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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Fifty-two: LingQ FAQs

Fifty-two: LingQ FAQs

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hi Steve.

Steve: You know, we're of course, very much involved in getting LingQ up and running and you know, I've been in business a long time and a number of different businesses but I must say that the level of complication, difficulty, frustration, no not frustration, it's not frustration but certainly patience on my part to try to get all the pieces of this thing working, it is tremendously complex. And, of course you're the one who has to deal with all the complaints and questions and stuff that we get from our users. How are you finding that?

Jill: Ah, so, I guess, yes, there are a lot of problems with the transfer of data, problems we didn't anticipate, didn't foresee with people getting their data and correct number of points and things like that so that was a source of frustration I think for some of our members. Not for all.

Steve: I should point out we're talking about LingQ.com, which is the website that we have now started up in beta version where at the present time you can learn other than English, is of course the main one but, German, French, Spanish, Italian now and we will be adding other languages including Japanese and Chinese and so forth. But, in getting it set up and in transferring our existing the Linguist members who are learning English and transferring them over to the new LingQ there were a lot of problems that we didn't foresee. So, justifiably our users say what's going on here? How come this doesn't work? How come that doesn't work? And, of course they contact you.

Jill: Mmm hmmm.

Steve: What were some of the major concerns?

Jill: I think initially a week ago when we made the switch, initially the major concern was just have people, getting their data, their words and phrases and the correct number of points. I think we've mostly resolved those issues now. I hope so anyway. But, other than that we just are getting a lot of questions about different functionality, maybe stuff that we had on the Linguist that we don't have on LingQ right now and I just, you know, want to assure people that we are continuing to add functionality all the time to LingQ. It's just it doesn't take one day to add something. It takes a lot of time to build all of this in to make sure, we've got to test it, make sure it works properly before we put it up, there's bugs that need to be fixed, there's lots of things that need to happen and none of it's quick.

So, you know, people would really like to see the forum and Ask Your Tutor function working again which is a priority to us and should be working within the next week we hope. And, other things like there is no Pronounce section yet. I think that maybe a ways off, maybe like a month off. I don't know if that's a priority right now but it's coming.

Steve: And, we should point out that I think a lot of people would agree that what we have put up in LingQ is an improvement over the Linguist so that the Writing section is improved, the Events section is improved, the Reading, the Listening, the Vocabulary. Everything has been improved and in the same way that Pronounce section will be improved so yeah, we apologize for the delay but when we finally do get these things up they will be improved.

Jill: Right. And, certain things right now, that maybe you don't think are improved in the Event section for example, it's a big, long list of all of the events which is quite confusing. It's not going to stay that way. We are going to add filters so you can just see the discussions for a particular day or with a particular tutor. We'll have it paged like it was in the Linguist so there's only certain amount per page and you have to click on the arrows to see more pages so it won't be a big, long list so that's going to be improved.

You're going to be able to receive a recording of your corrected writing submissions along with your corrections which we never had in the Linguist.

Steve: In other words, the corrector will record, the native speaker will, after doing the corrections will record the corrected text which I think is tremendously important for you to review, to read again and then to listen again to something that you thought through but didn't necessarily express quite correctly and it's now been turned into basically native speak or English or eventually other languages and you now get it back and that's very rich for you to work with. It's very useful for you to work with.

Jill: So you can continue to read it and listen to it and work on it. And, just lots of little things like the audio player staying at the top of the screen so if you're reading a long content item and you're scrolling down and you're reading and listening at the same time and you want to stop it, it's right now not very good. You have to go back to the top of the page but that is going to change. It's going to move with you as you scroll down the page.

All of these things are, we know they're concerns to our members and we have them in a big, long list of things to do, for our programmer to do so they're coming and just please try to be patient.

Steve: And, we have added some more programming you know, resources to try to resolve these problems. We are not Microsoft. We just don't have an army of developers. We should point out though that most people have told us that even with the problems, the shortcomings, the functionality that isn't there, some of the things that maybe weren't designed properly to begin with, or things that we didn't anticipate which we only now see when people start using the system, despite these shortcomings most people are happier in the new environment than in the old environment.

So, even with the problems we have upgraded people's learning environment. So, I very much, we all appreciate the cooperation, the patience of people to try these things out, to point out the problems and we can respond to the comments that we're getting but we don't feel that we've harmed anyone. If anything we have now given them, in fact, a better environment in which to learn languages.

Jill: And, certainly that's always been our main goal. I mean, we made a new site because there were problems with the Linguist that we just couldn't overcome so you know, we're hoping not to have those same problems in LingQ and we're going to have more functionality plus you can learn more languages. So, overall, it's just going to be much better.

And, I think, like you said, the majority of people are happy. And, I think those who are not, given time will become happy. They're just not used to the new system; they're used to the Linguist and it's hard to change. I know, I'm the same way. It's hard to change to something new but I think once they give it a little bit of time they'll be happy too.

Steve: Of course it doesn't help that all of the interface language is English. We have no instructions, we have limited help. I mean, really it's not ideal but by the same token, given our limited resources we simply can't afford to write a new help manual every month and translate it into ten languages.

So, because things are changing, as people use the system, and as they point out that this is not convenient, this would be better, some other way, so we want to wait until version one has more or less settled down. But, people should also realize that we are committed to continuing to develop. We have lots of ideas, we think that our learners will have ideas; we want to continue to develop so this is just going to be a better and better and better place for people to enjoy languages.

Were there any other specific areas where you, people have expressed impatience or concern?

Jill: Ah, I'm just trying to think now. I guess really, the points, the changing from being charged a monthly fee and being given a certain amount of events and a certain number of words for writing, the change from that to points I think is a little bit confusing for some people. And, because you are being charged points every time you sign up for an event or submit writing it seems like to most people or to a lot of people that they're being charged every time they use something which is the case but it was the same in the Linguist.

You were charged a certain amount which equated to a certain amount of service. And, we are providing very similar service in LingQ for the same amount and we will have membership levels, probably in September. They'll still be a free level, they'll be a few other levels, where you pay a certain amount and you get points with that membership level. So, I think people just need to get used to that too.

And, the one thing I will mention with LingQ is that your points don't expire so we may, we may put an expiration of six months, expiration at some point but right now they don't expire where as in the Linguist if you didn't use all your discussions or you didn't submit all your writing in one month it was gone.

Steve: You know, it's funny, people are going to say I'm being charged for this, I'm being charged for that and that's fine that they should be concerned about how, you know, what they have to pay and so forth. But, from our perspective, in fact, in many ways the Linguist was unfair. A person goes away for a month or they're traveling on holiday, on business, or whatever it might be, they can't study and they get charged the same.

This way if you do something, you know, ideally people, it's going to be in their interest to buy a batch of points and to hold those points and gradually use them up and then go and buy another batch of points and use them up. And, I think it will end up being very similar in cost to what was happening before.

But, in particular for those periods of time when you're not doing anything, when you're not writing and you're not speaking to people you're not going to get charged. So, I think on balance it's going to work out fairer. In particular I know we had learners who never, ever spoke or wrote and they only basically used the basic functionality so they, in a sense were paying for other people. So, yeah, I think it's going to work.

It's very difficult, this whole period, it's difficult for us. If we had the resources, if we had ten programmers everything would have happened much more quickly. We don't. We have to live within our means and I think you feel, we appreciate everyone's cooperation.

Jill: Yeah, exactly and of course, keep sending us suggestions. It doesn't mean that we're going to be able to implement everybody's suggestions. There's things that we are just not going to do or not able to do but we are going to do our best to keep everybody happy and have all the functionality that we think all the members want to see.

Steve: Okay, I think that covers that subject. Bye for now.

Jill: Bye, bye.

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Fifty-two: LingQ FAQs |||Συχνές Ερωτήσεις LingQ |||常见问题 |||preguntas frecuentes |||常見問題 Zweiundfünfzig: LingQ-FAQs Πενήντα δύο: Συχνές ερωτήσεις LingQ Cincuenta y dos Preguntas frecuentes sobre LingQ Cinquante-deux : FAQ LingQ Cinquantadue: Domande frequenti su LingQ 五十二LingQよくある質問 52: LingQ FAQ Penkiasdešimt du: "LingQ" DUK Pięćdziesiąt dwa: Najczęściej zadawane pytania dotyczące LingQ Cinquenta e dois: Perguntas frequentes sobre o LingQ 52: Вопросы и ответы по LingQ Femtiotvå: Vanliga frågor om LingQ Elli iki: LingQ SSS П'ятдесят два: Поширені запитання про LingQ 五十二:LingQ 常见问题解答 五十二:LingQ 常見問題解答

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hi Steve.

Steve: You know, we're of course, very much involved in getting LingQ up and running and you know, I've been in business a long time and a number of different businesses but I must say that the level of complication, difficulty, frustration, no not frustration, it's not frustration but certainly patience on my part to try to get all the pieces of this thing working, it is tremendously complex. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sự kiên nh|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||हम लोग||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||complexity||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Weißt du, wir sind natürlich sehr daran beteiligt, LingQ zum Laufen zu bringen, und du weißt, ich bin schon lange im Geschäft und in einer Reihe verschiedener Unternehmen, aber ich muss sagen, dass der Grad der Komplikation und der Schwierigkeitsgrad , Frustration, nein, nicht Frustration, es ist keine Frustration, aber sicherlich Geduld von meiner Seite, um zu versuchen, alle Teile dieser Sache zum Laufen zu bringen. Es ist enorm komplex. Steve: You know, we're of course, very much involved in getting LingQ up and running and you know, I've been in business a long time and a number of different businesses but I must say that the level of complication, difficulty, frustration, no not frustration, it's not frustration but certainly patience on my part to try to get all the pieces of this thing working, it is tremendously complex. Steve: Por supuesto, estamos muy implicados en la puesta en marcha de LingQ y, ya sabes, llevo mucho tiempo en el mundo de los negocios y en varios negocios diferentes, pero debo decir que el nivel de complicación, dificultad, frustración, no frustración, no es frustración, sino paciencia por mi parte para intentar que todas las piezas de esto funcionen, es tremendamente complejo. Steve: Biliyorsunuz, biz tabii ki, LingQ'u çalıştırmaya ve çalıştırmaya çok fazla katılıyoruz ve biliyorsunuz, işte uzun süredir ve farklı birtakım işlerde bulundum ama komplikasyon, zorluk seviyesinin olduğunu söylemeliyim , hayal kırıklığı, hayal kırıklığı yok, bu hayal kırıklığı değil ama kesinlikle bu işin tüm parçalarını almaya çalışmak için benim için sabır, bu muazzam karmaşıktır. And, of course you're the one who has to deal with all the complaints and questions and stuff that we get from our users. |||||||||||||as reclamações|||||||||| Ve elbette, kullanıcılarımızdan aldığımız tüm şikayetler, sorular ve şeylerle uğraşmak zorunda olan sizsiniz. How are you finding that? ||||to Jak się z tym czujesz?

Jill: Ah, so, I guess, yes, there are a lot of problems with the transfer of data, problems we didn't anticipate, didn't foresee with people getting their data and correct number of points and things like that so that was a source of frustration I think for some of our members. ||||||||||||||||||||||prévoir|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||prever|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||prever|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill: Ah, also, ich denke, ja, es gibt viele Probleme bei der Datenübertragung, Probleme, die wir nicht erwartet haben, die nicht vorhergesehen haben, dass Leute ihre Daten erhalten und die Anzahl der Punkte und ähnliches korrigieren Ich denke, es war eine Quelle der Frustration für einige unserer Mitglieder. Jill: Ah, entonces, supongo que sí, hay muchos problemas con la transferencia de datos, problemas que no anticipamos, que no previmos con la gente recibiendo sus datos y el número correcto de puntos y cosas así, por lo que fue una fuente de frustración creo que para algunos de nuestros miembros. Jill: Ah, sanırım, evet, veri aktarımı, beklemediğimiz problemler, veriyi alan insanlarla öngörmüyor, puan ve sayıları düzeltmek gibi pek çok sorun var. Bazı üyelerimiz için bence bir hayal kırıklığı kaynağı oldu. Not for all. Hepsi için değil.

Steve: I should point out we're talking about LingQ.com, which is the website that we have now started up in beta version where at the present time you can learn other than English, is of course the main one but, German, French, Spanish, Italian now and we will be adding other languages including Japanese and Chinese and so forth. |||||||||||||||||||||測試版|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||phiên bản thử nghiệm|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass es sich um LingQ.com handelt. Dies ist die Website, die wir jetzt in der Beta-Version gestartet haben. Derzeit können Sie andere als Englisch lernen. Dies ist natürlich die wichtigste, aber Deutsch. Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch jetzt und wir werden weitere Sprachen hinzufügen, einschließlich Japanisch und Chinesisch und so weiter. Steve: Ik moet erop wijzen dat we het hebben over LingQ.com, de website die we nu hebben opgestart in een bètaversie waar je op dit moment andere dan Engels kunt leren, is natuurlijk de belangrijkste, maar Duits, Frans, Spaans, Italiaans nu en we zullen andere talen toevoegen, waaronder Japans en Chinees, enzovoort. Steve: Şu anda beta sürümünde başlattığımız web sitesinin adresi olan LingQ.com'dan bahsedeceğimize işaret etmeliyiz. Şu anda, İngilizce'den başka bir şey öğrenebileceğiniz bir yer burasıdır. Fransızca, İspanyolca, İtalyanca şimdi ve Japonca ve Çince dahil olmak üzere diğer dilleri ekleyeceğiz. But, in getting it set up and in transferring our existing the Linguist members who are learning English and transferring them over to the new LingQ there were a lot of problems that we didn't foresee. ||||||||przenoszenie||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Aber als wir es eingerichtet und unsere bestehenden Linguisten-Mitglieder, die Englisch lernen, übertragen und auf das neue LingQ übertragen, gab es viele Probleme, die wir nicht vorausgesehen hatten. Pero al ponerlo en marcha y transferir a los miembros de The Linguist que están aprendiendo inglés al nuevo LingQ surgieron muchos problemas que no habíamos previsto. Maar bij het opzetten en bij het overzetten van onze bestaande Linguist-leden die Engels leren en bij het overzetten naar de nieuwe LingQ waren er veel problemen die we niet hadden voorzien. So, justifiably our users say what's going on here? |理所當然地||||||| |à juste titre||||||| |正当な理由で||||||| |justificadamente||||||| Zu Recht sagen unsere Benutzer also, was hier los ist? Así que, con razón, nuestros usuarios dicen ¿qué está pasando aquí? Yani, haklı olarak kullanıcılarımız burada neler olduğunu söylüyorlar? How come this doesn't work? why|||| Wieso funktioniert das nicht? ¿Cómo es que esto no funciona? Bu nasıl oluyor? How come that doesn't work? How|||| Wieso funktioniert das nicht? ¿Cómo es que no funciona? Почему это не работает? Bu nasıl oluyor? And, of course they contact you. Und natürlich kontaktieren sie Sie.

Jill: Mmm hmmm. |嗯嗯。|嗯嗯。 ||hmm

Steve: What were some of the major concerns? Steve: Was waren einige der Hauptprobleme? Steve: Wat waren enkele van de grootste zorgen? Steve: En önemli endişelerden bazıları nelerdi?

Jill: I think initially a week ago when we made the switch, initially the major concern was just have people, getting their data, their words and phrases and the correct number of points. Jill: Ich denke, vor einer Woche, als wir den Wechsel vorgenommen haben, war es anfangs das Hauptanliegen, nur Leute zu haben, die ihre Daten, ihre Wörter und Sätze und die richtige Anzahl von Punkten erhalten. Jill: İlk önce bir hafta önce anahtarı yaptığımızı düşünüyorum, başlangıçta büyük endişe sadece insanlara sahip olmak, verilerini almak, sözlerini ve cümlelerini ve doğru puan sayısını elde etmek oldu. I think we've mostly resolved those issues now. ||||solved||| Ich denke, wir haben diese Probleme jetzt größtenteils gelöst. I hope so anyway. Ich hoffe es trotzdem. Her neyse umarım. But, other than that we just are getting a lot of questions about different functionality, maybe stuff that we had on the Linguist that we don't have on LingQ right now and I just, you know, want to assure people that we are continuing to add functionality all the time to LingQ. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||assurer||||||||||||| Abgesehen davon bekommen wir nur eine Menge Fragen zu verschiedenen Funktionen, vielleicht Dinge, die wir über den Linguisten hatten, die wir momentan nicht auf LingQ haben, und ich möchte den Leuten nur versichern, dass wir weitermachen um LingQ jederzeit Funktionen hinzuzufügen. Ama bunun dışında, farklı işlevsellik hakkında pek çok soru soruyoruz, belki de Lingist'te şu anda sahip olmadığımız Dilbilim'de yaptığımız şeyler ve sadece, bildiğimiz, devam ettiğimiz insanları temin etmek istiyoruz. LingQ için her zaman işlevsellik eklemek. It's just it doesn't take one day to add something. Po prostu nie da się dodać czegoś w jeden dzień. Bir şey eklemek sadece bir gün sürmez. It takes a lot of time to build all of this in to make sure, we've got to test it, make sure it works properly before we put it up, there's bugs that need to be fixed, there's lots of things that need to happen and none of it's quick. Zajmuje dużo czasu zbudowanie tego wszystkiego, aby się upewnić, że musimy to przetestować, upewnić się, że działa poprawnie, zanim to opublikujemy, są błędy, które trzeba naprawić, wiele rzeczy, które muszą się wydarzyć i nic z tego nie jest szybkie. Bunu yapmak için tüm bunları yapmamız çok zaman alıyor, test etmemiz gerekiyor, yerleştirmeden önce düzgün çalıştığından emin olun, düzeltilmesi gereken hatalar var, ihtiyaç duyulan birçok şey var olur ve hiçbiri hızlı değil.

So, you know, people would really like to see the forum and Ask Your Tutor function working again which is a priority to us and should be working within the next week we hope. |||||||||||||||||||||priorytet dla nas|||||||||||| Więc ludzie naprawdę chcieliby zobaczyć ponownie działające forum i funkcję Zapytaj swojego korepetytora, co jest dla nas priorytetem i powinno działać w ciągu najbliższego tygodnia, mamy nadzieję. Yani, biliyorsunuz, insanlar forumu görmeyi gerçekten çok isterdi ve Eğitmeninize Sorma fonksiyonu tekrar çalışıyor ve bu da bizim için bir önceliğimiz ve umuyoruz ki önümüzdeki hafta içinde çalışmalıyız. And, other things like there is no Pronounce section yet. Y, otras cosas como que aún no existe la sección Pronunciar. Ve, gibi diğer şeyler henüz bir telaffuz bölümü yok. I think that maybe a ways off, maybe like a month off. |||||kilka tygodni|||||| Creo que tal vez un poco lejos, tal vez como un mes de distancia. Ik denk dat dat misschien een eindje weg is, misschien een maand vrij. Myślę, że to może być odległa przyszłość, może miesiąc. Я думаю, что до этого еще далеко, может быть, около месяца. Sanırım belki bir ay sonra bir yol gibi. I don't know if that's a priority right now but it's coming. Ich weiß nicht, ob das momentan Priorität hat, aber es kommt. Şu anda bir öncelik olup olmadığını bilmiyorum ama geliyor.

Steve: And, we should point out that I think a lot of people would agree that what we have put up in LingQ is an improvement over the Linguist so that the Writing section is improved, the Events section is improved, the Reading, the Listening, the Vocabulary. Steve: Und wir sollten darauf hinweisen, dass ich denke, dass viele Leute zustimmen würden, dass das, was wir in LingQ aufgestellt haben, eine Verbesserung gegenüber dem Linguisten darstellt, so dass der Abschnitt Schreiben, der Abschnitt Ereignisse, das Lesen, das Hören verbessert wird , Das Vokabular. Steve: Ve şunu da belirtmek gerekir ki, bir çok insan, LingQ’da dile getirdiğimiz şeyin Dilbilimci’ye göre bir gelişme olduğunu, Yazı bölümünün geliştirildiğini, Olaylar bölümünün geliştirildiğini, Okuma, Dinlemenin , Kelime. Everything has been improved and in the same way that Pronounce section will be improved so yeah, we apologize for the delay but when we finally do get these things up they will be improved. |||||||||||||||||||||opóźnienie||||||||||||| Wszystko zostało ulepszone i w ten sam sposób, w jaki zostanie ulepszona sekcja Pronounce, więc tak, przepraszamy za opóźnienie, ale kiedy w końcu je uruchomimy, zostaną one ulepszone.

Jill: Right. And, certain things right now, that maybe you don't think are improved in the Event section for example, it's a big, long list of all of the events which is quite confusing. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||が||| Und bestimmte Dinge im Moment, von denen Sie vielleicht nicht glauben, dass sie im Abschnitt "Ereignisse" verbessert wurden, sind eine große, lange Liste aller Ereignisse, die ziemlich verwirrend ist. Ve şu anda bazı şeyler, örneğin Olay bölümünde daha iyi düşünülmediğini düşündüğünüz, bu oldukça kafa karıştırıcı olan tüm olayların büyük, uzun bir listesi. It's not going to stay that way. ||||||sposób It's not going to stay that way. Tak już nie pozostanie. Bu şekilde kalmayacak. We are going to add filters so you can just see the discussions for a particular day or with a particular tutor. |||||filtres|||||||||||||||| We are going to add filters so you can just see the discussions for a particular day or with a particular tutor. Belirli bir güne veya belirli bir eğitmenle görüşmeleri görebilmeniz için filtreler ekleyeceğiz. We'll have it paged like it was in the Linguist so there's only certain amount per page and you have to click on the arrows to see more pages so it won't be a big, long list so that's going to be improved. |||par pages|||||||||||||||||||||flèches|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||setas|||||||||||||||||| |||ページ分け||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||paginado|||||||||||||||||||||flechas|||||||||||||||||| Wir haben es wie im Linguist ausgelagert, also gibt es nur eine bestimmte Menge pro Seite und Sie müssen auf die Pfeile klicken, um mehr Seiten zu sehen, damit es keine große, lange Liste wird, also wird das verbessert. We'll have it paged like it was in the Linguist so there's only a certain amount per page and you have to click on the arrows to see more pages so it won't be a big, long list, so that's going to be improved. La paginaremos como en el Linguist, de modo que sólo haya una cierta cantidad por página y haya que pulsar las flechas para ver más páginas, de modo que no será una lista grande y larga. We zullen het laten oproepen zoals het was in de Linguist, dus er is slechts een bepaald aantal per pagina en je moet op de pijlen klikken om meer pagina's te zien, dus het wordt geen grote, lange lijst, dus dat zal worden verbeterd. Będzie ona podzielona na strony, tak jak to było w Linguist, więc będzie tylko określona ilość na stronę i trzeba będzie kliknąć strzałki, aby zobaczyć więcej stron, więc nie będzie to duża, długa lista, więc to zostanie ulepszone. Dilbilimcinde olduğu gibi sayfalarımıza ulaşacağız, böylece sayfa başına sadece belirli bir miktar var ve daha fazla sayfa görmek için oklara tıklamanız gerekiyor, böylece büyük, uzun bir liste olmayacak ve bu da geliştirilecek.

You're going to be able to receive a recording of your corrected writing submissions along with your corrections which we never had in the Linguist. |||||||||||||escritos enviados||||||||||| Sie werden in der Lage sein, eine Aufzeichnung Ihrer korrigierten schriftlichen Eingaben zusammen mit Ihren Korrekturen zu erhalten, die wir im Linguist nie hatten. Linguist'te hiç sahip olmadığımız düzeltmelerinizle birlikte düzeltilmiş yazı gönderimlerinizin bir kaydını alabileceksiniz.

Steve: In other words, the corrector will record, the native speaker will, after doing the corrections will record the corrected text which I think is tremendously important for you to review, to read again and then to listen again to something that you thought through but didn't necessarily express quite correctly and it's now been turned into basically native speak or English or eventually other languages and you now get it back and that's very rich for you to work with. Steve : En d'autres termes, le correcteur enregistrera, le locuteur natif, après avoir effectué les corrections, enregistrera le texte corrigé, ce qui, je pense, est extrêmement important pour vous de le réviser, de le relire, puis de réécouter quelque chose auquel vous avez réfléchi. mais ne s'est pas nécessairement exprimé correctement et il a maintenant été transformé en langage natif ou en anglais ou éventuellement dans d'autres langues et vous le récupérez maintenant et c'est très riche pour vous de travailler avec. Steve: Başka bir deyişle, düzeltici kaydedecek, anadili İngilizce olan kişi düzeltmeleri yaptıktan sonra düzeltilmiş metni kaydedecek ve bence gözden geçirmeniz, tekrar okumanız ve sonra düşündüğünüz ancak tam olarak doğru ifade edemediğiniz bir şeyi tekrar dinlemeniz için son derece önemli ve şimdi temelde anadile veya İngilizceye veya nihayetinde diğer dillere dönüştürüldü ve şimdi geri alıyorsunuz ve bu sizin üzerinde çalışmanız için çok zengin. It's very useful for you to work with.

Jill: So you can continue to read it and listen to it and work on it. And, just lots of little things like the audio player staying at the top of the screen so if you're reading a long content item and you're scrolling down and you're reading and listening at the same time and you want to stop it, it's right now not very good. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||滾動頁面|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||moving down|||||||||||||||||||||| Et, juste beaucoup de petites choses comme le lecteur audio restant en haut de l'écran, donc si vous lisez un long élément de contenu et que vous faites défiler vers le bas et que vous lisez et écoutez en même temps et que vous voulez arrêter ça, c'est en ce moment pas très bon. I wiele drobiazgów, takich jak odtwarzacz audio pozostający na górze ekranu, więc jeśli czytasz długą treść i przewijasz w dół, czytasz i słuchasz w tym samym czasie i chcesz to zatrzymać, nie jest to teraz zbyt dobre. Ve, uzun bir içerik öğesi okuyorsanız ve siz aşağı doğru ilerliyorsanız ve aynı anda okuyor ve dinliyorsanız ve durdurmak istediğinizde, ekranın üst kısmında kalan ses çalar gibi pek çok küçük şey var. Bu, şu anda çok iyi değil. You have to go back to the top of the page but that is going to change. Sayfanın başına geri dönmeniz gerekiyor ama bu değişecek. It's going to move with you as you scroll down the page. Il va se déplacer avec vous lorsque vous faites défiler la page. Sayfayı aşağı kaydırırken sizinle birlikte hareket edecek.

All of these things are, we know they're concerns to our members and we have them in a big, long list of things to do, for our programmer to do so they're coming and just please try to be patient. ||||||||preocupações||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bütün bunlar, üyelerimizin endişeleri olduğunu biliyoruz ve bunları yapmamız için büyük, uzun bir liste halinde yapıyoruz, programcımızın bunu yapması ve sadece sabırlı olmayı deneyin.

Steve: And, we have added some more programming you know, resources to try to resolve these problems. Steve: Ve, bildiğiniz bazı daha fazla programlama, bu sorunları çözmeye çalışmak için kaynaklar ekledik. We are not Microsoft. We just don't have an army of developers. Sadece bir geliştiriciler ordumuz yok. We should point out though that most people have told us that even with the problems, the shortcomings, the functionality that isn't there, some of the things that maybe weren't designed properly to begin with, or things that we didn't anticipate which we only now see when people start using the system, despite these shortcomings most people are happier in the new environment than in the old environment. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||la gente|||||||||||||||||||| Bununla birlikte şunu söylemeliyiz ki, çoğu insan, problemlerle, eksikliklerle, orada olmayan işlevselliklerle, belki de başlamak için uygun şekilde tasarlanmamış bazı şeylerin ya da yapmadığımız şeylerin bile olduğunu söylemiştir. İnsanların sistemi kullanmaya başladıklarında şimdi gördüklerimizi düşünelim, bu eksikliklere rağmen çoğu insan yeni ortamda eski çevreye nazaran daha mutlu olur.

So, even with the problems we have upgraded people's learning environment. Así que, incluso con los problemas, hemos mejorado el entorno de aprendizaje de la gente. Ainsi, même avec les problèmes, nous avons amélioré l'environnement d'apprentissage des gens. So, I very much, we all appreciate the cooperation, the patience of people to try these things out, to point out the problems and we can respond to the comments that we're getting but we don't feel that we've harmed anyone. Así que todos agradecemos la cooperación y la paciencia de la gente para probar estas cosas, para señalar los problemas y podemos responder a los comentarios que estamos recibiendo, pero no sentimos que hayamos perjudicado a nadie. Donc, j'apprécie beaucoup, nous apprécions tous la coopération, la patience des gens pour essayer ces choses, pour signaler les problèmes et nous pouvons répondre aux commentaires que nous recevons mais nous ne pensons pas que nous avons nui quelqu'un. Bu yüzden, hepimiz, işbirliğini, insanların bu şeyleri denemelerini sabırla beklediklerini, sorunlara dikkat etmemizi ve aldığımız yorumlara cevap verebileceğimizi, ancak zarar gördüğümüzü hissetmediğimizi kimse. If anything we have now given them, in fact, a better environment in which to learn languages.

Jill: And, certainly that's always been our main goal. Jill : Et cela a certainement toujours été notre objectif principal. Jill: Ve kesinlikle bu her zaman ana hedefimiz oldu. I mean, we made a new site because there were problems with the Linguist that we just couldn't overcome so you know, we're hoping not to have those same problems in LingQ and we're going to have more functionality plus you can learn more languages. So, overall, it's just going to be much better. Así que, en general, va a ser mucho mejor.

And, I think, like you said, the majority of people are happy. And, I think those who are not, given time will become happy. Y, creo que los que no lo son, con el tiempo llegarán a ser felices. Et, je pense que ceux qui ne le sont pas, avec le temps, deviendront heureux. They're just not used to the new system; they're used to the Linguist and it's hard to change. Sadece yeni sisteme alışmıyorlar; Dilbilimciler için kullanılıyorlar ve değişmesi zor. I know, I'm the same way. It's hard to change to something new but I think once they give it a little bit of time they'll be happy too. |困難|||||||||||||||||||||

Steve: Of course it doesn't help that all of the interface language is English. ||||||||||介面語言||| ||||||||||interface||| ||||||||||giao diện||| Steve : Bien sûr, le fait que toute la langue de l'interface soit l'anglais n'aide pas. We have no instructions, we have limited help. I mean, really it's not ideal but by the same token, given our limited resources we simply can't afford to write a new help manual every month and translate it into ten languages. Je veux dire, ce n'est vraiment pas l'idéal, mais du même coup, compte tenu de nos ressources limitées, nous ne pouvons tout simplement pas nous permettre d'écrire un nouveau manuel d'aide tous les mois et de le traduire en dix langues. Конечно, это не идеальный вариант, но в то же время, учитывая ограниченность наших ресурсов, мы просто не можем позволить себе каждый месяц писать новое руководство и переводить его на десять языков. Demek istediğim, bu gerçekten ideal değil, aynı şekilde, sınırlı kaynaklarımız göz önüne alındığında, her ay yeni bir yardım kılavuzu yazmayı ve on dile çevirmeyi göze alamayız.

So, because things are changing, as people use the system, and as they point out that this is not convenient, this would be better, some other way, so we want to wait until version one has more or less settled down. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ustabilizuje się Así que, como las cosas van cambiando, a medida que la gente utiliza el sistema y señala que esto no es conveniente, que esto sería mejor, de otra manera, queremos esperar hasta que la versión uno se haya asentado más o menos. Donc, parce que les choses changent, au fur et à mesure que les gens utilisent le système, et comme ils soulignent que ce n'est pas pratique, ce serait mieux, d'une autre manière, nous voulons donc attendre que la première version soit plus ou moins installée. Bu yüzden, insanlar sistemi kullandıkça ve bu uygun olmadığına işaret ettikleri için, bu durum daha iyi olur, başka bir şekilde daha iyi olur, bu yüzden, sürümün bir ya da daha fazla çöküşüne kadar beklemek istiyoruz. But, people should also realize that we are committed to continuing to develop. Ancak, insanlar ayrıca gelişmeye devam etmeye kararlı olduğumuzu da fark etmelidir. We have lots of ideas, we think that our learners will have ideas; we want to continue to develop so this is just going to be a better and better and better place for people to enjoy languages.

Were there any other specific areas where you, people have expressed impatience or concern? |||||||||||sự thiếu kiên||quan tâm ¿Ha habido algún otro aspecto concreto en el que la gente haya expresado impaciencia o preocupación? İnsanların sabırsızlık veya endişelerini dile getirdiğiniz başka belirli alanlar var mıydı?

Jill: Ah, I'm just trying to think now. I guess really, the points, the changing from being charged a monthly fee and being given a certain amount of events and a certain number of words for writing, the change from that to points I think is a little bit confusing for some people. |||||||||thu phí||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||taxa mensal|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je suppose vraiment, les points, le passage d'une redevance mensuelle à un certain nombre d'événements et un certain nombre de mots à écrire, le passage de cela à des points, je pense, est un peu déroutant pour certaines personnes. Tahminimce, puanlar, aylık ücret alınmasından ve belli bir miktar etkinlikten ve yazılan bir kaç kelimeden bahsedilmesinden kaynaklanan değişim, sanırım bazı insanlara biraz kafa karıştırıcıdır. And, because you are being charged points every time you sign up for an event or submit writing it seems like to most people or to a lot of people that they're being charged every time they use something which is the case but it was the same in the Linguist. Y, como te cobran puntos cada vez que te apuntas a un evento o presentas un escrito, a la mayoría de la gente o a mucha gente le parece que le cobran cada vez que usa algo, que es el caso, pero en el Linguist era igual. Et, parce que vous êtes facturé des points chaque fois que vous vous inscrivez à un événement ou que vous soumettez un écrit, il semble que la plupart des gens ou beaucoup de gens soient facturés à chaque fois qu'ils utilisent quelque chose, ce qui est le cas, mais c'était le même dans le Linguiste. Ve, bir etkinlik için kaydolduğunuzda veya yazı yazdığınız her seferinde bir ücret ödendiğinden, çoğu insanın ya da bir çok insanın, her seferinde bir şey kullandıklarında her zaman ücretlendirildikleri anlaşılıyormuş gibi görünmektedir. Dilbilimcilerde aynı.

You were charged a certain amount which equated to a certain amount of service. |||||||tương đương|||||| |||||||等しい|||||| |||||||equivalía|||||| Ihnen wurde ein bestimmter Betrag in Rechnung gestellt, der einem bestimmten Servicelevel entspricht. Te cobraban una determinada cantidad que equivalía a un determinado servicio. Un certain montant vous a été facturé, ce qui équivaut à une certaine quantité de service. Belli bir miktarda hizmete denk gelen belli bir tutar için ücretlendirildiniz. And, we are providing very similar service in LingQ for the same amount and we will have membership levels, probably in September. Und wir bieten in LingQ einen sehr ähnlichen Service für den gleichen Betrag an, und wir werden wahrscheinlich im September Mitgliedschaftsstufen haben. They'll still be a free level, they'll be a few other levels, where you pay a certain amount and you get points with that membership level. So, I think people just need to get used to that too. Donc, je pense que les gens ont juste besoin de s'y habituer aussi. Yani, bence insanların buna alışması gerekiyor.

And, the one thing I will mention with LingQ is that your points don't expire so we may, we may put an expiration of six months, expiration at some point but right now they don't expire where as in the Linguist if you didn't use all your discussions or you didn't submit all your writing in one month it was gone. ||||||||||||||||||||||到期|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||expire||||||||expiry|||||||||||||expire||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||wygaśnięcie|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||expiran||||||||caducidad|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ve, LingQ ile bahsettiğim tek şey, puanlarınızın süresinin dolmaması, bu yüzden, altı aylık bir son kullanma, bir noktada sona erme hakkına sahip olabiliriz, fakat şu anda Dilbilimci'de olduğu gibi zaman kaybetmiyorlar. Tüm tartışmalarınızı kullanmadınız ya da tüm yazınızı bir ay içinde vermediniz.

Steve: You know, it's funny, people are going to say I'm being charged for this, I'm being charged for that and that's fine that they should be concerned about how, you know, what they have to pay and so forth. ||||||||||je suis||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||preocupados|||||||||||| Steve : Vous savez, c'est drôle, les gens vont dire que je suis facturé pour ceci, je suis facturé pour cela et c'est bien qu'ils devraient se préoccuper de savoir comment, vous savez, ce qu'ils doivent payer et ainsi de suite . Steve: Biliyorsun, bu çok komik, insanlar bunun için suçlandığımı söyleyecekler, bunun için borçlandım ve bunun nasıl, ne, ne ödeyecekleri, nasıl ödemeleri gerektiği konusunda endişelenmeleri iyi olacak. . But, from our perspective, in fact, in many ways the Linguist was unfair. Pero, desde nuestra perspectiva, de hecho, en muchos aspectos el Lingüista fue injusto. Mais, de notre point de vue, en fait, à bien des égards, le Linguiste était injuste. Fakat bizim açımızdan, aslında, birçok yönden Dilbilim haksızdı. A person goes away for a month or they're traveling on holiday, on business, or whatever it might be, they can't study and they get charged the same. |||||||||||||||||||||||ils|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||cobrado da mesma forma|| Une personne s'en va pendant un mois ou elle voyage en vacances, pour affaires ou quoi que ce soit, elle ne peut pas étudier et elle est facturée de la même manière. Bir kişi bir aylığına kaybolur ya da tatilde, işte ya da her ne olursa olsun seyahat eder, ders çalışamaz ve aynı şekilde ücretlendirilir.

This way if you do something, you know, ideally people, it's going to be in their interest to buy a batch of points and to hold those points and gradually use them up and then go and buy another batch of points and use them up. ||||||||||||||||||||批次||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||um lote||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||lote||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||một lô||||||||||||||||||||||||| Auf diese Weise, wenn Sie etwas tun, wissen Sie, im Idealfall Menschen, wird es in ihrem Interesse sein, eine Menge Punkte zu kaufen und diese Punkte zu halten und sie nach und nach zu verbrauchen und dann eine weitere Menge Punkte zu kaufen und sie zu verbrauchen. Bu şekilde bir şey yaparsanız, bilirsiniz, ideal olarak insanlar bir grup puan satın almak ve bu puanları tutmak ve yavaş yavaş kullanmak ve sonra gidip başka bir grup puan satın almak ve bunları kullanmak onların yararına olacaktır. And, I think it will end up being very similar in cost to what was happening before. Ve sanırım, daha önce olanlara karşı maliyete çok benziyor.

But, in particular for those periods of time when you're not doing anything, when you're not writing and you're not speaking to people you're not going to get charged. Aber insbesondere in Zeiten, in denen Sie nichts tun, wenn Sie nicht schreiben und nicht mit Menschen sprechen, werden Sie nicht angeklagt. Mais, en particulier pendant les périodes où vous ne faites rien, lorsque vous n'écrivez pas et que vous ne parlez pas aux gens, vous ne serez pas accusé. So, I think on balance it's going to work out fairer. ||||||||||更公平 |||||cela va||||| ||||||||||más justo Donc, je pense que dans l'ensemble, ça va marcher plus juste. Öyleyse, denge üzerinde daha adil çalışacağını düşünüyorum. In particular I know we had learners who never, ever spoke or wrote and they only basically used the basic functionality so they, in a sense were paying for other people. En particulier, je sais que nous avions des apprenants qui n'ont jamais parlé ou écrit et qui n'utilisaient essentiellement que les fonctionnalités de base, de sorte qu'ils payaient en quelque sorte pour d'autres personnes. Özellikle, hiç konuşmamış ya da yazmamış ve temel işlevleri sadece temel olarak kullandıkları öğrenenler olduklarını biliyorum, böylece bir anlamda diğer insanlar için para ödüyorlardı. So, yeah, I think it's going to work.

It's very difficult, this whole period, it's difficult for us. If we had the resources, if we had ten programmers everything would have happened much more quickly. |||||||||programadores||||||| We don't. We have to live within our means and I think you feel, we appreciate everyone's cooperation. Tenemos que vivir dentro de nuestras posibilidades y creo que apreciamos la cooperación de todos. Nous devons vivre selon nos moyens et je pense que vous pensez que nous apprécions la coopération de chacun. We moeten binnen onze mogelijkheden leven en ik denk dat je voelt, we waarderen ieders medewerking.

Jill: Yeah, exactly and of course, keep sending us suggestions. It doesn't mean that we're going to be able to implement everybody's suggestions. There's things that we are just not going to do or not able to do but we are going to do our best to keep everybody happy and have all the functionality that we think all the members want to see. Il y a des choses que nous n'allons tout simplement pas faire ou que nous ne pouvons pas faire, mais nous allons faire de notre mieux pour que tout le monde soit heureux et avoir toutes les fonctionnalités que nous pensons que tous les membres veulent voir. Yapamayacağımız ya da yapamayacağımız şeyler var ama herkesi mutlu etmek ve tüm üyelerin görmek istediğini düşündüğümüz tüm işlevselliğe sahip olmak için elimizden gelenin en iyisini yapacağız.

Steve: Okay, I think that covers that subject. Bye for now. Au revoir||

Jill: Bye, bye.