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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Forty-seven: Tigh Na Mara

Forty-seven: Tigh Na Mara

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hello again.

Steve: Here we are at EnglishLingQ.com and of course LingQ is l-i-n-g-q. com and Jill and I are going to talk about the fact that we are probably what, a week or so away from the, a couple of weeks away from the company outing, and what are we going to do there?

Jill: We are going to have a whole variety of events for everybody to participate in. All of the employees here are going with their families, children, wives, husbands so I think there's going to be 45 people or something all together at a resort in separate rooms, obviously, but together and spending a lot of time during the day and I guess in the evening together.

Steve: You know, I was thinking we could save money if we all stayed in a big gymnasium or barn so that was my vote to save money but I was voted down so we ended up going to a fancy resort where every family gets their own room. It sure adds to the cost. I don't know why the barn area, the barn idea didn't fly but anyway, there we are. It's more of a kind of a together type experience if we're all staying in one big gymnasium. We could even have like triple layered bunks, have an outhouse, you know? Anyway, that was not, no one went for that idea. I thought it would save the company some money but I was voted down. So, where is this place?

Jill: It's on Vancouver Island, about an hour and a half ferry ride from Vancouver and then I guess we drive for maybe 40 minutes after we get off the ferry and it's right on the ocean, outside of a small town on Vancouver Island.

Steve: And it's actually a very nice resort. It's a very nice resort nestled in amongst these large Douglas Fir trees and it's right on the ocean. There's a beach there, the children can go down and look for sand dollars and starfish and clams and this kind of thing.

And, of course this is also going to be the 20th anniversary of K.P. Wood which is our activity here that's involved in the wood business and which started in the year 1987 so it's the 20th anniversary so we're going for four days. Four days we'll be shut down here and we will be just having fun over there.

What were some of the events again that we have planned?

Jill: I think that we are going to go, there's some caves around there that you can climb down into, climb around so I think we're all going caving. And, I think we'll probably have some volley ball games and some things like that. I can' remember the other activities. Steve: Well we have golf.

Jill: Oh yeah.

Steve: We have our golf tournament which is whatever it's called, Texas scramble type of golf. Maybe some volley ball and of course we want to be building that, we want to be doing team building in this thing. That's my objective here is that people should feel that they can rely on each other in a team so we've got to devise some events like blind, like going into the cave blind and relying on someone else to guide you. And then maybe lowering people into a hole where they hold on to a rope and they're blind folded and everybody's blind folded.

Jill: Right. I can see you going for that. That's not going to work.

Steve: Well, so that the person who's being lowered down, he has to trust the person who's lowering him and the person who's lowering him is blind folded so he has to take responsibility.

Jill: Yeah, and then you have a 120 pound girl lowering down a 200 pound guy.

Steve: Mind over matter. Mind over matter you know. If she wants to, you know, I believe if she wants to drop him she can be, she can be 200 pounds and he's 120 pounds, she'll drop him but if she is committed to the task, to her job she'll hang on even if the rope is burning her hands. That's what I believe. That's the kind of commitment that we want from our employees.

Jill: You have a lot of faith. A lot of faith.

Steve: Do you think I might be disappointed?

Jill: I think a little bit, yeah.

Steve: Well, there could be some changes to the plan. In any case I'm not responsible for these activities so they don't allow me to, they don't let me make these plans and so forth.

We're hoping we get good weather. Unfortunately here on the coast because we're right on the coast and different weather systems blow in across the Pacific, you know, we can have, it can be 25-30 degrees and sunny or it can be 15 degrees and rainy and we just don't know which we're going to get. We know what we got today.

Jill: Yeah, the 18 degrees and pouring rain.

Steve: Pouring rain. What is your favorite sport?

Jill: To play, to do, for me?

Steve: Yes.

Jill: Um, I don't know. I guess I really enjoy hiking.

Steve: Oh yeah, you're a hiker and of course we talked about you climbing up, but how about tennis or no? Swimming, are you a big swimmer?

Jill: I was as a, when I was younger I was into swimming. I was diving, I was in synchronized swimming, yeah, so swimming was definitely my favorite sport all through my childhood. We had a pool at my house until I was ten so swimming, I do love swimming but I don't swim very much anymore.

Steve: How about kayaking?

Jill: Um, I like it but I prefer the two man kayaks where Chris does all the work and I just kind of hang out there with my feet dangling in the water.

Steve: You know one year, one of our outings we had a kayaking experience which was a lot of fun and for many people it was their first time in a kayak and we took off to this island and the weather changed. And, we went over there as a group of about 15 kayaks, many of whom were in a kayak for the first time. Now, everyone had a life jacket on and we had been given instructions but kayaks are not very stable. It's very easy to tip a kayak.

And, so we went out there in a tight group and the weather was okay. We went to this island, we played on the island and then the weather changed. The wind picked up. It was raining, it was dark. We had to go and this was the ocean we're talking about, this is not a lake and we had to get back home and we were on an island.

We had girls or two wives who were in tears and who refused to go back, at least initially. And we had to tell them there was no choice. We had to go back but if we all stayed together it wouldn't be a problem. And, of course we got back so it was a very important bonding experience. Very good. I didn't plan that one though.

Jill: Well, I know, I was thinking it could almost be a good thing to have an experience like that. It sure does make you rely on each other and trust each other and help each other out.

Steve: And of course, so typically in those kinds of situations the actual danger is actually very, very minimal. There are so man people. Kayaks float, everyone has the life jacket. If the kayak should flip then you hang on to your kayak. The water is not cold, I mean it's not warm but it's not freezing cold. You have your life jacket, you hang on to the kayak, a few people go in and get somebody with a boat, I mean there was really no danger but psychologically if someone has, is not comfortable in a kayak, is not comfortable in water.

I mean it's fine for me to say because I like to swim, you like to swim, I don't mind the water, getting wet, tip, and it doesn't bother me but if I don't like the water and I'm not, yeah, I can see where.

Jill: Oh yeah.

Steve: I think there was some husbands who were in deep trouble that night.

Jill: Well yeah. We'll see how people do with the caving too. I mean, the dark, enclosed, narrow space. I think there could be some people who, who may have some problems with that too. So we'll see.

Steve: You know then Jill we'll have to report back and we'll see how the 120 pound girl does lowering a 200 pound man down the hole in the cave.

Jill: Blind folded.

Steve: Blind folded. Alright then, that'll do for now.

Jill: Bye, bye.

Steve: Once again, it's EnglishLingQ, l-i-n-g-q.com and it's www, lingq.com and one thing we would like to know is what kinds of discussions do you like? Do you like us to talk about the language? Do you like us to talk about every day life? Would you like us to talk more slowly? What would you like? Please let us know. Wouldn't you like to know Jill?

Jill: Please give us some feedback.

Steve: Okay. Thanks, bye, bye.

Jill: Bye, bye.

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Forty-seven: Tigh Na Mara forty|||| ||Tigh Na Mara|| Siebenundvierzig: Tigh Na Mara Cuarenta y siete: Tigh Na Mara Quarante-sept : Tigh Na Mara Quarantasette: Tigh Na Mara 47歳タイ・ナマラ 마흔일곱: 티그 나 마라 Keturiasdešimt septyni: Tigh Na Mara Czterdzieści siedem: Tigh Na Mara Quarenta e sete: Tigh Na Mara Сорок семь: Тай На Мара Fyrtiosju: Tigh Na Mara Kırk yedi: Tigh Na Mara Сорок сім: Тай На Мара 四十七:泰娜玛拉 四十七:泰·娜·玛拉 四十七:泰·娜·瑪拉

Steve: Hi Jill. 史蒂夫:嗨,吉尔。

Jill: Hello again.

Steve: Here we are at EnglishLingQ.com and of course LingQ is l-i-n-g-q. Стив: Тук сме в EnglishLingQ.com и, разбира се, LingQ е l-i-n-g-q. com and Jill and I are going to talk about the fact that we are probably what, a week or so away from the, a couple of weeks away from the company outing, and what are we going to do there? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||گردهمایی شرکت|||||||| |||||||||||||||wahrscheinlich||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||şirket gezisi|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chuyến đi công ty|||||||| com и Джил ще поговорим за това, че до фирмената екскурзия остава около седмица, няколко седмици, и какво ще правим там? com y Jill y yo vamos a hablar sobre el hecho de que probablemente estamos a una semana o así de la salida de la compañía, y ¿qué vamos a hacer allí? com ve Jill ve ben muhtemelen, bir hafta ya da öylesine uzakta, şirket gezisinden birkaç hafta uzakta olduğumuz gerçeği hakkında konuşacağız ve orada ne yapacağız? com і Джилл і я збираємося поговорити про те, що ми, мабуть, за тиждень або близько того, за пару тижнів від виїзду компанії, і що ми там будемо робити? com 和 Jill 和我将谈论一个事实,即我们可能距离公司郊游一周左右,距离公司郊游还有几个星期,我们将在那里做什么?

Jill: We are going to have a whole variety of events for everybody to participate in. ||||katılmak için||||çeşitli||||||katılmak| Джил: Джил: Ще имаме много разнообразни събития, в които всеки може да участва. Jill: Herkesin katılabileceği çok çeşitli etkinliklere sahip olacağız. 吉尔:我们将举办各种各样的活动供每个人参加。 All of the employees here are going with their families, children, wives, husbands so I think there’s going to be 45 people or something all together at a resort in separate rooms, obviously, but together and spending a lot of time during the day and I guess in the evening together. ||||||||||||شوهران|||||||||||||||تفریحگاه|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ferienanlage||||offensichtlich|||||||||||||||||| Всички служители тук отиват със семействата си, деца, съпруги, съпрузи, така че мисля, че ще има 45 души или нещо подобно, всички заедно в един курорт, очевидно в отделни стаи, но заедно и ще прекарват много време през деня и предполагам вечер заедно. Todos los empleados de aquí van con sus familias, hijos, esposas, maridos, así que creo que va a haber 45 personas o algo así, todos juntos en un complejo en habitaciones separadas, obviamente, pero juntos y pasando mucho tiempo durante el día y supongo que por la noche juntos. Buradaki tüm çalışanlar aileleri, çocukları, eşleri, kocaları ile birlikte gidiyorlar. Sanırım 45 kişiden biri ya da ayrı bir yerde bir otelde bir arada bir şeyler olacak, tabii ki, ama birlikte ve gün boyunca çok zaman geçiriyorlar. Sanırım birlikte akşamdayım. 这里的所有员工都和他们的家人、孩子、妻子、丈夫一起去,所以我认为度假村会有 45 个人或其他人一起在不同的房间里,显然,但在一起并在白天花费大量时间我猜是晚上在一起。

Steve: You know, I was thinking we could save money if we all stayed in a big gymnasium or barn so that was my vote to save money but I was voted down so we ended up going to a fancy resort where every family gets their own room. |||||||||||||||||phòng tập thể dục||chuồng||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||barn||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ahır||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||ginásio||celeiro||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||gimnasio||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Стив: Знаеш ли, мислех си, че можем да спестим пари, ако всички останем в голяма спортна зала или хамбар, така че това беше моят глас за спестяване на пари, но ме отхвърлиха, така че в крайна сметка отидохме в луксозен курорт, където всяко семейство получава собствена стая. Steve: Sabes, estaba pensando que podríamos ahorrar dinero si todos nos quedáramos en un gran gimnasio o granero, así que ese fue mi voto para ahorrar dinero, pero me rechazaron, así que terminamos yendo a un complejo lujoso donde cada familia tiene su propio habitación. Steve: Vous savez, je pensais que nous pourrions économiser de l'argent si nous restions tous dans un grand gymnase ou une grange, donc c'était mon vote pour économiser de l'argent, mais j'ai été rejeté, alors nous avons fini par aller dans un complexe chic où chaque famille a le sien chambre. Steve: Biliyor musun, hepimiz büyük bir spor salonunda ya da ahırda kalsaydık para biriktirebileceğimizi düşünüyordum, bu yüzden para biriktirmek için oyum oydu, oysa aşağıya çekildik ve her ailenin kendilerine ait olduğu lüks bir tesise gittik. oda. Стів: Знаєш, я думав, що ми зможемо заощадити гроші, якщо всі залишимося у великій спортивній залі чи сараї, тож це був мій голос за економію грошей, але мене проголосували проти, тому ми поїхали на шикарний курорт, де кожна сім'я отримує своє кімната. It sure adds to the cost. |sicherlich|trägt bei||| Това със сигурност увеличава разходите. Seguro que aumenta el costo. To z pewnością zwiększa koszty. Это, конечно, увеличивает стоимость. Kesinlikle maliyeti ekler. I don’t know why the barn area, the barn idea didn’t fly but anyway, there we are. ||||||||طویله|||||||| Не знам защо идеята за плевнята не се хареса, но както и да е, ето ни. I don't know why the barn area, the barn idea didn't fly but anyway, there we are. No sé por qué el área del granero, la idea del granero no funcionó, pero de todos modos, ahí estamos. Je ne sais pas pourquoi la zone de la grange, l'idée de la grange n'a pas volé mais de toute façon, nous y sommes. Nie wiem, dlaczego pomysł ze stodołą nie wypalił, ale tak czy inaczej, jesteśmy. Ahır alanının neden olduğunu bilmiyorum, ahır fikri uçmadı, yine de oradayız. It’s more of a kind of a together type experience if we’re all staying in one big gymnasium. |||||||||||||||||nhà thi đấu |||||||||||||||||gimnasio Това е по-скоро едно общо преживяване, ако всички останем в една голяма зала. Es más una especie de experiencia conjunta si todos nos quedamos en un gran gimnasio. C'est plus une sorte d'expérience de type ensemble si nous restons tous dans un grand gymnase. Hepimiz büyük bir spor salonunda kalıyorsak, daha çok türden bir tür deneyim. We could even have like triple layered bunks, have an outhouse, you know? |||||||giường tầng|||nhà vệ sinh|| |||||dreifach|gestapelt|||||| ||||||katmanlı|ranza||||| ||||||سه‌طبقه|||||| ||||||||||茅房|| ||||||||||トイレ小屋|| ||||||en capas|litera|||letrina|| Можем дори да имаме триетажни легла, да имаме пристройка, разбираш ли? Incluso podríamos tener literas de tres capas, tener una letrina, ¿sabes? On pourrait même avoir des couchettes triples, avoir une dépendance, tu sais ? Üç katlı tabakalı ranzalara bile sahip olabiliriz, bir bina evimiz var, biliyor musunuz? Ми могли б навіть мати тришарові нари, мати прибудову, розумієте? Anyway, that was not, no one went for that idea. ||||hayır|hiç kimse|gitti||| Така или иначе, това не беше така, никой не се съгласи с тази идея. Her neyse, bu değildi, kimse bu fikre katılmadı. I thought it would save the company some money but I was voted down. Мислех, че това ще спести пари на компанията, но бях отхвърлен. Je pensais que cela permettrait à l'entreprise d'économiser de l'argent, mais j'ai été rejeté. Я думал, что это позволит компании сэкономить деньги, но мне отказали. Şirketi paradan tasarruf edeceğini düşündüm ama oy verdim. So, where is this place? Peki burası nerede?

Jill: It’s on Vancouver Island, about an hour and a half ferry ride from Vancouver and then I guess we drive for maybe 40 minutes after we get off the ferry and it’s right on the ocean, outside of a small town on Vancouver Island. |||||||||||ferry ride|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||de barco|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Джил: Намира се на остров Ванкувър, на около час и половина път с ферибот от Ванкувър и след това, предполагам, че караме може би 40 минути, след като слезем от ферибота, и е точно на брега на океана, извън малък град на остров Ванкувър. Jill: Está en la isla de Vancouver, aproximadamente a una hora y media en ferry desde Vancouver y luego supongo que conducimos durante unos 40 minutos después de bajar del ferry y está justo en el océano, en las afueras de un pequeño pueblo en la isla de Vancouver. Jill : C'est sur l'île de Vancouver, à environ une heure et demie de ferry de Vancouver, puis je suppose que nous conduisons pendant peut-être 40 minutes après être descendus du ferry et c'est juste sur l'océan, à l'extérieur d'une petite ville sur l'île de Vancouver. Jill: Vancouver adasında, Vancouver'dan bir buçuk saatlik feribot yolculuğu var ve sanırım biz de feribottan inip 40 dakika sonra, Vancouver adasındaki küçük bir kasabanın dışında okyanusa doğru yol alıyoruz.

Steve: And it’s actually a very nice resort. |||||||tatil yeri It’s a very nice resort nestled in amongst these large Douglas Fir trees and it’s right on the ocean. |||||situado entre||||||||||||| |||||ẩn mình||||||||||||| |||||eingebettet||||||||||||| |||||yer alan||||||||||tamamen||| ||||||||||ダグラス|||||||| |||||acurrucado||||||abeto de Douglas||||||| Това е много приятен курорт, сгушен сред големите дървета дугласка ела и е на самия бряг на океана. Es un complejo muy agradable ubicado entre estos grandes árboles de abeto de Douglas y está justo en el océano. Bu büyük Douglas Köknar ağaçlarının arasında yer alan çok güzel bir tatil köyü ve okyanusun hemen üzerinde. There’s a beach there, the children can go down and look for sand dollars and starfish and clams and this kind of thing. |||||||||||||||||моллюски||||| |||||||||||||đô la||sao biển||ngao||||| |||||||||||||||||Muscheln||||| ||||||||||||kum|dolarları||||||||| |||||||||||||||海星||||||| |||||||||||||||ヒトデ||||||| |||||||||||||||estrellas de mar||||||| Там има плаж, децата могат да слязат и да търсят пясъчни долари, морски звезди, миди и други подобни неща. Hay una playa, los niños pueden bajar a buscar dólares de arena, estrellas de mar, almejas y cosas así. Er is daar een strand, de kinderen kunnen naar beneden gaan en zoeken naar zanddollars en zeesterren en mosselen en dat soort dingen.

And, of course this is also going to be the 20th anniversary of K.P. |||||||||||Jahrestag||| ||tabii ki|||||||||||| И, разбира се, това ще бъде и 20-годишнината на K.P. Et, bien sûr, ce sera aussi le 20e anniversaire de KP Wood which is our activity here that’s involved in the wood business and which started in the year 1987 so it’s the 20th anniversary so we’re going for four days. Дърводобивът е нашата дейност тук, която се занимава с дърводобив и която започна през 1987 г., така че това е 20-годишнината, така че отиваме за четири дни. Bois qui est notre activité ici qui est impliquée dans le commerce du bois et qui a commencé en 1987 donc c'est le 20e anniversaire donc nous partons pour quatre jours. Four days we’ll be shut down here and we will be just having fun over there. |||||kapalı|||||||||| Четири дни ще бъдем затворени тук и ще се забавляваме там. Cuatro días estaremos cerrados aquí y nos estaremos divirtiendo allá. Quatre jours, nous serons fermés ici et nous nous amuserons juste là-bas.

What were some of the events again that we have planned? Какви бяха някои от събитията, които планирахме? Jakie wydarzenia zaplanowaliśmy?

Jill: I think that we are going to go, there’s some caves around there that you can climb down into, climb around so I think we’re all going caving. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||espeleologia ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||探洞活動 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||gehen|Höhlenforschung betreiben ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mağaracılık ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||thám hiểm hang động ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||exploración de cue Джил: Мисля, че ще отидем, наоколо има няколко пещери, в които можеш да се спуснеш, да се катериш, така че мисля, че всички ще отидем на пещера. Jill: Creo que vamos a ir, hay algunas cuevas por ahí a las que puedes bajar, escalar, así que creo que todos vamos a hacer espeleología. Jill : Je pense que nous allons y aller, il y a des grottes dans lesquelles vous pouvez descendre, grimper, donc je pense que nous allons tous faire de la spéléologie. Jill: Ik denk dat we gaan, er zijn daar een paar grotten waar je naar beneden kunt klimmen, klim eromheen, dus ik denk dat we allemaal gaan grotten. And, I think we’ll probably have some volley ball games and some things like that. |||||||voleibol||||||| Мисля, че вероятно ще има и игри с волейбол и други подобни. I can' remember the other activities. Steve: Well we have golf. Стив: Имаме голф.

Jill: Oh yeah.

Steve: We have our golf tournament which is whatever it’s called, Texas scramble type of golf. ||||||||||||golf kiểu Texas||| |||||Golfturnier|||||||||| ||||||||||||Texas scramble||| Стив: Имаме голф турнир, който се нарича "Тексас скрембъл". Steve: Tenemos nuestro torneo de golf, que es como se llame, el tipo de golf Texas Scramble. Стив: Мы проводим турнир по гольфу, который называется, как и все остальные, техасским скретчем. Maybe some volley ball and of course we want to be building that, we want to be doing team building in this thing. Може би малко волейбол и, разбира се, искаме да изградим това, искаме да направим тийм билдинг в това нещо. Maybe some volley ball and of course we want to be building that, we want to be doing team building in this thing. Może trochę siatkówki i oczywiście chcemy to budować, chcemy budować zespół w tej sprawie. That’s my objective here is that people should feel that they can rely on each other in a team so we’ve got to devise some events like blind, like going into the cave blind and relying on someone else to guide you. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||mù|||||||||||||| ||Ziel||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||güvenmek||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||idear|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||create||||blindfolded|||||||||||||| Това е моята цел - хората да почувстват, че могат да разчитат един на друг в екип, така че трябва да измислим някои събития, като например да влезеш в пещера сляп и да разчиташ на някой друг да те води. That's my objective here is that people should feel that they can rely on each other in a team so we've got to devise some events like blind, like going into the cave blind and relying on someone else to guide you. Ese es mi objetivo aquí, que las personas sientan que pueden confiar en los demás en un equipo, por lo que tenemos que idear algunos eventos como ciegos, como entrar en la cueva a ciegas y confiar en otra persona para que los guíe. C'est mon objectif ici, c'est que les gens sentent qu'ils peuvent compter les uns sur les autres dans une équipe, donc nous devons concevoir des événements comme l'aveugle, comme entrer dans la grotte à l'aveugle et compter sur quelqu'un d'autre pour vous guider. Moim celem jest, aby ludzie czuli, że mogą na sobie polegać w zespole, więc musimy opracować kilka wydarzeń, takich jak ślepe wejście do jaskini i poleganie na kimś, kto cię poprowadzi. Benim buradaki amacım, insanların bir ekip içinde birbirlerine güvenebileceklerini hissetmeleridir, bu nedenle kör gibi, mağaraya kör olarak girmek ve size rehberlik etmesi için başka birine güvenmek gibi bazı etkinlikler tasarlamalıyız. And then maybe lowering people into a hole where they hold on to a rope and they’re blind folded and everybody’s blind folded. |||hạ xuống|||||||||||||||bị bịt mắt|||| |||herablassen|||||||||||Seil|||||||| |||indirme||||delik||||||||||||||kör|gözleri bağlı |||bajando||||||||||||||||||| А след това може би ще спуснете хората в дупка, където те ще се държат за въже и ще са с вързани очи, а всички ще са с вързани очи. Und vielleicht dann Leute in ein Loch hinunterlassen, wo sie sich an einem Seil festhalten und die Augen verbunden sind und alle die Augen verbunden haben. Y luego tal vez bajar a las personas a un agujero donde se agarran de una cuerda y tienen los ojos vendados y todos tienen los ojos vendados. Et puis peut-être abaisser les gens dans un trou où ils s'accrochent à une corde et ils ont les yeux bandés et tout le monde a les yeux bandés. А потом, может быть, спустить людей в яму, где они держатся за веревку, и они с закрытыми глазами, и все с закрытыми глазами. А потім, можливо, опускати людей у яму, де вони тримаються за мотузку, і вони сліпо згорнуті, і всі сліпі.

Jill: Right. Jill: Richtig. I can see you going for that. ||||gittiğini|| Виждам, че ще го направите. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass du das machst. Je peux vous voir aller pour ça. Widzę, że się na to zdecydujesz. That’s not going to work. Това няма да се получи. Cela ne marchera pas.

Steve: Well, so that the person who’s being lowered down, he has to trust the person who’s lowering him and the person who’s lowering him is blind folded so he has to take responsibility. ||||||||hạ xuống||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||heruntergelassen||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||vendado los ojos|||||| |||||||||||||||||abaixando|||||||||||||||| Стив: Ами, така че човекът, който е спуснат надолу, трябва да се довери на човека, който го спуска, и човекът, който го спуска, е сляп, така че трябва да поеме отговорност. Steve: Peki, böylece aşağı indirilen kişi, onu aşağı indiren kişiye güvenmek zorunda ve onu aşağı indiren kişinin gözü kapalı olduğu için sorumluluk almak zorunda.

Jill: Yeah, and then you have a 120 pound girl lowering down a 200 pound guy. |||||||||hạ xuống|||| |||||||||abaixando|||| Jill : Oui, et puis vous avez une fille de 120 livres qui descend un gars de 200 livres. Jill: Evet, ve sonra 120 kiloluk bir kız 200 kiloluk bir adamı aşağı indiriyor.

Steve: Mind over matter. ||über| |Zihin|üstünlüğü|madde Стив: Разумът надделява над материята. Steve: Mente sobre materia. Steve : L'esprit avant la matière. Steve: Geest over materie. Стив: Разум превыше материи. Akıl maddeden üstündür. Mind over matter you know. Разумът надделява над материята, нали знаете. Akıl maddeden üstündür, bilirsin. If she wants to, you know, I believe if she wants to drop him she can be, she can be 200 pounds and he’s 120 pounds, she’ll drop him but if she is committed to the task, to her job she’ll hang on even if the rope is burning her hands. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||engagiert||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dedicated||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||comprometida||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||dejarlo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ако тя иска, знаете ли, вярвам, че ако иска да го пусне, може да е 200 килограма, а той да е 120 килограма, ще го пусне, но ако е отдадена на задачата, на работата си, ще се задържи, дори ако въжето изгаря ръцете ѝ. Si ella quiere, ya sabes, creo que si quiere dejarlo, puede ser, ella puede pesar 200 libras y él pesa 120 libras, lo dejará, pero si está comprometida con la tarea, con su trabajo, lo hará. aguanta aunque la cuerda le esté quemando las manos. Si elle veut, vous savez, je crois que si elle veut le laisser tomber, elle peut être, elle peut peser 200 livres et il pèse 120 livres, elle le laissera tomber mais si elle est engagée dans la tâche, dans son travail, elle le fera s'accrocher même si la corde lui brûle les mains. Eğer isterse, bilirsiniz, inanıyorum ki onu düşürmek isterse, 200 kilo olabilir ve o 120 kilo olabilir, onu düşürecektir ama eğer kendini görevine, işine adamışsa, ip ellerini yaksa bile dayanacaktır. That’s what I believe. That’s the kind of commitment that we want from our employees. ||||Engagement|||||| ||||taahhüt|||||| Това е видът ангажираност, който искаме от нашите служители. Çalışanlarımızdan istediğimiz de bu tür bir bağlılıktır.

Jill: You have a lot of faith. ||||||Vertrauen Джил: Имаш много вяра. Çok inançlısın. A lot of faith.

Steve: Do you think I might be disappointed? |||||könnte||enttäuscht Steve: ¿Crees que podría estar decepcionado? Steve : Pensez-vous que je pourrais être déçu ? Hayal kırıklığına uğrayacağımı mı düşünüyorsun?

Jill: I think a little bit, yeah.

Steve: Well, there could be some changes to the plan. Стив: Възможно е да има някои промени в плана. Steve : Eh bien, il pourrait y avoir des changements dans le plan. Steve: Cóż, mogą nastąpić pewne zmiany w planie. In any case I’m not responsible for these activities so they don’t allow me to, they don’t let me make these plans and so forth. |||||verantwortlich||||||||||||||||||| Във всеки случай аз не съм отговорен за тези дейности, така че те не ми позволяват, не ми позволяват да правя тези планове и т.н. De toute façon je ne suis pas responsable de ces activités donc ils ne me permettent pas, ils ne me laissent pas faire ces plans et ainsi de suite.

We’re hoping we get good weather. Надяваме се на хубаво време. Unfortunately here on the coast because we’re right on the coast and different weather systems blow in across the Pacific, you know, we can have, it can be 25-30 degrees and sunny or it can be 15 degrees and rainy and we just don’t know which we’re going to get. |||||bởi vì|||||||||hệ thống|thổi|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||hereinziehen|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||kıyıda||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| За съжаление тук, на брега, тъй като сме на самия бряг и различни метеорологични системи нахлуват през Тихия океан, знаете, че може да е 25-30 градуса и да е слънчево или 15 градуса и да вали, и просто не знаем какво ще се случи. Desafortunadamente aquí en la costa porque estamos justo en la costa y soplan diferentes sistemas climáticos a través del Pacífico, ya sabes, podemos tener, puede ser de 25 a 30 grados y soleado o puede ser de 15 grados y lluvioso y simplemente no sé cuál vamos a conseguir. Malheureusement ici sur la côte parce que nous sommes juste sur la côte et que différents systèmes météorologiques soufflent à travers le Pacifique, vous savez, nous pouvons avoir, il peut faire 25-30 degrés et ensoleillé ou il peut faire 15 degrés et pluvieux et nous avons juste ne savons pas ce que nous allons obtenir. We know what we got today. Знаем какво получихме днес.

Jill: Yeah, the 18 degrees and pouring rain. Джил: Да, 18 градуса и проливен дъжд. Jill: Sí, los 18 grados y la lluvia torrencial. Jill: Evet, 18 derece ve sağanak yağmur.

Steve: Pouring rain. Стив: Проливен дъжд. Bardaktan boşanırcasına yağmur yağıyor. What is your favorite sport? Кой е любимият ви спорт?

Jill: To play, to do, for me? |oynamak||||| Джил: Да играеш, да правиш за мен?

Steve: Yes.

Jill: Um, I don’t know. I guess I really enjoy hiking. |Ich schätze||||

Steve: Oh yeah, you’re a hiker and of course we talked about you climbing up, but how about tennis or no? |||||健行者||||||||||||||| |||||ハイカー||||||||||||||| |||||senderista||||||||||||||| Стив: О, да, ти си турист и, разбира се, говорихме за това, че се катериш нагоре, но какво ще кажеш за тениса или не? Swimming, are you a big swimmer? |||||nadador Плуване, голям плувец ли сте?

Jill: I was as a, when I was younger I was into swimming. Джил: Когато бях по-млада, се занимавах с плуване. I was diving, I was in synchronized swimming, yeah, so swimming was definitely my favorite sport all through my childhood. ||||||花樣游泳||||||||||||| ||||||bơi đồng đội||||||||||||| Гмурках се, плувах в синхронно плуване, да, така че плуването определено беше любимият ми спорт през цялото ми детство. I was diving, I was in synchronized swimming, yeah, so swimming was definitely my favorite sport all through my childhood. Nurkowałam, pływałam synchronicznie, więc pływanie było zdecydowanie moim ulubionym sportem przez całe dzieciństwo. We had a pool at my house until I was ten so swimming, I do love swimming but I don’t swim very much anymore. До десетгодишната ми възраст имахме басейн в къщата ми, така че обичам да плувам, но вече не плувам много.

Steve: How about kayaking? |||獨木舟運動 |||paseo en kayak Стив: Какво ще кажете за каяк?

Jill: Um, I like it but I prefer the two man kayaks where Chris does all the work and I just kind of hang out there with my feet dangling in the water. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dangling||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pendurados||| |||||||||||雙人皮划艇||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||von|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sarkarak|suda|| |||||||||||カヤック||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||kayaks de dos personas||||||||||||||||||colgando||| Джил: Хм, харесва ми, но предпочитам каяците за двама души, където Крис върши цялата работа, а аз просто си вися там с крака, увиснали във водата. Jill: Um, me gusta, pero prefiero los kayaks de dos hombres donde Chris hace todo el trabajo y yo simplemente paso el rato con los pies colgando en el agua.

Steve: You know one year, one of our outings we had a kayaking experience which was a lot of fun and for many people it was their first time in a kayak and we took off to this island and the weather changed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||皮划艇經歷||||||||||| ||||||||gezi|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||カヤック||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kayak||||||||||| Стив: Знаете ли, една година на една от нашите екскурзии имахме опит с каяк, който беше много забавен и за много хора беше първият път с каяк, и тръгнахме към този остров, а времето се промени. Steve: Sabes, un año, en una de nuestras salidas, tuvimos una experiencia en kayak que fue muy divertida y para muchas personas era su primera vez en un kayak y nos fuimos a esta isla y el clima cambió. Steve : Vous savez, une année, une de nos sorties, nous avons eu une expérience de kayak qui était très amusante et pour beaucoup de gens c'était leur première fois en kayak et nous sommes partis sur cette île et le temps a changé. And, we went over there as a group of about 15 kayaks, many of whom were in a kayak for the first time. |||||||||||||os quais|||||||| И ние отидохме там като група от около 15 каякари, много от които за първи път се качваха на каяк. Y, fuimos allí un grupo de unos 15 kayaks, muchos de los cuales estaban en un kayak por primera vez. Now, everyone had a life jacket on and we had been given instructions but kayaks are not very stable. |||||||||hatte||gegeben||||||| Всички бяха със спасителни жилетки и ни бяха дадени инструкции, но каяците не са много стабилни. Ahora, todos tenían puesto un chaleco salvavidas y nos habían dado instrucciones, pero los kayaks no son muy estables. Każdy miał na sobie kamizelkę ratunkową i otrzymaliśmy instrukcje, ale kajaki nie są zbyt stabilne. It’s very easy to tip a kayak. ||||virar|| Много е лесно да се преобърне каяк. Es muy fácil volcar un kayak. Het is heel gemakkelijk om een kajak te kantelen. Bir kanoyu devirmek çok kolaydır.

And, so we went out there in a tight group and the weather was okay. ||||||||engen|||||| И така, излязохме там в малка група и времето беше добро. Así que salimos en un grupo reducido y el tiempo era bueno. Et, donc nous sommes allés là-bas dans un groupe serré et le temps était correct. Sıkı bir grup olarak oraya gittik ve hava da güzeldi. We went to this island, we played on the island and then the weather changed. The wind picked up. Вятърът се усили. El viento se levantó. Le vent s'est levé. Wiatr się wzmógł. Rüzgar hızlandı. It was raining, it was dark. We had to go and this was the ocean we’re talking about, this is not a lake and we had to get back home and we were on an island. Nous devions y aller et c'était l'océan dont nous parlions, ce n'est pas un lac et nous devions rentrer à la maison et nous étions sur une île.

We had girls or two wives who were in tears and who refused to go back, at least initially. ||||||||||||sich weigerten|||||zumindest|zunächst ||||||||||||||||||at first |||||esposas|||||||||||||inicialmente Имахме момичета или две съпруги, които се разплакаха и отказаха да се върнат, поне в началото. Teníamos niñas o dos esposas que lloraban y se negaron a regresar, al menos al principio. Nous avions des filles ou deux épouses qui étaient en larmes et qui refusaient de rentrer, du moins au début. Mieliśmy dziewczyny lub dwie żony, które zalewały się łzami i odmawiały powrotu, przynajmniej początkowo. Gözyaşları içinde olan ve en azından başlangıçta geri dönmeyi reddeden kızlarımız ya da iki eşimiz vardı. And we had to tell them there was no choice. И трябваше да им кажем, че нямат избор. We had to go back but if we all stayed together it wouldn’t be a problem. Nous devions repartir mais si nous restions tous ensemble, ce ne serait pas un problème. And, of course we got back so it was a very important bonding experience. ||||||||||||聯繫經驗| ||||||||||||Bindungserlebnis| ||||||||||||bağ kurma| И, разбира се, ние се върнахме, така че това беше много важен опит за сближаване. Y, por supuesto, volvimos, así que fue una experiencia de unión muy importante. Very good. I didn’t plan that one though. Не съм го планирал. Je n'avais pas prévu celui-là cependant. Gerçi bunu planlamamıştım.

Jill: Well, I know, I was thinking it could almost be a good thing to have an experience like that. Джил: Е, знам, мислех си, че може да е почти добре да имаш такова преживяване. It sure does make you rely on each other and trust each other and help each other out. |||||sich verlassen|||||||||||| Това със сигурност ви кара да разчитате един на друг, да си вярвате и да си помагате. To sprawia, że można na sobie polegać, ufać sobie i pomagać sobie nawzajem.

Steve: And of course, so typically in those kinds of situations the actual danger is actually very, very minimal. Стив: И разбира се, обикновено в такива ситуации действителната опасност е много, много минимална. Steve : Et bien sûr, donc généralement dans ce genre de situations, le danger réel est en fait très, très minime. There are so man people. Има толкова много хора. Hay gente tan hombre. Il y a tellement d'hommes. Є такі люди люди. Kayaks float, everyone has the life jacket. Каяците плават, всеки има спасителна жилетка. If the kayak should flip then you hang on to your kayak. |||sollte|||||||| Ако каякът се преобърне, се дръжте за каяка си. Si el kayak se voltea, entonces te aferras a tu kayak. Si le kayak devait se renverser, vous vous accrochez à votre kayak. Eğer kayık ters dönerse o zaman kayığınıza tutunursunuz. The water is not cold, I mean it’s not warm but it’s not freezing cold. |||không||||||||||| Водата не е студена, т.е. не е топла, но не е и ледено студена. You have your life jacket, you hang on to the kayak, a few people go in and get somebody with a boat, I mean there was really no danger but psychologically if someone has, is not comfortable in a kayak, is not comfortable in water. ||||||||||||||||||jemanden|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Имаш спасителна жилетка, държиш се за каяка, няколко души влизат и хващат някого с лодка, искам да кажа, че наистина нямаше опасност, но психологически, ако някой не се чувства комфортно в каяк, не се чувства комфортно във водата. Vous avez votre gilet de sauvetage, vous vous accrochez au kayak, quelques personnes entrent et prennent quelqu'un avec un bateau, je veux dire qu'il n'y avait vraiment aucun danger mais psychologiquement si quelqu'un a, n'est pas à l'aise dans un kayak, n'est pas à l'aise dans l'eau .

I mean it’s fine for me to say because I like to swim, you like to swim, I don’t mind the water, getting wet, tip, and it doesn’t bother me but if I don’t like the water and I’m not, yeah, I can see where. ||||||||||||||||||||||||mẹo|||||||||||||||||||| Искам да кажа, че за мен е нормално да кажа, защото обичам да плувам, ти обичаш да плуваш, нямам нищо против водата, мокренето, върха, и това не ме притеснява, но ако не обичам водата и не съм, да, мога да видя къде. Chodzi mi o to, że mogę powiedzieć, że lubię pływać, lubisz pływać, nie mam nic przeciwko wodzie, moczeniu się, napiwkom i nie przeszkadza mi to, ale jeśli nie lubię wody i nie jestem, tak, widzę, gdzie. Yani yüzmeyi seviyorum, yüzmeyi seviyorsun, suyu, ıslanmayı, bahşişi umursamıyorum ve bu beni rahatsız etmiyor demek benim için sorun değil ama suyu sevmiyorsam ve sevmiyorsam, evet, nerede olduğunu görebiliyorum.

Jill: Oh yeah.

Steve: I think there was some husbands who were in deep trouble that night. Стив: Мисля, че имаше няколко съпрузи, които имаха сериозни проблеми тази нощ. Steve : Je pense qu'il y avait des maris qui avaient de gros problèmes cette nuit-là.

Jill: Well yeah. We’ll see how people do with the caving too. |||||||thám hiểm hang động| |||||||espeleología| Ще видим как хората ще се справят и с пещерното дело. Veremos cómo le va a la gente con la espeleología también. Nous verrons aussi comment les gens s'en sortent avec la spéléologie. Zobaczymy, jak ludzie poradzą sobie z jaskiniami. İnsanların mağaracılıkta da ne yapacaklarını göreceğiz. I mean, the dark, enclosed, narrow space. ||||khép kín|| ||||geschlossene|| ||||fechado|estreita| ||||cerrado|| Me refiero al espacio oscuro, cerrado y estrecho. Mam na myśli ciemną, zamkniętą, wąską przestrzeń. Yani, karanlık, kapalı, dar bir alan. Я маю на увазі темний, закритий, вузький простір. I think there could be some people who, who may have some problems with that too. Мисля, че може да има хора, които да имат проблеми и с това. So we’ll see. Така че ще видим.

Steve: You know then Jill we’ll have to report back and we’ll see how the 120 pound girl does lowering a 200 pound man down the hole in the cave. ||||||||||||||||||||peso de||||||| Стив: Знаеш ли, тогава Джил, ще трябва да докладваме и да видим как 120-килограмовото момиче се справя със спускането на 200-килограмов мъж в дупката на пещерата. Steve : Vous savez alors Jill, nous devrons faire un rapport et nous verrons comment la fille de 120 livres fait descendre un homme de 200 livres dans le trou de la grotte. Steve: Biliyorsun Jill o zaman rapor vermemiz gerekecek ve 120 kiloluk kızın 200 kiloluk bir adamı mağaradaki delikten nasıl indirdiğini göreceğiz.

Jill: Blind folded. Jill: Ślepy zaułek. Джилл: Сложены вслепую.

Steve: Blind folded. |vendado|vendado Alright then, that’ll do for now. Добре тогава, засега това е достатъчно. Bien entonces, eso servirá por ahora.

Jill: Bye, bye.

Steve: Once again, it’s EnglishLingQ, l-i-n-g-q.com and it’s www, lingq.com and one thing we would like to know is what kinds of discussions do you like? Do you like us to talk about the language? Искате ли да поговорим за езика? Do you like us to talk about every day life? Would you like us to talk more slowly? Искате ли да говорим по-бавно? What would you like? Please let us know. Wouldn’t you like to know Jill? Würdest du nicht||||| Не бихте ли искали да познавате Джил?

Jill: Please give us some feedback.

Steve: Okay. Thanks, bye, bye.

Jill: Bye, bye.