. Steve : Donc, avec toutes ces choses, nous avons pu construire une maison pour 120,00 $ le pied carré. Steve: Yani, tüm bu şeylerle, metrekaresi 120,00 dolara bir ev inşa edebildik. I think today to build the same house is at least,

Jill: …$300.00.

Steve: Yeah, it's amazing to me! Steve: Evet, bu benim için inanılmaz! So, it's not only the cost of land that's gone up, it's the cost of building and the reason for that is that Vancouver has been such an active construction market that what we call the trades people, the carpenter, the electrician, the plumber, the painter, |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||thợ mộc|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||electricista||fontanero|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||os trabalhadores|||o carpinteiro|||||| Ainsi, ce n'est pas seulement le coût du terrain qui a augmenté, c'est aussi le coût de la construction et la raison en est que Vancouver a été un marché de la construction si actif que ce que nous appelons les gens de métier, le charpentier, l'électricien, le plombier, le peintre, Jill: …the framers, ||制憲者 ||die Verfasser der Verfassung ||制定者たち ||los redactores ||các nhà lập hiến

Steve: all of the framers, the people who lay your floors, the drywallers…, because people who put up the gypsum board…and, of course, in building the trades are all, you know, very much divided into different specialty skills. ||||||||||||石膏板工人|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Trockenbauer|||||||Gipskartonplatte||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||石膏ボード職人|||||||石膏||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||los instaladores de panel|||||||panel de yeso||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||thợ làm tường|||||||thạch cao|tấm ván|||||||nghề||||||||||| Steve: todos los carpinteros, la gente que pone los suelos, los yeseros, porque la gente que pone los paneles de yeso y, por supuesto, en la construcción los oficios están todos, ya sabes, muy divididos en diferentes especialidades. Steve: alle lijstenmakers, de mensen die je vloeren leggen, de gipsplaten…, want de mensen die de gipsplaat plaatsen… So, even for drywall, you have one group of people who come in and put up the gypsum board and they typically have to be quite strong because the gypsum board can be 4 feet x 8 feet, 4 feet x 10 feet, 4 feet x 12 feet and those are not easy to pick up. |||石膏板|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Trockenbauwand|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||paneles de yeso||||||||||||||yeso|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Selbst für Trockenbauarbeiten gibt es eine Gruppe von Personen, die hereinkommen und die Gipskartonplatte aufstellen. Sie müssen normalerweise ziemlich stark sein, da die Gipskartonplatte 4 Fuß x 8 Fuß, 4 Fuß x 10 Fuß, 4 Fuß x groß sein kann 12 Fuß und diese sind nicht leicht aufzunehmen. Ainsi, même pour les cloisons sèches, vous avez un groupe de personnes qui entrent et installent le panneau de gypse et ils doivent généralement être assez solides car le panneau de gypse peut mesurer 4 pieds x 8 pieds, 4 pieds x 10 pieds, 4 pieds x 12 pieds et ceux-ci ne sont pas faciles à ramasser. Alçıpan için bile, gelip alçı levhayı yerleştiren bir grup insan var ve genellikle oldukça güçlü olmaları gerekiyor çünkü alçı levha 4 feet x 8 feet, 4 feet x 10 feet, 4 feet x 12 feet olabilir ve bunları kaldırmak kolay değildir.

Jill: No.

Steve: So, they tend to be stronger people and they have dedicated tools for that activity. |||||||||||specialized|||| Steve: Yani, daha güçlü insanlar olma eğilimindeler ve bu faaliyet için özel araçları var. Then you have the people who come in and they put the mud on and they put the tape on and they sandpaper it and they get this very smooth finish, ||||||||||||bùn|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||ils||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||lija|||||||| ||||||||||||argamassa||||||||||lixa de papel|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||サンディング|||||||| Luego vienen los que ponen el barro y la cinta, lo lijan y consiguen un acabado muy suave, Ensuite, vous avez les gens qui entrent et ils mettent de la boue et ils mettent du ruban adhésif et ils le poncent et ils obtiennent cette finition très lisse, Затем приходят люди, которые наносят грязь, наклеивают ленту, обрабатывают ее наждачной бумагой и получают очень гладкую поверхность, Потім у вас є люди, які приходять, вони наносять бруд, наклеюють стрічку, наждачують її, і вони отримують дуже гладке покриття,

Jill: …which is quite a difficult thing to do.

Steve: Very difficult. And so those people tend to be more detail-oriented and so they have to give you a very, very smooth finish so that when the painter comes in that he can do a good job and so they are all specialized. Et donc ces gens ont tendance à être plus soucieux des détails et ils doivent donc vous donner une finition très, très lisse pour que lorsque le peintre arrive, il puisse faire du bon travail et ils sont donc tous spécialisés. All of these trades people, because it's supply and demand, it's like anything else, now that Vancouver has been in a very strong construction market for year after year after year, the wages of these trades have just gone up and up and up and it’s difficult to even find people. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Löhne||||||||||||||||||| |||||||availability||market need|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||salários||||||||||||||||||| Tous ces gens de métier, parce que c'est l'offre et la demande, c'est comme n'importe quoi d'autre, maintenant que Vancouver est dans un marché de la construction très fort année après année, les salaires de ces métiers n'ont fait qu'augmenter et c'est même difficile de trouver des gens. Tüm bu zanaatkârlar, arz-talep meselesi olduğu için, her şeyde olduğu gibi, Vancouver'ın her yıl çok güçlü bir inşaat piyasasına sahip olması nedeniyle, bu zanaatların ücretleri arttıkça arttı ve insan bulmak bile zorlaştı. Jill: They are so busy.

Steve: They are so busy and if you don't have a large project they come around, they have one look; they say okay, I'll send you an estimate and you never hear from them again. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||báo giá||||||| Jill: Yeah, if you just want your bathroom re-plumbed or painted or whatever, they are not interested because they have so much work that they can just pick and choose who they want to work for. |||||||||重新管道||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||配管工事||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||replomería||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill: Ja, als je gewoon wilt dat je badkamer opnieuw wordt gesaneerd of geverfd of wat dan ook, zijn ze niet geïnteresseerd omdat ze zoveel werk hebben dat ze gewoon kunnen kiezen voor wie ze willen werken. And so, yeah, wages have gone way up and then materials are very expensive. |||Löhne|||||||||| Et donc, oui, les salaires ont beaucoup augmenté et les matériaux sont très chers.

Steve: So, it's tough for young people. |||challenging||| Steve: Gençler için zor bir durum. Jill: Well, I think the younger generations, you know, maybe my generation and younger, will not be living in single-family homes for much longer. Jill : Eh bien, je pense que les jeunes générations, vous savez, peut-être ma génération et les plus jeunes, ne vivront plus longtemps dans des maisons unifamiliales. I think the trend will be…we've already seen it actually in North Vancouver where lots of single-family homes are being torn down and there have been triplex complexes put up. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||三聯排住宅||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||三世帯住宅||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||triplex|complejos de trip|| Creo que la tendencia será la que ya hemos visto en North Vancouver, donde se están derribando muchas viviendas unifamiliares para construir complejos de tríplex. Je pense que la tendance sera que nous l'avons déjà vue à North Vancouver, où de nombreuses maisons unifamiliales sont démolies et où des complexes de triplex ont été construits. Bence trend şu olacak: Kuzey Vancouver'da çok sayıda müstakil evin yıkılıp yerine tripleks sitelerin inşa edildiğini gördük bile. Я думаю, що тенденція буде полягати в тому, що ми вже бачили це насправді в Північному Ванкувері, де руйнують багато односімейних будинків і будують триплексні комплекси. Steve: Right.

In other words, three homes.

Jill: Three homes that are Jill: Üç ev

Steve: We talk about a duplex which is two homes and a triplex or triplex which is three homes, yeah.

Jill: Or fourplex or whatever which is…they can be quite large, but they are all attached so almost more like a townhouse. ||四戶聯排||||||||||||||||||||連棟住宅 ||quatre logements||||||||||||||||||||maison de ville ||||||||||||||||ligados entre si|||||| ||四戸建て||||||||||||||||||||タウンハウス ||cuatro unidades||||||||||||||||||||casa adosada And that's going to, I think, start to be more of the trend because the average family is just not going to be able to afford a house with land. Et cela va, je pense, commencer à être plus tendance parce que la famille moyenne ne pourra tout simplement pas s'offrir une maison avec un terrain. Steve: Or, some people move further out. Steve: Ya da bazı insanlar daha uzağa taşınıyor.

Jill: Or they move a long way out of the city and then commute for two-three hours everyday to their job. Jill : Ou ils déménagent loin de la ville et font ensuite la navette pendant deux à trois heures tous les jours pour se rendre à leur travail. So, that’s an option which some people choose but I’m not interested in that. Bu, bazı insanların tercih ettiği bir seçenek ama ben bununla ilgilenmiyorum.

Steve: No, for sure. Steve: Hayır, kesinlikle. Okay, well, maybe we should end today's conversation here. We've talked again about houses and renovating houses and construction costs and so forth. ||||||翻新房屋||||||| ||||||la rénovation||||||| ||||||家の改装||||||| ||||||renovación de||||||| Again, this is all available at EnglishLingQ.com. We hope this is useful to people in their language learning. Go to EnglishLingQ.com and please work on your language and we hope you enjoy what you are listening to and let us know if you have any comments. Thank you.

Jill: Thank you.