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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Ninety: Snowy Weekend in Vancouver

Ninety: Snowy Weekend in Vancouver

Mark: Hi, I'm Mark. Jill: And I'm Jill. Welcome to the EnglishLingQ Podcast. Mark: Today we've got our 170th episode and it's December 3rd, 2007. Welcome everybody. We thought today we would talk a little bit about our weekend, as usual. I know it seems like we always talk about the weather, but we did have a little bit of unusual weather this past weekend. We got some snow, which especially at the beginning of December is a bit unusual for us. Jill: And we got it Saturday and Sunday. It's not often that we have two days in a row of snow either. Mark: No, for sure. What's nice about it is we had our company Christmas party on Saturday night. There was snow everywhere and that was great. Jill: Yeah, it was really pretty. Mark: It certainly makes things more Christmassy. Jill: Yeah. Mark: We were commenting on the fact that the real Christmas will be 10 degrees and raining probably. Jill: That's our typical Christmas. Mark: Yeah. At least for our Christmas party it felt like we had a white Christmas, so that was fun; that was fun. Jill: Yeah, it was great. Mark: We had both the LingQ staff members there and the other majority I guess of the people in our office who work for the wood company. We have a joint Christmas party and we had a gift exchange. What did you get Jill? Jill: Oh yeah, we did a little gift exchange. I think $15.00 was the maximum or what we were supposed to spend. Mark: Yeah. Jill: I ended up with a jewelry box. Mark: Nice. I guess we should probably explain the gift exchange itself; how it works. It was kind of fun. I guess very often, I don't know how it is in other countries, but here, especially when it's a group Christmas party like a company or a sports team or whatever groups might organize a Christmas party, you have some kind of present exchange so that everybody is not feeling like they're going to buy a present for everybody else. Typically, you'll buy one present and either you'll know in advance who you're giving it to or, in our case, you buy a present and you don't know who it's going to be given to. Everybody puts their present under the tree and then we pick numbers from a hat and depending on your number you then get to pick whichever gift you like. Jill: They are all wrapped. Initially, they're all wrapped, so the person with number 1 has to go first. They pick a present and they open it, unwrap it, and then the second person can either take that gift away from the person or open a new one. Mark: So, if you like what the first guy opened you don't open another gift. Jill: You steal it. Mark: You say wow, that's really good. I like that one I'm going to take it, so that person then has to go back and open a new gift or if you don't want what he has you go open a new one. Jill: Eventually there are so many that are open that the person who loses their gift if somebody steals it from them they don't have to open a new one they can go and steal another one from somebody else that is already open and it's really a lot of fun. Especially you men, you guys love stealing from each other. Mark: Well, it's more that if you see someone who's got something that they seem to really want. That's where it becomes fun, stealing it from them. Yes, that's right. Jill: And I'm so the opposite. It's fun to watch and I think guys are different anyway, so I don't mind, but when I personally see a woman who really wants something and I can tell she really likes it even if I like it I feel too bad, so I won't take it. You are the exact opposite. You will go out of your way to take something that you don't even want. Mark: Yes, I did do that. It was worth it. Jill: And, actually, it really is a lot of fun. Mark: Yeah. Jill: Everybody had some good laughs. Mark: That was fun. My kids were there too. They were the only kids and you could tell that people felt ashamed taking stuff that they wanted. Jill: Yeah, you used your kids to get what you wanted. Mark: Yes, I wanted that stuffed beaver, yes. That's what I got. Jill: That's right. Mark: It was a funny looking stuffed beaver, but nonetheless. Anyway, yeah, so it snowed all day Saturday and then it snowed Sunday until…it seemed to depend where you were. Like it started raining around my house at around noon on Sunday, but my dad said out at his place it snowed until much later in the day. Jill: Yeah, I don't think it started raining…I mean the snow turned to rain…I don't think it started until about maybe 2 or 3 in the afternoon at my house. It was big, wet, flakes of snow all day on Sunday. You could tell it was just right around zero degrees because it was, you know, very wet and then it just started pouring rain and today is, I don't know, 12-14 degrees outside. Mark: A huge change. Jill: Huge change; very warm. Mark: We got some kind of tropical storms come in from the Pacific and it's warm and just pouring rain. Jill: Yeah. Mark: I guess this is the pineapple express that they call it. Jill: I guess. Mark: Yeah. Anyway, the short time that we had the snow it was great; it was great. On the weekends myself and some of the dads from the school try to get out and play touch football and on the snowy weekends it's just the best. We manage to play twice this weekend. Yes, we did. Jill: Oh, my gosh. Mark: Saturday and Sunday. Sunday was really wet because it was kind of slushy by then, but it's great because you can fall and slide around, oh yeah. Jill: That sounds really great. Mark: Yeah, really, you're welcome to come. We can arrange an invite. Jill: Yeah, I think I'd rather stick needles in my eyes, thank you very much. Mark: It's funny, a lot of people think that, but really, you know, you just don't understand. We're misunderstood. Jill: Yeah, whatever. Mark: Yeah. Jill: But, it was a great weekend too because of the snow it seemed so festive. We don't get a lot of snow in Vancouver and it never seems to stick around because it never stays very cold, so even if we do get it usually it ends up raining by the next day, so it was neat to have it for a couple of days. That really got me into the Christmas spirit, so I made Chris come out with me and get our Christmas tree and put up all our lights and, of course, I have to decorate the whole tree; he wants no part of it. He never even had a tree before I lived with him. Mark: When he lived by himself? Jill: Yeah. I mean he doesn't put up any decorations and even last year when I lived with him he did not want a tree, but I wouldn't let it go, so I got a tree. Mark: You've got to have a tree. Jill: Well, I know, that's what I said. This year he's learned. He didn't even really try to fight it because he knew I would get my way in the end anyway. Mark: Like with most things? Jill: Yeah, pretty much. Mark: Pretty much that how it works, yeah. Jill: So, yeah, he was very good. He came out, got the tree and it was great. I went to the store and bought some eggnog. Once we were out for a few hours and we were cold and we'd had enough of the snow we went inside and basically didn't come out again and drank eggnog and had a fire and I decorated the tree and it was great! Mark: Yeah, I mean there is something nice about the snow and the wintertime, especially when it gets close to Christmas even though it's not that close still. It's quite far away, but still, yeah, it's fun. We haven't got our tree yet, but maybe next weekend. Jill: Well, you know, it is a bit early. We wouldn't normally get it this early, but we have to take it down by the 20th because we're not going to be in town, so I don't want to leave it up for the whole time that we're gone. Mark: Then when you go to take it out it will be all dried out and there'll just a house full of needles. Jill: Oh yeah, it will be a mess. Plus, you just worry about a fire hazard too. I mean I guess it's no different than having wood piled up in your house. Mark: Right. Jill: So that's why I wanted to get it early so that I actually had it for a while, otherwise, there would have been no point in getting it. Mark: Right, yeah. Well, that's good. What else did we do? I'm trying to think…because of all the snow no soccer. That's why we could all play football. Jill: So what did Kindre and the kids do then? Mark: They went tobogganing on Sunday morning. Yeah, so they had fun there. Jill: Up at one of the mountains? Mark: Up at one of the golf courses or the golf course. There's a golf course up the hill. It's private, but you can sneak on and go tobogganing at whatever hole it is when you first drive into their parking lot and so they don't seem to mind. Jill: Oh really? Mark: Yeah. Jill: So a lot of people go there. Mark: Well, I don't know about a lot, but certainly Kindre and the kids and their friends seem to go. Jill: Oh neat; I didn't know. Mark: It's great because you're not tobogganing out onto a street or anything. You know, you're on a golf course and it's down the hill and then you walk back up. Jill: Oh, they must have loved it. Mark: There's lots of snow because it's higher up the hill. Yeah, even a lot of the time when there is no snow down here there's still snow up there. So yeah, we've gone up there the past few years and apparently the dog loved it too. Jill: Gordie. Mark: Gordie was apparently chasing the toboggan down the hill and then running back up to get the next one. Jill: So he got his exercise. Mark: He was just dead after; running in the snow and there were other dogs there and oh yeah, apparently, he had… Jill: That's great. Mark: Kindre said it was his second best day ever. His best day being at (?????) in the summer. (?????) is this park on Vancouver Island where the beach is really shallow for a long way so that the dog could run, jump in the waves and he just did that for hours. So, anyway, he enjoyed the snow. Jill: That's great. Mark: Yeah, otherwise, I don't know. Jill: Well that sounds like a pretty full weekend. Mark: That was a pretty full weekend. After that we kind of sat there watching the rain come down. Jill: Yeah, I was quite depressed, actually, yesterday afternoon and evening once I saw the snow rapidly melting and all the rain coming down. The snow is so much prettier than the rain. Mark: Oh, for sure and then the combination just makes for a big mess. Jill: Mess, yeah. Mark: The roads yesterday were just horrible, the ones that didn't have much traffic on them, because it's just so slushy and quite dangerous too. Actually, leaving our Christmas party that night Kate and Paul couldn't make it up the driveway. That wasn't so good; damaged his car a little bit. My dad was out there with them helping them dig it out at one in the morning or whatever. I mean they were there for an hour trying to dig it out, yeah. Jill: I wondered that though because your parents have a fairly steep driveway and there was a lot of snow coming down. Mark: I know. Jill: And so I wondered when I...you know, we parked outside of the gates to the house on kind of the street, which is where everybody else parked I think and I wondered when I walked down and I saw her car there. I thought, you know, it's going to be tough to get out of here. Mark: I know, I mean, I almost… Jill: It's not four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive? Mark: I have four-wheel drive, so I went down there and I saw her car and I thought oh, I don't know if I'd leave my car there. I almost thought about staying up where you were, but then I thought I've been up and down that driveway before when it's been snowing. Jill: And you have four-wheel drive. Mark: With four-wheel drive it's fine going up. It is actually no problem. I saw his car there and I thought I'd better get out of here before him because I'll be stuck behind him otherwise. Jill: Yeah, they probably should have parked on the street. Mark: Yeah. Jill: But other than that it was a good night for everybody. Mark: Oh, it was great. Jill: Tons of food and lots of wine and desserts. Mark: Yeah. Jill: It was great. Mark: It was great; it was great. Often we've done it in a restaurant, but this year we did it in a house and it's more fun. You get to mingle more and… Jill: You're not confined to a seat at a table the whole time. You know, you can actually walk around, there's just more space and you can talk to more people. Mark: Exactly. Jill: It's almost more relaxed too because you're at somebody's house, so yeah, it was really great. Mark: Anyway, that was our Christmas party weekend and snow weekend. We hope we have more this year. Apparently, it's going to be a cold winter, so we might get more snow. If you've got any thoughts about weather or snow or anything where you are, please let us know, as usual, on our forum. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you all for your comments on Friday. Jill was very happy to receive them. Jill: I was surprised, yeah, to receive so many, so thank you. Mark: And we will talk to you in a couple days.

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Ninety: Snowy Weekend in Vancouver Neunzig: Verschneites Wochenende in Vancouver Noventa: Fin de semana de nieve en Vancouver Quatre-vingt-dix : Week-end enneigé à Vancouver Novanta: Weekend di neve a Vancouver 90歳バンクーバーの雪の週末 90: 밴쿠버의 눈 내리는 주말 Dziewięćdziesiąt: Śnieżny weekend w Vancouver Noventa: Fim de semana de neve em Vancouver Девяностые: Снежный уик-энд в Ванкувере Nittio: Snöig helg i Vancouver Doksan: Vancouver'da Karlı Hafta Sonu 九十:温哥华下雪的周末

Mark: Hi, I’m Mark. Mark: Hi, ich bin Mark. Jill: And I’m Jill. Welcome to the EnglishLingQ Podcast. Mark: Today we’ve got our 170th episode and it’s December 3rd, 2007. Mark: Heute haben wir unsere 170. Folge und es ist der 3. Dezember 2007. Mark: Bugün 170. bölümümüz var ve tarih 3 Aralık 2007. Welcome everybody. We thought today we would talk a little bit about our weekend, as usual. Bugün her zamanki gibi hafta sonumuz hakkında biraz konuşalım dedik. I know it seems like we always talk about the weather, but we did have a little bit of unusual weather this past weekend. Hep hava durumu hakkında konuşuyormuşuz gibi göründüğünü biliyorum ama geçen hafta sonu biraz alışılmadık bir hava yaşadık. We got some snow, which especially at the beginning of December is a bit unusual for us. Özellikle Aralık ayının başında bizim için biraz sıra dışı olan biraz kar var. Jill: And we got it Saturday and Sunday. Jill: Y lo conseguimos el sábado y el domingo. Jill: Cumartesi ve Pazar aldık. It’s not often that we have two days in a row of snow either. Tampoco es frecuente que tengamos dos días seguidos de nieve. İki gün üst üste kar yağması da pek sık rastlanan bir durum değil. Mark: No, for sure. What’s nice about it is we had our company Christmas party on Saturday night. Bunun güzel tarafı, cumartesi gecesi şirketimizin Noel partisi vardı. There was snow everywhere and that was great. Jill: Yeah, it was really pretty. Jill: Sí, fue muy bonito. Mark: It certainly makes things more Christmassy. Mark: Kesinlikle her şeyi Noel'e daha yakın yapıyor. Jill: Yeah. Mark: We were commenting on the fact that the real Christmas will be 10 degrees and raining probably. Mark: Gerçek Noel'in 10 derece olacağı ve muhtemelen yağmur yağacağı üzerine yorum yapıyorduk. Jill: That’s our typical Christmas. Mark: Yeah. At least for our Christmas party it felt like we had a white Christmas, so that was fun; that was fun. Al menos en nuestra fiesta de Navidad parecía que teníamos una Navidad blanca, así que fue divertido. Jill: Yeah, it was great. Mark: We had both the LingQ staff members there and the other majority I guess of the people in our office who work for the wood company. Mark: Orada hem LingQ çalışanlarımız hem de ofisimizde ahşap şirketi için çalışan insanların büyük çoğunluğu vardı. We have a joint Christmas party and we had a gift exchange. Celebramos una fiesta de Navidad conjunta e intercambiamos regalos. Ortak bir Noel partimiz var ve hediye alışverişimiz oldu. What did you get Jill? Jill: Oh yeah, we did a little gift exchange. I think $15.00 was the maximum or what we were supposed to spend. Sanırım en fazla 15,00 dolardı ya da harcamamız gereken miktardı. Mark: Yeah. Jill: I ended up with a jewelry box. Jill: Terminé con una caja de joyas. Jill: Sonunda bir mücevher kutusu buldum. Mark: Nice. I guess we should probably explain the gift exchange itself; how it works. Sanırım hediye alışverişinin kendisini açıklamalıyız; nasıl çalışır. It was kind of fun. Biraz eğlenceliydi. I guess very often, I don’t know how it is in other countries, but here, especially when it’s a group Christmas party like a company or a sports team or whatever groups might organize a Christmas party, you have some kind of present exchange so that everybody is not feeling like they’re going to buy a present for everybody else. Sanırım çok sık, diğer ülkelerde nasıldır bilmiyorum ama burada, özellikle bir şirket veya spor takımı gibi bir grup Noel partisi olduğunda veya herhangi bir grup bir Noel partisi organize ediyorsa, bir çeşit hediye alışverişiniz olur. Böylece herkes herkese hediye alacakmış gibi hissetmesin. Typically, you’ll buy one present and either you’ll know in advance who you’re giving it to or, in our case, you buy a present and you don’t know who it’s going to be given to. Как правило, вы покупаете один подарок и либо заранее знаете, кому его подарите, либо, как в нашем случае, вы покупаете подарок и не знаете, кому его подарят. Tipik olarak, bir hediye alırsınız ve ya onu kime vereceğinizi önceden bilirsiniz ya da bizim durumumuzda bir hediye alırsınız ve kime verileceğini bilmezsiniz. Everybody puts their present under the tree and then we pick numbers from a hat and depending on your number you then get to pick whichever gift you like. Herkes hediyesini ağacın altına koyuyor ve biz şapkadan numaralar seçiyoruz ve numaranıza göre siz de istediğiniz hediyeyi seçiyorsunuz. Jill: They are all wrapped. Jill: Hepsi sarılı. Initially, they’re all wrapped, so the person with number 1 has to go first. Başlangıçta hepsi sarılır, bu nedenle 1 numaralı kişinin önce gitmesi gerekir. They pick a present and they open it, unwrap it, and then the second person can either take that gift away from the person or open a new one. Eligen un regalo y lo abren, lo desenvuelven y luego la segunda persona puede quitarle ese regalo o abrir uno nuevo. Ils choisissent un cadeau et l'ouvrent, le déballent, puis la deuxième personne peut soit retirer ce cadeau de la personne, soit en ouvrir un nouveau. Они выбирают подарок, открывают его, разворачивают, а затем второй человек может либо забрать у него этот подарок, либо открыть новый. Bir hediye seçerler ve onu açarlar, paketini açarlar ve sonra ikinci kişi o hediyeyi kişiden alabilir veya yenisini açabilir. Mark: So, if you like what the first guy opened you don’t open another gift. Mark : Donc, si vous aimez ce que le premier gars a ouvert, vous n'ouvrez pas un autre cadeau. Mark: Yani, ilk adamın açtığını beğendiysen, başka bir hediye açmıyorsun. Jill: You steal it. Jill: Usted lo roba. Jill: Onu çalıyorsun. Mark: You say wow, that’s really good. Mark: Vay canına diyorsun, bu gerçekten iyi. I like that one I’m going to take it, so that person then has to go back and open a new gift or if you don’t want what he has you go open a new one. J'aime celui-là, je vais le prendre, donc cette personne doit alors revenir en arrière et ouvrir un nouveau cadeau ou si vous ne voulez pas ce qu'il a, vous allez en ouvrir un nouveau. Onu beğendiğimi alacağım, böylece o kişi geri dönüp yeni bir hediye açmak zorunda kalacak ya da onun sahip olduğunu istemiyorsanız, gidip yeni bir hediye açacaksınız. Jill: Eventually there are so many that are open that the person who loses their gift if somebody steals it from them they don’t have to open a new one they can go and steal another one from somebody else that is already open and it’s really a lot of fun. Jill: Finalement, il y en a tellement qui sont ouverts que la personne qui perd son cadeau si quelqu'un le lui vole n'a pas à en ouvrir un nouveau, elle peut aller en voler un autre à quelqu'un d'autre qui est déjà ouvert et c'est vraiment beaucoup de plaisir. Jill: Sonunda açık olan o kadar çok şey var ki, eğer birisi onlardan çalarsa hediyesini kaybeden kişi, yeni bir tane açmak zorunda kalmaz, gidip başka birinden zaten açık olan bir tane daha çalabilir ve bu gerçekten çok eğlenceli. Especially you men, you guys love stealing from each other. Sobre todo a los hombres, os encanta robaros los unos a los otros. Özellikle siz erkekler, birbirinizden çalmayı seviyorsunuz. Mark: Well, it’s more that if you see someone who’s got something that they seem to really want. Mark : Eh bien, c'est plus que si vous voyez quelqu'un qui a quelque chose qu'il semble vraiment vouloir. Mark: Aslında, gerçekten istiyor gibi göründüğü bir şeye sahip olan birini gördüğünüzde daha çok. That’s where it becomes fun, stealing it from them. Onlardan çalmak eğlenceli hale geldiği yer burasıdır. Yes, that’s right. Jill: And I’m so the opposite. Jill: Y yo soy todo lo contrario. Jill: Ve ben tam tersiyim. It’s fun to watch and I think guys are different anyway, so I don’t mind, but when I personally see a woman who really wants something and I can tell she really likes it even if I like it I feel too bad, so I won’t take it. C'est amusant à regarder et je pense que les gars sont différents de toute façon, donc ça ne me dérange pas, mais quand je vois personnellement une femme qui veut vraiment quelque chose et que je peux dire qu'elle l'aime vraiment même si je l'aime, je me sens trop mal, alors je ne le prendra pas. Это забавно наблюдать, и я думаю, что парни все равно разные, так что я не против, но когда я лично вижу женщину, которая действительно хочет что-то, и я могу сказать, что ей это действительно нравится, даже если это нравится мне, я чувствую себя слишком плохо, так что я не буду брать это. İzlemesi eğlenceli ve erkeklerin zaten farklı olduğunu düşünüyorum, bu yüzden umursamıyorum, ama şahsen bir şeyi gerçekten isteyen bir kadın gördüğümde ve hoşuma gitse bile onun bundan gerçekten hoşlandığını söyleyebilirim, bu yüzden kendimi çok kötü hissediyorum. almayacak You are the exact opposite. Sen tam tersisin. You will go out of your way to take something that you don’t even want. Te desvivirás por coger algo que ni siquiera quieres. İstemediğin bir şeyi almak için elinden geleni yapacaksın. Mark: Yes, I did do that. Mark: Sí, lo hice. It was worth it. Valió la pena. Buna değerdi. Jill: And, actually, it really is a lot of fun. Jill: Ve aslında, gerçekten çok eğlenceli. Mark: Yeah. Jill: Everybody had some good laughs. Jill: Todo el mundo tenía algunas buenas risas. Jill: Herkes iyi güldü. Mark: That was fun. My kids were there too. They were the only kids and you could tell that people felt ashamed taking stuff that they wanted. Tek çocuklar onlardı ve insanların istedikleri şeyleri almaktan utandıklarını söyleyebilirdiniz. Jill: Yeah, you used your kids to get what you wanted. Jill: Evet, istediğini elde etmek için çocuklarını kullandın. Mark: Yes, I wanted that stuffed beaver, yes. ||||||stuffed animal| Mark: Sí, quería ese castor de peluche, sí. Mark: Evet, o doldurulmuş kunduzu istiyordum, evet. That’s what I got. Ben de öyle yaptım. Jill: That’s right. Mark: It was a funny looking stuffed beaver, but nonetheless. Mark: Era un castor de peluche de aspecto gracioso, pero no importaba. Mark: Komik görünümlü, doldurulmuş bir kunduzdu ama yine de. Anyway, yeah, so it snowed all day Saturday and then it snowed Sunday until…it seemed to depend where you were. ||||雪が降った|||||||||||||||| Quoi qu'il en soit, ouais, donc il a neigé toute la journée samedi et puis il a neigé dimanche jusqu'à… ça semblait dépendre de l'endroit où vous étiez. Her neyse, evet, bu yüzden Cumartesi bütün gün kar yağdı ve ardından Pazar gününe kadar kar yağdı... nerede olduğunuza bağlı gibi görünüyordu. Like it started raining around my house at around noon on Sunday, but my dad said out at his place it snowed until much later in the day. En mi casa empezó a llover sobre el mediodía del domingo, pero mi padre dijo que en su casa nevó hasta mucho más tarde. Comme s'il avait commencé à pleuvoir autour de ma maison vers midi dimanche, mais mon père a dit chez lui qu'il a neigé jusqu'à bien plus tard dans la journée. Sanki Pazar günü öğlen civarında evimin etrafında yağmur yağmaya başladı, ama babam onun evinde günün ilerleyen saatlerine kadar kar yağdığını söyledi. Jill: Yeah, I don’t think it started raining…I mean the snow turned to rain…I don’t think it started until about maybe 2 or 3 in the afternoon at my house. Jill: Sí, no creo que empezó a llover ... Quiero decir, la nieve se convirtió en lluvia ... No creo que comenzó hasta tal vez 2 o 3 de la tarde en mi casa. Jill : Ouais, je ne pense pas qu'il ait commencé à pleuvoir… Je veux dire que la neige s'est transformée en pluie… Je ne pense pas qu'elle ait commencé avant peut-être 2 ou 3 heures de l'après-midi chez moi. It was big, wet, flakes of snow all day on Sunday. ||||flakes|||||| ||||雪片|の||||| El domingo nevó todo el día con copos grandes y húmedos. Pazar günü bütün gün büyük, ıslak, kar taneleri vardı. You could tell it was just right around zero degrees because it was, you know, very wet and then it just started pouring rain and today is, I don’t know, 12-14 degrees outside. Sıfır derece civarında olduğunu söyleyebilirdiniz çünkü hava çok ıslaktı ve sonra birden yağmur yağmaya başladı ve bugün, bilmiyorum, dışarısı 12-14 derece. Mark: A huge change. Jill: Huge change; very warm. Jill: Büyük değişiklik; çok sıcak. Mark: We got some kind of tropical storms come in from the Pacific and it’s warm and just pouring rain. Mark: Pasifik'ten gelen bir tür tropikal fırtına var ve hava ılık ve sağanak yağmur yağıyor. Jill: Yeah. Mark: I guess this is the pineapple express that they call it. Mark: Supongo que lo llaman el expreso de la piña. Mark : Je suppose que c'est le pineapple express comme ils l'appellent. Mark: Sanırım buna ananas ekspresi diyorlar. Jill: I guess. Mark: Yeah. Anyway, the short time that we had the snow it was great; it was great. Her neyse, kar yağdığımız kısa süre harikaydı; harikaydı. On the weekends myself and some of the dads from the school try to get out and play touch football and on the snowy weekends it’s just the best. ||||||||fathers from school|||||||||||||||||||| Le week-end, moi-même et certains des pères de l'école essayons de sortir et de jouer au football tactile et les week-ends enneigés, c'est tout simplement le meilleur. We manage to play twice this weekend. Yes, we did. Jill: Oh, my gosh. Mark: Saturday and Sunday. Sunday was really wet because it was kind of slushy by then, but it’s great because you can fall and slide around, oh yeah. El domingo estaba muy mojado porque ya estaba un poco aguanieve, pero es genial porque puedes caerte y deslizarte, oh sí. Jill: That sounds really great. Mark: Yeah, really, you’re welcome to come. We can arrange an invite. Podemos organizar una invitación. Мы можем организовать приглашение. Jill: Yeah, I think I’d rather stick needles in my eyes, thank you very much. Jill: Sí, creo que prefiero clavarme agujas en los ojos, muchas gracias. Джил: Да, я лучше буду втыкать иголки в глаза, спасибо большое. Mark: It’s funny, a lot of people think that, but really, you know, you just don’t understand. We’re misunderstood. Somos unos incomprendidos. Nous sommes mal compris. Jill: Yeah, whatever. Mark: Yeah. Jill: But, it was a great weekend too because of the snow it seemed so festive. We don’t get a lot of snow in Vancouver and it never seems to stick around because it never stays very cold, so even if we do get it usually it ends up raining by the next day, so it was neat to have it for a couple of days. En Vancouver no nieva mucho y parece que nunca se queda porque nunca hace mucho frío, así que incluso cuando nieva suele acabar lloviendo al día siguiente, así que fue estupendo tenerla un par de días. Nous n'avons pas beaucoup de neige à Vancouver et il ne semble jamais rester parce qu'il ne reste jamais très froid, donc même si nous en avons généralement, il finit par pleuvoir le lendemain, donc c'était bien de l'avoir pour quelques jours. That really got me into the Christmas spirit, so I made Chris come out with me and get our Christmas tree and put up all our lights and, of course, I have to decorate the whole tree; he wants no part of it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||飾る||||||||| Eso me hizo entrar en el espíritu navideño, así que hice que Chris viniera conmigo a por nuestro árbol de Navidad y a poner todas las luces y, por supuesto, yo tengo que decorar todo el árbol; él no quiere saber nada. Cela m'a vraiment mis dans l'esprit de Noël, alors j'ai demandé à Chris de sortir avec moi et de chercher notre sapin de Noël et d'installer toutes nos lumières et, bien sûr, je dois décorer tout le sapin; il ne veut pas en faire partie. Это очень воодушевило меня, и я заставила Криса пойти со мной за елкой и развесить все гирлянды, и, конечно, я должна была украсить всю елку, он не хотел в этом участвовать. He never even had a tree before I lived with him. Ni siquiera tenía un árbol antes de que yo viviera con él. Mark: When he lived by himself? Jill: Yeah. I mean he doesn’t put up any decorations and even last year when I lived with him he did not want a tree, but I wouldn’t let it go, so I got a tree. Quiero decir que él no pone ningún adorno e incluso el año pasado cuando vivía con él no quería un árbol, pero yo no lo dejaría pasar, así que compré un árbol. Je veux dire qu'il ne met pas de décorations et même l'année dernière, quand je vivais avec lui, il ne voulait pas d'arbre, mais je ne voulais pas le laisser partir, alors j'ai pris un arbre. Mark: You’ve got to have a tree. Jill: Well, I know, that’s what I said. Jill : Eh bien, je sais, c'est ce que j'ai dit. Джил: Ну, я знаю, я так и сказала. This year he’s learned. Este año ha aprendido. В этом году он научился. He didn’t even really try to fight it because he knew I would get my way in the end anyway. Ni siquiera intentó luchar porque sabía que al final me saldría con la mía. Il n'a même pas vraiment essayé de lutter parce qu'il savait que j'arriverais à mes fins de toute façon. Он даже не пытался сопротивляться, потому что знал, что в конце концов я все равно добьюсь своего. Mark: Like with most things? Mark : Comme avec la plupart des choses ? Jill: Yeah, pretty much. Mark: Pretty much that how it works, yeah. Jill: So, yeah, he was very good. He came out, got the tree and it was great. I went to the store and bought some eggnog. ||||||||holiday milk drink Once we were out for a few hours and we were cold and we’d had enough of the snow we went inside and basically didn’t come out again and drank eggnog and had a fire and I decorated the tree and it was great! Una vez que estuvimos fuera unas cuantas horas y tuvimos frío y nos hartamos de la nieve, nos metimos dentro y básicamente no volvimos a salir y bebimos ponche de huevo y encendimos un fuego y yo decoré el árbol y ¡fue genial! Как только мы вышли на улицу на несколько часов, замерзли и нам надоел снег, мы зашли в дом и практически больше не выходили, пили гоголь-моголь, жгли костер, я украшала елку, и это было здорово! Mark: Yeah, I mean there is something nice about the snow and the wintertime, especially when it gets close to Christmas even though it’s not that close still. |||||||||||||冬の時期|||||||||||||| Mark : Oui, je veux dire qu'il y a quelque chose de bien dans la neige et l'hiver, surtout quand Noël approche, même si ce n'est pas encore si proche. It’s quite far away, but still, yeah, it’s fun. Está bastante lejos, pero aun así, sí, es divertido. C'est assez loin, mais quand même, oui, c'est amusant. We haven’t got our tree yet, but maybe next weekend. Jill: Well, you know, it is a bit early. We wouldn’t normally get it this early, but we have to take it down by the 20th because we’re not going to be in town, so I don’t want to leave it up for the whole time that we’re gone. Normalmente no lo haríamos tan pronto, pero tenemos que quitarlo antes del día 20 porque no vamos a estar en la ciudad, así que no quiero dejarlo puesto durante todo el tiempo que estemos fuera. Normalement, nous ne l'aurions pas si tôt, mais nous devons le retirer avant le 20, car nous n'allons pas être en ville, donc je ne veux pas le laisser pendant tout le temps que nous sommes partis. . Normalde bu kadar erken almazdık ama ayın 20'sine kadar indirmemiz gerekiyor çünkü şehirde olmayacağız, bu yüzden gittiğimiz süre boyunca asılı kalmasını istemiyorum. Mark: Then when you go to take it out it will be all dried out and there’ll just a house full of needles. |||||||||||||dehydrated or shriveled||||||||| Mark: Entonces cuando vayas a sacarlo estará todo seco y sólo habrá una casa llena de agujas. Mark : Alors, quand vous irez le sortir, il sera tout sec et il n'y aura qu'une maison pleine d'aiguilles. Mark: Sonra onu çıkarmaya gittiğinizde her şey kurumuş olacak ve bir ev dolusu iğne olacak. Jill: Oh yeah, it will be a mess. Jill: Oh, sí, será un desastre. Plus, you just worry about a fire hazard too. Además, también te preocupa el riesgo de incendio. I mean I guess it’s no different than having wood piled up in your house. Supongo que no es diferente a tener leña apilada en casa. Je veux dire, je suppose que ce n'est pas différent que d'avoir du bois empilé dans votre maison. Mark: Right. Jill: So that’s why I wanted to get it early so that I actually had it for a while, otherwise, there would have been no point in getting it. Jill : C'est pourquoi je voulais l'obtenir plus tôt afin de l'avoir pendant un certain temps, sinon, cela n'aurait servi à rien de l'obtenir. Mark: Right, yeah. Well, that’s good. What else did we do? I’m trying to think…because of all the snow no soccer. Estoy tratando de pensar ... debido a toda la nieve no hay fútbol. J'essaie de penser… à cause de toute la neige, pas de football. That’s why we could all play football. C'est pourquoi nous pourrions tous jouer au football. Jill: So what did Kindre and the kids do then? Jill: Entonces, ¿qué hicieron Kindre y los niños? Jill : Alors, qu'est-ce que Kindre et les enfants ont fait ? Mark: They went tobogganing on Sunday morning. |||катание на санках||| |||そり遊び||| Mark: Fueron a hacer trineo el domingo por la mañana. Yeah, so they had fun there. Jill: Up at one of the mountains? Mark: Up at one of the golf courses or the golf course. Mark: Arriba, en uno de los campos de golf o en el campo de golf. There’s a golf course up the hill. It’s private, but you can sneak on and go tobogganing at whatever hole it is when you first drive into their parking lot and so they don’t seem to mind. |||||||||sledding down hills|||||||||||||||||||| Es privado, pero puedes colarte e ir a hacer trineo en el agujero que sea cuando entras por primera vez en su aparcamiento y no parece que les importe. C'est privé, mais vous pouvez vous faufiler et faire de la luge à n'importe quel trou lorsque vous conduisez pour la première fois dans leur parking et donc ils ne semblent pas s'en soucier. Он частный, но вы можете пробраться и покататься на санях в любой яме, когда только въезжаете на их парковку, и, похоже, они не возражают. Özel bir yer, ancak otoparklarına ilk girdiğinizde gizlice girip hangi delik olursa olsun kızakla kayabilirsiniz ve bu yüzden umursamıyor gibi görünüyorlar. Jill: Oh really? Mark: Yeah. Jill: So a lot of people go there. Джил: Поэтому многие люди приходят туда. Mark: Well, I don’t know about a lot, but certainly Kindre and the kids and their friends seem to go. Jill: Oh neat; I didn’t know. |||私|| Джил: О, отлично; я не знала. Mark: It’s great because you’re not tobogganing out onto a street or anything. Mark: Es estupendo porque no tienes que salir a la calle en trineo ni nada por el estilo. Mark : C'est génial parce que vous ne faites pas de luge dans une rue ou quoi que ce soit. You know, you’re on a golf course and it’s down the hill and then you walk back up. Vous savez, vous êtes sur un terrain de golf et c'est en bas de la colline, puis vous remontez à pied. Jill: Oh, they must have loved it. Mark: There’s lots of snow because it’s higher up the hill. Yeah, even a lot of the time when there is no snow down here there’s still snow up there. Ouais, même la plupart du temps quand il n'y a pas de neige ici, il y a encore de la neige là-haut. So yeah, we’ve gone up there the past few years and apparently the dog loved it too. Alors oui, nous y sommes allés ces dernières années et apparemment le chien a adoré aussi. Jill: Gordie. Mark: Gordie was apparently chasing the toboggan down the hill and then running back up to get the next one. Mark: Al parecer, Gordie perseguía el tobogán colina abajo y luego volvía a subir corriendo para coger el siguiente. Mark : Gordie était apparemment en train de poursuivre le toboggan en bas de la colline, puis de remonter en courant pour prendre le suivant. Jill: So he got his exercise. Jill: Así que consiguió su ejercicio. Mark: He was just dead after; running in the snow and there were other dogs there and oh yeah, apparently, he had… Mark : Il était juste mort après ; courir dans la neige et il y avait d'autres chiens là-bas et oh ouais, apparemment, il avait… Jill: That’s great. Mark: Kindre said it was his second best day ever. Mark : Kindre a dit que c'était sa deuxième meilleure journée. His best day being at (?????) in the summer. (?????) is this park on Vancouver Island where the beach is really shallow for a long way so that the dog could run, jump in the waves and he just did that for hours. es este parque en la isla de Vancouver, donde la playa es muy poco profunda por un largo camino para que el perro podía correr, saltar en las olas y él sólo lo hizo durante horas. So, anyway, he enjoyed the snow. Jill: That’s great. Mark: Yeah, otherwise, I don’t know. Jill: Well that sounds like a pretty full weekend. Mark: That was a pretty full weekend. After that we kind of sat there watching the rain come down. После этого мы просто сидели и смотрели, как идет дождь. Jill: Yeah, I was quite depressed, actually, yesterday afternoon and evening once I saw the snow rapidly melting and all the rain coming down. The snow is so much prettier than the rain. |||||美しい||| Mark: Oh, for sure and then the combination just makes for a big mess. Mark: Oh, claro, y luego la combinación forma un gran lío. Jill: Mess, yeah. Mark: The roads yesterday were just horrible, the ones that didn’t have much traffic on them, because it’s just so slushy and quite dangerous too. Actually, leaving our Christmas party that night Kate and Paul couldn’t make it up the driveway. En realidad, al salir de nuestra fiesta de Navidad esa noche, Kate y Paul no pudieron llegar a la entrada. En fait, en quittant notre fête de Noël ce soir-là, Kate et Paul n'ont pas pu remonter l'allée. На самом деле, уходя с нашей рождественской вечеринки в тот вечер, Кейт и Пол не смогли подняться по подъездной дорожке. That wasn’t so good; damaged his car a little bit. Eso no fue tan bueno; dañó un poco su coche. Ce n'était pas si bon; endommagé un peu sa voiture. My dad was out there with them helping them dig it out at one in the morning or whatever. Mi padre estaba allí con ellos ayudándoles a desenterrarlo a la una de la madrugada o así. Mon père était là-bas avec eux pour les aider à le déterrer à une heure du matin ou peu importe. Babam da onlarla birlikte sabahın birinde ya da her neyse, kazmalarına yardım ediyordu. I mean they were there for an hour trying to dig it out, yeah. Je veux dire qu'ils étaient là pendant une heure à essayer de le déterrer, ouais. Jill: I wondered that though because your parents have a fairly steep driveway and there was a lot of snow coming down. Jill: Me preguntaba que, sin embargo, debido a que sus padres tienen un camino de entrada bastante empinada y había un montón de nieve bajando. Jill : Je me posais la question parce que vos parents ont une allée assez raide et qu'il y avait beaucoup de neige qui tombait. Mark: I know. Jill: And so I wondered when I...you know, we parked outside of the gates to the house on kind of the street, which is where everybody else parked I think and I wondered when I walked down and I saw her car there. Jill : Et donc je me suis demandé quand je... vous savez, nous nous sommes garés devant les portes de la maison dans une sorte de rue, c'est là que tout le monde s'est garé, je pense, et je me suis demandé quand je suis descendu et que j'ai vu sa voiture là-bas. . I thought, you know, it’s going to be tough to get out of here. Je pensais, tu sais, que ça va être dur de sortir d'ici. Mark: I know, I mean, I almost… Jill: It’s not four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive? Jill: ¿No es tracción a las cuatro ruedas o tracción total? Jill: Dört tekerden çekişli ya da dört tekerden çekişli değil mi? Mark: I have four-wheel drive, so I went down there and I saw her car and I thought oh, I don’t know if I’d leave my car there. Mark: Tengo tracción a las cuatro ruedas, así que fui allí y vi su coche y pensé oh, no sé si dejaría mi coche allí. Mark : J'ai un 4x4, alors je suis allé là-bas et j'ai vu sa voiture et j'ai pensé oh, je ne sais pas si je laisserais ma voiture là-bas. Марк: У меня полный привод, поэтому я спустился туда, увидел ее машину и подумал: ой, не знаю, оставлю ли я там свою машину. Mark: Dört çeker arabam var, bu yüzden oraya gittim ve arabasını gördüm ve arabamı orada bırakır mıyım bilmiyorum diye düşündüm. I almost thought about staying up where you were, but then I thought I’ve been up and down that driveway before when it’s been snowing. ||||||||||||||||||||||||雪が降っている J'ai presque pensé à rester là où tu étais, mais ensuite j'ai pensé que j'étais déjà allée dans cette allée quand il neigeait. Я почти подумал о том, чтобы остаться там, где вы были, но потом подумал, что я уже поднимался и спускался по этой дороге, когда шел снег. Neredeyse senin olduğun yerde kalmayı düşünüyordum, ama sonra kar yağarken o yolu daha önce de inip çıktığımı düşündüm. Jill: And you have four-wheel drive. Mark: With four-wheel drive it’s fine going up. It is actually no problem. I saw his car there and I thought I’d better get out of here before him because I’ll be stuck behind him otherwise. Vi su coche allí y pensé que sería mejor salir de aquí antes que él porque si no me quedaría atrapado detrás de él. J'ai vu sa voiture là-bas et j'ai pensé que je ferais mieux de sortir d'ici avant lui parce que sinon je serai coincé derrière lui. Я увидел там его машину и подумал, что мне лучше уехать отсюда раньше него, потому что иначе я застряну за ним. Jill: Yeah, they probably should have parked on the street. Mark: Yeah. Jill: But other than that it was a good night for everybody. Mark: Oh, it was great. Jill: Tons of food and lots of wine and desserts. Mark: Yeah. Jill: It was great. Mark: It was great; it was great. Often we’ve done it in a restaurant, but this year we did it in a house and it’s more fun. You get to mingle more and… |||socialize|| Te mezclas más y... Jill: You’re not confined to a seat at a table the whole time. |||restricted||||||||| You know, you can actually walk around, there’s just more space and you can talk to more people. Mark: Exactly. Jill: It’s almost more relaxed too because you’re at somebody’s house, so yeah, it was really great. Mark: Anyway, that was our Christmas party weekend and snow weekend. We hope we have more this year. Apparently, it’s going to be a cold winter, so we might get more snow. If you’ve got any thoughts about weather or snow or anything where you are, please let us know, as usual, on our forum. Si vous avez des idées sur la météo ou la neige ou quoi que ce soit là où vous vous trouvez, veuillez nous le faire savoir, comme d'habitude, sur notre forum. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you all for your comments on Friday. Jill was very happy to receive them. Jill: I was surprised, yeah, to receive so many, so thank you. Mark: And we will talk to you in a couple days.