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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Sixty-four: Vacationing in France

Sixty-four: Vacationing in France

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hello, Steve.

Steve: It's another beautiful day here.

We've having a great September. I think we had a fair summer. I've heard people complain but I didn't think it was so bad, did you?

Jill: Certainly not as bad as I think it was in Europe and some other parts of the world. I heard on the news that actually statistically it was not an abnormally wet summer or cold summer but the weekends were particularly bad. I think everybody has the weekend…most people have the weekends off so for them it seemed like it was very bad because their days off were not very nice.

Steve: Yeah, I know. I think people are very sensitive to the climate now. We had a visitor here, Thomas, who is from Germany, was visiting with us and he was commenting on how strange the weather has been in Germany. Of course, we are very sensitive to, you know, is this part of all the global warming thing. Statistically, I mean, we always do have variation. This summer, in my recollection, was not a particularly bad one. I thought we had a lot of good weather and we're sure enjoying our good weather here in September and, of course, I'm on my way to Europe so they better get better weather over there before I get there.

Jill: Yeah, so you're off to France, I believe, tomorrow.

Steve: That's right. Tomorrow my wife and I are flying off to Paris. As soon as we arrive we are going to rent a car and we are going to drive to Le Havre which is in Normandy where we have a very dear friend and lumber customer. We are going to spend the weekend there.

Jill: Very nice. And Normandy, so that's in the northern part and where are you going to go from there?

Steve: Well, we are going to spend the weekend there and then on Monday we are going to drive down to Paris. I have a couple of meetings. I am going to meet with an audio book publisher there and talk about how we can carry some of their books. They are called Livraphone, they are in Paris and how we can sell their books across LingQ so that people can enjoy listening and reading to some of the classics of French literature. I'm also going to visit…I don't think it will be that successful but I'm going to visit with Assimil which is a leading producer of language learning material mostly for French speakers learning other languages but they also have Assimil for English speakers and I think for Spanish speakers. They have a tremendous range; literally any language you can think of. Their system consists essentially of text and audio with a small amount of grammar which I think is good. They don't overdo the grammar and the grammar exercises. So, if we could sell their product across LingQ that people would be able to download chapter by chapter the Assimil for Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, it doesn't matter, if they could make the sound and the e-text available across our site – sell it, of course -- then our learners could use that to get started in the system. They would use the Assimil content, they would study with our system and if they wanted to buy the Assimil book for the additional grammar explanations then they would still do so and I think many people would do so. I'm going to try to persuade Assimil that it's in their interest to A: sell, you know, chapter by chapter, to offer their system across our system because right now they target primarily French speakers so this should open up a larger market and then many of those people may still buy the book from Assimil so that's a meeting that I have planned in Paris. I have one more meeting in Paris, your good friend Marianne.

Jill: Yes, long-time Linguist learner, now LingQ learner, in Melun, I believe, outside of Paris; 40 minutes maybe outside of Paris. Yeah, she does a lot for us; does French translations and very keen member, LingQ member; very nice lady. I'm jealous that you get to meet her.

Steve: Well, you know, it's like so many of our learners. We speak to them on Skype, we get to know them and, I mean, I think you'll agree one of the pleasures of being involved with LingQ is the people that we've gotten to know in different countries. It must be something about the LingQ system that we only get nice people.

Jill: Generally.

Steve: Generally.

Jill: Generally.

Steve: Well, no, but overwhelmingly; overwhelmingly. I've had many conversations with Marianne. She works at a school so I'm also going to visit her school and talk to some language teachers there and then I am just going to get to know Marianne a little bit and so that will be fun.

Jill: And then after Paris where are you planning on going?

Steve: From there we are going to join...I will hand my car in; I'll just have the car for three days…and then I belong to a group of former Canadian diplomats, typically retired diplomats, ex-ambassadors or trade commissioners, who gather once a year to play golf. In the past we've always done it in Canada. One year it's in Eastern Canada and one year in Western Canada. So, for example, one year it was at Mont-Tremblant which is very nice; we played there in September. We did it in Victoria, British Columbia which is also beautiful. This year we are doing it in Loire Valley. This year we are making an exception. We are actually bringing “da wives”. Normally, we exclude the wives because this is sort of your male bonding thing, okay. We sit around and we tell rude jokes. But this time we figured the wives probably would not sit back and accept the idea that the men were going off to France to play golf and eat nice meals and do all of that kind of thing and drink good wine and that the women would have to stay home.

We're meeting up in this pub that's called the Great Canadian Pub in Paris. We are meeting there at 3 o'clock on the 19th in the afternoon – no, the 18th, actually. We are all getting in a bus and we're driving down to wherever the first hotel is. I tell you, someone else has made all the arrangements and I haven't even looked at it. There are meals; there are this…all kinds of things included in it. I've just paid and we are going to show up and just go with the flow.

Jill: Oh, that will be so great. I know Carmen, your wife, is a very avid golfer. I think she enjoys golfing more than you do, actually, so she's probably very excited.

Steve: Oh yeah, she's very excited. Some of the ladies coming are also keen golfers; some of whom she knows and some she doesn't know. So, she's going to have a great time and we're going to eat and so forth and so we'll spend a week playing golf, visiting Chateau, eating. We are going to visit the City of Toole which is a very, you know, lovely old town. Then after that we are going to drive down to a place called Pau which is in the Basque Country in France and there we've rented a villa. It's a house of some kind; not very big. It's 500 Euro per week which is quite reasonable. I think it has two small bedrooms. It's not a very big place. We're going to stay there for two weeks. My older son and his wife and two children are going to come out and visit from London because they live in London, England. They are going to spend maybe three or four days with us and then we're just going to visit around. Pau is near the Spanish border so we can visit around in France. We can go to the ocean at Biarritz, St. Jean De-Luz, which are very famous ocean resorts. We can also drive into Spain. Pamplona where they run the bulls is not very far away so we're just going to explore.

Jill: Wow, that sounds so great. Are you not then going to London this trip?

Steve: No. We much prefer that they come to visit with us. I mean London is a spectacular city and there is so much to do but it's a bit stressful. Flying into Heathrow they've got four or five terminals. I never know where I'm coming in and where I'm leaving. You are forever lined up in security and then it takes forever to get in and it takes forever to get out so London is stressful to me. I mean, you know, they live in a house which by London standards is in a nice area but, I mean, it's extremely cramped. If my wife and I go there we're really on top of my son and his wife and their kids and it's just…we're used to having a little more space. Which, I mean, we love going there but it's more fun, I think, if they come to Pau and then with the little kids and we can visit around and see things and enjoy, you know, a different experience.

Steve: That's right, so we're not going to go to London this time.

Jill: So, you're gone for five weeks, I think, and you're spending the whole five weeks in France and maybe a little bit in Spain?

Steve: Exactly. We do have some other days free in there and so I might travel…when we finish our golfing I might go to Avignon, Aix, and work my way that way to Pau because when I was a university student in France I used to hitchhike around that area and so I like that area. I'm also going to maybe try and contact…there's a very big sort of hospitality industry-school, hotel-restaurant-school, at Aix. I know someone who goes there and, of course, language instruction is a big issue for people in the hospitality industry; the hotel industry and the restaurant industry. I might just go there and see if we can interest them in LingQ because, again, I think it's an excellent way for people to learn languages. I'm going to try to mix a little bit of business but mostly pleasure, absolutely.

Jill: Fabulous! We look forward to hearing all about it when you come back.

Steve: Alright, I will. I am going to try to maintain my blog when I'm over there. Yeah, it should be fun. I might even take this little microphone along and interview some people in French and maybe put that up as French content in LingQ.

So, you know, we always say this, I know we have a lot of people who listen to our podcast, the EnglishLingQ podcast, we never get any feedback. So, you know, LingQ.com, we can come there; thelinguist.com. I have my blog thelinguist.blogs.com. We would be very happy to hear how you enjoy these; what kinds of discussions you prefer; free-flowing discussions like this or, you know, slower ones for beginners. Tell us what you would like to have. Isn't that right, Jill?

Jill: Exactly right.

Steve: Okay, thanks for now.

Jill: Bye, bye.

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Sixty-four: Vacationing in France ||度假|| ||en vacances|| ||Traveling in France|| Vierundsechzig: Urlaub in Frankreich Sesenta y cuatro: Vacaciones en Francia Soixante-quatre : Vacances en France Sessantaquattro: In vacanza in Francia 64歳フランスでの休暇 예순 넷: 프랑스에서의 휴가 Sześćdziesiąt cztery: Wakacje we Francji Sessenta e quatro: Férias em França 64: Отдых во Франции Sextiofyra: Semester i Frankrike Altmış dört: Fransa'da Tatil Шістдесят чотири: Відпустка у Франції 六十四:在法国度假 六十四:在法國度假

Steve: Hi, Jill. Selam, Jill.

Jill: Hello, Steve. Merhaba Steve.

Steve: It’s another beautiful day here. Yine güzel bir gün.

We’ve having a great September. Harika bir Eylül ayı geçiriyoruz. I think we had a fair summer. Ich denke wir hatten einen schönen Sommer. Creo que hemos tenido un verano justo. Je pense que nous avons eu un bel été. Bence adil bir yaz geçirdik. I’ve heard people complain but I didn’t think it was so bad, did you? Ich habe Leute sich beschweren hören, aber ich fand es nicht so schlimm, oder? J'ai entendu des gens se plaindre mais je ne pensais pas que c'était si grave, n'est-ce pas? İnsanların şikayet ettiğini duydum ama ben o kadar kötü olduğunu düşünmüyordum, ya siz?

Jill: Certainly not as bad as I think it was in Europe and some other parts of the world. Jill: Sicher nicht so schlimm wie ich denke in Europa und einigen anderen Teilen der Welt. Jill : Certainement pas aussi mauvaise que je pense que c'était en Europe et dans d'autres parties du monde. Jill: Kesinlikle Avrupa'da ve dünyanın diğer bazı bölgelerinde olduğu kadar kötü değil. I heard on the news that actually statistically it was not an abnormally wet summer or cold summer but the weekends were particularly bad. ||||||||それ||||||||||||||| Ich habe in den Nachrichten gehört, dass es statistisch gesehen kein ungewöhnlich nasser oder kalter Sommer war, aber die Wochenenden waren besonders schlecht. J'ai entendu aux nouvelles qu'en fait, statistiquement, ce n'était pas un été anormalement humide ou un été froid, mais les week-ends étaient particulièrement mauvais. Haberlerde, aslında istatistiksel olarak anormal derecede yağışlı ya da soğuk bir yaz olmadığını, ancak hafta sonlarının özellikle kötü geçtiğini duydum. I think everybody has the weekend…most people have the weekends off so for them it seemed like it was very bad because their days off were not very nice. Ich denke, jeder hat das Wochenende… die meisten Leute haben die Wochenenden frei, daher schien es für sie sehr schlecht zu sein, weil ihre freien Tage nicht sehr schön waren. Je pense que tout le monde a le week-end… la plupart des gens ont le week-end, donc pour eux, il semblait que c'était très mauvais parce que leurs jours de congé n'étaient pas très agréables. Bence herkesin haftasonu var ... çoğu insanın hafta sonları kapalıydı, bu yüzden onlar için çok kötü görünüyordu, çünkü tatil günleri pek iyi değildi.

Steve: Yeah, I know. I think people are very sensitive to the climate now. Je pense que les gens sont très sensibles au climat maintenant. 人々は今気候に非常に敏感であると思う。 Bence insanlar artık iklime karşı çok duyarlı. We had a visitor here, Thomas, who is from Germany, was visiting with us and he was commenting on how strange the weather has been in Germany. Wir hatten hier einen Besucher, Thomas, der aus Deutschland stammt, besuchte uns und kommentierte, wie seltsam das Wetter in Deutschland war. Nous avons eu un visiteur ici, Thomas, qui est d'Allemagne, était en visite avec nous et il a commenté à quel point le temps a été étrange en Allemagne. Burada bir ziyaretçimiz vardı, Almanya'dan gelen Thomas, bizi ziyaret ediyordu ve Almanya'da havanın ne kadar garip olduğu hakkında yorum yapıyordu. Of course, we are very sensitive to, you know, is this part of all the global warming thing. Por supuesto, somos muy sensibles a, ya sabes, es esto parte de todo el asunto del calentamiento global. Bien sûr, nous sommes très sensibles, vous savez, à cette partie du réchauffement climatique. Tabii ki, küresel ısınmanın bir parçası olup olmadığı konusunda çok hassasız. Statistically, I mean, we always do have variation. Statistisch gesehen haben wir immer Variationen. İstatistiksel olarak, demek istediğim, her zaman bir çeşitliliğimiz var. This summer, in my recollection, was not a particularly bad one. ||||memory of it|||||| Este verano, según recuerdo, no ha sido especialmente malo. Cet été, si je me souviens bien, n’était pas particulièrement mauvais. Bu yaz, hatırladığımda, özellikle kötü bir yazı değildi. I thought we had a lot of good weather and we’re sure enjoying our good weather here in September and, of course, I’m on my way to Europe so they better get better weather over there before I get there. Ich dachte, wir hatten viel gutes Wetter und wir sind sicher, dass wir unser gutes Wetter hier im September genießen. Natürlich bin ich auf dem Weg nach Europa, damit es dort besser wird, bevor ich dort ankomme. Creo que hemos tenido muy buen tiempo y estamos disfrutando de nuestro buen tiempo aquí en septiembre y, por supuesto, estoy de camino a Europa, así que será mejor que mejore el tiempo por allí antes de que yo llegue. Je pensais que nous avions beaucoup de beau temps et que nous apprécions certainement notre beau temps ici en septembre et, bien sûr, je suis en route pour l'Europe, alors ils feraient mieux d'avoir un meilleur temps là-bas avant d'y arriver. Çok güzel havanın olduğunu düşündüm ve Eylül ayında güzel havanın tadını çıkardığımızdan eminim ve tabii ki Avrupa'ya gidiyorum, o yüzden oraya gitmeden önce oraya daha iyi bir hava gelsinler.

Jill: Yeah, so you’re off to France, I believe, tomorrow. Jill: Ouais, donc tu pars en France, je crois, demain. Jill: Evet, yani Fransa’ya gidiyorsunuz, inanıyorum ki yarın.

Steve: That’s right. Doğru. Tomorrow my wife and I are flying off to Paris. Mañana mi mujer y yo volamos a París. Yarın karım ve ben Paris'e uçuyoruz. As soon as we arrive we are going to rent a car and we are going to drive to Le Havre which is in Normandy where we have a very dear friend and lumber customer. ||||||||||||||||||||Le Havre|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||ハーヴル|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||Le Havre|||||||||||||| Sobald wir ankommen, werden wir ein Auto mieten und nach Le Havre in der Normandie fahren, wo wir einen sehr lieben Freund und Holzkunden haben. Dès notre arrivée, nous allons louer une voiture et nous nous dirigerons vers Le Havre qui est en Normandie où nous avons un ami très cher et client de bois. Varır varmaz bir araba kiralayıp Normandiya'daki Le Havre'a gideceğiz ve orada çok sevdiğimiz bir dostumuz ve kereste müşterimiz var. We are going to spend the weekend there. Hafta sonunu orada geçireceğiz.

Jill: Very nice. Jill: Çok güzel. And Normandy, so that’s in the northern part and where are you going to go from there? Y Normandía, así que eso es en la parte norte y ¿a dónde vas a ir desde allí? Et la Normandie, donc c'est dans la partie nord et où vas-tu partir de là? Ve Normandiya, yani orası kuzeyde ve oradan nereye gideceksiniz?

Steve: Well, we are going to spend the weekend there and then on Monday we are going to drive down to Paris. I have a couple of meetings. J'ai quelques réunions. I am going to meet with an audio book publisher there and talk about how we can carry some of their books. Je vais y rencontrer un éditeur de livres audio et discuter de la façon dont nous pouvons transporter certains de leurs livres. Orada bir sesli kitap yayıncısıyla buluşacağım ve bazı kitaplarını nasıl taşıyabileceğimiz hakkında konuşacağım. They are called Livraphone, they are in Paris and how we can sell their books across LingQ so that people can enjoy listening and reading to some of the classics of French literature. |||Livraphone||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Livraphone||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||呼ばれている|リブラフォン||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Livraphone||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sie heißen Livraphone, sie sind in Paris und wie wir ihre Bücher über LingQ verkaufen können, damit die Leute gerne einige der Klassiker der französischen Literatur hören und lesen können. Ils s'appellent Livraphone, ils sont à Paris et comment nous pouvons vendre leurs livres sur LingQ afin que les gens puissent écouter et lire certains des classiques de la littérature française. I’m also going to visit…I don’t think it will be that successful but I’m going to visit with Assimil which is a leading producer of language learning material mostly for French speakers learning other languages but they also have Assimil for English speakers and I think for Spanish speakers. |||||||||||||||||||Assimil|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich werde auch besuchen ... Ich glaube nicht, dass es so erfolgreich sein wird, aber ich werde Assimil besuchen, das ein führender Hersteller von Sprachlernmaterial ist, hauptsächlich für Französischsprachige, die andere Sprachen lernen, aber sie haben auch Assimil für Englisch Sprecher und ich denke für Spanisch sprechende. También voy a visitar... no creo que tenga tanto éxito, pero voy a visitar a Assimil, que es un productor líder de material de aprendizaje de idiomas, sobre todo para francófonos que aprenden otros idiomas, pero también tienen Assimil para angloparlantes y creo que para hispanohablantes. They have a tremendous range; literally any language you can think of. |||vast|||||||| Ils ont une gamme énorme; littéralement toutes les langues auxquelles vous pouvez penser. Muazzam bir yelpazeye sahipler; Kelimenin tam anlamıyla düşünebildiğiniz herhangi bir dil. Their system consists essentially of text and audio with a small amount of grammar which I think is good. Leur système se compose essentiellement de texte et d'audio avec une petite quantité de grammaire que je trouve bonne. They don’t overdo the grammar and the grammar exercises. ||exaggerate|||||| Ils n'exagèrent pas la grammaire et les exercices de grammaire. Dilbilgisi ve dilbilgisi alıştırmalarını fazla abartmazlar. So, if we could sell their product across LingQ that people would be able to download chapter by chapter the Assimil for Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, it doesn’t matter, if they could make the sound and the e-text available across our site – sell it, of course -- then our learners could use that to get started in the system. Donc, si nous pouvions vendre leur produit sur LingQ afin que les gens puissent télécharger chapitre par chapitre l'Assimil pour le chinois, le russe, l'espagnol, le swahili, peu importe, s'ils pouvaient rendre le son et le texte électronique disponibles à travers notre site - vendez-le, bien sûr - alors nos apprenants pourraient l'utiliser pour se lancer dans le système. They would use the Assimil content, they would study with our system and if they wanted to buy the Assimil book for the additional grammar explanations then they would still do so and I think many people would do so. Ils utiliseraient le contenu Assimil, ils étudieraient avec notre système et s'ils voulaient acheter le livre Assimil pour les explications grammaticales supplémentaires, ils le feraient toujours et je pense que beaucoup de gens le feraient. Assimil içeriğini kullanırlardı, sistemimizle çalışacaklardı ve eğer ilave gramer açıklamaları için Assimil kitabı almak isterlerse, o zaman hala yapacaklardı ve sanırım birçok insan bunu yapacak. I’m going to try to persuade Assimil that it’s in their interest to A: sell, you know, chapter by chapter, to offer their system across our system because right now they target primarily French speakers so this should open up a larger market and then many of those people may still buy the book from Assimil so that’s a meeting that I have planned in Paris. Voy a intentar persuadir a Assimil de que les interesa A: vender, ya sabes, capítulo a capítulo, ofrecer su sistema a través de nuestro sistema porque ahora mismo se dirigen principalmente a francófonos, así que esto debería abrir un mercado más amplio y luego muchas de esas personas podrían seguir comprando el libro a Assimil, así que esa es una reunión que tengo prevista en París. Je vais essayer de persuader Assimil que c'est dans leur intérêt de A : vendre, vous savez, chapitre par chapitre, pour proposer leur système à travers notre système car en ce moment ils ciblent principalement les francophones donc cela devrait ouvrir un marché plus large et alors beaucoup de ces gens peuvent encore acheter le livre d'Assimil donc c'est une rencontre que j'ai prévue à Paris. I have one more meeting in Paris, your good friend Marianne. J'ai encore une réunion à Paris, votre bonne amie Marianne.

Jill: Yes, long-time Linguist learner, now LingQ learner, in Melun, I believe, outside of Paris; 40 minutes maybe outside of Paris. ||||||||||梅倫|||||||||| ||||||||||near Paris|||||||||| ||||||||||メルン|||||||||| ||||||||||Melun|||||||||| Jill : Oui, apprenant Linguiste de longue date, maintenant apprenant LingQ, à Melun, je crois, en dehors de Paris ; 40 minutes peut-être en dehors de Paris. Yeah, she does a lot for us; does French translations and very keen member, LingQ member; very nice lady. Evet, bizim için çok şey yapıyor; Fransızca çevirileri ve çok keskin üyelerini LingQ üyesi yapar; çok hoş bayan. I’m jealous that you get to meet her. Estoy celosa de que puedas conocerla. Onunla tanışabildiğin için seni kıskanıyorum.

Steve: Well, you know, it’s like so many of our learners. Steve : Eh bien, vous savez, c'est comme beaucoup de nos apprenants. Steve: Bilirsiniz, pek çok öğrencimiz gibi. We speak to them on Skype, we get to know them and, I mean, I think you’ll agree one of the pleasures of being involved with LingQ is the people that we’ve gotten to know in different countries. Nous leur parlons sur Skype, nous apprenons à les connaître et, je veux dire, je pense que vous conviendrez que l'un des plaisirs d'être impliqué avec LingQ est les gens que nous avons appris à connaître dans différents pays. Onlarla Skype'ta konuşuruz, onları tanırız ve demek istediğim, LingQ ile birlikte olmanın zevklerinden birinin, farklı ülkelerde tanıdığımız insanlar olduğunu kabul edeceğinizi düşünüyorum. It must be something about the LingQ system that we only get nice people. Ce doit être quelque chose à propos du système LingQ que nous n'obtenons que des gens sympas.

Jill: Generally.

Steve: Generally.

Jill: Generally.

Steve: Well, no, but overwhelmingly; overwhelmingly. |||||predominantly Steve : Eh bien, non, mais massivement ; massivement. I’ve had many conversations with Marianne. She works at a school so I’m also going to visit her school and talk to some language teachers there and then I am just going to get to know Marianne a little bit and so that will be fun. Elle travaille dans une école, donc je vais aussi visiter son école et parler à des professeurs de langues là-bas, puis je vais juste faire un peu connaissance avec Marianne et ce sera amusant.

Jill: And then after Paris where are you planning on going?

Steve: From there we are going to join...I will hand my car in; I’ll just have the car for three days…and then I belong to a group of former Canadian diplomats, typically retired diplomats, ex-ambassadors or trade commissioners, who gather once a year to play golf. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ex-ambassadors|||trade representatives|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||元大使||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||comisionados comerciales|||||||| Steve: A partir de ahí vamos a unirnos... entregaré mi coche; sólo tendré el coche durante tres días... y luego pertenezco a un grupo de antiguos diplomáticos canadienses, normalmente diplomáticos retirados, ex embajadores o comisarios de comercio, que se reúnen una vez al año para jugar al golf. Steve : A partir de là, nous allons rejoindre... Je vais rendre ma voiture ; J'aurai juste la voiture pour trois jours… et puis j'appartiens à un groupe d'anciens diplomates canadiens, généralement des diplomates à la retraite, des ex-ambassadeurs ou des délégués commerciaux, qui se réunissent une fois par an pour jouer au golf. Стив: Оттуда мы собираемся присоединиться... я сдам свою машину, она останется у меня всего на три дня... а потом я войду в группу бывших канадских дипломатов, обычно отставных дипломатов, бывших послов или торговых комиссаров, которые собираются раз в год, чтобы поиграть в гольф. Steve: Oradan katılacağız ... Arabamı teslim edeceğim; Sadece üç günlüğüne arabayı alacağım… ve sonra yılda bir kez golf oynamak için toplanan eski bir Kanadalı diplomat grubuna, tipik olarak emekli diplomatlara, eski büyükelçilere veya ticaret komisyon üyelerine aitim. In the past we’ve always done it in Canada. Dans le passé, nous l'avons toujours fait au Canada. One year it’s in Eastern Canada and one year in Western Canada. So, for example, one year it was at Mont-Tremblant which is very nice; we played there in September. |||||||||特倫布朗||||||||| |||||||||Mont-Tremblant||||||||| ||||||||モント|モントランブラン||||||||| ||||||||Mont-Tremblant|Mont-Tremblant||||||||| We did it in Victoria, British Columbia which is also beautiful. This year we are doing it in Loire Valley. |||||||盧瓦爾河| |||||||Loire Valley| |||||||ロワール| |||||||Valle del Loira| This year we are making an exception. Bu yıl bir istisna yapıyoruz. We are actually bringing “da wives”. ||||les| En realidad estamos trayendo "da esposas". Nous amenons en fait des "épouses de da". Aslında “eşler” getiriyoruz. Ми фактично приносимо «таких дружин». Normally, we exclude the wives because this is sort of your male bonding thing, okay. ||||||||||votre|||| ||leave out||||||||||forming connections|| Normalmente, excluimos a las esposas porque esto es una especie de unión masculina, vale. Normalement, nous excluons les épouses parce que c'est en quelque sorte votre truc de liaison masculine, d'accord. 通常、私たちは妻を除外しています。これは、あなたの男同士の結びつきのものなので、大丈夫です。 Normalde, eşleri dışlıyoruz çünkü bu senin erkek bağ işin, tamam. We sit around and we tell rude jokes. Oturur ve kaba şakalar söyleriz. But this time we figured the wives probably would not sit back and accept the idea that the men were going off to France to play golf and eat nice meals and do all of that kind of thing and drink good wine and that the women would have to stay home. ||||||妻たち||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pero esta vez pensamos que las esposas probablemente no aceptarían la idea de que los hombres se fueran a Francia a jugar al golf y a comer bien y a hacer todo ese tipo de cosas y a beber buen vino y que las mujeres tuvieran que quedarse en casa. Mais cette fois, nous avons pensé que les femmes n'accepteraient probablement pas l'idée que les hommes partent en France pour jouer au golf et manger de bons repas et faire tout ce genre de choses et boire du bon vin et que les femmes devraient rester à la maison. しかし今回は、妻たちが座って、ゴルフをして素敵な食事をしたり、そのようなことをしたり、良いワインを飲んだりするために、フランスに行くという考えを受け入れるのではないかと考えました。家にいる。

We’re meeting up in this pub that’s called the Great Canadian Pub in Paris. Hemos quedado en un pub llamado el Gran Pub Canadiense de París. On se retrouve dans ce pub qui s'appelle le Great Canadian Pub à Paris. We are meeting there at 3 o’clock on the 19th in the afternoon – no, the 18th, actually. We are all getting in a bus and we’re driving down to wherever the first hotel is. Nous montons tous dans un bus et nous conduisons jusqu'au premier hôtel. Hepimiz otobüse biniyoruz ve ilk otelin olduğu yere gidiyoruz. I tell you, someone else has made all the arrangements and I haven’t even looked at it. Ya te digo, otra persona ha hecho todos los preparativos y yo ni siquiera lo he mirado. Je vous le dis, quelqu'un d'autre a fait tous les arrangements et je n'ai même pas regardé. Size söylüyorum, tüm düzenlemeleri başkası yaptı ve ben de bakmadım. There are meals; there are this…all kinds of things included in it. I’ve just paid and we are going to show up and just go with the flow. Acabo de pagar y vamos a presentarnos y dejarnos llevar. Je viens de payer et nous allons nous montrer et suivre le courant. 私はちょうど支払ったと私たちは表示され、ちょうど流れに行くつもりです。 Daha yeni ödeme yaptım ve ortaya çıkıp sadece akışa geçeceğiz.

Jill: Oh, that will be so great. I know Carmen, your wife, is a very avid golfer. あなたの妻であるカルメンはとても熱心なゴルファーです。 Carmen'in karınız çok hevesli bir golfçü olduğunu biliyorum. I think she enjoys golfing more than you do, actually, so she’s probably very excited.

Steve: Oh yeah, she’s very excited. Some of the ladies coming are also keen golfers; some of whom she knows and some she doesn’t know. Certaines des dames qui viennent sont également des golfeuses passionnées; dont certains qu'elle connaît et d'autres qu'elle ne connaît pas. So, she’s going to have a great time and we’re going to eat and so forth and so we’ll spend a week playing golf, visiting Chateau, eating. |||||||||||||||||||||||||シャトー| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Chateau| We are going to visit the City of Toole which is a very, you know, lovely old town. ||||||||圖爾||||||||| ||||||||No translation needed.||||||||| ||||||||トゥール||||||||| ||||||||Toole||||||||| Nous allons visiter la ville de Toole qui est une vieille ville très, vous savez, charmante. Then after that we are going to drive down to a place called Pau which is in the Basque Country in France and there we’ve rented a villa. |||||||||||||保|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Pau, France||||||||||||leased|| |||||||||||||ポー||||||||||||||別荘 |||||||||||||Pau|||||País Vasco|||||||||villa Ensuite, nous allons nous rendre en voiture à un endroit appelé Pau qui se trouve au Pays basque en France et là, nous avons loué une villa. It’s a house of some kind; not very big. C'est une maison quelconque; pas très grand. It’s 500 Euro per week which is quite reasonable. |歐元|||||| I think it has two small bedrooms. Je pense qu'il y a deux petites chambres. It’s not a very big place. We’re going to stay there for two weeks. My older son and his wife and two children are going to come out and visit from London because they live in London, England. Mon fils aîné, sa femme et ses deux enfants vont venir nous rendre visite depuis Londres parce qu'ils vivent à Londres, en Angleterre. They are going to spend maybe three or four days with us and then we’re just going to visit around. Pau is near the Spanish border so we can visit around in France. Pau está cerca de la frontera española, así que podemos visitar los alrededores en Francia. Pau est près de la frontière espagnole, nous pouvons donc visiter la France. We can go to the ocean at Biarritz, St. |||||||比亞里茨| |||||||Biarritz| |||||||ビアリッツ| Biarritz'deki St. Okyanusa gidebiliriz. Jean De-Luz, which are very famous ocean resorts. ||Light|||||| ||ルズ|||||| We can also drive into Spain. Pamplona where they run the bulls is not very far away so we’re just going to explore. 潘普洛納|||||公牛||||||||||| |où||||||||||||||| Pamplona|||||||||||||||| Pamplona, donde se corren los toros, no está muy lejos, así que vamos a explorarla. 彼らが雄牛を食べるパンプローナは、あまり遠くないので、私たちはただ探検するつもりです。 Boğaları yönettikleri Pamplona çok uzakta değil, o yüzden sadece araştırmaya gidiyoruz.

Jill: Wow, that sounds so great. Are you not then going to London this trip? O zaman bu geziye Londra'ya gitmeyecek misin?

Steve: No. We much prefer that they come to visit with us. Preferimos que vengan a visitarnos. Nous préférons de loin qu'ils viennent nous rendre visite. I mean London is a spectacular city and there is so much to do but it’s a bit stressful. 私は、ロンドンは壮大な街だし、やるべきことがたくさんあることを意味しますが、少しストレスです。 Yani Londra muhteşem bir şehir ve yapacak çok şey var ama biraz stresli. Flying into Heathrow they’ve got four or five terminals. ||希思羅||||||航站樓 ||ヒースロー||||||ターミナル Volando a Heathrow tienen cuatro o cinco terminales. Volant vers Heathrow, ils ont quatre ou cinq terminaux. Heathrow'a uçarken dört veya beş terminale sahipler. I never know where I’m coming in and where I’m leaving. Nunca sé por dónde entro y por dónde salgo. Je ne sais jamais où j'arrive et où je pars. You are forever lined up in security and then it takes forever to get in and it takes forever to get out so London is stressful to me. Te pasas la vida haciendo cola en seguridad y luego tardas una eternidad en entrar y otra en salir, así que Londres me resulta estresante. Vous êtes toujours aligné en sécurité et il faut une éternité pour entrer et il faut une éternité pour sortir, donc Londres est stressante pour moi. あなたは永遠に安全保障に並んでいます。そして、それは永遠に入ってきます。そして、ロンドンが私にストレスを与えるように、それは永遠に出て行きます。 Sonsuza kadar güvenlik içinde sıralandınız ve sonra içeri girmek sonsuza dek sürüyor ve dışarı çıkmak sonsuza dek sürüyor, bu yüzden Londra benim için stresli. I mean, you know, they live in a house which by London standards is in a nice area but, I mean, it’s extremely cramped. |||||||||||||||||||||||very small |||||||||||||||||||||||estrechada Viven en una casa que, para los estándares londinenses, está en una buena zona, pero es muy estrecha. Je veux dire, vous savez, ils vivent dans une maison qui, selon les standards de Londres, est dans un quartier agréable mais, je veux dire, c'est extrêmement exigu. If my wife and I go there we’re really on top of my son and his wife and their kids and it’s just…we’re used to having a little more space. Si mi mujer y yo vamos allí estamos realmente encima de mi hijo y su mujer y sus hijos y es que... estamos acostumbrados a tener un poco más de espacio. Si ma femme et moi allons là-bas, nous sommes vraiment au-dessus de mon fils, de sa femme et de leurs enfants et c'est juste… nous sommes habitués à avoir un peu plus d'espace. 私の妻と私がそこに行くと、私たちは本当に私の息子、彼の妻と子供の上にあります。それはちょうど...私たちはもう少しのスペースを持つことに慣れています。 Eğer karım ve ben oraya gidersek, gerçekten oğlumun, karısının ve çocuklarının tepesindeyiz ve bu sadece… biraz daha fazla alana sahip olmaya alışkınız. Which, I mean, we love going there but it’s more fun, I think, if they come to Pau and then with the little kids and we can visit around and see things and enjoy, you know, a different experience.

Steve: That’s right, so we’re not going to go to London this time.

Jill: So, you’re gone for five weeks, I think, and you’re spending the whole five weeks in France and maybe a little bit in Spain? Jill: Así que, te vas por cinco semanas, creo, y vas a pasar las cinco semanas en Francia y tal vez un poco en España? Jill : Donc, tu es partie pendant cinq semaines, je pense, et tu passes les cinq semaines entières en France et peut-être un peu en Espagne ? Jill: Yani, beş haftalığına gittin, sanırım, ve bütün beş haftayı Fransa'da ve belki biraz da İspanya'da mı geçiriyorsun?

Steve: Exactly. We do have some other days free in there and so I might travel…when we finish our golfing I might go to Avignon, Aix, and work my way that way to Pau because when I was a university student in France I used to hitchhike around that area and so I like that area. |||||||||||||||||||||||阿維農|艾克斯|||||||||||||||||||||搭便車||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||No translation needed.|Aix-en-Provence|||||||||||||||||||||thumb a ride||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||アヴィニョン|エクス|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||Avignon|Aix|||||||||||||||||||||hacer autostop||||||||| Tenemos otros días libres, así que puede que viaje... cuando terminemos de jugar al golf, puede que vaya a Aviñón, Aix y siga hasta Pau, porque cuando era estudiante universitario en Francia solía hacer autostop por esa zona y me gusta. Nous avons d'autres jours libres là-bas et donc je pourrais voyager… quand nous aurons fini de jouer au golf, je pourrais aller à Avignon, Aix, et travailler jusqu'à Pau parce que quand j'étais étudiant à l'université en France, j'avais l'habitude de faire de l'auto-stop. cette région et donc j'aime cette région. Orada boş günlerimiz de var ve bu yüzden seyahat edebilirim... golf oynamayı bitirdiğimizde Avignon, Aix ve Pau'ya gidebilirim çünkü Fransa'da üniversite öğrencisiyken o bölgede otostop çekerdim ve bu yüzden o bölgeyi seviyorum. I’m also going to maybe try and contact…there’s a very big sort of hospitality industry-school, hotel-restaurant-school, at Aix. ||||||||||||||hospitality||||||| ||||||||||||||ホスピタリティ||||||| Je vais peut-être aussi essayer de contacter… il y a une sorte d'école-hôtellerie, d'hôtellerie-restauration à Aix. I know someone who goes there and, of course, language instruction is a big issue for people in the hospitality industry; the hotel industry and the restaurant industry. Je connais quelqu'un qui y va et, bien sûr, l'enseignement des langues est un gros problème pour les gens de l'industrie hôtelière; l'hôtellerie et la restauration. Oraya giden birini tanıyorum ve elbette, dil eğitimi ağırlama endüstrisindeki insanlar için büyük bir sorun; otel endüstrisi ve restoran endüstrisi. I might just go there and see if we can interest them in LingQ because, again, I think it’s an excellent way for people to learn languages. I’m going to try to mix a little bit of business but mostly pleasure, absolutely. Biraz iş karıştırmaya çalışacağım ama çoğunlukla zevk, kesinlikle.

Jill: Fabulous! Jill: Muhteşem! We look forward to hearing all about it when you come back. あなたが戻ってきたら、それについてすべてのことを聞くことを楽しみにしています。

Steve: Alright, I will. Стив: Хорошо, я так и сделаю. I am going to try to maintain my blog when I’m over there. Oradayken blogumu korumayı deneyeceğim. Yeah, it should be fun. I might even take this little microphone along and interview some people in French and maybe put that up as French content in LingQ.

So, you know, we always say this, I know we have a lot of people who listen to our podcast, the EnglishLingQ podcast, we never get any feedback. Así que, ya sabes, siempre decimos esto, sé que tenemos un montón de gente que escucha nuestro podcast, el podcast EnglishLingQ, nunca recibimos comentarios. Donc, vous savez, nous disons toujours cela, je sais que nous avons beaucoup de gens qui écoutent notre podcast, le podcast EnglishLingQ, nous n'avons jamais de retour. So, you know, LingQ.com, we can come there; thelinguist.com. Yani, biliyorsunuz, LingQ.com, oraya gelebiliriz; thelinguist.com. I have my blog thelinguist.blogs.com. We would be very happy to hear how you enjoy these; what kinds of discussions you prefer; free-flowing discussions like this or, you know, slower ones for beginners. Nous serions très heureux d'entendre comment vous les appréciez; quels types de discussions préférez-vous ; des discussions fluides comme celle-ci ou, vous savez, des discussions plus lentes pour les débutants. Tell us what you would like to have. Bize ne istediğini söyle. Isn’t that right, Jill?

Jill: Exactly right.

Steve: Okay, thanks for now.

Jill: Bye, bye.