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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Fifty: Steve, Jill and Mark Discuss LingQ

Fifty: Steve, Jill and Mark Discuss LingQ

Steve: Hello, this is Steve here and sitting with me are …

Jill: Jill.

Mark: And Mark.

Steve: I would like to sort of pretend that I'm a newspaper reporter here and I want to ask you about how you are managing to get the new LingQ system up and running. And, of course we have two different perspectives. One is the perspective of Mark who is sort of the overall you know, Brigadier General who's trying to make this thing work, who's designed it, who's working with the programmer who's talking to Jill about customer issues and I think not everything goes according to plan always.

So, let me start by asking Mark to talk a little bit about what it's been like for him trying to get this thing put together. Then I'm going to ask Jill about some of the reactions that we've had from some of our users and customers.

So, Mark what has been the most difficult thing in trying to get LingQ up and available for our users?

Mark: I don't know if I can identify the most difficult thing. You mentioned um, making sure or getting the system built the way I want it built or we want it built. That's obviously a big part. And, but at the same time we're converting our existing Linguist members over to LingQ and that all, there's a variety of factors involved there and Jill, who'll be more involved in that aspect of it as well, but there's quite a few things that have to fall into place for us to be able to meet that August 1st deadline which we've set for ourselves because quite frankly, we've been at this quite a while and it's time. it's a matter of sort of combining the need to get things built as we want them built, the need to get members transferred over and everything that has to happen in terms of ensuring a smooth transition into place and of course doing both these things by the time line that we've set which is a launch of August 1st. So that combination is what probably the answer is.

Steve: Have you had to scale down some of your specifications, some of the functions that you wanted in LingQ in order to meet the deadline? Do you kind of, sort of try and simply down to a bare minimum at least to get it up?

Mark: I mean, absolutely, and I think we've been trying to do that you know for months now and it's not always that easy. But, I guess it was Mike, our lead developer who put us onto a book called, I can't remember what the book was called actually but it was by the people at 37Signals and they're basically a book talking about how to get software built efficiently and in a reasonable time frame. And, one of the things they say is get a deadline and shed features to make that deadline so you get something up and then continue to refine after the fact because it's, as a web product you can continually refine it after you launch so there's no real reason to wait until you have everything perfect before launching. So, I know there's a lot of people out there that are asking for this and asking for that and there will be people who come over from the Linguist asking or wondering why don't you have this, that you had it on the Linguist, you don't have it on LingQ and a lot of those things we plan on having but they've had to be put aside in order to meet our deadline. So, just be patient and I'm sure what's there you'll enjoy.

Steve: Now, we have a number of our learners have been transferred over to LingQ for some of their activities and I know Jill you've been talking to some of them. What has been the reaction? What have been some of the issues of problems or the reactions that you've had from our users?

Jill: I think that most of the reactions have been positive. A lot of people haven't even tried it because they're familiar with the Linguist so they have sort of stuck with the Linguist and will continue to do so until they're forced to switch to LingQ but there have been some people who have, who started using LingQ and basically quit using the Linguist right away because they like it so much and even up until just, I guess Monday or maybe last week we didn't even have speaking built into LingQ yet or the Write section is still not ready so these people have only really had access to certain features and they still use it all the time. And, I mean they've used the Speak and the Write section in the Linguist because they've had to but they use everything else in LingQ.

And, a lot of people are actually choosing not to have their Linguist data transferred over. Even long time members who have thousands of words in their accounts and a lot of data that they've worked hard to get and they're choosing not to have it transferred over because they want to keep their LingQ data. And, I was actually kind of surprised by how many long time Linguist members have chosen to do that.

Steve: And, the members of course, we have a transition planned. I think the idea is that when we formally switch over people have a choice of maintaining their, or having their Linguist data transferred over or else, in which case they would lose their LingQ data or else they keep their LingQ data.

Mark: I just, I just wanted to mention that right now we're talking about data transfer. We're only talking about words and phrases, saved words and phrases and imported content. We have not yet looked into transferring over the other data but there is a chance we'll be able to extract other data like writing samples, like more statistics but there is not guarantee and that is unlikely before the transfer or the August 1st switch over but it may happen in the future. So, for those of you who are wondering about your data we may be able to get more of it transferred over in the future.

Jill: I would just like to add, because a couple of people have written to me asking whether their writing will be transferred over and as Mark said, we're going to try but it may not happen so if anybody's wondering they should save the writing in a word processing program like Word so they'll always have it. Steve: What happens to imported content?

Mark: Well, as I just said, that imported content and saved words and phrases are the two things that we will transfer over on August 1st.

Steve: Now this has been a long struggle. What have been some of the biggest difficulties in terms of, I mean I know a little earlier we heard that there were some functions that worked in one browser and didn't work in another browser. It just seems like there are so many variables and uncertainties. Is this a new experience for you?

Mark: Yeah, I mean when we developed the Linguist site, probably Fire Fox was not as popular. Certainly everybody here was using Internet Explorer to develop on and so we tended to have problems with Fire Fox and not with Internet Explorer. But, for whatever reason we seem to all be on Fire Fox, especially of course Mike who's doing most of the programming so that now we have had problems with making it work in Internet Explorer and almost not realizing, whoops, we forget to check that, which maybe I shouldn't be telling everything but, you know.

My understanding is Internet Explorer is not necessarily that easy to work with so, but since 65%-70% of web users use Internet Explorer obviously it's got to work for Internet Explorer. Yeah, that's been our challenge. I wouldn't say an overwhelming challenge but it has been a challenge.

Steve: Now, of course if we talk about Internet Explorer and Fire Fox and we're talking about all these computer terms how many of our learners are actually not very familiar with the computer, maybe don't even know that there's another web browser? I mean you talk to them. Do you get a lot of people who are sort of neophytes who are not at all familiar with the computer or are most of our learners very familiar with the computer?

Jill: There are some people who aren't familiar at all and for sure have never heard of Fire Fox but there are some who are already using Fire Fox and, or if they're not, if you tell them to download it they're happy to do it. It's a free download. It's very easy and it really does work a lot better than Internet Explorer. And, you know me, I don't like change and so, I always used Internet Explorer and I really resisted using Fire Fox for whatever reason and I would not go back now. But, I think a lot of people don't know about Fire Fox because just with our tutors we were having some issues in our, in LingQ with Internet Explorer, for them to be able to post discussions and so I told, I suggested that they all get Fire Fox and almost every one of them wrote back saying they'd never heard of Fire Fox and would it interfere with Internet Explorer and this and that. And, I explained that no, you can actually have both browsers. I have both on my computer and I still use Internet Explorer sometimes, mostly to check out site but, so I think a lot of people are not familiar with it.

Mark: I don't know, absolutely I think that's the case. Statistics tell us that 65%-70% at least Internet Explorer. The percentage of Fire Fox users has been growing steadily. And, what I'm definitely am starting to see on the Internet, in my opinion, that many sites seem to work better in Fire Fox because I think computer people, developers use Fire Fox and so they end up making it work for Fire Fox and then having to tweak it to get it to work for Internet Explorer so that very often things seem to appear better in Fire Fox to me. That's just an observation.

Steve: Well at the risk of making this seem like an ad for Fire Fox, I must say that I have gone to Fire Fox and have never looked back and my computer seems to crash less often and I just couldn't be happier. But, I'm sure there are people who are very happy with Internet Explorer.

But anyway, that's been an interesting little discussion about LingQ and I think we can perhaps have some more.

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Fifty: Steve, Jill and Mark Discuss LingQ ||Jill||||LingQ discussion Fünfzig: Steve, Jill und Mark diskutieren über LingQ Fifty: Steve, Jill and Mark Discuss LingQ Cincuenta: Steve, Jill y Mark hablan sobre LingQ Cinquante : Steve, Jill et Mark parlent de LingQ Cinquanta: Steve, Jill e Mark discutono di LingQ フィフティスティーブ、ジル、マークがLingQについて語る 50: 스티브, 질, 마크가 링큐에 대해 이야기하다 Penkiasdešimt: Steve'as, Jill ir Markas aptaria LingQ Pięćdziesiąt: Steve, Jill i Mark omawiają LingQ Cinquenta: Steve, Jill e Mark discutem o LingQ Пятьдесят: Стив, Джилл и Марк обсуждают LingQ Femtio: Steve, Jill och Mark diskuterar LingQ Elli: Steve, Jill ve Mark LingQ'yu Tartışıyor П'ятдесят: Стів, Джилл та Марк обговорюють LingQ 五十:Steve、Jill 和 Mark 讨论 LingQ 五十:Steve、Jill 和 Mark 討論 LingQ

Steve: Hello, this is Steve here and sitting with me are … Steve: Hallo, das ist Steve hier und bei mir sitzen sind ...

Jill: Jill.

Mark: And Mark.

Steve: I would like to sort of pretend that I’m a newspaper reporter here and I want to ask you about how you are managing to get the new LingQ system up and running. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||система LingQ||| Steve: Ich möchte so tun, als wäre ich hier ein Zeitungsreporter, und ich möchte Sie fragen, wie Sie es schaffen, das neue LingQ-System zum Laufen zu bringen. Steve: Me gustaría fingir que soy un reportero de un periódico aquí y quiero preguntarle cómo se las arregla para poner en funcionamiento el nuevo sistema LingQ. Steve: Chciałbym udawać, że jestem reporterem gazety i zapytać cię o to, jak radzisz sobie z uruchomieniem nowego systemu LingQ. Steve: Burada bir gazete muhabir olduğumu iddia ediyorum ve size yeni LingQ sistemini nasıl hazırladığınızı sormak istiyorum. And, of course we have two different perspectives. |||||||точки зору Und natürlich haben wir zwei verschiedene Perspektiven. One is the perspective of Mark who is sort of the overall you know, Brigadier General who’s trying to make this thing work, who’s designed it, who’s working with the programmer who’s talking to Jill about customer issues and I think not everything goes according to plan always. ||||||||||||||Brigadier General||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||Brigadier General||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||准将||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||geral|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Eine ist die Perspektive von Mark, der so etwas wie das ist, was Sie wissen, Brigadegeneral, der versucht, dieses Ding zum Laufen zu bringen, der es entworfen hat, der mit dem Programmierer zusammenarbeitet, der mit Jill über Kundenprobleme spricht, und ich denke, nicht alles läuft nach Plan immer. Una es la perspectiva de Mark, que es una especie de general, ya sabes, el general de brigada que está tratando de hacer que esto funcione, que lo diseñó, que está trabajando con el programador que está hablando con Jill sobre los problemas de los clientes y creo que no todo sale según lo planeado. siempre. L'un est le point de vue de Mark qui est en quelque sorte l'ensemble, vous savez, le brigadier général qui essaie de faire fonctionner ce truc, qui l'a conçu, qui travaille avec le programmeur qui parle à Jill des problèmes des clients et je pense que tout ne se passe pas comme prévu toujours. 1 つは、ご存じの全体像であるマークの視点です。准将は、このことを機能させようとしており、設計者であり、顧客の問題についてジルと話しているプログラマーと協力しています。すべてが計画どおりに進むとは限りません。いつも。 Bunlardan biri, bildiğiniz genel olan Mark'ın bakış açısı, bu işi yapmaya çalışan Brigadier General, kimin tasarladığı, Jill'le müşteri sorunları hakkında konuşan programcı ile çalışan ve her şeyin plana göre gitmediğini düşünüyorum. her zaman.

So, let me start by asking Mark to talk a little bit about what it’s been like for him trying to get this thing put together. Lassen Sie mich zunächst Mark bitten, ein wenig darüber zu sprechen, wie es für ihn war, dieses Ding zusammenzusetzen. Permítanme que empiece pidiéndole a Mark que nos cuente un poco cómo ha sido para él intentar montar todo esto. Zacznę więc od poproszenia Marka, by opowiedział trochę o tym, jak wyglądały jego próby zebrania tego wszystkiego w całość. Bu yüzden Mark'a, bu konuyu bir araya getirmeye çalışırken onun neye benzediğini konuşmasını isteyerek başlayayım. Then I’m going to ask Jill about some of the reactions that we’ve had from some of our users and customers. Sonra Jill'e, bazı kullanıcılarımızdan ve müşterilerimizden aldığımız tepkiler hakkında bir soru soracağım.

So, Mark what has been the most difficult thing in trying to get LingQ up and available for our users? ||||||||||||||||доступним||| So, Mark what has been the most difficult thing in trying to get LingQ up and available for our users? では、LingQ をユーザーが利用できるようにするのに最も苦労したことは何でしたか? Mark, co było najtrudniejsze w próbie uruchomienia LingQ i udostępnienia go naszym użytkownikom? Öyleyse, LingQ'yu kullanmaya ve kullanıcılarımıza ulaşmaya çalışırken en zor olanı Mark?

Mark: I don’t know if I can identify the most difficult thing. Mark : Je ne sais pas si je peux identifier la chose la plus difficile. マーク: 一番難しいことを特定できるかどうかわかりません。 Mark: En zor şeyi tespit edip edemeyeceğimi bilmiyorum. You mentioned um, making sure or getting the system built the way I want it built or we want it built. Vous avez mentionné euh, s'assurer ou faire construire le système comme je le veux ou comme nous le voulons. Sizden bahsetmiştiniz, sistemin kurulmasını istediğim gibi inşa ettiğinden emin olmak veya inşa etmek istiyoruz. That’s obviously a big part. |clearly||| Belli ki büyük bir kısmı. And, but at the same time we’re converting our existing Linguist members over to LingQ and that all, there’s a variety of factors involved there and Jill, who’ll be more involved in that aspect of it as well, but there’s quite a few things that have to fall into place for us to be able to meet that August 1st deadline which we’ve set for ourselves because quite frankly, we’ve been at this quite a while and it’s time. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||thành thật mà nói|||||||||| |||||||переводимо|||||||||||||||фактори|||||who will||||||aspect||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||se alinhar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||учасників лінгвістів|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||виконати||||||||||||||були||це|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||честно говоря|||||||||| Und gleichzeitig konvertieren wir unsere bestehenden Linguist-Mitglieder zu LingQ und das alles, es gibt eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, und Jill, die auch mehr in diesen Aspekt involviert sein wird, aber es gibt eine ganze Reihe Einige Dinge, die zusammenpassen müssen, damit wir den Termin für den 1. August einhalten können, den wir uns gesetzt haben, denn ehrlich gesagt sind wir schon eine ganze Weile dabei und es ist Zeit. Y, al mismo tiempo, estamos convirtiendo a nuestros miembros de Linguist a LingQ y todo eso, hay una variedad de factores involucrados y Jill, que estará más involucrada en ese aspecto, también, pero hay bastantes cosas que tienen que encajar para que podamos cumplir con la fecha límite del 1 de agosto que nos hemos fijado porque, francamente, hemos estado en esto bastante tiempo y ya es hora. Et, mais en même temps, nous convertissons nos membres Linguist existants à LingQ et tout cela, il y a une variété de facteurs impliqués là-dedans et Jill, qui sera également plus impliquée dans cet aspect, mais il y a tout un peu de choses qui doivent se mettre en place pour que nous puissions respecter la date limite du 1er août que nous nous sommes fixée parce que franchement, nous sommes là depuis un bon moment et il est temps. 同時に、既存のリンギスト メンバーを LingQ に切り替えていますが、そこにはさまざまな要因が関係しており、ジルもその側面にさらに関与することになります。率直に言って、私たちはこれにかなりの時間を費やしてきましたが、その時が来ました. Ve aynı zamanda varolan dilbilimci üyelerimizi LingQ'a dönüştürüyoruz ve hepsinin de dahil olduğu çeşitli faktörler var ve bu konuda daha çok yer alacak Jill var. kendimiz için belirlediğimiz 1 Ağustos son tarihini karşılayabilmemiz için gerekli olan birkaç şey, oldukça açık bir şekilde, oldukça uzun bir süredir var ve zamanı. it’s a matter of sort of combining the need to get things built as we want them built, the need to get members transferred over and everything that has to happen in terms of ensuring a smooth transition into place and of course doing both these things by the time line that we’ve set which is a launch of August 1st. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chuyển tiếp||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||making sure|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||учасників|переведені|переведені||||||||умови забезпечення переходу|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Es geht darum, die Notwendigkeit zu kombinieren, Dinge so zu bauen, wie wir sie haben wollen, die Notwendigkeit, Mitglieder zu transferieren, und alles, was passieren muss, um einen reibungslosen Übergang zu gewährleisten und natürlich beide Dinge durch die Die von uns festgelegte Zeitlinie ist der Start am 1. August. it's a matter of sort of combining the need to get things built as we want them built, the need to get members transferred over and everything that has to happen in terms of ensuring a smooth transition into place and of course doing both these things by the time line that we've set which is a launch of August 1st. il s'agit en quelque sorte de combiner le besoin de faire construire les choses comme nous le voulons, le besoin de transférer les membres et tout ce qui doit se passer pour assurer une transition en douceur et bien sûr faire ces deux choses par le l'échéancier que nous avons défini, à savoir un lancement le 1er août. それは、私たちが望んでいるように物事を構築する必要性、メンバーを異動させる必要性、および適切な場所へのスムーズな移行を確実にするために発生しなければならないすべてのことを組み合わせることの問題です。私たちが設定したタイムラインは、8 月 1 日のローンチです。 Jest to kwestia pewnego rodzaju połączenia potrzeby zbudowania rzeczy tak, jak tego chcemy, potrzeby przeniesienia członków i wszystkiego, co musi się wydarzyć, jeśli chodzi o zapewnienie płynnego przejścia na miejsce i oczywiście zrobienia obu tych rzeczy w ustalonym przez nas terminie, czyli uruchomienia 1 sierpnia. Bu, onların inşa edilmesini istediğimiz gibi inşa edilen şeyleri bir araya getirme gereğini bir araya getirme meselesidir, aktarılan üyelere ulaşma ihtiyacı ve pürüzsüz bir geçişin sağlanması açısından yapılması gereken her şey ve elbette bu iki şeyi de 1 Ağustos’ın lansmanını yaptığımız zaman çizgisi. це питання поєднання потреби у будівництві речей так, як ми хочемо їх побудувати, потреби у трансфері учасників і всього того, що повинно відбуватися для забезпечення гладкого переходу на місце і звичайно ж роблячи обидві ці речі до терміну, який ми встановили, який є запуском 1-го серпня. So that combination is what probably the answer is. Diese Kombination ist wahrscheinlich die Antwort. その組み合わせがおそらく答えです。 Yani bu kombinasyon muhtemelen cevaptır. Отже, ця комбінація, ймовірно, є відповіддю.

Steve: Have you had to scale down some of your specifications, some of the functions that you wanted in LingQ in order to meet the deadline? |||||thu nhỏ|||||đặc điểm kỹ thuật||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||prazo final |||||зменшити масштаб|||||специфікації||||||||||||||| Steve: Mussten Sie einige Ihrer Spezifikationen verkleinern, einige der Funktionen, die Sie in LingQ wollten, um die Frist einzuhalten? Steve: Have you had to scale down some of your specifications, some of the functions that you wanted in LingQ in order to meet the deadline? Steve: ¿Ha tenido que reducir algunas de sus especificaciones, algunas de las funciones que quería en LingQ para cumplir con la fecha límite? Steve: 締め切りに間に合わせるために、仕様の一部や、LingQ に必要な機能の一部を縮小する必要がありましたか? Steve: Heb je sommige van je specificaties moeten verkleinen, sommige van de functies die je in LingQ wilde hebben om de deadline te halen? Steve: Czy musiałeś zmniejszyć niektóre specyfikacje, niektóre funkcje, które chciałeś mieć w LingQ, aby dotrzymać terminu? Steve: Şartnamelerinizin bazılarını, son tarihi karşılamak için LingQ'da istediğiniz bazı işlevleri küçültmek zorunda kaldınız mı? Стив: Чи вам довелося скоротити деякі характеристики, деякі функції, які ви хотіли в LingQ, щоб випустити відповідно до терміну? Do you kind of, sort of try and simply down to a bare minimum at least to get it up? ||||||||||||мінімум|||принаймні|||це| Versuchen Sie es irgendwie und versuchen Sie es einfach auf ein Minimum, um es zu erreichen? Do you kind of, sort of try and simply down to a bare minimum at least to get it up? ¿De alguna manera, intentas y simplemente bajas al mínimo al menos para levantarlo? Essayez-vous en quelque sorte, en quelque sorte, de simplement réduire au strict minimum au moins pour le faire monter? 少なくともそれを実現するために、最低限のことを試してみますか? Czy starasz się ograniczyć do absolutnego minimum, aby w ogóle się podnieść? Bunu başarmak için, en azından en azından minimum bir denemeye çalışır mısınız? Чи ви впевнені, що спробуєте зведення мінімального рівня просто до мінімуму, щоб хоча б визначитися?

Mark: I mean, absolutely, and I think we’ve been trying to do that you know for months now and it’s not always that easy. Mark: Ich meine, absolut, und ich denke, wir haben seit Monaten versucht, das zu tun, was Sie wissen, und es ist nicht immer so einfach. マーク: もちろんです。私たちは何ヶ月も前からそうしようとしてきたと思いますが、それは必ずしも簡単なことではありません。 Mark: Yani, kesinlikle ve sanırım aylardır bunu yapmaya çalışıyoruz ve bu her zaman o kadar kolay olmuyor. Марк: Я маю на увазі, абсолютно, і я думаю, ми намагаємося це робити протягом місяців, і це не завжди легко. But, I guess it was Mike, our lead developer who put us onto a book called, I can’t remember what the book was called actually but it was by the people at 37Signals and they’re basically a book talking about how to get software built efficiently and in a reasonable time frame. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Signals||||||||||||||||||| |||||||головний розробник||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ефективно|||||| Aber ich denke, es war Mike, unser Hauptentwickler, der uns auf ein Buch mit dem Titel gebracht hat. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, wie das Buch tatsächlich genannt wurde, aber es war von den Leuten bei 37Signals und sie sind im Grunde ein Buch, das darüber spricht, wie man es bekommt Software effizient und in einem angemessenen Zeitrahmen erstellt. Mais, je suppose que c'est Mike, notre développeur principal, qui nous a mis sur un livre intitulé, je ne me souviens pas comment le livre s'appelait en fait, mais c'était par les gens de 37Signals et c'est essentiellement un livre qui parle de la façon d'obtenir logiciels construits efficacement et dans un délai raisonnable. しかし、私たちの主任開発者であるマイクが私たちを本に書いたのだと思います。本が実際に何と呼ばれていたかは思い出せませんが、それは 37Signals の人々によるもので、基本的には入手方法について話している本です。合理的な時間枠で効率的に構築されたソフトウェア。 Ama sanırım, bizi bir kitap haline getiren baş geliştiricimiz Mike'dı, kitabın aslında ne dediğini hatırlayamıyorum ama 37Signals'taki insanlardı ve temelde kitapların nasıl alınacağını anlatıyorlar. Yazılım verimli ve makul bir zaman çerçevesinde inşa edilmiştir. Але, я думаю, що це був Майк, наш головний розробник, який підказав нам книгу, я не можу згадати, яка саме книга називалася, але вона була від людей з 37Signals, і вони в основному в книзі говорять про те, як ефективно створювати програмне забезпечення за розумний часовий рамок. And, one of the things they say is get a deadline and shed features to make that deadline so you get something up and then continue to refine after the fact because it’s, as a web product you can continually refine it after you launch so there’s no real reason to wait until you have everything perfect before launching. ||||||||||||отказаться от|||||||||||||||улучшать||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||fonctionnalités|||||||||||||||||||||||||||affiner|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||improve|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||推出 ||||||||||||відмовитися від|||||||||||||||удосконалювати||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||bỏ bớt|||||||||||||||cải tiến||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y, una de las cosas que dicen es establecer una fecha límite y eliminar funciones para cumplir con esa fecha límite, de modo que obtenga algo y luego continúe refinándolo después porque, como producto web, puede refinarlo continuamente después de su lanzamiento, por lo que no hay razón real para esperar hasta tener todo perfecto antes de lanzar. Et, l'une des choses qu'ils disent est d'obtenir une date limite et de supprimer les fonctionnalités pour respecter cette date limite afin que vous obteniez quelque chose et que vous continuiez à affiner après coup, car c'est, en tant que produit Web, vous pouvez continuellement l'affiner après son lancement afin qu'il n'y ait pas vraie raison d'attendre que tout soit parfait avant de se lancer. Jedną z rzeczy, o których mówią, jest wyznaczenie ostatecznego terminu i rzucenie funkcji, aby dotrzymać tego terminu, aby coś przygotować, a następnie kontynuować udoskonalanie po fakcie, ponieważ jako produkt internetowy możesz go stale udoskonalać po uruchomieniu, więc nie ma prawdziwego powodu, aby czekać, aż wszystko będzie idealne przed uruchomieniem. Ve söyledikleri şeylerden biri son bir tarih almak ve bu son tarihi yapmak için özellikler bırakıyor, böylece bir şey elde edersiniz ve sonra gerçeğe sonra da hassaslaştırmaya devam ederler çünkü bir web ürünü olarak lansmandan sonra sürekli olarak hassaslaştırabilirsiniz. Başlamadan önce her şeyin mükemmel olmasını beklemek için gerçek bir sebep. So, I know there’s a lot of people out there that are asking for this and asking for that and there will be people who come over from the Linguist asking or wondering why don’t you have this, that you had it on the Linguist, you don’t have it on LingQ and a lot of those things we plan on having but they’ve had to be put aside in order to meet our deadline. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||được gác lại||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mis de côté|||||| So, I know there's a lot of people out there that are asking for this and asking for that and there will be people who come over from the Linguist asking or wondering why don't you have this, that you had it on the Linguist, you don't have it on LingQ and a lot of those things we plan on having but they've had to be put aside in order to meet our deadline. Donc, je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de gens là-bas qui demandent ceci et demandent cela et il y aura des gens qui viendront du Linguist demander ou se demander pourquoi vous n'avez pas ceci, que vous l'aviez sur le Linguist, vous ne l'avez pas sur LingQ et beaucoup de ces choses que nous prévoyons d'avoir mais elles ont dû être mises de côté afin de respecter notre délai. Tak więc, wiem, że jest wiele osób, które proszą o to i proszą o tamto, i będą ludzie, którzy przyjdą z Linguist pytając lub zastanawiając się, dlaczego nie masz tego, że miałeś to na Linguist, nie masz tego na LingQ i wiele z tych rzeczy, które planujemy mieć, ale musiały zostać odłożone na bok, aby dotrzymać naszego terminu. Öyleyse, orada bir sürü insanın bunu sorduğunu ve bunun için sorduğunu biliyorum. Dilbilimci'den gelen veya neden bunu yapmadığınızı merak eden insanlar, Dilbilimciler’de var, buna LingQ'da sahip değilsiniz ve sahip olmayı planladığımız pek çok şey var, ancak son tarihimizi karşılamak için bir kenara konmak zorunda kaldık. So, just be patient and I’m sure what’s there you’ll enjoy. Entonces, solo ten paciencia y estoy seguro de que disfrutarás de lo que hay allí. Öyleyse, sabırlı olun ve orada ne olduğundan emin olacağım.

Steve: Now, we have a number of our learners have been transferred over to LingQ for some of their activities and I know Jill you’ve been talking to some of them. |||||un certain nombre||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve : Maintenant, nous avons un certain nombre de nos apprenants qui ont été transférés à LingQ pour certaines de leurs activités et je sais que Jill vous avez parlé à certains d'entre eux. Steve: Şimdi, bazı öğrencilerimiz bazı faaliyetleri için LingQ'ya transfer oldu ve Jill'in bazılarıyla konuştuğunu biliyorum. Стив: Тепер у нас є кілька наших учнів, які були переведені на LingQ для деяких занять, і я знаю, Джилл, ви говорили з деякими з них. What has been the reaction? Яка була реакція? What have been some of the issues of problems or the reactions that you’ve had from our users? ||||||проблеми||||||||||| Quels ont été certains des problèmes rencontrés ou les réactions que vous avez eues de la part de nos utilisateurs ? Sorunların bazıları veya kullanıcılarımızdan gelen tepkiler neler olmuştur? Які були деякі проблеми чи реакції, які ви мали від наших користувачів?

Jill: I think that most of the reactions have been positive. Jill: Sanırım tepkilerin çoğu olumlu geldi. A lot of people haven’t even tried it because they’re familiar with the Linguist so they have sort of stuck with the Linguist and will continue to do so until they’re forced to switch to LingQ but there have been some people who have, who started using LingQ and basically quit using the Linguist right away because they like it so much and even up until just, I guess Monday or maybe last week we didn’t even have speaking built into LingQ yet or the Write section is still not ready so these people have only really had access to certain features and they still use it all the time. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||определённым||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||resté|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Beaucoup de gens ne l'ont même pas essayé parce qu'ils connaissent le Linguist donc ils sont en quelque sorte restés avec le Linguist et continueront à le faire jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient obligés de passer à LingQ mais il y a eu des gens qui ont , qui a commencé à utiliser LingQ et a essentiellement arrêté d'utiliser le Linguiste tout de suite parce qu'il l'aime tellement et même jusqu'à, je suppose que lundi ou peut-être la semaine dernière, nous n'avions même pas encore intégré la parole dans LingQ ou la section Écrire n'est toujours pas prêt pour que ces personnes n'aient vraiment eu accès qu'à certaines fonctionnalités et qu'elles l'utilisent toujours tout le temps. Bir çok insan bunu denemedi çünkü Dilbilimciye aşinadırlar, bu yüzden Dilbilimci'yle bir şekilde sıkışıp kalıyorlar ve LingQ'ya geçmeye zorlanana kadar bunu yapmaya devam edecekler ama bazı insanlar var. LingQ kullanmaya başladı ve temelde Dilbilimci'yi hemen kullanmayı bıraktı, çünkü onlar bu kadar çok ve hatta şimdiye kadar sevdiler, sanırım pazartesi ya da belki de geçen hafta hala LingQ'da konuşulmadık ya da Yazma bölümü hala Hazır olun ki, bu insanlar belirli özelliklere gerçekten sahip oldular ve hala her zaman kullanıyorlar. And, I mean they’ve used the Speak and the Write section in the Linguist because they’ve had to but they use everything else in LingQ. Et, je veux dire qu'ils ont utilisé les sections Parler et Écrire dans le Linguiste parce qu'ils ont dû le faire, mais ils utilisent tout le reste dans LingQ. E, quero dizer, eles usaram as seções Fala e Escrita no Linguist porque precisaram, mas usam todo o resto no LingQ.

And, a lot of people are actually choosing not to have their Linguist data transferred over. Et, beaucoup de gens choisissent en fait de ne pas faire transférer leurs données Linguist. Wiele osób decyduje się nie przenosić swoich danych z Linguist. Ve birçok insan, onların Linguist verilerini devretmemeyi tercih ediyor. І дуже багато людей фактично вибирають не переносити свої дані лінгвіста. Even long time members who have thousands of words in their accounts and a lot of data that they’ve worked hard to get and they’re choosing not to have it transferred over because they want to keep their LingQ data. Même les membres de longue date qui ont des milliers de mots dans leurs comptes et beaucoup de données qu'ils ont travaillé dur pour obtenir et qui choisissent de ne pas les transférer parce qu'ils veulent conserver leurs données LingQ. Hesaplarında binlerce kelimesi olan ve çok fazla veriye sahip olan üyeler, uzun süre çalıştıkları için çok fazla çalıştıkları ve bunu aktarmalarını istemedikleri için LingQ verilerini saklamak istedikleri için. Навіть давні учасники, які мають тисячі слів у своїх облікових записах і багато даних, над якими вони швидко працювали, вибирають не переносити їх, оскільки вони хочуть зберегти свої дані LingQ. And, I was actually kind of surprised by how many long time Linguist members have chosen to do that. Et, j'ai été en fait un peu surpris par le nombre de membres Linguist de longue date qui ont choisi de faire cela. Ve, aslında, Dilist üyelerinin bunu yapmayı seçtikleri uzun süre şaşırdım. І, я був фактично трохи здивований тим, що багато давніх учасників Linguist вибрали це зробити.

Steve: And, the members of course, we have a transition planned. |||члени групи||||||| Steve : Et, les membres bien sûr, nous avons une transition prévue. Стив: И, конечно же, у нас запланирован переход. Steve: Ve tabii ki üyeler, planlı bir geçişimiz var. Стив: І, звичайно, учасники, ми маємо запланований перехід. I think the idea is that when we formally switch over people have a choice of maintaining their, or having their Linguist data transferred over or else, in which case they would lose their LingQ data or else they keep their LingQ data. ||||||||||||||||збереження|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||formalmente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Creo que la idea es que cuando cambiamos formalmente, las personas tienen la opción de mantener sus datos o transferir sus datos de Linguist, en cuyo caso perderían sus datos de LingQ o conservarían sus datos de LingQ. Je pense que l'idée est que lorsque nous basculons officiellement, les gens ont le choix de conserver leurs données ou de faire transférer leurs données Linguist ou bien, auquel cas ils perdraient leurs données LingQ ou bien ils conserveraient leurs données LingQ. Bence fikrin şudur ki, resmi olarak değiştiğimizde, insanların kendi tercihlerini sürdürmeleri, ya da Dilbilimci verilerinin başka bir yere devredilmeleri ya da başka bir şekilde aktarmaları durumunda, bu durumda LingQ verilerini kaybedecekler ya da başka bir deyişle, LingQ verilerini saklayacaklar. Я думаю, що ідея полягає в тому, що коли ми формально перейдемо на нову платформу, люди матимуть вибір - зберігати свої дані LingQ або переносити їх, в іншому випадку вони втратять свої дані LingQ, або ж залишити їх у системі LingQ.

Mark: I just, I just wanted to mention that right now we’re talking about data transfer. Mark : Je voulais juste, je voulais juste mentionner qu'en ce moment nous parlons de transfert de données. Марк: Я просто хотів зазначити, що зараз ми говоримо про перенесення даних. We’re only talking about words and phrases, saved words and phrases and imported content. We have not yet looked into transferring over the other data but there is a chance we’ll be able to extract other data like writing samples, like more statistics but there is not guarantee and that is unlikely before the transfer or the August 1st switch over but it may happen in the future. ||||||||||||||||||||trích xuất||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||moving||||||||||||||||||||||data points||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||через|||||||||||||витягнути інші дані||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Aún no hemos estudiado la posibilidad de transferir los demás datos, pero existe la posibilidad de que podamos extraer otros datos, como muestras de escritura o más estadísticas, pero no hay garantía de que sea así y es poco probable que ocurra antes de la transferencia o del cambio del 1 de agosto, pero puede que ocurra en el futuro. Nous n'avons pas encore envisagé de transférer les autres données, mais il y a une chance que nous puissions extraire d'autres données comme l'écriture d'échantillons, comme plus de statistiques, mais il n'y a pas de garantie et c'est peu probable avant le transfert ou le basculement du 1er août. mais cela peut arriver dans le futur. Henüz diğer verileri aktarmayı düşünmüyoruz ancak yazı örnekleri ve daha fazla istatistik gibi diğer verileri elde etme şansımız var ancak bunun bir garantisi yok ve aktarımdan ya da 1 Ağustos'taki geçişten önce bu pek olası değil ancak gelecekte olabilir. So, for those of you who are wondering about your data we may be able to get more of it transferred over in the future. Donc, pour ceux d'entre vous qui s'interrogent sur vos données, nous pourrons peut-être en transférer davantage à l'avenir. Bu nedenle, verilerinizi merak edenler için gelecekte daha fazlasını devredebiliriz.

Jill: I would just like to add, because a couple of people have written to me asking whether their writing will be transferred over and as Mark said, we’re going to try but it may not happen so if anybody’s wondering they should save the writing in a word processing program like Word so they’ll always have it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||word processing|||||||| Jill : Je voudrais juste ajouter, parce que quelques personnes m'ont écrit pour me demander si leur écriture serait transférée et comme Mark l'a dit, nous allons essayer, mais cela n'arrivera peut-être pas, donc si quelqu'un se demande s'il devrait enregistrer le écrire dans un programme de traitement de texte comme Word pour qu'ils l'aient toujours. Jill: Sadece eklemek istiyorum, çünkü birkaç kişi bana yazdıklarını sorar ve Mark'ın söylediği gibi, biz de deneriz, ama deneyeceğiz, ama eğer kimse eğer Word gibi bir kelime işlem programında yazmak, böylece her zaman sahip olacaklardır. Steve: What happens to imported content? Steve: İçeri aktarılan içeriğe ne oluyor?

Mark: Well, as I just said, that imported content and saved words and phrases are the two things that we will transfer over on August 1st. Mark : Eh bien, comme je viens de le dire, le contenu importé et les mots et expressions enregistrés sont les deux éléments que nous transférerons le 1er août. Mark: Eh, dediğim gibi, içeri aktarılan içerik ve kaydedilen sözcükler ve ifadeler, 1 Ağustos'ta devredeceğimiz iki şey.

Steve: Now this has been a long struggle. |||||||борьба |||||||lutte |||||||luta |||||||боротьба Steve : Cela a été une longue lutte. Steve: Şimdi bu uzun bir mücadele oldu. Стив: Це була довга боротьба. What have been some of the biggest difficulties in terms of, I mean I know a little earlier we heard that there were some functions that worked in one browser and didn’t work in another browser. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||瀏覽器|||||| Quelles ont été certaines des plus grandes difficultés en termes de, je veux dire, je sais un peu plus tôt, nous avons entendu dire qu'il y avait certaines fonctions qui fonctionnaient dans un navigateur et ne fonctionnaient pas dans un autre navigateur. En büyük zorluklardan bazıları neydi, demek istediğim biraz önce, bir tarayıcıda çalışan ve başka bir tarayıcıda çalışmayan bazı işlevler olduğunu duydum. Які були найбільші труднощі, я маю на увазі, я знаю трохи раніше, ми почули про те, що деякі функції працювали в одному браузері, а в іншому - ні. It just seems like there are so many variables and uncertainties. ||||||||các biến số|| ||||||||||incertidumbres It just seems like there are so many variables and uncertainties. Simplemente parece que hay tantas variables e incertidumbres. Çok fazla değişken ve belirsizlik varmış gibi görünüyor. Здається, що є так багато змінних і невизначеностей. Is this a new experience for you?

Mark: Yeah, I mean when we developed the Linguist site, probably Fire Fox was not as popular. Mark : Ouais, je veux dire quand nous avons développé le site Linguist, Fire Fox n'était probablement pas aussi populaire. Mark: Evet, yani Linguist sitesini geliştirdiğimizde muhtemelen Fire Fox bu kadar popüler değildi. Certainly everybody here was using Internet Explorer to develop on and so we tended to have problems with Fire Fox and not with Internet Explorer. |||||||||||||обычно||||||||||| |||||||||||||usually had||||||||||| Звісно|||||||||||||мали схильність||||||||||| Certes, tout le monde ici utilisait Internet Explorer pour développer et nous avions donc tendance à avoir des problèmes avec Fire Fox et non avec Internet Explorer. Buradaki herkes geliştirme yapmak için Internet Explorer kullanıyordu ve bu nedenle Internet Explorer ile değil Fire Fox ile sorun yaşama eğilimindeydik. But, for whatever reason we seem to all be on Fire Fox, especially of course Mike who’s doing most of the programming so that now we have had problems with making it work in Internet Explorer and almost not realizing, whoops, we forget to check that, which maybe I shouldn’t be telling everything but, you know. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||không nhận ra|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oups||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ups se me pasó||||||||||||||| Mais, pour une raison quelconque, nous semblons tous être sur Fire Fox, en particulier bien sûr Mike qui fait la plupart de la programmation, de sorte que maintenant nous avons eu des problèmes pour le faire fonctionner dans Internet Explorer et nous ne réalisons presque pas, oups, nous oublions de vérifier que , que je ne devrais peut-être pas tout dire mais, vous savez. Mas, por alguma razão, parece que todos nós estamos no Fire Fox, especialmente é claro Mike que está fazendo a maior parte da programação, então agora tivemos problemas em fazê-la funcionar no Internet Explorer e quase não percebemos, opa, esquecemos de verificar isso , que talvez eu não devesse contar tudo, mas, você sabe. Ancak, her nedense hepimiz Fire Fox'tayız, özellikle de programlamanın çoğunu yapan Mike, bu yüzden şimdi Internet Explorer'da çalışmasını sağlamakla ilgili sorunlarımız var ve neredeyse fark etmiyoruz, whoops, bunu kontrol etmeyi unutuyoruz, belki de her şeyi söylememeliyim ama bilirsiniz.

My understanding is Internet Explorer is not necessarily that easy to work with so, but since 65%-70% of web users use Internet Explorer obviously it’s got to work for Internet Explorer. Tengo entendido que no es necesariamente tan fácil trabajar con Internet Explorer, pero dado que entre el 65 % y el 70 % de los usuarios de Internet usan Internet Explorer, obviamente tiene que funcionar para Internet Explorer. Ma compréhension est qu'Internet Explorer n'est pas nécessairement si facile à utiliser, mais puisque 65% à 70% des utilisateurs Web utilisent Internet Explorer, il doit évidemment fonctionner pour Internet Explorer. Anladığım kadarıyla Internet Explorer ile çalışmak o kadar da kolay değil, ancak web kullanıcılarının %65-%70'i Internet Explorer kullandığına göre, Internet Explorer için çalışması gerekiyor. Yeah, that’s been our challenge. I wouldn’t say an overwhelming challenge but it has been a challenge. ||||avassaladora||||||| ||||переважний|||||||

Steve: Now, of course if we talk about Internet Explorer and Fire Fox and we’re talking about all these computer terms how many of our learners are actually not very familiar with the computer, maybe don’t even know that there’s another web browser? Steve : Maintenant, bien sûr, si nous parlons d'Internet Explorer et de Fire Fox et de tous ces termes informatiques, combien de nos apprenants ne sont en fait pas très familiers avec l'ordinateur, ne savent peut-être même pas qu'il existe un autre navigateur Web ? Steve: Şimdi, tabii ki Internet Explorer ve Fire Fox hakkında konuşuyorsak ve tüm bu bilgisayar terimlerinden bahsediyorsak, öğrencilerimizin kaçı aslında bilgisayara pek aşina değil, belki başka bir web tarayıcısı olduğunu bile bilmiyor? I mean you talk to them. Je veux dire, tu leur parles. Yani onlarla konuşuyorsun. Do you get a lot of people who are sort of neophytes who are not at all familiar with the computer or are most of our learners very familiar with the computer? |||||||||||новички|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||newcomers|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||neófitos|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||người mới bắt đầu|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||新手|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||初心者|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||neófitos|||||||||||||||||||| Avez-vous beaucoup de gens qui sont en quelque sorte des néophytes qui ne connaissent pas du tout l'ordinateur ou la plupart de nos apprenants sont-ils très familiers avec l'ordinateur ? Bilgisayara hiç aşina olmayan çok sayıda acemi insanla mı karşılaşıyorsunuz yoksa öğrencilerimizin çoğu bilgisayara çok aşina mı?

Jill: There are some people who aren’t familiar at all and for sure have never heard of Fire Fox but there are some who are already using Fire Fox and, or if they’re not, if you tell them to download it they’re happy to do it. Jill : Il y a des gens qui ne connaissent pas du tout et qui n'ont certainement jamais entendu parler de Fire Fox, mais il y en a qui utilisent déjà Fire Fox et, ou s'ils ne l'utilisent pas, si vous leur dites de le télécharger, ils ' suis heureux de le faire. It’s a free download. It’s very easy and it really does work a lot better than Internet Explorer. Es muy fácil y realmente funciona mucho mejor que Internet Explorer. And, you know me, I don’t like change and so, I always used Internet Explorer and I really resisted using Fire Fox for whatever reason and I would not go back now. ||||||||||||користувався||||||||||||||||||| Et, vous me connaissez, je n'aime pas le changement et donc, j'ai toujours utilisé Internet Explorer et j'ai vraiment résisté à utiliser Fire Fox pour une raison quelconque et je n'y retournerais pas maintenant. Ve beni bilirsiniz, değişiklikten hoşlanmam ve bu yüzden her zaman Internet Explorer kullandım ve Fire Fox'u kullanmaya her nedense gerçekten direndim ve şimdi geri dönmeyeceğim. But, I think a lot of people don’t know about Fire Fox because just with our tutors we were having some issues in our, in LingQ with Internet Explorer, for them to be able to post discussions and so I told, I suggested that they all get Fire Fox and almost every one of them wrote back saying they’d never heard of Fire Fox and would it interfere with Internet Explorer and this and that. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gây cản trở||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||interfere with|using|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||заважати||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||влиять на||||||| Mais, je pense que beaucoup de gens ne connaissent pas Fire Fox parce qu'avec nos tuteurs, nous avions quelques problèmes dans notre, dans LingQ avec Internet Explorer, pour qu'ils puissent publier des discussions et donc j'ai dit, j'ai suggéré que ils obtiennent tous Fire Fox et presque chacun d'entre eux a répondu en disant qu'ils n'avaient jamais entendu parler de Fire Fox et qu'il interférerait avec Internet Explorer et ceci et cela. Ancak, bence pek çok insan Fire Fox'u bilmiyor çünkü sadece öğretmenlerimizle LingQ'da Internet Explorer ile bazı sorunlar yaşıyorduk, tartışmaları gönderebilmeleri için ve ben de hepsine Fire Fox'u almalarını önerdim ve neredeyse her biri Fire Fox'u hiç duymadıklarını ve Internet Explorer ile etkileşime girip girmeyeceğini ve bunun gibi şeyleri söyleyerek geri yazdı. And, I explained that no, you can actually have both browsers. ||||||||||瀏覽器 Ben de hayır, aslında her iki tarayıcıya da sahip olabileceğinizi açıkladım. I have both on my computer and I still use Internet Explorer sometimes, mostly to check out site but, so I think a lot of people are not familiar with it. J'ai les deux sur mon ordinateur et j'utilise encore parfois Internet Explorer, principalement pour consulter le site, mais je pense donc que beaucoup de gens ne le connaissent pas. Bilgisayarımda her ikisi de var ve hala bazen Internet Explorer kullanıyorum, çoğunlukla sitelere bakmak için ama sanırım pek çok insan buna aşina değil.

Mark: I don’t know, absolutely I think that’s the case. Mark: Bilmiyorum, kesinlikle böyle olduğunu düşünüyorum. Statistics tell us that 65%-70% at least Internet Explorer. İstatistikler bize en az %65-%70 oranında Internet Explorer kullanıldığını söylüyor. The percentage of Fire Fox users has been growing steadily. |||||||||de forma constante |||||||||постійно El porcentaje de usuarios del Zorro de Fuego no ha dejado de crecer. And, what I’m definitely am starting to see on the Internet, in my opinion, that many sites seem to work better in Fire Fox because I think computer people, developers use Fire Fox and so they end up making it work for Fire Fox and then having to tweak it to get it to work for Internet Explorer so that very often things seem to appear better in Fire Fox to me. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||настраивать||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ajuster||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||adjust||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ajustar||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chỉnh sửa||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||налаштовувати||||||||||||||||||||||| Y, lo que definitivamente estoy empezando a ver en Internet, en mi opinión, es que muchos sitios parecen funcionar mejor en Fire Fox porque creo que la gente de informática, los desarrolladores utilizan Fire Fox y así acaban haciendo que funcione para Fire Fox y luego tienen que ajustarlo para que funcione para Internet Explorer, por lo que muy a menudo las cosas parecen aparecer mejor en Fire Fox para mí. Et, ce que je commence définitivement à voir sur Internet, à mon avis, que de nombreux sites semblent mieux fonctionner dans Fire Fox parce que je pense que les informaticiens, les développeurs utilisent Fire Fox et qu'ils finissent par le faire fonctionner pour Fire Fox et ensuite devoir le modifier pour le faire fonctionner pour Internet Explorer afin que très souvent les choses semblent mieux m'apparaître dans Fire Fox. İnternette kesinlikle görmeye başladığım şey, bence, birçok sitenin Fire Fox'ta daha iyi çalıştığıdır çünkü bence bilgisayarcılar, geliştiriciler Fire Fox'u kullanıyorlar ve böylece Fire Fox için çalışmasını sağlıyorlar ve daha sonra Internet Explorer için çalışmasını sağlamak için ince ayar yapmak zorunda kalıyorlar, bu yüzden çoğu zaman şeyler bana Fire Fox'ta daha iyi görünüyor. That’s just an observation. Bu sadece bir gözlem.

Steve: Well at the risk of making this seem like an ad for Fire Fox, I must say that I have gone to Fire Fox and have never looked back and my computer seems to crash less often and I just couldn’t be happier. |||||||||||реклама|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||перейшов на|||||||||||||||||||||| Steve : Eh bien, au risque de donner l'impression que cela ressemble à une publicité pour Fire Fox, je dois dire que je suis allé chez Fire Fox et que je n'ai jamais regardé en arrière et que mon ordinateur semble planter moins souvent et je ne pourrais tout simplement pas être plus heureux. Steve: Correndo o risco de fazer isso parecer um anúncio do Fire Fox, devo dizer que fui ao Fire Fox e nunca olhei para trás e meu computador parece travar com menos frequência e eu simplesmente não poderia estar mais feliz. Стив: Рискуя показаться рекламой Fire Fox, я должен сказать, что я перешел на Fire Fox и никогда не оглядывался назад, мой компьютер стал реже выходить из строя, и я просто не могу быть счастлив. Steve: Bunu Fire Fox'un reklamı gibi gösterme riskini göze alarak söylemeliyim ki Fire Fox'a geçtim ve asla arkama bakmadım ve bilgisayarım daha az çöküyor gibi görünüyor ve daha mutlu olamazdım. But, I’m sure there are people who are very happy with Internet Explorer.

But anyway, that’s been an interesting little discussion about LingQ and I think we can perhaps have some more.