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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Forty-three: Debating Gay Marriage

Forty-three: Debating Gay Marriage

Steve: Jill.

Here we are again. We're going to try to debate something. Let's try to be controversial. Let's talk about gay marriage.

Jill: A very popular subject in Canada.

Steve: It's a big subject. I don't think it concerns that many people in fact, but it seems to get a lot of press.

Jill: Yes.

Steve: Which side do you want to defend? And, we should say ahead of time that which ever side we choose it doesn't have to be the way we think.

Jill: Actually feel, yeah.

Steve: No. But it's just for the purpose of having a debate.

Jill: Right.

I will defend the side, I guess I'll take the side of gay, pro gay marriage.

Steve: Okay, pro gay marriage. Okay what does that mean? So you think gays should get married?

Jill: I think that yes, if two people love each other and want to be married and have the same rights as a married couple, a woman and a man here which means there are certain tax benefits and there's different things that come along with a legally recognized marriage. And, if, if two men or two women want that then I think they should be able to.

Steve: Now it's my understanding that the marriage issue is one step beyond getting the same rights. I understand that there is a common law arrangement, that there is a legal arrangement that gays can have because they live in a union. And that, with their partner and therefore they would share many of the same rights, if not all of the same rights as a married couple. But my understanding is what the gays want is they want the word marriage.

Jill: Marriage.

Steve: And, that's where I draw the line. That's where I draw the line because I think the word marriage has a lot of cultural significance in it. It has been around for a long, long time. So, what we're really saying is that, and I think this is the crux of the matter, that the gays want to say our marriage, our union is as natural, as honorable, as wonderful as any other union.

Jill: Right.

Steve: And, that's what I don't agree with because the marriage of one man and one woman is pretty fundamental to our society.

Jill: And our survival.

Steve: Now, don't agree with me. You're supposed to disagree. So, and I think we have evolved to a situation where we think the marriage of one man and one woman is, can be a fairly equal relationship. One man and ten women, you know or one woman and ten men, we don't think that's good.

Jill: No.

Steve: No. One man and one woman, we think that's kind of healthy. We think that's good for the children, it provides a role model for sons and daughters. We think that's good so people like that. They, that's important to many people. So, I understand that the gays are saying it's important for us to be recognized as the same as that but in fact, in my opinion it's not the same. So that's where I feel that, and the problem is that once it's recognized legally as the same then the gays will try to force various institutions such as religions to grant them the same status as you know, heterosexual you know, monogamous relationships because it's now law and it's their right and so forth and so on.

So, I just think it's not necessary. I think, I have nothing against gays and they can live their lives however they want but I think that by the same token they should just respect this very, very universal and long standing institution of marriage.

Jill: Yeah, yeah, I mean, I can definitely understand that perspective however I think that, I mean the institution of marriage has changed a lot over the years and it's, I mean people are getting divorced constantly. People are getting married five times and so I think to a lot of people it doesn't mean very much and they just do it then it's easy to undo it and I think that there could be gay people who might it might mean more to them than some heterosexual people and they may still want to be parents and they could be very good parents. They could be very good role models.

There's a lot of terrible parents out there that are heterosexual and that are married and have you know raised bad children or not good parents and so I just, yeah, I think that basically they should be given the same opportunity.

Steve: Okay. Certainly I think there is a lot to what you are saying and that is that the hallowed institution of marriage may in fact contain all kinds of problems and we read some of the worst stories of child abuse and who knows what that happen and spouse abuse and so forth that happens in our traditional heterosexual marriages. And, it is true that divorce is more and more common but I think recognizing gay marriage is just one more sort of stone thrown at the institution of marriage.

I also have a problem of the idea of gays adopting children or in the case of lesbians, artificially inseminating themselves. I guess you could have theoretically two pregnant partners.

Jill: Yeah, you could.

Steve: You know, it just gets away from what's natural. What's natural is not necessarily always good. There are nasty animals. There are animals that eat their young, you know what I mean? There are gay animals.

Jill: Antibiotics are not natural. I mean there's lots of things that are …

Steve: No, No but I'm saying even within what is natural it's not all good.

Jill: No, it's not all good and,

Steve: It's not all good and so there's all kinds, I mean nature is not necessarily moral.

Jill: No.

Steve: It just is. But, to me, I'm a bit of a traditionalist and I always hope that one day the divorce rate will start going the other way, that we'll have less and less divorce. I think a large part of the high divorce rate is this whole everything for me now kind of attitude that I tend to believe comes from our pop culture and so forth but I can't prove it. But, so, no, I think that the fact that gays are not persecuted is a good thing. In fact, and ideally people who are gay at work and in very different situations, I don't ask people who might be my employees or whom I deal with whether they are gay or not. If they happen to introduce me to their partner without happens to be of the same sex then okay. None of that bothers me at all.

I just think there is a certain militancy sometimes on the part of gays and maybe that's normal in any situation where people have been subject to some degree of persecution and you'll have a sort of a militancy that kind of goes too far the other way. And I see nothing wrong with some kind of a civil union and similar tax breaks for gays as long as there is a commitment, you know to a long term relationship.

Now, you could argue that nothing prevents heterosexuals from having a marriage of convenience for any number of tax advantages. A marriage of convenience, a divorce of convenience, all this kind of stuff. Whether it be for immigration reasons, social welfare reasons, I mean there is so much abuse and stuff everywhere so I'm not suggesting that heterosexual people are better than gays but I just think the institution of marriage to me, although if I'm perfectly honest, it doesn't matter or bother me at all.

Jill: You're just taking that side.

Steve: No, no, no, I'm saying I do believe the institution of marriage is important. Now I'm saying whatever you feel but the fact that gays are allowed to call themselves married doesn't affect in any way how I feel about my own marriage.

Jill: No, exactly.

Steve: No impact. But it does, I just kind of feel somewhere that in our society, I just feel that the institution of marriage should be kind of

Jill: Sacred.

Steve: Buttressed a little bit. Helped along a little bit and shouldn't be so easy to divorce, you know and all the different things that go on.

Jill: Well I agree with you there for sure, yeah.

Steve: You know? I think it was Napoleon that said you know, Jill we always end up agreeing at the end. You ought to get something.

Jill: Get a topic where we really do disagree.

Steve: Totally disagree. We'll find something that's nastier. But, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Napoleon once said that if you allow women to, if you allow divorce, divorce will happen. I mean there's something to be said for that. If it's just not an option or it's very difficult to get a divorce people will find,

Jill: People will work it out.

Steve: They'll find other solutions. So. We'll talk about that next time.

Hey, listen we forgot to say that this is EnglishLingQ.com so those of you who are hearing this you can also go to the website EnglishLingQ.com where you will find a transcript. And, if you're really clever you will join the Linguist so that you can learn the words and phrases that will help you when you have to argue with someone in English. And, hopefully your argument will be more heart felt than the one I've just had with Jill.

Jill: Yeah.

Steve: Where we always agree. Okay.

Jill: Alright. Bye, bye.

Steve: Bye.

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Forty-three: Debating Gay Marriage |||ゲイ| ||debatiendo|| Четиридесет и три: Дебати за гей браковете Dreiundvierzig: Debatte über die Homo-Ehe Cuarenta y tres: Debate sobre el matrimonio homosexual Quarante-trois : Débat sur le mariage gay Quarantatré: dibattito sul matrimonio gay 43歳同性婚の議論 마흔셋: 마흔셋: 동성 결혼에 대한 토론 Keturiasdešimt trys: Diskusijos apie gėjų santuokas Czterdzieści trzy: Debata o małżeństwach homoseksualnych Quarenta e três: Debate sobre o casamento gay Сорок три: Дискуссия об однополых браках Fyrtiotre: Debatt om homoäktenskap Kırk üç: Eşcinsel Evliliği Tartışmak Сорок три: Дебати про одностатеві шлюби 四十三:辩论同性婚姻 第四十三:辩论同性婚姻

Steve: Jill.

Here we are again. Ето ни отново. Eccoci di nuovo. We’re going to try to debate something. Ще се опитаме да обсъдим нещо. Wir werden versuchen, etwas zu diskutieren. Cercheremo di discutere qualcosa. 我们将尝试讨论一些事情。 Let’s try to be controversial. ||||provocative 物議を醸すようにしましょう。 Tartışmalı olmaya çalışalım. 让我们尝试引起争议。 Let’s talk about gay marriage. Reden wir über die Homo-Ehe. 让我们谈谈同性恋婚姻。

Jill: A very popular subject in Canada. 吉尔:在加拿大很受欢迎的科目。

Steve: It’s a big subject. 史蒂夫:这是一个很大的话题。 I don’t think it concerns that many people in fact, but it seems to get a lot of press. ||||diz respeito||||||||||||||cobertura da mídia Всъщност не мисля, че това засяга толкова много хора, но изглежда, че се отразява много в пресата. Ich denke nicht, dass es tatsächlich so viele Menschen betrifft, aber es scheint viel Presse zu bekommen. I don't think it concerns that many people in fact, but it seems to get a lot of press. De hecho, no creo que le preocupe a mucha gente, pero parece tener mucha prensa. 実はそんなに多くの人が気になっているとは思いませんが、マスコミが多いようです。 Nie sądzę, by dotyczyło to tak wielu osób, ale wydaje się, że jest o tym głośno. Я не думаю, что это касается столь многих людей, но, похоже, об этом много пишут. Aslında pek çok insanın endişe duyduğunu düşünmüyorum, ama çok fazla baskı yapıyor gibi görünüyor. 我不认为它实际上涉及很多人,但它似乎得到了很多媒体。

Jill: Yes.

Steve: Which side do you want to defend? スティーブ:どちら側を守りたいですか? Steve: Hangi tarafı savunmak istiyorsunuz? 史蒂夫:你想防守哪一方? And, we should say ahead of time that which ever side we choose it doesn’t have to be the way we think. И трябва да кажем предварително, че която и страна да изберем, не е задължително тя да бъде такава, каквато мислим. Und wir sollten im Voraus sagen, dass die Seite, für die wir uns entscheiden, nicht so sein muss, wie wir denken. Et, nous devrions dire à l'avance que quel que soit le côté que nous choisissons, il n'est pas nécessaire que ce soit notre façon de penser. そして、どちらの側を選んでも、私たちの考え方である必要はないことを前もって言う必要があります。 Ve şunu seçmeliyiz ki, hangi tarafı seçeceğimizi hiç düşünmememiz gerekmiyor. 而且,我们应该提前说,无论我们选择哪一方,都不一定是我们的想法。

Jill: Actually feel, yeah. Джил: Всъщност усещам, да. Jill: Realmente siento, sí. Jill : Je ressens vraiment, ouais. ジル:実際に感じます、ええ。 Jill: Aslında, evet. 吉尔:实际上感觉,是的。

Steve: No. 史蒂夫:没有。 But it’s just for the purpose of having a debate. Aber es ist nur zum Zweck einer Debatte. Mais c'est juste pour avoir un débat. Ama bu sadece bir tartışmanın amacı için. 但这只是为了进行辩论。

Jill: Right. Jill: Richtig.

I will defend the side, I guess I’ll take the side of gay, pro gay marriage. Ще защитавам страната, предполагам, че ще взема страната на гейовете, за гей браковете. Ich werde die Seite verteidigen, ich denke, ich werde die Seite der schwulen, pro-schwulen Ehe vertreten. 私は側を守ります、私は同性愛者、プロ同性愛者の結婚の側を取ると思います。 Tarafı savunacağım, sanırım eşcinsel, eşcinsel evliliğin yanını alacağım. 我会捍卫这一边,我想我会站在同性恋的一边,亲同性恋婚姻。

Steve: Okay, pro gay marriage. Стив: Добре, за гей браковете. Steve: Tamam, eşcinsel evlilik. 史蒂夫:好的,赞成同性婚姻。 Okay what does that mean? Okay was bedeutet das Tamam, bu ne anlama geliyor? 好吧,那是什么意思? So you think gays should get married? |||同志||| Значи смятате, че гейовете трябва да се женят? Du denkst also, Schwule sollten heiraten? Yani eşcinsellerin evlenmesi gerektiğini mi düşünüyorsun? 所以你认为同性恋应该结婚吗?

Jill: I think that yes, if two people love each other and want to be married and have the same rights as a married couple, a woman and a man here which means there are certain tax benefits and there’s different things that come along with a legally recognized marriage. Джил: Мисля, че да, ако двама души се обичат и искат да сключат брак и да имат същите права като семейна двойка, жена и мъж, което означава, че има определени данъчни облекчения и различни неща, които идват заедно с един законно признат брак. Jill: Ich denke ja, wenn zwei Menschen sich lieben und verheiratet sein wollen und die gleichen Rechte wie ein Ehepaar, eine Frau und ein Mann haben, bedeutet dies, dass es bestimmte Steuervorteile gibt und dass verschiedene Dinge mit einem einhergehen gesetzlich anerkannte Ehe. ジル:そうだと思います。2人がお互いを愛し、結婚したいと思っていて、夫婦と同じ権利を持っている場合、ここでは女性と男性が特定の税制上の優遇措置があり、それに伴ってさまざまなことが起こります。法的に認められた結婚。 Jill: Bence evet, eğer iki insan birbirini seviyorsa ve evli olmak ve evli bir çiftle aynı haklara sahip olmak istiyorsa, bir kadın ve bir erkek burada, belirli vergi avantajları vardır ve bununla birlikte gelen farklı şeyler vardır. yasal olarak tanınan evlilik. 吉尔:我认为是的,如果两个人彼此相爱并想结婚并拥有与已婚夫妇相同的权利,那么这里的女人和男人就意味着有一定的税收优惠,并且会有不同的事情伴随着法律承认的婚姻。 And, if, if two men or two women want that then I think they should be able to. Und wenn zwei Männer oder zwei Frauen das wollen, dann sollten sie es meiner Meinung nach können. Ve eğer, eğer iki erkek ya da iki kadın bunu istiyorsa, bunu yapabilmeleri gerektiğini düşünüyorum. 而且,如果有两个男人或两个女人想要那样,那么我认为他们应该能够做到。

Steve: Now it’s my understanding that the marriage issue is one step beyond getting the same rights. |||||||||||||||các quyền giống nhau| Стив: Разбирам, че въпросът за брака е една стъпка отвъд получаването на същите права. Steve: Jetzt verstehe ich, dass das Thema Ehe einen Schritt weiter geht, als die gleichen Rechte zu erlangen. Steve: Şimdi benim anlayışım evlilik meselesinin aynı hakları elde etmenin ötesinde bir adım. 史蒂夫:现在我的理解是,婚姻问题是超越获得相同权利的一步。 I understand that there is a common law arrangement, that there is a legal arrangement that gays can have because they live in a union. ||||||||thỏa thuận pháp lý|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||legal agreement|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||ゲイ|||||||| Разбирам, че съществува уредба на общото право, че има правна уредба, която гейовете могат да имат, защото живеят в съюз. Ich verstehe, dass es eine Common-Law-Regelung gibt, dass es eine rechtliche Regelung gibt, die Schwule haben können, weil sie in einer Gewerkschaft leben. Ortak bir hukuk düzenlemesi olduğunu, geylerin bir birlik içinde yaşadıkları için sahip olabileceği yasal bir düzenleme olduğunu anlıyorum. 我知道有一个普通法安排,同性恋可以有一个法律安排,因为他们住在一个工会里。 And that, with their partner and therefore they would share many of the same rights, if not all of the same rights as a married couple. И че заедно с партньора си ще имат много от същите права, ако не и всички права, както семейната двойка. Und das, mit ihrem Partner und deshalb würden sie viele der gleichen Rechte teilen, wenn nicht alle die gleichen Rechte wie ein Ehepaar. Y eso, con su pareja y por lo tanto compartirían muchos de los mismos derechos, si no todos los mismos derechos que una pareja casada. Ve eşleri ile ve bu nedenle, aynı hakların çoğunu, evli bir çiftle aynı hakları paylaşmıyorlarsa, paylaşacaklardır. 而且,与他们的伴侣,因此他们将分享许多相同的权利,如果不是所有与已婚夫妇相同的权利。 But my understanding is what the gays want is they want the word marriage. Но според моето разбиране гейовете искат думата "брак". Aber nach meinem Verständnis wollen die Schwulen das Wort Ehe. しかし、私の理解は、同性愛者が望んでいるのは、結婚という言葉を望んでいるということです。 Ama benim anlayışım eşcinsellerin istediği şey, evliliğin kelimesini istemeleri. 但我的理解是同性恋者想要的是他们想要婚姻这个词。

Jill: Marriage. 吉尔:结婚。

Steve: And, that’s where I draw the line. Стив: Ето къде е границата за мен. Steve: Und hier ziehe ich die Grenze. Steve: Y, ahí es donde trazo la línea. Steve: Ed è lì che traccio la linea. Steve: Ben de çizgiyi çizdiğim yer burası. 史蒂夫:而且,这就是我划清界限的地方。 That’s where I draw the line because I think the word marriage has a lot of cultural significance in it. |||vạch ra|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||cultural importance|| Ето къде поставям границата, защото смятам, че думата "брак" има голямо културно значение. Hier ziehe ich die Grenze, weil ich denke, dass das Wort Ehe eine große kulturelle Bedeutung hat. Ahí es donde trazo la línea porque creo que la palabra matrimonio tiene mucho significado cultural. Çizgiyi çizdiğim yer burası çünkü evliliğin içinde çok fazla kültürel öneme sahip olduğunu düşünüyorum. 这就是我划清界限的地方,因为我认为婚姻这个词在其中具有很多文化意义。 It has been around for a long, long time. Тя съществува от много, много време. Es gibt es schon lange, lange. それは長い間存在してきました。 Uzun, uzun zamandır etrafta. 它已经存在了很长时间。 So, what we’re really saying is that, and I think this is the crux of the matter, that the gays want to say our marriage, our union is as natural, as honorable, as wonderful as any other union. |||||||||||||關鍵點|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||o cerne|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||cốt lõi|||||||||||||hôn nhân|||||đáng kính|||||| И така, това, което наистина казваме, е, че, и мисля, че това е същината на въпроса, че гейовете искат да кажат, че нашият брак, нашият съюз е толкова естествен, толкова почтен, толкова прекрасен, колкото и всеки друг съюз. Was wir also wirklich sagen, ist das, und ich denke, das ist der Kern der Sache, dass die Schwulen unsere Ehe sagen wollen, unsere Vereinigung ist so natürlich, so ehrenhaft, so wunderbar wie jede andere Vereinigung. Por lo tanto, lo que realmente estamos diciendo es que, y creo que este es el quid de la cuestión, que los gays quieren decir que nuestro matrimonio, nuestra unión es tan natural, tan honorable, tan maravillosa como cualquier otra unión. Donc, ce que nous disons vraiment, c'est que, et je pense que c'est le nœud du problème, que les gays veulent dire que notre mariage, notre union est aussi naturelle, aussi honorable, aussi merveilleuse que n'importe quelle autre union. Quindi, quello che stiamo veramente dicendo è che, e penso che questo sia il nocciolo della questione, che i gay vogliono dire che il nostro matrimonio, la nostra unione è naturale, onorevole, meravigliosa come qualsiasi altra unione. ですから、私たちが本当に言っているのは、これが問題の核心だと思います。同性愛者は私たちの結婚を言いたいのです。私たちの組合は他の組合と同じように自然で、名誉であり、素晴らしいものです。 所以,我们真正想说的是,我认为这是问题的症结所在,同性恋者想说我们的婚姻,我们的结合与任何其他结合一样自然、光荣、美妙。

Jill: Right. Jill: Esatto.

Steve: And, that’s what I don’t agree with because the marriage of one man and one woman is pretty fundamental to our society. Steve: Und dem stimme ich nicht zu, weil die Ehe von einem Mann und einer Frau für unsere Gesellschaft ziemlich grundlegend ist. Steve: E questo è ciò con cui non sono d'accordo perché il matrimonio di un uomo e una donna è piuttosto fondamentale per la nostra società. Steve: Ve ben de aynı fikirde değilim, çünkü bir erkeğin ve bir kadının evliliği toplumumuz için oldukça temeldir. 史蒂夫:而且,这也是我不同意的,因为一男一女的婚姻对我们的社会来说非常重要。

Jill: And our survival. Jill: Und unser Überleben. Jill: Y nuestra supervivencia. Jill: E la nostra sopravvivenza. 吉尔:还有我们的生存。

Steve: Now, don’t agree with me. Стив: Не се съгласявайте с мен. Steve: Jetzt stimme mir nicht zu. Steve: Ora, non essere d'accordo con me. Steve: Şimdi, benimle aynı fikirde olma. You’re supposed to disagree. От вас се очаква да не се съгласите. Du sollst nicht zustimmen. Se supone que no estás de acuerdo. Dovresti non essere d'accordo. Buna katılmamalısın. 你应该不同意。 So, and I think we have evolved to a situation where we think the marriage of one man and one woman is, can be a fairly equal relationship. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||relación equitativa И така, мисля, че сме се развили до положение, в което смятаме, че бракът между един мъж и една жена е, може да бъде доста равностойна връзка. Also, und ich denke, wir haben uns zu einer Situation entwickelt, in der wir glauben, dass die Ehe eines Mannes und einer Frau eine ziemlich gleichberechtigte Beziehung sein kann. Entonces, y creo que hemos evolucionado a una situación en la que creemos que el matrimonio de un hombre y una mujer puede ser una relación bastante igualitaria. Quindi, e penso che ci siamo evoluti in una situazione in cui pensiamo che il matrimonio di un uomo e una donna sia, può essere una relazione abbastanza paritaria. ですから、私たちは一人の男性と一人の女性の結婚がかなり平等な関係になり得ると私たちが考える状況に進化したと思います。 Yani, sanırım, bir erkeğin ve bir kadının evliliğinin olduğunu düşündüğümüz bir duruma oldukça eşit bir ilişki olabileceğini düşündük. 所以,我认为我们已经发展到一种情况,我们认为一男一女的婚姻可以是一种相当平等的关系。 One man and ten women, you know or one woman and ten men, we don’t think that’s good. Un homme et dix femmes, vous savez ou une femme et dix hommes, nous ne pensons pas que ce soit bien. Un uomo e dieci donne, sai o una donna e dieci uomini, non pensiamo che vada bene. Bir erkek ve on kadın, biliyorsunuz ya da bir kadın ve on erkek, bunun iyi olduğunu düşünmüyoruz. 一男十女,或者一女十男,我们认为这样不好。

Jill: No.

Steve: No. One man and one woman, we think that’s kind of healthy. Ein Mann und eine Frau, wir finden das irgendwie gesund. Un hombre y una mujer, creemos que es algo saludable. Un uomo e una donna, pensiamo che sia abbastanza salutare. Bir erkek ve bir kadın, bunun sağlıklı olduğunu düşünüyoruz. We think that’s good for the children, it provides a role model for sons and daughters. Wir denken, das ist gut für die Kinder, es ist ein Vorbild für Söhne und Töchter. Pensiamo che sia un bene per i bambini, fornisce un modello per figli e figlie. 我们认为这对孩子们有好处,它为儿子和女儿们提供了榜样。 We think that’s good so people like that. Wir finden das gut, also mögen die Leute das. Bunun iyi olduğunu düşünüyoruz, böylece insanlar böyle. 我们认为这很好,所以人们喜欢这样。 They, that’s important to many people. Те, това е важно за много хора. Sie, das ist vielen Menschen wichtig. 他们,这对很多人来说很重要。 So, I understand that the gays are saying it’s important for us to be recognized as the same as that but in fact, in my opinion it’s not the same. Така че разбирам, че гейовете казват, че за нас е важно да бъдем признати за еднакви с тях, но всъщност, според мен, това не е същото. Quindi, capisco che i gay stiano dicendo che è importante per noi essere riconosciuti come tali, ma in realtà, secondo me non è la stessa cosa. Dolayısıyla, eşcinsellerin bizim de aynı şekilde tanınmamızın önemli olduğunu söylemelerini anlıyorum ama aslında bence bu aynı şey değil. 所以,我知道同性恋者说重要的是我们被认为是一样的,但事实上,在我看来它不一样。 So that’s where I feel that, and the problem is that once it’s recognized legally as the same then the gays will try to force various institutions such as religions to grant them the same status as you know, heterosexual you know, monogamous relationships because it’s now law and it’s their right and so forth and so on. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||異性戀關係|||一夫一妻制||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||彼らに||||||||||一夫一妻制|||||||||||||など|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||monógamas||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||đồng tính luyến ái|||độc thân||||||||||||||| Така че това е мястото, където чувствам, че и проблемът е, че след като бъде признато юридически като същото, гейовете ще се опитат да принудят различни институции като религиите да им предоставят същия статут като на хетеросексуалните, знаете, моногамни връзки, защото това вече е закон и е тяхно право и т.н., и т.н. Das ist der Punkt, an dem ich das fühle, und das Problem ist, dass die Schwulen, sobald es rechtlich als dasselbe anerkannt ist, versuchen werden, verschiedene Institutionen wie Religionen zu zwingen, ihnen den gleichen Status zu gewähren, wie Sie wissen, heterosexuell, wie Sie wissen, monogame Beziehungen, weil es jetzt ist Gesetz und es ist ihr Recht und so weiter und so fort. Así que ahí es donde siento eso, y el problema es que una vez que se reconoce legalmente como lo mismo, los homosexuales intentarán obligar a varias instituciones, como las religiones, a otorgarles el mismo estatus que ustedes saben, heterosexuales, ya saben, relaciones monógamas porque ahora es ley y es su derecho y así sucesivamente y así sucesivamente. C'est donc là que je ressens cela, et le problème est qu'une fois que c'est reconnu légalement comme tel, les gays essaieront de forcer diverses institutions telles que les religions à leur accorder le même statut que vous savez, les relations hétérosexuelles vous savez, les relations monogames parce que c'est maintenant loi et c'est leur droit et ainsi de suite et ainsi de suite. Quindi è lì che lo sento, e il problema è che una volta riconosciuto legalmente come lo stesso, i gay cercheranno di costringere varie istituzioni come le religioni a concedere loro lo stesso status di sai, eterosessuali sai, relazioni monogame perché ora è legge ed è loro diritto e così via e così via. だから私はそれを感じます、そして問題はそれが法的に同じであると認められると、同性愛者はあなたが知っているのと同じステータス、あなたが知っている異性愛者、一夫一婦制の関係を彼らに与えるように宗教などのさまざまな機関に強制しようとすることです法律とそれは彼らの権利などです。 İşte bu, bunu hissettiğim yer ve sorun şu ki, yasal olarak aynı şekilde tanındığında, geyler, dinler gibi çeşitli kurumları bildiğiniz gibi aynı statüleri vermeye zorlayacaklar, bildiğiniz heteroseksüel, tek eşli ilişkiler, çünkü şimdi hukuk ve bu onların sağ ve öylesine vb. 所以这就是我的感受,问题是,一旦它在法律上被承认是相同的,那么同性恋者会试图强迫各种机构,如宗教,给予他们同样的地位,你知道的异性恋,一夫一妻制的关系,因为现在是法律,这是他们的权利等等。

So, I just think it’s not necessary. Quindi, penso solo che non sia necessario. Yani, sadece gerekli olmadığını düşünüyorum. 所以,我只是觉得没有必要。 I think, I have nothing against gays and they can live their lives however they want but I think that by the same token they should just respect this very, very universal and long standing institution of marriage. |||||||||||||||||||||||cùng một lý do||||||||||||hôn nhân|| Мисля, че нямам нищо против гейовете и те могат да живеят живота си както си искат, но мисля, че по същия начин трябва да уважават тази много, много универсална и дългогодишна институция на брака. Creo que no tengo nada en contra de los homosexuales y que pueden vivir sus vidas como quieran, pero creo que, de la misma manera, deberían respetar esta institución del matrimonio muy, muy universal y de larga data. Penso di non avere nulla contro i gay e loro possono vivere la loro vita come vogliono, ma penso che per lo stesso motivo dovrebbero semplicemente rispettare questa istituzione molto, molto universale e di lunga data del matrimonio. Bence eşcinsellere karşı hiçbir şeyim yok ve istedikleri gibi hayatlarını yaşayabiliyorlar ama bence aynı şekilde, bu çok, çok evrensel ve uzun süredir devam eden evliliğe saygı duymalılar. 我认为,我没有反对同性恋者,他们可以随心所欲地生活,但我认为出于同样的原因,他们应该尊重这种非常、非常普遍和长期存在的婚姻制度。

Jill: Yeah, yeah, I mean, I can definitely understand that perspective however I think that, I mean the institution of marriage has changed a lot over the years and it’s, I mean people are getting divorced constantly. Jill: Ja, ja, ich meine, ich kann diese Perspektive definitiv verstehen, aber ich denke, ich meine, die Institution der Ehe hat sich im Laufe der Jahre sehr verändert und ich meine, die Leute werden ständig geschieden. Jill: Sì, sì, voglio dire, posso sicuramente capire questa prospettiva, tuttavia penso che, voglio dire, l'istituzione del matrimonio è cambiata molto nel corso degli anni e, voglio dire, le persone divorziano costantemente. Jill: Evet, evet, demek istediğim, bu perspektifi kesinlikle anlayabiliyorum, ama sanırım evlilik kurumu yıllar içinde çok değişti ve bu, insanların sürekli boşandıkları anlamına geliyor. 吉尔:是的,是的,我的意思是,我完全可以理解这种观点,但我认为,婚姻制度多年来发生了很大变化,我的意思是人们不断离婚。 People are getting married five times and so I think to a lot of people it doesn’t mean very much and they just do it then it’s easy to undo it and I think that there could be gay people who might it might mean more to them than some heterosexual people and they may still want to be parents and they could be very good parents. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||reverse or annul||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deshacerlo||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Хората се женят по пет пъти и затова смятам, че за много хора това не означава много и те просто го правят, след което е лесно да го отменят, и смятам, че може да има гейове, за които това може да означава повече, отколкото за някои хетеросексуални хора, и те все още могат да искат да бъдат родители и могат да бъдат много добри родители. Die Leute heiraten fünfmal und deshalb denke ich, dass es für viele Leute nicht sehr viel bedeutet und sie es einfach tun, dann ist es einfach, es rückgängig zu machen und ich denke, dass es schwule Leute geben könnte, die es ihnen vielleicht mehr bedeuten könnten als einige heterosexuelle Menschen und sie möchten vielleicht immer noch Eltern sein und sie könnten sehr gute Eltern sein. La gente se casa cinco veces, así que creo que para mucha gente no significa mucho y simplemente lo hacen, luego es fácil deshacerlo, y creo que podría haber personas homosexuales para las que podría significar más que para algunas personas heterosexuales, y puede que sigan queriendo ser padres y podrían ser muy buenos padres. Les gens se marient cinq fois et donc je pense que pour beaucoup de gens, cela ne signifie pas grand-chose et ils le font simplement, puis il est facile de le défaire et je pense qu'il pourrait y avoir des homosexuels qui pourraient signifier plus pour eux que certaines personnes hétérosexuelles et ils peuvent toujours vouloir être parents et ils pourraient être de très bons parents. Le persone si sposano cinque volte e quindi penso che per molte persone non significhi molto e lo fanno e poi è facile annullarlo e penso che potrebbero esserci persone gay che potrebbero significare di più per loro rispetto ad alcune persone eterosessuali e potrebbero comunque voler essere genitori e potrebbero essere ottimi genitori. İnsanlar beş kez evleniyorlar ve bu yüzden çok fazla insanın çok fazla bir şey ifade etmediğini düşünüyorum ve sadece bunu yapmak çok kolay oluyor ve bence bu insanlar için daha fazlası anlamına gelebilecek eşcinsel insanlar olabileceğini düşünüyorum. Bazı heteroseksüel insanlardan daha fazla ve hala ebeveyn olmak isteyebilirler ve çok iyi ebeveynler olabilirler. 人们结婚五次,所以我认为对很多人来说这并不意味着什么,他们只是这样做然后很容易撤消它,我认为可能会有同性恋者可能对他们意味着更多比一些异性恋的人,他们可能仍然想成为父母,他们可能是非常好的父母。 They could be very good role models. Sie könnten sehr gute Vorbilder sein. Potrebbero essere ottimi modelli di ruolo. 他们可以成为很好的榜样。

There’s a lot of terrible parents out there that are heterosexual and that are married and have you know raised bad children or not good parents and so I just, yeah, I think that basically they should be given the same opportunity. |||||||||||||||||||criaram|||||||||||||||||||||| Има много ужасни родители, които са хетеросексуални и женени и са отгледали лоши деца или не са добри родители, така че просто, да, мисля, че по принцип трябва да им се даде същата възможност. Es gibt viele schreckliche Eltern da draußen, die heterosexuell und verheiratet sind und wissen, dass sie schlechte Kinder oder keine guten Eltern großgezogen haben, und deshalb denke ich, dass ihnen im Grunde die gleiche Chance gegeben werden sollte. 有很多糟糕的父母是异性恋的,他们已经结婚了,你知道抚养不好的孩子还是不好的父母,所以我只是,是的,我认为基本上应该给他们同样的机会。

Steve: Okay. Steve: Okay. Certainly I think there is a lot to what you are saying and that is that the hallowed institution of marriage may in fact contain all kinds of problems and we read some of the worst stories of child abuse and who knows what that happen and spouse abuse and so forth that happens in our traditional heterosexual marriages. |||||||||||||||||thánh thiện|hôn nhân|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vợ/chồng||||||||||hôn nhân dị tính| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Mistreatment|||||||||||||||||||traditional heterosexual marriages |||||||||||||||||sagrada||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cônjuge||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||sagrada||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||神聖な||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Разбира се, мисля, че има много общо с това, което казвате, а именно, че свещената институция на брака може всъщност да съдържа всякакви проблеми и четем някои от най-лошите истории за насилие над деца и кой знае какво, което се случва, както и за насилие над съпрузи и т.н., което се случва в нашите традиционни хетеросексуални бракове. Sicherlich denke ich, dass das, was Sie sagen, viel beinhaltet, und das heißt, dass die geheiligte Institution der Ehe tatsächlich alle Arten von Problemen enthalten kann, und wir lesen einige der schlimmsten Geschichten über Kindesmissbrauch und wer weiß, was passiert und Ehegattenmissbrauch und so weiter, das passiert in unseren traditionellen heterosexuellen Ehen. Je pense certainement qu'il y a beaucoup de choses dans ce que vous dites et c'est que l'institution sacrée du mariage peut en fait contenir toutes sortes de problèmes et nous lisons certaines des pires histoires de maltraitance d'enfants et qui sait ce qui se passe et de violence conjugale et ainsi de suite qui se passe dans nos mariages hétérosexuels traditionnels. 確かに私はあなたが言っていることに多くのことがあると思います、そしてそれは結婚の神聖な制度が実際にあらゆる種類の問題を含むかもしれないということですそして私たちは児童虐待の最悪の話のいくつかを読みますそして誰がそれが起こるかを知っていてそして配偶者虐待とそれは私たちの伝統的な異性愛者の結婚で起こります。 Elbette söylediklerinize çok şey geldiğini düşünüyorum ve kutsal evlilik kurumunun aslında her türlü problemi içerebileceği ve çocuk istismarının en kötü hikayelerini okuduğumuzu ve bunun ne olduğunu ve eşini kötüye kullandığını bilen biri olduğunu düşünüyorum. geleneksel heteroseksüel evliliklerimizde böyle oluyor. 当然,我认为你所说的有很多,那就是神圣的婚姻制度实际上可能包含各种问题,我们读到了一些关于虐待儿童的最糟糕的故事,谁知道会发生什么以及虐待配偶和等等,这发生在我们传统的异性婚姻中。 And, it is true that divorce is more and more common but I think recognizing gay marriage is just one more sort of stone thrown at the institution of marriage. Und es ist wahr, dass eine Scheidung immer häufiger vorkommt, aber ich denke, die Anerkennung der Homo-Ehe ist nur eine weitere Art Stein, der auf die Institution der Ehe geworfen wird. Y es cierto que el divorcio es cada vez más común, pero creo que reconocer el matrimonio homosexual es solo una especie de piedra más lanzada contra la institución del matrimonio. Ve boşanmanın gittikçe yaygın olduğu doğrudur ama eşcinsel evliliğin tanınmasının evlilik kurumunda atılan bir tür taş olduğunu düşünüyorum. 而且,离婚确实越来越普遍,但我认为承认同性婚姻只是向婚姻制度扔的另一种石头。

I also have a problem of the idea of gays adopting children or in the case of lesbians, artificially inseminating themselves. ||||||||||||||||||artificially inseminating themselves|| |||||||||||||||||||inseminando-se| ||||||||||||||||||nhân tạo|thụ tinh| |||||||||||||||||||人工授精| |||||||||||||||||レズビアン||人工授精| |||||||||||||||||lesbianas||inseminándose artificialmente| Имам проблем и с идеята гейовете да осиновяват деца или, в случая с лесбийките, да се оплождат изкуствено. Ich habe auch ein Problem mit der Idee, dass Schwule Kinder adoptieren oder sich bei Lesben künstlich besamen. Ho anche un problema con l'idea che i gay adottino bambini o, nel caso delle lesbiche, si inseminino artificialmente. Ik heb ook een probleem met het idee dat homo's kinderen adopteren of, in het geval van lesbiennes, zichzelf kunstmatig insemineren. Ayrıca çocukları evlat edinen eşcinsellerin ya da lezbiyenlerin kendilerini yapay olarak döllemesi söz konusu olduğunda da bir sorunum var. 我也有一个问题,即同性恋者收养孩子或女同性恋者人工授精的想法。 I guess you could have theoretically two pregnant partners. |||||理論上||| Ich denke, Sie könnten theoretisch zwei schwangere Partner haben. Supongo que teóricamente podrías tener dos parejas embarazadas. Immagino che teoricamente potresti avere due partner incinte. Sanırım teorik olarak iki hamile partneriniz olabilir. 我猜你理论上可以有两个怀孕的伴侣。

Jill: Yeah, you could. Jill: Ja, du könntest.

Steve: You know, it just gets away from what’s natural. Стив: Знаете ли, това просто се отдалечава от естественото. Steve: Weißt du, es geht einfach weg von dem, was natürlich ist. Steve: Sabes, simplemente se aleja de lo natural. Steve : Vous savez, ça s'éloigne de ce qui est naturel. Steve: Sai, si allontana da ciò che è naturale. Steve: Biliyorsun, sadece doğal olandan uzaklaşıyor. 史蒂夫:你知道,它只是远离自然。 What’s natural is not necessarily always good. Това, което е естествено, не винаги е добро. Was natürlich ist, ist nicht unbedingt immer gut. Doğal olan şey her zaman iyi değildir. 自然的不一定总是好的。 There are nasty animals. ||độc ác| Има гадни животни. Es gibt böse Tiere. Hay animales desagradables. Ci sono animali cattivi. Er zijn vervelende dieren. Kötü hayvanlar var. 有讨厌的动物。 There are animals that eat their young, you know what I mean? Es gibt Tiere, die ihre Jungen fressen, weißt du was ich meine? Hay animales que se comen a sus crías, ¿sabes a lo que me refiero? Ci sono animali che mangiano i loro piccoli, capisci cosa intendo? Yavrularını yiyen hayvanlar var, ne demek istediğimi anlıyor musunuz? 有些动物会吃掉它们的幼崽,你懂我的意思吗? There are gay animals. ||động vật đồng tính| Es gibt schwule Tiere. Il y a des animaux homosexuels. Ci sono animali gay. 有同性恋动物。

Jill: Antibiotics are not natural. |kháng sinh||| |抗生物質||| Jill: Antibiotika sind nicht natürlich. Jill : Les antibiotiques ne sont pas naturels. Jill: Antibiyotikler doğal değildir. 吉尔:抗生素不是天然的。 I mean there’s lots of things that are … Ich meine, es gibt viele Dinge, die… Yani bir sürü şey var... 我的意思是有很多事情是……

Steve: No, No but I’m saying even within what is natural it’s not all good. Стив: Не, не, но искам да кажа, че дори в рамките на естественото не всичко е добро. Steve: Nein, nein, aber ich sage, auch wenn das Natürliche nicht alles gut ist. Steve : Non, non, mais je dis que même dans ce qui est naturel, tout n'est pas bon. Steve: No, no, ma sto dicendo che anche all'interno di ciò che è naturale non va tutto bene. Steve: Hayır, hayır ama doğal olanın içinde bile iyi olmadığını söylüyorum. 史蒂夫:不,不,但我是说即使在自然的范围内,也并非都是好的。

Jill: No, it’s not all good and, Jill: Nein, es ist nicht alles gut und Jill: No, non va tutto bene e, Jill: Hayır, her şey iyi değil ve 吉尔:不,这并不全是好的,而且,

Steve: It’s not all good and so there’s all kinds, I mean nature is not necessarily moral. Стив: Не всичко е добро и затова има различни видове, имам предвид, че природата не е непременно морална. Steve: Es ist nicht alles gut und es gibt alle Arten, ich meine, die Natur ist nicht unbedingt moralisch. Steve: Non va tutto bene e quindi ce ne sono di tutti i tipi, intendo dire che la natura non è necessariamente morale. Steve: Her şey iyi değil ve bu yüzden her türlüsü var, yani doğa illa ki ahlaki olmak zorunda değil. 史蒂夫:这并不全是好的,所以有各种各样的,我的意思是自然不一定是道德的。

Jill: No. Jill: Nein.

Steve: It just is. Стив: Просто е така. Steve: Lo è e basta. Öyle işte. But, to me, I’m a bit of a traditionalist and I always hope that one day the divorce rate will start going the other way, that we’ll have less and less divorce. ||||||||傳統主義者||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||tradicionalista||||||||||||||||||||||| Aber für mich bin ich ein bisschen ein Traditionalist und ich hoffe immer, dass eines Tages die Scheidungsrate in die andere Richtung geht, dass wir uns immer weniger scheiden lassen. Mais, pour moi, je suis un peu traditionaliste et j'espère toujours qu'un jour le taux de divorce commencera à s'inverser, qu'il y aura de moins en moins de divorces. Ma, per me, sono un po' tradizionalista e spero sempre che un giorno il tasso di divorzi comincerà ad andare dall'altra parte, che avremo sempre meno divorzi. 但是,对我来说,我有点传统主义者,我一直希望有一天离婚率会开始向另一个方向发展,我们会越来越少离婚。 I think a large part of the high divorce rate is this whole everything for me now kind of attitude that I tend to believe comes from our pop culture and so forth but I can’t prove it. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||văn hóa đại chúng||||||||| Мисля, че голяма част от високия процент на разводите се дължи на тази нагласа "всичко за мен сега", която съм склонен да вярвам, че идва от нашата попкултура и т.н., но не мога да го докажа. Ich denke, ein großer Teil der hohen Scheidungsrate ist alles für mich, jetzt eine Art Einstellung, von der ich glaube, dass sie aus unserer Popkultur stammt und so weiter, aber ich kann es nicht beweisen. Creo que una gran parte de la alta tasa de divorcios es todo este tipo de actitud para mí ahora que tiendo a creer que proviene de nuestra cultura pop y demás, pero no puedo probarlo. Je pense qu'une grande partie du taux de divorce élevé est tout ce genre d'attitude pour moi maintenant que j'ai tendance à croire vient de notre culture pop et ainsi de suite, mais je ne peux pas le prouver. Penso che gran parte dell'alto tasso di divorzi sia tutto questo per me ora tipo di atteggiamento che tendo a credere provenga dalla nostra cultura pop e così via, ma non posso provarlo. Yüksek boşanma oranının büyük bir kısmı bence bu benim için her şey her zaman benim için bir şeydir ve benim pop kültürümüzden geldiğine inanıyorum ama bunu kanıtlayamıyorum. 我认为高离婚率的很大一部分是这一切对我来说现在我倾向于相信来自我们的流行文化等等的态度,但我无法证明这一点。 But, so, no, I think that the fact that gays are not persecuted is a good thing. ||||||||||||bị ngược đãi|||| Но не, смятам, че фактът, че гейовете не са преследвани, е нещо добро. Aber nein, ich denke, dass die Tatsache, dass Schwule nicht verfolgt werden, eine gute Sache ist. Ma, quindi, no, penso che il fatto che i gay non siano perseguitati sia una buona cosa. Ama, hayır, gayler, zalimlerin zulmedilmediği gerçeğinin iyi bir şey olduğunu düşünüyorum. 但是,所以,不,我认为同性恋不受迫害的事实是一件好事。 In fact, and ideally people who are gay at work and in very different situations, I don’t ask people who might be my employees or whom I deal with whether they are gay or not. Всъщност и в идеалния случай, когато хората, които са гейове на работа, се намират в много различни ситуации, не питам хората, които може да са мои служители или с които се занимавам, дали са гейове или не. Tatsächlich und im Idealfall Menschen, die bei der Arbeit und in sehr unterschiedlichen Situationen schwul sind, frage ich keine Menschen, die meine Angestellten sein könnten oder mit denen ich zu tun habe, ob sie schwul sind oder nicht. En fait, et idéalement à des personnes homosexuelles au travail et dans des situations très différentes, je ne demande pas aux gens qui pourraient être mes employés ou avec qui je traite s'ils sont homosexuels ou non. Infatti, e idealmente alle persone che sono gay al lavoro e in situazioni molto diverse, non chiedo alle persone che potrebbero essere i miei dipendenti o con cui ho a che fare se sono gay o no. 実際、理想的には、職場でゲイであり、状況が大きく異なる人々は、私の従業員である可能性のある人々や、私が扱っている人々に、彼らがゲイであるかどうかを尋ねません。 Aslında ve ideal olarak iş yerinde ve çok farklı durumlarda eşcinsel olan insanlara, çalışanlarım olabilecek veya muhatap olduğum kişilere eşcinsel olup olmadıklarını sormuyorum. Насправді, і в ідеалі у людей, які є геями на роботі і в дуже різних ситуаціях, я не питаю людей, які можуть бути моїми співробітниками або з ким я маю справу, є вони геями чи ні. 事实上,理想情况下,在工作中和在非常不同的情况下是同性恋的人,我不会问那些可能是我的雇员或与我打交道的人他们是否是同性恋。 If they happen to introduce me to their partner without happens to be of the same sex then okay. Ако се случи да ме запознаят с партньора си, без да е от същия пол, тогава добре. Wenn sie mich ihrem Partner vorstellen, ohne zufällig das gleiche Geschlecht zu haben, dann okay. Si me presentan a su pareja sin que sea del mismo sexo, está bien. S'il leur arrive de me présenter à leur partenaire sans être du même sexe alors d'accord. Beni eşleriyle tanıştırırlarsa, aynı cinsiyetten olmayacaklarsa, o zaman tamam. Якщо вони випадково познайомлять мене зі своїм партнером, який, випадково, не однієї статі, тоді добре. 如果他们碰巧把我介绍给他们的伴侣,而没有碰巧是同性,那没关系。 None of that bothers me at all. |||incomoda||| Нищо от това не ме притеснява. Nichts davon stört mich überhaupt. Nada de eso me molesta en absoluto. Rien de tout cela ne me dérange du tout. Niente di tutto ciò mi disturba affatto. Hiçbiri beni rahatsız etmiyor. 这些都没有让我感到困扰。

I just think there is a certain militancy sometimes on the part of gays and maybe that’s normal in any situation where people have been subject to some degree of persecution and you’ll have a sort of a militancy that kind of goes too far the other way. |||||||激進態度|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||in existence|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||militancy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||militancia|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||tính chiến đấu|||||||||||||||||||||||bức hại||||||||sự quyết liệt||||||||| Просто смятам, че понякога има известна войнственост от страна на гейовете и може би това е нормално във всяка ситуация, в която хората са били подложени на някаква степен на преследване, и може да се стигне до някаква войнственост, която отива твърде далеч в друга посока. Ich denke nur, dass Homosexuelle manchmal eine gewisse Militanz haben, und vielleicht ist das in jeder Situation normal, in der Menschen einem gewissen Grad an Verfolgung ausgesetzt waren und Sie eine Art Militanz haben, die zu weit in die andere Richtung geht . Simplemente creo que a veces hay una cierta militancia por parte de los homosexuales y tal vez eso sea normal en cualquier situación en la que las personas hayan sido objeto de algún grado de persecución y tendrás una especie de militancia que va demasiado lejos en el otro sentido. . Je pense juste qu'il y a parfois un certain militantisme de la part des homosexuels et c'est peut-être normal dans toute situation où les gens ont été victimes d'un certain degré de persécution et vous aurez une sorte de militantisme qui va trop loin dans l'autre sens . Penso solo che a volte ci sia una certa militanza da parte dei gay e forse è normale in ogni situazione in cui le persone sono state oggetto di un certo grado di persecuzione e avrai una sorta di militanza che va troppo oltre l'altro modo . Ben sadece eşcinseller üzerinde belirli bir militanlık olduğunu düşünüyorum ve belki de insanların bir dereceye kadar zulme maruz kaldığı her durumda bu normaldir ve bir çeşit militanlığa sahip olacaksınız. . 我只是认为同性恋者有时会有某种好战性,这在人们受到某种程度的迫害的任何情况下都是正常的. And I see nothing wrong with some kind of a civil union and similar tax breaks for gays as long as there is a commitment, you know to a long term relationship. ||||||||||hôn nhân dân sự|||||giảm thuế|||||||||||||||| И не виждам нищо лошо в някакъв вид граждански съюз и подобни данъчни облекчения за гейовете, стига да има ангажимент, разбирате ли, за дългосрочна връзка. Y no veo nada malo en algún tipo de unión civil y exenciones fiscales similares para los homosexuales, siempre y cuando exista un compromiso, ya sabes, con una relación a largo plazo. Et je ne vois rien de mal à une sorte d'union civile et à des allégements fiscaux similaires pour les gays tant qu'il y a un engagement, vous savez, à une relation à long terme. E non vedo niente di sbagliato in una sorta di unione civile e agevolazioni fiscali simili per i gay fintanto che c'è un impegno, sai, per una relazione a lungo termine. Ve bir tür sivil sendikaya ve eşcinseller için benzer vergi indirimlerine yanlış bir şey görmüyorum, bir taahhüt söz konusu olduğu sürece, uzun vadeli bir ilişki olduğunu biliyorsunuz. 只要有承诺,我认为某种民事结合和类似的对同性恋者的税收减免没有任何问题,你知道长期关系。

Now, you could argue that nothing prevents heterosexuals from having a marriage of convenience for any number of tax advantages. |||||||異性戀者|||||||||||| |||||||||||||practical benefit|||||| |||||||異性愛者|||||||||||| |||||||heterosexuales|||||||||||| Може да се твърди, че нищо не пречи на хетеросексуалните да сключат фиктивен брак поради редица данъчни предимства. Maintenant, vous pourriez soutenir que rien n'empêche les hétérosexuels d'avoir un mariage de complaisance pour un certain nombre d'avantages fiscaux. さて、異性愛者が政略結婚をすることを妨げるものは何もないと主張することができます。 Можно возразить, что ничто не мешает гетеросексуалам заключить брак по расчету ради каких-либо налоговых преимуществ. Şimdi, heteroseksüellerin herhangi bir vergi avantajı için mantık evliliği yapmalarını engelleyen hiçbir şey olmadığını iddia edebilirsiniz. 现在,您可以争辩说,没有什么能阻止异性恋者为了任何数量的税收优惠而进行权宜婚姻。 A marriage of convenience, a divorce of convenience, all this kind of stuff. |||thuận tiện||||||||| Eine Vernunftehe, eine Scheidung der Bequemlichkeit, all diese Dinge. Kolaylık, boşanma, boşanma gibi bir evlilik. 权宜婚姻,权宜离婚,诸如此类。 Whether it be for immigration reasons, social welfare reasons, I mean there is so much abuse and stuff everywhere so I’m not suggesting that heterosexual people are better than gays but I just think the institution of marriage to me, although if I’m perfectly honest, it doesn’t matter or bother me at all. ||||||||||||||||||||||||đối diện tình dục|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||me molesta||| Независимо дали става дума за имиграционни причини, причини, свързани със социалното благосъстояние, искам да кажа, че навсякъде има толкова много злоупотреби и други неща, така че не предполагам, че хетеросексуалните хора са по-добри от гейовете, но просто мисля, че институцията на брака за мен, въпреки че, ако трябва да съм напълно честен, тя изобщо не е от значение и не ме притеснява. Ob aus Gründen der Einwanderung oder aus Gründen der sozialen Wohlfahrt, ich meine, es gibt überall so viel Missbrauch und so, also behaupte ich nicht, dass heterosexuelle Menschen besser sind als Schwule, aber ich denke nur, dass die Institution der Ehe mit mir ist, obwohl ich es bin Ganz ehrlich, es spielt keine Rolle oder stört mich überhaupt nicht. Que ce soit pour des raisons d'immigration, des raisons d'aide sociale, je veux dire qu'il y a tellement d'abus et d'autres choses partout, donc je ne dis pas que les hétérosexuels sont meilleurs que les homosexuels, mais je pense juste que l'institution du mariage pour moi, bien que si je suis parfaitement honnête, cela n'a pas d'importance ou ne me dérange pas du tout. Göçmenlik nedenleriyle olsun, sosyal refah nedenleri, yani her yerde çok fazla taciz ve malzeme var demek istiyorum, bu yüzden heteroseksüel insanların geylerden daha iyi olduğunu öne sürmüyorum ama ben sadece evliliğimi düşünüyorum. Tamamen dürüst, hiç önemli değil ya da beni rahatsız ediyor. 无论是出于移民原因,社会福利原因,我的意思是到处都有如此多的虐待和东西,所以我并不是说异性恋者比同性恋者更好,但我只是认为婚姻制度对我来说,虽然如果我是完全诚实,这并不重要或打扰我。

Jill: You’re just taking that side. Джил: Ти просто заемаш тази страна. Jill: Du nimmst nur diese Seite. Jill: Stai solo prendendo quella parte. 吉尔:你只是站在那一边。

Steve: No, no, no, I’m saying I do believe the institution of marriage is important. Steve: Nein, nein, nein, ich sage, ich glaube, die Institution der Ehe ist wichtig. 史蒂夫:不,不,不,我是说我确实相信婚姻制度很重要。 Now I’m saying whatever you feel but the fact that gays are allowed to call themselves married doesn’t affect in any way how I feel about my own marriage. ||||||||||||têm permissão|||||||||||||||| Сега казвам каквото и да чувствате, но фактът, че гейовете могат да се наричат женени, по никакъв начин не засяга начина, по който се чувствам за собствения си брак. Jetzt sage ich, was auch immer Sie fühlen, aber die Tatsache, dass Schwule sich als verheiratet bezeichnen dürfen, hat keinerlei Einfluss darauf, wie ich mich in Bezug auf meine eigene Ehe fühle. Maintenant, je dis tout ce que vous pensez, mais le fait que les homosexuels soient autorisés à se dire mariés n'affecte en rien ce que je ressens à propos de mon propre mariage. Ora sto dicendo quello che pensi, ma il fatto che i gay possano definirsi sposati non influisce in alcun modo su ciò che provo per il mio matrimonio. Şimdi söylediğinizi söylüyorum ama eşcinsellerin kendilerini evliliğe bırakmalarına izin verilmesi, kendi evliliğimi nasıl hissettiğimi etkilemez. 现在我想说的是你的感受,但同性恋被允许称自己为已婚的事实不会以任何方式影响我对自己婚姻的看法。

Jill: No, exactly. Jill: Nein genau. 吉尔:不,完全正确。

Steve: No impact. Steve: Keine Auswirkungen. Steve: Etkisi yok. 史蒂夫:没有影响。 But it does, I just kind of feel somewhere that in our society, I just feel that the institution of marriage should be kind of Но това е така, аз просто чувствам, че в нашето общество институцията на брака трябва да бъде нещо като Aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass in unserer Gesellschaft die Institution der Ehe eine Art Institution sein sollte 但确实如此,我只是觉得在我们社会的某个地方,我只是觉得婚姻制度应该是

Jill: Sacred. |thần thánh |Holy or revered. Jill: Heilig. 吉尔:神圣。

Steve: Buttressed a little bit. |Hỗ trợ||| |apoiado||| |reforzado||| |支えられた||| Стив: Малко подпъхнат. Steve: Ein bisschen gestützt. Steve: Reforzado un poco. Steve : Renforcé un peu. Steve: Een beetje geschraagd. Steve: Biraz alçaltılmış. 史蒂夫:有点支持。 Helped along a little bit and shouldn’t be so easy to divorce, you know and all the different things that go on. Помагаше малко и не би трябвало да е толкова лесно да се разведеш, знаете и всички различни неща, които се случват. Hat ein bisschen geholfen und sollte nicht so einfach zu scheiden sein, weißt du und all die verschiedenen Dinge, die vor sich gehen. Me ayudó un poco y no debería ser tan fácil divorciarse, ya sabes, y todas las cosas diferentes que suceden. J'ai aidé un peu et ça ne devrait pas être si facile de divorcer, vous savez, et toutes les différentes choses qui se passent. 帮助了一点,不应该那么容易离婚,你知道的,还有所有不同的事情。

Jill: Well I agree with you there for sure, yeah. Джил: Съгласна съм с теб в това отношение, да. Jill: Nun, da stimme ich dir sicher zu, ja. Jill: Sana katılıyorum elbette, evet. 吉尔:嗯,我同意你的看法,是的。

Steve: You know? Steve: Weißt du? 史蒂夫:你知道吗? I think it was Napoleon that said you know, Jill we always end up agreeing at the end. ||||||||||||||de acuerdo||| Мисля, че Наполеон беше казал: "Знаеш ли, Джил, накрая винаги се съгласяваме. Creo que fue Napoleón quien dijo, ya sabes, Jill, siempre terminamos de acuerdo al final. Je pense que c'est Napoléon qui a dit tu sais, Jill on finit toujours par être d'accord à la fin. 我认为是拿破仑说你知道,吉尔我们最后总是会达成一致。 You ought to get something. Трябва да получите нещо. Du solltest etwas bekommen. Deberías conseguir algo. Vous devriez obtenir quelque chose. Dovresti ottenere qualcosa. Вы должны что-то получить. Bir şeyler almalısın. 你应该得到一些东西。

Jill: Get a topic where we really do disagree. Джил: Вземете тема, по която наистина не сме съгласни. Jill: Holen Sie sich ein Thema, bei dem wir uns wirklich nicht einig sind. Jill : Choisissez un sujet sur lequel nous ne sommes vraiment pas d'accord. Jill: trova un argomento in cui non siamo davvero d'accordo. 吉尔:找一个我们确实不同意的话题。

Steve: Totally disagree. Steve: Stimme überhaupt nicht zu. 史蒂夫:完全不同意。 We’ll find something that’s nastier. ||||tệ hơn ||||más desagradable Ще намерим нещо, което да е по-неприятно. Wir werden etwas finden, das böser ist. On trouvera quelque chose de plus méchant. 我们会找到更糟糕的东西。 But, what were we talking about? Но за какво говорихме? Aber worüber haben wir gesprochen? 但是,我们在谈论什么? Oh yeah, Napoleon once said that if you allow women to, if you allow divorce, divorce will happen. О, да, Наполеон веднъж каза, че ако позволиш на жените да се развеждат, разводът ще се случи. Oh ja, Napoleon hat einmal gesagt, wenn Sie Frauen erlauben, wenn Sie sich scheiden lassen, wird eine Scheidung stattfinden. Oh, sí, Napoleón dijo una vez que si permites que las mujeres lo hagan, si permites el divorcio, el divorcio sucederá. Oh oui, Napoléon a dit un jour que si vous autorisez les femmes, si vous autorisez le divorce, le divorce se produira. Oh sì, Napoleone una volta disse che se permetti alle donne di farlo, se permetti il divorzio, il divorzio accadrà. Evet, Napolyon bir keresinde "Eğer kadınlara izin verirseniz, boşanmaya izin verirseniz, boşanma gerçekleşir" demişti. 哦对了,拿破仑曾经说过,如果你允许女人,如果你允许离婚,就会发生离婚。 I mean there’s something to be said for that. Имам предвид, че има какво да се каже за това. Ich meine, dafür gibt es etwas zu sagen. Je veux dire qu'il y a quelque chose à dire pour ça. Voglio dire, c'è qualcosa da dire per questo. Demek istediğim, bunun için söylenecek bir şey var. 我的意思是有话要说。 If it’s just not an option or it’s very difficult to get a divorce people will find, Ако това просто не е възможно или е много трудно да се разведете, хората ще намерят, Wenn es einfach keine Option ist oder es sehr schwierig ist, sich scheiden zu lassen, werden die Leute finden, Si ce n'est tout simplement pas une option ou s'il est très difficile d'obtenir un divorce, les gens trouveront, Se non è un'opzione possibile o è molto difficile ottenere il divorzio, le persone troveranno, 如果这不是一种选择,或者很难离婚,人们会发现,

Jill: People will work it out. Джил: Хората ще се справят. Jill: Die Leute werden es schaffen. Jill: La gente lo resolverá. Jill : Les gens s'en sortiront. Jill: La gente lo risolverà. Jill: İnsanlar bunu çözecektir. 吉尔:人们会解决的。

Steve: They’ll find other solutions. Steve: Sie werden andere Lösungen finden. So. So. We’ll talk about that next time. Wir werden das nächste Mal darüber reden. 我们下次再谈。

Hey, listen we forgot to say that this is EnglishLingQ.com so those of you who are hearing this you can also go to the website EnglishLingQ.com where you will find a transcript. Hey, hör zu, wir haben vergessen zu sagen, dass dies EnglishLingQ.com ist. Diejenigen von euch, die dies hören, können auch auf die Website EnglishLingQ.com gehen, wo ihr ein Transkript finden. ねえ、これはEnglishLingQ.comだと言うのを忘れていたので、これを聞いている人は、ウェブサイトEnglishLingQ.comにアクセスしてトランスクリプトを見つけることもできます。 Hey, bunu İngilizceLingQ.com olduğunu söylemeyi unutma, böylece bunu duyanların da bir transkript bulabileceğiniz EnglishLingQ.com web sitesine gidebilirsin. 嘿,听着,我们忘了说这是EnglishLingQ.com,所以听到这个消息的人也可以访问EnglishLingQ.com 网站,在那里您可以找到成绩单。 And, if you’re really clever you will join the Linguist so that you can learn the words and phrases that will help you when you have to argue with someone in English. ||||inteligente||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und wenn Sie wirklich schlau sind, treten Sie dem Linguisten bei, damit Sie die Wörter und Sätze lernen können, die Ihnen helfen, wenn Sie mit jemandem auf Englisch streiten müssen. E, se sei davvero bravo, entrerai a far parte del linguista in modo da poter imparare le parole e le frasi che ti aiuteranno quando dovrai discutere con qualcuno in inglese. そして、あなたが本当に賢いなら、あなたは言語学者に加わって、あなたが英語で誰かと議論しなければならないときにあなたを助ける単語やフレーズを学ぶことができるでしょう。 而且,如果你真的很聪明,你会加入语言学家,这样你就可以学习在你不得不用英语与某人争论时会帮助你的单词和短语。 And, hopefully your argument will be more heart felt than the one I’ve just had with Jill. И се надявам, че спорът ви ще бъде по-сърдечен от този, който току-що водих с Джил. Und hoffentlich wird Ihre Auseinandersetzung herzlicher sein als die, die ich gerade mit Jill hatte. Y espero que tu discusión sea más sincera que la que acabo de tener con Jill. Et j'espère que votre dispute sera plus sincère que celle que je viens d'avoir avec Jill. E, si spera, il tuo litigio sarà più sincero di quello che ho appena avuto con Jill. そして、うまくいけば、あなたの議論は、私がジルと一緒にしたばかりの議論よりも心から感じられるでしょう。 И, надеюсь, ваш спор будет более душевным, чем тот, который я только что вел с Джилл. Ve umarım argümanınız sadece Jill'le yaptığımdan daha fazla kalp hissi verecektir. 而且,希望你的论点比我刚刚和吉尔的论点更能引起人们的共鸣。

Jill: Yeah. Jill: Ja.

Steve: Where we always agree. Steve: Wo wir uns immer einig sind. Steve: Dove siamo sempre d'accordo. 史蒂夫:我们总是同意的。 Okay. In Ordnung.

Jill: Alright. Джил: Добре. Jill: In Ordnung. Bye, bye. Tschüss.

Steve: Bye.