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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Seventy-seven: General Discussion about English. Part Two

Seventy-seven: General Discussion about English. Part Two

Steve: Now, where did we start on all of this? We started with me asking you why you needed a battery when you should be plugged in and you told me that you moved to a different room and, therefore, you move your computer to get away from the noise in the general office area and so you're relying on your battery. Then how did we get to this subject, do you remember? Jill: Because you said we're just going to have a general discussion and I think you said that we used the word “typically” a couple of times and we went on from there using the same word more than one time. Steve: Exactly and then you said that it's a good thing to have a few synonyms, words that mean the same thing, available, handy, that you can go to so that your language, especially your written language, won't seem too repetitious. Jill: Right. Steve: Because that's sort of an aspect of style that we are taught at school. Yeah, that's where we got off on this subject. Jill: Well, yeah, today is Friday and normally we do a LingQ update on Fridays, but we just didn't really have anything major to report today, so. Steve: You know, one thing I don't mind mentioning on this LingQ update…before we move onto that though on the subject of synonyms, we did do a discussion I guess a week ago or whenever it was where we discussed synonyms for look, see, view, vision, etc., a lot of words that related to the idea of looking at things. I think that's a good thing to do and we did invite people to tell us what words they would like us to, you know, take up in a future discussion. We haven't yet had any feedback, so we're always happy to get that. Yeah, Friday, do you find that Friday you start to get a little silly Jill?

Jill: Get a little silly, wild and crazy here at the office? Steve: Well, yeah, you know. Jill: Only when you're not here Steve. Steve: That's what I'm afraid of and it's not only you I've got to find out what goes on on Fridays when I don't go into the office. Jill: It's just a big, wild, party here, you know? Steve: Well yeah, people start to unwind and they take liberties, you know. I'm going to maybe have everyone come in on a Saturday so we get some work done on Friday. Jill: Install some secret cameras so you can see what really goes on when you're not here. Steve: What makes you think I don't already have them installed? Jill: Well, this is true. Steve: That's right; they're secret. If you knew that they were there then they wouldn't be secret, would they? Jill: (??? 11:56) Steve: No, the updates in LingQ I think is worth mentioning for those listeners who are also LingQ users. I think we mentioned it last time, but it's worth mentioning again, that we have two more people helping us program because, I mean, it's just very difficult to keep telling people that it's slow and it's difficult and it's complex, but it is. There is just so much work to do and there are so many good things that we're planning in terms of LingQ and functions and community and so forth that it's just taking a long time, but we now have more resources working on getting these things done, so I think that's worth mentioning. Another thing that's worth mentioning and I've mentioned it on the LingQ Forum is that we are going to in the near future change the way we deal with points.

We are going to move to a system whereby if you don't use your points you will lose them. I've spoken to a number of our members and they all agree. I haven't had one person disagree. They feel that if it's too loose and too easy not to use your points they tend not to study. They tend not to write, they tend not to come on discussions, they tend to even not use their system as much because they're saying well, you know, I don't have to pay for it. I can pay for it next week or next month, so we will ask you to use your points in the month that you have them. Now, the members will still be able to schedule something for the following month or whatever, but they just have to at least allocate the points in the month or they will lose them. Jill: Right. Steve: So that is something. We will, of course, warm people, but that's one of the reasons why I'm mentioning it now is to make people realize that this is coming and so they should be thinking of using their points. On the other hand, the points that will be therefore lost are going to go into a community fund and this community fund will be used to pay those people who are creating content for us. Jill: As well as very active members. Steve: As well as very active members. Because right now, understandably, if a learner has a choice between taking some piece of content that's free and one that costs 20 points they will take the content that's free. But, if one of our learners has spent two hours transcribing an interview or maybe making up a story in Japanese or Spanish or French then we would like to compensate; we would like to reward those people. If the learners don't want to pay, which I understand, I'm not criticizing the members for preferring to take something that's free, I did so myself, I chose (??? 14:45) free Portuguese content to work on my Portuguese, so there's nothing wrong with that. What we'll do is the points that members do not use will be allocated to this common fund and then from the common fund people will be compensated who are helping us in different ways. And you said, also, for the most active members; we haven't worked those details out yet. Jill: Yeah, our original plan, and we were talking about it yesterday, was that, you know, there'll be sort of a contest. Steve: Oh, the “learner of the month” type of thing, yeah. Jill: Yeah, whoever does the most. Steve: Jill, that's a good idea. Was that your idea? Jill: Yeah and I was thinking it would be a real learner of the month; really. The person who is the most active on LingQ for that month will get a certain percentage of those points that we have in the fund. Steve: Right, very good; that's a good idea. Jill: Yeah, I mean, we haven't worked out all the details, of course. Steve: And the other thing is that we are also going to make it possible for people to tip. Like I must admit that having used now (??? 15:50) content and enjoyed it, I would have no hesitation in giving him some points retroactively like a thank you; like sending someone flowers or a box of chocolates because I thought he did a great job and I had, you know, hours and hours and hours of pleasant listening to his Portuguese that he created. I could throw some points towards (??? 16:11), so we'll also probably have that kind of flexibility in the system. Jill: So there's lots of exciting things to come that I think are going to make our community much more active and more fun. Steve: Well yeah and we want people to…we want to hear people's voices in their own language. Now, one thing that's unfair, you know, this morning I was on a discussion and we had two people from Japan, one person from France and one person who lives in the states, but who is originally from Serbia. Now there are far more people who want to learn Japanese and French then want to learn Serbian, so the system could be a little bit unfair to people who speak a language that there aren't too many, you know, potential students for. Jill: Yeah, but it's not just…like I said, it will be also people who are active on the system who will have a chance to earn points. I mean, unfortunately, we can't really do anything about the popularity of languages, so. Steve: No, although you know, we'll look at different ways. It may be that the people who speak, you know, these less, you know, Finnish for example. I don't know that there are a lot of people studying Finnish, but there are some. But, you know, those people might also find resources for us. Jill: That's right. Steve: You know, they might find a good source of say podcast with transcript in English or in Spanish or Chinese and so, you know, there might be other ways that we can reward them. Jill: Right. Steve: And, of course, ultimately if they think it's not fair then they can use all their points in the month and then it won't be a problem for them. Jill: Exactly, so I mean, that's the best option is use your points. We want people to use their points. Steve: Exactly. Alright, now, I think the party, the Friday afternoon… Jill: …it's winding down; it's winding down. Steve: Well, what do you mean it's winding down? You still got a few hours to go here, but, of course, just to finish off there is that term TGIF. You know, we have a very austere office. Everybody who works for K.P. Wood or The Linguist, I mean, they are all very serious people and not allowed to laugh on company time. They are fined for laughing on company time. There is no yawning on company time. Jill: Yeah, you rule with an iron fist, don't you? Steve: Absolutely. No yawning, no scratching… Jill: …no smiling, no laughing, no talking, no fun. Steve: But in other places they have the TGIF parties every Friday. Like from 2 o'clock onward it's Thank God It's Friday, TGIF, Thank God It's Friday and not much work gets done on Friday, but we don't do that. Jill: No, no, we don't actually, unfortunately. We should institute that policy I think. Steve: Alright, something to look forward to. Okay Jill, I'll let you get back to the party. Jill: Alright, have a good weekend. Steve: Thank you. Yeah, okay, thank you. Jill: Bye, bye. Steve: Bye, bye.

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Seventy-seven: General Discussion about English. Part Two Siebenundsiebzig: Allgemeine Diskussion über Englisch, zweiter Teil Setenta y siete: Discusión general sobre el inglés. Segunda parte Soixante-dix-sept : Discussion générale sur l'anglais. Deuxième partie Settantasette: Discussione generale sull'inglese. Parte seconda 七転八倒:英語に関する総論。第二部 77: 영어에 대한 일반적인 토론 2부 Siedemdziesiąt siedem: Ogólna dyskusja o języku angielskim. Część druga Setenta e sete: Discussão geral sobre inglês. Segunda parte Семьдесят семь: Общие рассуждения об английском языке. Часть вторая Sjuttiosju: Allmän diskussion om engelska. Del två Yetmiş yedi: İngilizce Hakkında Genel Tartışma. İkinci Bölüm Сімдесят сім: Загальна дискусія про англійську мову. Частина друга 七十七:关于英语的一般讨论。第二部分 七十七:關於英語的一般性討論。第二部分

Steve: Now, where did we start on all of this? We started with me asking you why you needed a battery when you should be plugged in and you told me that you moved to a different room and, therefore, you move your computer to get away from the noise in the general office area and so you’re relying on your battery. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||depending on||| Empezamos preguntándote por qué necesitabas una batería cuando deberías estar enchufado y me dijiste que te habías mudado a otra habitación y, por lo tanto, movías el ordenador para alejarlo del ruido de la zona general de la oficina, por lo que dependías de la batería. Then how did we get to this subject, do you remember? Jill: Because you said we’re just going to have a general discussion and I think you said that we used the word “typically” a couple of times and we went on from there using the same word more than one time. Steve: Exactly and then you said that it’s a good thing to have a few synonyms, words that mean the same thing, available, handy, that you can go to so that your language, especially your written language, won’t seem too repetitious. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||重複的 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||répétitif ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||overly repetitive Steve: Exacto y luego dijiste que es bueno tener unos cuantos sinónimos, palabras que signifiquen lo mismo, disponibles, a mano, a las que puedas recurrir para que tu lenguaje, especialmente tu lenguaje escrito, no parezca demasiado repetitivo. Jill: Right. Steve: Because that’s sort of an aspect of style that we are taught at school. Yeah, that’s where we got off on this subject. ||où|||||| Sí, ahí es donde nos desviamos de este tema. Jill: Well, yeah, today is Friday and normally we do a LingQ update on Fridays, but we just didn’t really have anything major to report today, so. Steve: You know, one thing I don’t mind mentioning on this LingQ update…before we move onto that though on the subject of synonyms, we did do a discussion I guess a week ago or whenever it was where we discussed synonyms for look, see, view, vision, etc., a lot of words that related to the idea of looking at things. I think that’s a good thing to do and we did invite people to tell us what words they would like us to, you know, take up in a future discussion. We haven’t yet had any feedback, so we’re always happy to get that. Yeah, Friday, do you find that Friday you start to get a little silly Jill? |||||||||||||bizarre| |||||||||||||playful or goofy| Sí, el viernes, ¿te parece que el viernes empiezas a ponerte un poco tonta Jill? Да, в пятницу, вы находите, что в пятницу вы начинаете немного глупить Джилл?

Jill: Get a little silly, wild and crazy here at the office? ||||playful|crazy|||||| Jill: ¿Ponerse un poco tonto, salvaje y loco aquí en la oficina? Steve: Well, yeah, you know. Jill: Only when you’re not here Steve. Steve: That’s what I’m afraid of and it’s not only you I’ve got to find out what goes on on Fridays when I don’t go into the office. Steve: Eso es lo que me temo y no sólo tú tengo que averiguar qué pasa los viernes cuando no voy a la oficina. Стив: Этого я и боюсь, и не только ты, я должен выяснить, что происходит по пятницам, когда я не прихожу в офис. Jill: It’s just a big, wild, party here, you know? Steve: Well yeah, people start to unwind and they take liberties, you know. ||||||放鬆|||||| ||||||relax and loosen|and|||freedoms|| Steve: Bueno sí, la gente empieza a relajarse y se toman libertades, ya sabes. I’m going to maybe have everyone come in on a Saturday so we get some work done on Friday. I am|||perhaps||||||||||||||| Voy a hacer que todo el mundo venga un sábado para que podamos trabajar el viernes. Jill: Install some secret cameras so you can see what really goes on when you’re not here. Steve: What makes you think I don’t already have them installed? Jill: Well, this is true. Steve: That’s right; they’re secret. If you knew that they were there then they wouldn’t be secret, would they? Если бы вы знали, что они есть, то они не были бы секретными, не так ли? Jill: (??? 11:56) Steve: No, the updates in LingQ I think is worth mentioning for those listeners who are also LingQ users. I think we mentioned it last time, but it’s worth mentioning again, that we have two more people helping us program because, I mean, it’s just very difficult to keep telling people that it’s slow and it’s difficult and it’s complex, but it is. There is just so much work to do and there are so many good things that we’re planning in terms of LingQ and functions and community and so forth that it’s just taking a long time, but we now have more resources working on getting these things done, so I think that’s worth mentioning. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||and so on||||||||||||||||||||||||| Another thing that’s worth mentioning and I’ve mentioned it on the LingQ Forum is that we are going to in the near future change the way we deal with points. |||||||||||||||||||||||changer|||nous|||

We are going to move to a system whereby if you don’t use your points you will lose them. ||||||||under which|||||||||| I’ve spoken to a number of our members and they all agree. I haven’t had one person disagree. They feel that if it’s too loose and too easy not to use your points they tend not to study. Creen que si es demasiado flojo y fácil no utilizar sus puntos tienden a no estudiar. They tend not to write, they tend not to come on discussions, they tend to even not use their system as much because they’re saying well, you know, I don’t have to pay for it. I can pay for it next week or next month, so we will ask you to use your points in the month that you have them. Now, the members will still be able to schedule something for the following month or whatever, but they just have to at least allocate the points in the month or they will lose them. |||||||||||||||||||||||分配|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||assign or distribute|||||||||| Jill: Right. Steve: So that is something. We will, of course, warm people, but that’s one of the reasons why I’m mentioning it now is to make people realize that this is coming and so they should be thinking of using their points. Por supuesto, calentaremos a la gente, pero una de las razones por las que lo menciono ahora es para que la gente se dé cuenta de que esto va a llegar y para que vayan pensando en utilizar sus puntos. On the other hand, the points that will be therefore lost are going to go into a community fund and this community fund will be used to pay those people who are creating content for us. Jill: As well as very active members. Steve: As well as very active members. Because right now, understandably, if a learner has a choice between taking some piece of content that’s free and one that costs 20 points they will take the content that’s free. |||As expected|||||||||||||||||||||||||| But, if one of our learners has spent two hours transcribing an interview or maybe making up a story in Japanese or Spanish or French then we would like to compensate; we would like to reward those people. ||||||||||writing down||||||||||||||||||||||||||| If the learners don’t want to pay, which I understand, I’m not criticizing the members for preferring to take something that’s free, I did so myself, I chose (??? ||||||||||||judging||||||||||||||| Si los alumnos no quieren pagar, lo cual entiendo, no estoy criticando a los miembros por preferir tomar algo que es gratis, yo mismo lo hice, elegí (???? 14:45) free Portuguese content to work on my Portuguese, so there’s nothing wrong with that. What we’ll do is the points that members do not use will be allocated to this common fund and then from the common fund people will be compensated who are helping us in different ways. |||||||||||||assigned to||||||||||||||||||||| And you said, also, for the most active members; we haven’t worked those details out yet. Jill: Yeah, our original plan, and we were talking about it yesterday, was that, you know, there’ll be sort of a contest. Steve: Oh, the “learner of the month” type of thing, yeah. Jill: Yeah, whoever does the most. Jill: Sí, el que más hace. Steve: Jill, that’s a good idea. Was that your idea? Jill: Yeah and I was thinking it would be a real learner of the month; really. The person who is the most active on LingQ for that month will get a certain percentage of those points that we have in the fund. Steve: Right, very good; that’s a good idea. Jill: Yeah, I mean, we haven’t worked out all the details, of course. Steve: And the other thing is that we are also going to make it possible for people to tip. Steve: Y la otra cosa es que también vamos a hacer posible que la gente dé propinas. Like I must admit that having used now (??? 15:50) content and enjoyed it, I would have no hesitation in giving him some points retroactively like a thank you; like sending someone flowers or a box of chocolates because I thought he did a great job and I had, you know, hours and hours and hours of pleasant listening to his Portuguese that he created. ||||||||||||||追溯地|||||||||||||巧克力||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||after the fact|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I could throw some points towards (??? Podría lanzar algunos puntos hacia (??? 16:11), so we’ll also probably have that kind of flexibility in the system. Jill: So there’s lots of exciting things to come that I think are going to make our community much more active and more fun. Steve: Well yeah and we want people to…we want to hear people’s voices in their own language. Steve: Evet ve biz insanların... insanların seslerini kendi dillerinde duymak istiyoruz. Now, one thing that’s unfair, you know, this morning I was on a discussion and we had two people from Japan, one person from France and one person who lives in the states, but who is originally from Serbia. Şimdi, adil olmayan bir şey var, biliyorsunuz, bu sabah bir tartışmadaydım ve Japonya'dan iki kişi, Fransa'dan bir kişi ve Amerika'da yaşayan ama aslen Sırbistanlı olan bir kişi vardı. Now there are far more people who want to learn Japanese and French then want to learn Serbian, so the system could be a little bit unfair to people who speak a language that there aren’t too many, you know, potential students for. Şu anda Japonca ve Fransızca öğrenmek isteyenlerin sayısı Sırpça öğrenmek isteyenlerden çok daha fazla, dolayısıyla sistem çok fazla potansiyel öğrencisi olmayan bir dili konuşan insanlara karşı biraz adaletsiz olabilir. Jill: Yeah, but it’s not just…like I said, it will be also people who are active on the system who will have a chance to earn points. I mean, unfortunately, we can’t really do anything about the popularity of languages, so. Steve: No, although you know, we’ll look at different ways. It may be that the people who speak, you know, these less, you know, Finnish for example. I don’t know that there are a lot of people studying Finnish, but there are some. But, you know, those people might also find resources for us. Jill: That’s right. Steve: You know, they might find a good source of say podcast with transcript in English or in Spanish or Chinese and so, you know, there might be other ways that we can reward them. Jill: Right. Steve: And, of course, ultimately if they think it’s not fair then they can use all their points in the month and then it won’t be a problem for them. Jill: Exactly, so I mean, that’s the best option is use your points. We want people to use their points. Steve: Exactly. Alright, now, I think the party, the Friday afternoon… Jill: …it’s winding down; it’s winding down. Jill: ...se está acabando; se está acabando. Steve: Well, what do you mean it’s winding down? You still got a few hours to go here, but, of course, just to finish off there is that term TGIF. ||||||||||||||||||||感謝上帝是星期五 ||||||||||||||||||||Thank God it's Friday Aún te quedan unas horas por delante, pero, por supuesto, para terminar está el término TGIF. You know, we have a very austere office. ||||||simple and plain| Sabes, tenemos una oficina muy austera. Everybody who works for K.P. Wood or The Linguist, I mean, they are all very serious people and not allowed to laugh on company time. Wood o The Linguist, es decir, todos ellos son personas muy serias a las que no se les permite reír en horas de trabajo. They are fined for laughing on company time. ||被罰||||| ||penalized||||| There is no yawning on company time. |||no yawning allowed||| No se puede bostezar en horas de trabajo. Jill: Yeah, you rule with an iron fist, don’t you? Jill: Sí, usted gobierna con puño de hierro, ¿no? Steve: Absolutely. No yawning, no scratching… |||itching Sin bostezos, sin rascarse... Jill: …no smiling, no laughing, no talking, no fun. Steve: But in other places they have the TGIF parties every Friday. Like from 2 o’clock onward it’s Thank God It’s Friday, TGIF, Thank God It’s Friday and not much work gets done on Friday, but we don’t do that. |||from 2 o'clock||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill: No, no, we don’t actually, unfortunately. We should institute that policy I think. Steve: Alright, something to look forward to. Okay Jill, I’ll let you get back to the party. Vale Jill, te dejaré volver a la fiesta. Jill: Alright, have a good weekend. Steve: Thank you. Yeah, okay, thank you. Jill: Bye, bye. Steve: Bye, bye.