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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Fifty-five: Jill and Mark Discuss Daily Routines

Fifty-five: Jill and Mark Discuss Daily Routines

Mark: Hi.

Mark Kaufmann here again for the English LingQ podcast. I'm here with Jill.

Jill: Hello.

Mark: Today we're going to talk about our daily routines because many of our LingQ members, I'm sure, wonder what our daily routines are and also would like to learn the new, or the words and phrases, the common words and phrases used to describe parts of your day, or parts of your daily routine. Maybe Jill, you can start by telling us a bit of your daily routine.

Jill: Alright. So, Monday to Friday I get up probably, get out of bed at about 6:30 in the morning and I'm awake before that because Chris is up at 5:30 but I stay in bed until about 6:30. And, then I drive about 20-25 minutes to work in the car and get here usually around 8:00 in the morning and leave between 4:30 and 5:00 most days.

And then,

Mark: That's just rude.

Jill: Yeah, it's a bit obnoxious but what can you do? So, he's up at 5:30; I'm up at 6:30. And, I usually spend I'd say 45 minutes to an hour puttering around and getting ready for work, you know, ironing clothes, having a shower, whatever, brushing your teeth, whatever you do to get ready for work.

And then after work I very often try to do some sort of exercise whether it's going to the gym or going for a run or a hike or something like that. Well, at least a few days a week after work I do that. Usually a couple of days I, I go visit a friend or my mom or I don't do any exercise after work.

Then go home in the evening and if I've gone and exercised, go home and eat and by the time I've done all that it's usually at least 8:00 o'clock at night, if not later and so there's not much time left. So, about probably, I don't' know, 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock I might watch a little bit of TV and get ready for bed usually around 10:00 or 10:30, read for a few minutes maybe and go to sleep. Then it starts again the next day.

Mark: That's does sound pretty exciting. I guess obviously on the weekend it's a little bit different. I'm not sure whether you're still up at 6:30 on the weekend or not, but I guess it might depend on how late you're up the night before.

Jill: Yeah, generally on the weekend I think I still wake up between, by probably 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning, but because I know I don't have to get up I can keep dozing a little bit, resting a little bit so I probably on average don't get out of bed until about 7:30, but I don't sleep in. Even if I'm out late I don't stay in bed until 10:00 in the morning or Noon or anything like that, even if I'm out late the night before because I think, my body is just used to getting up early, so I get up early.

Mark: Yeah, I'm the same way myself. It doesn't really matter when I go to bed. I seem to wake up at the same time and sometimes I suppose if I've had too much to drink, which doesn't happen much but you know, if it did, in a way I almost wake up earlier because I just don't feel quite right, you know, for whatever reason. And, I'm always a bit envious of people that seem to be able to sleep in ‘till Noon. I just have never been able to do that.

Jill: And, passed out.

Mark: Oh yeah, they're out cold. I know. That amazes me, but it doesn't work for me. I guess I can explain a bit about my day too, really. I'm not up at 6:30 although in the summer when it's bright out I am up earlier. Probably, actually I am up at 6:30 but I lie there until, I mean I get out of bed probably around 7:00. If I'm lucky and I'm still sleeping, maybe 7:30.

Yeah, and then a lot of the time I try to, I work out in the morning to get some exercise. I like to exercise in the morning. It kind of wakes me up. And, I find at the end of the day I'm kind of tired and not really wanting to work out. Do you find that at the end of the day?

Jill: Yeah, I do find that I, you know, don't feel like it very often at the end of work. I just want to go do something else, relax or whatever. But, I don't have the energy to exercise in the morning, especially when I already get up so early. I mean, I can't, even if I got up at the same time to go exercise at 6:30 or 7:00 to go for a run or something I just don't get the same workout. I find a get a way better workout in the afternoon.

I think because I've had lots of food and water and my muscles are stretched out a little bit and so I just get, have a better workout. Plus, after sitting all day long, even if I don't feel like it, once I get out and do something I feel so much better.

Mark: Yeah, I find that pretty much anytime, like a lot of mornings you wake up and I wake up, don't really want to, kind of putting it off. Maybe go do some emails and see what's going on, on the website and then no, I really should go. I'll feel better when I do, go and do it and it helps you wake up and you always feel better when you're done.

In the summer now, sometimes I'll end up going for a swim in the ocean in the morning which can be a little cool but it's such a great feeling when you're actually in and swimming around. There's no one else at the beach. It's really, I did that the other day. It was just like, ah, I should really do this more.

I know you're a big fan of the ocean, so.

Jill: I am. I am actually, I love the ocean, I love water, but ours is a little too cold for me. I used to swim in it all the time growing up as a kid, all the time. Even a few years ago when we had a long, hot summer I was in a few times, but if it's not sort of August and we haven't had a long, warm summer I'm not too interested in going in our water. But, give me warmer ocean water and yeah, I'm in there for sure.

Mark: No, I know. I think we've talked about this before. But, yeah, getting back to my day, I guess, I usually work out and then I eat breakfast after and come to the office, so by the time I make it here it can be anywhere from 9:00 to really 10:00 because I kind of work all day long interspersed with doing other things so I don't really have as much of a set work day maybe.

Then I work until lunch and fortunately I live very close to the office so I ride my bike to work. It takes me about three minutes and I ride my bike home for lunch. It takes me another three minutes, maybe three and a half because it's slightly up hill.

And, come back after lunch, rest of my day. After work usually then I spend time playing with the kids. I don't spend a lot of time preparing dinner but I'm playing with the kids. Between sort of, after work and when the kids go to bed I'm kind of tied up.

Then, that's probably 9:00 o'clock by the time the kids are asleep. Then at that point I need to have some time to spend on the computer or sometimes watching TV, but not that often at the moment. That's pretty much how my days go.

Jill: Very exciting. About as exciting as my day. No, but I think that that's, I mean it's a common, every day routine right? I, probably most people don't have much different life than we do. I mean I think the weekends are different. Lots of times people go out on a Friday night and they maybe do different things on the weekend, sleep in or go on little weekend trips or do something out of the ordinary but Monday to Friday I think most people sort of have a fairly mundane, if you will, routine which I find sometimes I do get to the point where I get, I'm starting to get frustrated. I'm not depressed but just kind of irritable and antsy and I find it's when I haven't done something different for too long and I'm just getting bored.

Nobody's done anything, there's nothing wrong but I'm bored. And, that's when I find that I really need to do some different things on the weekends or just switch things up a little bit.

Mark: Yeah, I'd agree with that. And, I think that for myself a lot of the time if I go play hockey or play a game where I'm competing and you totally forget about everything else and you're focused on what you're doing and you're playing hard and you're trying to win and whatever, I find that really helps kind of I don't know, clear your brain or just kind of reset things more than anything I find. Yeah, sometimes going out to party and having fun at a part kind of has the same affect. I guess relief of the day to day sort of, hum drum.

I guess we probably covered it. So, thanks for tuning in and you'll hear from us again.

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Fifty-five: Jill and Mark Discuss Daily Routines Fünfundfünfzig: Jill und Mark diskutieren über tägliche Routinen Fifty-five: Jill and Mark Discuss Daily Routines Cincuenta y cinco: Jill and Mark Discuss Daily Routines Cinquante-cinq : Jill et Mark discutent de leurs habitudes quotidiennes Cinquantacinque: Jill e Mark parlano della routine quotidiana フィフティーファイブジルとマークが日課について語る 55: 질과 마크의 일상에 대한 토론 Penkiasdešimt penki: Jill ir Markas aptaria kasdienę rutiną Pięćdziesiąt pięć: Jill i Mark omawiają codzienną rutynę Cinquenta e cinco: Jill e Mark discutem as rotinas diárias Пятьдесят пять: Джилл и Марк обсуждают распорядок дня Femtiofem: Jill och Mark diskuterar dagliga rutiner Elli beş: Jill ve Mark Günlük Rutinleri Tartışıyor П'ятдесят п'ять: Джилл і Марк обговорюють повсякденні справи 五十五:吉尔和马克讨论日常事务 五十五:吉爾和馬克討論日常事務

Mark: Hi.

Mark Kaufmann here again for the English LingQ podcast. Mark Kaufmann hier wieder für den englischen LingQ-Podcast. I'm here with Jill. Ich bin mit Jill hier.

Jill: Hello.

Mark: Today we're going to talk about our daily routines because many of our LingQ members, I'm sure, wonder what our daily routines are and also would like to learn the new, or the words and phrases, the common words and phrases used to describe parts of your day, or parts of your daily routine. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kelimeler||Mark: Bugün günlük rutinlerimiz hakkında konuşacağız çünkü eminim birçok LingQ üyemiz günlük rutinlerimizin ne olduğunu merak ediyor ve ayrıca gününüzün veya günlük rutininizin bölümlerini tanımlamak için kullanılan yeni veya yaygın kelimeleri ve ifadeleri öğrenmek istiyor.|||||||||||||||||| Mark: Heute werden wir über unseren Tagesablauf sprechen, denn viele unserer LingQ-Mitglieder fragen sich sicher, was unser Tagesablauf ist, und würden auch gerne die neuen, oder die Wörter und Sätze, die gebräuchlichen Wörter und Sätze lernen, die verwendet werden, um Teile des Tages oder Teile des Tagesablaufs zu beschreiben. Maybe Jill, you can start by telling us a bit of your daily routine. ||||başlamak||||||||| Vielleicht können Sie uns zunächst etwas über Ihren Tagesablauf erzählen, Jill.

Jill: Alright. So, Monday to Friday I get up probably, get out of bed at about 6:30 in the morning and I'm awake before that because Chris is up at 5:30 but I stay in bed until about 6:30. Von Montag bis Freitag stehe ich wahrscheinlich um 6.30 Uhr auf, und ich bin schon vorher wach, weil Chris um 5.30 Uhr aufsteht, aber ich bleibe bis 6.30 Uhr im Bett. And, then I drive about 20-25 minutes to work in the car and get here usually around 8:00 in the morning and leave between 4:30 and 5:00 most days. Und dann fahre ich etwa 20 bis 25 Minuten mit dem Auto zur Arbeit und komme in der Regel gegen 8.00 Uhr morgens an und fahre meist zwischen 16.30 und 17.00 Uhr wieder ab.

And then, Und dann,

Mark: That's just rude. Mark: Das ist einfach unhöflich. Eso es de mala educación. Mark: Ez egyszerűen durva. Mark: Dat is gewoon onbeleefd. Mark: Isso é simplesmente rude. Марк: Это просто грубо.

Jill: Yeah, it's a bit obnoxious but what can you do? |||||khó chịu||||| |||||annoying||||| Jill: Sí, es un poco odioso, pero ¿qué se puede hacer? Jill: Tak, to trochę irytujące, ale co można zrobić? So, he's up at 5:30; I'm up at 6:30. Er ist also um 5:30 Uhr wach, ich um 6:30 Uhr. And, I usually spend I'd say 45 minutes to an hour puttering around and getting ready for work, you know, ironing clothes, having a shower, whatever, brushing your teeth, whatever you do to get ready for work. ||||||||||閒晃|||||||||熨衣服|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||のんびりと||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||haciendo cosas|||||||||planchar ropa|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||làm linh tinh|||chuẩn bị|||||||||||||||||||||| Normalerweise verbringe ich zwischen 45 Minuten und einer Stunde damit, mich für die Arbeit fertig zu machen, d.h. Kleidung zu bügeln, zu duschen, die Zähne zu putzen, was auch immer man tut, um sich für die Arbeit fertig zu machen. Suelo dedicar entre 45 minutos y una hora a prepararme para el trabajo, ya sabes, planchar la ropa, ducharme, cepillarme los dientes, lo que sea que hagas para prepararte para el trabajo. Et, je passe généralement, je dirais, 45 minutes à une heure à me préparer pour le travail, vous savez, à repasser des vêtements, à prendre une douche, peu importe, à me brosser les dents, quoi que vous fassiez pour vous préparer au travail. És általában 45 percet-egy órát töltök azzal, hogy ücsörögjek és készülődjek a munkára, tudod, ruhák vasalásával, zuhanyozással, bármivel, fogmosással, bármivel, amit csinálsz, hogy felkészülj a munkára.

And then after work I very often try to do some sort of exercise whether it's going to the gym or going for a run or a hike or something like that. ||||||||de||||||||||||||||||||||| Und nach der Arbeit versuche ich oft, irgendeine Art von Sport zu treiben, sei es im Fitnessstudio, beim Laufen oder beim Wandern oder Ähnlichem. Et puis après le travail, j'essaie très souvent de faire une sorte d'exercice, que ce soit aller à la gym ou aller courir ou faire une randonnée ou quelque chose comme ça. Well, at least a few days a week after work I do that. |au moins||||||||||| Zumindest an ein paar Tagen in der Woche nach der Arbeit tue ich das. Eh bien, au moins quelques jours par semaine après le travail, je fais ça. Usually a couple of days I, I go visit a friend or my mom or I don't do any exercise after work. Normalerweise besuche ich an ein paar Tagen einen Freund oder meine Mutter oder mache nach der Arbeit keinen Sport. Normalmente un par de días voy a visitar a un amigo o a mi madre o no hago nada de ejercicio después del trabajo. Habituellement, quelques jours, je rends visite à un ami ou à ma mère ou je ne fais aucun exercice après le travail.

Then go home in the evening and if I've gone and exercised, go home and eat and by the time I've done all that it's usually at least 8:00 o'clock at night, if not later and so there's not much time left. Alors|||||||si|j'ai||||va||||et||||||||||||||||||et||||||il reste |||||||||||he ejercitado||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dann gehe ich abends nach Hause, und wenn ich Sport gemacht habe, gehe ich nach Hause und esse, und wenn ich das alles erledigt habe, ist es normalerweise mindestens 20 Uhr, wenn nicht sogar noch später, und es bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit. Luego vuelvo a casa por la tarde y, si he ido a hacer ejercicio, vuelvo a casa y como, y para cuando he hecho todo eso suelen ser por lo menos las ocho de la noche, si no más tarde, así que no me queda mucho tiempo. Puis rentrer chez moi le soir et si je suis allé faire de l'exercice, rentrer chez moi et manger et le temps que j'ai fait tout ça il est généralement au moins 8h00 du soir, sinon plus tard et donc il n'y a pas grand chose temps restant. So, about probably, I don't' know, 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock I might watch a little bit of TV and get ready for bed usually around 10:00 or 10:30, read for a few minutes maybe and go to sleep. ||вероятно||||||||||||||||||||||||||минут||||| ||||||||||||||||et||||||||||||||||| Gegen 20 oder 21 Uhr schaue ich vielleicht noch ein bisschen fern und mache mich gegen 22 oder 22:30 Uhr bettfertig, lese vielleicht noch ein paar Minuten und gehe dann schlafen. Then it starts again the next day. Dann geht es am nächsten Tag wieder los.

Mark: That's does sound pretty exciting. Mark: Das klingt wirklich ziemlich aufregend. I guess obviously on the weekend it's a little bit different. |думаю|очевидно||||это|||| je||évidemment|||||||| Ich denke, am Wochenende ist es natürlich ein bisschen anders. I'm not sure whether you're still up at 6:30 on the weekend or not, but I guess it might depend on how late you're up the night before. |||||ещё||||||||||||||||||||| Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob Sie am Wochenende immer noch um 6.30 Uhr aufstehen oder nicht, aber ich denke, das hängt davon ab, wie lange Sie in der Nacht zuvor wach waren. Je ne sais pas si vous êtes toujours debout à 18 h 30 le week-end ou non, mais je suppose que cela peut dépendre de l'heure à laquelle vous vous êtes levé la nuit précédente.

Jill: Yeah, generally on the weekend I think I still wake up between, by probably 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning, but because I know I don't have to get up I can keep dozing a little bit, resting a little bit so I probably on average don't get out of bed until about 7:30, but I don't sleep in. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||дремать||немного||||||||||в среднем|||||||около||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||je||||||je||continuer|||||||||||||||||||||mais|||dors| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||napping|||||||||||||||||||||||| Jill: Ja, im Allgemeinen denke ich, dass ich am Wochenende immer noch zwischen 6:00 oder 6:30 Uhr morgens aufwache, aber weil ich weiß, dass ich nicht aufstehen muss, kann ich ein bisschen dösen und mich ausruhen ein bisschen, also stehe ich wahrscheinlich im Durchschnitt erst gegen 7:30 Uhr auf, aber ich schlafe nicht. 질 : 네, 일반적으로 주말에는 아침 6시 반에서 6시 30 분까지 깨어 난 것 같아요.하지만 일어나지 않아도된다는 사실을 알고 있기 때문에 조금 쉬면서 휴식을 취할 수 있습니다. 조금은 평균 7시 30 분까지 침대에서 일어나지 않지만 잠을 자지 않습니다. Even if I'm out late I don't stay in bed until 10:00 in the morning or Noon or anything like that, even if I'm out late the night before because I think, my body is just used to getting up early, so I get up early. même|||||je|||||jusqu'à|||||||quoi que ce soit|||même|||||||||||||||||||||||| Incluso si salgo hasta tarde, no me quedo en la cama hasta las 10 de la mañana o el mediodía o algo así, incluso si salgo hasta tarde la noche anterior, porque creo que mi cuerpo está acostumbrado a madrugar, así que me levanto temprano. Même si je sors tard je ne reste pas au lit avant 10h du matin ou midi ou quelque chose comme ça, même si je sors tard la veille parce que je pense que mon corps est juste habitué à se lever tôt, donc je me lève tôt. Még ha későn vagyok is kint, nem fekszem délelőtt 10 óráig vagy délig, vagy ilyesmi, még akkor sem, ha előző este késő este vagyok kint, mert azt hiszem, a testem hozzászokott a felkeléshez. korán, tehát korán kelek.

Mark: Yeah, I'm the same way myself. Mark : Ouais, je suis de la même façon moi-même. Mark: Tak, sam jestem tego samego zdania. It doesn't really matter when I go to bed. Teljesen mindegy, mikor fekszem le. I seem to wake up at the same time and sometimes I suppose if I've had too much to drink, which doesn't happen much but you know, if it did, in a way I almost wake up earlier because I just don't feel quite right, you know, for whatever reason. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||je||||||||pour une raison|| Parece que me despierto a la misma hora y, a veces, supongo que si he bebido demasiado, lo cual no ocurre mucho pero, si ocurriera, en cierto modo casi me despierto antes porque no me siento del todo bien, ya sabes, por la razón que sea. J'ai l'impression de me réveiller en même temps et parfois je suppose que si j'ai trop bu, ce qui n'arrive pas beaucoup mais vous savez, si c'est le cas, d'une certaine manière je me réveille presque plus tôt parce que je ne Je ne me sens pas tout à fait bien, vous savez, pour une raison quelconque. And, I'm always a bit envious of people that seem to be able to sleep in ‘till Noon. |||||завидую|||||||||||| |||||jealous|||||||||||| |||||envidioso|||||||||||| Und ich bin immer ein bisschen neidisch auf Leute, die in der Lage zu sein scheinen, bis Mittag zu schlafen. I just have never been able to do that.

Jill: And, passed out. ||потеряла сознание| ||perdue connaissance| ||passed| Jill: Y, se desmayó. Jill : Et s'est évanouie. Джил: И потерял сознание. Джилл: І втратив свідомість.

Mark: Oh yeah, they're out cold. |||ils sont|| Mark: Oh sí, están fuera de combate. Mark : Oh ouais, ils sont froids. Mark: O tak, są zimne. I know. That amazes me, but it doesn't work for me. |поражает||||||| Cela|||||||| |me sorprende||||||| |令我驚訝||||||| Das wundert mich, aber bei mir funktioniert es nicht. Cela m'étonne, mais cela ne fonctionne pas pour moi. I guess I can explain a bit about my day too, really. Supongo que yo también puedo explicar un poco mi día, la verdad. Je suppose que je peux aussi expliquer un peu ma journée, vraiment. I'm not up at 6:30 although in the summer when it's bright out I am up earlier. je suis||||||||quand||||je||| Probably, actually I am up at 6:30 but I lie there until, I mean I get out of bed probably around 7:00. ||||||mais||||||||||||| Probablemente, en realidad me levanto a las 6:30 pero me quedo tumbado hasta, quiero decir, salgo de la cama probablemente sobre las 7:00. If I'm lucky and I'm still sleeping, maybe 7:30.

Yeah, and then a lot of the time I try to, I work out in the morning to get some exercise. Oui, et la plupart du temps j'essaie, je m'entraîne le matin pour faire de l'exercice. I like to exercise in the morning. It kind of wakes me up. Me despierta un poco. And, I find at the end of the day I'm kind of tired and not really wanting to work out. És a nap végén azt tapasztalom, hogy fáradt vagyok, és nem igazán akarok edzeni. Do you find that at the end of the day? verbes auxiliaires|||que|||||| Megtalálod ezt a nap végén?

Jill: Yeah, I do find that I, you know, don't feel like it very often at the end of work. ||je||||||||||||||||| Jill : Oui, je trouve que je n'en ai pas très souvent envie à la fin du travail. Jill: Igen, azt tapasztalom, hogy nem nagyon van kedvem a munka végén. I just want to go do something else, relax or whatever. But, I don't have the energy to exercise in the morning, especially when I already get up so early. I mean, I can't, even if I got up at the same time to go exercise at 6:30 or 7:00 to go for a run or something I just don't get the same workout. Quiero decir, no puedo, incluso si me levantara a la misma hora para ir a hacer ejercicio a las 6:30 o 7:00 para ir a correr o algo así simplemente no consigo el mismo entrenamiento. Úgy értem, nem tudok, még akkor sem, ha ugyanabban az időben kelek fel, hogy 6:30-kor vagy 7:00-kor elmenjek edzeni, hogy elmenjek futni, vagy valami ilyesmi, egyszerűen nem érem el ugyanazt az edzést. I find a get a way better workout in the afternoon. Me parece que entreno mucho mejor por la tarde. Je trouve une meilleure séance d'entraînement l'après-midi. Találok egy jobb edzést délután. Öğleden sonra çok daha iyi bir egzersiz yaptığımı düşünüyorum.

I think because I've had lots of food and water and my muscles are stretched out a little bit and so I just get, have a better workout. |||||||||||||||estiradas|||||||||||| Creo que porque he tenido un montón de comida y agua y mis músculos se estiran un poco y por lo que acaba de obtener, tener un mejor entrenamiento. Azt hiszem, mivel sok ételt és vizet ittam, és az izmaim egy kicsit megnyúltak, így jobb az edzésem. Sanırım çok yemek yediğim ve su içtiğim için kaslarım biraz gerildi ve bu yüzden daha iyi bir antrenman yapıyorum. Plus, after sitting all day long, even if I don't feel like it, once I get out and do something I feel so much better. Ráadásul az egész napos ülés után, még ha nincs is kedvem, ha egyszer kiszállok és csinálok valamit, sokkal jobban érzem magam.

Mark: Yeah, I find that pretty much anytime, like a lot of mornings you wake up and I wake up, don't really want to, kind of putting it off. ||||||||||||||||||||||||un peu|||| Mark: Sí, me parece que en cualquier momento, como muchas mañanas te despiertas y yo me despierto, realmente no quiero, como posponiéndolo. Mark : Ouais, je trouve ça à peu près n'importe quand, comme beaucoup de matins où tu te réveilles et je me réveille, je n'en ai pas vraiment envie, en quelque sorte, je remets ça à plus tard. Mark: Igen, ezt szinte bármikor tapasztalom, például amikor reggelente felkelsz, én pedig felkelek, nem igazán akarom, kicsit halogatva. Mark: Tak, uważam, że prawie zawsze, jak wiele poranków, kiedy się budzisz, a ja się budzę, tak naprawdę nie chcę, odkładam to na później. Maybe go do some emails and see what's going on, on the website and then no, I really should go. ||||||||||||||||je||| Peut-être aller faire quelques e-mails et voir ce qui se passe, sur le site Web et puis non, je devrais vraiment y aller. Esetleg írj néhány e-mailt, és nézd meg, mi történik a webhelyen, aztán nem, tényleg mennem kellene. I'll feel better when I do, go and do it and it helps you wake up and you always feel better when you're done. je vais||||||vas|||||cela||||||||||quand|| Je me sentirai mieux quand je le ferai, allez-y et ça vous aidera à vous réveiller et vous vous sentirez toujours mieux quand vous aurez fini.

In the summer now, sometimes I'll end up going for a swim in the ocean in the morning which can be a little cool but it's such a great feeling when you're actually in and swimming around. En été maintenant, parfois je finis par aller nager dans l'océan le matin, ce qui peut être un peu frais, mais c'est une sensation tellement agréable quand vous êtes réellement à l'intérieur et que vous nagez. There's no one else at the beach. Senki más nincs a parton. It's really, I did that the other day. C'est vraiment, je l'ai fait l'autre jour. Valóban, ezt tettem a minap. It was just like, ah, I should really do this more. C'était juste comme, ah, je devrais vraiment faire ça plus. Csak olyan volt, hogy ah, tényleg többet kellene csinálnom.

I know you're a big fan of the ocean, so. Tudom, hogy nagy rajongója vagy az óceánnak, szóval.

Jill: I am. I am actually, I love the ocean, I love water, but ours is a little too cold for me. |||||||||||наш климат||||||| Valójában az vagyok, szeretem az óceánt, szeretem a vizet, de a miénk egy kicsit túl hideg nekem. I used to swim in it all the time growing up as a kid, all the time. Solía nadar en él todo el tiempo mientras crecía de niño, todo el tiempo. J'avais l'habitude de nager dedans tout le temps quand j'étais enfant, tout le temps. Gyerekkoromban állandóan benne úsztam, mindig. Even a few years ago when we had a long, hot summer I was in a few times, but if it's not sort of August and we haven't had a long, warm summer I'm not too interested in going in our water. Même il y a quelques années, lorsque nous avons eu un été long et chaud, j'y suis allé plusieurs fois, mais si ce n'est pas une sorte d'août et que nous n'avons pas eu un été long et chaud, je ne suis pas trop intéressé à aller dans notre eau. Még néhány éve, amikor hosszú, forró nyarunk volt, néhányszor voltam benne, de ha nem augusztusi, és nem volt hosszú, meleg nyarunk, akkor nem nagyon érdekel a vizünk. But, give me warmer ocean water and yeah, I'm in there for sure.

Mark: No, I know. I think we've talked about this before. Je pense que nous en avons déjà parlé. But, yeah, getting back to my day, I guess, I usually work out and then I eat breakfast after and come to the office, so by the time I make it here it can be anywhere from 9:00 to really 10:00 because I kind of work all day long interspersed with doing other things so I don't really have as much of a set work day maybe. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||перемежается с||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||scattered throughout||||||||||||||||| Pero, sí, volviendo a mi día, supongo que normalmente hago ejercicio y después desayuno y vengo a la oficina, así que para cuando llego aquí puede ser entre las 9:00 y las 10:00 porque trabajo todo el día intercalando con otras cosas, así que realmente no tengo un día de trabajo fijo. Mais, ouais, pour en revenir à ma journée, je suppose, je m'entraîne habituellement, puis je déjeune après et je viens au bureau, donc au moment où j'arrive ici, il peut être n'importe où entre 9h00 et vraiment 10h00 parce que je travaille en quelque sorte toute la journée entrecoupé d'autres choses, donc je n'ai peut-être pas vraiment une journée de travail fixe. Но, да, возвращаясь к моему дню, я думаю, что обычно я занимаюсь спортом, затем завтракаю и прихожу в офис, так что к тому времени, когда я прихожу сюда, может быть от 9:00 до 10:00, потому что я работаю весь день, перемежая его с другими делами, так что у меня не так уж много установленного рабочего дня, возможно. Ama evet, günüme geri dönersek, sanırım genellikle egzersiz yapıyorum ve ardından kahvaltı edip ofise geliyorum, bu yüzden buraya geldiğimde saat 9:00 ile 10:00 arasında herhangi bir yerde olabilir çünkü gün boyu başka şeyler yaparak çalışıyorum, bu yüzden belki de gerçekten belirli bir iş günüm yok.

Then I work until lunch and fortunately I live very close to the office so I ride my bike to work. It takes me about three minutes and I ride my bike home for lunch. It takes me another three minutes, maybe three and a half because it's slightly up hill. |||||||||||||слегка||в гору Tardo otros tres minutos, quizá tres y medio porque es ligeramente cuesta arriba. Még három percig tart, talán három és fél, mert kissé felfelé van a domb.

And, come back after lunch, rest of my day. És gyere vissza ebéd után, a napom hátralevő része. After work usually then I spend time playing with the kids. I don't spend a lot of time preparing dinner but I'm playing with the kids. Between sort of, after work and when the kids go to bed I'm kind of tied up. Entre más o menos, después del trabajo y cuando los niños se acuestan estoy algo liado. Entre en quelque sorte, après le travail et quand les enfants vont au lit, je suis un peu attaché.

Then, that's probably 9:00 o'clock by the time the kids are asleep. Then at that point I need to have some time to spend on the computer or sometimes watching TV, but not that often at the moment. Then at that point I need to have some time to spend on the computer or sometimes watching TV, but not that often at the moment. Aztán ilyenkor szükségem van egy kis időre, amit a számítógéppel tölthetek, vagy néha tévézek, de jelenleg nem olyan gyakran. W tym momencie muszę mieć trochę czasu, aby spędzić go przy komputerze lub czasami oglądając telewizję, ale obecnie nie tak często. That's pretty much how my days go. That's pretty much how my days go. Tak właśnie wyglądają moje dni.

Jill: Very exciting. About as exciting as my day. À peu près aussi excitant que ma journée. Körülbelül olyan izgalmas, mint az én napom. Примерно такой же интересный, как и мой день. No, but I think that that's, I mean it's a common, every day routine right? Non, mais je pense que c'est, je veux dire, c'est une routine quotidienne courante, n'est-ce pas ? Nem, de azt hiszem, ez egy általános mindennapi rutin, igaz? I, probably most people don't have much different life than we do. Valószínűleg a legtöbb ember élete nem egészen más, mint mi. I mean I think the weekends are different. Lots of times people go out on a Friday night and they maybe do different things on the weekend, sleep in or go on little weekend trips or do something out of the ordinary but Monday to Friday I think most people sort of have a fairly mundane, if you will, routine which I find sometimes I do get to the point where I get, I'm starting to get frustrated. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||довольно-таки|обыденный|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ordinary|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tienen||||||||||||||||||||||||| Muchas veces la gente sale los viernes por la noche y puede que haga cosas diferentes el fin de semana, dormir hasta tarde o hacer pequeños viajes de fin de semana o algo fuera de lo común, pero de lunes a viernes creo que la mayoría de la gente tiene una rutina bastante mundana, por así decirlo, y a veces me doy cuenta de que llego a un punto en el que empiezo a frustrarme. Souvent, les gens sortent le vendredi soir et ils font peut-être des choses différentes le week-end, dorment ou font de petits voyages le week-end ou font quelque chose qui sort de l'ordinaire, mais du lundi au vendredi, je pense que la plupart des gens ont une sorte de banal, si vous voulez, la routine que je trouve parfois, j'en arrive au point où j'arrive, je commence à être frustré. Çoğu zaman insanlar Cuma gecesi dışarı çıkarlar ve hafta sonu farklı şeyler yaparlar, uyurlar ya da küçük hafta sonu gezilerine çıkarlar ya da sıra dışı bir şeyler yaparlar ancak Pazartesi'den Cuma'ya çoğu insanın oldukça sıradan bir rutini olduğunu düşünüyorum ve bazen öyle bir noktaya geliyorum ki, hayal kırıklığına uğramaya başlıyorum. Багато разів люди виходять на вулицю в п’ятницю ввечері, і вони, можливо, займаються різними справами на вихідних, ночують або їдуть у невеликі подорожі на вихідні, чи роблять щось незвичайне, але з понеділка по п’ятницю, я думаю, більшість людей мають досить буденні справи, якщо хочете, рутина, яку я іноді вважаю, доходить до того, що я починаю розчаровуватися. I'm not depressed but just kind of irritable and antsy and I find it's when I haven't done something different for too long and I'm just getting bored. |||||||dễ cáu k||khó chịu|||||||không đã||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||je suis||| |||||||||inquieto|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||беспокойный|||||||||||||||||| No estoy deprimida, pero sí algo irritable e inquieta, y me parece que es cuando llevo demasiado tiempo sin hacer algo diferente y me estoy aburriendo. Je ne suis pas déprimé mais juste un peu irritable et anxieux et je trouve que c'est quand je n'ai pas fait quelque chose de différent depuis trop longtemps et que je m'ennuie. Nem vagyok depressziós, csak egyfajta ingerlékeny és ideges, és azt tapasztalom, hogy ez az, amikor túl sokáig nem csináltam mást, és kezdek unatkozni.

Nobody's done anything, there's nothing wrong but I'm bored. Senki nem csinált semmit, nincs semmi baj, de unatkozom. And, that's when I find that I really need to do some different things on the weekends or just switch things up a little bit. Y es entonces cuando me doy cuenta de que necesito hacer cosas diferentes los fines de semana o cambiar un poco las cosas. És ilyenkor azt veszem észre, hogy tényleg más dolgokat kell csinálnom hétvégén, vagy csak egy kicsit változtatnom kell.

Mark: Yeah, I'd agree with that. Марк: Да, я с этим согласен. And, I think that for myself a lot of the time if I go play hockey or play a game where I'm competing and you totally forget about everything else and you're focused on what you're doing and you're playing hard and you're trying to win and whatever, I find that really helps kind of I don't know, clear your brain or just kind of reset things more than anything I find. ||||||||||||||||||||||соревнуюсь||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||重置|||||| I myślę, że dla mnie samego, jeśli idę grać w hokeja lub gram w grę, w której rywalizuję i całkowicie zapominam o wszystkim innym i skupiam się na tym, co robisz i grasz ciężko i starasz się wygrać i cokolwiek, uważam, że to naprawdę pomaga, nie wiem, oczyścić mózg lub po prostu zresetować rzeczy bardziej niż cokolwiek innego. Ve bence kendim için çoğu zaman hokey oynamaya gittiğimde veya rekabet ettiğim bir oyun oynadığımda ve diğer her şeyi tamamen unuttuğumda ve yaptığınız şeye odaklandığınızda ve sıkı oynadığınızda ve kazanmaya çalıştığınızda ve her neyse, bunun gerçekten yardımcı olduğunu buluyorum, bilmiyorum, beyninizi temizleyin ya da her şeyi sıfırlayın. Yeah, sometimes going out to party and having fun at a part kind of has the same affect. Sí, a veces salir de fiesta y divertirse en una parte tiene el mismo efecto. I guess relief of the day to day sort of, hum drum. ||облегчение повседневной рутины||||||||| je||||||||||| |||||||||de|| |||||||||||tẻ nhạt Supongo que el alivio de la clase de día a día, tambor zumbido. Je suppose que le soulagement de la sorte de jour en jour, hum drum. Sanırım gündelik işlerin rahatlatıcılığı.

I guess we probably covered it. So, thanks for tuning in and you'll hear from us again. |||收聽||||||| |||sintonizando||||||| |||theo dõi||||||| Alors, merci de vous être connecté et vous entendrez à nouveau parler de nous.