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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Fifty-nine: Discussing LingQ Slowly

Fifty-nine: Discussing LingQ Slowly

Steve: Hi, Jill.

Jill: Hi, Steve.

Steve: Now we are going to speak slowly because if we speak slowly it's easier for people to understand.

I think it is useful to mix up slow speech with fast speech. I don't think learners, even lower intermediate learners, should only listen to the language spoken slowly. They should have both slow and fast. Now we are going to talk about The Linguist system and we are going to try to speak slowly. It will be difficult.

Jill: Right.

Steve: My first question to you Jill is do you have a lot of patience? Are you a patient person?

Jill: I guess I'm sort of somewhere in the middle. I'm patient sometimes for certain things but not always.

Steve: So, you are patient as long as things are going your way and when things don't go your way you become impatient. That's not being patient.

Jill: No, no. I guess there are certain things that are just not that big of a deal so I can wait. Things that are maybe more important or that I'm really excited about then maybe I'm impatient.

Steve: For example, are you capable of sitting down and doing something that requires a lot of patience like needlework for example?

Jill: No. Actually, I remember in grade 8 sewing class just going crazy trying to thread a needle and making a friend of mine do it for me every time because I would just lose it.

Steve: I think that you are not a patient person. When I was at school – again, grade 8 or whatever – if I had to build…like I once had to build…we had a project about the oil industry. Maybe I was 10 or 11. So, I had to build an oil derrick which is one of those towers out of matches. I tell you, I was going crazy whereas there are people who are so patient. I couldn't do that and you?

Jill: Well, I guess it also depends on what you like to do. If it was something that took a long time but you enjoyed what you were doing, you know, then it probably wouldn't be a big deal. So it's not necessarily about patience but you have to enjoy what you're doing.

Steve: But I still think it is a bit of an indicator of patience. For example, we had a friend of the family when I was growing up and he would make model sailing ships that consisted of the most miniature, tiny, little parts. These were absolute replicas and he would put them in a bottle so that they had to be built in such a way that they could be folded down and then they had little wires so that when he put the completed sailing ship into the bottle he pulled the wires and the sailing ship was standing up. Now that requires a lot of patience and I think a person who is patient with his hands…maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that doesn't mean that they're patient with people. How are you with children?

Jill: Yeah, that's the thing. I love kids and I think I'm quite patient with kids. So, yeah, I just…some people are impatient in every way in their lives. I don't think I'm like that. I think there are certain things that I have patience for; other things that I don't.

Steve: Okay, now we'll come to the long and how would I say, I wouldn't call it frustrating…

Jill: Painstaking?

Steve: Yeah, painstaking maybe…the long road to getting The Linguist, which is now LingQ, up the way we would like to see it. I am impatient by nature; I admit it. Although, I'm like you, I'm very patient with kids. I wasn't so patient with my own but with other people's kids and with grandchildren I'm very patient. But I am so keen, so excited about all of the potential in LingQ and I have, in fact, promised people that next month we'll do this and next month we'll do that and it just seems that month after month we aren't able to do it. I am getting…I mean I'm impatient to begin with. I'm becoming more impatient but I think…and here's the expression “there's light at the end of the tunnel”, I hope. You're experience…have you found that your experience in bringing on new LingQ has that tried your patience?

Jill: A little bit for sure. Again, also telling people for months it's coming next month or maybe it's coming two weeks from now and it gets delayed and delayed and delayed. So, I did basically get to the point where I just wouldn't tell people a month or a day I would just say we are hoping by such and such time that this will be available but I make no promises.

Steve: Now, we have, in fact, we have transferred our existing or the previous Linguist members over to the new LingQ system and we ran into some problems -- again, patience. In the world of programming there's lots of opportunities to make mistakes and nobody is perfect and neither you nor I know how to program.

Jill: Right. Steve: And if we did we would probably make even more mistakes. So there is no blame here but we did have a few problems and caused some of our…we tried the patience. There's an expression “we tried the patience” of our Linguist members. Fortunately, most of them were patient and tolerant and supportive.

Jill: Yes, very.

Steve: Very supportive which we very much appreciate. What were some of the problems that we encountered and how were you able to explain to these members what was happening? What were you able to do?

Jill: I guess initially with the transferring of data people didn't get all of their words. Some people didn't get all of their words or phrases that they had saved on The Linguist. Some people it took a long time to get their listening hours, their proper listening hours and their writing submissions. This didn't happen for everybody but for some people it did. For certain people I think it was actually probably about two weeks after our initial launch before they had all their correct data so some of those people were rightfully impatient and a little bit irritated to say the least. And, you know, I just had to tell them that we're very sorry and we're doing the best we can and we'll fix things as quickly as possible. And, of course, that was our main priority at that time was getting everybody's information into their LingQ account. It just took a lot longer than we hoped.

Steve: nd, of course, we never know as we introduce things that are genuinely new like the new payment system and so forth. The more problems that we created during the transfer the more we make people – and here's another term -- “gun shy”. We make them a little nervous. We make them a little apprehensive. If everything goes smoothly then the new features that come along they are perhaps a little more confident. And so we recognize all of this and that all adds to our sense of concern but…

Jill: …our own apprehensions.

Steve: Our own apprehensions, exactly. But, I think what's the most important in all of this and what keeps us going is that we are so confident that we will create something that is very beneficial to our learners and very enjoyable for our learners so that we just have to ask them to be patient and gradually get used to this. We obviously try to minimize the disruptions and hopefully in the end we will be proven right and I think we will be, I think we will be. What have been some of the questions about the new payment system?

Jill: Some people are confused about the whole issue of points -- on The Linguist in particular former Linguist members -- because on The Linguist we didn't have such a thing. We had … you paid your monthly membership fee and you were given X number of speaking events and words of writing. So on LingQ, basically, we actually don't have membership levels yet but are hoping to next week and it will work in a very similar way. You will choose your level, you will pay each month on the same day and then you will be given a certain number of points. Those points will then go … you will use those points towards speaking and writing and other tutored services. So, it's 500 points for a speaking event and 3.33 points per word of writing. So, it's a little bit different in that sense and I think some people had a hard time getting used to that. And then also you couldn't carry over any of your unused words of writing or speaking events in The Linguist to your next period if you did not use them all

Steve: …in the old system.

Jill: Right, in Linguist. But on LingQ you accumulate these points and you keep accumulating them and if you don't use them they stay in your account and if you want to go away for a month or for six months or whatever you will come back and they'll still be there. You can downgrade to a free membership if you're going to go away and you don't want to continue being charged every month and the points that you have accumulated will stay in your account. So you are not going to lose them but you don't have to continue paying if you're not going to be using it.

Steve: I think that these problems surrounding the payment system will go away as soon as people start using it because the actual cost is extremely low considering that you have a tutor, you have writing correction, you have all of this functionality, all of this content and when you add in the flexibility and the access to different languages it's really very, very reasonable. But there is no point in you or me saying that. People have to experience it. And so next month we'll be up and running and hopefully a lot of these problems will be behind us.

Jill: Right. Steve: Okay, thank you Jill. Jill: Thank you.

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Fifty-nine: Discussing LingQ Slowly Пятьдесят|||| 오십|||| cinquenta e um||discutindo||devagarinho Padesátý devátý: Pomalá diskuse o LingQ Neunundfünfzig: Langsam über LingQ diskutieren Cincuenta y nueve: Discutiendo LingQ Despacio Cinquante-neuf : Discuter lentement de LingQ Cinquantanove: Discutere lentamente di LingQ 五十九LingQをゆっくり議論する 59: 쉰아홉: LingQ에 대해 천천히 논의하기 Pięćdziesiąt dziewięć: Powolne omawianie LingQ Cinquenta e nove: discutindo o LingQ lentamente 59: Обсуждение LingQ потихоньку Femtionio: Diskutera LingQ långsamt Elli dokuz: LingQ'yu Yavaşça Tartışmak П'ятдесят дев'ять: Обговорення LingQ повільно 五十九:慢慢谈LingQ 五十九:慢慢談LingQ

Steve: Hi, Jill. ||Jill

Jill: Hi, Steve.

Steve: Now we are going to speak slowly because if we speak slowly it's easier for people to understand. Steve: Teď budeme mluvit pomalu, protože když budeme mluvit pomalu, lidé nám budou lépe rozumět.

I think it is useful to mix up slow speech with fast speech. |||||verbo auxiliar|misturar|misturar|fala lenta|||| Myslím, že je užitečné střídat pomalou řeč s rychlou. 私は遅いスピーチを速いスピーチと混ぜることが有用であると思います。 I don't think learners, even lower intermediate learners, should only listen to the language spoken slowly. |||||mais baixo|||||||||falada| Nemyslím si, že by studenti, a to ani mírně pokročilí, měli poslouchat pouze pomalu mluvený jazyk. 私は、学習者は中級学習者でさえも、話す言語をゆっくり聞くべきだとは思っていません。 They should have both slow and fast. |||ambos||| Měly by mít pomalé i rychlé. Now we are going to talk about The Linguist system and we are going to try to speak slowly. Nyní budeme mluvit o systému Linguist a pokusíme se mluvit pomalu. 今、私たちは言語学者のシステムについて話をし、ゆっくり話そうとしています。 It will be difficult. Bude to obtížné.

Jill: Right. |doğru (1)

Steve: My first question to you Jill is do you have a lot of patience? ||||||||||||||sabır Steve: Moje první otázka na tebe, Jill, zní: Máš hodně trpělivosti? スティーブ:私の最初の質問はジルです。あなたは多くの忍耐を持っていますか? Are you a patient person? あなたは忍耐強い人ですか?

Jill: I guess I'm sort of somewhere in the middle. ||||نوعاً ما||||| ||sanırım||biraz|||||orta kısımda ||||meio||em|||no meio Jill: Myslím, že jsem někde uprostřed. Jill: Supongo que estoy en algún lugar en el medio. ジル:私はどこかの中間にいると思います。 I'm patient sometimes for certain things but not always. ||||bazı|||| ||às vezes||||||sempre assim Někdy jsem trpělivý v určitých věcech, ale ne vždy.

Steve: So, you are patient as long as things are going your way and when things don't go your way you become impatient. |||||olarak|||||||||||||||||sabırsız ||||||||as coisas|||||||||||||torna-se|impaciente Steve: Takže jsi trpělivý, dokud se věci vyvíjejí podle tvých představ, a když se ti nedaří, jsi netrpělivý. スティーブ:物事があなたの道を行く限り、あなたは忍耐強く、物事があなたの道を行くことがなければ、あなたは辛抱強くなります。 Стив: Итак, вы терпеливы до тех пор, пока все идет своим чередом, а когда все идет не так, как вам хочется, вы становитесь нетерпеливым. That's not being patient. To není trpělivost. それは忍耐強くない。

Jill: No, no. I guess there are certain things that are just not that big of a deal so I can wait. |||||||sont||||||||||| ||||بعض|||||||||||||| |sanırım||||şeyler|||sadece||||||önemli|||| Myslím, že jsou věci, které nejsou až tak důležité, takže můžu počkat. 私は待つことができるので、それほど大きな取引ではないものがあると思う。 Things that are maybe more important or that I'm really excited about then maybe I'm impatient. |||||significant|||||||||| ||||||||||heyecanlı||||| Věci, které jsou možná důležitější nebo na které se opravdu těším, pak jsem možná netrpělivý. 多分もっと重要なことや私が本当に興奮していることは、おそらく私はせっかちです。

Steve: For example, are you capable of sitting down and doing something that requires a lot of patience like needlework for example? |||||||||||||||||||la couture|| |||||||||||||||||||needlework|| |||||capaz de|||||fazendo|||exige||||||trabalho de agulha|| |||||||||||||||||||thêu thùa|| ||örneğin|||yetenekli misin||oturup|oturmak|||||gerektirir||||||örgü işleri|| |||||قادر على||||||||يتطلب|||||مثل|خياطة يدوية|| |||||||||||||||||||bordado|| Steve: Jste například schopen sednout si a dělat něco, co vyžaduje hodně trpělivosti, jako je například vyšívání?

Jill: No. Actually, I remember in grade 8 sewing class just going crazy trying to thread a needle and making a friend of mine do it for me every time because I would just lose it. |||||خياطة||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Aslında|||||dikiş|||||||iplik geçirmek||||||||bir arkadaşım|||||||||||kayıp olmak| |||||costura||||||||||||||||||||||||||| na verdade||||primeira série|costura|||||||enfiar a linha||agulha de costura|||||||||||||||ia||| Vlastně si vzpomínám, jak jsem se v osmé třídě při šití zbláznila, když jsem se snažila navléknout nit do jehly, a pokaždé jsem donutila kamarádku, aby to udělala za mě, protože jsem ji prostě ztratila. De hecho, recuerdo que en la clase de costura de octavo curso me volvía loca intentando enhebrar una aguja y obligaba a una amiga mía a hacerlo por mí cada vez porque se me iba de las manos. 実は、中学2年生の裁縫教室で、針に糸を通そうと夢中になって、友達に毎回針をなくしてしまうのを覚えています。 Aslında, 8. sınıfta dikiş dersinde iğneye iplik geçirmeye çalışırken delirdiğimi ve her seferinde bir arkadaşımın benim için yapmasını sağladığımı hatırlıyorum çünkü iğneyi kaybediyordum.

Steve: I think that you are not a patient person. |||bence|||||| Steve: Myslím, že nejste trpělivý člověk. スティーブ:あなたは患者ではないと思います。 When I was at school – again, grade 8 or whatever – if I had to build…like I once had to build…we had a project about the oil industry. |||||bir daha|||falan filan|||||inşa etmek|||bir kez||||||||||petrol endüstrisi|petrol endüstrisi ||||||||qualquer que fosse|||tive|||||||||||||||| Když jsem chodil do školy - opět v osmé třídě nebo tak nějak - když jsem měl stavět... jako jsem jednou musel stavět... měli jsme projekt o ropném průmyslu. Cuando estaba en la escuela -de nuevo, octavo grado o lo que sea- si tenía que construir... como una vez tuve que construir... teníamos un proyecto sobre la industria petrolera. 私が学校に通っていたときに、再びグレード8などを作り上げなければならなかったのですが...私はかつてビルドしなければならなかった...私たちは石油産業に関するプロジェクトを持っていました。 Maybe I was 10 or 11. ||10 veya 11'dim| So, I had to build an oil derrick which is one of those towers out of matches. ||||||||||||ces||en forme de|| |||||||torre de petróleo||||||torres||| |||||||油井架||||||||| |||||||kule|||||şu kulelerden|kulelerden biri|||kibritlerden |||||||برج النفط||||||||| |||||||giàn khoan dầu||||||tháp||| |||||||vrtná věž||||||||| |||||||torre de perforación||||||||| Musel jsem tedy postavit ropnou věž, což je jedna z těch věží ze sirek. Así que tuve que construir una torre petrolífera con cerillas. だから、私はマッチの中でその塔の一つであるオイルデリックを造らなければならなかった。 I tell you, I was going crazy whereas there are people who are so patient. |||||||oysa ki||||ki||| |||||||enquanto que||||||| Řeknu vám, že jsem se zbláznil, zatímco existují lidé, kteří jsou tak trpěliví. 私はあなたに言います、私は狂っているのに対し、とても忍耐強い人がいます。 I couldn't do that and you? je||||| |yapamadım|||| Já bych to nedokázal a ty?

Jill: Well, I guess it also depends on what you like to do. ||||||||||تحب|| |şey yani||||aynı zamanda|bağlıdır|||||| Jill: No, myslím, že záleží také na tom, co vás baví. ジル:まあ、あなたのやりたいことにもよると思います。 If it was something that took a long time but you enjoyed what you were doing, you know, then it probably wouldn't be a big deal. |||||||||||||||||||cela|||être||| |||||||a long time|||||||||||||||||| |||||alırdı|||||||||||||||muhtemelen||||| それは長い時間がかかったものの、あなたがしていたことを楽しんでいたなら、それはおそらく大したことではないでしょう。 So it's not necessarily about patience but you have to enjoy what you're doing. |||zorunlu olarak||||||||||yaptığın şey Takže to nemusí být nutně o trpělivosti, ale musíte mít radost z toho, co děláte. だから、忍耐については必ずしも必要ではありませんが、あなたがしていることを楽しむ必要があります。

Steve: But I still think it is a bit of an indicator of patience. |||||||||||指標|| |||yine|||||biraz|||gösterge|| |||||||||||indicador|| スティーブ:しかし、私はまだそれが忍耐の指標のビットだと思う。 For example, we had a friend of the family when I was growing up and he would make model sailing ships that consisted of the most miniature, tiny, little parts. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||nhỏ nhất||| |||||||||quand|je||||||||||||||||||| |||sahip olduk|||aileden||||||||||yapardı||model|yelkenli|gemiler||oluşuyordu||||minyatür|çok küçük|| Por ejemplo, cuando yo era pequeño, un amigo de la familia hacía maquetas de veleros con piezas diminutas. These were absolute replicas and he would put them in a bottle so that they had to be built in such a way that they could be folded down and then they had little wires so that when he put the completed sailing ship into the bottle he pulled the wires and the sailing ship was standing up. |||repliky||||||||||||||||||||||||složené|||||||dráty||||||||||||||||||||||| |||bản sao||||||||||||||||||||||||gập lại|||||||||||||||thuyền buồm||||||||||||||| ||kesinlikle|kopyalar|||-acak|||||şişe|||||||||öyle bir|||||||katlanabilir|||||||telcikler|||||||tamamlanmış|yelkenli|gemi|||||çekti||tel(ler)||||||dikey| ||||||||||||||||||||tais||||||||||||||||||||||navegação||||||||||||||| Eran réplicas absolutas y las metía en una botella, de modo que tenían que estar construidas de tal manera que se pudieran plegar y luego tenían unos alambritos para que, cuando metiera el velero terminado en la botella, tirara de los alambres y el velero quedara de pie. これらは絶対的な複製物であり、ボトルに入れて折り畳むことができるような方法で建てられなければならなかったので、完成した帆船をボトルに入れたときにワイヤーとセーリング船が立っていた。 Now that requires a lot of patience and I think a person who is patient with his hands…maybe I'm wrong. ||gerektirir||||||||||||||||||yanılıyorum Maybe that doesn't mean that they're patient with people. |isso||||||| How are you with children? |nasılsın|||

Jill: Yeah, that's the thing. |Ano||| I love kids and I think I'm quite patient with kids. So, yeah, I just…some people are impatient in every way in their lives. Takže jo, já prostě... někteří lidé jsou netrpěliví ve všech směrech svého života. I don't think I'm like that. Myslím, že takový nejsem. I think there are certain things that I have patience for; other things that I don't. Myslím, že na některé věci mám trpělivost, na jiné ne. 私が我慢していることがあると思います。私がしていない他のこと。

Steve: Okay, now we'll come to the long and how would I say, I wouldn't call it frustrating… |||||||||||||||||thất vọng Steve: Dobře, teď se dostaneme k dlouhému a jak bych to řekl, nenazval bych to frustrujícím... Steve: Vale, ahora vamos a lo largo y cómo diría, yo no lo llamaría frustrante...

Jill: Painstaking? |Přesný |meticoloso |meticulosa Jill: Pečlivě? Jill: ¿Preocupado?

Steve: Yeah, painstaking maybe…the long road to getting The Linguist, which is now LingQ, up the way we would like to see it. ||cần cù||||||||||||||||||||| ||meticulous|perhaps|||||||Linguist software||||||||||||| Steve: Ano, možná to byla dlouhá cesta k tomu, abychom The Linguist, z něhož je nyní LingQ, postavili tak, jak bychom si přáli. I am impatient by nature; I admit it. ||||||přiznávám| Jsem od přírody netrpělivý, to přiznávám. 私は本質的に焦ります。私はそれを認めます。 Although, I'm like you, I'm very patient with kids. Ačkoli jsem stejně jako vy s dětmi velmi trpělivá. 私はあなたのようですが、私は子供たちにとても辛抱強くしています。 I wasn't so patient with my own but with other people's kids and with grandchildren I'm very patient. ||||||||||das pessoas||||||| S vlastními dětmi jsem tak trpělivá nebyla, ale s cizími dětmi a vnoučaty jsem velmi trpělivá. But I am so keen, so excited about all of the potential in LingQ and I have, in fact, promised people that next month we'll do this and next month we'll do that and it just seems that month after month we aren't able to do it. ||||nadšený|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||ansioso|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ale já jsem tak nadšená, tak nadšená z veškerého potenciálu LingQ a vlastně jsem lidem slíbila, že příští měsíc uděláme tohle a příští měsíc tamto, ale zdá se, že měsíc co měsíc to nejsme schopni udělat. Pero estoy muy entusiasmada con todo el potencial de LingQ y, de hecho, he prometido a la gente que el mes que viene haremos esto y lo otro, y parece que mes tras mes no somos capaces de hacerlo. I am getting…I mean I'm impatient to begin with. Začínám být netrpělivý... tedy, jsem netrpělivý. Me estoy poniendo... quiero decir que estoy impaciente para empezar. I'm becoming more impatient but I think…and here's the expression “there's light at the end of the tunnel”, I hope. Jsem stále netrpělivější, ale myslím, že... a tady je výraz "na konci tunelu je světlo", doufám. Cada vez estoy más impaciente, pero creo... y aquí está la expresión "hay luz al final del túnel", espero. You're experience…have you found that your experience in bringing on new LingQ has that tried your patience? ||||||||||||||que||| Vaše zkušenosti... zjistili jste, že vaše zkušenosti s nástupem nového LingQ vyzkoušely vaši trpělivost? Su experiencia... ¿ha puesto a prueba su paciencia a la hora de incorporar nuevos LingQ? Vous avez de l'expérience… avez-vous constaté que votre expérience dans l'introduction de nouveaux LingQ a mis à l'épreuve votre patience ? あなたは経験...新しいLingQを導入した経験があなたの忍耐を試したことが判明しましたか?

Jill: A little bit for sure. |Un peu|||| Jill: Určitě trochu. Jill : Un peu, c'est certain. Again, also telling people for months it's coming next month or maybe it's coming two weeks from now and it gets delayed and delayed and delayed. |||||||||||||||||||||ertelendi|||| Znovu také lidem celé měsíce říkáte, že to přijde příští měsíc nebo možná za dva týdny, a ono se to odkládá a odkládá a odkládá. De nuevo, decirle a la gente durante meses que llegará el mes que viene o quizá dentro de dos semanas y se retrasa y se retrasa y se retrasa. Encore une fois, dire aux gens pendant des mois que cela arrive le mois prochain ou peut-être que cela arrive dans deux semaines et que cela est retardé et retardé et retardé. また、来月には数ヶ月間人々に話しかけるかもしれないし、今から2週間後に来るかもしれないし、遅れて遅れたり遅れたりする。 So, I did basically get to the point where I just wouldn't tell people a month or a day I would just say we are hoping by such and such time that this will be available but I make no promises. ||realmente|||||||||||||||||||||||||tal||||||||||||| Takže jsem se v podstatě dostal do bodu, kdy jsem lidem neřekl měsíc nebo den, ale jen řekl, že doufáme, že do té a té doby to bude k dispozici, ale nic neslibuji. Así que llegué a un punto en el que no le decía a la gente ni un mes ni un día, sino que esperaba que para tal o cual momento estuviera disponible, pero no prometo nada. Donc, je suis arrivé au point où je ne dirais tout simplement pas aux gens un mois ou un jour, je dirais simplement que nous espérons que cela sera disponible à tel ou tel moment, mais je ne fais aucune promesse.

Steve: Now, we have, in fact, we have transferred our existing or the previous Linguist members over to the new LingQ system and we ran into some problems -- again, patience. ||||||||přenesli||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||abbiamo trasferito = we have transferred||||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Nyní jsme vlastně převedli naše stávající nebo předchozí členy Linguist na nový systém LingQ a narazili jsme na určité problémy - opět trpělivost. Steve: De hecho, hemos transferido a nuestros miembros de Linguist actuales o anteriores al nuevo sistema LingQ y nos hemos encontrado con algunos problemas... de nuevo, paciencia. Steve : Maintenant, nous avons, en fait, nous avons transféré nos membres Linguistes existants ou précédents vers le nouveau système LingQ et nous avons rencontré quelques problèmes -- encore une fois, patience. In the world of programming there's lots of opportunities to make mistakes and nobody is perfect and neither you nor I know how to program. ||||||||||||||||et|||||||| |||||||||||||||||tampoco||ni||||| Ve světě programování je spousta příležitostí k chybám a nikdo není dokonalý a ani vy, ani já nevíme, jak programovat. En el mundo de la programación hay muchas oportunidades de cometer errores y nadie es perfecto y ni tú ni yo sabemos programar. Dans le monde de la programmation, il y a beaucoup d'occasions de faire des erreurs et personne n'est parfait et ni vous ni moi ne savons programmer.

Jill: Right. Steve: And if we did we would probably make even more mistakes. Jill: Správně. Steve: A kdybychom to udělali, pravděpodobně bychom udělali ještě víc chyb. Jill : C'est vrai. Steve : Et si nous le faisions, nous ferions probablement encore plus d'erreurs. So there is no blame here but we did have a few problems and caused some of our…we tried the patience. ||||||||||||||||||||ten| então||||culpa||||||||||||||||| Takže tady není žádná vina, ale měli jsme několik problémů a způsobili jsme některé z našich... zkoušeli jsme trpělivost. Así que no hay que culpar a nadie, pero tuvimos algunos problemas y pusimos a prueba nuestra paciencia. スティーブ:もしそうすれば、おそらくもっと間違いが起きるでしょう。 There's an expression “we tried the patience” of our Linguist members. ||||||trpělivost|||| Il y a une expression « nous avons essayé la patience » de nos membres Linguistes. 言語学者の「忍耐を試みた」という表現があります。 Fortunately, most of them were patient and tolerant and supportive. Naštěstí||||||||| |||||||||soutenant 私たちの言語学者のメンバーの "忍耐を試した"という表現があります。

Jill: Yes, very.

Steve: Very supportive which we very much appreciate. What were some of the problems that we encountered and how were you able to explain to these members what was happening? Quels ont été certains des problèmes que nous avons rencontrés et comment avez-vous pu expliquer à ces membres ce qui se passait ? スティーブ:非常に支持してくれてとても感謝しています。 What were you able to do? |||schopen|| Co se vám podařilo? 私たちが遭遇した問題のいくつかは何でしたか、どういうことをこれらのメンバーに説明することができましたか?

Jill: I guess initially with the transferring of data people didn't get all of their words. Jill: Myslím, že zpočátku při přenosu dat lidé nedostali všechna svá slova. Jill : Je suppose qu'au début, avec le transfert de données, les gens n'avaient pas tous leurs mots. ジル:最初はデータの転送で、人々はすべての言葉を理解できなかったと思います。 Some people didn't get all of their words or phrases that they had saved on The Linguist. Někteří lidé nezískali všechna slova nebo fráze, které měli v jazykovce uložené. Some people it took a long time to get their listening hours, their proper listening hours and their writing submissions. |||||||||||||||||||příspěvky |||||||||||||||||||envíos de escritura Certaines personnes ont mis beaucoup de temps à obtenir leurs heures d'écoute, leurs heures d'écoute appropriées et leurs soumissions écrites. This didn't happen for everybody but for some people it did. To se nestalo všem, ale některým lidem ano. For certain people I think it was actually probably about two weeks after our initial launch before they had all their correct data so some of those people were rightfully impatient and a little bit irritated to say the least. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||právem||||||rozčilený|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||à juste titre|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||rightfully|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pelo menos |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||con razón|||||||||| Myslím, že u některých lidí to trvalo asi dva týdny po našem prvním spuštění, než měli všechny správné údaje, takže někteří z nich byli oprávněně netrpěliví a mírně řečeno trochu podráždění. Creo que algunas personas tardaron unas dos semanas en tener todos los datos correctos, así que estaban impacientes y un poco irritadas, por no decir otra cosa. And, you know, I just had to tell them that we're very sorry and we're doing the best we can and we'll fix things as quickly as possible. And, of course, that was our main priority at that time was getting everybody's information into their LingQ account. Y, por supuesto, nuestra principal prioridad en aquel momento era introducir la información de todo el mundo en su cuenta LingQ. Et, bien sûr, notre principale priorité à l'époque était d'avoir les informations de tout le monde sur leur compte LingQ. そして、ご存知のように、私たちは非常に残念だと言わなければなりませんでした。可能な限り迅速に問題を解決します。 It just took a lot longer than we hoped. もちろん、当時の私たちの最優先課題は、皆の情報を彼らのLingQアカウントに集めることでした。

Steve: nd, of course, we never know as we introduce things that are genuinely new like the new payment system and so forth. |||||||||||||opravdu skutečně|||||||||a tak dále Steve||of|||||||to introduce||||genuinamente|||||||||and so forth Steve : nd, bien sûr, nous ne savons jamais, car nous introduisons des choses véritablement nouvelles, comme le nouveau système de paiement, etc. それはちょうど私たちが望むよりもはるかに長くかかりました。 The more problems that we created during the transfer the more we make people – and here's another term -- “gun shy”. |||||||||||||lidi|||||zbraň|opatrní ||||||||||||||||||peureux| Cuantos más problemas creamos durante el traspaso, más hacemos que la gente -y aquí va otro término- sea "tímida con las armas". Plus nous avons créé de problèmes pendant le transfert, plus nous rendons les gens – et voici un autre terme – « timides ». スティーブ:もちろん、新しい支払いシステムのように本当に新しいものを紹介しているので、私たちは知らない。 Hoe meer problemen we hebben gecreëerd tijdens de overdracht, hoe meer we mensen - en hier is een andere term - "gun shy" maken. We make them a little nervous. 移転中に私たちが作り出した問題が多くなればなるほど、私たちは人をより多く作るようになります。 We make them a little apprehensive. |||||obavy |||||cảm thấy lo l 私たちはそれらを少し緊張させる。 If everything goes smoothly then the new features that come along they are perhaps a little more confident. |||hladce|||||||||||||| |tout|||||||||||||||| |||sem problemas|||||||junto||||||| Si todo va como la seda, entonces las nuevas funciones que vayan apareciendo quizás les inspiren un poco más de confianza. And so we recognize all of this and that all adds to our sense of concern but… ||||||||||přidává|||||| And||||||||||||our|sense||| Reconocemos todo esto y aumenta nuestra preocupación, pero... Et donc nous reconnaissons tout cela et cela ajoute à notre sentiment d'inquiétude mais… すべてがスムーズに進むと、それらに沿って来る新しい機能は、おそらくもう少し自信があります。

Jill: …our own apprehensions. |||apprehensions |||preocupaciones

Steve: Our own apprehensions, exactly. But, I think what's the most important in all of this and what keeps us going is that we are so confident that we will create something that is very beneficial to our learners and very enjoyable for our learners so that we just have to ask them to be patient and gradually get used to this. ||||||||||||ce qui|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mais, je pense que ce qui est le plus important dans tout cela et ce qui nous permet de continuer, c'est que nous sommes si confiants que nous allons créer quelque chose qui sera très bénéfique pour nos apprenants et très agréable pour nos apprenants, de sorte que nous n'avons qu'à leur demander de être patient et s'habituer progressivement à cela. We obviously try to minimize the disruptions and hopefully in the end we will be proven right and I think we will be, I think we will be. ||||||||||||nous||||||je||||||||| ||||||||esperançosamente|||||||provados|||||||||||| ||||||sự gián đoạn||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||rušení|||||konec|||||||||||||||| ||||||混乱||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||interrupciones||||||||||||||||||||| Obviamente, intentamos minimizar las interrupciones y esperemos que al final nos den la razón y creo que lo haremos, creo que lo haremos. Nous essayons évidemment de minimiser les perturbations et j'espère qu'à la fin nous aurons raison et je pense que nous le serons, je pense que nous le serons. What have been some of the questions about the new payment system? ||||||||||payment system| 新しい支払いシステムについての質問のいくつかは何でしたか?

Jill: Some people are confused about the whole issue of points -- on The Linguist in particular former Linguist members -- because on The Linguist we didn't have such a thing. ||||||la|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Linguist||||||||||| We had … you paid your monthly membership fee and you were given X number of speaking events and words of writing. Nous avions… vous avez payé votre cotisation mensuelle et on vous a donné X nombre d'événements oraux et de mots écrits. So on LingQ, basically, we actually don't have membership levels yet but are hoping to next week and it will work in a very similar way. |||essentially||actually|do not||||||are||||next week||||||||| Donc, sur LingQ, en gros, nous n'avons pas encore de niveaux d'adhésion, mais nous espérons le faire la semaine prochaine et cela fonctionnera de manière très similaire. 私たちはあなたの毎月の会費を支払っていました。あなたは話すイベントの数と書いた言葉の数を与えられました。 You will choose your level, you will pay each month on the same day and then you will be given a certain number of points. |||||||||||||||||||||certain||| だからLingQでは、基本的にメンバーシップレベルはまだありませんが、来週には期待していますが、これは非常によく似た方法で動作します。 Those points will then go … you will use those points towards speaking and writing and other tutored services. ||||||||||||||||輔導服務| ||||||||||||||||öğretim hizmetleri| Esos puntos irán ... utilizarás esos puntos para hablar y escribir y otros servicios tutorizados. Ces points iront ensuite… vous utiliserez ces points pour parler et écrire et d'autres services tutorés. So, it's 500 points for a speaking event and 3.33 points per word of writing. Donc, c'est 500 points pour un événement parlant et 3,33 points par mot écrit. So, it's a little bit different in that sense and I think some people had a hard time getting used to that. ||||||||||||||||du mal||s'habituer|s'habituer|| |||||different|||||||||||||||| Así que es un poco diferente en ese sentido y creo que a algunas personas les costó acostumbrarse. Donc, c'est un peu différent dans ce sens et je pense que certaines personnes ont eu du mal à s'y habituer. したがって、会話イベントでは500ポイント、文章では3.33ポイントです。 And then also you couldn't carry over any of your unused words of writing or speaking events in The Linguist to your next period if you did not use them all ||||||||||nevyužité|||||||||||||||||||| |||vous||reporter||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||unused|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||no utilizadas|||||||||||||||||||| Und dann könnten Sie auch keines Ihrer unbenutzten Wörter zum Schreiben oder Sprechen von Ereignissen in The Linguist auf Ihre nächste Periode übertragen, wenn Sie nicht alle verwenden würden Et puis vous ne pouviez pas non plus reporter aucun de vos mots d'écriture ou d'expression orale inutilisés dans The Linguist à votre prochaine période si vous ne les utilisiez pas tous だから、それはその意味では少し違っていて、それに慣れるのに苦労する人もいると思います。

Steve: …in the old system. そして、あなたがそれらのすべてを使用しなかったなら、あなたは、あなたの次の時代に、言語学者の書いたり話している出来事の未使用の言葉を引き継ぐこともできませんでした

Jill: Right, in Linguist. But on LingQ you accumulate these points and you keep accumulating them and if you don't use them they stay in your account and if you want to go away for a month or for six months or whatever you will come back and they'll still be there. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||embora|||||||||||||||||| You can downgrade to a free membership if you're going to go away and you don't want to continue being charged every month and the points that you have accumulated will stay in your account. ||降級|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||ダウングレード|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||reducir de categoría|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||hạ cấp|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sie können ein Downgrade auf eine kostenlose Mitgliedschaft durchführen, wenn Sie abreisen und nicht weiterhin jeden Monat belastet werden möchten. Die gesammelten Punkte bleiben auf Ihrem Konto. So you are not going to lose them but you don't have to continue paying if you're not going to be using it. |||||||eles||||||||||||||| あなたは離れて行くつもりなら、あなたは毎月の請求を続行したくないし、あなたが蓄積したポイントがあなたのアカウントに残るなら、あなたは自由会員にダウングレードすることができます。

Steve: I think that these problems surrounding the payment system will go away as soon as people start using it because the actual cost is extremely low considering that you have a tutor, you have writing correction, you have all of this functionality, all of this content and when you add in the flexibility and the access to different languages it's really very, very reasonable. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||viết|sửa lỗi||||||tính năng||||nội dung|||||||tính linh hoạt|||truy cập|||||thực sự|rất||hợp lý ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tutor|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve : Je pense que ces problèmes liés au système de paiement disparaîtront dès que les gens commenceront à l'utiliser car le coût réel est extrêmement faible compte tenu du fait que vous avez un tuteur, vous avez une correction d'écriture, vous avez toutes ces fonctionnalités, tout cela contenu et lorsque vous ajoutez la flexibilité et l'accès à différentes langues, c'est vraiment très, très raisonnable. スティーブ:支払いシステムを取り巻くこれらの問題は、家庭教師がいて、文章を修正していて、この機能がすべて揃っていることを考えると、実際のコストが非常に低いため、人々が使い始めるとすぐになくなると思います。コンテンツと、柔軟性とさまざまな言語へのアクセスを追加すると、それは本当に非常に合理的です。 But there is no point in you or me saying that. |locally||||||||| Pero no tiene sentido que tú o yo lo digamos. Mais cela ne sert à rien que vous ou moi disions cela. スティーブ:私は、支払いシステムを取り巻くこれらの問題は、あなたがチューターを持っていること、訂正を書いていること、このすべての機能を持っていること、実際には柔軟性と異なる言語へのアクセスを追加すると、それは本当に非常に合理的です。 People have to experience it. しかし、あなたや私にそれを言っても意味がありません。 And so next month we'll be up and running and hopefully a lot of these problems will be behind us. Así que el mes que viene estaremos en marcha y, con suerte, muchos de estos problemas habrán quedado atrás. Et donc le mois prochain, nous serons opérationnels et nous espérons que beaucoup de ces problèmes seront derrière nous. そして来月、私たちは稼働し始め、うまくいけば、これらの問題の多くが私たちの背後にあるでしょう。

Jill: Right. Steve: Okay, thank you Jill. そして来月、私たちは立ち上がり、走っていきたいと思っています。これらの問題の多くが私たちの後ろに来ることを願っています。 Jill: Thank you.