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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Sixty-six: LingQ Update - Membership

Sixty-six: LingQ Update - Membership

Mark: Hello everyone. Welcome to the EnglishLingQ podcast. Mark Kaufmann here and, as usual, I'm joined by Jill Soles.

Jill: Hello.

Mark: How's it going today Jill?

Jill: Good, how are you?

Mark: I'm good. Today, we thought we would talk about LingQ and for those of you who don't know, we both work for LingQ. That's why we do this podcast. If you listen to other podcasts you'll hear us talk about LingQ and that's our Website at LingQ.com. It is an online language learning system. All of our podcasts are available on our system with transcript so that you can read the text of what we're saying here and use our learning tools to learn from it so, definitely, if you're not already a LingQ member, go to our site at LingQ.com and check it out. You can also speak to our tutors like Jill, sometimes myself, have your writing corrected and interact on our community so, definitely, please come and check us out.

Jill: And it's free.

Mark: And it's free. Sign up for a free membership and, actually, that's one of the things we want to talk about today. Those of you who are members of LingQ already have been hearing us talk about it for quite a while now and so we are finally able to announce that our payment system will be up and running today. We thought that what we would do today is take some time to talk about the change. I know, Jill, you've had a lot of members emailing you and asking you when it's going to be up; what are the conditions going to be. We did send out an email a month ago now with some details. Things have changed slightly again, so maybe Jill you can start by explaining the different membership levels that we're going to have.

Jill: Sure. So, there is still going to be a free level so you can come on and read our content, listen to the audio files, link words and phrases, which means saving the ones that you don't understand so that you can review them later, get dictionary examples of them and just, you know, there are many things you can do as a free member, but you have a limited amount of storage space. You can only have five active assignments at a time and we'll get to that later what an active assignment is or I guess I could mention it now.

Mark: Yeah, we can mention it now. Another new update to the system is the addition of assignments. It's something we did have in our old system at The Linguist. With every item that you take from the store you will have an assignment that's attached to that item, which will identify the tasks that we recommend you perform on that item. It's essentially there to help new members get started because very often we get a lot of questions from new people. “Oh, how do I start? What should I do?” Because it is a self-directed program or system, you know, and definitely we understand that a lot of people are used to going to school and being told, you know, do this first and then do this and then do that. What we've done is we've created assignments similar to the old task list, for those of you who were members on The Linguist, that list the tasks to try and perform for each item. It's just a guideline. You don't have to do what we recommend you do. It's up to you. You do what works best for you, but it's a good place to start, especially for new members.

Jill: Right.

So, basically, when we say you're allowed as a free member five active assignments it means that you can have five items from our library that you are studying at one time. If you want to study different ones more you can either upgrade to one of our paying levels or you can archive your assignments or delete them so that you create space.

Mark: That's right. We have had the ability up to now to remove or delete items from your account. Obviously, if you delete or remove an item from your account it's gone. If you have a five active assignment limit and you are at five items and you delete one then you're at four items; you can now go get another one. If you feel that you're finished with one of your active assignments but you'd still like to keep it and refer to it later, now we've added the ability to archive that assignment. In our initial message about our membership levels we did say that items above your quota would have to be deleted, but that's no longer the case. Now you will be able to archive them. That means you won't be able to study them. They'll be archived though in the state in which you leave them when you archive them and at any time if you want to reactive an assignment you are able to do so as long as you have room to add them either by removing other items, or

Jill: …archiving other items or upgrading your membership level.

Mark: That's right. With every jump in membership level your active assignment limit increases.

Jill: Right.

Yeah, so for free you have a limit of five, Basic 25, Plus 150 and Premium 500. Then, of course, there are other differences. A Basic membership is $10.00 a month and you are not given any tutoring with that. You're not given a personal tutor. You are not going to receive a report from that personal tutor or you will not receive points to put towards speaking or writing, but you can buy points at 50 percent off.

Mark: That's right and that's maybe an important point for a lot of you members to understand now. Once we implement the new payment system today, the price for points for free members is going to double, so 1,000 points will now cost a free member $20.00. However, all the paid membership levels and there are three of them, Basic, Plus and Premium, all members of those levels get a 50 percent discount on points, which means you'll be paying $10.00 per 1,000 points.

Jill: Right.

Mark: You can buy points in multiples of 1,000.

Jill: Right.

As I just said, Basic membership is $10.00 a month, Plus is $39.00 a month and Premium is $79.00 a month. Now with Plus and Premium you also get a tutor. A tutor is assigned to you and they will answer questions that you have about English.

Mark: Yeah, that's exactly right. The Forum, which we probably will not launch at the same time as we launch our payment system, but will be launching shortly, very shortly, so if our payment system goes up today probably within the next week the Forum will be there as well, which means those of you who upgrade to Plus or Premium will be able to ask questions to your tutor from the LingQ Widget about any term that you're having trouble understanding or really about any language-related issue. Any language-related questions you will ask on the Forum and your tutor will be alerted when you ask a question and will answer the question for you.

We should probably mention that those of you who are not Plus or Premium members who do want to ask questions on the Forum, you can ask questions on the Forum directly by going to the Forum when it is up on the site, but your questions will not be answered by our tutors. Other members can answer your questions and we'll answer your questions, hopefully, but

Jill: …you're not paying for that service.

Mark: That's right. Only those of you who do pay for Plus or Premium will get your questions, in fact, answered by our tutors.

Jill: Right and also Plus and Premium members are given a points allowance every month. Plus members are given 3,000 points and Premium members are given 7,500 points, which you can use towards writing and speaking.

Mark: That's right. I guess we should mention, and we do get these kinds of questions, you do get questions about how much speaking events cost and how much writing costs, so maybe it's worth explaining those costs exactly.

Jill: Okay. Any speaking event costs 500 points for all members. A speaking event can be a one-on-one conversation with just you and a tutor and it's 15 minutes. Each 15-minute segment is considered an event, which is 500 points. You can schedule a one-on-one for 15 minutes; that will be 500 points. So, you can schedule a one-on-one for 30 minutes, but that will be 1,000 points. If you sign up for a group discussion, which is a maximum of four people, but not always, it depends how many people sign up, if there are four people signed up it will be one hour long and will be 500 points. Basically, each person is given what is equivalent to 15 minutes.

Mark: Right and so each person, if there are four participants, each participant pays 500 points and, therefore, the event is an hour long because four people have paid

Jill: …for 15 minutes each.

Mark: However, they are taking it jointly with a tutor so, therefore, it's an hour long group discussion. Now, in the situation where only three people sign up for an event and the fourth spot is open that event will end up only being 45 minutes.

Jill: Right.

Mark: That causes a bit of confusion with our members. I know you hear that some of them are saying “Oh, I'm not sure if I want to sign up because I want to speak for an hour and it's not guaranteed and if there's only one other person there then it's only going to be half an hour.” But, really, short of us either charging more for discussions, this is the only way we can do it because if we have two people show up for an hour long discussion we pay the tutor for an hour. Unless those two participants want to be charged double there's no fair way of doing it. On The Linguist we had the situation where, in effect, those people who didn't speak as much as they were allowed were subsidizing those people who used up all their discussions and maybe had discussion where there weren't four people. This is a more fair way and, you know, it will work very well as long as people sign up for events.

We have noticed and our members have been telling us and Jill I know you've been getting lots of emails about it, again, discussions or events are not as full as they were on The Linguist.

Jill: Right.

Mark: I think there are a number of reasons for this, but, you know, maybe you can relay…you got an email from I can't remember who now.

Jill: I was speaking with Margarette, a learner who was also a member on The Linguist, and she said that for her there's not as much pressure, not as much motivation because her points don't run out. On The Linguist she had a certain amount of speaking events and words of writing that she had to use every month and if she didn't use them they were lost, they were gone, so she said she always made sure she used them; whereas now, she doesn't feel that pressure because she doesn't lose her points if she doesn't use them. She said now she finds that she does write less and does speak less because there just isn't that pressure anymore to use them or lose them. I think that's partly why some people don't sign up anymore for as many discussions as they used to.

I think another part of it is that people are still maybe a little bit confused with the new system. Since we haven't had the payment system and the membership levels yet, I think some people haven't used any of their points. They don't really even understand how to use their points I think is a bit of a problem too.

Mark: I think so. I think there's a little bit of uncertainty because we've been talking about our payment system and people are kind of waiting for it and it hasn't come. It's not entirely obvious how to go about, I guess, buying points now and spending them. With anything new before you try it once or twice you're always a little nervous, I guess.

Jill: We have many people who buy points all the time and sign up for discussions and come and talk to me a lot and it's the same people over and over.

Mark: I would say that more and more people are buying points and figuring it out. With any new service, you know, it takes time to buildup that momentum. I definitely think that when we implement our payment system and people realize that okay, now I'm getting charged; now I'm getting points every month; now I understand how it works. As you say, on the old system people had to use up their events and their writing otherwise they would lose them. Unfortunately, we have nothing quite so motivating in our new system

Jill: …because we were trying to make it more fair.

Mark: We wanted to make it fair because we had complaints in the old system that – “Oh, why do I lose my events if I don't use them? It's not fair.” -- type of thing and so now we said okay, here are your points. Use them as you like. Whether you want to speak or whether you want to write, you don't lose them. We think it's more fair, but, you know, that motivation factor is very important in getting people to join events and do the activities. Even though they know those activities are going to help their learning they're still not as motivated, I guess, because it's a question of they end up saving the points instead of having to use them. They are not burning a hole in their pocket, so to speak.

Jill: Right and I think too with regard to discussions, it seems to me that a lot of people are afraid to be the first person to sign up. Now, I mean, we didn't have this problem in The Linguist because there always has to be one person who signs up first. It was the same way in The Linguist, but most of our discussions were full all the time. I think people who sign up for discussions now want a group scenario. They want to be speaking with other people and I think so many people are worried that if they sign up and nobody else signs up they're going to have this one-on-one and they want a group discussion. But, if everybody is worried about being the first person signing up then nobody signs up, so somebody has to sign up.

Mark: No question. There was an email that came into Customer Service the other day where someone was saying “Oh, I went in and so many of the discussions either had nobody signed up or one person signed up and, you know, I want to speak with four people for an hour.” Well, if you come in and you look around “Oh, there's not that many people signed up. I'm not going to sign up.”

Jill: …and everybody does that

Mark: …then we have no people signed up for discussions. The fact is, you can sign up and then you can cancel and so far better off to come in and say “Okay, that looks like an interesting discussion. I like that tutor; a good time for me. There's nobody signed up right now. I'm going to sign up.” If everybody does that, pretty soon you'll start to see the discussions. There are people out there wanting to talk and we know this because when we finally do talk to them or they write us emails, yeah, there's the demand there. For some reason, people seem to be reluctant to sign up and they shouldn't be.

Jill: Yeah, exactly. And, yeah, I mean I have full discussions almost every Friday. Mine are full, so there are discussions that fill up, so people just have to not be afraid to sign up.

Mark: That's the other thing too to take note of, I guess. Any discussions that do fill up are no longer displayed in that list.

Jill: Right.

It doesn't look like there are any full discussions.

Mark: Well, that's right. It's not that we don't have any full discussions, but we don't have as many full discussions as we used to have. We just want to encourage you all again. The discussions…you know, it's essentially the same set up as we had before. Yes, you do need points to sign up, but many of you have points. You know, in the top right corner of the site when you're logged in you can see how many points you have. It's only 500 points to join an event. Whether it's a one-on-one or a group event it's 500 points. Just sign up and join like you always did and you'll see that

Jill: …it's not that much different.

Mark: We should also add that for those of you who are not English learners, are learning the other languages, we are adding tutors in the other languages now. They will be posting discussions for other languages, so be a little bit patient. We don't have many tutors, but we'll be increasing the number of tutors. We'll be increasing the times that they make available and, by all means, please also join discussions in other languages as well.

Was there anything else that you could think of Jill while we're on this subject?

Jill: Well, we mentioned the Forum and we mentioned people signing up for discussions and the basic set up for the payment system and membership levels.

Mark: One thing I did want to say is, you know, we make these changes and we definitely respond to any feedback that we get from our members out there, so please keep the feedback coming. Let us know how you like the payment system. You know, if you have suggestions for how we can encourage more participation on the events or how we make the system work more fairly for you. We'd love to hear from you. You know, just send an email to Support at LingQ.com; any thoughts that you might have.

Jill: We might not be able to implement them all, but we're certainly willing to listen.

Mark: Absolutely. I mean, most of the changes that we made, a lot of the changes that we made to the system are in response to feedback that we were getting from our members, both at The Linguist and now at LingQ. We want to do what works best for the majority of our members.

Jill: That's the other thing too, you know, not to be afraid of sending us an email when you have a question or don't understand something. I think there are many, many LingQ members out there right now who have points in their account and aren't using them at all and maybe don't even understand how to use them or even know that they have points or, you know, they just don't really know what's happening. You need to contact us. You need to ask us questions because we can't help you if you don't let us know that you're having problems.

Mark: Absolutely and we'll talk about many of the issues that you email us. If you do, we'll talk about them here on our podcasts. We'll have a regular LingQ update once a week and talk about different issues related to LingQ and if there are questions that our members are wanting to know answers to, we'll definitely be discussing them, so please send any feedback you can.

I think that's it. Enjoy the new pricing system and we can't wait to hear from you.

Jill: Bye, bye.

Mark: Bye, bye.

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Sixty-six: LingQ Update - Membership Sechsundsechzig: LingQ Update - Mitgliedschaft Sesenta y seis LingQ Update - Afiliación Soixante-six : LingQ Update - Membership Sessantasei: Aggiornamento LingQ - Soci 66歳LingQ最新情報 - メンバーシップ 66: LingQ 업데이트 - 멤버십 Sześćdziesiąt sześć: Aktualizacja LingQ - Członkostwo Sessenta e seis: Atualização da LingQ - Membros Шестьдесят шесть: Обновление LingQ - Членство Sextiosex: LingQ Update - Medlemskap Altmış altı: LingQ Güncellemesi - Üyelik Шістдесят шість: Оновлення LingQ - Членство 六十六:LingQ 更新 - 会员资格 六十六:LingQ 更新 - 會員資格

Mark: Hello everyone. Welcome to the EnglishLingQ podcast. Mark Kaufmann here and, as usual, I’m joined by Jill Soles. ||||||||||Soles Burada Mark Kaufmann ve her zamanki gibi Jill Soles'e katıldım.

Jill: Hello.

Mark: How’s it going today Jill?

Jill: Good, how are you?

Mark: I’m good. Today, we thought we would talk about LingQ and for those of you who don’t know, we both work for LingQ. Bugün, LingQ hakkında konuşacağımızı ve bilmeyenler için ikimizin de LingQ için çalıştığını düşündük. That’s why we do this podcast. If you listen to other podcasts you’ll hear us talk about LingQ and that’s our Website at LingQ.com. It is an online language learning system. All of our podcasts are available on our system with transcript so that you can read the text of what we’re saying here and use our learning tools to learn from it so, definitely, if you’re not already a LingQ member, go to our site at LingQ.com and check it out. Всі наші подкасти доступні в нашій системі з розшифровкою, так що ви можете прочитати текст того, про що ми говоримо, і використовувати наші навчальні інструменти, щоб вчитися, тому, безумовно, якщо ви ще не є учасником LingQ, зайдіть на наш сайт LingQ.com і перевірте його. You can also speak to our tutors like Jill, sometimes myself, have your writing corrected and interact on our community so, definitely, please come and check us out.

Jill: And it’s free.

Mark: And it’s free. Sign up for a free membership and, actually, that’s one of the things we want to talk about today. Ücretsiz üyelik için kaydolun ve aslında bugün konuşmak istediğimiz şeylerden biri de bu. Those of you who are members of LingQ already have been hearing us talk about it for quite a while now and so we are finally able to announce that our payment system will be up and running today. LingQ üyesi olanlarınız zaten bir süredir bu konuyu konuştuğumuzu duyuyor ve böylece ödeme sistemimizin bugün çalışmaya başlayacağını duyurduk. We thought that what we would do today is take some time to talk about the change. Bugün yapacağımızın değişim hakkında konuşmak için biraz zaman alacağını düşündük. I know, Jill, you’ve had a lot of members emailing you and asking you when it’s going to be up; what are the conditions going to be. |||||||||sending emails||||||||||||||||| Biliyorum, Jill, size bir e-posta yollayan ve ne zaman çıkacağını soran birçok üyeniz oldu; koşullar ne olacak. Я знаю, Джилл, що багато учасників писали вам електронною поштою, запитуючи, коли це станеться, які будуть умови. We did send out an email a month ago now with some details. Things have changed slightly again, so maybe Jill you can start by explaining the different membership levels that we’re going to have. Las cosas han vuelto a cambiar ligeramente, así que quizá Jill pueda empezar explicando los distintos niveles de afiliación que vamos a tener. İşler yine biraz değişti, belki de Jill, sahip olacağımız farklı üyelik seviyelerini açıklayarak başlayabilirsiniz.

Jill: Sure. So, there is still going to be a free level so you can come on and read our content, listen to the audio files, link words and phrases, which means saving the ones that you don’t understand so that you can review them later, get dictionary examples of them and just, you know, there are many things you can do as a free member, but you have a limited amount of storage space. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||хранение| Donc, il y aura toujours un niveau gratuit pour que vous puissiez venir lire notre contenu, écouter les fichiers audio, lier des mots et des phrases, ce qui signifie enregistrer ceux que vous ne comprenez pas afin que vous puissiez les revoir plus tard , obtenez des exemples de dictionnaires et juste, vous savez, il y a beaucoup de choses que vous pouvez faire en tant que membre gratuit, mais vous avez une quantité limitée d'espace de stockage. You can only have five active assignments at a time and we’ll get to that later what an active assignment is or I guess I could mention it now. |||||||||||||||||||Active tasks||Alternatively||||||| Vous ne pouvez avoir que cinq affectations actives à la fois et nous verrons plus tard ce qu'est une affectation active ou je suppose que je pourrais le mentionner maintenant. Bir seferde yalnızca beş aktif ödeviniz olabilir ve daha sonra etkin bir ödevin ne olduğunu öğreniriz veya sanırım şimdi anlatabilirim.

Mark: Yeah, we can mention it now. Another new update to the system is the addition of assignments. Une autre nouvelle mise à jour du système est l'ajout d'affectations. Sisteme yeni bir güncelleme daha atama eklenmesidir. It’s something we did have in our old system at The Linguist. C'est quelque chose que nous avions dans notre ancien système chez The Linguist. With every item that you take from the store you will have an assignment that’s attached to that item, which will identify the tasks that we recommend you perform on that item. Avec chaque article que vous prenez du magasin, vous aurez une affectation qui est attachée à cet article, qui identifiera les tâches que nous vous recommandons d'effectuer sur cet article. Mağazadan aldığınız her ürünle birlikte, o ürün üzerinde gerçekleştirmenizi önerdiğimiz görevleri tanımlayan, o ürüne bağlı bir ödeviniz olacak. It’s essentially there to help new members get started because very often we get a lot of questions from new people. Temel olarak yeni üyelerin başlamasına yardım etmek için var çünkü çok sık yeni insanlardan çok soru alıyoruz. “Oh, how do I start? “Ah, nasıl başlarım? What should I do?” Because it is a self-directed program or system, you know, and definitely we understand that a lot of people are used to going to school and being told, you know, do this first and then do this and then do that. Que devrais-je faire?" Parce que c'est un programme ou un système autogéré, vous savez, et nous comprenons certainement que beaucoup de gens sont habitués à aller à l'école et à se faire dire, vous savez, faites ceci d'abord, puis faites ceci et ensuite faites cela. Ne yapmalıyım? ”Çünkü bu kendi kendini yöneten bir program veya sistem olduğu için, biliyorsunuz ve kesinlikle birçok insanın okula gitmeye alıştığını ve söylendiğini biliyorsunuz, önce bunu yapın, sonra bunu yapın. o zaman bunu yap. What we’ve done is we’ve created assignments similar to the old task list, for those of you who were members on The Linguist, that list the tasks to try and perform for each item. Lo que hemos hecho es crear tareas similares a la antigua lista de tareas, para aquellos de ustedes que eran miembros de The Linguist, que enumera las tareas que hay que intentar realizar para cada elemento. Ce que nous avons fait, c'est que nous avons créé des affectations similaires à l'ancienne liste de tâches, pour ceux d'entre vous qui étaient membres de The Linguist, qui répertorient les tâches à essayer et à effectuer pour chaque élément. Yaptığımız şey, eski görev listesine benzer şekilde, Dilbilimciye üye olanlarınız için, her bir öğe için denemek ve gerçekleştirmek üzere görevleri listeleyen görevler oluşturduk. It’s just a guideline. |||general rule Es sólo una directriz. Bu sadece bir rehber. You don’t have to do what we recommend you do. Yapmanızı önerdiğimiz şeyi yapmak zorunda değilsiniz. It’s up to you. Sana kalmış. You do what works best for you, but it’s a good place to start, especially for new members. Vous faites ce qui vous convient le mieux, mais c'est un bon point de départ, surtout pour les nouveaux membres.

Jill: Right.

So, basically, when we say you’re allowed as a free member five active assignments it means that you can have five items from our library that you are studying at one time. Donc, fondamentalement, lorsque nous disons que vous avez droit en tant que membre gratuit à cinq affectations actives, cela signifie que vous pouvez avoir cinq éléments de notre bibliothèque que vous étudiez en même temps. If you want to study different ones more you can either upgrade to one of our paying levels or you can archive your assignments or delete them so that you create space. |||||||||||||||||||||||||刪除|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||store away|||||||||| Si vous souhaitez en étudier d'autres, vous pouvez soit passer à l'un de nos niveaux payants, soit archiver vos devoirs ou les supprimer afin de créer de l'espace.

Mark: That’s right. We have had the ability up to now to remove or delete items from your account. Hasta ahora teníamos la posibilidad de eliminar o borrar elementos de su cuenta. Jusqu'à présent, nous avions la possibilité de retirer ou de supprimer des éléments de votre compte. Şu ana kadar hesabınızdaki öğeleri silme veya silme yeteneğine sahibiz. Obviously, if you delete or remove an item from your account it’s gone. Açıkçası, hesabınızdaki bir öğeyi silerseniz veya kaldırırsanız, bitti. If you have a five active assignment limit and you are at five items and you delete one then you’re at four items; you can now go get another one. Si tienes un límite de cinco asignaciones activas y estás en cinco elementos y borras uno, entonces estás en cuatro elementos; ahora puedes ir a buscar otro. If you feel that you’re finished with one of your active assignments but you’d still like to keep it and refer to it later, now we’ve added the ability to archive that assignment. Si crees que has terminado con una de tus tareas activas pero quieres conservarla y consultarla más adelante, ahora hemos añadido la posibilidad de archivar esa tarea. Si vous pensez que vous en avez terminé avec l'un de vos devoirs actifs mais que vous souhaitez tout de même le conserver et vous y référer plus tard, nous avons désormais ajouté la possibilité d'archiver ce devoir. In our initial message about our membership levels we did say that items above your quota would have to be deleted, but that’s no longer the case. ||||||||||||||||||||刪除|||||| |||||||||||||||allowed limit||||||||||| En nuestro mensaje inicial sobre nuestros niveles de afiliación decíamos que los artículos que superasen tu cuota tendrían que ser eliminados, pero ya no es así. Dans notre message initial sur nos niveaux d'adhésion, nous avons dit que les articles au-dessus de votre quota devraient être supprimés, mais ce n'est plus le cas. Üyelik seviyelerimiz hakkındaki ilk mesajımızda kotanızın üzerindeki öğelerin silinmesi gerektiğini söylemiştik, ancak artık durum böyle değil. Now you will be able to archive them. That means you won’t be able to study them. |||won't||||| They’ll be archived though in the state in which you leave them when you archive them and at any time if you want to reactive an assignment you are able to do so as long as you have room to add them either by removing other items, or ||已存檔||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||stored away||||||||||||||||||||||reactivate||||||||||||||||||||||| Sin embargo, se archivarán en el estado en el que los deje al archivarlos y, en cualquier momento, si desea reactivar una asignación, podrá hacerlo siempre que tenga espacio para añadirlas, bien eliminando otros elementos, bien Ils seront archivés cependant dans l'état dans lequel vous les laissez lorsque vous les archivez et à tout moment si vous souhaitez réactiver une affectation, vous pouvez le faire tant que vous avez de la place pour les ajouter soit en supprimant d'autres éléments, ou Arşivlerken onları bırakma durumunuz olsa da arşivlenecekler ve herhangi bir zamanda bir ödevi reaktif etmek istediğinizde, diğer öğeleri kaldırarak eklemek için yeriniz olduğu sürece yapabilirsiniz veya

Jill: …archiving other items or upgrading your membership level. |歸檔||||升級||| |Storing permanently||||enhancing|||

Mark: That’s right. With every jump in membership level your active assignment limit increases. Con cada salto de nivel de afiliación aumenta su límite de asignaciones activas. À chaque saut dans le niveau d'adhésion, votre limite d'affectation active augmente.

Jill: Right.

Yeah, so for free you have a limit of five, Basic 25, Plus 150 and Premium 500. Then, of course, there are other differences. A Basic membership is $10.00 a month and you are not given any tutoring with that. Un abonnement de base coûte 10,00 $ par mois et vous ne recevez aucun tutorat avec cela. Temel üyelik ayda 10.00 ABD Dolarıdır ve size bununla ilgili herhangi bir ders verilmez. You’re not given a personal tutor. You are not going to receive a report from that personal tutor or you will not receive points to put towards speaking or writing, but you can buy points at 50 percent off. Vous ne recevrez pas de rapport de ce tuteur personnel ou vous ne recevrez pas de points à utiliser pour parler ou écrire, mais vous pouvez acheter des points à 50 % de réduction.

Mark: That’s right and that’s maybe an important point for a lot of you members to understand now. Mark : C'est exact et c'est peut-être un point important que beaucoup d'entre vous doivent comprendre maintenant. Once we implement the new payment system today, the price for points for free members is going to double, so 1,000 points will now cost a free member $20.00. Una vez que pongamos en marcha hoy el nuevo sistema de pago, el precio de los puntos para los miembros gratuitos se duplicará, por lo que 1.000 puntos pasarán a costar 20,00 dólares a un miembro gratuito. Une fois que nous aurons mis en place le nouveau système de paiement aujourd'hui, le prix des points pour les membres gratuits va doubler, donc 1 000 points coûteront désormais 20,00 $ à un membre gratuit. However, all the paid membership levels and there are three of them, Basic, Plus and Premium, all members of those levels get a 50 percent discount on points, which means you’ll be paying $10.00 per 1,000 points. Cependant, tous les niveaux d'adhésion payants et il y en a trois, Basic, Plus et Premium, tous les membres de ces niveaux bénéficient d'une réduction de 50% sur les points, ce qui signifie que vous paierez 10,00 $ pour 1 000 points.

Jill: Right.

Mark: You can buy points in multiples of 1,000. ||||||倍數| ||||||in increments of| Mark: Puedes comprar puntos en múltiplos de 1.000.

Jill: Right.

As I just said, Basic membership is $10.00 a month, Plus is $39.00 a month and Premium is $79.00 a month. Now with Plus and Premium you also get a tutor. A tutor is assigned to you and they will answer questions that you have about English. |||allocated to you|||||||||||| Size bir öğretmen atanır ve İngilizce ile ilgili sorularınızı cevaplarlar.

Mark: Yeah, that’s exactly right. The Forum, which we probably will not launch at the same time as we launch our payment system, but will be launching shortly, very shortly, so if our payment system goes up today probably within the next week the Forum will be there as well, which means those of you who upgrade to Plus or Premium will be able to ask questions to your tutor from the LingQ Widget about any term that you’re having trouble understanding or really about any language-related issue. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||小工具||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||LingQ tool||||||||||||||| Le Forum, que nous ne lancerons probablement pas en même temps que nous lançons notre système de paiement, mais qui sera lancé sous peu, très prochainement, donc si notre système de paiement est mis en place aujourd'hui, probablement dans la semaine prochaine, le Forum sera là aussi, ce qui signifie que ceux d'entre vous qui passeront à Plus ou Premium pourront poser des questions à votre tuteur à partir du widget LingQ sur tout terme que vous rencontrez des difficultés à comprendre ou sur tout problème lié à la langue. Ödeme sistemimizi başlattığımız anda muhtemelen aynı anda başlatmayacağımız Forum, ancak kısa bir süre, çok kısa bir sürede başlatacak, bu nedenle ödeme sistemimiz bugün muhtemelen önümüzdeki hafta içinde devam ederse Bu, Artı veya Premium’a yükseltme yapanların, LingQ Widget’tan öğretmeninize, sorun anlayabildiğiniz herhangi bir terim veya gerçekten dille ilgili herhangi bir konuda soru sorabileceği anlamına gelir. Any language-related questions you will ask on the Forum and your tutor will be alerted when you ask a question and will answer the question for you. |||||||||||||||notified|||||||||||| Toutes les questions liées à la langue que vous poserez sur le Forum et votre tuteur seront alertés lorsque vous poserez une question et y répondront pour vous.

We should probably mention that those of you who are not Plus or Premium members who do want to ask questions on the Forum, you can ask questions on the Forum directly by going to the Forum when it is up on the site, but your questions will not be answered by our tutors. Muhtemelen, Forumda soru sormak isteyen Artı veya Premium üye olmayanların, siteye girdiklerinde doğrudan Forum'a giderek Forumda soru sorabileceğinizi söylemeliyiz, eğitmenlerimiz tarafından cevaplanamaz. Other members can answer your questions and we’ll answer your questions, hopefully, but D'autres membres peuvent répondre à vos questions et nous répondrons à vos questions, espérons-le, mais

Jill: …you’re not paying for that service. Jill:… bu hizmet için para ödemiyorsun.

Mark: That’s right. Only those of you who do pay for Plus or Premium will get your questions, in fact, answered by our tutors. Seuls ceux d'entre vous qui paient pour Plus ou Premium obtiendront en fait des réponses à vos questions de la part de nos tuteurs.

Jill: Right and also Plus and Premium members are given a points allowance every month. ||||||||||||points allocation|| Jill: Correcto y también a los miembros Plus y Premium se les da una asignación de puntos cada mes. Jill: Right ve ayrıca Plus ve Premium üyelerine her ay puan parası verilir. Plus members are given 3,000 points and Premium members are given 7,500 points, which you can use towards writing and speaking.

Mark: That’s right. I guess we should mention, and we do get these kinds of questions, you do get questions about how much speaking events cost and how much writing costs, so maybe it’s worth explaining those costs exactly. Supongo que deberíamos mencionar, y recibimos este tipo de preguntas, que recibes preguntas sobre cuánto cuestan las conferencias y cuánto cuesta escribir, así que quizá merezca la pena explicar esos costes exactamente.

Jill: Okay. Any speaking event costs 500 points for all members. A speaking event can be a one-on-one conversation with just you and a tutor and it’s 15 minutes. Konuşan bir etkinlik, yalnızca siz ve bir öğretmenle bire bir sohbet olabilir ve 15 dakika. Each 15-minute segment is considered an event, which is 500 points. ||time period||||||| You can schedule a one-on-one for 15 minutes; that will be 500 points. So, you can schedule a one-on-one for 30 minutes, but that will be 1,000 points. If you sign up for a group discussion, which is a maximum of four people, but not always, it depends how many people sign up, if there are four people signed up it will be one hour long and will be 500 points. Basically, each person is given what is equivalent to 15 minutes. Temel olarak, her bir kişiye 15 dakikaya eşit olan bir şey verilir.

Mark: Right and so each person, if there are four participants, each participant pays 500 points and, therefore, the event is an hour long because four people have paid ||||||||||||participants in event|||||||||||||||

Jill: …for 15 minutes each.

Mark: However, they are taking it jointly with a tutor so, therefore, it’s an hour long group discussion. ||||||together with||||||||||| Mark : Cependant, ils le prennent conjointement avec un tuteur, donc c'est une discussion de groupe d'une heure. Mark: Bununla birlikte, bir öğretmenle birlikte alıyorlar, bu yüzden bu bir saatlik tartışma. Now, in the situation where only three people sign up for an event and the fourth spot is open that event will end up only being 45 minutes. Ahora bien, en el caso de que sólo tres personas se apunten a un evento y quede libre la cuarta plaza, el evento sólo durará 45 minutos. Maintenant, dans la situation où seulement trois personnes s'inscrivent à un événement et que la quatrième place est ouverte, cet événement ne durera que 45 minutes. Şimdi, sadece üç kişinin bir etkinliğe kaydolduğu ve dördüncü noktanın açık olduğu durumda, o etkinlik yalnızca 45 dakika sonra sona erecek.

Jill: Right.

Mark: That causes a bit of confusion with our members. Mark: Bu üyelerimizle biraz karışıklığa neden oluyor. I know you hear that some of them are saying “Oh, I’m not sure if I want to sign up because I want to speak for an hour and it’s not guaranteed and if there’s only one other person there then it’s only going to be half an hour.” But, really, short of us either charging more for discussions, this is the only way we can do it because if we have two people show up for an hour long discussion we pay the tutor for an hour. Je sais que vous entendez que certains d'entre eux disent "Oh, je ne sais pas si je veux m'inscrire parce que je veux parler pendant une heure et ce n'est pas garanti et s'il n'y a qu'une seule autre personne là-bas, alors ce ne sera que une demi-heure." Mais, vraiment, à moins que nous facturions plus pour les discussions, c'est la seule façon de le faire car si nous avons deux personnes qui se présentent pour une discussion d'une heure, nous payons le tuteur pour une heure. Unless those two participants want to be charged double there’s no fair way of doing it. A menos que esos dos participantes quieran cobrar el doble, no hay forma justa de hacerlo. À moins que ces deux participants ne veuillent être facturés le double, il n'y a pas de moyen équitable de le faire. Bu iki katılımcı çifte ücret almak istemiyorsa, bunu yapmanın adil bir yolu yoktur. On The Linguist we had the situation where, in effect, those people who didn’t speak as much as they were allowed were subsidizing those people who used up all their discussions and maybe had discussion where there weren’t four people. ||||||||||||||||||||||補貼||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||covering the cost||||||||||||||||| En The Linguist se daba la situación de que, en efecto, los que no hablaban todo lo que se les permitía subvencionaban a los que agotaban todos sus debates y a lo mejor tenían discusiones en las que no había cuatro personas. Sur The Linguist, nous avions la situation où, en fait, ces gens qui ne parlaient pas autant qu'ils étaient autorisés subventionnaient ceux qui utilisaient toutes leurs discussions et avaient peut-être des discussions où il n'y avait pas quatre personnes. Dilbilimci üzerinde, izin verildiği kadar konuşamayan insanların, tüm tartışmalarını yapan ve belki de dört kişinin olmadığı bir yerde tartışmaları olan insanları sübvanse ettiği durumdaydık. This is a more fair way and, you know, it will work very well as long as people sign up for events. Bu daha adil bir yoldur ve bilirsiniz, insanlar etkinliklere kaydoldukları sürece çok iyi çalışacaktır.

We have noticed and our members have been telling us and Jill I know you’ve been getting lots of emails about it, again, discussions or events are not as full as they were on The Linguist. Nous avons remarqué et nos membres nous ont dit, ainsi qu'à Jill, que vous avez reçu de nombreux e-mails à ce sujet, encore une fois, les discussions ou les événements ne sont pas aussi complets qu'ils l'étaient sur The Linguist. Fark ettik ve üyelerimiz bize anlattılar ve Jill, bu konuda çok fazla e-posta aldığınızı biliyorum, yine de tartışmalar veya olaylar Dilbilimcideki kadar dolu değil.

Jill: Right.

Mark: I think there are a number of reasons for this, but, you know, maybe you can relay…you got an email from I can’t remember who now. |||||||||||||||||pass along|||||||||| Mark: Creo que hay varias razones para ello, pero, ya sabes, tal vez puedas transmitir... recibiste un correo electrónico de no recuerdo quién ahora. Mark : Je pense qu'il y a un certain nombre de raisons à cela, mais, vous savez, peut-être que vous pouvez relayer… vous avez reçu un e-mail de je ne me souviens plus qui maintenant.

Jill: I was speaking with Margarette, a learner who was also a member on The Linguist, and she said that for her there’s not as much pressure, not as much motivation because her points don’t run out. |||||瑪格麗特||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||Margarette: a learner||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill: Estaba hablando con Margarette, una alumna que también era miembro de The Linguist, y me dijo que para ella no hay tanta presión, ni tanta motivación porque no se le acaban los puntos. Jill : Je parlais avec Margarette, une apprenante qui était également membre de The Linguist, et elle a dit que pour elle, il n'y avait pas autant de pression, pas autant de motivation parce que ses points ne s'épuisaient pas. On The Linguist she had a certain amount of speaking events and words of writing that she had to use every month and if she didn’t use them they were lost, they were gone, so she said she always made sure she used them; whereas now, she doesn’t feel that pressure because she doesn’t lose her points if she doesn’t use them. She said now she finds that she does write less and does speak less because there just isn’t that pressure anymore to use them or lose them. Elle a dit maintenant qu'elle écrivait moins et parlait moins parce qu'il n'y avait plus cette pression pour les utiliser ou les perdre. I think that’s partly why some people don’t sign up anymore for as many discussions as they used to. Je pense que c'est en partie pourquoi certaines personnes ne s'inscrivent plus à autant de discussions qu'avant. Bence bu, bazı insanların artık eskisi kadar tartışmalara katılmamasının nedenidir.

I think another part of it is that people are still maybe a little bit confused with the new system. Je pense qu'une autre partie du problème est que les gens sont peut-être encore un peu confus avec le nouveau système. Since we haven’t had the payment system and the membership levels yet, I think some people haven’t used any of their points. Comme nous n'avons pas encore eu le système de paiement et les niveaux d'adhésion, je pense que certaines personnes n'ont utilisé aucun de leurs points. They don’t really even understand how to use their points I think is a bit of a problem too. Ils ne comprennent même pas vraiment comment utiliser leurs points, je pense que c'est un peu un problème aussi.

Mark: I think so. I think there’s a little bit of uncertainty because we’ve been talking about our payment system and people are kind of waiting for it and it hasn’t come. Je pense qu'il y a un peu d'incertitude parce que nous avons parlé de notre système de paiement et les gens l'attendent en quelque sorte et il n'est pas venu. Bence biraz belirsizlik var çünkü ödeme sistemimiz hakkında konuşuyorduk ve insanlar bunu bekliyor, gelmedi. It’s not entirely obvious how to go about, I guess, buying points now and spending them. Ce n'est pas tout à fait évident comment s'y prendre, je suppose, acheter des points maintenant et les dépenser. With anything new before you try it once or twice you’re always a little nervous, I guess. Avec quelque chose de nouveau avant de l'essayer une ou deux fois, vous êtes toujours un peu nerveux, je suppose.

Jill: We have many people who buy points all the time and sign up for discussions and come and talk to me a lot and it’s the same people over and over. Jill : Nous avons beaucoup de gens qui achètent des points tout le temps et s'inscrivent à des discussions et viennent me parler beaucoup et ce sont toujours les mêmes personnes.

Mark: I would say that more and more people are buying points and figuring it out. Mark: Yo diría que cada vez más gente compra puntos y se da cuenta. Mark : Je dirais que de plus en plus de gens achètent des points et s'en rendent compte. Mark: Giderek daha fazla insanın puan aldığını ve bunu çözdüğünü söyleyebilirim. With any new service, you know, it takes time to buildup that momentum. Con cualquier servicio nuevo, ya sabes, lleva tiempo coger impulso. Avec tout nouveau service, vous savez, il faut du temps pour créer cet élan. Herhangi bir yeni hizmetle, biliyorsunuz, o momentumu oluşturmak zaman alıyor. I definitely think that when we implement our payment system and people realize that okay, now I’m getting charged; now I’m getting points every month; now I understand how it works. Je pense vraiment que lorsque nous mettrons en œuvre notre système de paiement et que les gens s'en rendront compte, maintenant je serai facturé; maintenant j'obtiens des points chaque mois ; maintenant je comprends comment ça marche. As you say, on the old system people had to use up their events and their writing otherwise they would lose them. Comme vous le dites, dans l'ancien système, les gens devaient épuiser leurs événements et leurs écrits, sinon ils les perdaient. Unfortunately, we have nothing quite so motivating in our new system Malheureusement, nous n'avons rien d'aussi motivant dans notre nouveau système Ne yazık ki, yeni sistemimizde bu kadar motive edici bir şeyimiz yok.

Jill: …because we were trying to make it more fair. Jill:… çünkü daha adil olmaya çalışıyorduk.

Mark: We wanted to make it fair because we had complaints in the old system that – “Oh, why do I lose my events if I don’t use them? Mark: Adil yapmak istedik çünkü eski sistemde şu şikayetler vardı - “Oh, olaylarımı kullanmazsam neden kaybederim? It’s not fair.” -- type of thing and so now we said okay, here are your points. Use them as you like. Onları istediğiniz gibi kullanın. Whether you want to speak or whether you want to write, you don’t lose them. We think it’s more fair, but, you know, that motivation factor is very important in getting people to join events and do the activities. Even though they know those activities are going to help their learning they’re still not as motivated, I guess, because it’s a question of they end up saving the points instead of having to use them. Même s'ils savent que ces activités vont les aider à apprendre, ils ne sont toujours pas aussi motivés, je suppose, parce que c'est une question qu'ils finissent par économiser des points au lieu d'avoir à les utiliser. They are not burning a hole in their pocket, so to speak. No les quema el bolsillo, por así decirlo. Ils ne brûlent pas un trou dans leur poche, pour ainsi dire. Konuşmak için cebinde delik açmıyorlar.

Jill: Right and I think too with regard to discussions, it seems to me that a lot of people are afraid to be the first person to sign up. Jill: Correcto y creo que también con respecto a las discusiones, me parece que mucha gente tiene miedo de ser la primera persona en inscribirse. Jill : C'est vrai et je pense aussi en ce qui concerne les discussions, il me semble que beaucoup de gens ont peur d'être la première personne à s'inscrire. Now, I mean, we didn’t have this problem in The Linguist because there always has to be one person who signs up first. Maintenant, je veux dire, nous n'avions pas ce problème dans The Linguist parce qu'il doit toujours y avoir une personne qui s'inscrit en premier. It was the same way in The Linguist, but most of our discussions were full all the time. C'était la même chose dans The Linguist, mais la plupart de nos discussions étaient pleines tout le temps. I think people who sign up for discussions now want a group scenario. Creo que la gente que se apunta a los debates ahora quiere un escenario de grupo. Bence şimdi tartışmalara kaydolan insanlar bir grup senaryosu istiyor. They want to be speaking with other people and I think so many people are worried that if they sign up and nobody else signs up they’re going to have this one-on-one and they want a group discussion. Ils veulent parler avec d'autres personnes et je pense que beaucoup de gens craignent que s'ils s'inscrivent et que personne d'autre ne s'inscrive, ils vont avoir ce tête-à-tête et ils veulent une discussion de groupe. But, if everybody is worried about being the first person signing up then nobody signs up, so somebody has to sign up. ||||||about registering first||||||||||||||| Mais, si tout le monde s'inquiète d'être la première personne à s'inscrire, alors personne ne s'inscrit, donc quelqu'un doit s'inscrire.

Mark: No question. There was an email that came into Customer Service the other day where someone was saying “Oh, I went in and so many of the discussions either had nobody signed up or one person signed up and, you know, I want to speak with four people for an hour.” Well, if you come in and you look around “Oh, there’s not that many people signed up. L'autre jour, un e-mail est arrivé au service client dans lequel quelqu'un disait : "Oh, je suis entré et dans de nombreuses discussions, personne ne s'est inscrit ou une personne s'est inscrite et, vous savez, je veux parler à quatre personnes. pendant une heure." Eh bien, si vous entrez et que vous regardez autour de vous « Oh, il n'y a pas beaucoup de personnes inscrites. I’m not going to sign up.” Je ne vais pas m'inscrire.

Jill: …and everybody does that

Mark: …then we have no people signed up for discussions. The fact is, you can sign up and then you can cancel and so far better off to come in and say “Okay, that looks like an interesting discussion. El hecho es que puedes apuntarte y luego darte de baja, así que mucho mejor entrar y decir "Vale, parece una discusión interesante". Le fait est que vous pouvez vous inscrire, puis vous pouvez annuler et donc mieux vaut entrer et dire « D'accord, cela ressemble à une discussion intéressante. İşin aslı, kaydolabilir ve sonra iptal edip gelip şimdiye dek daha iyi durumda olabilirsiniz ve “Tamam, ilginç bir tartışma gibi görünüyor. I like that tutor; a good time for me. Bu hocası seviyorum; benim için iyi bir zaman. There’s nobody signed up right now. Şu an kimse kayıt olmadı. I’m going to sign up.” If everybody does that, pretty soon you’ll start to see the discussions. There are people out there wanting to talk and we know this because when we finally do talk to them or they write us emails, yeah, there’s the demand there. Il y a des gens qui veulent parler et nous le savons parce que quand nous leur parlons enfin ou qu'ils nous écrivent des e-mails, oui, il y a une demande là-bas. Dışarıda konuşmak isteyen insanlar var ve bunu biliyoruz çünkü sonunda onlarla konuştuğumuzda veya bize e-posta yazdıklarında, evet, orada talep var. For some reason, people seem to be reluctant to sign up and they shouldn’t be. Pour une raison quelconque, les gens semblent hésiter à s'inscrire et ils ne devraient pas l'être. Nedense, insanlar kayıt olmak konusunda isteksiz görünüyorlar ve olmamalıdırlar.

Jill: Yeah, exactly. And, yeah, I mean I have full discussions almost every Friday. Mine are full, so there are discussions that fill up, so people just have to not be afraid to sign up. Las mías están llenas, así que hay debates que se llenan, así que la gente no tiene que tener miedo de apuntarse. Les miens sont pleins, donc il y a des discussions qui se remplissent, donc il faut juste que les gens n'aient pas peur de s'inscrire. Benimkiler dolu, bu yüzden doldurma tartışmaları var, bu yüzden insanlar kayıt olmaktan korkmayacaklar.

Mark: That’s the other thing too to take note of, I guess. Mark : C'est aussi l'autre chose dont il faut tenir compte, je suppose. Mark: Dikkat edilmesi gereken diğer şey de bu, sanırım. Any discussions that do fill up are no longer displayed in that list. Los debates que se llenen dejarán de aparecer en esa lista. Toutes les discussions qui se remplissent ne sont plus affichées dans cette liste. Doldurulmuş tartışmalar artık bu listede gösterilmiyor.

Jill: Right.

It doesn’t look like there are any full discussions. Il ne semble pas y avoir de discussions complètes.

Mark: Well, that’s right. It’s not that we don’t have any full discussions, but we don’t have as many full discussions as we used to have. Ce n'est pas que nous n'ayons pas de discussions approfondies, mais nous n'avons plus autant de discussions approfondies qu'auparavant. Tam bir tartışmamız yok, ama eskisi kadar fazla tartışmamız yok. We just want to encourage you all again. Nous voulons juste vous encourager à nouveau. Sadece hepinizi tekrar teşvik etmek istiyoruz. The discussions…you know, it’s essentially the same set up as we had before. Las discusiones... ya sabes, es esencialmente la misma configuración que teníamos antes. Les discussions… vous savez, c'est essentiellement la même configuration qu'avant. Tartışmalar… bilirsin, aslında daha önce olduğu gibi ayarlandı. Yes, you do need points to sign up, but many of you have points. Evet, kaydolmak için puanlara ihtiyacınız var, ancak çoğunuzun puanları var. You know, in the top right corner of the site when you’re logged in you can see how many points you have. Ya sabes, en la esquina superior derecha del sitio cuando estás conectado puedes ver cuántos puntos tienes. Vous savez, dans le coin supérieur droit du site lorsque vous êtes connecté, vous pouvez voir combien de points vous avez. Bilirsiniz, sitenin sağ üst köşesinde oturum açtığınızda kaç puanınız olduğunu görebilirsiniz. It’s only 500 points to join an event. Whether it’s a one-on-one or a group event it’s 500 points. Just sign up and join like you always did and you’ll see that Inscrivez-vous et rejoignez-vous comme vous l'avez toujours fait et vous verrez que

Jill: …it’s not that much different. Jill:… o kadar da farklı değil.

Mark: We should also add that for those of you who are not English learners, are learning the other languages, we are adding tutors in the other languages now. Mark : Nous devrions également ajouter que pour ceux d'entre vous qui n'apprennent pas l'anglais et qui apprennent les autres langues, nous ajoutons maintenant des tuteurs dans les autres langues. They will be posting discussions for other languages, so be a little bit patient. Ils publieront des discussions pour d'autres langues, alors soyez un peu patient. We don’t have many tutors, but we’ll be increasing the number of tutors. We’ll be increasing the times that they make available and, by all means, please also join discussions in other languages as well. Aumentaremos las veces que estén disponibles y, por favor, únase también a los debates en otros idiomas. Nous augmenterons les horaires qu'ils mettent à disposition et, par tous les moyens, veuillez également participer aux discussions dans d'autres langues.

Was there anything else that you could think of Jill while we’re on this subject? Bu konudayken Jill hakkında düşünebileceğin başka bir şey var mıydı?

Jill: Well, we mentioned the Forum and we mentioned people signing up for discussions and the basic set up for the payment system and membership levels. Jill: Bueno, hemos mencionado el Foro y hemos mencionado que la gente se apunta a los debates y la configuración básica del sistema de pago y los niveles de afiliación. Jill : Eh bien, nous avons mentionné le Forum et nous avons mentionné les personnes qui s'inscrivent aux discussions et la configuration de base pour le système de paiement et les niveaux d'adhésion.

Mark: One thing I did want to say is, you know, we make these changes and we definitely respond to any feedback that we get from our members out there, so please keep the feedback coming. Mark : Une chose que je voulais dire, c'est que nous apportons ces changements et nous répondons définitivement à tous les commentaires que nous recevons de nos membres, alors s'il vous plaît, continuez à nous faire part de vos commentaires. Let us know how you like the payment system. Ödeme sisteminden nasıl hoşlandığınızı bize bildirin. You know, if you have suggestions for how we can encourage more participation on the events or how we make the system work more fairly for you. Vous savez, si vous avez des suggestions sur la façon dont nous pouvons encourager une plus grande participation aux événements ou sur la façon dont nous faisons en sorte que le système fonctionne plus équitablement pour vous. We’d love to hear from you. Nos encantaría conocer su opinión. Sizden haber almak isteriz. You know, just send an email to Support at LingQ.com; any thoughts that you might have. Biliyorsunuz, LingQ.com’daki Destek bölümüne bir e-posta gönderin; aklınıza gelebilecek düşünceleriniz.

Jill: We might not be able to implement them all, but we’re certainly willing to listen. Jill : Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas tous les mettre en œuvre, mais nous sommes certainement prêts à écouter. Jill: Hepsini uygulayamayabiliriz ama kesinlikle dinlemeye hazırız.

Mark: Absolutely. I mean, most of the changes that we made, a lot of the changes that we made to the system are in response to feedback that we were getting from our members, both at The Linguist and now at LingQ. Je veux dire, la plupart des changements que nous avons apportés, beaucoup des changements que nous avons apportés au système sont en réponse aux commentaires que nous recevions de nos membres, à la fois chez The Linguist et maintenant chez LingQ. Yani, yaptığımız değişikliklerin çoğu, sistemde yaptığımız değişikliklerin çoğu, hem Dilbilimcide hem de LingQ'da üyelerimizden aldığımız geri bildirimlere cevap olarak geliyor. We want to do what works best for the majority of our members. Üyelerimizin çoğunluğu için en iyi olanı yapmak istiyoruz.

Jill: That’s the other thing too, you know, not to be afraid of sending us an email when you have a question or don’t understand something. Jill: Bu da, bilirsin, bir sorunuz olduğunda veya bir şey anlamadığınızda bize e-posta göndermekten korkmamak. I think there are many, many LingQ members out there right now who have points in their account and aren’t using them at all and maybe don’t even understand how to use them or even know that they have points or, you know, they just don’t really know what’s happening. Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup, beaucoup de membres LingQ en ce moment qui ont des points sur leur compte et ne les utilisent pas du tout et peut-être ne comprennent même pas comment les utiliser ou même savent qu'ils ont des points ou, vous savez, ils ne savent tout simplement pas vraiment ce qui se passe. You need to contact us. You need to ask us questions because we can’t help you if you don’t let us know that you’re having problems. Vous devez nous poser des questions car nous ne pouvons pas vous aider si vous ne nous faites pas savoir que vous rencontrez des problèmes.

Mark: Absolutely and we’ll talk about many of the issues that you email us. Mark : Absolument et nous parlerons de la plupart des problèmes que vous nous envoyez par e-mail. If you do, we’ll talk about them here on our podcasts. Si vous le faites, nous en parlerons ici sur nos podcasts. We’ll have a regular LingQ update once a week and talk about different issues related to LingQ and if there are questions that our members are wanting to know answers to, we’ll definitely be discussing them, so please send any feedback you can. Tendremos una actualización regular de LingQ una vez a la semana y hablaremos de diferentes temas relacionados con LingQ y si hay preguntas para las que nuestros miembros quieren saber respuestas, definitivamente las discutiremos, así que por favor envía cualquier comentario que puedas. Nous aurons une mise à jour régulière de LingQ une fois par semaine et parlerons de différents problèmes liés à LingQ et s'il y a des questions auxquelles nos membres veulent connaître les réponses, nous en discuterons certainement, alors veuillez envoyer tous les commentaires que vous pouvez.

I think that’s it. Enjoy the new pricing system and we can’t wait to hear from you. Profitez du nouveau système de tarification et nous avons hâte d'avoir de vos nouvelles. Yeni fiyatlandırma sisteminin tadını çıkarın ve sizden haber almak için sabırsızlanıyorum.

Jill: Bye, bye.

Mark: Bye, bye.