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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Sixty: Discussing LingQ at Normal Speed

Sixty: Discussing LingQ at Normal Speed

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, Steve.

Steve: You know, I thought we would try an experiment today.

We're going to speak for about ten minutes. We are going to talk about something of interest. We can talk about the LingQ and the things that we are going through now and we'll speak at normal speed just as if, you know, we're talking. We're not making any special allowances for the fact that some of the people listening are not native speakers. When we finish this we are going to have another discussion where we are going to make a special effort to speak very, very slowly and we're going to try to talk about the same subjects. This is an experiment. It may not work. If it doesn't work the second discussion will never show up anywhere. Are you agreed?

Jill: Agreed.

Steve: Alright. So, let's talk a little bit about LingQ. Now, I am by nature very impatient. Are you a patient person?

Jill: Well, it depends. It depends on the circumstances. Certain things I'm patient for and other things not.

Steve: Alright. I am, of course, impatient by nature and it's taking forever to get LingQ up and running but we are close. There are a number of issues. The whole project is so complex. First of all, we have the complexity of the structure of the system and the software and what's difficult is to try and make complexity simple because if this complexity in our system becomes complexity that our learners have to deal with we're just going to discourage them. We have to make it simple and easy and fun so that's the first challenge. I think the general reaction we get is that LingQ is simpler, more pleasant than The Linguist and I think you've been using it as well.

Jill: Yeah and I agree. I think that the people who are Linguist members seem to have more problems with LingQ because they are used to how everything was on The Linguist and some of them seem to be having a hard time figuring out how to use LingQ but the people who were never Linguist members I find don't really have any problems using LingQ. So, I think Linguist members just sort of need to put it out of their head how things worked on The Linguist.

Steve: You know, that almost reminds me of The Linguist manifesto where we tell our learners to forget everything they learned in school, forget all the rules, the tests or the times they made mistakes and approach the language with a new attitude. And it is true, people get used to things, any routine. You know what it's like. If you use a certain software program and I come along and say here Jill, this is better. Why don't you use this? What's your reaction going to be?

Jill: Usually, well, why? Why? Why do I need to? Why do I have to change? I don't want to change.

Steve: Right. But I still think even amongst The Linguist members the majority have said they prefer the increased functionality and the greater simplicity of LingQ. So, one element of complexity is the system itself and getting all of our functions. Even now the functions that we have up represent maybe 60 percent of what we want to put up there and yet we don't want to increase the complexity we just want to make it better. So, there's a lot of work for our programmer and there's just so much stuff for him to do so that's one level of complexity.

The second level is that a big part of what Mark has designed in the system is to increase the opportunity for interaction between people in order to take advantage of the Internet. So, this is where we don't have our Forum up so people can't talk to each other. Learners can't talk to learners, can't talk to teachers, they can't ask questions, they can't ask people for, you know…we can't have a discussion on what would you like to see in LingQ and so forth so the Forum not being up is a problem. You go to the old Linguist Forum or you used to go there quite often, right? What kinds of questions did people normally ask? Were they language related or system related?

Jill: Most often they were language related. They were related to content items; words and phrases they didn't understand. Some people would go…we had an area I think for content, sharing content because members couldn't upload their own…well, they could. They could import content into their own account. They couldn't share it with other people in The Linguist so there were a few people that would go in and copy and paste whole articles into our Forum so if other people were interested they could go and copy and paste and import it into their account. And then there were some system questions, you know, questions about The Linguist but the majority were actually about words and phrases.

Steve: So, I think you've touched on one thing there. The fact that it is now A: easier to import and two: that you have an ability to share anything that you import and I think three: the fact that we will now have people in different languages so therefore it's easier for people to share stuff from their own native language with other people so that's going to be exciting. The other thing that Mark has built in now is that we have thelinguist.com website which is going to be this ever-growing repository of content with audio files and text so anyone learning Spanish, Chinese, French, English, you name it, can go there and find an increasing supply of good content with audio and text and that is difficult to find today on the Internet. You can find audio and you can find blogs or, you know, newspaper sites or whatever but to go to one place where you can find an increasing number of languages, content that has both audio and text, I think is going to be very useful and it's going to be free for everybody.

Jill: Right.

Steve: But that site isn't working properly yet so there's another level of complexity. It will be interesting to see, you know, with the Forum what we want to do is if you identify a blog in Spanish let's say, say a podcast that you are listening to and you say gee, I really like this, could someone please transcribe it for me? Because you understand maybe 30-40 percent of it if someone would transcribe it for you then you are going to be able to learn from it. So then someone may volunteer to transcribe it which they can charge for so they can earn points for doing that and you won't be the only person downloading it so there will be a whole interactive thing there that happens. In your discussion with our learners because you talk to them everyday, what is their level of understanding or awareness of this whole thing that we're trying to create?

Jill: What do you mean exactly?

Steve: Do they understand that we're going to have this opportunity to share content? That one person can say I found a blog, would someone record it in German please? I found a podcast, can someone transcribe it please? Does anyone out there have easy content in French on cooking? -- That there'll be this whole level of interaction?

Jill: Yeah, I don't think that most people know that's happening. We don't really talk about it anywhere on the site so I have not had anybody specifically ask me about that. I've mentioned things to certain people who have maybe written saying you know, I found this site, there is only text, can you please record the audio? I write back and say well, we're not going to record it but in the future, hopefully in your future, people will be able to record it for you and maybe some people will do it for nothing and probably most people will want to earn points for doing it. Transcribing and recording could take a while, especially transcribing, so most people will probably want to earn points for it. So, there are a few people who know because I've told them but I don't think most people know.

Steve: And, you know, we may have some people who are not at all language learners but they're typists. I mean they are stenographers and so here's an opportunity that if there's an item, let's say a very popular podcast, and they can come and pick and choose and they say this looks like a really popular podcast -- one of the leading say French or Japanese podcasts -- I'm a stenographer if I transcribe it and put it up there every time someone downloads that I'm going to make whatever it is – 50 cents. So, if that is downloaded 100 times all of a sudden it's worthwhile transcribing that content so that's going to be interesting to see how all of that functions.

Another thing that I think will be interesting is, you know, like I've been listening to The Linguist manifesto in Russian; a male voice, a female voice; one fast, one slow. I think it will be interesting for people to come along and say look, I'm listening to this, it's a male voice, I'd like to hear it in a female voice or I'd like to hear it slow and so we could have some of the same content read by different people and they can put it up and as long as people want to download it then…or they may say, you know, I live in Australia. This is all in a North American accent. I want to hear it in an Australian accent or I want it in a Quebecois accent or I want it in an Osaka accent and so I think this is all going to be fun as we go forward and that's where the impatience comes in because we have so many things that we think are going to be fun and it just seems to take forever to get it up there. That's kind of where we are suffering. We are hoping that early in September we will be in a position to, you know, have our payment system…which raises another question. We put up on the LingQ Central blog a description of our new payment system, what kinds of questions have you been getting about it?

Jill: A lot of people still seem to be confused, again, I think former Linguist members who were used to paying a certain amount per month and then they were given X number of discussions, speaking events and words of writing. So, a lot of people don't seem to understand that's not how it is going to work. I've had emails from some people more than one time even after I've explained to them that no, you're not given a certain number anymore you are given points so whatever you pay is equivalent to a certain amount of points, number of points and speaking events are 500 points and words of writing is 3.33 points per word. That's just how it worked out. And so you have a certain amount of points and you use them however you like and once they are gone you either can purchase more or once your month, your new period starts and you are charged again, you are given those number of points again, that number of points again. So, it's a little bit difficult I think for people who were used to the old way to get used to it. But other than that I think some people have wondered what happens if they have a whole bunch of points in their account and they don't have time to use them or they haven't used them and they continue to accumulate. Basically, I mean you have your points for as long as you want so if you don't want to use them all, if you have to go away for three months or you are tired of learning English or whatever language, you can come back into your account -- it is not going to be closed -- and use those points. If you don't want to continue accumulating points then you just need to downgrade yourself to the free membership level or the $10.00 membership level where you're not accumulating points anymore.

Steve: Right. The thing too is it's a new concept. I mean we are dealing with – call it a virtual school whereas normally if you signed up for a class if you don't show up it's gone.

Jill: That's right.

Steve: So, you can't carry that hour. You know, you signed up to be there Tuesday at 11 o'clock and you decided for whatever reason that you're going to go away for two weeks, all those classes you've signed up for they're gone. Whereas in our system you can actually carry that class forward or you can…this month you're going to spend more time in writing class, the next month you are going to spend more time in speaking and you can also go from Spanish to French to Chinese to English so there's a lot of flexibility and I think people once they get used to it they will see that there is more flexibility. It's possible that someone in the old system who every single month absolutely used all of their speaking and writing that that person may feel, especially if they are at that $39.00 level, that they were better off in the old system. However, when you consider that they can look at different languages, that they can carry it forward if they go off for one month even, they can save their points. If they have accumulated too many points they can drop down. I mean there's just so much flexibility that I really think that it's just a matter of understanding it and getting used to it. And what you mentioned initially and that is that people don't like to change.

Jill: Right.

Steve: So, yeah.

Jill: And I think too once…next week, hopefully, when the payment system and the membership levels are all in place…I think once people can actually see it it will be more real to them; they'll understand it. It's still sort of hypothetical for them right now. We are just explaining it in an email; English isn't their first language. Although, we did translate one of the emails but I think people often need to see something before they can truly understand it.

Steve: Yeah and I think people try to imagine cases that in fact may not materialize and a lot of people don't realize that a majority of our learners, the vast majority of our learners, in the old system did not maximize month after month so they would, in fact, go a month without using it or if they didn't write or they didn't read then…it just wasn't a fair system. But, I mean, yeah, the main thing is we want to get up, get started and the main thing too is that we want to have fun. We think the new system can be more fun because of all the interaction between people, different languages and so forth, which gets me back to my first point about my great impatience and I think maybe you're equally impatient here. So, hopefully, the next time we have this discussion things will already be up there and people will be using it.

But I think one of the really gratifying things is that we are starting to get more and more people to give us content. We heard from Brazil. We hadn't had many learners from Brazil. We got some Portuguese from people in Brazil which is excellent. We got some things in Spanish and some French, Japanese and so forth, so. I think even with the limited amount that we've actually -- because we really haven't been promoting the site – we've had some pretty positive response.

Okay, thank you very much Jill.

Jill: Thank you.

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Sixty: Discussing LingQ at Normal Speed شصت||||| Sechzig: LingQ in normaler Geschwindigkeit besprechen Sixty: Discussing LingQ at Normal Speed Sesenta: Discutiendo LingQ a velocidad normal Soixante : Discuter de LingQ à vitesse normale Sessanta: Discutere di LingQ a velocità normale 60歳通常のスピードでLingQを語る Sixty: 정상 속도에서 링큐 논의하기 Sixty: Omawianie LingQ w normalnym tempie Sessenta: Discutindo LingQ em velocidade normal Шестьдесят: Обсуждение LingQ на нормальной скорости Sextio: Diskutera LingQ i normal hastighet Altmış: LingQ'yu Normal Hızda Tartışmak Шістдесят: Обговорення LingQ на нормальній швидкості 六十:常速讨论LingQ 六十:常速討論LingQ

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, Steve. ジル:こんにちは、スティーブ。

Steve: You know, I thought we would try an experiment today. ||||فکر کردم|||||یک آزمایش|

We’re going to speak for about ten minutes. We are going to talk about something of interest. |||verbo auxiliar||||| 興味のあるものについて話し合うつもりです。 We can talk about the LingQ and the things that we are going through now and we’ll speak at normal speed just as if, you know, we’re talking. LingQと私たちが今行っていることについて話すことができ、私たちは話しているかのように普通のスピードで話します。 We’re not making any special allowances for the fact that some of the people listening are not native speakers. |||||special considerations||||||||||||| |||||considerações especiais||||||||||||| |||||consideraciones especiales||||||||||||| No tenemos en cuenta el hecho de que algunos de los oyentes no sean hablantes nativos. 私たちは、聞いている人の中にはネイティブスピーカーではないという事実に対して特別な手当てをしているわけではありません。 Dinleyen kişilerin bir kısmının anadili olmadığı için herhangi bir özel harç kullanmıyoruz. When we finish this we are going to have another discussion where we are going to make a special effort to speak very, very slowly and we’re going to try to talk about the same subjects. ||||||||||بحث||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bunu bitirdiğimizde, çok, çok yavaşça konuşmak için özel bir çaba göstereceğimiz ve aynı konular hakkında konuşmaya çalışacağımız başka bir tartışma yapacağız. This is an experiment. |||آزمایش これは実験です。 It may not work. İşe yaramayabilir. If it doesn’t work the second discussion will never show up anywhere. |||||||||||at all Si no funciona, la segunda discusión no aparecerá en ningún sitio. それがうまくいかなければ、2番目の議論は決してどこにも現れません。 İşe yaramazsa, ikinci tartışma hiçbir yerde görünmeyecek. Are you agreed? Bist du einverstanden?

Jill: Agreed. |I concur Джилл|Згодна Jill: De acuerdo.

Steve: Alright. So, let’s talk a little bit about LingQ. Now, I am by nature very impatient. ||||||بی‌صبر ||||||ungeduldig ||||||eager for results 今、私は本当に非常にせっかちです。 Şimdi, doğası gereği çok sabırsızım. Are you a patient person? Bist du eine geduldige Person?

Jill: Well, it depends. |||duruma bağlı It depends on the circumstances. ||||شرایط ||||Umstände ||||durumlara Das hängt von den Umständen ab. Duruma göre değişir. Certain things I’m patient for and other things not. |||sabırlıyım||||| Sabırlı olduğum bazı şeyler var, başka şeyler yok.

Steve: Alright. I am, of course, impatient by nature and it’s taking forever to get LingQ up and running but we are close. ||||sabırsız|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||funcionando|||| Ich bin natürlich von Natur aus ungeduldig und es dauert ewig, bis LingQ zum Laufen kommt, aber wir stehen uns nahe. 私は当然のことながら、自然のせいではなく、LingQを稼働させるために永遠に取っていますが、私たちは近くにいます。 Elbette, doğası gereği sabırsızım ve LingQ'yu çalıştırmak ve çalıştırmak sonsuza kadar sürüyor, ancak yakınız. There are a number of issues. Çok sayıda sorun var. The whole project is so complex. Das ganze Projekt ist so komplex. Bütün proje çok karmaşık. First of all, we have the complexity of the structure of the system and the software and what’s difficult is to try and make complexity simple because if this complexity in our system becomes complexity that our learners have to deal with we’re just going to discourage them. ||||||پیچیدگی||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||karmaşıklık (4)||||||||||||| Erstens haben wir die Komplexität der Struktur des Systems und der Software, und es ist schwierig zu versuchen, die Komplexität zu vereinfachen, denn wenn diese Komplexität in unserem System zu einer Komplexität wird, mit der sich unsere Lernenden auseinandersetzen müssen, werden wir nur entmutigen Sie. Her şeyden önce, sistemin yapısının ve yazılımın karmaşıklığına sahibiz ve zor olan şey karmaşıklığı denemek ve basitleştirmek çünkü sistemimizdeki bu karmaşıklık öğrenenlerimizle başa çıkmak zorunda olduğumuz karmaşıklık olursa, biz sadece vazgeçireceğiz onlar. We have to make it simple and easy and fun so that’s the first challenge. Bunu basit, kolay ve eğlenceli hale getirmek zorundayız, bu yüzden ilk zorluk bu. I think the general reaction we get is that LingQ is simpler, more pleasant than The Linguist and I think you’ve been using it as well. Ich denke, die allgemeine Reaktion ist, dass LingQ einfacher und angenehmer ist als The Linguist, und ich denke, Sie haben es auch verwendet. Sanırım aldığımız genel tepki, LingQ'nun Dilbilimciden daha basit, daha keyifli olduğu ve bence de kullandığınızı düşünüyorum.

Jill: Yeah and I agree. I think that the people who are Linguist members seem to have more problems with LingQ because they are used to how everything was on The Linguist and some of them seem to be having a hard time figuring out how to use LingQ but the people who were never Linguist members I find don’t really have any problems using LingQ. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||The Linguist|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich denke, dass die Leute, die Linguisten sind, mehr Probleme mit LingQ zu haben scheinen, weil sie daran gewöhnt sind, wie alles auf The Linguist war, und einige von ihnen scheinen es schwer zu haben, herauszufinden, wie man LingQ benutzt, aber die Leute, die es nie waren Ich finde, dass Linguisten keine wirklichen Probleme mit LingQ haben. 私は、言語学者のメンバーは、LingQにどんなものがあるのか​​に慣れていて、LingQを使う方法を考え出すのに苦労しているようだが、決して私が見つけた言語学者のメンバーは、LingQを使っても問題はありません。 Bence Dilbilimci olan insanlar LingQ ile daha fazla problemi varmış gibi görünüyor çünkü bence herşeyin Dilbilimcide nasıl kullanıldıkları ve bazıları LingQ’nun nasıl kullanılacağını bulmakta zorlanıyorlar ama Bulduğum dilbilimci üyelerin LingQ kullanmasında gerçekten bir sorun yok. So, I think Linguist members just sort of need to put it out of their head how things worked on The Linguist. Ich denke also, dass Linguisten-Mitglieder es einfach aus dem Kopf bekommen müssen, wie die Dinge bei The Linguist funktionierten. Así que creo que los miembros de Linguist tienen que quitarse de la cabeza cómo funcionaban las cosas en The Linguist. だから、私は、言語学者が、言語学者がどのように働いていたかを頭から切り離す必要があると思います。 Bu yüzden, Dilbilimci üyelerin, Dilbilimci üzerinde işlerin nasıl yürüdüğünü kafasından çıkarmaları gerektiğini düşünüyorum.

Steve: You know, that almost reminds me of The Linguist manifesto where we tell our learners to forget everything they learned in school, forget all the rules, the tests or the times they made mistakes and approach the language with a new attitude. ||||||||||mission statement||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mindset Steve: Weißt du, das erinnert mich fast an das Manifest des Linguisten, in dem wir unseren Lernenden sagen, sie sollen alles vergessen, was sie in der Schule gelernt haben, alle Regeln, Tests oder die Zeiten, in denen sie Fehler gemacht haben, vergessen und mit einer neuen Einstellung an die Sprache herangehen. Steve: Biliyorsun, bu bana öğrencilere okulda öğrendikleri her şeyi unutmalarını, tüm kuralları, testleri veya hata yaptıklarını unutmalarını ve dile yeni bir tutumla yaklaşmalarını söylediğimiz Dilbilimci manifestosu hatırlatıyor. And it is true, people get used to things, any routine. Ve doğrudur, insanlar her şeye alışır, her rutine. You know what it’s like. Nasıl olduğunu biliyorsun. If you use a certain software program and I come along and say here Jill, this is better. Si utilizas un determinado programa de software y yo vengo y digo aquí Jill, esto es mejor. Belli bir yazılım kullanıyorsanız, buraya gelip derim ki Jill, bu daha iyi. Why don’t you use this? What’s your reaction going to be? Tepkiniz ne olacak?

Jill: Usually, well, why? Why? Why do I need to? Neden ihtiyacım var Why do I have to change? I don’t want to change.

Steve: Right. But I still think even amongst The Linguist members the majority have said they prefer the increased functionality and the greater simplicity of LingQ. |||||||||||||||||features||||ease of use|| |||||entre os|||||||||||||||||| Aber ich denke immer noch, dass selbst unter den Linguist-Mitgliedern die Mehrheit gesagt hat, dass sie die erhöhte Funktionalität und die größere Einfachheit von LingQ bevorzugen. しかし、私はまだLinguistのメンバーの間でも、LingQの機能性が向上し、シンプルさが増強されることを大多数が指摘しています。 So, one element of complexity is the system itself and getting all of our functions. ||||||||||||||operations Ein Element der Komplexität ist also das System selbst und das Erhalten aller unserer Funktionen. Dolayısıyla, karmaşıklığın bir unsuru sistemin kendisidir ve tüm fonksiyonlarımızı elde ediyoruz. Even now the functions that we have up represent maybe 60 percent of what we want to put up there and yet we don’t want to increase the complexity we just want to make it better. ||||||||display|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Selbst jetzt machen die Funktionen, die wir haben, vielleicht 60 Prozent von dem aus, was wir dort aufstellen wollen, und dennoch wollen wir die Komplexität nicht erhöhen, sondern nur verbessern. So, there’s a lot of work for our programmer and there’s just so much stuff for him to do so that’s one level of complexity. ||||||||||||||tasks|||||||||| Es gibt also viel Arbeit für unseren Programmierer und es gibt einfach so viel zu tun, das ist eine Ebene der Komplexität. ですから、私たちのプログラマーにとっては多くの作業があり、そうするためには非常に多くのことがあります。それは、あるレベルの複雑さです。

The second level is that a big part of what Mark has designed in the system is to increase the opportunity for interaction between people in order to take advantage of the Internet. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||benefit from||| Die zweite Ebene ist, dass ein großer Teil dessen, was Mark im System entworfen hat, darin besteht, die Möglichkeit der Interaktion zwischen Menschen zu erhöhen, um das Internet zu nutzen. So, this is where we don’t have our Forum up so people can’t talk to each other. Hier haben wir also kein Forum, sodass die Leute nicht miteinander reden können. だから、私たちがフォーラムを立ち上げていないので、人々はお互いに話すことができません。 Learners can’t talk to learners, can’t talk to teachers, they can’t ask questions, they can’t ask people for, you know…we can’t have a discussion on what would you like to see in LingQ and so forth so the Forum not being up is a problem. Lernende können nicht mit Lernenden sprechen, können nicht mit Lehrern sprechen, sie können keine Fragen stellen, sie können keine Leute fragen, wissen Sie ... wir können keine Diskussion darüber führen, was Sie in LingQ und sehen möchten so weiter, damit das Forum nicht aktiv ist, ist ein Problem. Los alumnos no pueden hablar con los alumnos, no pueden hablar con los profesores, no pueden hacer preguntas, no pueden pedir a la gente, ya sabes... no podemos debatir sobre lo que te gustaría ver en LingQ y demás, así que el hecho de que el Foro no esté activo es un problema. 学習者は学習者と話すことができず、教師と話すことができず、質問することもできず、人々に質問することもできません.LingQで何を見たいのか議論することはできません。それでフォーラムが起きていないことは問題です。 Öğrenciler, öğrencilerle konuşamazlar, öğretmenlerle konuşamazlar, sorular soramazlar, insanlara soramazlar, bilirsiniz… LingQ'da ne görmek istediğinizi tartışamayız bu yüzden Forum böyle olmamak bir problemdir. You go to the old Linguist Forum or you used to go there quite often, right? Du gehst zum alten Linguist Forum oder warst ziemlich oft dort, oder? あなたは古い言語学者のフォーラムに行くか、かなり頻繁に行っていました。 What kinds of questions did people normally ask? Welche Art von Fragen stellten die Leute normalerweise? Were they language related or system related? ¿Estaban relacionados con la lengua o con el sistema? 言語に関連するのか、システムに関連したのか?

Jill: Most often they were language related. Jill: La mayoría de las veces estaban relacionadas con el idioma. ジル:ほとんどの場合、言語に関連していました。 They were related to content items; words and phrases they didn’t understand. Ils||||||||||| Some people would go…we had an area I think for content, sharing content because members couldn’t upload their own…well, they could. Algunas personas iban... teníamos un área, creo, para contenidos, para compartir contenidos porque los miembros no podían subir los suyos propios... bueno, sí podían. They could import content into their own account. They couldn’t share it with other people in The Linguist so there were a few people that would go in and copy and paste whole articles into our Forum so if other people were interested they could go and copy and paste and import it into their account. Sie konnten es nicht mit anderen Personen in The Linguist teilen, daher gab es einige Personen, die ganze Artikel in unser Forum kopierten und einfügten. Wenn andere Personen interessiert waren, konnten sie sie kopieren und einfügen und in ihr Konto importieren . And then there were some system questions, you know, questions about The Linguist but the majority were actually about words and phrases.

Steve: So, I think you’ve touched on one thing there. ||||you have||||| Steve: Entonces, creo que has tocado una cosa ahí. Steve: Bence orada bir şeye dokundun. The fact that it is now A: easier to import and two: that you have an ability to share anything that you import and I think three: the fact that we will now have people in different languages so therefore it’s easier for people to share stuff from their own native language with other people so that’s going to be exciting. Die Tatsache, dass es jetzt A: einfacher zu importieren ist und zwei: dass Sie alles teilen können, was Sie importieren, und ich denke drei: die Tatsache, dass wir jetzt Leute in verschiedenen Sprachen haben, so dass es für Leute einfacher ist, Dinge zu teilen von ihrer eigenen Muttersprache mit anderen Menschen, das wird also spannend. それは今、A:インポートが簡単で、2:インポートするものを共有する能力があると思います。私は今、異なる言語の人々を持つようになるので、人々が共有することがより簡単になります。彼ら自身の母国語から他の人たちと一緒になって、それはエキサイティングなものになるでしょう。 Şimdi A olduğu gerçeği: İçe aktarılması daha kolay ve iki: İçe aktardığınız her şeyi paylaşma yeteneğiniz var ve üçüncüsü olduğunu düşünüyorum: Artık farklı dillerde insanlara sahip olacağımız için insanların paylaşımını kolaylaştırması diğer insanlarla kendi ana dillerinden bu yüzden heyecan verici olacak. The other thing that Mark has built in now is that we have thelinguist.com website which is going to be this ever-growing repository of content with audio files and text so anyone learning Spanish, Chinese, French, English, you name it, can go there and find an increasing supply of good content with audio and text and that is difficult to find today on the Internet. ||||||ساخته|||||||زبان‌شناس||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||collection of resources|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||リポジトリ|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||資料庫|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Die andere Sache, die Mark jetzt eingebaut hat, ist, dass wir die Website thelinguist.com haben, die dieses ständig wachsende Repository von Inhalten mit Audiodateien und Text sein wird, damit jeder, der Spanisch, Chinesisch, Französisch, Englisch lernt, wie Sie es nennen, dies kann Gehen Sie dorthin und finden Sie ein zunehmendes Angebot an guten Inhalten mit Audio und Text, und das ist heute im Internet schwer zu finden. La otra cosa que Mark ha incorporado ahora es que tenemos el sitio web thelinguist.com, que va a ser un depósito cada vez mayor de contenidos con archivos de audio y texto para que cualquiera que esté aprendiendo español, chino, francés, inglés, lo que sea, pueda ir allí y encontrar una oferta cada vez mayor de buenos contenidos con audio y texto, algo difícil de encontrar hoy en día en Internet. Markが今作成したもう1つのものは、音声ファイルとテキストを含むこのコンテンツのリポジトリであるthelinguist.comのウェブサイトを持っているため、スペイン語、中国語、フランス語、英語を学ぶ人は誰でもそこに行って、音声やテキストによる良いコンテンツの供給が増えていることを発見し、今日はインターネット上で見つけることは困難です。 Mark'ın şu an içinde inşa ettiği diğer bir şey de, ses dosyaları ve metin içeren bu sürekli büyüyen içerik deposu olacak thelinguist.com web sitesine sahip olmamız. oraya gidip, sesli ve yazılı olarak artan miktarda iyi içerik bulunmakta ve bugün internette bulmak zordur. You can find audio and you can find blogs or, you know, newspaper sites or whatever but to go to one place where you can find an increasing number of languages, content that has both audio and text, I think is going to be very useful and it’s going to be free for everybody. Sie können Audio finden und Sie können Blogs oder, wie Sie wissen, Zeitungsseiten oder was auch immer finden, aber um an einen Ort zu gehen, an dem Sie eine zunehmende Anzahl von Sprachen finden, Inhalte, die sowohl Audio als auch Text enthalten, wird dies meiner Meinung nach sehr nützlich sein und es wird für alle kostenlos sein.

Jill: Right.

Steve: But that site isn’t working properly yet so there’s another level of complexity. Steve: Aber diese Seite funktioniert noch nicht richtig, also gibt es eine andere Ebene der Komplexität. It will be interesting to see, you know, with the Forum what we want to do is if you identify a blog in Spanish let’s say, say a podcast that you are listening to and you say gee, I really like this, could someone please transcribe it for me? |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Oh my gosh||||||||||| Es wird interessant sein zu sehen, wissen Sie, mit dem Forum wollen wir nur einen Blog auf Spanisch identifizieren, sagen wir einen Podcast, den Sie gerade hören, und Sie sagen, gee, ich mag das wirklich, könnte jemand bitte für mich transkribieren? 私たちがやりたいことは、スペイン語でブログを特定し、あなたが聞いているポッドキャストを言って、あなたがそう言っていると言うのが興味深いでしょう。私のためにそれを書き換えますか? Forumda, yapmak istediğimiz şey, İspanyolca'da bir blog tespit ederseniz, dinleyeceğiniz bir podcast söyleyip, vay iseniz, gerçekten hoşlanıyorum, birileri yapabilir mi? benim için yazdın mı? Because you understand maybe 30-40 percent of it if someone would transcribe it for you then you are going to be able to learn from it. Weil Sie vielleicht 30-40 Prozent davon verstehen, wenn jemand es für Sie transkribieren würde, werden Sie in der Lage sein, daraus zu lernen. Omdat je er misschien 30-40 procent van begrijpt als iemand het voor je zou overschrijven, kun je ervan leren. So then someone may volunteer to transcribe it which they can charge for so they can earn points for doing that and you won’t be the only person downloading it so there will be a whole interactive thing there that happens. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||下載|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||obtaining the file|||||||||||| Dann kann sich jemand freiwillig melden, um es zu transkribieren, für das er Gebühren erheben kann, damit er dafür Punkte sammeln kann, und Sie werden nicht die einzige Person sein, die es herunterlädt, sodass dort eine ganze interaktive Sache passiert. だから、誰かがそれを書き写すためにボランティアをして、それを課すことができるようにポイントを得ることができます。それをダウンロードする唯一の人ではありませんので、インタラクティブなことが起こるでしょう。 Öyleyse, birisi bunu ücretlendirmek için kopyalayabilmek için gönüllü olabilir, böylece bunu yapmak için puan kazanabilirler ve onu indiren tek kişi siz değilsiniz, böylece orada olan etkileşimli bir şey olacak. In your discussion with our learners because you talk to them everyday, what is their level of understanding or awareness of this whole thing that we’re trying to create? Wie ist ihr Verständnis oder Bewusstsein für diese ganze Sache, die wir schaffen wollen, in Ihrer Diskussion mit unseren Lernenden, weil Sie jeden Tag mit ihnen sprechen? Öğrencilerimizle yaptığınız görüşmede, her gün onlarla konuştuğunuz için, yaratmaya çalıştığımız bu şeyin ne anlama ya da farkındalık düzeyi nedir?

Jill: What do you mean exactly? Jill: Tam olarak ne demek istiyorsun?

Steve: Do they understand that we’re going to have this opportunity to share content? Steve: Verstehen sie, dass wir diese Gelegenheit haben werden, Inhalte zu teilen? スティーブ:彼らはこの機会にコンテンツを共有することを理解していますか? That one person can say I found a blog, would someone record it in German please? その1人は私がブログを見つけたと言うことができます、誰かがドイツ語でそれを記録しますか? Bir kişi blog bulduğumu söyleyebilir, biri Almanca olarak kaydeder mi? I found a podcast, can someone transcribe it please? 私はポッドキャストを見つけました。誰かがそれを書き換えてもいいですか? Does anyone out there have easy content in French on cooking? そこにいる誰も料理のフランス語で簡単な内容を持っていますか? -- That there’ll be this whole level of interaction? -- ¿Que habrá todo este nivel de interacción?

Jill: Yeah, I don’t think that most people know that’s happening. Jill: Ja, ich glaube nicht, dass die meisten Leute wissen, dass das passiert. ジル:ええ、私はほとんどの人がそれが起こっていることを知っているとは思わない。 We don’t really talk about it anywhere on the site so I have not had anybody specifically ask me about that. 私たちは実際にサイトのどこででもそれについて話すわけではないので、誰かにそれについて私に特別に尋ねることはありませんでした。 Bu konuda sitenin hiçbir yerinde konuşmuyoruz, bu yüzden bana özel olarak kimseden soru sormadım. I’ve mentioned things to certain people who have maybe written saying you know, I found this site, there is only text, can you please record the audio? Ich habe bestimmten Leuten gegenüber Dinge erwähnt, die vielleicht geschrieben haben, dass Sie wissen, dass ich diese Seite gefunden habe. Es gibt nur Text. Können Sie bitte das Audio aufnehmen? 私は、おそらくあなたが知っていると書いている特定の人々に物事を言及しました、私はこのサイトを見つけました、テキストだけがあります、オーディオを録音してくださいできますか? I write back and say well, we’re not going to record it but in the future, hopefully in your future, people will be able to record it for you and maybe some people will do it for nothing and probably most people will want to earn points for doing it. Ich schreibe zurück und sage gut, wir werden es nicht aufnehmen, aber in Zukunft, hoffentlich in Ihrer Zukunft, werden die Leute es für Sie aufnehmen können und vielleicht werden einige Leute es für nichts tun und wahrscheinlich werden die meisten Leute es wollen Verdiene Punkte dafür. Transcribing and recording could take a while, especially transcribing, so most people will probably want to earn points for it. 轉錄||||||||||||||||||| Typing out||||||||||||||||||| Das Transkribieren und Aufzeichnen kann eine Weile dauern, insbesondere das Transkribieren, sodass die meisten Leute wahrscheinlich Punkte dafür verdienen möchten. Yazma ve kaydetme biraz zaman alabilir, özellikle de yazma, çoğu insan muhtemelen bunun için puan kazanmak isteyecektir. So, there are a few people who know because I’ve told them but I don’t think most people know. Es gibt also einige Leute, die es wissen, weil ich es ihnen gesagt habe, aber ich glaube nicht, dass die meisten Leute es wissen. Yani, bilen birkaç kişi var çünkü onlara söyledim ama çoğu insanın bildiğini sanmıyorum.

Steve: And, you know, we may have some people who are not at all language learners but they’re typists. ||||||||||||||||||keyboard operators ||||||||||||||||||タイピスト ||||||||||||||||||mecanógrafas Steve: Und, wissen Sie, wir haben vielleicht einige Leute, die überhaupt keine Sprachlerner sind, aber Schreibkräfte. Steve: En, weet je, we hebben misschien mensen die helemaal geen talen leren, maar het zijn typisten. Steve: Biliyorsunuz, bazı dil öğrenenlerde olmayan, ancak daktilo olan bazı insanlar olabilir. I mean they are stenographers and so here’s an opportunity that if there’s an item, let’s say a very popular podcast, and they can come and pick and choose and they say this looks like a really popular podcast -- one of the leading say French or Japanese podcasts -- I’m a stenographer if I transcribe it and put it up there every time someone downloads that I’m going to make whatever it is – 50 cents. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||下載||||||||| ||||transcription professionals||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||court reporter|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||estenoquista|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||estenógrafos||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||estenoquista|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ダウンロード||||||||| Ich meine, sie sind Stenographen, und hier ist die Gelegenheit, dass, wenn es einen Artikel gibt, sagen wir einen sehr beliebten Podcast, und sie kommen und auswählen können und sie sagen, dass dies wie ein wirklich beliebter Podcast aussieht - einer der führenden sagen Französisch oder Japanische Podcasts - Ich bin ein Stenograph, wenn ich sie transkribiere und jedes Mal dort ablege, wenn jemand sie herunterlädt, mache ich, was auch immer es ist - 50 Cent. Demek istediğim onlar stenograflar ve işte bir fırsat varsa, çok popüler bir podcast diyelim ve gelip seçip seçebilecekleri ve bunun gerçekten popüler bir podcast'e benzeyeceğini söyleyen bir fırsat. Japonca podcast - Birini ne olursa olsun yapacağımı indirdiğimde - 50 kuruşa indirdiğimde transkripsiyonu yapıp koyduysam stenografım. So, if that is downloaded 100 times all of a sudden it’s worthwhile transcribing that content so that’s going to be interesting to see how all of that functions. |||||||||||valuable|||||||||||||||| Wenn das also 100 Mal auf einmal heruntergeladen wird, lohnt es sich, diesen Inhalt zu transkribieren. Es wird also interessant sein zu sehen, wie all das funktioniert.

Another thing that I think will be interesting is, you know, like I’ve been listening to The Linguist manifesto in Russian; a male voice, a female voice; one fast, one slow. ||||||||||||||||||statement of beliefs|||||||||||| Eine andere Sache, die ich für interessant halte, ist, wie ich mir das Linguist-Manifest auf Russisch angehört habe. eine männliche Stimme, eine weibliche Stimme; eins schnell, eins langsam. I think it will be interesting for people to come along and say look, I’m listening to this, it’s a male voice, I’d like to hear it in a female voice or I’d like to hear it slow and so we could have some of the same content read by different people and they can put it up and as long as people want to download it then…or they may say, you know, I live in Australia. Ich denke, es wird interessant für die Leute sein, mitzukommen und zu sagen, schau, ich höre mir das an, es ist eine männliche Stimme, ich würde es gerne mit weiblicher Stimme hören oder ich würde es gerne langsam hören und so wir könnte einige der gleichen Inhalte von verschiedenen Leuten lesen lassen und sie können sie veröffentlichen und solange die Leute sie dann herunterladen wollen ... oder sie könnten sagen, weißt du, ich lebe in Australien. 私は、人々が来て見て、私はこれを聞いている、それは男性の声、女性の声でそれを聞きたい、またはそれをゆっくりと聞きたいと思うのは興味深いと思うさまざまな人々が読んだ同じ内容のものをいくつか持っていて、それを置くことができます。そして、人々がそれをダウンロードしたいのであれば...または彼らはオーストラリアに住んでいると言うかもしれません。 This is all in a North American accent. これはすべて北米のアクセントです。 I want to hear it in an Australian accent or I want it in a Quebecois accent or I want it in an Osaka accent and so I think this is all going to be fun as we go forward and that’s where the impatience comes in because we have so many things that we think are going to be fun and it just seems to take forever to get it up there. |||||||||||||||||||||||大阪||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||Quebec accent||||||||Osaka dialect||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich möchte es mit einem australischen Akzent hören oder ich möchte es mit einem Quebecois-Akzent oder ich möchte es mit einem Osaka-Akzent und deshalb denke ich, dass dies alles Spaß machen wird, wenn wir vorwärts gehen, und hier kommt die Ungeduld ins Spiel, weil wir es haben So viele Dinge, von denen wir glauben, dass sie Spaß machen werden, und es scheint ewig zu dauern, bis sie dort oben sind. Quiero oírlo con acento australiano, o con acento de Quebec, o con acento de Osaka, así que creo que todo esto va a ser divertido a medida que avancemos, y ahí es donde entra la impaciencia, porque tenemos tantas cosas que creemos que van a ser divertidas y parece que tardamos una eternidad en subirlas. That’s kind of where we are suffering. Dort leiden wir. それは私たちが苦しんでいる場所のようなものです。 Bu bizim acı çektiğimiz yer. We are hoping that early in September we will be in a position to, you know, have our payment system…which raises another question. Wir hoffen, dass wir Anfang September in der Lage sein werden, unser Zahlungssystem zu haben, was eine weitere Frage aufwirft. 私たちは、9月の早い時期に、あなたが知っている支払いシステムを持っていることを望んでいます。 Eylül ayının başlarında, başka bir soruyu ortaya çıkaran, ödeme sistemimize sahip olacak bir konumda olacağımızı umuyoruz. We put up on the LingQ Central blog a description of our new payment system, what kinds of questions have you been getting about it? Wir haben im LingQ Central-Blog eine Beschreibung unseres neuen Zahlungssystems veröffentlicht. Welche Fragen haben Sie dazu gestellt? Hemos publicado en el blog de LingQ Central una descripción de nuestro nuevo sistema de pago, ¿qué tipo de preguntas has recibido al respecto? LingQ Centralのブログに新しい支払いシステムの説明を載せました。どのような質問がありましたか?

Jill: A lot of people still seem to be confused, again, I think former Linguist members who were used to paying a certain amount per month and then they were given X number of discussions, speaking events and words of writing. Jill: Viele Leute scheinen immer noch verwirrt zu sein. Ich denke, ehemalige Linguisten, die es gewohnt waren, einen bestimmten Betrag pro Monat zu zahlen, und dann erhielten sie X Diskussionen, Vorträge und schriftliche Worte. Jill: Mucha gente todavía parece estar confundida, de nuevo, creo que los antiguos miembros de Linguist que estaban acostumbrados a pagar una cierta cantidad al mes y luego se les dio X número de discusiones, eventos de habla y palabras de escritura. Jill:多くの人がまだ混乱しているように見えますが、また、月にある特定の金額を支払うことに慣れていた元言語学者のメンバーは、X回のディスカッション、スピーチイベント、執筆の言葉を与えられました。 So, a lot of people don’t seem to understand that’s not how it is going to work. Viele Leute scheinen also nicht zu verstehen, dass es nicht so funktionieren wird. だから、多くの人々は、それがうまくいかないことを理解していないようです。 I’ve had emails from some people more than one time even after I’ve explained to them that no, you’re not given a certain number anymore you are given points so whatever you pay is equivalent to a certain amount of points, number of points and speaking events are 500 points and words of writing is 3.33 points per word. Ich habe mehr als einmal E-Mails von einigen Leuten erhalten, obwohl ich ihnen erklärt habe, dass Sie keine bestimmte Nummer mehr erhalten. Sie erhalten Punkte. Was auch immer Sie bezahlen, entspricht einer bestimmten Anzahl von Punkten, einer bestimmten Anzahl Die Anzahl der Punkte und Sprechereignisse beträgt 500 Punkte, und die Anzahl der Wörter beträgt 3,33 Punkte pro Wort. Bazı insanlardan bir kereden fazla e-postalar aldım, onlara açıkladıktan sonra bile hayır, artık belirli bir sayıya sahip değilsin. Puanların ve konuşma olaylarının 500'leri, yazma sözcükleri ise kelime başına 3.33'dür. That’s just how it worked out. Genau so hat es geklappt. Así es como funcionó. それはちょうどそれがうまくいく方法です。 And so you have a certain amount of points and you use them however you like and once they are gone you either can purchase more or once your month, your new period starts and you are charged again, you are given those number of points again, that number of points again. Sie haben also eine bestimmte Anzahl von Punkten und verwenden diese, wie Sie möchten. Sobald sie weg sind, können Sie entweder mehr oder einmal in Ihrem Monat kaufen. Ihre neue Periode beginnt und Sie werden erneut belastet. Sie erhalten diese Anzahl von Punkten erneut. diese Anzahl von Punkten wieder. Y así tienes una cierta cantidad de puntos y los usas como quieras y una vez que se acaban puedes comprar más o una vez que empieza tu mes, tu nuevo periodo y te vuelven a cobrar, te vuelven a dar esa cantidad de puntos, esa cantidad de puntos otra vez. そしてあなたはある程度のポイントを持っていますが、好きなように使っています。あなたがいなくなったら、あなたの月をもっと多く買うことができます。新しい期間が始まり、再び請求されます。その数のポイントを再び。 So, it’s a little bit difficult I think for people who were used to the old way to get used to it. Ich denke, es ist ein bisschen schwierig für Leute, die an die alte Art gewöhnt waren, sich daran zu gewöhnen. Así que creo que es un poco difícil acostumbrar a la gente que estaba acostumbrada al modo antiguo. だから、昔のことに慣れるのに慣れていた人にとってはちょっと難しいですね。 But other than that I think some people have wondered what happens if they have a whole bunch of points in their account and they don’t have time to use them or they haven’t used them and they continue to accumulate. Abgesehen davon haben sich einige Leute gefragt, was passiert, wenn sie eine ganze Reihe von Punkten auf ihrem Konto haben und keine Zeit haben, sie zu verwenden, oder sie haben sie nicht verwendet und sammeln sich weiter an. しかし、それ以外にも、アカウントにポイントがたくさんあり、それらを使用する時間がなくても、使用されずに蓄積し続けると、何が起こるのか疑問に思う人もいます。 Basically, I mean you have your points for as long as you want so if you don’t want to use them all, if you have to go away for three months or you are tired of learning English or whatever language, you can come back into your account -- it is not going to be closed -- and use those points. Grundsätzlich meine ich, dass Sie Ihre Punkte so lange haben, wie Sie möchten. Wenn Sie also nicht alle verwenden möchten, wenn Sie drei Monate weg müssen oder wenn Sie es leid sind, Englisch oder eine andere Sprache zu lernen, können Sie zurückkehren in Ihr Konto - es wird nicht geschlossen - und verwenden Sie diese Punkte. Temel olarak, demek istediğin kadar puanın var, yani hepsini kullanmak istemiyorsan, üç ay boyunca gitmek zorunda kalırsan ya da İngilizce öğrenmekten bıktıysan ya da herhangi bir dilde geri dönmek istersen Hesabınıza - kapanmayacak - ve bu noktaları kullanın. If you don’t want to continue accumulating points then you just need to downgrade yourself to the free membership level or the $10.00 membership level where you’re not accumulating points anymore. |||||||||||||step down to|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mais pontos Wenn Sie keine Punkte mehr sammeln möchten, müssen Sie sich nur auf die kostenlose Mitgliedschaftsstufe oder die Mitgliedschaftsstufe von 10,00 USD herabstufen, bei der Sie keine Punkte mehr sammeln. Als u niet door wilt gaan met het verzamelen van punten, hoeft u alleen maar te downgraden naar het gratis lidmaatschapsniveau of het lidmaatschapsniveau van $ 10,00 waar u geen punten meer verzamelt.

Steve: Right. Steve| The thing too is it’s a new concept. Die Sache ist auch, dass es ein neues Konzept ist. Mesele şu ki yeni bir kavram. I mean we are dealing with – call it a virtual school whereas normally if you signed up for a class if you don’t show up it’s gone. Ich meine, wir haben es zu tun - nennen wir es eine virtuelle Schule, während normalerweise, wenn Sie sich für eine Klasse angemeldet haben, wenn Sie nicht auftauchen, diese weg ist. Se trata de una escuela virtual, mientras que normalmente, si te apuntas a una clase y no te presentas, desaparece. Yani biz uğraşıyoruz - sanal bir okul diyoruz, oysa normalde bir sınıfa kaydolduysanız, ortadan kalktığını görürseniz.

Jill: That’s right.

Steve: So, you can’t carry that hour. Steve: Entonces, no puedes cargar esa hora. Steve: O zaman o saati taşıyamazsın. You know, you signed up to be there Tuesday at 11 o’clock and you decided for whatever reason that you’re going to go away for two weeks, all those classes you’ve signed up for they’re gone. Weißt du, du hast dich angemeldet, um am Dienstag um 11 Uhr dort zu sein, und du hast aus irgendeinem Grund entschieden, dass du zwei Wochen weggehen wirst. Alle Klassen, für die du dich angemeldet hast, sind weg. Ya sabes, te apuntaste para estar allí el martes a las 11 y decides por la razón que sea que te vas a ir dos semanas, todas esas clases a las que te has apuntado ya no están. Whereas in our system you can actually carry that class forward or you can…this month you’re going to spend more time in writing class, the next month you are going to spend more time in speaking and you can also go from Spanish to French to Chinese to English so there’s a lot of flexibility and I think people once they get used to it they will see that there is more flexibility. Während Sie in unserem System diese Klasse tatsächlich vorantreiben können oder… diesen Monat werden Sie mehr Zeit mit dem Schreiben verbringen, im nächsten Monat werden Sie mehr Zeit mit Sprechen verbringen und Sie können auch von Spanisch nach Französisch wechseln zu Chinesisch zu Englisch, also gibt es viel Flexibilität und ich denke, wenn die Leute sich erst einmal daran gewöhnt haben, werden sie feststellen, dass es mehr Flexibilität gibt. 私たちのシステムでは、あなたは実際にクラスを進歩させることができますが...今月はクラスを書くのにもっと時間を費やすつもりです。翌月には話す時間が増えます。スペイン語からフランス語中国語から英語には柔軟性がたくさんあり、慣れてきたら、より柔軟性があることがわかります。 It’s possible that someone in the old system who every single month absolutely used all of their speaking and writing that that person may feel, especially if they are at that $39.00 level, that they were better off in the old system. Es ist möglich, dass jemand im alten System, der jeden Monat all sein Sprechen und Schreiben verwendet hat, das Gefühl hat, dass es ihm im alten System besser geht, besonders wenn er sich auf diesem Niveau von 39,00 USD befindet. Es posible que alguien en el antiguo sistema que cada mes absolutamente utilizado todos sus hablar y escribir que esa persona puede sentir, especialmente si están en ese nivel de $ 39.00, que estaban mejor en el antiguo sistema. 古いシステムの誰かが毎月、自分が話すことと書くことのすべてを絶対に使用していた可能性があります。特に、39ドルのレベルであれば、古いシステムではより良いと感じました。 However, when you consider that they can look at different languages, that they can carry it forward if they go off for one month even, they can save their points. Wenn Sie jedoch bedenken, dass sie verschiedene Sprachen betrachten können, dass sie es weitergeben können, wenn sie sogar einen Monat lang nicht arbeiten, können sie ihre Punkte speichern. Bununla birlikte, farklı dillere bakabileceklerini, bir ay boyunca bile giderse ileriye taşıyabileceklerini düşündüklerinde puanlarını kaydedebilirler. If they have accumulated too many points they can drop down. Wenn sie zu viele Punkte gesammelt haben, können sie fallen. Si han acumulado demasiados puntos, pueden descender. Çok fazla puan biriktirmişlerse düşebilirler. I mean there’s just so much flexibility that I really think that it’s just a matter of understanding it and getting used to it. Ich meine, es gibt so viel Flexibilität, dass ich wirklich denke, dass es nur darum geht, es zu verstehen und sich daran zu gewöhnen. Hay tanta flexibilidad que creo que es cuestión de entenderla y acostumbrarse a ella. And what you mentioned initially and that is that people don’t like to change. Und was Sie anfangs erwähnt haben und das ist, dass die Leute sich nicht gerne ändern.

Jill: Right. Jill: Richtig.

Steve: So, yeah. Steve: Also ja.

Jill: And I think too once…next week, hopefully, when the payment system and the membership levels are all in place…I think once people can actually see it it will be more real to them; they’ll understand it. Jill: Und ich denke auch einmal ... nächste Woche, hoffentlich, wenn das Zahlungssystem und die Mitgliedschaftsstufen alle vorhanden sind ... Ich denke, wenn die Leute es tatsächlich sehen können, wird es für sie realer sein. sie werden es verstehen. Jill:そして​​、私は一度も考えています。来週、うまくいけば、支払いシステムと会員レベルがすべて整っていると思います。一度人々が実際にそれを見ることができれば、もっと現実になると思います。彼らはそれを理解するでしょう。 It’s still sort of hypothetical for them right now. Es ist momentan immer noch hypothetisch für sie. Halen onlar için hala bir varsayım var We are just explaining it in an email; English isn’t their first language. Wir erklären es nur in einer E-Mail; Englisch ist nicht ihre Muttersprache. Although, we did translate one of the emails but I think people often need to see something before they can truly understand it. Wir haben zwar eine der E-Mails übersetzt, aber ich denke, die Leute müssen oft etwas sehen, bevor sie es wirklich verstehen können.

Steve: Yeah and I think people try to imagine cases that in fact may not materialize and a lot of people don’t realize that a majority of our learners, the vast majority of our learners, in the old system did not maximize month after month so they would, in fact, go a month without using it or if they didn’t write or they didn’t read then…it just wasn’t a fair system. |||||||||||||||實現|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||come to pass|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||se materializan|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Ja, und ich denke, die Leute versuchen sich Fälle vorzustellen, die tatsächlich nicht eintreten können, und viele Leute erkennen nicht, dass eine Mehrheit unserer Lernenden, die überwiegende Mehrheit unserer Lernenden, im alten System Monat für Monat nicht maximiert hat Also würden sie tatsächlich einen Monat ohne Verwendung auskommen oder wenn sie nicht schreiben oder dann nicht lesen würden ... es war einfach kein faires System. スティーブ:そうです。実際には実現できないケースを想像しようとしていると思います。多くの人が、古いシステムの学習者の大半が月に最大化していないことを認識していません彼らは実際にそれを使用せずに一ヶ月かかったり、書かなかったり、読んでいなかったりしたら、公正なシステムではありませんでした。 But, I mean, yeah, the main thing is we want to get up, get started and the main thing too is that we want to have fun. ||||||||||||||||||cosa principal|||||||| Aber ich meine, ja, die Hauptsache ist, wir wollen aufstehen, loslegen und die Hauptsache ist auch, dass wir Spaß haben wollen. We think the new system can be more fun because of all the interaction between people, different languages and so forth, which gets me back to my first point about my great impatience and I think maybe you’re equally impatient here. Wir denken, dass das neue System aufgrund der Interaktion zwischen Menschen, verschiedenen Sprachen usw. mehr Spaß machen kann, was mich zu meinem ersten Punkt über meine große Ungeduld zurückbringt, und ich denke, dass Sie hier vielleicht genauso ungeduldig sind. 私たちは、人と言語との交流のために新しいシステムをもっと楽しくすることができると思っています。私の大きな焦燥感についての私の最初のところに戻ってきます。 So, hopefully, the next time we have this discussion things will already be up there and people will be using it. Hoffentlich sind die Dinge das nächste Mal, wenn wir diese Diskussion haben, bereits da oben und die Leute werden sie nutzen.

But I think one of the really gratifying things is that we are starting to get more and more people to give us content. |||||||satisfying|||||||||||||||| Aber ich denke, eines der wirklich erfreulichen Dinge ist, dass wir immer mehr Menschen dazu bringen, uns Inhalte zu geben. Mais je pense que l'une des choses vraiment gratifiantes est que nous commençons à amener de plus en plus de gens à nous donner du contenu. We heard from Brazil. Wir haben aus Brasilien gehört. Nous avons entendu du Brésil. We hadn’t had many learners from Brazil. Wir hatten nicht viele Lernende aus Brasilien gehabt. Nous n'avions pas eu beaucoup d'apprenants du Brésil. Brezilya'dan pek çok öğrencimiz olmamıştı. We got some Portuguese from people in Brazil which is excellent. Wir haben einige Portugiesen von Leuten in Brasilien bekommen, was ausgezeichnet ist. Recibimos algo de portugués de gente de Brasil, que es excelente. Nous avons reçu des portugais de personnes au Brésil, ce qui est excellent. We got some things in Spanish and some French, Japanese and so forth, so. Wir haben einige Dinge auf Spanisch und einige Französisch, Japanisch und so weiter. Nous avons des choses en espagnol et en français, en japonais et ainsi de suite, donc. İspanyolcada bazı şeyler var, biraz da Fransızca, Japonca vb. I think even with the limited amount that we’ve actually -- because we really haven’t been promoting the site – we’ve had some pretty positive response. Ich denke, trotz der begrenzten Menge, die wir tatsächlich - weil wir die Website wirklich nicht beworben haben - hatten wir eine ziemlich positive Resonanz. Je pense que même avec le montant limité que nous avons en fait - parce que nous n'avons vraiment pas fait la promotion du site - nous avons eu une réponse assez positive.

Okay, thank you very much Jill. Okay, vielen Dank Jill.

Jill: Thank you. Jill: Danke.