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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Forty-five: Summer Time

Forty-five: Summer Time

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hello again.

Steve: Um, gee, it's been warm the last little while. It was very warm the other night.

Jill: Well, yeah, Tuesday night and Wednesday night. Wednesday night in particular though, very hot all day, all night. It didn't really cool down. I think it was still 20 degrees overnight. Not a lot of breeze, very hot in Vancouver.

Steve: Of course, we're spoiled here. Normally even if it's 25 degrees or 28 degrees which is considered warm here it'll be down to 16, 17 at night which is very comfortable. Do you have air conditioning at home?

Jill: Oh no, and, and even 17 overnight is not very comfortable in our condo. Um, condos are very hot and they're not, it's not like house where you have doors and windows at each end that you can open and get a breeze going through so ours is better than most because we've got a rooftop deck and we can leave that open and windows open but in general even if it's 20 degrees outside it will be quite warm in the condo.

Steve: But, and of course we are spoiled because I've lived in places where it can be 30 degrees at night and there is no relief. No relief, so yeah. I remember once in was in China, I was in Hangzhou, China at the end of June and Hangzhou is meant to be one of the hot places in the summer and they have an artificial lake there which is not very deep and that artificial lake absorbs the heat during the day and it sends it back at night.

I can remember that I was in this hotel and this is in the 70's; they didn't have air conditioning, and I filled up the bath tub with cold water and I literally got up every two hours and lay in the cold water to cool my body down, lay back to sleep and within an hour or two I was sopping wet, sweating like a pig and I'd go back into the bathtub. I mean it was just so, so hot.

So we're lucky here.

Jill: Very lucky, yeah. And, we can, most people here don't have air conditioning in their homes because it's not usually so hot that you need it but I notice the last few summer when we had two, three week periods of really warm weather people have been buying the air conditioners. You know the little, three, four, five hundred dollar portable air conditioners and they've actually been selling out of them at some of the bigger home stores.

Steve: And, what so you like to do in the summer?

Jill: I like to be outside except for when it's too hot like it was a few days ago. I like to, to run and hike and just spend time outdoors.

Steve: You were telling me that you were in a houseboat? What was that like?

Jill: That was great. We went for just a couple of days on a houseboat on a big lake about five and a half hours from Vancouver and you just, you bring food. There's a barbeque on the boat, bedrooms, bathrooms, full kitchen and a big top deck that's out in the sun and you can jump off of it into a lake and you can slide down - there's a little slide that goes into the lake - and you just hang out listening to music, eating all day, drinking and swimming in the lake. It's great.

Steve: You know, I don't think, I think I'd get stir crazy. But no.

Jill: You know if Chris and I don't, and we're people that don't really like to stay in one place for very long, but the two days wasn't enough. We would have been happy with a couple more days because we're constantly in the water. You know you're always making drinks for people and you're always making a snack or lunch or dinner so you just, or you're playing cards or you're reading a book. I mean there just seems to be stuff to do and it's so beautiful there.

Steve: It is a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. What was the water temperature like?

Jill: It's quite cool actually. It's a very deep lake so you know, I find it very cold. It takes me a while to get used to it.

Steve: Is it as cold as the ocean here?

Jill: No, no It's not. No, definitely not as cold. Once you're in you can stay in for a long time whereas the ocean I find is, I can't stay in very long so it's warmer.

Steve: Well, yeah, I know. I like swimming in the ocean here, not all year mind you but sort of late May, early June on through early September but, and the temperature varies. Sometimes it's warmer than others. So, alright.

Well look, we've talked a little bit about summer and summer activities. Yeah. What else can we talk about.

Jill: What do you like to do in the summer?

Steve: What do I like to do? I like to be in Vancouver. I don't go anywhere in the summer. I like to swim in the ocean. I still go for my run even if it's hot and then I get nice and warm so that I can come home and then I might do a few things in the garden just to feel better and then I just go into the ocean and I just feel great. Very, very good.

And, we have seals in the ocean so, I was quite surprised the first time I saw one. I was doing a crawl, swimming and I stopped and normally when you're doing a crawl of course you don't look up. Your head is in the water and then I finished my crawl and looked and there was a seal about three feet in front of my face looking at me. So, I hadn't realized that there were seals there.

At first I was a little, I was, I can't say I was happy to see the seal. I didn't quite know what the seal was going to do so I sort of turned around and started swimming back towards shore, just, you know, but he wasn't interested in me. I didn't look like his dinner.

Jill: No.

Steve: No. So.

Steve:They eat small fish, yeah. So that was okay. Alright.

Jill: Well, we did great. Thank you.

Steve: Let's go and enjoy the rest of the summer. Okay? Once again this is EnglishLingQ. Jill and I, sometimes we talk about language, sometimes we just talk about what we're doing. Jill talked about hanging out on the lake and I talked about swimming in the ocean and the whole idea is to create some natural conversation so that you can get some sense of rhythm and we do transcribe these. We have them available at EnglishLingQ.com, LingQ.com. We would like people to use this content with the Linguist or eventually with LingQ where they can save words and phrases and use this as natural learning material so that they can get a sense for the natural rhythm of the language which helps them in pronunciation and then also accumulate vocabulary.

Okay then. Bye Jill.

Jill: Bye, bye.

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Forty-five: Summer Time Fünfundvierzig: Sommerzeit Forty-five: Summer Time Cuarenta y cinco: Horario de verano چهل و پنج: زمان تابستان Quarante-cinq : Heure d'été Quarantacinque: L'ora legale 45歳夏時間 마흔다섯: 여름 시간 Czterdzieści pięć: Czas letni Quarenta e cinco: Hora de verão Сорок пять: Летнее время Fyrtiofem: Sommartid Kırk beş: Yaz Saati Сорок п'ять: Літній час 四十五:夏令时 四十五:夏令時

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hello again.

Steve: Um, gee, it's been warm the last little while. ||ôi trời||||||| ||nossa|||||último|| ||vaya|||cálido|el|último tiempo|| Стив: Хм, ето, през последното време беше топло. Steve: Ähm, meine Güte, es war die letzte Zeit warm. Steve: Um, caramba, ha estado tibio el último rato. Steve : Um, bon sang, il faisait chaud ces derniers temps. Steve: Um, caspita, è stato caldo nell'ultimo periodo. Steve: Um, gee, son bir süre içinde sıcak oldu. It was very warm the other night. |||muy cálido||| Онази вечер беше много топло. Es war neulich sehr warm. Il faisait très chaud l'autre soir.

Jill: Well, yeah, Tuesday night and Wednesday night. |||martes|||miércoles| Jill: Ja, Dienstagabend und Mittwochabend. Wednesday night in particular though, very hot all day, all night. ||||embora|||||| |||en particular|sin embargo|||||| Особено в сряда вечерта обаче беше много горещо през целия ден и цялата нощ. Vor allem Mittwochabend, den ganzen Tag sehr heiß, die ganze Nacht. El miércoles por la noche en particular, sin embargo, mucho calor todo el día, toda la noche. Özellikle de Çarşamba gecesi, bütün gün çok sıcak, bütün gece. It didn't really cool down. |no||enfriar| Не се е охладило наистина. Es hat sich nicht wirklich abgekühlt. Realmente no se enfrió. Ça ne s'est pas vraiment refroidi. Gerçekten soğumadı. I think it was still 20 degrees overnight. ||||||durante la noche Ich denke, es war noch 20 Grad über Nacht. Creo que todavía hacía 20 grados durante la noche. Sanırım gece boyunca 20 derece oldu. Not a lot of breeze, very hot in Vancouver. ||||brisa||||Vancouver Няма много вятър, във Ванкувър е много горещо. Nicht viel Wind, sehr heiß in Vancouver. No hay mucha brisa, hace mucho calor en Vancouver.

Steve: Of course, we're spoiled here. ||||gâtés| ||||mimados| Steve: Natürlich sind wir hier verwöhnt. Steve: Por supuesto, aquí estamos mal acostumbrados. Steve: Certo, qui siamo viziati. Steve: Tabii, burada şımartıldık. Normally even if it's 25 degrees or 28 degrees which is considered warm here it'll be down to 16, 17 at night which is very comfortable. Обикновено, дори и да е 25 или 28 градуса, което се смята за топло тук, през нощта температурата ще падне до 16, 17 градуса, което е много удобно. Selbst wenn es 25 Grad oder 28 Grad sind, was hier als warm angesehen wird, sind es normalerweise bis 16, 17 Uhr nachts, was sehr angenehm ist. Normalmente, incluso si hace 25 grados o 28 grados, que se considera cálido aquí, bajará a 16, 17 por la noche, lo cual es muy cómodo. Normalement, même s'il fait 25 degrés ou 28 degrés, ce qui est considéré comme chaud ici, il descendra à 16, 17 la nuit, ce qui est très confortable. Do you have air conditioning at home? ¿Tienes aire acondicionado en casa?

Jill: Oh no, and, and even 17 overnight is not very comfortable in our condo. |||||||||||||condo |||||||||||||condo |||||||||||||apartment |||||||||||||condominio Jill: Oh nein, und selbst 17 Übernachtungen sind in unserer Wohnung nicht sehr angenehm. Jill : Oh non, et, et même 17 nuits, ce n'est pas très confortable dans notre appartement. Jill: Oh no, e, e anche 17 notti non sono molto comode nel nostro appartamento. Um, condos are very hot and they're not, it's not like house where you have doors and windows at each end that you can open and get a breeze going through so ours is better than most because we've got a rooftop deck and we can leave that open and windows open but in general even if it's 20 degrees outside it will be quite warm in the condo. |căn hộ|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sân thượng||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||terrasse sur le toit|terrasse||||||||||||||||||||||||| |condominio|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||a través|||||||||||azotea|||||dejamos||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||屋頂平台|||||||||||||||||||||||||| В апартаментите е много горещо и те не са като къщите, където има врати и прозорци във всеки край, които можеш да отвориш и да вдигнеш вятър, така че нашият апартамент е по-добър от повечето, защото имаме тераса на покрива и можем да я оставим отворена, както и отворени прозорци, но като цяло, дори навън да е 20 градуса, в апартамента ще е доста топло. Ähm, Eigentumswohnungen sind sehr heiß und sie sind es nicht. Es ist nicht wie in einem Haus, in dem Sie an jedem Ende Türen und Fenster haben, die Sie öffnen und durchbrennen können. Unsere ist also besser als die meisten anderen, weil wir eine Dachterrasse haben und Wir können das offen lassen und die Fenster offen lassen, aber im Allgemeinen ist es in der Wohnung ziemlich warm, selbst wenn es 20 Grad draußen ist. Um, les condos sont très chauds et ils ne le sont pas, ce n'est pas comme une maison où vous avez des portes et des fenêtres à chaque extrémité que vous pouvez ouvrir et laisser passer une brise, donc le nôtre est meilleur que la plupart parce que nous avons une terrasse sur le toit et Nous pouvons laisser cela ouvert et les fenêtres ouvertes, mais en général, même s'il fait 20 degrés à l'extérieur, il fera assez chaud dans le condo.

Steve: But, and of course we are spoiled because I've lived in places where it can be 30 degrees at night and there is no relief. ||||||||||||||||||||||||sự giảm bớt ||||||||||||||||||||||||soulagement ||||||||||||||||||||||||alívio da temperatura ||||||||||||||||||||||||alivio Стив: Но, разбира се, ние сме разглезени, защото съм живял на места, където през нощта може да е 30 градуса и няма никакво облекчение. Steve: Aber und natürlich sind wir verwöhnt, weil ich an Orten gelebt habe, an denen es nachts 30 Grad sein kann und es keine Erleichterung gibt. Steve : Mais, et bien sûr nous sommes gâtés car j'ai vécu dans des endroits où il peut faire 30 degrés la nuit et il n'y a aucun soulagement. Steve: Ama tabi ki şımarıkız çünkü geceleri 30 derece olabileceği yerlerde yaşadım ve hiçbir rahatlama yok. No relief, so yeah. Keine Erleichterung, also ja. Rahatsızlık yok, evet. I remember once in was in China, I was in Hangzhou, China at the end of June and Hangzhou is meant to be one of the hot places in the summer and they have an artificial lake there which is not very deep and that artificial lake absorbs the heat during the day and it sends it back at night. ||||||||||杭州||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||absorbe||||||||renvoie|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||湖||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Hangzhou||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Спомням си, че веднъж бях в Китай, в Ханджоу, Китай, в края на юни, и Ханджоу е едно от най-горещите места през лятото, а там има изкуствено езеро, което не е много дълбоко, и това изкуствено езеро абсорбира топлината през деня и я връща обратно през нощта. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich Ende Juni in China war, Ende Juni in Hangzhou, China, und Hangzhou soll einer der heißesten Orte im Sommer sein, und dort gibt es einen künstlichen See, der nicht sehr tief ist und den der künstliche See absorbiert die Hitze während des Tages und es schickt es nachts zurück. Recuerdo que una vez estuve en China, estuve en Hangzhou, China a fines de junio y Hangzhou está destinado a ser uno de los lugares cálidos en el verano y tienen un lago artificial allí que no es muy profundo y ese lago artificial absorbe el calor durante el día y lo devuelve por la noche. Je me souviens qu'une fois j'étais en Chine, j'étais à Hangzhou, en Chine, fin juin et Hangzhou est censé être l'un des endroits chauds en été et ils ont un lac artificiel là-bas qui n'est pas très profond et ce lac artificiel absorbe la chaleur pendant la journée et il la renvoie la nuit. Bir zamanlar Çin'de olduğunu hatırlıyorum, Haziran sonunda Hangzhou, Çin'deydim ve Hangzhou, yaz aylarında sıcak yerlerden biri olması ve çok derin olmayan yapay bir gölü ve yapay gölü emer gün boyunca ısı ve gece geri gönderir.

I can remember that I was in this hotel and this is in the 70's; they didn't have air conditioning, and I filled up the bath tub with cold water and I literally got up every two hours and lay in the cold water to cool my body down, lay back to sleep and within an hour or two I was sopping wet, sweating like a pig and I'd go back into the bathtub. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||littéralement||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sopping|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||浴槽 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||empapado|||||||||||| Спомням си, че бях в един хотел през 70-те години на миналия век, нямаше климатик, напълних ваната със студена вода и буквално ставах на всеки два часа и лягах в студената вода, за да охладя тялото си, лягах да спя и след час-два бях мокър, потях се като прасе и се връщах във ваната. Ich kann mich erinnern, dass ich in diesem Hotel war und dies in den 70ern war; Sie hatten keine Klimaanlage und ich füllte die Badewanne mit kaltem Wasser und stand buchstäblich alle zwei Stunden auf und legte mich ins kalte Wasser, um meinen Körper abzukühlen, legte mich wieder in den Schlaf und innerhalb von ein oder zwei Stunden war ich es klatschnass, schwitzend wie ein Schwein und ich würde zurück in die Badewanne gehen. Recuerdo que estuve en este hotel y esto es en los años 70; no tenían aire acondicionado y llené la bañera con agua fría y literalmente me levantaba cada dos horas y me acostaba en el agua fría para refrescar mi cuerpo, me acostaba para dormir y en una hora o dos estaba empapado, sudando como un cerdo y volvía a la bañera. Bu otelde olduğumu hatırlıyorum ve 70'lerde bu; Klima yoktu, banyo küvetini soğuk suyla doldurdum ve her iki saatte tam anlamıyla kalktım ve vücudumu soğutmak için soğuk suya daldım, uykuya daldım ve bir iki saat içinde ıslak bir şekilde ıslanmak, bir domuz gibi terlemek ve küvete geri dönmek istiyorum. I mean it was just so, so hot.

So we're lucky here. Wir haben hier also Glück.

Jill: Very lucky, yeah. And, we can, most people here don't have air conditioning in their homes because it's not usually so hot that you need it but I notice the last few summer when we had two, three week periods of really warm weather people have been buying the air conditioners. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||空調設備 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||エアコン |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||los aires acondicionados Und wir können, die meisten Leute hier haben keine Klimaanlage in ihren Häusern, weil es normalerweise nicht so heiß ist, dass man sie braucht, aber ich bemerke die letzten Sommer, als wir zwei, drei Wochen lang wirklich warmes Wetter hatten, das die Leute gekauft haben die Klimaanlagen. Et, nous le pouvons, la plupart des gens ici n'ont pas de climatisation chez eux parce qu'il ne fait généralement pas si chaud que vous en avez besoin, mais je remarque que l'été dernier, lorsque nous avons eu deux ou trois semaines de temps très chaud, les gens ont acheté les climatiseurs. You know the little, three, four, five hundred dollar portable air conditioners and they've actually been selling out of them at some of the bigger home stores. Знаете, че малките преносими климатици за три, четири, петстотин долара се разпродават в някои от по-големите магазини за домашно обзавеждане. Sie kennen die kleinen, drei, vier, fünfhundert Dollar teuren tragbaren Klimaanlagen, die sie in einigen der größeren Läden verkauft haben. Usted conoce los acondicionadores de aire portátiles pequeños, de tres, cuatro, quinientos dólares y en realidad se han estado vendiendo en algunas de las tiendas más grandes para el hogar. Vous savez, les petits climatiseurs portables à trois, quatre ou cinq cents dollars et ils se sont en fait vendus dans certains des plus grands magasins de bricolage. Вы знаете маленькие, трех-, четырех-, пятисотдолларовые портативные кондиционеры, которые уже распродаются в некоторых крупных магазинах для дома.

Steve: And, what so you like to do in the summer? Стив: И какво обичате да правите през лятото? Steve: Und was machst du so gerne im Sommer? Steve: Peki, yaz aylarında ne yapmayı seviyorsun?

Jill: I like to be outside except for when it's too hot like it was a few days ago. Jill: Ich bin gerne draußen, außer wenn es zu heiß ist wie vor ein paar Tagen. I like to, to run and hike and just spend time outdoors. ||||||faire de la randonnée||||| Ich mag, laufen und wandern und verbringe einfach Zeit im Freien.

Steve: You were telling me that you were in a houseboat? ||||||||||boat home ||||||||||ハウスボート ||||||||||casa flotante Стив: Казвахте ми, че сте били в хаусбоут? Steve: Du hast mir gesagt, dass du in einem Hausboot bist? Steve : Tu me disais que tu étais dans une péniche ? Steve: Je vertelde me dat je in een woonboot zat? Steve: Bana bir ev teknesinde olduğunu mu söylüyordun? What was that like? Какво беше това? Wie war das? Com'era?

Jill: That was great. Jill: Das war großartig. We went for just a couple of days on a houseboat on a big lake about five and a half hours from Vancouver and you just, you bring food. ||||||||||船屋|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||thuyền nhà||||||||||||Vancouver|||||| Отидохме само за няколко дни на една лодка на голямо езеро на около пет часа и половина от Ванкувър и просто си носиш храна. Wir waren nur ein paar Tage auf einem Hausboot auf einem großen See, ungefähr fünfeinhalb Stunden von Vancouver entfernt, und Sie bringen einfach Essen mit. Estuvimos solo un par de días en una casa flotante en un gran lago a unas cinco horas y media de Vancouver y tú solo traes comida. Nous ne sommes allés que quelques jours sur une péniche sur un grand lac à environ cinq heures et demie de Vancouver et vous apportez de la nourriture. Vancouver'dan beş buçuk saat sonra büyük bir gölde bir ev teknesinde birkaç günlüğüne gittik ve siz sadece yiyecek getirdiniz. There's a barbeque on the boat, bedrooms, bathrooms, full kitchen and a big top deck that's out in the sun and you can jump off of it into a lake and you can slide down - there's a little slide that goes into the lake - and you just hang out listening to music, eating all day, drinking and swimming in the lake. ||||||||||||||terrasse supérieure|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||traînes||||||||||||| На лодката има барбекю, спални, бани, пълна кухня и голяма горна палуба, която е на слънце и от която можете да скочите в езерото и да се спуснете надолу - има малка пързалка, която се спуска в езерото - и просто да се разхождате, да слушате музика, да ядете по цял ден, да пиете и да плувате в езерото. Hay una barbacoa en el barco, dormitorios, baños, cocina completa y una gran cubierta superior que está al sol y puedes saltar de ella a un lago y puedes deslizarte hacia abajo, hay un pequeño tobogán que va al lago, y simplemente pasas el rato escuchando música, comiendo todo el día, bebiendo y nadando en el lago. Il y a un barbecue sur le bateau, des chambres, des salles de bains, une cuisine complète et un grand pont supérieur qui est au soleil et vous pouvez en sauter dans un lac et vous pouvez glisser - il y a un petit toboggan qui va dans le lac - et vous passez juste du temps à écouter de la musique, à manger toute la journée, à boire et à nager dans le lac. Na łodzi znajduje się grill, sypialnie, łazienki, w pełni wyposażona kuchnia i duży górny pokład, który jest na słońcu i można z niego zeskoczyć do jeziora i zjechać - jest mała zjeżdżalnia, która wpada do jeziora - i po prostu spędzać czas słuchając muzyki, jedząc przez cały dzień, pijąc i pływając w jeziorze. It's great.

Steve: You know, I don't think, I think I'd get stir crazy. ||||||||||fou de rester enfer| ||||||||||stir| ||||||||||restless| Стив: Знаеш ли, не мисля, мисля, че бих се побъркал. Steve: Weißt du, ich glaube nicht, dass ich verrückt werden würde. Steve: Sabes, no creo, creo que me volvería loco. Steve : Vous savez, je ne pense pas, je pense que je deviendrais fou. Steve: Sai, non credo, penso che diventerei pazzo. Steve: Weet je, ik denk niet dat ik gek zou worden. Стив: Вы знаете, я не думаю, я думаю, что я бы сошел с ума. Steve: Biliyor musun, sanmıyorum, çıldırırdım. But no. Aber nein.

Jill: You know if Chris and I don't, and we're people that don't really like to stay in one place for very long, but the two days wasn't enough. Jill: Weißt du, Chris und ich nicht, und wir sind Leute, die nicht wirklich gerne lange an einem Ort bleiben, aber die zwei Tage waren nicht genug. Jill : Vous savez si Chris et moi ne le faisons pas, et nous sommes des gens qui n'aiment pas vraiment rester au même endroit très longtemps, mais les deux jours n'ont pas suffi. Jill: Biliyorsun Chris ve ben yapmıyoruz, ve bizler gerçekten çok uzun bir yerde kalmayı sevmeyen insanlarız, ama iki gün yeterli değildi. We would have been happy with a couple more days because we're constantly in the water. ||||||||||||constamment||| Щяхме да сме доволни от още няколко дни, защото сме постоянно във водата. Bir kaç gün daha mutlu oluruz çünkü sürekli sudayız. You know you're always making drinks for people and you're always making a snack or lunch or dinner so you just, or you're playing cards or you're reading a book. |||||||||あなたは|||||||||||||||||||| Знаете, че винаги приготвяте напитки за хората и винаги приготвяте закуска, обяд или вечеря, така че просто или играете карти, или четете книга. Sabes que siempre preparas bebidas para la gente y siempre preparas un refrigerio, un almuerzo o una cena, así que simplemente juegas a las cartas o lees un libro. Vous savez que vous préparez toujours des boissons pour les gens et que vous préparez toujours une collation, un déjeuner ou un dîner, alors vous jouez aux cartes ou vous lisez un livre. I mean there just seems to be stuff to do and it's so beautiful there. |||||||des choses||||||| Имам предвид, че там просто има какво да се прави и е толкова красиво. Quiero decir que parece que hay cosas que hacer y es tan hermoso allí. Je veux dire qu'il semble juste y avoir des choses à faire et c'est tellement beau là-bas.

Steve: It is a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. ||||||entourée|| What was the water temperature like? Su sıcaklığı nasıldı?

Jill: It's quite cool actually. Jill: In realtà è piuttosto figo. It's a very deep lake so you know, I find it very cold. |một||||||||||| It takes me a while to get used to it. Отне ми известно време да свикна с него. Il me faut du temps pour m'y habituer. Mi ci vuole un po' per abituarmi. Мне требуется некоторое время, чтобы привыкнуть к нему. Buna alışmak biraz zaman alır.

Steve: Is it as cold as the ocean here? Steve: Buradaki okyanus kadar soğuk mu?

Jill: No, no It's not. No, definitely not as cold. Nein, definitiv nicht so kalt. Non, certainement pas aussi froid. Once you're in you can stay in for a long time whereas the ocean I find is, I can't stay in very long so it's warmer. |||||||||||tandis que||||||||||||||plus chaud След като влезеш, можеш да останеш там дълго време, докато в океана не мога да остана много дълго, затова е по-топъл. Une fois que vous êtes à l'intérieur, vous pouvez rester longtemps alors que l'océan que je trouve est, je ne peux pas rester très longtemps, donc il fait plus chaud. Bir kez girdiğinizde uzun süre kalabiliyorsunuz, oysa okyanusta çok uzun süre kalamıyorum, bu yüzden daha sıcak.

Steve: Well, yeah, I know. |Chà||| Стив: Ами да, знам. I like swimming in the ocean here, not all year mind you but sort of late May, early June on through early September but, and the temperature varies. Обичам да плувам в океана тук, но не през цялата година, а от края на май, началото на юни до началото на септември, но и температурата варира. Ich schwimme hier gerne im Meer, wohlgemerkt nicht das ganze Jahr, aber irgendwie von Ende Mai, Anfang Juni bis Anfang September, aber die Temperatur variiert. Me gusta nadar en el océano aquí, no todo el año, pero desde finales de mayo, principios de junio hasta principios de septiembre, pero la temperatura varía. J'aime nager dans l'océan ici, pas toute l'année mais en quelque sorte fin mai, début juin jusqu'à début septembre mais, et la température varie. Burada okyanusta yüzmeyi seviyorum, tüm yıl boyunca değil ama Mayıs sonu, Haziran başından Eylül başına kadar ama sıcaklık değişiyor. Sometimes it's warmer than others. So, alright. Така че, добре.

Well look, we've talked a little bit about summer and summer activities. Вижте, говорихме малко за лятото и летните дейности. Nun schau, wir haben ein bisschen über Sommer und Sommeraktivitäten gesprochen. Yeah. What else can we talk about. За какво друго можем да говорим.

Jill: What do you like to do in the summer?

Steve: What do I like to do? I like to be in Vancouver. I don't go anywhere in the summer. Im Sommer gehe ich nirgendwo hin. I like to swim in the ocean. I still go for my run even if it's hot and then I get nice and warm so that I can come home and then I might do a few things in the garden just to feel better and then I just go into the ocean and I just feel great. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||jardin||||||||||||||||| Все още ходя да бягам, дори да е горещо, и се сгрявам, за да мога да се прибера вкъщи, след което мога да направя няколко неща в градината, за да се почувствам по-добре, а после просто влизам в океана и се чувствам чудесно. Ich gehe immer noch laufen, auch wenn es heiß ist, und dann wird mir schön warm, damit ich nach Hause kommen kann, und dann mache ich vielleicht ein paar Dinge im Garten, nur um mich besser zu fühlen, und dann gehe ich einfach ins Meer und fühle einfach Großartig. Je vais toujours courir même s'il fait chaud et puis je me réchauffe pour pouvoir rentrer à la maison et ensuite je pourrais faire quelques choses dans le jardin juste pour me sentir mieux et ensuite je vais juste dans l'océan et je me sens juste génial. Very, very good.

And, we have seals in the ocean so, I was quite surprised the first time I saw one. |||des phoques|||||||||||||| А в океана има тюлени, така че бях доста изненадана, когато за първи път видях такъв. Und wir haben Robben im Ozean, also war ich ziemlich überrascht, als ich das erste Mal einen sah. Ve okyanusta mühürler var, ilk gördüğümde çok şaşırdım. I was doing a crawl, swimming and I stopped and normally when you're doing a crawl of course you don't look up. |||||||||||||||estilo libre|||||| Плувах на кроул и спрях, а обикновено, когато плуваш на кроул, разбира се, не поглеждаш нагоре. Ich habe Kraulen gemacht, bin geschwommen und habe aufgehört, und normalerweise schaut man beim Kraulen natürlich nicht auf. Estaba gateando, nadando y me detuve y normalmente cuando estás gateando, por supuesto, no miras hacia arriba. Robiłem crawl, pływałem i zatrzymałem się, a normalnie, kiedy robisz crawl, oczywiście nie patrzysz w górę. Bir tarama yapıyordum, yüzüyordum ve durdum ve normalde bir taramayı yaparken tabiki bakmıyorsun. Your head is in the water and then I finished my crawl and looked and there was a seal about three feet in front of my face looking at me. ||||||||||||||||||foca||||||||||| Tu cabeza está en el agua y entonces terminé de arrastrarme y miré y había una foca a un metro delante de mi cara mirándome. Votre tête est dans l'eau et puis j'ai fini mon crawl et j'ai regardé et il y avait un phoque à environ trois pieds devant mon visage qui me regardait. Kafan suda ve sonra sürünümü bitirdim ve baktım ve yüzümün önünde üç metre kadar bir mühür vardı bana bakıyordu. So, I hadn't realized that there were seals there. |||nhận ra||||| |||||||des phoques| Така че не знаех, че там има тюлени. Ich hatte also nicht bemerkt, dass es dort Robben gab.

At first I was a little, I was, I can't say I was happy to see the seal. |||||||||||||||||foca Отначало бях малко, не мога да кажа, че бях щастлив да видя тюлена. Au début j'étais un peu, j'étais, je ne peux pas dire que j'étais content de voir le phoque. I didn't quite know what the seal was going to do so I sort of turned around and started swimming back towards shore, just, you know, but he wasn't interested in me. ||||||||||||||||||||||la rive||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||a costa||||||||| Не знаех какво ще направи тюленът, затова се обърнах и започнах да плувам обратно към брега, но той не се интересуваше от мен. No sabía muy bien qué iba a hacer la foca, así que me di la vuelta y comencé a nadar hacia la orilla, solo, ya sabes, pero él no estaba interesado en mí. Je ne savais pas trop ce que le phoque allait faire alors je me suis en quelque sorte retourné et j'ai commencé à nager vers le rivage, juste, vous savez, mais il ne s'intéressait pas à moi. I didn't look like his dinner. Не приличах на неговата вечеря.

Jill: No.

Steve: No. So. И така.

Steve:They eat small fish, yeah. So that was okay. Така че всичко беше наред. Alright. In Ordnung.

Jill: Well, we did great. Джил: Е, справихме се чудесно. Jill: Nun, wir haben das großartig gemacht. Jill: Bueno, lo hicimos muy bien. Jill: Beh, siamo stati bravi. Thank you.

Steve: Let's go and enjoy the rest of the summer. Okay? Once again this is EnglishLingQ. ||||EnglishLingQ Jill and I, sometimes we talk about language, sometimes we just talk about what we're doing. Jill talked about hanging out on the lake and I talked about swimming in the ocean and the whole idea is to create some natural conversation so that you can get some sense of rhythm and we do transcribe these. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sens||rythme||||transcrire| |||pasando tiempo||||lago|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||transcribimos esto| Джил разказваше за прекарване на времето си на езерото, а аз - за плуване в океана, като идеята е да се създаде естествен разговор, за да може да се усети ритъмът, и ние ги записваме. We have them available at EnglishLingQ.com, LingQ.com. Li abbiamo disponibili su EnglishLingQ.com, LingQ.com. We would like people to use this content with the Linguist or eventually with LingQ where they can save words and phrases and use this as natural learning material so that they can get a sense for the natural rhythm of the language which helps them in pronunciation and then also accumulate vocabulary. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nhịp điệu|||||||||||||

Okay then. Bye Jill.

Jill: Bye, bye.