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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Forty-one: Mark and Jill's Friendly Conversation –Part Three

Forty-one: Mark and Jill's Friendly Conversation –Part Three

Mark: How about you?

What's new in your life?

Jill: Well, no new additions.

Mark: No new additions.

Jill: No pets.

Mark: What's the matter with you? You've been married now what, a month?

Jill: Two months now, actually.

Mark: Two months.

Jill: Two months! No, nothing's really changed. We're getting new appliances this weekend.

Mark: Well, that's a start.

Jill: That's about it, I guess. Chris just decided two days ago, all of a sudden, we need new appliances. So, we're getting a new

Mark: Springtime, time for a new stove?

Jill: I guess he's bored and so we're getting a new dishwasher and new oven and stove and new fridge.

Mark: Wow!

Jill: This weekend it's being delivered.

Mark: That's pretty good.

Jill: Yeah, he doesn't mess around.

Mark: No!

Jill: When he told me he thought about doing this, this was about two days ago, and, apparently, things are getting delivered this Sunday, so.

Mark: Now is that a green light for you to go out and go buy something else that you want?

Jill: Well, not really because I generally do that all year round and that's kind of his point that I just spend money all the time. You know, every week I'm coming home with something new, so. This is not actually for him either it's for 'us'. Mark: Right.

You mean you're not buying stuff for 'us'? Jill: Not generally, no. The bigger purchases I usually leave up to him.

Mark: Right.

That's a good thing to do, yeah.

Jill: But no, I'm happy. That's fine with me. I mean they were the original appliances and I think our condo is now about 18 years old, so it was time to get new ones. I mean we got a new washer just about a year ago and these are just going to be much nicer, stainless steel as opposed to the white. You know, they were getting a little bit

Mark: Just newer and more features.

Jill: More modern and an oven that is self-cleaning.

Mark: Oh nice.

Jill: Our oven was getting pretty disgusting and neither of us were motivated to clean it.

Mark: I was going to say, you can clean non self-cleaning ovens, you know that?

Jill: Yeah, you can. So, anyway, now we have an excuse not to ever clean our oven.

Mark: Right.

Jill: So, yeah, we're just completely spoiled here, obviously, that we have all these amazing appliances.

Mark: I was going to say, we have a self-cleaning oven too but it doesn't seem to work, the self-cleaning cycle or thing part of it.

Jill: Actually, I've heard that.

Mark: So, we just don't clean it.

Jill: Well, I think that's probably the worst job, worst chore, is cleaning an oven.

Mark: Spraying that, whatever you call it,

Jill: toxic whatever and then leaving it.

Mark: I know, leaving it sit.

Jill: And then you have to get in there and scrub with an SOS pad, well, at least in our oven you do.

Mark: Oh yeah, in any oven. I mean the stuff just gets baked on there.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: What's amazing to me is I've done that before which

Jill: You've cleaned an oven before?

Mark: Yeah, I know it's surprising, isn't it?

Jill: I never have.

Mark: I can't remember where I did that. I try to avoid household chores. I think maybe in college when we had to cleanup our

Jill: Your dorm or something.

Mark: Not a dorm, our apartment or whatever we were renting there.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: Anyway, I've done that before. It was not fun.

Jill: It's a miserable job.

Mark: And trying to get in the oven and you're crouched in the thing. You know, brutal.

Jill: Yeah, it's brutal, so now we don't have to deal with it.

Mark: That's good. It's nice to get new appliances. That's always fun.

Jill: Oh yeah, that will be great.

Mark: Probably more energy-efficient too.

Jill: Yes, that's right, energy-efficient and yeah, there will be a number of things that are better about them. And then the only other thing is I'm just fixing up our deck, our roof-top deck, which is quite large and quite nice.

Mark: It sounds pretty nice. A roof-top deck somehow sounds nice. Do you have a nice view looking off of it?

Jill: We go up some stairs and we open it and we've got a gorgeous view of the north shore mountains, all the buildings downtown and then also the ocean, so it's a fantastic view.

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: And it's a big deck. It's not like a little tiny deck it's very big.

Mark: Which is so nice; to have a big space.

Jill: Yeah.

We've got a barbeque and table and chairs and I actually want to get a few nice teak chaise lounge chairs to put out there and then I definitely want to do some nice flowers and plants this year. We haven't done them for a couple years because we're not home very much in the summertime on weekends and it's full sun up there so things need to be watered all the time; everyday sometimes in the middle of the summer here because there is never any shade up there.

Mark: Right.

Jill: So, I don't know if things will survive but I want to at least try and spruce it up a little bit with some color.

Mark: At least if you are able to water it. I mean, being in full sun like that they'll look great.

Jill: Oh yeah and I've been doing some research and I'm only going to, obviously, get the plants and flowers that do well in full sun.

Mark: Right.

Jill: Not stuff, you know, like hostas. And things that need shade, I just won't plant up there.

Mark: No, yeah.

Jill: So, that's about it.

Mark: Now we just need a little hot weather so that you can enjoy your deck.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: So we can all get out and enjoy the weather. It's been kind of cool this year. Here we are middle of June and, I don't know, what did it get up to today 15?

Jill: I think it was supposed to get up to 18 or 20, actually.

Mark: Oh, really?

Jill: But to be fair, June, and I've always said this and even the meteorologist on the news the other day was saying this, that June is not a month you should count on in Vancouver for being nice.

Mark: Absolutely not.

Jill: It's a very unstable month. There is always a lot of rain. It's not a hot month and in May we had quite a bit of nice sunny weather. That last week of May and the first few days of June we were actually breaking records because we had so much hot, beautiful, sunny weather.

Mark: When you say 'so much', we had like Jill: Well, a week and a half.

Mark: four days.

Jill: No, it was more.

Mark: A week and a half?

Jill: You forget.

Mark: Okay, there were four hot days and six days that were not raining.

Jill: Like 25 degrees. No, no, you don't remember.

Mark: Any of you that are planning on visiting Vancouver, if you are looking for nice summer weather

Jill: July and August.

Mark: Yeah, mid July to the end of August even into the middle of September.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: That's when we have our nicest weather. Outside of that, you are almost guaranteed at that time of year to have beautiful sunny weather.

Jill: March, April.

Mark: And then in Vancouver or B.C., this area is just such a phenomenal place to be when the weather is like that. The rest of the year we just kind of grin and bear it until it gets nice again.

Jill: April and May, I mean, April-May you get some nice weather. There are always some nice days.

Mark: For sure.

Jill: But you can't count on long stretches of nice weather.

Mark: No.

Jill: You certainly can't say, oh yeah, you know, April and May are really nice months because there will be some nice days but there could also be a lot of rain, so your best bet is July or August.

Mark: Although, I seem to remember years past like this spring was particularly cool. We've had much nicer April and May and June, well June, we're still in. It hasn't been that bad really, I exaggerate.

Jill: But it's been, except for the first few days of June, kind of cloudy or some rain almost every day this month so far.

Mark: And cool.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: Like the other day, yeah, you had four blankets on in the office instead of your usual two.

Jill: No, I had two blankets and my heater.

Mark: Yeah.

So, no, no, but the weather hasn't been great this year but any day now. It's supposed to get hot next week.

Jill: Yes and if you recall last summer, June was absolutely terrible like usual; rainy, cloudy every day. I think I was still wearing my long johns to work to keep warm. July came and July was just scorching and it was

Mark: like someone turned the heater on, yeah.

Jill: Everyday sun and August and went right in to October where we had water shortage problems.

Mark: Did we last year?

Jill: We didn't so much over here but they did on the island.

Mark: On the island they had that. In Tofino they ran out of water. They were trucking it in.

Jill: That's right, that's right, which is a real tourist town in the summer.

Mark: Which is really silly considering how much rainfall we get here in the wintertime, but if you don't store it then you don't have it when you need it.

Jill: Yeah, that's right.

Mark: People here always assume it will rain but if it doesn't rain for a while then you run out, which they did.

Jill: They did, yeah.

Mark: And they rely on tourism there. On Vancouver Island where we are going for our outing, a big part of their economy now is reliant on tourism and they basically had to send people home.

Jill: Well, people couldn't even take showers or anything at one point. They just literally were out of water.

Mark: All the hotels shut down which is amazing, yeah.

Jill: It was a pretty big disaster for them. So, yeah, I'm hopeful that I think we'll get another warm, hot, dry summer after this month is over.

Mark: Well, somebody told me, who was reading the Farmer's Almanac or whatever, that's what it says is coming: a long hot summer. I've heard that.

I don't know if that's wishful thinking or what it is, but.

Jill: Well, I know people who swear that the Farmer’s Almanac is right. I don’t know.

Mark: For those who don't know, the Farmer's Almanac I don't really know much about it It's a book that's put out by I don't know who that predicts all kinds of different things. I've never actually seen one; I've just heard it talked about.

Jill: No, me either; yeah, the elusive Farmer's Almanac.

Mark: Yeah, but definitely it's a book that's published. I even think you can get it in bookstores.

Jill: People talk about it.

Mark: Presumably, farmers go by it. They plan their harvest or crops or whatever by what's written in the Farmer's Almanac. I don't know how they predict stuff. I don't know if it's scientific or if it's hocus-pocus, but

Jill: Well, we'll see won't we this year?

Mark: We will see. We will see. Anyway, I think that is going to do us for today. Before we go I just want to remind everybody to make sure to come check out our site at thelinguist.com where you will be able to read a transcript of this podcast and use all our learning tools to save and lookup the words and phrases, to write, have your writing corrected, speak online with our tutors and other members and work on your pronunciation; whole range of functionality that we offer at The Linguist. Please come and check it out. There is a 14-day free trial and we hope to meet you online someday.

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Forty-one: Mark and Jill's Friendly Conversation –Part Three ||||吉兒的|||| ||||Jill|||| Einundvierzig: Das freundliche Gespräch von Mark und Jill - Teil drei Cuarenta y uno: Mark and Jill's Friendly Conversation -Part Three Quarante et un : Conversation amicale entre Mark et Jill - Troisième partie Quarantuno: Conversazione amichevole tra Mark e Jill - Parte terza 41歳マークとジルの愉快な会話 -パート3 41번째 마흔한 번째: 마크와 질의 다정한 대화 - 3부 Czterdzieści jeden: Przyjacielska rozmowa Marka i Jill - część trzecia Quarenta e um: A conversa amigável de Mark e Jill - Terceira parte Сорок один: Дружеская беседа Марка и Джилл - часть третья Fyrtioen: Mark och Jills vänskapliga samtal - Del tre Kırk bir: Mark ve Jill'in Dostça Sohbeti -Üçüncü Bölüm Сорок один: Дружня розмова Марка і Джилл - частина третя 第四十一:马克和吉尔的友好谈话——第三部分 第四十一:馬克和吉爾的友好談話-第三部分

Mark: How about you? Mark: Wie wäre es mit dir? マーク:あなたはどうですか? Mark: Ya sen?

What’s new in your life? Was gibt es Neues in deinem Leben? あなたの人生で何が新しいのですか? Hayatındaki değişiklikler neler?

Jill: Well, no new additions. ||||các bổ sung ||||nuevas adiciones Jill: Nun, keine neuen Ergänzungen. Jill: Şey, yeni ekleme yok. Джилл: Ну, ніяких нових доповнень.

Mark: No new additions. |||new items Mark: Keine neuen Ergänzungen. Mark: Yeni ekleme yok.

Jill: No pets. Jill: Keine Haustiere.

Mark: What’s the matter with you? Mark: Was ist los mit dir? Marcos: ¿Qué te pasa? マーク:どうしたの? Mark: Senin sorunun ne? You’ve been married now what, a month? Du bist jetzt verheiratet, was, ein Monat? Has estado casado ¿ahora qué, un mes? あなたは今結婚して何ヶ月ですか? Şimdi ne kadar evlisin, bir aydır mı?

Jill: Two months now, actually. Jill: Eigentlich zwei Monate. Jill: Aslında iki aydır.

Mark: Two months.

Jill: Two months! Jill: İki ay! No, nothing’s really changed. No, nada ha cambiado realmente. We’re getting new appliances this weekend. |||приборы|| |||household devices|| |||eletrodomésticos|| |||thiết bị điện tử|| Wir bekommen dieses Wochenende neue Geräte. Estamos recibiendo nuevos electrodomésticos este fin de semana. Bu hafta sonu yeni aletler alacağız.

Mark: Well, that’s a start. Mark: Nun, das ist ein Anfang.

Jill: That’s about it, I guess. |||||наверное Jill: Das war's auch schon, denke ich. Jill: Eso es todo, supongo. Sanırım hepsi bu kadar. Chris just decided two days ago, all of a sudden, we need new appliances. |||||||||внезапный|||| |||||||||||||electrodomésticos Chris hat gerade vor zwei Tagen entschieden, dass wir plötzlich neue Geräte brauchen. Chris acaba de decidir hace dos días, de repente, necesitamos electrodomésticos nuevos. Chris iki gün önce aniden yeni aletlere ihtiyacımız olduğuna karar verdi. So, we’re getting a new Also bekommen wir eine neue

Mark: Springtime, time for a new stove? ||||||печь ||||||new cooking appliance |primavera|||||fogão novo |primavera||||| Mark: Frühling, Zeit für einen neuen Herd? Mark: Primavera, ¿es hora de una estufa nueva?

Jill: I guess he’s bored and so we’re getting a new dishwasher and new oven and stove and new fridge. Jill: Ich denke, er ist gelangweilt und deshalb bekommen wir einen neuen Geschirrspüler und einen neuen Ofen und Herd und einen neuen Kühlschrank. Jill: Sanırım sıkıldı ve bu yüzden yeni bir bulaşık makinesi, yeni bir fırın, ocak ve yeni bir buzdolabı alıyoruz.

Mark: Wow!

Jill: This weekend it’s being delivered. Джил: Този уикенд се доставя. Jill: Dieses Wochenende wird es geliefert. Jill: Este fin de semana se entregará. Jill: Bu haftasonu teslim ediliyor.

Mark: That’s pretty good. Марк: Това е доста добре.

Jill: Yeah, he doesn’t mess around. ||||не шутит| ||||chơi đùa| Джил: Да, той не се забърква. Jill: Ja, er spielt nicht herum. Jill: Sí, él no pierde el tiempo. Jill : Ouais, il ne plaisante pas. ジル:ああ、彼はごちゃごちゃしない。 Jill: Ja, hij rommelt niet. Джил: Да, он не шутит. Jill: Evet, dalga geçmiyor. Джилл: Так, він не возиться.

Mark: No!

Jill: When he told me he thought about doing this, this was about two days ago, and, apparently, things are getting delivered this Sunday, so. |||||||||||||||||по всей видимости||||||| Джил: Когато ми каза, че мисли да го направи, това беше преди около два дни и очевидно нещата ще бъдат доставени тази неделя, така че. Jill: Als er mir erzählte, dass er darüber nachgedacht hat, war dies vor ungefähr zwei Tagen, und anscheinend werden die Dinge diesen Sonntag geliefert, also. Jill : Quand il m'a dit qu'il avait pensé à faire ça, c'était il y a environ deux jours, et, apparemment, les choses sont livrées ce dimanche, donc. ジル:彼がこれを行うことを考えたと私に言ったとき、これは約2日前でした、そして、明らかに、物事はこの日曜日に届けられているので、そうです。

Mark: Now is that a green light for you to go out and go buy something else that you want? Mark: Ist das ein grünes Licht für dich, etwas anderes zu kaufen, das du willst? Mark : Est-ce que c'est le feu vert pour vous de sortir et d'aller acheter quelque chose d'autre que vous voulez ? マーク:さて、あなたが外に出て、あなたが望む他のものを買いに行くという青信号はそれですか? Mark: Şimdi dışarı çıkıp istediğin başka bir şey satın almanız için yeşil bir ışık mı?

Jill: Well, not really because I generally do that all year round and that’s kind of his point that I just spend money all the time. ||||||generalmente|||todo el tiempo|||||||||||||||| Джил: Е, не съвсем, защото по принцип правя това през цялата година и това е нещо като неговата гледна точка, че аз просто харча пари през цялото време. Jill: Nun, nicht wirklich, weil ich das im Allgemeinen das ganze Jahr über mache und das ist sein Punkt, dass ich die ganze Zeit nur Geld ausgebe. Jill : Eh bien, pas vraiment parce que je fais généralement ça toute l'année et c'est en quelque sorte son point de vue que je dépense de l'argent tout le temps. ジル:ええ、それは私が一年中そうしているからではなく、いつもお金を費やしているというのが彼の言い分です。 Jill: Şey, gerçekten değil çünkü genel olarak tüm yıl boyunca bunu yapıyorum ve bu, her zaman para harcadığım nokta. You know, every week I’m coming home with something new, so. Weißt du, jede Woche komme ich mit etwas Neuem nach Hause. Tu sais, chaque semaine je rentre à la maison avec quelque chose de nouveau, donc. 毎週私は新しいものを持って家に帰ります。 This is not actually for him either it’s for 'us'. Всъщност това не е за него, а за нас. Dies ist eigentlich nicht für ihn, es ist auch für 'uns'. Ce n'est pas vraiment pour lui non plus c'est pour 'nous'. これは実際には彼にとっても「私たち」のためでもありません。 Bu aslında onun için de değil, 'biz' için. Mark: Right.

You mean you’re not buying stuff for 'us'? Ты||||||| Искате да кажете, че не купувате неща за "нас"? Du meinst, du kaufst keine Sachen für 'uns'? ¿Quieres decir que no estás comprando cosas para 'nosotros'? Tu veux dire que tu n'achètes pas des trucs pour 'nous' ? Yani biz 'biz' için bir şey satın almıyorsun? Jill: Not generally, no. Джил: Не като цяло, не. Jill: Im Allgemeinen nicht, nein. ジル:一般的には違います。 Jill: Genelde değil, hayır. The bigger purchases I usually leave up to him. ||as compras|||||| ||compras grandes|||||| По-големите покупки обикновено оставям на него. Die größeren Einkäufe überlasse ich normalerweise ihm. Las compras más grandes generalmente se las dejo a él. Les plus gros achats que je lui laisse habituellement. 私が通常彼に任せる大きい購入。 Более крупные покупки я обычно оставляю на его усмотрение. Daha büyük alımlar genellikle ona bırakırım.

Mark: Right. Mark: Richtig.

That’s a good thing to do, yeah. Das ist eine gute Sache, ja.

Jill: But no, I’m happy. Джил: Но не, аз съм щастлива. Jill: Aber nein, ich bin glücklich. ジル:いいえ、私は幸せです。 That’s fine with me. Това не ме притеснява. Das ist okay für mich. それで結構です。 Bu benimle iyi. I mean they were the original appliances and I think our condo is now about 18 years old, so it was time to get new ones. |||||||||||apartamento||||||||||||| Имам предвид, че това бяха оригиналните уреди и мисля, че апартаментът ни е вече на около 18 години, така че беше време да си купим нови. Ich meine, es waren die Originalgeräte und ich denke, unsere Wohnung ist jetzt ungefähr 18 Jahre alt, also war es Zeit, neue zu bekommen. Quiero decir que eran los electrodomésticos originales y creo que nuestro condominio ahora tiene unos 18 años, así que era hora de comprar unos nuevos. I mean we got a new washer just about a year ago and these are just going to be much nicer, stainless steel as opposed to the white. |||||||||||||||||||||thép không gỉ|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||ステンレス鋼|||||| ||||||lavadora|||||||||||||||acero inoxidable|||||| Искам да кажа, че преди около година получихме нова пералня и тези ще бъдат много по-хубави, от неръждаема стомана, за разлика от белите. Ich meine, wir haben vor ungefähr einem Jahr eine neue Waschmaschine bekommen, und diese werden einfach viel schöner sein, Edelstahl im Gegensatz zu Weiß. Quiero decir que obtuvimos una arandela nueva hace aproximadamente un año y estas van a ser mucho más bonitas, de acero inoxidable en lugar de las blancas. Je veux dire, nous avons eu une nouvelle laveuse il y a à peu près un an et celles-ci seront bien plus belles, en acier inoxydable par opposition au blanc. ちょうど約1年前に新しいワッシャーを手に入れましたが、これらは白とは対照的に、より優れたステンレス鋼になります。 Demek istediğim, yaklaşık bir yıl önce yeni bir yıkayıcı aldık ve bunlar sadece beyazın aksine çok daha güzel, paslanmaz çelik olacaklar. You know, they were getting a little bit Знаете ли, те бяха станали малко Weißt du, sie wurden ein bisschen Ya sabes, se estaban poniendo un poco Biliyorsun, birazcık alıyorlardı.

Mark: Just newer and more features. Mark: Nur neuere und mehr Funktionen. Mark: Simplemente más nuevo y con más funciones. Mark : Juste plus récent et plus de fonctionnalités. Mark: Sadece daha yeni ve daha fazla özellik.

Jill: More modern and an oven that is self-cleaning. Jill: Moderner und ein selbstreinigender Ofen. Jill: Más moderno y un horno que se limpia solo. Jill : Plus moderne et un four autonettoyant. Jill: Daha modern ve kendi kendini temizleyen bir fırın.

Mark: Oh nice.

Jill: Our oven was getting pretty disgusting and neither of us were motivated to clean it. ||||||噁心||||||||| ||||||asqueroso||ninguno de los dos||||||| ||||||kinh tởm||||||||| Джил: Фурната ни беше станала доста отвратителна и никой от нас нямаше мотивация да я почисти. Jill: Unser Ofen wurde ziemlich ekelhaft und keiner von uns war motiviert, ihn zu reinigen. Jill: Nuestro horno se estaba volviendo bastante asqueroso y ninguno de nosotros estaba motivado para limpiarlo. Джилл: Наша духовка стала довольно отвратительной, и ни у кого из нас не было мотивации ее чистить. Jill: Fırımız çok iğrenç geliyordu ve hiçbirimiz onu temizlemek için motive olmadık.

Mark: I was going to say, you can clean non self-cleaning ovens, you know that? ||||||||||||os fornos||| ||||||||||||hornos||| Марк: Щях да кажа, че можете да почиствате фурни, които не се самопочистват, знаете ли това? Mark: Ich wollte sagen, du kannst nicht selbstreinigende Öfen reinigen, weißt du das? Mark: Iba a decir que puedes limpiar hornos que no sean autolimpiantes, ¿lo sabías? Mark: Söyleyecektim, kendi kendini temizlemeyen fırınları temizleyebilirsin, biliyor musun?

Jill: Yeah, you can. Jill: Ja, das kannst du. Jill: Sí, puedes. So, anyway, now we have an excuse not to ever clean our oven. Така или иначе, сега имаме извинение да не почистваме фурната си никога. Jetzt haben wir also eine Ausrede, unseren Ofen niemals zu reinigen. Donc, de toute façon, nous avons maintenant une excuse pour ne jamais nettoyer notre four. Neyse, artık fırınımızı hiç temizlememek için bir bahanemiz var.

Mark: Right.

Jill: So, yeah, we’re just completely spoiled here, obviously, that we have all these amazing appliances. ||||||hư hỏng||||||||| ||||||malcriados||||||||| Джил: И така, да, очевидно сме напълно разглезени тук, че имаме всички тези невероятни уреди. Jill: Also, ja, wir sind hier offensichtlich völlig verwöhnt, dass wir all diese erstaunlichen Geräte haben. Jill: Así que, sí, estamos completamente mimados aquí, obviamente, que tenemos todos estos electrodomésticos increíbles. Jill : Donc, oui, nous sommes complètement gâtés ici, évidemment, que nous ayons tous ces appareils incroyables. Jill: Evet, işte buradayız, açıkçası, tüm bu muhteşem cihazlara sahibiz. Джилл: Так, ми просто повністю зіпсовані, очевидно, що у нас є всі ці дивовижні прилади.

Mark: I was going to say, we have a self-cleaning oven too but it doesn’t seem to work, the self-cleaning cycle or thing part of it. Марк: Исках да кажа, че и ние имаме самопочистваща се фурна, но изглежда, че тя не работи, цикълът на самопочистване или част от него. Mark: Ich wollte sagen, wir haben auch einen selbstreinigenden Ofen, aber er scheint nicht zu funktionieren, der Selbstreinigungszyklus oder ein Teil davon. Mark : J'allais dire, nous avons aussi un four autonettoyant mais il ne semble pas fonctionner, le cycle d'autonettoyage ou quelque chose en fait partie. Mark: Ik wilde zeggen, we hebben ook een zelfreinigende oven, maar die lijkt niet te werken, de zelfreinigende cyclus of iets ervan. Mark: Ben de kendi kendini temizleyen bir fırımız var ama işe yaramıyor gibi görünüyor, kendi kendini temizleme döngüsü ya da onun parçası. Марк: Я хотів сказати, що у нас також є духовка з самоочищенням, але вона, здається, не працює, цикл самоочищення або його частина.

Jill: Actually, I’ve heard that. Джил: Всъщност съм чувала това. Jill : En fait, j'ai entendu ça.

Mark: So, we just don’t clean it. Mark : Donc, nous ne le nettoyons tout simplement pas.

Jill: Well, I think that’s probably the worst job, worst chore, is cleaning an oven. Джил: Мисля, че това е може би най-лошата работа, най-лошото задължение, е почистването на фурната. Jill: Nun, ich denke, das ist wahrscheinlich der schlimmste Job, die schlimmste Aufgabe, einen Ofen zu putzen. Jill: Bueno, creo que ese es probablemente el peor trabajo, la peor tarea, es limpiar un horno.

Mark: Spraying that, whatever you call it, Марк: Разпръскване, както и да го наречем, Mark: Rociar eso, como lo llames, マーク:それをスプレーする、あなたがそれを何と呼ぶにせよ、 Mark: Püskürtme, ne derseniz deyin,

Jill: …toxic whatever and then leaving it. |harmful behavior||||| Джил: токсичен, какъвто и да е, и след това го оставя. Jill:… was auch immer giftig und dann verlassen. Jill: tóxico lo que sea y luego dejarlo. Jill: toxique quoi que ce soit et puis le quitter. ジル:…何でも有毒で、それから去ります。 Jill: Her neyse zehirli ve sonra bırakıyor.

Mark: I know, leaving it sit. Марк: Знам, оставям го да седи. Mark: Ich weiß, lass es sitzen. Mark: Lo sé, dejarlo reposar. Марк: Я знаю, оставить все как есть. Biliyorum, bırakıyorum.

Jill: And then you have to get in there and scrub with an SOS pad, well, at least in our oven you do. ||||||||||chà sạch||||bùi nhùi|||||||| |||||||||||||SOSパッド||||||||| ||||||||||fregar|||pad de acero|pad de SOS|||||||| |||||||||||||鋼絲絨墊||||||||| Джил: И след това трябва да влезеш там и да почистиш със SOS подложка, поне в нашата фурна. Jill: Und dann musst du da rein und mit einem SOS-Pad schrubben, zumindest in unserem Ofen. Jill: Y luego tienes que entrar y frotar con una almohadilla SOS, bueno, al menos en nuestro horno lo haces. Jill : Et ensuite, vous devez entrer et frotter avec un tampon SOS, eh bien, au moins dans notre four, vous le faites. Jill: O zaman oraya girip bir SOS pedi ile fırçalamak zorundasın, en azından bizim yaptığımız fırında.

Mark: Oh yeah, in any oven. Марк: О, да, във всяка фурна. I mean the stuff just gets baked on there. Искам да кажа, че нещата просто се изпичат там. Me refiero a que las cosas simplemente se hornean allí. Je veux dire que les trucs sont juste cuits là-bas. つまり、そこに焼き付けられているものです。 Demek istediğim sadece oradaki şeyler pişiriliyor.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: What’s amazing to me is I’ve done that before which Марк: Удивителното за мен е, че съм го правил и преди. Mark : Ce qui est incroyable pour moi, c'est que j'ai déjà fait ça avant マーク:私にとって驚くべきことは、その前にそれをやったことがあるということです Mark: Benim için şaşırtıcı olan, bunu daha önce de yapmış olmam.

Jill: You’ve cleaned an oven before? Jill : Vous avez déjà nettoyé un four ?

Mark: Yeah, I know it’s surprising, isn’t it?

Jill: I never have. Джил: Никога не съм го правила. Jill: Nunca lo he hecho. Джил: Я никогда не делала этого.

Mark: I can’t remember where I did that. Марк: Не мога да си спомня къде го направих. Mark: Bunu nerede yaptığımı hatırlayamıyorum. I try to avoid household chores. ||||domestic| |||||tarefas domésticas Опитвам се да избягвам домакинската работа. Trato de evitar las tareas del hogar. Ev işlerinden kaçınmaya çalışıyorum. I think maybe in college when we had to cleanup our |||||||||打掃清理| |||||||||掃除する| |||||||||limpiar| Ich denke, vielleicht im College, als wir unsere aufräumen mussten

Jill: Your dorm or something. ||residence hall|| Джил: Общежитието ти или нещо подобно. Jill: Dein Wohnheim oder so. Jill: Yurt ya da başka bir şey.

Mark: Not a dorm, our apartment or whatever we were renting there. Марк: Не в общежитие, а в нашия апартамент или каквото и да наемахме там. Mark: Kein Wohnheim, unsere Wohnung oder was auch immer wir dort gemietet haben.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: Anyway, I’ve done that before. It was not fun.

Jill: It’s a miserable job. |||unpleasant| Джил: Това е мизерна работа. Jill: Es ist ein miserabler Job. Jill: Es un trabajo miserable.

Mark: And trying to get in the oven and you’re crouched in the thing. ||||||||||ngồi xổm||| ||||||||||agachado||| Марк: Опитваш се да влезеш във фурната, а си приклекнал в нея. Mark: Und wenn du versuchst in den Ofen zu kommen, duckst du dich in das Ding. Mark : Et essayer d'entrer dans le four et vous êtes accroupi dans la chose. Mark: Fırına girmeye çalışıyorsun ve sende çömelmişsin. You know, brutal. ||tàn bạo Weißt du, brutal. Je weet wel, brutaal.

Jill: Yeah, it’s brutal, so now we don’t have to deal with it. Джил: Да, жестоко е, но сега не се налага да се справяме с това. Jill: Ja, es ist brutal, also müssen wir uns jetzt nicht mehr darum kümmern. Jill : Ouais, c'est brutal, alors maintenant nous n'avons plus à nous en occuper. Jill: Evet, çok acımasız, artık bununla uğraşmak zorunda değiliz.

Mark: That’s good. It’s nice to get new appliances. That’s always fun.

Jill: Oh yeah, that will be great. Джил: О, да, това ще бъде страхотно.

Mark: Probably more energy-efficient too.

Jill: Yes, that’s right, energy-efficient and yeah, there will be a number of things that are better about them. Джил: Да, точно така, енергийно ефективни и да, ще има редица неща, които са по-добри в тях. And then the only other thing is I’m just fixing up our deck, our roof-top deck, which is quite large and quite nice. ||||||||||||sân thượng||||||||||| И единственото друго нещо, което правя, е да поправям терасата ни, терасата на покрива, която е доста голяма и хубава. Y lo otro es que estoy arreglando nuestra terraza, nuestra terraza en la azotea, que es bastante grande y bonita. Et puis la seule autre chose est que je suis en train de réparer notre terrasse, notre terrasse sur le toit, qui est assez grande et plutôt jolie. そして、他の唯一のことは、私たちのデッキを修正していることです。私たちの屋上デッキは、とても大きくてとてもいいです。 En het enige andere is dat ik ons dek aan het opknappen ben, ons dakterras, dat vrij groot en best mooi is. Bir diğer şey de oldukça büyük ve güzel olan çatı katındaki güvertemizi onarmak.

Mark: It sounds pretty nice. A roof-top deck somehow sounds nice. Някак си звучи добре да има тераса на покрива. Палуба на крыше - это как-то очень красиво. Bir çatı üstü güvertesi bir şekilde kulağa hoş geliyor. Do you have a nice view looking off of it? Имате ли хубава гледка към него? ¿Tienes una buena vista desde allí? Avez-vous une belle vue à partir de là ? Bundan hoş bir manzaranın var mı?

Jill: We go up some stairs and we open it and we’ve got a gorgeous view of the north shore mountains, all the buildings downtown and then also the ocean, so it’s a fantastic view. |||||||||||||||||||costa||||||||||||||| Джил: Джил: Изкачваме се по няколко стълби, отваряме ги и се открива прекрасна гледка към планините на северния бряг, всички сгради в центъра и океана, така че гледката е фантастична. Jill: Subimos unas escaleras y las abrimos y tenemos una hermosa vista de las montañas de la costa norte, todos los edificios del centro y luego también el océano, así que es una vista fantástica. ジル:階段を上って階段を開けると、ノースショアの山々、ダウンタウンのすべての建物、そして海の素晴らしい景色を眺めることができます。 Jill: Wchodzimy po schodach, otwieramy je i mamy wspaniały widok na góry North Shore, wszystkie budynki w centrum, a także ocean, więc jest to fantastyczny widok.

Mark: Yeah.

Jill: And it’s a big deck. ||es||| Ve bu büyük bir güverte. It’s not like a little tiny deck it’s very big. Тя не е като малка палуба, а е много голяма. Küçük bir güverte gibi değil, çok büyük.

Mark: Which is so nice; to have a big space. Марк: Това е много хубаво - да имаш голямо пространство.

Jill: Yeah.

We’ve got a barbeque and table and chairs and I actually want to get a few nice teak chaise lounge chairs to put out there and then I definitely want to do some nice flowers and plants this year. |||nướng||||||||||||||gỗ tếch|ghế dài|ghế dài||||||||||||||||||| |||バーベキュー||||||||||||||チーク|デッキチェア|||||||||||||||||||| |||parrilla||||||||||||pocas||teca|sillas reclinables|sillas reclinables||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||柚木||||||||||||||||||||| Имаме барбекю, маса и столове и всъщност искам да си купя няколко хубави шезлонга от тиково дърво, които да сложа там, а след това определено искам да направя някои хубави цветя и растения тази година. Wir haben einen Grill, einen Tisch und Stühle und ich möchte eigentlich ein paar schöne Teakholz-Liegestühle zum Ausstellen haben, und dann möchte ich dieses Jahr definitiv ein paar schöne Blumen und Pflanzen machen. Tenemos una barbacoa, una mesa y sillas y de hecho quiero conseguir unas bonitas tumbonas de teca para ponerlas allí y luego definitivamente quiero hacer algunas flores y plantas bonitas este año. Biz bir barbekü ve masa ve sandalyeler var ve ben aslında oraya koymak için birkaç güzel tik şezlong sandalye almak istiyorum ve sonra kesinlikle bu yıl bazı güzel çiçekler ve bitkiler yapmak istiyorum. We haven’t done them for a couple years because we’re not home very much in the summertime on weekends and it’s full sun up there so things need to be watered all the time; everyday sometimes in the middle of the summer here because there is never any shade up there. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||given water regularly|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||regadas|||||||||||||||||||| Не сме ги правили от няколко години, защото през лятото не сме много вкъщи през уикендите, а там е пълно слънце, така че нещата трябва да се поливат постоянно; понякога всеки ден в средата на лятото, защото там никога няма сянка. Onları birkaç yıldır yapmıyoruz çünkü hafta sonları yaz aylarında çok fazla evde değiliz ve her yerde sulanmaya ihtiyaç duyan tam güneş var. Her gün yaz mevsiminin ortasında bazen orada hiç gölge olmadığından.

Mark: Right.

Jill: So, I don’t know if things will survive but I want to at least try and spruce it up a little bit with some color. |||||||||||||||||làm đẹp|||||||| |||||||||||||||||brighten up|||||||| |||||||||||||||||dar um toque|||||||| |||||||||||||||||mejorar|||||||| |||||||||||||||||華やかにする|||||||| Джил: Не знам дали нещата ще оцелеят, но искам поне да се опитам да ги освежа малко с някакъв цвят. Jill: Entonces, no sé si las cosas sobrevivirán, pero al menos quiero intentar arreglarlo un poco con un poco de color. Jill : Donc, je ne sais pas si les choses survivront, mais je veux au moins essayer de les embellir un peu avec de la couleur. ジル:だから、私は物事が生き残るかどうかはわかりませんが、少なくとも色を少し変えてみます。 Джил: Не знаю, сохранится ли все это, но я хочу хотя бы попытаться немного оживить его, добавив немного цвета. Jill: Öyleyse, bazı şeylerin hayatta kalacağını bilemem ama en azından biraz renkle biraz deneme yapmak istiyorum.

Mark: At least if you are able to water it. Марк: Поне ако можете да го поливате. Mark: Al menos si eres capaz de regarlo. マーク:少なくとも水をやることができるなら。 Mark: En azından sulandırabiliyorsanız. I mean, being in full sun like that they’ll look great. Demek istediğim, tam güneşte olmak, harika görünecekler.

Jill: Oh yeah and I’ve been doing some research and I’m only going to, obviously, get the plants and flowers that do well in full sun. Джил: О, да, и направих някои проучвания и очевидно ще взема само растения и цветя, които се чувстват добре на пълно слънце. Jill: Ah, sí, y he estado investigando un poco y, obviamente, solo voy a conseguir plantas y flores que crezcan bien a pleno sol.

Mark: Right.

Jill: Not stuff, you know, like hostas. ||||||玉簪花 ||||||ホスタ ||||||hostas ||||||cây hosta Джил: Не неща като хоста. Jill: No cosas, ya sabes, como hostas. Jill : Pas des trucs, tu sais, comme des hostas. Jill: Bir şey değil, biliyorsun, hostas gibi. And things that need shade, I just won’t plant up there. А неща, които се нуждаят от сянка, просто няма да засадя там. Y las cosas que necesitan sombra, simplemente no plantaré allí. Ve gölgeye ihtiyaç duyan şeyler, oraya dikmeyeceğim.

Mark: No, yeah.

Jill: So, that’s about it. Hepsi bu kadar.

Mark: Now we just need a little hot weather so that you can enjoy your deck. |||||||||||||||terraza

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: So we can all get out and enjoy the weather. Mark: Böylece hepimiz dışarı çıkıp havanın tadını çıkarabiliriz. It’s been kind of cool this year. Тази година беше доста хладна. Ha sido un poco genial este año. Bu sene çok havalı oldu. Here we are middle of June and, I don’t know, what did it get up to today 15? Ето че сме в средата на юни и, не знам, докъде стигна днес 15? Aquí estamos a mediados de junio y, no sé, ¿qué nos ha tocado hoy 15? Nous voilà mi-juin et, je ne sais pas, qu'est-ce qu'il en est devenu aujourd'hui 15 ?

Jill: I think it was supposed to get up to 18 or 20, actually. Джил: Мисля, че всъщност трябваше да достигне 18 или 20. Jill: Creo que se suponía que llegaría a 18 o 20, en realidad.

Mark: Oh, really?

Jill: But to be fair, June, and I’ve always said this and even the meteorologist on the news the other day was saying this, that June is not a month you should count on in Vancouver for being nice. ||||||||||||||nhà khí tượng|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||deveria||||||| ||||||||||||||気象学者|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||meteorólogo|||||||||||||||||||||||| Джил: Но ако трябва да сме честни, юни, и аз винаги съм го казвала, а дори и метеорологът по новините онзи ден го каза, не е месец, на който трябва да разчитате във Ванкувър, че ще бъде хубав. Jill: Pero para ser justos, June, y siempre he dicho esto e incluso el meteorólogo en las noticias el otro día decía esto, que junio no es un mes con el que deberías contar en Vancouver por ser agradable.

Mark: Absolutely not. Марк: Категорично не.

Jill: It’s a very unstable month. There is always a lot of rain. It’s not a hot month and in May we had quite a bit of nice sunny weather. Това не е горещ месец, а през май имахме доста хубаво слънчево време. That last week of May and the first few days of June we were actually breaking records because we had so much hot, beautiful, sunny weather. Cette dernière semaine de mai et les premiers jours de juin, nous battions des records parce que nous avions tellement chaud, beau et ensoleillé.

Mark: When you say 'so much', we had like Mark: Cuando dices 'tanto', teníamos como Mark : Quand vous dites "tant", nous avions comme Jill: Well, a week and a half. Джил: Седмица и половина. Jill : Eh bien, une semaine et demie.

Mark: four days.

Jill: No, it was more.

Mark: A week and a half?

Jill: You forget. Jill: Unutuyorsun.

Mark: Okay, there were four hot days and six days that were not raining.

Jill: Like 25 degrees. Джил: Като 25 градуса. No, no, you don’t remember.

Mark: Any of you that are planning on visiting Vancouver, if you are looking for nice summer weather Марк: Ако някой от вас планира да посети Ванкувър и търси хубаво лятно време. Mark: Vancouver'ı ziyaret etmeyi planlayanlar, eğer güzel bir yaz havası arıyorsanız

Jill: July and August. |||tháng Tám

Mark: Yeah, mid July to the end of August even into the middle of September. Марк: Да, от средата на юли до края на август, дори до средата на септември.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: That’s when we have our nicest weather. Outside of that, you are almost guaranteed at that time of year to have beautiful sunny weather. Освен това по това време на годината е почти гарантирано прекрасно слънчево време.

Jill: March, April.

Mark: And then in Vancouver or B.C., this area is just such a phenomenal place to be when the weather is like that. Марк: А във Ванкувър или Британска Колумбия този район е просто феноменално място, когато времето е такова. Mark: Ve sonra Vancouver veya M.Ö., bu alan havalar böyle olduğu zaman böyle olağanüstü bir yer. The rest of the year we just kind of grin and bear it until it gets nice again. |||||||||cười|||||||| |||||||||smile reluctantly|||||||| ||||||simplemente|||sonreímos y|||||||| През останалата част от годината просто се усмихваме и търпим, докато отново стане хубаво. El resto del año simplemente sonreímos y aguantamos hasta que vuelve a ser agradable. Le reste de l'année, nous nous contentons de sourire et de le supporter jusqu'à ce qu'il redevienne beau. De rest van het jaar grijnzen we gewoon en dragen we het totdat het weer leuk wordt. В остальное время года мы просто смиряемся и терпим, пока снова не станет хорошо. Yılın geri kalanı sadece sırıtıyor ve tekrar güzelleşinceye kadar taşıyoruz.

Jill: April and May, I mean, April-May you get some nice weather. There are always some nice days.

Mark: For sure.

Jill: But you can’t count on long stretches of nice weather. |||||||長時間||| |||||||periods||| |||||||períodos prolongados||| |||||||khoảng thời gian||| Джил: Но не можеш да разчиташ на дълги периоди с хубаво време. Jill: Pero no puedes contar con largos periodos de buen tiempo. Jill: Ama uzun güzel hava koşullarına güvenemezsin.

Mark: No.

Jill: You certainly can’t say, oh yeah, you know, April and May are really nice months because there will be some nice days but there could also be a lot of rain, so your best bet is July or August. Jill: Kesinlikle Nisan ve Mayıs aylarının çok güzel aylar olduğunu söyleyemezsiniz çünkü bazı güzel günler olacaktır ama aynı zamanda çok fazla yağmur da olabilir, bu yüzden en iyi seçeneğiniz Temmuz veya Ağustos aylarıdır.

Mark: Although, I seem to remember years past…like this spring was particularly cool. |||||||||||||fresca Марк: Макар че си спомням, че през изминалите години тази пролет беше особено готина. Mark: Aunque, me parece recordar años pasados como esta primavera fue particularmente genial. Mark: Gerçi geçmiş yıllardan hatırladığım kadarıyla bu bahar özellikle güzeldi. We’ve had much nicer April and May and June, well June, we’re still in. |||||||||||||em Имахме много по-хубави април и май, а юни, ама юни, все още сме вътре. Nous avons eu des mois d'avril, de mai et de juin beaucoup plus agréables, enfin juin, nous sommes toujours là. Nisan, Mayıs ve Haziran ayları çok daha güzel geçti. It hasn’t been that bad really, I exaggerate. |||||||overstate Всъщност не е било толкова лошо, преувеличавам. O kadar da kötü değildi aslında, abartıyorum.

Jill: But it’s been, except for the first few days of June, kind of cloudy or some rain almost every day this month so far. Джил: Но с изключение на първите няколко дни на юни, почти всеки ден през този месец беше облачно или валеше дъжд. Jill: Pero ha estado, excepto los primeros días de junio, un poco nublado o algo de lluvia casi todos los días de este mes hasta ahora.

Mark: And cool.

Jill: Yeah.

Mark: Like the other day, yeah, you had four blankets on in the office instead of your usual two. |||||||||blankets||||||||| |||||||||mantas||||||||| Марк: Както онзи ден, да, в офиса имаше четири одеяла вместо обичайните две. Mark: Como el otro día, sí, tenías cuatro mantas en la oficina en lugar de las dos habituales. Mark : Comme l'autre jour, oui, vous aviez quatre couvertures au bureau au lieu de vos deux habituelles. Марк: Как на днях, да, в офисе на тебе было четыре одеяла вместо обычных двух. Mark: Geçen günkü gibi, evet, her zamanki ikinizin yerine ofisinde dört battaniyen vardı.

Jill: No, I had two blankets and my heater. ||||||||ヒーター ||||||||calefactor Джил: Не, имах две одеяла и нагревателя си. Джилл: Ні, у мене було дві ковдри і обігрівач.

Mark: Yeah.

So, no, no, but the weather hasn’t been great this year but any day now. Така че, не, не, но тази година времето не беше много добро, но всеки ден. Entonces, no, no, pero el clima no ha sido bueno este año sino cualquier día de estos. Yani, hayır, hayır, ama bu yıl hava pek iyi değildi ama her an olabilir. It’s supposed to get hot next week. Предполага се, че през следващата седмица ще стане горещо. Se supone que hará calor la próxima semana. Önümüzdeki hafta havalar ısınacak.

Jill: Yes and if you recall last summer, June was absolutely terrible like usual; rainy, cloudy every day. |||||recuerdas|||||||||||| Jill: Sí, y si recuerdas el verano pasado, junio fue absolutamente terrible, como de costumbre; lluvioso, nublado todos los días. I think I was still wearing my long johns to work to keep warm. ||||||||meias térmicas||||| ||||||||pantalones térm||||| Мисля, че все още носех дългите си анцузи на работа, за да ми е топло. Creo que todavía estaba usando mis calzoncillos largos para trabajar para mantener el calor. Ik denk dat ik mijn lange onderbroek nog steeds aan had om te werken om warm te blijven. Sanırım hala sıcak tutmak için çalışmak için paçalı donlarımı giyiyordum. July came and July was just scorching and it was ||||||abrasador||| ||||||abrasador||| ||||||焼けつくような||| Юли дойде и юли беше просто изгарящ и беше Llegó julio y julio era simplemente abrasador y era Juillet est arrivé et juillet était juste brûlant et c'était Temmuz geldi ve Temmuz sadece kavga ediyordu ve

Mark: …like someone turned the heater on, yeah. Марк: сякаш някой е включил нагревателя, да. Mark: como si alguien hubiera encendido la calefacción, sí.

Jill: Everyday sun and August and went right in to October where we had water shortage problems. |||||||||||||||water scarcity| Джил: Всеки ден слънце и август и продължи до октомври, когато имахме проблеми с недостига на вода. Jill: sol todos los días y agosto y fuimos directamente a octubre, donde tuvimos problemas de escasez de agua. Jill : Soleil tous les jours et août et nous sommes allés jusqu'en octobre où nous avons eu des problèmes de pénurie d'eau. Jill: Her gün güneşi ve ağustosu ve su sıkıntısı problemleri yaşadığımız Ekim ayına girdik.

Mark: Did we last year? Марк: Дали миналата година? Mark: ¿Lo hicimos el año pasado? Марк: А в прошлом году? Mark: Geçen sene mi kaldık?

Jill: We didn’t so much over here but they did on the island. Джил: Ние тук не го правим, но те го правят на острова. Jill : Nous ne faisions pas grand-chose ici, mais ils le faisaient sur l'île.

Mark: On the island they had that. In Tofino they ran out of water. |多芬諾||||| |トフィノ||||| |Tofino||||| В Тофино им свърши водата. En Tofino se quedaron sin agua. They were trucking it in. ||運送過來|| ||運転していた|| ||transportando mercancía|| Вкарваха го с камиони. Lo estaban transportando en camión. Ze waren hem aan het inladen.

Jill: That’s right, that’s right, which is a real tourist town in the summer. Джил: Точно така, точно така, което е истински туристически град през лятото.

Mark: Which is really silly considering how much rainfall we get here in the wintertime, but if you don’t store it then you don’t have it when you need it. Марк: Това е наистина глупаво, като се има предвид колко много валежи падат тук през зимата, но ако не ги съхранявате, няма да ги имате, когато ви трябват. Mark: Lo cual es realmente tonto considerando la cantidad de lluvia que llueve aquí en el invierno, pero si no lo almacena, entonces no lo tendrá cuando lo necesite. Mark: Burada kışın ne kadar çok yağış aldığımızı düşünürsek bu gerçekten aptalca, ancak depolamazsanız ihtiyacınız olduğunda elinizde olmaz.

Jill: Yeah, that’s right.

Mark: People here always assume it will rain but if it doesn’t rain for a while then you run out, which they did. ||||expect|||||||||||||||||| Марк: Хората тук винаги предполагат, че ще вали, но ако не вали известно време, тогава се изчерпва, което и стана. Mark: La gente aquí siempre asume que lloverá, pero si no llueve por un tiempo, te quedas sin agua, lo cual hicieron.

Jill: They did, yeah. Джил: Да, така е.

Mark: And they rely on tourism there. Mark: Y ellos dependen del turismo allí. Mark : Et ils comptent sur le tourisme là-bas. Марк: И они полагаются на туризм там. Mark: Ve orada turizme güveniyorlar. On Vancouver Island where we are going for our outing, a big part of their economy now is reliant on tourism and they basically had to send people home. ||||||||||||||||||dependent on|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||依存している|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||dependiente de|||||||||| На остров Ванкувър, където отиваме за нашата екскурзия, голяма част от икономиката им сега зависи от туризма и те на практика трябваше да изпратят хората у дома. Sur l'île de Vancouver où nous nous rendons pour notre sortie, une grande partie de leur économie dépend maintenant du tourisme et ils ont essentiellement dû renvoyer les gens chez eux. Op Vancouver Island, waar we ons uitje gaan maken, is een groot deel van hun economie nu afhankelijk van toerisme en moesten ze mensen eigenlijk naar huis sturen. На острове Ванкувер, куда мы отправляемся на прогулку, большая часть их экономики сейчас зависит от туризма, и им в основном приходилось отправлять людей домой.

Jill: Well, people couldn’t even take showers or anything at one point. ||||||淋浴||||| ||||||duchas||||| Джил: В един момент хората дори не можеха да си вземат душ или нещо друго. Джилл: Ну, люди не могли даже принять душ или что-то еще в одной точке. They just literally were out of water. Те буквално нямаха вода. Literalmente se quedaron sin agua. Onlar sadece kelimenin tam anlamıyla sudan çıkmışlardı.

Mark: All the hotels shut down which is amazing, yeah. Марк: Всички хотели са затворени, което е невероятно, да. Mark: Todos los hoteles cerraron, lo cual es increíble, sí.

Jill: It was a pretty big disaster for them. So, yeah, I’m hopeful that I think we’ll get another warm, hot, dry summer after this month is over. Така че, да, надявам се, че мисля, че ще имаме още едно топло, горещо и сухо лято след края на този месец. Так что, да, я надеюсь, что я думаю, что мы получим еще одно теплое, жаркое, сухое лето после того, как этот месяц закончится. Evet, umarım ki bu ay bittikten sonra başka bir sıcak, kuru ve kuru yaz alacağız.

Mark: Well, somebody told me, who was reading the Farmer’s Almanac or whatever, that’s what it says is coming: a long hot summer. ||||||||||農業者の年鑑|||||||||||| |||||||||del granjero|almanaque agrícola|||||||||||| Марк: Ами някой ми каза, че чете "Фермерски алманах" или нещо подобно, че това е, което се казва, че предстои: дълго горещо лято. Mark : Eh bien, quelqu'un m'a dit, qui lisait l'almanach du fermier ou quoi que ce soit, c'est ce qu'il dit arrive : un été long et chaud. Марк: Ну, кто-то сказал мне, кто читал Альманах Фермера или что-то в этом роде, вот что он говорит: долгое жаркое лето. Mark: Birisi bana, Çiftçinin Almanacını okuyan ya da her neyi okuyorsa, söylediği şey buydu: uzun bir yaz. I’ve heard that. Я слышал это.

I don’t know if that’s wishful thinking or what it is, but. |||||mơ mộng|||||| Не знам дали това е пожелателно мислене или нещо друго, но. No sé si eso es una ilusión o qué es, pero. Я не знаю, если это желаемое за действительное или что это такое, но. İster istemez düşünme mi, ne olduğunu bilmiyorum ama.

Jill: Well, I know people who swear that the Farmer’s Almanac is right. ||||||thề||||||| ||||||juram que|||||Almanaque agrícola|| Jill: Bueno, conozco gente que jura que el Farmer's Almanac es correcto. Джилл: Ну, я знаю людей, которые клянутся, что Альманах Фермера прав. Jill: Çiftçinin Almanakının haklı olduğuna yemin eden insanları tanıyorum. I don’t know.

Mark: For those who don’t know, the Farmer’s Almanac…I don’t really know much about it… It’s a book that’s put out by I don’t know who that predicts all kinds of different things. Марк: За тези, които не знаят, "Фермерският алманах" е книга, която се издава от не знам кой и в която се предсказват най-различни неща. Mark: Para aquellos que no saben, Farmer's Almanac. Realmente no sé mucho al respecto. Es un libro publicado por no sé quién que predice todo tipo de cosas diferentes. Mark : Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, l'almanach du fermier je n'y connais pas grand chose. C'est un livre qui est sorti par je ne sais qui qui prédit toutes sortes de choses différentes. Марк: Для тех, кто не знает, Альманах Фермера ... Я не очень много знаю об этом ... Это книга, выпущенная мной, я не знаю, кто предсказывает все виды разных вещей. Mark: Bilmeyenler için, Çiftçinin Almanak… Gerçekten bu konuda pek bir şey bilmiyorum… Bu, her şeyin farklı şeyler kestireceğini bilmediğim bir kitap. I’ve never actually seen one; I’ve just heard it talked about. Никога не съм виждал такъв, а само съм чувал да се говори за него. En realidad, nunca he visto uno; Acabo de oír hablar de ello. Я никогда не видел ни одного; Я только что слышал, о чем говорили.

Jill: No, me either; yeah, the elusive Farmer’s Almanac. ||||||khó nắm bắt|| Джил: Не, аз също; да, неуловимият фермерски алманах. Jill: Hayır, ben de; Evet, zor çiftçi Almanak.

Mark: Yeah, but definitely it’s a book that’s published. Марк: Да, но определено това е книга, която е публикувана. Марк: Да, но определенно это книга, которая опубликована. I even think you can get it in bookstores. ||||||||書店裡 Я даже думаю, что вы можете получить его в книжных магазинах.

Jill: People talk about it.

Mark: Presumably, farmers go by it. Марк: Вероятно фермерите го използват. Mark: Presumiblemente, los agricultores se guían por eso. Марк: Предположительно, фермеры идут этим путем. Mark: Muhtemelen, çiftçiler bunun peşinden gider. They plan their harvest or crops or whatever by what’s written in the Farmer’s Almanac. |||crop yield planning||agricultural products||||||||| |||cosecha||cultivos|||||||||almanaque agrícola Те планират реколтата, посевите или каквото и да било друго според написаното в "Алманаха на фермера". Planean su cosecha o cosechas o lo que sea por lo que está escrito en el Almanaque del Agricultor. Ils planifient leur récolte ou leurs récoltes ou quoi que ce soit d'après ce qui est écrit dans l'almanach du fermier. Они планируют свой урожай или урожай или что-то еще согласно тому, что написано в Альманахе Фермера. Çiftçinin Almanakında yazdıkları şeyle hasatlarını veya ekinlerini ya da planlarını planlarlar. I don’t know how they predict stuff. Eşyaları nasıl tahmin ettiklerini bilmiyorum. I don’t know if it’s scientific or if it’s hocus-pocus, but |||||||||魔法戲法|魔法把戲| |||||||||nonsense or trickery|| |||||||||magia o engaño|magia| Не знам дали това е научно или е фокус-фокус, но No sé si es científico o si es abracadabra, pero Я не знаю, является ли это научным или фокус-покусом, но

Jill: Well, we’ll see won’t we this year? Джил: Е, тази година ще видим, нали? Jill: Bueno, ya veremos, ¿no este año? Jill : Eh bien, nous verrons, n'est-ce pas cette année ? Джилл: Ну, посмотрим, не так ли в этом году? Bu yıl göreceğiz, değil mi?

Mark: We will see. Марк: Посмотрим. We will see. Anyway, I think that is going to do us for today. Както и да е, мисля, че това ще ни стигне за днес. De todos modos, creo que eso nos va a hacer por hoy. Во всяком случае, я думаю, что это сделает нас на сегодня. Her neyse, bence bugün için bunu yapacak. Before we go I just want to remind everybody to make sure to come check out our site at thelinguist.com where you will be able to read a transcript of this podcast and use all our learning tools to save and lookup the words and phrases, to write, have your writing corrected, speak online with our tutors and other members and work on your pronunciation; whole range of functionality that we offer at The Linguist. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||功能性|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||buscar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Преди да си тръгнем, искам само да напомня на всички да посетят сайта ни thelinguist.com, където ще могат да прочетат стенограмата на този подкаст и да използват всички наши инструменти за обучение, за да запазват и търсят думи и фрази, да пишат, да коригират написаното от тях, да говорят онлайн с нашите преподаватели и други членове и да работят върху произношението си; цялата гама от функции, които предлагаме в The Linguist. Please come and check it out. Моля, елате и я разгледайте. Пожалуйста, приходите и проверьте это. There is a 14-day free trial and we hope to meet you online someday. Hay una prueba gratuita de 14 días y esperamos conocerte en línea algún día. Il y a un essai gratuit de 14 jours et nous espérons vous rencontrer en ligne un jour. Существует 14-дневная бесплатная пробная версия, и мы надеемся когда-нибудь встретиться с вами онлайн.