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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Fifty-seven: Jill and Steve Fashion and Trends Discussion

Fifty-seven: Jill and Steve Fashion and Trends Discussion

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hi Steve.

Steve: Jill, fashion. You're a very fashionable lady and I like the outfit that you have on today. I'm just wondering at what age did you start getting interested in fashion?

Jill: I think that I was interested from an early age. In elementary school I always wanted to wear whatever was in style, whatever trend was fashionable and always wanted pretty dresses and pretty bows and clips for my hair and shoes and always wanted things to be matching. I never wanted just to throw on a pair of grungy jeans and a T-shirt and even if I was just going outside to play I kind of always liked to wear pretty things.

Steve: Well, you know I had two boys and so we didn't have any girls in the family, but now I have three granddaughters and my oldest granddaughter is going to be 10, in fact, tomorrow. And, she doesn't talk a lot about fashion, but she's interested in her Barbie dolls, but she's naturally very fashionable. I think she dresses very well. To me she looks very elegant for a little 10 year old.

But, fashions come and go. Now how do you, how do you decide, like for men it's quite simple. There's, you know, the lapel gets wider; it gets narrower. End of story. That's right, every ten years you throw your suits away. But, and people don't even wear jackets any more, but the fashions for men is pretty basic.

How does a woman, I mean there's so many different styles and there's older styles. Do you always try to have the latest thing or how do you sort through all this stuff?

Jill: Well I think it gets really expensive for women, because there are so many different shoes. There's flat shoes, you've got shoes for all different purposes and occasions and colors and so I think that a lot of women have at least 20, 40, 50 pairs of shoes. Very common, which is expensive and clothes.

Certain things seem to stay in style for two or three years and then sort of fade for a while and then come back. For me personally, I'm sort of a fairly conservative, traditional type dresser. I like to buy things that are not really faddy, that are not, as in f-a-d, that are not really trendy necessarily, that I think are going to last a long time. Like more of a classic look;, you know, jackets that I think I'll still be able to wear five years or ten years down the road, because I like nice things.

I like the quality to be nice, but I don't want to pay a lot of money for something I'm only going to like for a year. So, if something is, right now we've got this big 80s trend in Vancouver at least. I think probably in North America and the big wide belts and the big belts over the shirts and tight little leggings and long kind of shirts almost as a dress and all of these sorts of things that were in style when I was in elementary school in the 80s.

And I have to say it hasn't really grown on me. I don't really like most of it, but I see people dressed like that all the time. And, the odd thing I do like, I will buy, I'll find something that's inexpensive, because I don't want to spend a lot on something that's going to be out of style very quickly.

So, if its something that I think is going to last I don't mind paying for it, but if it's just a passing fancy, a passing trend I will either not buy a lot or buy stuff that's quite inexpensive.

Steve: So, do you read fashion magazines? Do you read all these magazines that I see when I'm in the drug store or at the supermarket?

Jill: The odd time I buy one if I'm going to be on a ferry or on a plane or something, but in general, no I don't. I don't buy them.

Steve: So, how do you make up your mind? You just spend some time in stores and what kind of stores do you go to?

Jill: I think that's the key, is that there are certain stores that I know I like and I have liked for a lot of years and so I kind of return to those stores. And, they are more of the, they reflect my personality. They are fairly, they can be nice clothes, but they're not overly crazy and trendy necessarily. I go for stuff that's sort of classic looking I think.

Steve: Now, when you buy something new, does that mean immediately that everything you already own you no longer like or you can't wear anymore? Does that happen to some extent?

Jill: When I buy something new I probably tend to wear it for, quite often for a while, but then I get tired of it as well and I go back to my old stuff and so I definitely don't get rid of my older stuff.

Steve: Now, do you think women dress for men or for other women?

Jill: Honestly, I think in my case it's probably more for other women to be honest. My husband doesn't care. I mean, he does actually. He likes to shop with me, because he, he really likes certain things and dislikes certain things and we have pretty similar taste and he has some really nice clothes. He cares also about nice clothes, but I mean, I could wear anything and he wouldn't care really.

So, I think, I do think it's actually more for women.

Steve: Well, I would say that women are much more observant. They'll notice that so and so had this color. Like my wife will come home and say did you see the shoes she was wearing? Are you kidding me? , you know, the shoes and the handbag and the this and the that, but if we see someone whose clothes make her look nice, whatever it is, oh that looks nice. But, I think men would not notice whether her shoes matched her handbag, would not notice.

But, they might notice if she looked very elegant or whatever. And, as far as men looking at men, if somebody had a very, you know rumpled old suit or a very, you know ugly tie; they'd notice otherwise I don't think they pay much attention.

I think though that men, he's probably, is quite conscious of what you're wearing. Men, you know, because men want their wives to be dressed the way they like. So, you could have a situation, I mean you say that you and Chris have similar tastes. If you had very different tastes, let's say you like to dress in wild colors and he didn't like that he wouldn't like it and you'd find out about it.

Jill: Oh yeah.

Steve: I think and you wouldn't be very happy to hear from him.

Jill: That's right and there's already things that I'll bring home that maybe I've bought sort of on a whim or didn't really love it, but just thought it'll do and it wasn't that expensive and every time I bring home something like that, that I wasn't sure about he never likes it. I don't tell him I wasn't sure about it, but it just goes to show that he kind of has the same feeling and then he tells me no, I really don't like that or it doesn't do this for you or whatever. Then that's all I need to hear and I take it back.

Steve: Does it ever happen that you're going out and he says are you going to wear that?

Jill: You know it has happened before. Or, actually he'll say, he'll be a little more diplomatic and say something like oh what about wearing this or I really like this and I think that's his way of saying I prefer something else.

Steve: So, what you're telling me is that he does care what you wear. He cares.

Jill: He does, but I mean, day to day if I just wore jeans and a T-shirt every, it really wouldn't matter. If we're going out somewhere.

Steve: So, that's the thing you see. I think that's the way men are. What you wear around the house doesn't matter. You can walk around in your pajamas all day, it wouldn't matter. But when you're going out and you're going to be in front of other people he feels that he has the right to influence what you wear. Do you feel the same way about him?

Jill: Oh for sure. Oh yeah. I mean fortunately I really like his taste and I think he has a lot of nice clothes so most of the time I like what he puts together. I certainly don't pick outfits out for him, at all. I know some women do that and tie their husband's ties and whatever. Absolutely not. He definitely does all that.

But, I have things that I like better than others and so sometimes I'll say, he'll wear something, I don't dislike it, but I like something else better. So I'll say well actually I really like this shirt. He'll say oh yeah? Better than this one? I'll say yeah and he'll probably change.

Steve: Very good. So, what is fashion? Is it just vanity? Is it a spice in life, you know something that, I mean everything that we can get interested in and, which brings us pleasure whether it be food or books or movies or languages or anything else, why not fashion? If we all walked around in what is it? Sackcloth and ashes or in potato bags that would make things a lot less interesting so fashion is not such a bad thing.

I guess it can be overdone. But, it's probably a positive thing. Let me ask you this. If you, does it ever happen that you're feeling a little bit glum and you buy a nice outfit and you just, it really picks you up? Does that?

Jill: Oh for sure. I shop definitely, I think shopping is my drug and when I'm, if I'm down or I don't even know. Not even necessarily down, but just needing something different I will go shopping. That's the thing I do, is I shop and I shop way too much actually. And, then I buy something and it's like, I feel like a different person, but what I do, which is bad, is I often know that I don't really need that thing, that item.

So, maybe it's good actually. I will very often keep that for a while and within a week I realize, you know the excitement's gone. I haven't even worn it and I'll take it back to the store and then I get my money back.

Steve: Bad girl. Alright. Well maybe we'll end our discussion on fashion there. Next time you can ask me about my taste in fashion.

Jill: Great.

Steve: Thank you Jill.

Jill: Thank you. Bye.

Steve: Bye.

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Fifty-seven: Jill and Steve Fashion and Trends Discussion ||||||||时尚讨论 سبعة وخمسون: مناقشة جيل وستيف للأزياء والاتجاهات Siebenundfünfzig: Jill und Steve diskutieren über Mode und Trends Cincuenta y siete: Jill y Steve Debate sobre moda y tendencias Cinquante-sept : Jill et Steve Discussion sur la mode et les tendances Cinquantasette: Jill e Steve Discussione su moda e tendenze フィフティーセブンジル&スティーブ ファッション・トレンド座談会 쉰일곱: 질과 스티브의 패션과 트렌드 토론 Pięćdziesiąt siedem: Dyskusja o modzie i trendach Jill i Steve'a Cinquenta e sete: Jill e Steve Debate sobre moda e tendências Пятьдесят семь: Обсуждение моды и тенденций Джилл и Стива Femtiosju: Jill och Steve Diskussion om mode och trender Elli yedi: Jill ve Steve Moda ve Trendler Tartışması П'ятдесят сім: Джилл і Стів обговорюють моду та тренди 五十七:吉尔和史蒂夫时尚和趋势讨论 五十七:吉爾和史蒂夫時尚和趨勢討論

Steve: Hi Jill.

Jill: Hi Steve.

Steve: Jill, fashion. ستيف: جيل، الموضة. Jill, la moda. You're a very fashionable lady and I like the outfit that you have on today. |||||||||穿着||||| |||||et||||||||| |||||||||穿著||||| أنت سيدة عصرية جدًا وأنا أحب الزي الذي ترتديه اليوم. Du bist eine sehr modische Frau und ich mag das Outfit, das du heute an hast. I'm just wondering at what age did you start getting interested in fashion? ||好奇|||||||||| أنا فقط أتساءل في أي عمر بدأت الاهتمام بالموضة؟

Jill: I think that I was interested from an early age. |||||đã||||| جيل: أعتقد أنني كنت مهتمًا منذ سن مبكرة. Jill: Ich glaube, ich war schon in jungen Jahren interessiert. In elementary school I always wanted to wear whatever was in style, whatever trend was fashionable and always wanted pretty dresses and pretty bows and clips for my hair and shoes and always wanted things to be matching. |||||||||||||||||||||||ruy băng||cái kẹp|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||nœuds||pinces|||||||||||| في المدرسة الابتدائية، كنت أرغب دائمًا في ارتداء كل ما يناسب الموضة، ومهما كان الاتجاه السائد، وأردت دائمًا فساتين جميلة وأقواسًا جميلة ومشابك لشعري وأحذيتي، وأردت دائمًا أن تكون الأشياء متطابقة. In der Grundschule wollte ich immer tragen, was immer stilvoll war, welcher Trend in Mode war und wollte immer hübsche Kleider und hübsche Schleifen und Clips für meine Haare und Schuhe und wollte immer, dass die Dinge zusammenpassen. En la escuela primaria siempre quería llevar lo que estuviera de moda, lo que estuviera de moda y siempre quería vestidos bonitos y lazos bonitos y pinzas para el pelo y zapatos y siempre quería que las cosas fueran a juego. 小学生のとき、私はいつも流行の流行を問わずどんなものでも着たいと思っていて、いつも髪と靴にきれいなドレスと弓とクリップを欲しがっていて、いつも物事が調和していることを望んでいました。 У початковій школі я завжди хотіла носити все, що було модно, будь-яка модна тенденція, і завжди хотіла гарних суконь, гарних бантів і затискачів для волосся та взуття, і завжди хотіла, щоб речі підходили. I never wanted just to throw on a pair of grungy jeans and a T-shirt and even if I was just going outside to play I kind of always liked to wear pretty things. ||||||||||邋遢的|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||usées|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||汚れた|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||desaliñados|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||bẩn thỉu|||||||||||||||||||||||| Nunca quise ponerme unos vaqueros sucios y una camiseta, y aunque solo fuera a jugar, siempre me gustaba llevar cosas bonitas. 汚れたジーンズとTシャツを着たくなかったので、外に出て遊んでも、いつもかわいいものを着るのが好きでした。 Ik wilde nooit zomaar een grungy spijkerbroek en een T-shirt aantrekken en zelfs als ik gewoon naar buiten ging om te spelen, vond ik het altijd leuk om mooie dingen te dragen. Asla sadece bir çift grungy kot pantolon ve tişört atmak istemedim ve dışarıda oynamak için çıksam bile, her zaman hoş şeyler giymeyi severdim.

Steve: Well, you know I had two boys and so we didn't have any girls in the family, but now I have three granddaughters and my oldest granddaughter is going to be 10, in fact, tomorrow. |||||||||||||||||||||||孫女們||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||孫娘||||||||||| And, she doesn't talk a lot about fashion, but she's interested in her Barbie dolls, but she's naturally very fashionable. ||||||||||||||dolls||||| |||||||||||||バービー|||||| |||||||||||||Barbie|muñecas Barbie||||| Und sie redet nicht viel über Mode, aber sie interessiert sich für ihre Barbie-Puppen, aber sie ist natürlich sehr modisch. I think she dresses very well. Creo que viste muy bien. To me she looks very elegant for a little 10 year old. Bana göre 10 yaşındaki bir çocuk için çok zarif görünüyor.

But, fashions come and go. |流行||| Ancak, moda gelip gider. Now how do you, how do you decide, like for men it's quite simple. |||||||||||它是|| There's, you know, the lapel gets wider; it gets narrower. ||||翻領|||||變窄 ||||revers|||||plus étroit ||||solapa||||| ||||ve áo||||| La solapa se ensancha y se estrecha. Biliyorsun, yaka genişliyor; daralır. Там, знаєте, відворот стає ширшим; він стає вужчим. End of story. That's right, every ten years you throw your suits away. Así es, cada diez años tiras tus trajes. Bu doğru, her on yılda bir takım elbiselerini atıyorsun. But, and people don't even wear jackets any more, but the fashions for men is pretty basic. しかし、人々はもはやジャケットさえ着ていませんが、男性のファッションはかなり基本的です。 Fakat insanlar artık ceket bile giymiyorlar, ama erkekler için modası oldukça basit.

How does a woman, I mean there's so many different styles and there's older styles. Do you always try to have the latest thing or how do you sort through all this stuff? ¿Siempre intenta tener lo último o cómo se las arregla para tenerlo todo? Her zaman en son şeye sahip olmayı dener misin yoksa bütün bu şeyleri nasıl sıralarsın?

Jill: Well I think it gets really expensive for women, because there are so many different shoes. There's flat shoes, you've got shoes for all different purposes and occasions and colors and so I think that a lot of women have at least 20, 40, 50 pairs of shoes. Düz ayakkabılar var, farklı amaç ve durumlar ve renkler için ayakkabınız var ve bence birçok kadının en az 20, 40, 50 çift ayakkabısı var. Є взуття на плоскій підошві, у вас є взуття для різних цілей, випадків і кольорів, тому я думаю, що багато жінок мають принаймні 20, 40, 50 пар взуття. Very common, which is expensive and clothes. Sehr häufig, die teuer ist und Kleidung. Çok yaygın, pahalı ve kıyafet.

Certain things seem to stay in style for two or three years and then sort of fade for a while and then come back. ||||||||||||||||to fade||||||| Ciertas cosas parecen estar de moda durante dos o tres años y luego se desvanecen por un tiempo y luego vuelven. Bazı şeyler iki ya da üç yıl boyunca tarz olarak kalıyor ve ardından bir süre soluyor ve sonra geri dönüyor. Деякі речі, здається, залишаються в моді протягом двох-трьох років, потім на деякий час зникають, а потім повертаються. For me personally, I'm sort of a fairly conservative, traditional type dresser. |||||||||||vestimenta Personalmente, soy bastante conservadora y tradicional. 私個人的には、かなり保守的で伝統的なタイプのドレッサーです。 Şahsen benim için oldukça muhafazakar, geleneksel tip bir şifoniyerim. Особисто для мене я досить консервативний, традиційний одяг. I like to buy things that are not really faddy, that are not, as in f-a-d, that are not really trendy necessarily, that I think are going to last a long time. |||||||||tendanciel|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||trendy = fashionable||||||||||| |||||||||趕時髦的|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||thịnh hành|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||流行に流されない|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||de moda|||||||||||||de moda||||||||||| Ik koop graag dingen die niet echt modieus zijn, die niet, zoals in rage, niet echt trendy zijn, waarvan ik denk dat ze lang meegaan. Gerçekten soluk olmayan, solgun olmayan, mutlaka modaya uygun olmayan, uzun süre dayanacağını düşündüğüm şeyler almayı seviyorum. Я люблю купувати речі, які не дуже модні, які не є, як у моді, які не обов’язково є модними, які, на мою думку, прослужать довго. Like more of a classic look;, you know, jackets that I think I'll still be able to wear five years or ten years down the road, because I like nice things. |thích hơn||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Me gusta más un look clásico; ya sabes, chaquetas que creo que podré seguir llevando dentro de cinco o diez años, porque me gustan las cosas bonitas.

I like the quality to be nice, but I don't want to pay a lot of money for something I'm only going to like for a year. Me gusta que la calidad sea buena, pero no quiero pagar mucho dinero por algo que sólo me va a gustar un año. 私は品質が良いのが好きですが、1年間だけ好きになるものに多額のお金を払いたくありません。 Kalitenin iyi olmasını seviyorum, ancak yalnızca bir yıl boyunca seveceğim bir şey için çok para ödemek istemiyorum. So, if something is, right now we've got this big 80s trend in Vancouver at least. ですから、何かがあったとしても、少なくともバンクーバーでは、この80年代の大きなトレンドがあります。 Öyleyse, eğer bir şey varsa, şu anda en azından Vancouver’da bu büyük 80’lik eğilime sahibiz. I think probably in North America and the big wide belts and the big belts over the shirts and tight little leggings and long kind of shirts almost as a dress and all of these sorts of things that were in style when I was in elementary school in the 80s. |||||||||||||||||||||緊身褲||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||ベルト|||||||レギンス||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||mallas|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

And I have to say it hasn't really grown on me. ||||||||thích hơn|| Y tengo que decir que no me ha gustado mucho. Ve şunu söylemeliyim ki, benden gerçekten büyümüş değil. I don't really like most of it, but I see people dressed like that all the time. あまり好きではありませんが、いつもそういう格好の人がいます。 And, the odd thing I do like, I will buy, I'll find something that's inexpensive, because I don't want to spend a lot on something that's going to be out of style very quickly. Y, alguna que otra cosa que me guste, compraré, encontraré algo que sea barato, porque no quiero gastar mucho en algo que va a pasar de moda muy rápidamente. Ve sevdiğim tuhaf şey, satın alacağım, ucuz olan bir şey bulacağım, çünkü çok hızlı bir şekilde modası geçecek bir şey için fazla harcama yapmak istemiyorum.

So, if its something that I think is going to last I don't mind paying for it, but if it's just a passing fancy, a passing trend I will either not buy a lot or buy stuff that's quite inexpensive. ||||||||||||||||||||||tạm thời||||||||||||||||| Así que, si es algo que creo que va a durar, no me importa pagar por ello, pero si es sólo una moda pasajera, una tendencia pasajera, no compraré mucho o compraré cosas que sean bastante baratas. だから、もしそれが長続きすると思うなら、それを払ってもかまいませんが、それがただの空想であり過ぎる傾向であるなら、私はたくさんは買わないか、かなり安いものを買うでしょう。 Dus als het iets is waarvan ik denk dat het lang meegaat, vind ik het niet erg om ervoor te betalen, maar als het slechts een voorbijgaande fantasie is, een voorbijgaande trend, zal ik ofwel niet veel kopen of dingen kopen die vrij goedkoop zijn. Так, если это что-то, что, по моему мнению, прослужит долго, я не против заплатить за это, но если это просто мимолетное увлечение, мимолетная тенденция, то я либо не буду покупать много, либо куплю то, что стоит совсем недорого. Bu yüzden, süreceğini düşündüğüm bir şey varsa, bunun bedelini ödemeyi umursamıyorum, ama bu sadece bir fanteziyse, geçen bir trend ya çok fazla almayacağım ya da oldukça ucuz olan bir şeyler alacağım.

Steve: So, do you read fashion magazines? Do you read all these magazines that I see when I'm in the drug store or at the supermarket? ¿Lees todas esas revistas que veo cuando estoy en la farmacia o en el supermercado? Eczanedeyken veya markette olduğumda gördüğüm tüm dergileri okur musun?

Jill: The odd time I buy one if I'm going to be on a ferry or on a plane or something, but in general, no I don't. Jill: De ene keer koop ik er een als ik op een veerboot of in een vliegtuig zit of zoiets, maar over het algemeen doe ik dat niet. Джил: В редких случаях я покупаю его, если собираюсь плыть на пароме или лететь на самолете, но в целом - нет, не покупаю. Jill: Bir feribotla veya uçakla veya başka bir şeyle gideceksem, bir tane alacağım tuhaf bir zaman, ama genel olarak, hayır. I don't buy them.

Steve: So, how do you make up your mind? Steve: Entonces, ¿cómo te decides? Стив: Итак, как вы принимаете решение? Steve: Peki, kararını nasıl veriyorsun? Стів: Отже, як ти приймаєш рішення? You just spend some time in stores and what kind of stores do you go to? 店で時間を過ごすだけで、どんな店に行きますか?

Jill: I think that's the key, is that there are certain stores that I know I like and I have liked for a lot of years and so I kind of return to those stores. ジル:それが鍵だと思います。好きな店があり、長年愛用している店があるので、そういう店に戻ってきました。 Jill: Bence anahtar bu, sevdiğimden emin olduğum ve yıllarca hoşlandığım bazı mağazalar olduğu için bu mağazalara geri döndüm. And, they are more of the, they reflect my personality. そして、彼らはより多くの、彼らは私の性格を反映しています。 They are fairly, they can be nice clothes, but they're not overly crazy and trendy necessarily. |||||||||||too|||trendy| Son bastante, pueden ser prendas bonitas, pero no son excesivamente locas y modernas necesariamente. I go for stuff that's sort of classic looking I think.

Steve: Now, when you buy something new, does that mean immediately that everything you already own you no longer like or you can't wear anymore? Steve: Ahora bien, cuando compras algo nuevo, ¿significa eso inmediatamente que todo lo que ya tienes ya no te gusta o ya no puedes ponértelo? スティーブ:さて、あなたが何か新しいものを買うとき、それはすぐにあなたがすでに所有しているすべてのものがあなたがもはや好きではなくなったか、もはやもう着ることができないことを意味しますか? Does that happen to some extent? Gebeurt dat tot op zekere hoogte? Це певною мірою відбувається?

Jill: When I buy something new I probably tend to wear it for, quite often for a while, but then I get tired of it as well and I go back to my old stuff and so I definitely don't get rid of my older stuff. Jill: Yeni bir şey aldığımda, muhtemelen bir süre için sıklıkla giyerim, ama sonra da bıktım ve eski eşyalarıma geri döndüm ve bu yüzden kesinlikle eskilerimden kurtulmam şey.

Steve: Now, do you think women dress for men or for other women? Steve: Ahora, ¿crees que las mujeres se visten para los hombres o para otras mujeres? スティーブ:さて、あなたは女性が男性または他の女性のために服を着ると思いますか? Steve: Şimdi, kadınların erkekler için mi yoksa diğer kadınlar için mi giyindiğini düşünüyorsun?

Jill: Honestly, I think in my case it's probably more for other women to be honest. ジル:正直なところ、私の場合、他の女性の方が正直であるほうがいいと思います。 Jill: Dürüst olmak gerekirse, benim durumumda diğer kadınların dürüst olması daha muhtemel. My husband doesn't care. Kocam umursamıyor. I mean, he does actually. Yani aslında öyle. He likes to shop with me, because he, he really likes certain things and dislikes certain things and we have pretty similar taste and he has some really nice clothes. ||||||||||||||不喜歡||||||||||||||| Benimle alışveriş yapmayı seviyor, çünkü o, bazı şeyleri gerçekten çok seviyor ve bazı şeyleri sevmiyor ve oldukça benzer bir tada sahibiz ve gerçekten çok hoş kıyafetleri var. He cares also about nice clothes, but I mean, I could wear anything and he wouldn't care really. A él también le importa la ropa bonita, pero yo podría ponerme cualquier cosa y a él no le importaría. 彼は素敵な服も気にしていますが、私は何でも着ることができ、彼は本当に気にしませんでした。 Güzel kıyafetlerle de ilgileniyor, ama demek istediğim, bir şey giyebilirim ve gerçekten umursamaz.

So, I think, I do think it's actually more for women. Yani bence, kadınlar için daha fazla olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Steve: Well, I would say that women are much more observant. ||||||||||nhạy bén ||||||||||observant = paying attention スティーブ:まあ、私は女性がはるかに注意深いと思います。 Steve: Pekala, kadınların çok daha dikkatli olduklarını söyleyebilirim. They'll notice that so and so had this color. Se darán cuenta de que fulanito tenía este color. Bunu ve böylece de bu rengi aldıklarını fark edecekler. Like my wife will come home and say did you see the shoes she was wearing? Например, моя жена приходит домой и говорит: "Ты видел, какие на ней были туфли? Are you kidding me? , you know, the shoes and the handbag and the this and the that, but if we see someone whose clothes make her look nice, whatever it is, oh that looks nice. ||||||bolso de mano|||||||||||||||||||||||| 、靴とハンドバッグとこれとあれですが、服が彼女を美しく見せてくれる人を見ると、それが何であれ、ああ、それは素敵に見えます。 , bilirsin, ayakkabılar ve el çantaları ve bu ve bu, ama eğer onun giysilerini güzel kılan birini görürsek, her neyse, ah bu güzel görünüyor. But, I think men would not notice whether her shoes matched her handbag, would not notice. Ancak, erkeklerin ayakkabılarının çantasına denk gelip gelmediğini farketmeyeceklerini düşünüyorum, fark etmeyeceklerini.

But, they might notice if she looked very elegant or whatever. Ama çok şık göründüğünü farkedebilirler. And, as far as men looking at men, if somebody had a very, you know rumpled old suit or a very, you know ugly tie; they'd notice otherwise I don't think they pay much attention. |||||||||||||||nhăn nhúm||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||froissé||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||rumpled||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||arrugado||||||||||||||||||| Y, en cuanto a los hombres que miran a los hombres, si alguien tiene un traje viejo muy arrugado o una corbata muy fea, se darían cuenta, de lo contrario no creo que presten mucha atención. そして、男性を見る男性に関する限り、誰かが非常に、しわくちゃの古いスーツまたは非常に、醜いネクタイを持っている場合、彼らはそうでなければ気づくでしょう、私は彼らが多くの注意を払っていないと思います。 Ve, erkeklere bakan erkeklere göre, eğer birileri çok olsaydı, buruşuk eski bir takım elbise giyersiniz ya da çok, çirkin bir kravat bilirsiniz; Aksi takdirde dikkat etmeyeceklerini sanmıyorum.

I think though that men, he's probably, is quite conscious of what you're wearing. Bence o erkekler, muhtemelen, ne giydiğinin bilincinde. Men, you know, because men want their wives to be dressed the way they like. Erkekler, bilirsin, çünkü erkekler, karılarının istedikleri gibi giyinmelerini istiyor. So, you could have a situation, I mean you say that you and Chris have similar tastes. だから、あなたは状況を持っている可能性があります、つまりあなたとクリスは同じような好みを持っていると言います。 If you had very different tastes, let's say you like to dress in wild colors and he didn't like that he wouldn't like it and you'd find out about it. Si tuvierais gustos muy diferentes, digamos que a ti te gusta vestir con colores salvajes y a él no le gustara eso no le gustaría y te enterarías. 味がまったく異なる場合、野生の色の服を着るのが好きで、彼が気に入らないので気に入らなかったとします。 Çok farklı tatlarınız olsaydı, diyelim ki vahşi renklerde giyinmeyi ve hoşlanmamasını sevmiyordu ve bunu öğreneceksiniz. Якщо у вас дуже різні смаки, скажімо, ви любите одягатися в дикі кольори, а йому не подобається, що йому це не сподобається, і ви про це дізнаєтеся.

Jill: Oh yeah.

Steve: I think and you wouldn't be very happy to hear from him. スティーブ:私はそう思います、そしてあなたは彼から話を聞くのはとても幸せではないでしょう。 Steve: Bence ondan haber almaktan mutlu olmazsın.

Jill: That's right and there's already things that I'll bring home that maybe I've bought sort of on a whim or didn't really love it, but just thought it'll do and it wasn't that expensive and every time I bring home something like that, that I wasn't sure about he never likes it. |||||||||||||||||||bốc đồng||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||a whim||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill: Eso es correcto y ya hay cosas que voy a traer a casa que tal vez he comprado una especie de capricho o en realidad no me encanta, pero sólo pensé que va a hacer y no era tan caro y cada vez que traigo a casa algo así, que yo no estaba seguro acerca de que nunca le gusta. Jill : C'est vrai et il y a déjà des choses que je ramènerai à la maison que j'ai peut-être achetées sur un coup de tête ou que je n'ai pas vraiment aimé, mais je pensais juste que ça irait et ce n'était pas si cher et à chaque fois Je ramène à la maison quelque chose comme ça, dont je n'étais pas sûr qu'il n'aime jamais ça. ジル:そうだし、気まぐれで購入したり、本当に気に入らなかったりして、持ち帰ることができるものはすでにあるが、それはうまくいくと思っただけで、毎回それほど高くなく、私はそのようなものを家に持ってきます、彼がそれを好きになることはないかどうか確信がありませんでした。 I don't tell him I wasn't sure about it, but it just goes to show that he kind of has the same feeling and then he tells me no, I really don't like that or it doesn't do this for you or whatever. Je ne lui dis pas que je n'en étais pas sûr, mais cela montre simplement qu'il a un peu le même sentiment, puis il me dit non, je n'aime vraiment pas ça ou ça ne fait pas ça pour toi ou autre. よく分からなかったとは言わないが、彼が同じ気持ちを持っていることを示しているだけで、彼はノーだと言った。あなたか何でも。 Я не говорю ему, что не была уверена в этом, но это просто показывает, что он испытывает те же чувства, и тогда он говорит мне: нет, мне это не нравится, или это не подходит тебе, или что-то еще. Ona bundan emin olmadığımı söylemiyorum, ama sadece onun da aynı hissi yaşadığını göstermeye devam ediyor ve sonra bana hayır diyor, gerçekten hoşuma gitmiyor ya da bunu yapmıyor sen ya da her neyse. Then that's all I need to hear and I take it back.

Steve: Does it ever happen that you're going out and he says are you going to wear that? Steve : Est-ce qu'il vous arrive de sortir et qu'il vous demande de porter ça ? スティーブ:外出することはありますか?

Jill: You know it has happened before. Джилл: Вы знаете, это уже случалось. Or, actually he'll say, he'll be a little more diplomatic and say something like oh what about wearing this or I really like this and I think that's his way of saying I prefer something else. Ou, en fait, il dira qu'il sera un peu plus diplomate et dira quelque chose comme oh et si je portais ça ou j'aime vraiment ça et je pense que c'est sa façon de dire que je préfère autre chose.

Steve: So, what you're telling me is that he does care what you wear. Steve : Donc, ce que vous me dites, c'est qu'il se soucie de ce que vous portez. Steve: Demek bana söylediğin, ne giydiğin umrunda değil He cares.

Jill: He does, but I mean, day to day if I just wore jeans and a T-shirt every, it really wouldn't matter. Jill : Oui, mais je veux dire, au jour le jour si je ne portais que des jeans et un T-shirt tous les jours, ça n'aurait vraiment pas d'importance. Jill: Yapıyor, ama demek istediğim, her gün sadece kot pantolon ve tişört giysem, bunun önemi olmaz. If we're going out somewhere. Eğer bir yerlere gidiyorsak.

Steve: So, that's the thing you see. Steve : Alors, c'est ce que vous voyez. Steve: Demek gördüğün şey bu. I think that's the way men are. それが男性のやり方だと思います。 Bence erkekler böyle. Я думаю, що чоловіки такі. What you wear around the house doesn't matter. Ce que vous portez à la maison n'a pas d'importance. Evde ne giydiğin önemli değil. Те, що ви носите вдома, не має значення. You can walk around in your pajamas all day, it wouldn't matter. But when you're going out and you're going to be in front of other people he feels that he has the right to influence what you wear. Mais quand vous sortez et que vous allez être devant d'autres personnes, il sent qu'il a le droit d'influencer ce que vous portez. しかし、あなたが外出していて、あなたが他の人の前にいるつもりなら、彼はあなたが着るものに影響を与える権利を持っていると彼は感じています。 Ama dışarı çıkarken ve diğer insanların önünde olacağınız zaman, giydiklerinizi etkileme hakkına sahip olduğunu düşünüyor. Do you feel the same way about him?

Jill: Oh for sure. Oh yeah. I mean fortunately I really like his taste and I think he has a lot of nice clothes so most of the time I like what he puts together. |ừ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| そうそう。幸いなことに彼の味は本当に好きだし、彼は素敵な服をたくさん持っていると思うので、ほとんどの場合彼がまとめたものが好きだ。 I certainly don't pick outfits out for him, at all. Je ne choisis certainement pas de tenues pour lui, du tout. I know some women do that and tie their husband's ties and whatever. Sé que algunas mujeres hacen eso y anudan las corbatas de sus maridos y lo que sea. Kesinlikle onun için kıyafet seçmiyorum. Absolutely not. Bazı kadınların bunu yaptığını ve kocalarının bağlarını ve her neyse onu bağladığını biliyorum. He definitely does all that.

But, I have things that I like better than others and so sometimes I'll say, he'll wear something, I don't dislike it, but I like something else better. しかし、私は他の人よりも好きなものがあり、私は時々、彼は何かを着ます、私はそれを嫌いではありませんが、私は他のより良いものが好きです。 So I'll say well actually I really like this shirt. He'll say oh yeah? Better than this one? I'll say yeah and he'll probably change.

Steve: Very good. So, what is fashion? Is it just vanity? |||tự phụ |||vanità |||虚栄心 Is it a spice in life, you know something that, I mean everything that we can get interested in and, which brings us pleasure whether it be food or books or movies or languages or anything else, why not fashion? Est-ce que c'est un piment dans la vie, vous savez quelque chose qui, je veux dire tout ce à quoi on peut s'intéresser et, qui nous apporte du plaisir que ce soit la bouffe ou les livres ou les films ou les langues ou autre chose, pourquoi pas la mode ? Is het een kruid in het leven, weet je iets dat, ik bedoel alles waarin we geïnteresseerd kunnen raken en, wat ons plezier geeft, of het nu gaat om eten of boeken of films of talen of iets anders, waarom geen mode? Це приправа в житті, знаєте щось таке, я маю на увазі все, чим ми можемо зацікавитися і що приносить нам задоволення, чи то їжа, чи книги, чи фільми, чи мови, чи щось інше, чому б не мода? If we all walked around in what is it? Si nous nous promenions tous dans quoi s'agirait-il ? Hayattaki bir baharat mı, bir şey biliyorsun, ilgilenebileceğimiz her şeyi kastediyorum ve bu bize yiyecek ya da kitap ya da film ya da dil ya da başka bir şey olsun zevk veriyor, neden moda değil? Sackcloth and ashes or in potato bags that would make things a lot less interesting so fashion is not such a bad thing. burlap||tro|||||||||||||||||||| sac de toile||cendres|||||||||||||||||||| 粗布|||||||||||||||||||||| saco de tela||cenizas|||||||||||||||||||| Arpillera y ceniza o en bolsas de patatas que harían las cosas mucho menos interesantes por lo que la moda no es tan mala cosa. Un sac et des cendres ou dans des sacs de pommes de terre qui rendraient les choses beaucoup moins intéressantes, donc la mode n'est pas une si mauvaise chose. Jute en as of in aardappelzakjes dat zou de boel een stuk minder interessant maken, dus mode is niet zo erg. Hepimiz etrafta dolaştıysak, bu ne?

I guess it can be overdone. |||||exagéré |||||overdone |||||我猜它可能會被做得過頭。 |||||làm quá mức |||||やりすぎる |||||excesivo Çuval bezi ve külleri ya da işleri daha az ilginç hale getirecek olan patates çantalarında, moda böyle kötü bir şey değildir. Я думаю, це можна переборщити. But, it's probably a positive thing. Sanırım abartılabilir. Let me ask you this. If you, does it ever happen that you're feeling a little bit glum and you buy a nice outfit and you just, it really picks you up? ||||||||||||triste|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||triste|||||||||||||| Si vous, est-il déjà arrivé que vous vous sentiez un peu maussade et que vous achetiez une belle tenue et que ça vous remonte vraiment le moral ? Als je, komt het ooit voor dat je je een beetje somber voelt en je koopt een mooie outfit en je wordt er echt door opgepikt? Sana şunu sorayım. Does that? Kendinizi biraz gürlemiş hissettiğiniz ve güzel bir kıyafet satın aldığınız ve sadece sizi gerçekten yakalayan oldu mu?

Jill: Oh for sure. I shop definitely, I think shopping is my drug and when I'm, if I'm down or I don't even know. Not even necessarily down, but just needing something different I will go shopping. Même pas nécessairement en panne, mais juste besoin de quelque chose de différent, je vais faire du shopping. That's the thing I do, is I shop and I shop way too much actually. Eso es lo que hago, voy de compras y de hecho compro demasiado. And, then I buy something and it's like, I feel like a different person, but what I do, which is bad, is I often know that I don't really need that thing, that item. Et puis j'achète quelque chose et c'est comme si je me sentais comme une personne différente, mais ce que je fais, ce qui est mauvais, c'est que je sais souvent que je n'ai pas vraiment besoin de cette chose, de cet article.

So, maybe it's good actually. Alors peut-être que c'est bien en fait. I will very often keep that for a while and within a week I realize, you know the excitement's gone. ||||||||||||||||||興奮感| ||||||||||||||||||興奮が| ||||||||||||||||||la emoción| A menudo lo guardo durante un tiempo y a la semana me doy cuenta de que se me ha pasado la emoción. Je vais très souvent garder cela pendant un certain temps et en une semaine, je me rends compte que l'excitation est partie. Ik zal dat heel vaak een tijdje houden en binnen een week realiseer ik me, je weet dat de opwinding weg is. I haven't even worn it and I'll take it back to the store and then I get my money back. Ni siquiera me lo he puesto y lo devolveré a la tienda para que me devuelvan el dinero. Je ne l'ai même pas porté et je vais le rapporter au magasin et ensuite je récupère mon argent.

Steve: Bad girl. Alright. Well maybe we'll end our discussion on fashion there. Next time you can ask me about my taste in fashion.

Jill: Great.

Steve: Thank you Jill.

Jill: Thank you. Bye.

Steve: Bye.